7 44 444-44444 444 4 4" -44 4 44'4--44-44l - 4444 ----4 FIND the classified ad. that is "looking for you" by looking for IT. t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,t4 4 4- 44444 4-44 444 4 44 444 444 ' 4-444 TUB MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 26, 3010. SOLDIER OF FORTUNE FOUND BY FORTUNE Man Who Wears Victoria Cross Now Motormnn In Seattle, Is Left Lcnacy of $100,000. HUATTLifl. Wiiah., Jan. 20, Hon-j vy rowxiur Dodd, niotoriinui No. 4H6t for tliu Mwittlu Klentrlo uonipany, ,, n,y ,,,. rM)pp,V0 ofn,,,,, wearer of tho Victoria (JroHs anil sol- poult jona prevented him from nllnok dlur of foitiini), Iiiih Juhi boon up- li" delegate, prli thul ho hi hvlr to tho .mtato' " (,lll' l' f tho Into Coloiml Harvey Frederick """ 1,1 """ j nif.' vurHoreiimii 11 reported ns In November lam wan In roniiiiiiinl of 'unying: "I hIiiiII perform my duty hb Hi" llrltlah frontier forcmt In South i delegate from AIiihIcii without fear Afrl,.,, Tim '..Int.. Ih n,...mi..i nt,"f thH,uti JVoi.l Major RielmrilHOIl, . 20,000 pound, or npproxlinntoly 1100.000. Dodd, wno Ih 28 yvnrn old, wuh foiimt hero by an iiK'Mit of Alllstou & MclCourlo, lyrrlntor of Victoria, rop r'rt.intliiK tho !rd Chancellors In London, ly a pucullnr provision of tho wtH Dodd I not to ontor upon tho lKtiey until ho enn nhow n cortlflcnto of tan yonre of married life. Ho tin not yet entered tho itmrltnl tttnto, but ad mils there I "nomoorta. ' N Dodd hn led n changeful llfo. lo was n cnptnln In tho IlrltUh nrmy, a position ho won la tho Indian cam pnlun tin n member of tho frontlur forced. Io r dUtlitKulshud service In thU rnmpnlKti nnd especially nt tho wIpko of DnrRl, he says ho was di-cor-iUril with tho Victoria Crosn. In tho Indian CAmpnlgii ho wait nlno honor ed, tho Qm'on'n uiodnl for th rollof of Chltrn. From tho Indian norvlco ho went to tho front In South Africa In tho Hoor war whont two nioro mod nln foil to hhi lot an tho nmult of dls tliiKiilMhitd aorvlrn. Tho wnr over, Dodd wont to Montana nnd rodo tho , ranKo an a cowboy. Thoa tho I'nnn-i mn canal imw him. Aftor thli ho on-! llntud In tho "ovonuo cuttor norvlco nnd iipont thri'o HtimmorH on tho Thou In In Alaiknn watorn. I'or tho pant threw montliH ho ban boon In tho om ploy of tho Hoattlo Kloctrlc company an a motormnn. , GREAT COMET GROWS IN BRILLIANCY EACH NIGHT llA'.KbTON, 11. C Jan. 2o.-I)aUy o Krt romol that Ih Hweoplnd roiiKh tho hoavona hou thwoat o . tli tli lioro la IxicomlnR more brllllnnt nnd of larKo alro. Tho colostlal vlaltor wiih flntl alKhtod horo Janunry H but ban nluco boon ahowlni; nlKhtly WORK COMMENCED ON JACKSONVILLE WATER UtiKlnoor W. J. Uhodoa la punned In runnlni; tho lovola for Jnclvon vIIIo'h now Rravlty wntor ayatom. Tho ayatom Includes roHorvolra for tho ImpoumJIng of wntor for uao In tho dry aonaon, nnd tho full protec tion of tho rlKhtM for wntor supply on Jckaon' crook. Whon flnlahod Jnckaouvlllo wilt lmvo a Krnvlty aupply nufflclont for tho nooda o ftho town for yonrH to rome. A Hinnll Bhoo fnotory la to bo oa Inbllahod at Klamath roproaonttnR an outlay of 13000 and It la propoaod to try and Indiico 9 Etooltton, Cnl., party to ostabllah a tnnnory thoro. MEDFORD TIME TABLE. t " Kor1llouiid N(2 0 Port friliif I.oenl '. TTrTO iX in" No. 10OroKon Hxproaa. . , 5s 24 p. m, No. MlPortlnnd Rxproafl.j S;30 p. in. T KoiVtlilioiiud No. iriCallfornla 10xihoh1O: nr n. in, No. 138. V, KxproHii. . . , 3:32 p. in. No. 19AHhlnnd Local. , . .11:22 p. m, jfodford to JiulcHonvlllo. "Motor car loivvos , 8:00 a. m. Trnln loavoa 10:4f n. in. Train lonvos 3:35 p. m. Train loavoa '0:00 p. m. Motor car lonvoa j 0;30 p. m. jnrkaoiivlllo to Modford. Mor lonvoa , . . 