TJ:fI3 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. QftEfJON. MONDAY, J AN CIA RY. 24, 1910. L Will imily who I'miml iiIiIIiI'h vtitl limllmr ln'lt on N. Itiutloll Htiout plmiko luuvti milt nt) with ml. iniiti at lliii ui.fimu N (I itm I prori'HH in lining nimlo on Mm cli'otrio liuht lino on W'ont Juol; ftoii Nlmot. W. CI, KmitliHoii of Clohl Hill wan a romuit viHitor in Morffonl. Tin ChiiHtian cliiiicli will Iii'kIii a revival iiimtliiitf (ho Hint Kiiinlay in Ktthniary. Watch lor I'lirthor an- IIOItllCKItlUlltH, .John II. I'orlorfiohl of flrantH I'm In Hi(iitlltiK a i'uw ilayH in .Mol lonl on liiiHimmM. I. it. BiMitt of Kah) I'cilnl in Hpuml iiiK a taw dayn in I'ortlainl, panning IhroiiKh Mmlfonl .Stimlay. C. W W'ilnioroth of Loh AiioIum Iibh limin loohin over llut valloy for twernl da.VH with a viuw ol' invimt ii X Ili in iiHKocinlcil with .Mound. Sti-k ami Nooly of tfpokauo. Geo. W. Trofroii of AHhland uiih at .laeknouvillo oMuday on himineHH before tho circuit court. Ahbut thirty of the friundH of Mr. and Mm. W. It. Bullock who were married Sunday hint evening chivnr- ted them at their homo near tho nortl Mihool, Mr. Hullock invited them in hut hiri coucilntory action canned thorn to dinwrHo. W. H. Shnnaan, tho ClrantH Push promoter, wa in Medford Sunday n llllrtillCHH. Deputy Sheriff Ulrich waH at Woodvilln Monday on official husi neHi. Fred WillianiH of GrantH Piihh whh in Afcdford over Sunday. K. I). HrigjrH of AHhland wn in thin city Monday on profcsBlnnal llUHillQHH, Alhert Walker of Illy, Klamnth county, !h in tho valloy attending to Imimiickn mnttem. A, C. Martin of Kaglo Point whh a Medford victor Mondav Dr. F. K. Page loft Sunday even ing for Portland to attend the auto tdiow thin week. Mr. and Mrn. Kdgar S. Hafor re turned Saturday ovoning from a viHit to Mr. Ilnfer'H old homo at Council Itluffri, Iowa. P. I. Van Order of tho C Ilnfei I.umher company of Council HlutH, Iowa, arrived hero Saturday cvcniii'.' the guent of Mr. and Mm. Kd';.ir Il.if er. S. 1 1. Conrad of Glenn, Michigan, ! here on u visit to his Hon. Hal f inl r , 1 t rail, Hncrnlary of I ho Mod fit i (,m niiri'ial Chili. "I inn iv'nfr to hold my i'nllior," will Mr, O.xhihI. 'and I liollovo that when ho hook tho 1:0111 inoivinl chih iimoliiiK tomorrow nihl ho will tin I'oiiMirti.'d into a it)w-U:i' for Mn'lod and Hotilhorn Orotfii'. Mr. CI 11 1 It of AmIiIiiiiiI, oil' il tho proniiiiool aruhitoitH of i'i t ni wim In jVicilford on profoHHio Imi itiuM , V. I. CJonld Iiiih dimpoHiid of hift lot on tho Hoiilli Hido of W'iihI Jnuk- Non Htn.'cl. Win. Martin of Martin IlroH,, the farmorw and hIocIuihmi of HimikIo, In i;njoyiii(,' IiIh ton dayn vaaction oily ai'iMiMloiniiiK liiniMulf to city lifo laiforo altaoliini; Central l'oint. Mrn, Mury .Millitfnii who Iiiih no. I'i'plcil a poHiliiWi an iiiuiiiilmt of thu flroin Slock and Dairy ranch of Imr Hon-in-law, Mr, Uownoy, i! milim north of Central l'oint, tarried In the city Saturday and Sunday, kuchI of hor liiiiL'hlur, Mih, Uownoy of North Front Ktroot. O. H. Corey lias Hold Inn handMomc ( property on KiihI JackHon and Iiiih hought the HoImhoii rcHideacc on tho corner of Hartletl and JaokHou Htreets. T. K. N'ilfK and W. II. Ilnriooii of AhIiIhiiiI wero in Medford Sunday. Mr. and Jfr. J. Stillman VihiH loft 1 jMondav tnorninjc for I.oh AngclcH. It. W, Northup loft Monday morn in fr