,w i'nni'. i' iWW 1111 Orcfion Historical looUtyi mv naif A HOME COURSE IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE STARTS THURSDAY IN THE MAIL TRIBUNE. SEE ANNOUNCEMENT ON PAGE 4 I lilted IV'kn AnnocIiiIIimi, " I.uiin(( Win) Itcport Tim only uiiir in tlio world milillHluitt In n oily tlio Hxo of Medford having a 'I'littt'd wlrn, Medford 1AIL TUB WKATlIKU, Tonight And Monday Italn. MoadayUlIlRh 03, low 42, tango 54. Y.I TUTU VIOAIt MEDFORD, OKIWON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1910, No. 265. WT " ft Tribune MEDFORD I8;600 II LARGEST IN I IN BLOODY VALLEY BATTLE New Directory Just issued Gives Med ford Big Load Over Ashland and Grants Pass Book Is Most Completo Yet Issued In This City Gives Mcdford 7065 Population. According to tlio nninoH appearing in Polk'n directory, jimf iHsuod, Mo'd ford Iuih ontMt ripped Itor sister cities in (lie Koguo Hivar vnilcy nnd IoiuIh iu population, nn sho 1och in pontnl receipts and Imnk deposits, to sav .....1.1 - r I t nM. .1! JSl iiuiiiiui; ui uiiHiiicnn. jiiu mreciory, liHtn 2055 Mcdford, 2250 Auhlnnil nntl 1053 GnuitH Push nuinoH. Ah tlio directory given nn nverugo jf ono nnrno in tliroo, Mcdford hns n popiilntlon of 7005, Asnlnnd 0708 nnd OrantH 1'nnn 5850. Tlio rapid growtji of Medford 1 Hhowu with a comparison with Inst Jnnnnry, when tlio populntion was fixed nt 5.100 by n city enmnorntion. Recently tlio imputation Iuih been . tinmted between 7500 nnd 8000, nnd now tlio directory gives it 7005. when conservatively c.ifflkcd. The Jackson county tax lint is nvtioii of the bOiiV dnvotad to humor. IiiTrx nnd n'gnin men nro Hated, noma of tlicui known to bo worth $50,000, nt $5000. Throughout n multiple of 1U would give n nonr estimate of their worth. JEFF 'M NO USE" FOR FAMILY HISTORY Receives News from English Geneal ogist He Is Descendant of Lord High Executioner. SALT LA KB CITY, Utnh. Jan. 25. Jim Jeffries read todny thnt ho in n descendant of Judgo Jeffries, the official legal hangman of tlio royal Iiouho of tho StunrtH ill olden limes. Jim wiih ko pleiiRod by tho nows that ho !h Booking a personal mooting with tho genealogist, who nindo public the circnmntnnccH,with n view of doing n littlo execution on bin own ac count. Ilithorto Jeffries' only claim to fame Iuih bcon bin good right (nnd left) arm. With it he hn hewn down mnny rebollioiiH HubjoctH of tho renlm of fisticuffs. Hut now a British herald, wiao in tho lore of faintly trees .nnd othor "natural re HourceH" of English sooioty, ' onmo through with tho following: ".ToffrioR, fornior heavywoiglit champion, is a direct dosoendnut of Lrird Jeffreys, tho famous lmnginp judge of olden times," Jeff's delight nttlitn lnfonnation caused n cobtrnction of bin honvy black oyobrowfl that bodon ill for tho historian. ITi hcowI grow blnokor ib ho read : 'Lorn! JoffroyH hnd sovon hour, bIx of whom wero prominent Jacobites. After tho rohollion thoy oBtmpod to Virginia and tho pugilint trneoa bin deRcont in a diroot lino from ono of thorn, "Judgo JoffroyH oondiioted Ibo fn- moiiR court held nt tho battlo of . Sodgomoor in 1075, when 320 oxo . outlnnfl woro ordorod and carried nut. ITo died in tho towor of Lon , don." 'A Joff Roldom Bnys much, but his frioudfl today contomplnto ponding a warning to tlio gononlog'iHt thnt it in bad luck for him to moot a tall, bulky gentleman of dark Hkin and much hair who might appear to bo bandy witii IiIh finis. Wo invito comparison, knowing thnt puch n tcRt will prnvo nnr abil ity to jntoroflt you to your sntififno Hon. Wo would npprociato nn op portunity to donionfltrnlo tho super Sority of our inethodR, Van Do' Par M .TaRRinnn, jqwolors, PhiRps bldg., Mod ford. ! Fierce Engagement Waged In Vicin ity of Acoyapa Battlo Was Not Decisive and Another Will Bo Fought Before Revolution Is at an End. BLUHFIKLDB, Nicaragua, Jan. 26. (fly wireless to Colon.) Aftor a deiiporato und bloody ongagemont, In which It Ih thought nt