Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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filTY NiTlfiES f I
out for tho oporntlim and maintenance! changed hy the holder of thin finii-
lnXs;;c vr r ''vv1- Mr-
irnii pnuuicivi or ueHirnuic moiiimi,
excepting steam motors and steam
Section l.'Tho trnrl ami tracks to
lio constructed under the urovlnlonM
which lh particular streete and alloys
of tho City of M pt ford may ho appro
priated niul used for railway purposes
ami for power, telegraph ami tele
phone lines hy tho said John 11. Al
len, his helva and assigns, and re
pealing Ordlnanco No. UR2 of snld
Tho city of Medtqrd doth ordain
as follows:
Much interest is being manifested
anions the local Knights of Pythias.
Kncli Monday night the team prac
tices nutl those who turn out to the
meetings go home feeling that they
havo spout a most pleasant as woll
as profitable evening. There Is
work going on in one of the ranks
every evening now, and the team
appreciates the attendance of the
An ordinance provldliiK tor tho ox
edition of a contract with the A'od
ford Printing Company for the print
ing of nil legal notices, ordinances,
resolutions, etc.
The City of Medford doth ordnln
as follows:
Section 1. The nnyor and record-
IT Ol UIU VIIJ III .'IVIIIUIll lire UUIVUJ iwuviir,', ...o oik. iw uili,. (ii.a-i. , ,, , " ., , , ,.
nuthorliod and directed to enter .utn'songors. to run and opernte thereon ! ""l ";Z V V
ght, matl, lias r.Ko. express and .....i.i.n, i i.,
of this ordlnanco shall bo laid flush
with tho grade of tho street where
nld streets have an established'
urade, provided, that when the track ,
j Is laid upon a street where no grade'
Section 1. That thoro bo and "w" established the tracK shall
hereby U granted to John R. Alton. 1)0 brought to grade whenever such:
his heirs and assltns, tho frnnchlso I Krmle shall he ostnb shed by tho city,
right and privilege to erect, lay down w 1"V'",ll,MI"11!"1 grade shall
relay, construct, reconstruct, pur-1 ,,'; by the city the track!
chnso. acquire, lease, repair, main-1 Hl'all bo changed so as o conform ,
tain, equip, operate, have, bold, use , wU", ,tl10 Krado so established, and
and enjoy lines of railway and sys-1 iV"" W f,".r,l,'V' tlmt. t,M ,H",a , J! I
tern of railways, either single track J Allo' bis heirs and assigns, shall ;
or double track, with power to ' "ii.rovo and keep In repair that por-.
change from ono to the other, with ,,(, , )f , l':phl , ttot so oc
convenient switches, turn-outs, turn- JHI" '! Mm laying bo.
tablM,, connections and wcei a point of 20 Inches heyond ;
wnva nml . .-,,., IhmA. 1 110 OUtSldp Hill Of Ills Willi tHlCk Of I
on passenger cars ami to carry pns- : y "i""v
xf.i,.i ...i.i. tAf. nr.,M,i,. flinnrnl rrxra lr nsrrv fr.ilrhf nnr. Street H tllO same timiltier a8 tho
Compnuv :Vw express packages and ln ted ' '"nln.lBr of said street Is Itni.rov.
lloWlK, towlt: Stnt,B " tb'reon, subject to tho , p1. orr lvcil tir or under the author-
Memorandum of agreement made rensonnuio regulation or tne council 1 " v. .
nnd entered Into this 19th day on or said city, to do all acts and things, section i. Mnni jonn u. Alien, ins
necessary to tro successful oporatton ) neirs nnu assigns, may construct, op
of said railways and systems of rail-, crate, equip and maintain telegraph,
ways, operated within said city of telephone nnd power Hum along all
Moilfoid, cither as a reparato sys-1 of the said streets upon which the
tern of railways within tho cald cltysaiu railways mny nc comiructed for
January, 1910. by and between the
Medford Printing Company, a corpor
ation, nartr of tho first part, and the
Icitr of Medford. a municipal corpor-
' . . A ...1
atlon, party ot tne seconu pari., wu-
of Medford o: as part of a Bystom
Demmcnwealth Conference Will Be
Held This Year on February II
and 12 Many Topics.