Pagndoim on a viwit to hor mother. xr UM.ii. n xr:.. v n ! ..! ititItr A. K. Wolvrloi.. Mr. While han jtiHt aliout made up hio mind to pur chase land in tho vicinity of Modford and hecouio a pennanont reHident. Fred Poninger of Central Point wn in Medford on humncHH Monday. Harry HcIhih has rceeived a let tor from Ed King whit with Mack Adams left some weekH ago for Pan ama. Tho lettor wbh mailed at San Joho, Gautamala, at which imint the two adveuturom were to take a trip inland. The lioyn had enjoyed good helnth during the whole trip and tho only kick (hoy had coming was that they were not allowed to land at ev ery ort. I'd wan putting in hid npare timo mitring a no re arm from vaccination while "Slim" rented up for future hnrdships in his hunk. Itichard Venter of Chicago in horc to clone up a deal for the F.rdtnnn tract on Went oFurth street. Mr. Ver ner expcetH to erect several dwelling on the tract early in the spring and to make other improvements. Itohert H. Dow of Jacksonville wns rerjlutered at the Nnnh Friday evening. New Type, New Furniture, 4 I 8tvn flute of Lt, I.lvp npftliilrM (If ynu wMi to lie In Kot fii'i It !: VlJp how iiniiiy IIIkIiIhV" Only one night of m-von nvih. 1 will iIi'kitIIii' IIiciii, , I'lrM Hii-p. Km whom, ijiiih. coin, friillx. hoof, nitiiton, pnilnly cookcil, In nioilcrnto ipiaailly unci hut iwo iiicnln n diiy, HiM'oinl Hlop.-llromhe kooi nlr ilny mill nlKlit. Tlilnl Hli'p.- Kxorolno freely In the opon iilr, fourth Hirp.-Jtetlrr onrly nnil r1no curly, Klflh Htcp.-Woar flniincl noxt yoni Hi! In every ilny of the year find ho iIIm mw your (Iron Hint yonr IImiI-m rimy he kept wnrm. Hnilic freipii'titly. Hlxth Ktep.-I.lve in tin Hinmhliio. Let your lietlrooni he one which n ooIvoh n Howl of light mill Mpenil your ilnyn either out In the hiimIIkIii or In n room which Im well lighted. Kevenili Hlep -Ciillhiite 11 cheerful lempcr. Hii'li the miclety of Jolly peo ple, AhHolutely rt-fiiMc to worry nnit. nhove nil, don't he nfmlil 10 laugh Live nhove. HIcVik-hh cannot ennvl t) there. DIhchm- prowls nlxait In th liiiMt-int-iit, Itarely docH It get uiixtntra f)r. I'. (I. Mutter In Chk-iiKo Journal. Tin Shade Ho Wanted. Dchicnilx, tin paltiter. wuh wnlklng out one ilny In Purl with n frlcuU of hln when lie fell Into u hrowu Htuily. "What U up with you now'" wild the friend, "I can't get a certain nhndc of yel low," replied the artist. "What wirt of yellow V Just then u cub drove piiNU The very thing!" the painter Ranped out. "Htop. mop!" "I am engiiKcd.M the cubby replied without Htopplng. Delacroix uirtcd lo iumult and at a steep place iu the Hue den Martyrs overtook the cab. Opening the door, be wild In toticH of entrruty to the pa seuger liinldo: "Do pi en no tell yonr driver to otop. I want your complexion for a palutlng ou which I am ut work. There la a color merchant cloa ut hand, i shall uot dctulu you ahorp live tuloutn. and In acknowledgment of the service you render me I will preaeut you with a ikotcii of tuy picture." The bargain won struck. ielacrolz cut Ilia yellow, and a few mouths later the "fare" received a sketch of hla "Aajuiaaluatiou of tbe ArcbUlsbop of UeBu." Uetf Possessed. Mrs. MnnyklitH-Tbere Is one thing ahout our girl tbry nre always aelf poHnomu-d. I'm pa Munykldx (grimly) Yen. they're too wlf KKietued. 