Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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mumi? m iiinninwn m a r i . muji rmwii1. t MnitViin nrtwrirw? M'mi'&mAv taxthaw os mm
M, II. Ilniiiiiiur of Willow HpriiiijH
wmh In MoiU'onI Monday on IhihIiiohh,
roturiiliiK Ii'iiihi Tuomlity inoriiliiK
Mr. IImiiiiiiii' In 1iviiIoIiik hoiiid mill
Int; pittpiM't hm wlilcli bid fair to lie
conic (llvilninl-niyliiK iroMiHltlotiH.
(I. 0. Cnl,v ol Tiilwil wuh nl Jnuk
tmiivillo TiuiHilay on lenl IminIiiimh.
Clinrloti H. liny, coiuily kiiiihi war
lmi, wuh at .laoltMonvllli) Tiromluy on
official IiuhIiicmh.
County .Iiuld .1. It. Null wuh In
iMttilforri Tnomlay.
J. V. ltolihiHon of .Ial(Honvilli'
wuh a .Mcdfonl vlnitor Tnomlny.
0. lliirluiuuli wiih in Mmlforil from
lHckoMvlllo TurHilay.
. 0. Smllli of CI ran I h I'iimh Ih at
.1ailMonvllli looking aflnr tlio intor
vrtn of IiIh cIIimiIh In tin circuit
Cliarli'H I,linliiy of AmIiIiiihI wiih
i Mmlfonl TiuiMilay on IiIm way to
.liti'loHinvlllii mi Intra! liiiNiiiniw,
"110. iIim liiintiitr year. Wat 'It
llfonl7i noimlatloii ilouliln nl
lot iti tint Queen Anno addition
triple in viiluo. I r,nt prico .f"00
and 'unvvard. C'lmli or lorniH.
The rpcnlnr niot'llnir of the W. ('.
T. U. will liD liel.l at the Hutltt
otturrh Thnrndny aftontoon at !l
o'clock. All aimnliprfl nro nuincHted
to lie present on anconnt of Impor
tant uuflinoHii. Ily request
On Knndav aftcnioon nl the home
of Mr. and Mm, M. Kitllivan. on
"WohI JackHon fttroot. occurred the
wcddiitL' of Willinm It. Mullock and
"Mary Olive Riilllvnn, Ttov. h. V. Pol
kiwtii of the Mothodiwt church offi
cial inu'. After tlio ceremony the
compnnv repaired to the dining room
where a lioiintifitl dinner wan Nerved.
A carload of Jacksonville Hen Da
vIh inn! Rwar apples wa Nhipped to
fieramenlo Monday, where thev
IiHiij; uood iricen. Tho car wiih
hli'opml liv .1. A. Perry.
K. V. Rayhi of KiiKune i a Med
ford vinitor today. I
Karl Shepherd of AHhland wmh a
Medford vinitor Tuesday.
S. Mcriendon of Gold Hill wmh
i MVilford Tuemlnv on huinrM.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Mitchell of
.1mph. Or., arc hero looking for a
P. Carpenter of Axhland was a
'.Medford visitor Tuemlnv.
A charivari party Sunday evening
wns entertained last cvenini: hy Mr.
ami Mr. W. It. Hnllock at their
t..M on North Itiverside avenue.
.A. .
4444 44 4444444-44441
Anyone ImowltiK of any
property iih-I for rcNlilciicc
piirpoM1 wllliln the ell)' Ilin
lis not. iiiiiiicclcil wllli tin
Newer, wlicrc sanic In a valla
Itlo will lie tiding Hie cnl Ire
public a ureal favor liy no
tlfyliiK eltlier Dr. Hliearer,
lieiillli officer, (lio chief of po
. lice or tills office,
uuiit. V. TIXHIII,
City lUnorder.
44444444444-t4444 4
Thfmi wuro '2'A proHunt. Tho evening
was Hpont pleasantly hy mnmc, and
gmn8. I.ulor In tho evening re-
froHhmuntH woro nerved, Hhorlly af
tor which the pnrly (Unperson, leav
ing with them thuir hest wIkIiuh.
Howard 8. Dudley hart rotnrned
from a trip north. .
W. II. 1'urker of l.vunw Creek
Hpmit Tnosday in this city.
II, A, KriolcHou Ih visiting In
(Irantrt I'iihh with l'riunds.
W. It. Wilcox of thin 'city liaa lof;
for n vihU in San I'VanuiHco with
his pnrvnU.
W. T. Mitchell of It uch waa a ro-
cent visitor in Medford.