gene, Jan. 25. Tho second annual
commonwealth conference, a move
ment started last year on the semi
centennial of tho admission of Oregon
Into tho Union, will be held at tho
University of Oregon February 11 and
12. Prominent men from various
parts of regon and from the fac
faculty of the university will be the
speakers on tho occasion, and the sub
jects for discussion will he the lead
ing problems now before the state.
The sessions last year were pronounc
ed most profitable by all present, and
tils plan to unito science and the arts
of practical life In Oregon "was recog
nized as one of greatest promise for
the best upbuilding of tho state. The
complete program will bo announced
In a few days. The subjects for dls
cussiou will be as follows:
Oregon's state university is the
; pioneer among the stato universities
In this country In Inaugurating a plan
certain to be of highest Importance
i to both the people as a whole and the
. .vork of tho university. The subjects
discussed this year will be the fol
Economic A forestry policy for
tho state of Oregon. 1 Procedure for
tho earliest and longest utilization of
he water resources of Oregon, Pro
gram for bringing tho 'Willamette
valley under irrigation. ,
Social and governmental Improve
nient of tho conditions of country life
la Orogon. Organization and agen
ides for securing publicity in the
public affairs of Oregon.
Educational Invlgoration of mor
al education In the common schools
-of Oregon.
the city of Medfoid, along nnd upon
rm... ,, nr dm rii-at nnrtiof railways operated ivlihln until cltv
nun iiiu " . . ; ... .
hereby covenants and ngrees for a of Medford ami olsovrhero without
period of two years from tnis aaio
print In tho dally edition or uih .m.-u-
iford Mall Tribune, published and
'printed by It In tho City of iieuioru.
.all legal notices, ordinances, roaolu
.tlons and other reading matter vhlch
the City ot Medford may require to
I havo printed In any nowspancr of
'said city, or which tho council may
'direct, to bo printed at the following
Two cents nor lino for each and ev
ery Insertion thoreof, said notlcns to
tho purposo of transmitting iiies.inges
or power over tho said lines for the
use In connection therewith
Section C. It shnll lie lawful for
any nnd all of tho streets ot tho said the said John It. Allen, his heir and
assigns, to mnKo nil need nil anil rou
city ot Medford as now or heronftor
laid out and established, excepting
Oakdnlu avonuo, and within the cor
porate limits of said city ot Medford
aa now established and as said cor
porate limits may hereafter bo ex
tended: provided, that this ordinance
shall become void and of no effect
at tho expiration of ono year from
tho date of Its passage unless said
John R. Allen, his holra and assigns,
h nrintPii in th wimo tvoo that hnsiw-lthin said tlmo. shall havo com-
horetoforo been used In printing no-1 menced the nctunl construction of
i fnr naid ritr In said oaner. ' said system of railways within tho
National Body May Take Steps,
However, to Prevent Growth of
Congress Into Unwieldy Size.
In consideration of tho premises
said city hereby agrees to causo all
notices, ordinances, resolutions and
other reading matter which said city
is rcaulrcd to nrlnt. or which the
i council at any time during said porlod
may order to be printed to bo print
ed In said paper. And furthor cove
nants and agrees to pay therefor tho
price above set forth.
Said rim party agrees to print an
such notices, resolutions, ordinances
and other reading matter wKeii it
may bo direct! to print lfcrcum!' r
with accuracy .md dispitch.