leant 000 men woro klllrri, tho government troops tn tho vicinity of Acoynna today with drew to nwalt tho rolnforcomcntii thnt nro being rindied to tho front from Managua. Tho revolutionists uudor General Chamorro arc reported to Imvo lout H00 men In krflodnnd w u ded since the beginning bnttlo nt Aroynpa yen- terdny. Mndrlz' army Is bollovod to hnvu Btmtnlned oven heavier Ionhoh. Under tho cover of mnchlno guns, Vnsquoz, tho government londor, with drow ttju mon' thin morning. Cnmor ro mndc no effort to follow, evident ly choosing to wait for tho cover of dnrknoHH to make another nttnek. vyy aiipcnrs from tho dlRpntches from tho front that no reinforcement from tho cnpltn.) can roach Vnsquoz until tomorrow and hlo position Is datiKorous. During yesterday's flKhtlng tho rebels captured ono mnchlno gun, two English gunner nnd mnny native prlnoncrti. KNIFE WIELDER GETS THE BETTER OF THREE OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 25. Jo xeph .MattoH, Kunpccted by the police of being nn expert knife wielder, ' being Hought todny by detectives fol lowing a miirderoiiH nKRault by mi Italian on threo bootblacks hero who arc in hospitals today with gashed throats. Tho viutimfl, Leonardo Faiio, Ca millo flambo and Frank Addigo, rc ftiRcd to tell tho nnmo of their ns Hnillant, who attacked them in front of Gnmho's homo at Fifth and Jof ferson HtreotH. Neiglijioni henrrl a quarrel and later tho groann of the men attracted attention. Tho Ttal ianR woro found with their thronts cut, but all probably will recover. NO SENSATIONS FOR TAFT ADMINISTRATION Made It Clear Today That Prosecu tion of Beef Trust Is Merely in Line With Other Policies. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 25. Tho Taft administration mado it clear todny that it dooR not intend to frighton tho industries of tho country bv indiBcriminnto prosecu tions under tho Shonnnu anti-trust law, and that storios to tho offoot that tho presont notion against tho hoof trust was tho roault of publio agitation or n now departuro nro un true. Tho administration mado known its dosiro that tho publio should un- dorfltnnd thnt tho beef trust cubo is moroly in lino with tho regular pol ioioB of tho prosont government. ThoBO fnotfi woro givon out in, tho following Btatcmont issued from tho whito houso: "No slntemont Iiuh beon issuod either from tho office of tlio nttor-nev-gonernl or from tho whito house indicating that tho purposo of tho adminiRtrntion in roforenco to proa eciitioiiH under tho nnti-trimt law is othor thnn as set forth in the pre' dcnt'B mesHiigo of Jniumry 17. "SensnlSonnl BtatomontR as if tliero.woro to bo ri now departuro nnd as if thoro would bo indisorim iuato proseoutlon of importnut in dustrios lmvo no foundation." KINO EDWARD VII. AND DAVID LLOYD WHO LEAD LIBERALS j Thin year' genera I olectloim In Utiglnud have bwa nccompniik-d by more lilMcriif nullt .Jl'.iii nil ;.r"init exelifiiii'iii than any similar event In ihut realm lu it century. Vituperation ami mud Ml'iilus: hm- run-ly Ik-ii In dulgti lu by HpcnkiTb and politician of repute heretofore in England, but tin iniilitiiin.-u i'uiut oi Hih mco vns cant to the winds In the prwent tight Kvtui iih long ago ns the budgrt ticlit in in Ih iim or lonlx. wlilt-li n-aily markel the tN'gluutug of the campaign, nccirfs of hot bended young peer nrintnl MifOiM-iw-i mat vovwd they would tint- their Vciix)tm If molested by the I.lbcrnlLst sympatlilr.ors outidde the pnrllituifiit iioum- a OuiNcrwiiiw mem ber of parliament while making a speech lu llnninicrh-mlth wan bcvklrd by i Itiullcal ti.