.1. W. WilllamH of Phoenix wan In
Medford on ft flhort IjuaincRB trip
P. M. Scotl of AHhland spent
Tuertday in thin city.
II. IJ. Tronson of Kalo Point was
a roecnl visitor in Medford.
John II. Tmo of Gold Hill was a
recent vinltor in Medford.
K. K. Jones of ICnueno is in Mi:d
ford on a short business trip.
Krod Carpenter of Ashlnnd is In
Medford on business.
(VII. Marvin of Pendleton is vis
llinir in this city.
II. S. Snnderson of Trail spent
Tuesday in Medford.
Lem Charley of I.ittlo Hutte creek,
who recently disposed of his hold
ings there, was 'in Medford Tuesday.
Mr, Charley stales that he intonds
to remove to Medford to reside.
II. 1C. Crane of Talent was in Med
ford Tuesday on businss.
nO.N'AN.A, Or., Jan. 2G. Whtlo
killing hogs at tils ranch 20 mile
from hero. Vllvnn EvnnB Inst Sntur
day sliot lilnmelf la the alalomca with
a 22-cnlllir rifle. Ho Htruclc n oao
of the hogs with tho hull of the
gun, when It wns accidentally din
chnrged. I.ittlo hopo for recovery Ih
New Type, New Furniture, New Equipment
Woman Well Known In This City
Remarries to Olioy Pleading, of
Child Employed at Nash.
LINCOLN, 'Kuli., Jan. 25. Uahy
I'VtwIer, 0 yearn of ago, roimitcd
Mrs. Hubv K, Fowler of Medford and
Lawrence Fowler of Alger, Vy. The
liltlu girl "wanlud both papa and
mama," she insisted. She walked
between them to the courthouse and
the cotipro were remarried after be
ititf divorced two years.
Mrs. Fowler left here in the fall
for the east. For several mouths
she was an attendant at the cigar
counter in the Hotel Nash. .
!)HHMN, Jan. 25-Preparation for
celebration of the emperor's hlrthday(
Is being made today on January 27,
and Oonnany will bo a vast field or
flngs In honor of tho leader's filnt
birthday annlvomnry All schools will
bo closod, bunlnciiH largely suspended
and services will be bold In tho
churches In thanksgiving for the Im
porlal wclfaro and In. prayer for a
continuation of hcaron's blessings
All tho great men In tho land will
visit the pnlaco during the day to
offer their congratulations and In the
evening his majesty will attend a per
formance at tho Itoyal opera bouse,
and later a stato banquet of. a gorge
ous character will conclude the festiv
rctJOKNB, Or., Jan. 25. The big
tabernacle at the corner of West
Tenth and Cbarncltnn strcots, which
will bo used for tho union revival
meeting, beginning Sunday, January
.10, will bo completed probably about
the middle of this week. Tho struc
ture will cover nearly a quarter of
a Mock in a thickly settled rcsldcnco
portion, Tho work Is all donated,
and the only cost to tho churches for
the building will bo tho price of the
Old type and equipment exceeding in cost $1000 from the Medford Mail
and Southern Oregonian job offices has been dumped and replaced by
Dust proof racks, modern fixtures and series of the latest type faces,
individual motors, the best craftsmen, enable us to do printing quicker,
better and more satisfactory than ever.
We are ten times better fixed to do good work than ever bef ore
no longer handicapped by old materials and inadequate equipment or
the unavoidable delays due to moving. The largest stock of bonds in
the city to select from. Estimates cheerfully furnished.
Printers and Publishers 38 South Central Ave.
The Nash Mrs. V. A. Kisenei,
Seattle; A. C. Martin, H. II, Tronwn,
Kaglu Point; J, II. Uiuick. UrsntH
Pass; U, F, Harrons, Oakland; IJ.
N. MsMillan, Portland; W. J. Parker,
H, 1 1. Oaskill, San FrancUco; ,t, ,f.
Mitchell and wife, Joseph; II. F.
IJootli, Portland; W. T. Solomon,
Now York; K. Sbophord, Ashland;
W. D. Harding, San Francisco; 0.
C. Hoff, Portland; E. F. Saylo, Eu
gene; W. H. Carroll, San Francisco;
S. C. Pier, W. IL True, Portland.
Tho Mooro It. D. J3rcnt, Pitts
burg; K. E. Jones, Eugene; E. S.
Ilohr, Portland; F. A. Noonan, New
York; L. F. Morgan, Portland; It.