In consideration whereof said nar-
ties have caused thoso presents to bo
vonlont excavations in any of cald
streets iindor tho conditions hi-reto-foro
named, for tho purposo of es
tablishing said railways, or iMom
of rallwaya. 'telegraph, telephone or
power lines: provided, that whenev i
said John R. Allen, his holrs oi in
signs, shall disturb any of said stiects
he or they shall restore ih same to
good order and condition ,is soon as
practicable and without .iniiiwinry
delay, and falling so to io ill? rnn
inon council of said city sia'l l;nv j
tho right to fix, by resolution, a ia
liable time within wnhh ni1 re
though tho Oregon congressional del- executed on their behalf by their ro-
egatlon hopes to secure an Increase speciivo "r cur',unuu
I .... , .....v-
iii ii'iireauuiuiiuu oi iue sicio in con-
are announced, it is belioved
today that instead of increasing rep-,
gress after the census figures of 1910 I "? w- anon, .Mayor.
City Recorder. (Seal.)
rescntatlon, congress will ndeavor to (Seal) By G. Putnam, Presidont.
re-apportion the districts g the va-' Tho foregotng ordlnanco was pass
" nrt hv tho c.Itv council of the Cltv of
rious states to prevent tho growth of , Medford, on tho 18th day of January,!
1910, by a full vote "aye."
said city of Medford: provided fur
ther, that the said John R. Allen, his
holrs nnd assigns, shall within two j pairs or reoatlon of sil l r
years from dnto ot passago of this shall bo c'"'!"' u. and no n fwlii'e
ordlnanco flo. or causo to bo filed ' to crmplete said rcpt lrs or n ,iri mid
lathe city, with tho city recorder of 1 restorat'on. Within tho tin o iMsrrpi.
said city of Medford, a map or platted by said council, tho street com
of said city upon whch bo nc-1 mlssloner of said city shall placo the
curately indicated all streets and por- snmo In good condition and repair nt
tions of streets nnd alloys which tho 1 tho expenso of tho then bolder of tho
said John R. Allen, his holrs or as- franchise granted by this ordinance,
signs, desire nnd Intend to utilize In , Section 7. Nothing In this ordl-
tho construction of said railways, i nanco shall he so construed as to pro
and at tho expiration of said two vent the proper authorities of tho
two years tho franchise nnd right city of Medford from sewering, grnd
to construct a railway horoby grant-, Ing. paving, planking. Improving, re
ed shall be doemed to have lapsed i pairing or altering nny of said
as to all portions of tho said streets streets, hut all such work shall be
and alloys wMch are not so, done, If possible, so as not to disturb,
ed on the map or pint so filed, but 1 ! Injure or prevent the full operation
such lapsing or tho forfeiture of of said railway or systom of rnll
sald frnnchlso as to tho street or por-i wavs.
tlon of streets not so Indicated there-' Section 8. Said John R. Alton, his
, on snail in no wiso arrest or impair neir and nsslgns. mny charge and
! the franchise and rights hereby collect from each passenger traveling
j granted as to tho streots and portion upon rnllwnys construct"!! under nil-
or streets which are so Indlrntcd tnorlty of tills ordinance, for each
upon said map or plat: provided, j trip traveled hy mich passenger, In
however. Mint unless said John It. one ueneral direction tinon said rnll-
Allen. his holrs or assigns shnll have ways, from any point lirsnld city to
Home Made Bread
Wo havo lioiiK'-nmdo broad. Which would
,vou rather eat, home-mado or ImlcorH? A
foolish question to ask. Tor most pooplo
would ht willing to pay twice the price for
iiomc-niado bread they pay for baiter's, but,
you can buy the jjood old-fashioned home
made bread at the Hex Grocery for the same
price as baker's. Larc, well browned
loaves, both nourishing and palatable, and
It'ked from tho best flour in the city.
"Yakima Best"
Take a loaf home with you and be con
vinced. Rex Grocery Go.