-iiicr and. pnonpfly Ktepplm: down from the spenkcr's stand, gnvc Ills aunoycr a xoiiud dnibliliiL' The public mcctiii in varloux parts of Uin don, Rlnsgotv and Hlrmlnglinin wen freueutly attended by scene of dlnlcr KIiik Hdwunl hnx counseled moI cratlon on the part of the Conservatives, but his oiinKcl has been of little avail II LOOKS LIKE A LARGE NIGHT T: GOME; Annual High Jinks of Medford Com mercial Club Will Be Held This Evening In the Opera House Splendid Program Arranged. Tho annual high jinkB of the Med ford Commorcinl club will be- held this evening in tho Medford Opera Houso, nnd ovory Iruo booster in the city is expected to attend nnd bring his friends. Thoro will bo music and fun, likowiso plenty to cat. The committee has bcon stirring around and mnking a noise liko getting busy thoy say, ovory thing is ready, so como. Sccrotnry Conrad is most silont in rognrd to tho present roll of mcin bors. Hut bo looks liko a man who has something to spring. So it is boliovod thnt tho club has made good on itB filognn ;000 Tuosdny night. Tlio roll hns gono ovor tho 500 mark and tonight it is to go ovor 000, This makos Iho club tho socotid iu tho stato in, momborship. A member to each 13 residents. If Portland uould equnl this thoy would havo a club with a momborship of noarly 30,000. So como tonight nnd hnvp a good time. FORTIFICATION BILL PASSES THE SENATE WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 25.-- Tho fortifications bill, enrrying ap propriations aggregating $0,000,000, nearly $225,000 less than that of last year, which had already passed tho houso, was passod by tho son- nto today. During tho dobntofl, Sonntor Now- lnuils of Nevada ompliasirod tho ne cessity for tho ndonuato protection of Hawaii in viow of n possiblo con- fliet with Jnpnn. This featuro of tho situntion wna givon considerable nttontiou. Sonntor Nowlnnds said that ho regnrdod tho fortification of Poarl Harbor vastly moro important thnn tho Btrengthoniiig of tho Phil ippines. C. II. Ilondorson loft Monday ovo ning for nn extended visit in Portland. NIGH IRISH HAVE UPPER HAND; MAY SECURE LONG SOUGHT RULE i rniiMmlly Kpml Ilalaueo of 1'owcr (iives Irish Notionalist Un precedented Influence. t nvnnv To., o-. ti... tj-.i I.W..WW.l, ,14.11. Mil, UUI41I IIVU" mond. lender of the Irish National ists, today practically announced that bo will bold tho legislative "bal ance of power" in his own band dur ing tho coming sessions of parlia ment, nnd if he can substantiate his claims Ireland will ret her home rule law after all. The nationalist leader declared to the liberal leaders that ho can "ans wer" for nil but ten of tho 83 pros pective nationalist members. The un usually ovon division of the conser vatives nnd the liberals resulting from the elections now being without doubt, places tho nationalists in an enviable position, and Redmond's as sertion, in the opinion of those con versant with tho situntion, is based almost upon certainty. In viow of tho power which his party will bo able M wield, . Roi' mood's outlino of tho nttitudo it will nssuino in muttors of vital legisla tion is regarded here ns the most im portant statement issued by n party loader during tho enmpoign. Ho is reported to have laid down tho fol lowing program: Tho nationalists will aid tho liber als in passing the budget prepnred by Chancellor Pavii Lloyd-George. Thoy will stand with, the liberals in nn effort to tnko tho veto power from tho houso of lords, ' In rotum for this, thoy will demand that the liberals unite with them to seonro tho passage of tho Irish home rni If tho libornls reciprocnto in tlie homo rulo matter, tho nationalists will reward their faithful allios. If thoy do not, tho nationalists will hampor the govornmont in ovory possiblo way, Publio opinion hns it thnt tho now parliament will not survivo tho home rule fight thnt is impending. It is predicted frcoly that tho "split" will como about tho middlo of noxt sum mor and will rosult in moro parlia mentary elections. Tho program during tho coming sossion is tho subjoot of much dis cussion todny. While nothing defi uito can bo dooidod now, it is bo lioved gonornlly, that tho nttompt to tnko from tho lords thoir veto powor will bo schodulod for consideration boforo tho introduction of Lloyd Ooorgo'a