0, Smith, Grants Pass; J. C. Mann,
C. G. GlafcH, Portland; II. Gould
Htiuc, San Francisco; E. L, Payne,
A. L. Peter, Portland; J. P. Watt,
Joromo; J. A. Wilson, M. S. Leahy,
Sacramento; F. Carpenter, Ashland;
It. J. Frionborg, San Fruncisco; C.
II. Marvin, Pendleton.
Corporations Safe.
Five minutes after Jnmes J. Hill, the
"empiro builder" of the,
emerged from a conference with
President Toft nt tho white house
today, tho president issued his state
ment to the effoct that then,' shall
bo "no indiscriminate prosecution of
tho trust."
Tax Levies In Coos Towns.
MAIiSHFIELD, Or., Jan. 25. The
tax levies of tho different cities of
Coos county havo been compiled.
The greatest municipal tax is in
MnrshfWd. and in 11 mills. Eastside
j int hnve levied 10 mills
i P.rt of Coos Bay has
c J mills.
D. II. Drowery, superintendent of
tho southern Oregon district for the
Pacific States Telephone compaoy, re
turned from Ashland Sunday evening,
where ho bad been superintending the
cut-over from the old to the new sys
tem, tho same that has been In vogue
In Medford for tl'o past several
K. T. Saylor of Portland, who made
tho cut-ovor bore, was In charge of
the work, assisted by W. It. Lagus.
of tho traffic department of the com
pany Ashland now has the same system
at has Medford.
Woar Kidd's Shoes.
llulck Is tho king of the auto world.
Who doesn't sigh for a Hulck7 I
Wear Kidd's Shoos. '
For wood of all klndc, nco tlio
Square Deal Woodyard. Phone,
2fi01. Fir street, between Second,
and Third streets. Gould & Llndlev.
(proprietors. 2C1 j
j No one knows how long a Buick
will last, for no Buick has ever worn
out. Tho first ones nro still run
ning. 258
Wear Kidd's Shoos.
What is lifo without a Buick T 280
Singer sewing machine for rent.
12f South Oakdale. Phono 13-12. 2C1
Stoinhardt, the artistic tailor, o
South Fir street. Reasonable price, !
easy terms to responsible parties. !
270 .
Wear Kidd's Shoes.
FOR S A LIS 1tefileh ce property, '
close In. See owner and save com-j
mission. 228 South Ivy St. 2 CO
FOR SALE Some good pieces of ,
fruit land for salo cheap. Address S, i
care of this office. 262 i
FOR SALE IOC acres of choice land ;
closo to the famous Helms orchard; J
84 acres cultivated, with water
right; special low prlco for 30 days.'
About 450 acres, ranch, five miles
from Ashland; 1 SQ acres cultivated;.
300 acres can be cultivated; 2 largo '
barns, small house, running water,
2 springs, coal vein runs through
the land; price for 30 days $35 per
acre; plenty of free range for stock;
terms. i
80 acres 7 miles south of Ash-j
land on main highway; flno 9-room ,
houso, large barn, some water for.
Irrigation, soda spring on place, a
beautiful country home; a bargain)
It sold within 30 days. 1
Call or address F. G. McWIlllams, j
real eatato and mines, Ashland,'
Or. ' 288" I
FOR SALE 5-room furnished homo'
and 3-room bungalow; nil new; A
lots facing east; about one acre; one
block from North C street: a snap
at $2500. Seo owner at Aylon &
Harnett's real estate office, next
door to Mail Tribune.
FOR SALE Good sewing machine,
5. 125 S. Oakdale. 262
Cllue and Wllklntson have dissolv
ed partnership tho real estate busi
ness of tho Cllnc & Wilkinson firm of
Central Point. 265
1 s
1 J
Post Cards
1 Cent Each
and the finest and largest line of comic, floral, birthday
and southern Oregon and local Post Cards to be seen in
Medford, all at lc each.
Choice $1.00
Here's a snap. 100 pieces
enamel tea kettles, enamel
water pitchers, all copper,
nifkel plated and white en
amel tea and coffee pots,
copper bottom wash boil
ers, etc., your choice to
morrow, $1.00 Each
Wash Bowls
$2.50 and
Just Ten of them
them here tomorrow $1.75 each
I ' 'WH'
' mm
How About
Take a look at our west
window tomorrow if yoti
want the best wearing'
men's women's boys' and
misses' Hose ever sold in
Medford, all sizes. 15c pair.
. 2 pair for 25c
and Pitchers
$3.00 Values
left; choice of
v 4
5 .. a
I I lit