Best Groceries
At Prices Strictly in
Keeping with the
Quality of Our
Stock which is
Unexcelled -
A Trial wil IConvince You
the national body to an unwieldy
On the present apportionment of
congressional districts based on pop-
City Recorder.
actually constructed and hnvo In op
eration at least two miles of streot
railway on the s'rfots of wild city
witiun live years from the date here-
sny other point within the limits of 1
tho city of Medford, n fare of five!
cents and no more: excepting for
riding In or tho use of observation
An nnllnanpe nrnlilliltlne minors
ulation. nearly every state will have;Ir0m onterlng or being In any place
Increased representation in congress f where the sale of intoxicating liquor
under the urosent law. It Is nrnh.i-lnt retail Is licensed in tno Ulty or
bio that a move will be made rais
ing the ratio of representation in
each district to prevent an Increase
In the size of the. house of representatives.
A Great Day.
The evangelistic meetings nt Phoe
-nix Christian church enters upon its
mnrd week with good prospects. Sun
dny was a great day. The afternoon
meeting for women only was i
-splendid service. Evangelist Jack
fion'a address on "Woman: Her
Tlno nud Power," wnB very inter
esfanjt nnd helpful. At tho evening
service the large building was pack
ed and the interest fine. There were
-fivo Additions to the church for the
day. Saptising at the close of the
senneo at night. Meeting will con
tiiniQ -through the week. Remember,
tho great song service led by Mrs.
Jnokabn. Stereopticon pictures and
illufnited songs every evening.
A Quiet Wedding at Phoenix.
At the parsonago of the Christian
church on Sunday, January 23, Wil
linnt Jt-Feni and Miss Hazel Iva Pat
tSis'on of 'near Phoenix were united
in the holy bonds of matrimony by
T. P. Rawlins, (he pastor. Mr, Fern
a well-known, substantial farmer
rind Btookroiser of Phoonix, a good
citizen and fine man. Tho bride-
elect is one of the most charming of
35 Dead In Wreck.
SUDBURY, Ont., Jan. 24. After a
total of 35 bodies had been recover
ed from the coaches sunken in tho
'Spanish river by the wreck of tho
Montreal and Minneapolis express
the officials declared that they are
convinced that there were no more
Medford, and prohibiting such minors
from making misrepresentations as to
their ago and providing penalties
of, then all rights hereby granted . rr. funeral cars, mail cars, expres
shall he forfeited and lost hy the enrs. freight cars and other special
said John It. Allen, his hfdrs nnd as-, cars, said John R. Allen, bl heirs
signs, except as to such streets or
portion of street or streets on which
ho shall havo actually constructed
and have Jn operation such stroet
railway at said time; nnd provided
furthor. Mint nil rights In and to all
streets hereby granted shall lnpso and
(Air, "Heidelberg.")
Bettor than riches or worldly wealth
is life in n clime that's royal
Teeming with happiness, hope anr;
ueaiin ana wanned uy a sun
Sweeter than pelf that is won by
stealth is building with citi
zens loyal:
So come, let us clink, but first let
us dnnk, ono toast with
brimming stein.
Here's to the state that knows no
Here's to the hopes that riso:
Hero's to her sons, the best on earth ;
Hero's to her smiling skies:
Here's, to her past, so glorious,
Here's to hor future great:
Hero's to her, ever victorious;
Hero's to our own dear stato.
Oh, Oregon I Dear Oregon; tho stato
wo lovo so well,
Where summer snows nnd beauteous
rose deck mountain, hill and
Whoro shimmaring sheen nnd ever
green blend into heav'n. above.
The thought of you, so old, so new,
o'er fill our hearts with lovo:
Tho thought of you, so staunch, so
true, o'or fills our hearts with
love.- - ,.
the Phoenix community, and was
handsomely attired for tho ocousimi
a very attractive and beautiful bride.
Their many frionds join in congrat-
the many charming young ladies of ulutions and best wishes.
An ordlnanco granting to John R.