7 : CO a, m, Train lonvoa j 8:45 n. in. Trnn lonvos 2:30 p. m. Trnln loavca j 4:30 p, m, Motor enr lonvoa j 7:30 p.m. PACIFIC ""MAHTKKN liAIWAY." N. 1 1 Lonvoa Modford . F8:10 n. in. Ko, 3 Lonvos Modford . . . j 3:00 p, in. No. 2 Arrtvoa Modford . ,1Q:10 n. m, Ho. 4 Arrives Modford . .j 5:00 p. ra. No. 1 Arrlvoa Bn(lo Polnt 8;45 a. m. No. 2 Lonvoa Englo Polntj 9:05 a. m. To,3 A,rrlyoa Balo Polntj 3;45p. m. No. 411onvoB Eaglo Polntj 4:00 p. m, DELEGATE WANTS MAJOR I BACK AT ALASKA POSf WASHINGTON, I). (, .litn. 25. (.'lllllgOH tliul ho in lining IllH l(inltl()ll in Iliu unity to lobby AIukIcimi iiioiih- men through congroaH am IxihIh for h dwimnd rusting with Hocrotar.v ; Diokiimoti of tho war dopnttmoiit to day, Unit an ordor bo issued tiHaign jiug Major W. P. RiohnnlHon to his , ioh( in AlnMui. ; Tim ilcinaiuiil in inailo by Delegate JninuM Wii!ktirlinni. who declare that Mil lor ItiulmrilHon mien Intitriat. mi (iiiicor hi mo army aim poHiiiou ax a delegate to oougroRH protected Inu I protoMt airiiiiiHt being threaten- I'd by an offiror in tho army for ilarinir to perform hiioIi iluty." Itit'lianlBon Ih chairman of I ho AhiHlca railroad romminloii. Ho in chnrKod by Wiohcrnhrim with oxorl intr too mtioh iufluoiioo upon con KroRNlonnl committees. WiokorHlmm iIoolnroH that while tho Alnnka coun 'il bill wan ponilinir boforo coiiKrc, RiohnnlKoti nttomptei to influcnco lepMlation on curtain portionn of it, nlthoucli ho wan nt Wnnhington ok tonnibly to tho ndmiuiHtrntion on mnttern portalnin to tho territory. Ho nlwo ncoiiHcd .fajor TtiehnrdHon of endnnvorini? to pcq)otun(o himBolf n h ehainnaii of tho roadH commiH Hion. I PORTLAND MARKETS. 4. 4- 4 Hop, Wool nnil Hide. HOPS 190,8 crop, cholco lBc; prlmo to cholco, 10c; prlmo, lGVic; medium, Kc; 1900, cholco, 21c: prlmo, 2flc: medium, lCfi718c. WOOI-Nomlnnl, 1909, Wllln motto valloy, 2012 lc; cnatorn Ore Bon, 20tfT53c. SMIJBI'SKINS ShonrlnR, 10fT26c jonch; abort wool, 2rfG0c; medium wool, GOfctl onch; long wool, 7Cc $1.2.1 ench. TAM.OW Prlmo. per lb. 3T4c; No. 2 nnil Krenno, 2Jf2c. CIIITTIM HAItlt Nominal, 4 MOHAIR--1909. 232c lb. HIDUS Dry hldoa, 17?18Wc lb; grooIli 9V4 10c; bulla, Krcon salt, 7c lb; klpa, 10 J? 104c; cnlvoa, croon, ,8c , , nm, ,.:oosLocnl( cnmll( Poultry. lulled aolcct, 4 0 (IT 41c; locnl atornKO, 27c; eastern ator- ago, 2T30c. nUTTICIt FAT Delivery f. Portland swuct r.rootu, 37S; 35 Wc, IIUTTEU Extra cronmory, o. b. our, 39c; fancy, 37c; atoro, 25c. CHEESE Fn n cy full cream, 18 18V4c; trlplota nnd dnlaleu, 18c; YounK Americana, 19c. POULTnV Mlxod chlckona, lHic fancy hona, lfiVjJf ldc; rooa'tora, old, 11c; gocao, 12c for llvo, 10 18 for droauod; ducks. C 0 18o; turkoys nllvo, 212T22c; drcaaod, 25(J29c; plKOona, RQunba, $2 por dozen; drcaa od chlckon, lc to 2c a pound hlgbor thnn nllvo. flralii, Flour .nnd liny. PARLEY Producers' prlco 1909 Food, $31T 31.50; rolled, $33; browing, 3i.60, WHEAT Track, club, $1,10 0 $1.11; bluo atom, $1.20 1.21 ; rod, $1.13; forty fold, $1.12T$1.13; Wlllamotto ralloy, $1.08. MILLSTUFFS Soiling prlco tJrnn, $2G; middlings. $33; ahorta, $20 