budgot. - GEORGE. IN HOT CAMPAIGN. PRICES begin Ifr COME STRIKE Chicago Makes Progress With Her Boycott of Meat and Eggs School Children Forced to Go to Work to Earn Living. CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 25. Though the vholcsale price of meats hns slumped from 1 pei cent to' 15 per cent on various commodities, the retnllera hero todny say that a re duction of nt least 25 per cent must be made before tho retail prices can bo lowered. Commission men hero maintain that there will not be any reduction in tho price of eggs. Tho attitude of tho retailers and commission men Is regarded as re flecting tho truth of Secretary Wil son's statement yesterday at Wash ington thnt not alone tho big com bines, but tho little potty trusts In ovory city contribute their share In tho effort to keep prices high. The statement of a leading retailor hero Is' recalled tn connection with this. Tho rotallor maintained that he wns selling no near tho margin as possiblo nnd thnt only a big reduc tion In tho wholesale price could per mit him to reduce tho retail prtco. CHICAGO, Jan. 25. With buttor on tho toboggan to greaso tho des cent of pricos of beof, pork, potatoes, wheat and corn, tho wholesale price of eggs was reduced today from 3 to 5 per cent. Tho radtcal reductions In meats and vcgotblos yesterday, combined with a hammering down of stocks of tho packing companies, Is regarded today a3 n first victory for tho boy cotters of high priced foods. While packers here dony the ru mor, It Is known that castorn middle men are making an attompt to hold up tho markot by shutting off tho western moat supply. In sptto of tho rumor It Is pointed out that fowor carloads aro bolng sont from tho local packing houses. To Aid IJoycott. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25 Dele gates to tho annual conforonco ot tho (Continued 'on pass it)" DOWN RESULT I E THIRD OF Several Hundred Refugees Snatched From Death Price of Meat Soars and All Food Commands Prohib itive Prices Country Sections Are Prosfratcd. PARIS, Jan. 25. Surrounded by destruction and ruin, many of them half starving and thousands of others homeless, tho people of Paris today are experiencing a tragic holiday. Despite tho hunger and want that has resulted from tho disastrous floods that aro sweeping in upon tho streets of the city from tho Bwollen Seine, the people appear to be moved more by a strango curiosity than by alarm. ' Tho banks of the turbid river are crowded with thousands of persons who are watching great armies ot workmen work frantically to prevent the formation of some obstructions In the stream that will form a dam and divert tho accumulated water of a thousand lesser streams into the city. PARIS, Jan. 25. Almost ono- third of Franco is under water today, according to reports received from' provincial towns that have not been isolated by the floods. Tho rains that bavo been falling steadily for more than a week-con tinued today, and the Seine, fed by its swollen tributaries, is rising moro than half an inch an hour. Hundreds of men nnd boys are working on the banks and in barges in the river in nn effort to keep tho tons of drift and wreckage from ac cumulating at any point. Should nn obstruction become formed in tho river tho city would bo inundated by the diverted waters. Early today the floods invaded the lower Champs Elysee, where are lo cated mnny of tho hnndsomo homes in France, including that of Premier Faillieres. Throughout that section hundreds of vans nro moving furni ture and other property out of reach of its rapid ndnnce. The Qa .i de Billy and tho Avenue '(Contlnufflon lKf t.V F SENT TOPBOR HOUSE Hugh Cannon, Who Wrote "Bill Bai ley" and Other Popular Songs, Put Out by Booie. DETROIT. Mich.. Jan. 25. A wreck of his termor self, through tho ravages of liquor, Hugh Cannon, pop ular song writer, whoso rag-time mel odies wero whistled and sung throughout tho English speaking world, was