Allen, his heirs and assigns, tho right
to lay nown, construct, acqulro and
own, and to maintain, operate and use
railways, poles and wires, and under
ground conduits and conductors In
the City of Medford, Orogon, and to
operato cars and locomotives, other
than stoam, to gonorato and transmit
power, and to send and receive mes
sages by tolegraph and telephone
over certain, streets, alleys and nubile
places, injth.o C(ty or Medford, Oregon,
and to authorlzd'tue construction. In
stallation and maintenance of equip
ment and power houses, stations and
all other things necessary or convent-1
Alien, ins noirs
or nsslsns, shnll havo constructed
and havo In operation such stroot
railway lino or linos at said tlmo.
It being understood that tho term
"In operation" as used horcln, shall
bo taken and Is understood to mean
tho running of street cars sultablo
for carrying passengers and In which
passengers nro actually carried for
tho faro herein provided, at least
onco ovory two hours in each direc
tion, between tho hours of 7 n. m.
and 7 p. m. of each day.
Section 2. Said John R. Allon
shall havo tho right nnd franchise to
connect togothor, tho snld railway
and system of railways with anv oth
er railway or systom of railways, and
Tho City of Medford doth ordain ; ilf,onnin , Mnlnnln ,
oa rrtllnaa . ..."
o I, - t. v ii t i . i e" years irom uaie noreor, except as
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for to Bllch 8troet(, or 8troet or ' or.
any minor to enter or bo In any placo tlon of streot or streots. on nnd over
wiuun uio iuy oi .ni.-uiuru wiiuru m which said John R
h;uu oi lnioxiciiuug liquors iu ijuuuii
ties of less than ono gallon is or may
any tlmo hereafter bo licensed.
Section 2. Any person who shall
violate the provisions of tho foregoing
section of this ordinnnco shall upon
conviction thereof be fined not less
than twenty ($20) dollars, nor moro
than fifty ($50) dollars, and shall
bo Imprisoned at labor for a porlod
of not moro than ten days.
Section 3. It shall bo unlawful for
any minor to make any falso state
ment to any person, now or at any
tlmo hereafter, licensed to sell Intox
Icatlng liquors In less than ono gallon
or to any qgont, representative or em
ployee of any such person, for tho
purpose of securing from such person
or his agent, representative or em
ployee, any Intoxicating liquor. Any
person who shall bo guilty of violat
Ing tho provisions of this section of
this ordinance shall upon conviction
thoreof ho fined not loss than twenty
(20) dollars or moro than fifty
(bUj dollars, and shall bo Imprison
ed at labor not less than flvo nor
more than ton days.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be
In forco from and after the dato of its
Tho foregoing ordinance was passed
ny tho city council of tho City of Med
ford, Oregon, on tho 18th day of
January. iio. by the fololwlnir vote:
Welch, ayo; Morrick, aye; Emorick,
aye; Wortman, ayo; Elfort, ayo, and
uommor, ayo.
Approvod January 19th, 1910.
City Recorder.
and nsslgnH, may cbnrgo and collect
such compensation, rntos and fares
as It or thoy may desire.
Section 9. All of tho rights, priv
ileges nnd franchises horoln crnnted
shnll continue and be In full force
and effect for fifty (50) years from
tho date of tho acceptance of this I
ordinance. i
Section 10. All of tho provisions
of this ordinnnco shall inure to. op
ply to nnd bind tho heirs nnd ns
slgns of tho snld John R. Allen.
Section 11. Tho failure of the said
John R. Allon, .bin holrs or nsslgns,
to operate any car lino or lines which
bo shall at any tlmo construct here
under, as tho term "operate" Is here
in (lerinen, ror a porlod of moro than
ninety dnys at any ono tlmo, or for
a ponoi or more man six months In
nny calendar year, shal bo taken
and hold to bo nn abandonment of
tho rights horoln given ns to tho
street or streets or portion of street
or streots, upon which snld lino or
linos shall havo been constructed, nnd
such failure shall without any action
on tho pnrt of said city operato to
rnnnoi nnn nnnui nil tho r chta o
Alien & Reagan
The Square Deal Grocers
Wm. E. STACY & CO.
to run cars from any lino of stront to I John R. Allen, his holm or niwlirnn
uuj uuiur uno oi Bireoi ana to con-i" r 10 any sucu streot or streets
struct, maintain nnd use convenient
sidetracks, switches, curvos and turn
outs from tho lino of railways main
tained' undor authority of this ordi
nance, subject to tho roasonablo reg
ulation of tho council, to nnd upon
his and their proporty nnd other
rights of way and to and Into his
ana tnoir shops, barns, "storohousos
repositories, dopots, yards, tormlnals
buildings and crounds.