27.50; chop, $22fl29j. nlfalfn meal, $21 por ton. FLOUIt Now crop, pntonta, $C 15; atrnlght, $4.85; hnkora $5.95 0.15; Wlllnmotto vnlloy, $5.70 bbl.; oxport grades, $-1.00; grnhnm, Wa. $5.50; wholo whqnt, $5,70; ryo, $5,75 bnloH, $3,15. HAY Producora prloo Now tim othy, Wlllntr.otto vnlloy, fancy, $19 20; ordlnur), $19; onstorn Orogon, $2021; mlxod, $15; cloyor No. 1, $15.50 10; whont, tic 17; chont, $lfl17; alfalfa, 116 . OATS Spot dollvory, now, pvj ducorB' prlco Track No, 1 whlto, $32.5033.50; gray, $31.5032.50, FrultH ami Vogotablos. FRESH FRUITS Orangoa: Now linvolB, $22,25 $3.00; Vnloclna, $3.063,75 box; bnnnnna, 55c lb; lomona, $5,50 0,00 box; grapo fruit, $4; jonra, $1.25; grnpos, $1. 75. POTATQES Soiling, now, $1.10 1.25; buying, onstorn Multnomnh and Clncknmns, 75 85c; Wlllnmbtto vnlloy, OS 70c. VEGETABLES Now turnlsps, Or ogon, 90c BncUibeotB, $1,25; carrots 8O0OOo anok; cnbbngo, local,' $1,50 1,75; tomatoes, fancy. $2,25 crato; boans, 1012o per lb; caullflovfor; Haven't You a Job of Work For a Want Ad to Do? One Cent a Word----Six Insertions For the Price of Five. It needn't be some task so easy that it will almost do itself. You con entrust it with some errand that Is difficult that a want ad can do WELL AND INEXPENSIVELY. The person who finds Jobs for want ads. to do Is the sort of a chap who looks at you rather quizzically when you try to tell him that business Is dull, or that you can't rent that apartmsnt, or store, or office, or house, or that you Gan't find a position. For you see, he has gotten Into the habit of accomplishing things-which is a habit within the reach of any person with half a will or three quarters of a purpose. $1.00 per dozen; pona, 10 12c lb; horaoradlah, 10c; Krcon unions, 10c dozon; poppers, boll, lb.; head lettuce, 20c i'oz.; hothouao, $1.25 box; rndlahca doz. uunchca; cel ery, $3 3. DO crato; cbs plant, loc lb; awoot potntocH, $2; sprouts, 8 9c; cumubors, $2.60 dozen, ONIONS Jobbing, $1.40 1.50 por cwt.; gnrHc, 10fl2c por lb. . APPLES $1 3.50. flrocrrhn, Nut. Etc. SUGAR Cube, $0.35; powdorod, $696 ; frut or "berry, $5,95; dry granulated, 5.95; conf. A$5.75; ex tra D, $lj.25: golden Q, $5.36; D yel low, $5.25; beat, $5.75; barrels, 15c; half barols, 30c; boxes, 55c adrnnco on sack' basis. (Abovo quotations aro 30 days not cash quotations.) RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 54 c; No. 2, 501c; Now Orleans Hcsa, 0 3-4 7c; Creole, 5 Vic. SALT Coatao Half ground, 100s $9.50 por ton; 50s, $10; tablo dairy. 50s, $17; 100s, $1G.50; bales, $2.25; extra flno barrels, 2s, 5s and 10s, $4.505.50; lump rock, $20.50 per ton. HONEY Now, 13V4c per lb. MEANS Small whlto, $5.50; largo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bayou, $5.75; Llmas. $5.00; rcda. $7.50. Mi-ata, Flsli mid Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front street hoga, fancy, lOVfec; ordinary, 9V4c; venla, ortra, 11 c; ordinary, 10V4 He; oxtrn hoavy, 300 lbs., 5V47c; mutton, 7c; lnmba, 7c. HAMS HACON, ETC. Portland pack (locnl) hnm, 17 c; broakfaat bacon. lS42Cc; boiled hnm. 25 20c; picnics, 14c; cottnso roll, 15c; rogjlni abort clears, smoked, lOVSc; backa, smoked, 10V4c; plcklod tong- ucb, 00a each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, I0i, 18 lie por lb.; 5s, 18 5-8c por lb.; 50 lb. tins, 18c per lb,; stonm rendered, 10b, 17!c per lb.; 5s, 17 6-8c per lb.; compound, 10s, 11 3-4c