sent to the Elotse poor house today. Hugh Cannon, at the age ot 36, wrecked, down and out. His own composition contains the greatest comment on his life, "Aaln't that a shamoT" which ho wrote soveral yoars ago. "Just Because She Mado Thorn Goo Goo Eyes." sung In every thea- tor of tho land, was another of his compositions. Also "Dill Bailey" and a score of othors not so well known. "I stnrted tho booze route when I was 16 years of ago," said Cannon, "I'm 36 now and oxcopt for seven months on tho wagon during which time I got off frequently to pick up tho whip, I've been pickled most of tho time. It was 20 years 20 black, nasty, sick yoars with only a little brightness now and then when I mado good with some song. "I quit tho coke (coo.Ino) easy. Fifteen days In jail cured mo of that. I hit tho plpo In Now York for a. year and Btoppod that, I went up against morphine hard, but quit, But tho boozo, tho red, oily booze, that got me for keeps." FRANCE IS FLOODED COMET DOE WEST OF CITY Large Number of Local People Ob serve Fiery Stranger All North ern California Cities Report Comet Evening Star Is Unusually Bril liant. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 25. Dispatches from the cities in the northern part of, tho state say thai a comflt was clearly visible last eve ning nnd rnsh orders have been senl for telescopes and all sorts of long range glasses. The tail extended upward and was two celestial de grees in length. Astronomers sny thnt it is not Halley's comet, but piobably is "comet A" of 1010. Tho comet was visible ns early as 5:30 o'clock in tho afternoon. Venns it so bright now thnt it was seen clear ly at Rcddinr yesterday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The comet was observed by a large number of local people about 7 o'clock last evening, and was -view ed until 8 o'clock, when it wns ob scured by haze. The comet appear ed duo west from Medford about 15 degrees above the horizon. Among those who clearly observed the comet was William H. Von dor Hellen of Wellon. Mr. Von dor Het len states that from his viewpoint it was most clear and interesting. The comet should be . visible for soveral evenihgs if the sky clears. HAMILTON TO TRY FOR HEIGHT RECORD Will Endeavor to Best Paulhan If Successful, He Will Get a Prize of $1000. SAW DIEGO, Cal., Jan. 25. Charles J. Hamilton announced to day that ho would try this morning to beat tho aeroplane altitude rec ord made by Paulhan at Los Angel es, ft was declared, however, that not until late today would It bo known just what height ho had reached. If successful ho will get a prize of J1000. Thousands of persons who wit nessed Charles J. Hamilton's trium phant return from nn aerial voyage over tLa waters of tho Pacific ocean into Moxico are declaring today that his performance was moro remark able than Bleriot's flight across the. English chnnnol. Hamilton ascended from the grounds of the Coronado Countrv club late yesterday, swung out ovor tho ocean and nt a height of 20O feet pointed his frail craft towavtt tho south, no swung ovor tho Mex ican town of Tia Junha and return ed to his starting point, having cov ered 34 milos in 40 minutes. Not content with this feat, the aviator Inst night aseonded in tho-scmi-darknes3 nnd wheeled about Coronnda for ton minutes, nlmost in visible, tho whir of his motor mark ing tho courso of his owl-like flight. ARTICLES FILED FOR MEDFORD ORCHARD CO. Articles of incorporation hnvo been filed with tho county clerk for tho Medford Orchard company. Tho object of tho incorjM)iration is to purchase, hold, mortgago and convey roal proporty in any s.tnto and to carry on a genoral fruitgrow ing nnd farming business. Tho incorporators of record are Emil Cordis, O. C, Roggs and Glenn Fnbriok, and tho capitalization of tho company is placed nt $10,000. Tho Medford high school basket ball toam this evening takes its first trip, going to Jnoksouvillo to play Jacksonville. n