Section 3, Said John R. Allen, his
holrs nnd nsslgns, may oporato and
propel cars over and undor railways
constructed pursuant to tho nrovi-
slons of this ordinance by moans of
overnoau or underground olec
trie power, storago batteries
compressod air, cables or oth
er mecnanical power oxcopt
only stoam motors and steam lo
comotives, hut steam motors and
steam locomotives mav ln imnd In
tno oporatlon of said railways for
construction or tomnorary nurnoses.
or In case of accidonts or omorgon-
ciesj not lonner than soven davs at
ono tlmo without tho consent of tho
council, and for the purposo of op
orating rallwaya and havlnir eon.
vonlont power and electrical current
ror his and tholr uso. may out un.
?reci. maintain and uso poloB and
overhead wires and lay down, con-
struct, maintain and uso under
ground slots and conduits and under.,
ground wires, conductors and cablos
in and along streets pver which said
railway nro or mav bo laid down and
In and alontr mrh othnr ntrnntn of
tho city of Modford as its common
cauncll may direct, Tho motlvo powr
er and the mode of operating' and
propelling cam may at any time bo
Soctlon 12. Tho said John n. AI
Ion shall, within thirty dnys after
tno passago or this ordlnanco, fllo In
tho office of tho recorder of tho cltv
of Medford, his wrltton ncceptnnco of
thin ordinnnco, and tho franchise
rights nnd privileges by this ordi
nnnco granted to ami confarrml imnn
him, his holrs and assigns, subject
to tho torma and provisions In this
ordlnanco contnlnod. Falluro of said
John R. Allon to nccopt this ordi
nance Within thirty davs from thn
final passago thoreof shnll bo doom
ed and hold to bo a rejection of this
ordinnnco, nnd upon tho oxplration
of tho tlmo allowed for tho filing of
nam accoptanco, tno same 'not hav
ing boon filed, this ordlnanco shall
pocomo and bo wholly void, inopern
tivo and of no' effect.
Section 13. That ordlnanco No
253 Of tho City Of Mod font tin nnil
tho samo la horoby repealed, and tho
nuiu junn u. Alien snail inciudo in
his accoptanco of this ordinance to
ho filed as required by soctlon 12
horeof, his wrltton consent to the re
peal of said ord nance No. 252. and
his release and waiver of all rights
anu privileges g von or Rrantod bv
said ordinance No. 252.
Tho foregolnir ordlnanea wm nnmt.
ed by tho city council of the city of
Medford. OroKon. on tha 18th dr of
January, 1910, by tho following yoto:
Welch ayo, Morrick aye, Emorick
aye, Wortman ayo, Elfort ayo and
Domraer aye.
Approvod January 19th, 1910.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
(Seal) City Recorder, 1
District Agent for ALADDI N" LA MP-wanted.
-Local agents
Office 8 South Central Ave.
Whon in neod of Electrio Wiring, or Fixture, nud navo nionoy by gat
ting host workmanship. Dyname Itopaining u specialty.
Steam ad Hot Water Heating.
All wpxsk guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
OM Tribune Building. phon6 3!.
FOR SALE j& jz?
Residence, at 700 S. Oakdalo
rooms, besides pantry, closets, hall and bath; cement base
ment 32 feet square, tile drained. Lnf. Rrwi7K 1 'nmnnr
sidewalk in front and to house. Private driveway. Allev
in rear. For terms see '
on tho property.
ijjllljjjjj -- iwiMsmrtMMnMi