per lb. CLAMS Hnrsholl, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2.00 per box. FISH NomlnnI Rock cod, 10c; flounders, Gc; halibut, 8 10c; strip ed bass, 15c; catfish, 10c; aalmo.. Btoolhend, 10c; sllvora, 8c lb.; fall aalmon, Sc lb.; boIos, 7c lb.; shrimps, 12 He lb.; porch, 7c lb.; torn cod, 8c por lb; lobsters, 25c por lb; freah mackorol, ( ) por lb.; crawfish, ( ) por doz.; sturgeon, 12 c por lb.; black bnas, 20c per lb,; Colum bia amoHs, 25c por lb; allvor smelts, 7c por lb.; black cod, 7V4c por lb.; crabs, $1.26 1.75 por dozon. Putter. Eggs nnd Poultry. (Prices paldfby Modford morchnnts) Ranch buttor, 32 &c; fancy cream ery,' 40 c. Froah ranch eggs, 35c. Mlxod poultry, 10c; spring chlck ona, 15o; ducks, 10c; turkoys, 17c. (Prlcos paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushoj; oats, $3G ton; bnrloy, $30 ton. lloof 3 1-2 to 4 l-2c; pork, 7 1 -"c, mutton, 7c; lamb, Fc; vonl (diTid) 7c (Selling prices. Rolled barloy, 2 cwt, $37-ton; bran, $1.10; middlings, $1,S51.90; shorts, $1,801. 85. OYSTERS Snoalwator bay, por gallon, $2.25; por 100 lb sack, $5; Olympln, por gallon, $2,75; por, 100 lb. sack, $7 7,50; canned oastorn, 55o can, $G,50 doz.; oastorn In sholl, $1.05 por 100. CATTLE Host steers, weighing 1200 pounns, $4.754,80; medium Btcors, $4.60; host cows, $3.75 3.85; fancy holfors, $3.75 3.85; inodlum cows, $3,60; poor cows, $2 2,50; bulls, $32,75; stags, $2,50 8 HOGS Dost east of tho moun tains,, $7.768,85; .fancy. $8.C5; ctockors, $0; pigs, $6 7. SHEEP Dost wothors, $5.26 5,50; ordinary, $5.00; spring lambB, $G,000,26; straight .owes, $4.75; mlxod lotB, $4.75 5.00. CALVES Host. $6,25 5.60' or dinary, $3.00(4.60, 4 MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruits and Vcgelnljlcs. (Prlcos paid by Mcdfrod merchants.) APPLES 2 4c lb.; pears, lSc lb. Potatoos, 1 '.-:'c lb, ntilooA, $l.0 cwt.; cabbage, 2c; turnips, lc; parsnips, Hn! 1-l'c lb,; squash, 11 to $1.25 dozon. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Five room house and throe closo in, for $2500; 91000 will buuue. W. T. York & Co. FOR biit.b - Choice UwiuedB proper ty nt o bargain, on long tuna; ean .tornn, Address P. O. Box418. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Hotel in Sweot, Idaho, for Mcdford prop erty, either town or farm land; val uation $9000. Address William Voody,Swcot!Jdnho: 278 FOR SALE HouseTand lot In Hood River, Oregon, or will trade for property In Modford. Address A. J. Emorson, 114 Tripp street, Mod ford, Orogon. 271 FOR SALE 5 ami lu-ucre tract just within mid adjoining city lmi itc at a bargain, on 5 annua! pay oi.m tw Adilrp- P O 41 P FOR SALE Ltgbt spring wagon. 125 S. Oakdalb. 259 rWAlOak, fir and pine cord wood. 12 nnd 10-inch; nlso dry rail wood: dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4201-. FOR SALE Young orchnrd in benr- wir. Mat Calhoun. Phoenix. Or. FORTSALE Sevon-roonf House, closo In; strictly modern; ronts for $40 per month; a snap if taken at once. Address Dox 30C. 207 FOR SALE A lot, close in, 50x125, nt a bargain. Address Dox 306. 207 FOR SALE 200 acres 12 miles from railroad, $00 per aero. Ilox 79S, Medford, Or. 267 FOR SALE Restaurant; good loca tion; at reasonable price. Address T. I. Palmotor. Modford, Or. 267 'OR 3ALE Two 20-acre tracts, cholco land, 1 1-4 miles northwest of Central Point. Address W. J. Hnrvoy, R. F. D. No. 1, Central Point, Or. 274 FOR SALE Good lot of second hand lumber. C. H. Plorco & Son. 269 FOR SALE A bargain, a now mod orn 5-room bungalow In Tuttlo ad dition, ono block from South Ook dalo. Apply 90,6 East 7th. FOR SALE OrTJraderA"3 l" horse power Indian motorcycle. Seo or write C. C. Plorco, Medford. 209 FOR SALE Four "acres" Insldo city limits, with S50 foot front on S. P. railroad right of way, half acre fr'uft In boating, small houso, barn; price $2500, tonus. How's this for an In- vestment? C. H. Plorco & Son, Med-; offlco Condor Water & Powor corn ford, Oregon. 269 pany, 209 W. Mnln street. for BALK i wo, corner wis, poou 0-room houso nnd barn, near cor-j nor 11th and Fir streets. Thls..is a. trnn.i l.nv Prion 9Rr.n. P. II. Pierce """ -".tv - i & Son, FOR SALE Logging wagou; first class condition. Pnlmor Investment, Nnsh Hotel. 269 FOTTSALE Nlnoty ncros, 30 tn ono yonr old applo and poar troos, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 mllos from railroad station. For tonus wrlto "Owner," enro Mall Tribune. 2 CI FOR SALE Resldonco property, closo In. Seo owner and savo coin mission. 228 South Ivy St. 269 FOR "SALE--Somo good pieces of fruit land for salo cheap, Addross S, caro of this ofUco. 262 FOR SALEA flno homo and lnvost- mont on North, Contral ' avonuo, fronts 264 foot, onvCohtral avenuo, Is noarl" 00 foot In dopth; 6-room houso ana barn; prico only $4000 Look this up. O. H. Plorco & Son. 269 FOR SALE. -4-4--4 - f FOR SALE Rogue River I'urce-color stationery Bhowing Cornice pear nnd Spitzcnberg apples, lledford ilail Tribune. 206 FOR SALE IOC acres of choIceHuxna close to tho famous' Helms orchard; 84 acres cultivated, with water right; special low price for 30 days. About 450 acres, ranch, flvo miles from Ashland; 150 acres cultivated; 300 acres can bo cultivated; 2 large barns, small bouse, running water, 2 springs, coal rein runs through the land; price for 30 days $35 per aero; plenty of freo rango for stock; terms. 80 acres 7 miles south of Ash land on main highway; tine 9-room house, large barn, somo water for Irrigation, soda spring on place, a beautiful country borne; a bargain If sold within 30 days. Call or address F. G. McWIlllams, real estate and mines, Ashland, Or. 288 WANTED. WANTED Freah milch cows. N. D. Hogan, Modford. 2C3 WANTED A lday solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking nnd light ing devices. Apply at the Condon Wnter nnd Power Co. W ANTED Good span fair size, well broken. of mules, J. F. Wort- j man. at tho old Van Dyko place WANTEIt - Experienced imrry man Address P. O. Box 418. Medford. Or. WANTED Wood choppers. Phone 117 Farmers. 268 WANTED A good, responsible so licitor, $20 per week guaranteed; only a No. 1 man need apply. Ad dress S, care of this office. WANTED A girl or woman for chamber work and assistant cook ing at a lodging and boarding house tho employment will bo steady. Ad dress Mrs. F. H. Gregory. 265 4th st., Ashland, Or. 269 WANTED Representative in Med ford and Ashland, lady or gentlo- man; pleasant, profitable employ mont; references. Box 185 Central Point, Oregon. 270 ANTED Good Japanese cook wants plnco in private family or ho to!. Address P. O. Box 264. 267 f- . . FOR RENT. . 4. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board. No. 10 North Grapo street. FOR RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, suliablo for fruit, alfalfa, stock or gonoral farming. Inquire at p0R HK NT-Tracts of land from onQ (o foft ffl wiJh wu(or for ir'riKlltion, suitable for raising po- . .... i . i . . . " i.. uuoes mm gamou irucK, niso suit able for chiokon and turkey raising. Owner will furnish n ronsonaulo amount of lumber niid.4poultry and other fencing for .improvements if lossoe porform labor of orocting samo. Call at office of Cotidon Wntor and Powor company for par ticulars. FOR"-RUNT Modern furnlshou" rooms at 604 West 10th or i24 King stroot. JFOR RENT Onlyhotol in town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Wntor & Power Co., 209 West Main stroct. POTTRUNT And furnlturo for salo. 5-room house, No. 3 Fourth, cornor F.ront. , ' 1 ' 362 F.olfRENt Eight-room houso; three blocks from dept.; 20 por month; furnlturo for Bale. ? E, Fourth St., cor, Front, ' 268 4444444444444' FOR RENT. --4-4'4-44 444444444 FOTritEN'T Fiirnlshe(lHouiie!oop Ings rooms. 143 North Grapo St. 200 t 4 4 LOST. 4 4 444 44 4444-4 I4 LOST At rilks' " hall on Thursday evening, ladles' pink cropo scarf with letter II embroidered In old English. Finder will pleaso rotnrn to Hotel Nash aud receive reward. 265 f444 4 4 t t 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4444444-44444 J-4-f Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can bo had from their agent, S. ICcmp thomc, 237 Rivcrsido avenuo. Phone 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15c; beds, 15c. Give us u trial. 29 Central avenue, upstairs. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will enre rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Young. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and shectiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER, auctioneer, will be found in room 208, Taylor & Phipps Building. Attorneys; WITHTNGTON & KELLY Palm Building. -Lawyers. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-Iaw. No. 9 D street, grwnnd floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford Nntional Bank Build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building. Medford. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class, work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenuo Phone 801. Real Estate. BENSON' INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insure Office, suite 205-20C, over Fruit growers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams. C, r. iJnegs, real estate, insurance, farm nnd city propertv, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING GO. has the best equipped iob office in South em Oregon; Portland prices. South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Mnin st, nnd railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brien O. D. Naglo. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers nnd contractors; also lime, cement nnd plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National Bank bldg. Phono Mam 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Daj phone 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3001, J. II. Butlor 3571. Piano Instruction. HARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Goro, Metropolitan Collego of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phono 493. Stenographers. ELLA M. G A UN YAW Pa 1 m block. Sonographic work done quickly and well. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C St., Medford, Or. E. W. Ilisoy, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist -Offico in rooms 203-204, Fnrmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of tho trucks. Collections. SOUTHERN OREGON COLLECT ING AGENCY Will attend to tho collection of any accounts nnywhoro in tho state or out. Room 208, Tay- lor & Phipps Building. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnished at all hours of day and till 9 p, m. to any part of city, from lOo to 25c, Phono Main 1812, 44444444 4 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4444444 4 4 4 444444 Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "I'oso with Mackoy nnd dio with joy." Ovor Al lan & Roognn's store; entrance o'i Seventh street. ' Civil Engineers. WILL tnko by contract, on reason able terms, nil kinds of work; also irrigating, planting nnd cultivating, etc. Landscape gardening. . First class reference. William PotorB. Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 i2. Main street, Medford, Or. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Postor nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & null building. A nice cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 480, Medford, Or. Your building respectfully so licited. Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st. Sonth. Phone 01. Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in- the trust. H. B. Patterson, offico in Hotel Nask ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 1201, Medford. Transfer and Drayage. H. S. BRUMBLE Drnynge nnd transfer. Bnggaeo stored. Offico C nnd Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 40G Beatty street. A card will bring me to yon. MUSIC. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. II. L. Huillier, 707 Main street West Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) nnd languages French, Italian. German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan Collego of Music. Miss Flora Gray. PHno 493. 144 South. Central avenue Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 Eat Main street. Carpenters and Btilfders. A. D. JOHNS, Contractor and Build er 225 Riverside nvenuo. Phono 2471. F. E. nTLL Will furnish plans ntid list of all timber 'o bo put in build ing Medford, Or; W. G. nOLMES Contractor nnd builder; plans nnd estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or nddress Box818. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D.-Opposito Jackson Countv bnnk. Night calls promptly answered. Offico nnd resi dent phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCIvWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D Offices in Hnskins' building, Phone Main 1001. CONROY SCLANCY Dffioo in Stowart Building Physio'inns. nnd Surgeons. Office phono. Main 341; private phono Mnin 012. S. R. SEELY, M. D, Physician nnd Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson County Bnnk Building. " DP. F. G. OARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physioinns. Mission Block. Phone 291. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Etc specialist, whon pthors fail. Offico in Englo Pharmacy. Mnin 233. East wain near U'Anjou. Cigars and Tobaccos. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke Hourfe, dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' BtippUes, ExeJusivo ngeuta of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Palencia. 312t West Main tret.