1 wish they'd get sonic one else to possess I lie 111. Lint's Advice, rtelng nki-d one day what one should do iu order lo Im-couic an etUclent piano , pluyer. Uszt n-pllitl laconically. "One must eat well 11 nil walk luucb." 1000 THROWN AWAY Old type and equipment exceeding m cost $1000 from the Medford Mail and Southern Oregonian job offices has been dumped and replaced by Dust proof racks, modern fixtures and series of the latest type faces, individual motors, the best craftsmen, enable us to, do printing quicker, better and more satisfactory than ever. We are ten times better fixed to do good work than ever bef ore no longer handicapped by old materials and inadequate equipment or the unavoidable delays due to moving., The largest stock of bonds in the city to select from. Estimates cheerfully furnished. MEDFORD PRINTING COMP'Y Printers and Publishers t BUSINESS LOCALS : Wear Kidd'H SIiocb. Hulck la tho king of tho auto world. Who douHii't High for a Hulck? Wear Kidd's Bhocfl. Wear Kidd'H Bhoon. For wood of all kinds, ro tho H'ltiaro Dual Woodyard. Phono 2(50 1. Kit- street, hiitween Second mud Third streotH. Gould & Mndloy. Iiroprlotom. 20 ! No one knowH how long a Duick will lnHt, for no IJuick Iiiih ever wont out. The flint ones are Htill run ning. . 28 Wear Kidd'a Shoes. Phono 781 for It. A. Uolmofl. tho irfBurnnco man. 203 What in lifo without n IJuick T 280 It costs no moro to insure in one of tho hig companies than n small one. Lot Holmes, tho insurance man, toll you about it. Phono 781. 203 For good insuranco sco Holmes, tho insuranco man. 2GG3 Singer sowing machine for rent. 125 South Oakdalc. Phono 1342. 261 FOFt SADK Residence property, clone in. Sco ownor and savo com mission. 228 South Ivy St. 2C9 FOR SALE Somo good pieces of fruit land for sale cheap. Address S, caro of this office. 2C2 Big and Little We hung the thieves and take our buis iff ii tin- lU thieve. Or 11 mn l'rm-.-rli HENEY HEARS END. (Continued from pce 1.) this" knowledge ho favored tho Mays Jones creation of the Dlue Mountain reserve. Question Tils Actions. This In addition to other evidence which Is expected to bring tho actions of Hermann still closer to tho Dlue Mountain roseive, will close tho gov ernment's case and open the way for tho dofense. It is believed that Mr. Heney will bo able to close tho prose cution's vldcnco tomorrow, perhaps by noon. If that should prove true the court will rest for half a day In order that tho dofanso may shape up Its evidence for presentation and map out Its case. I RECALL OUT FOR SNELL. (Continued from piK 1.) various unworthy motives, I Meanwhile tho real friends of Snell 'and of IJRgloHton deprecnto the wild talk of tho calamity howlers. Doth ' men am ahovo suspicion and the un ' fortunate situation Is moroly tho re 'Hull of the prononoss of human nature J to criticise mon In authority. I A recall election would undoubt ' odly fall of Its purpose, and an In vestigation of tho city's books would probably dlscloso nothing more se rious than clerical offers and possi bly a few errors of JudBmont on the part of tho light plant committee This, at any rate, Is tho opinion of the thinking public. Dut because1 of tho clamor that has tVIson many think that. In Justice to both partk-s, tho bookH should be exported and a complete statement of tho lighting plant account bo made public, and fr"om present Indications It Is mrre than probable that the taxpayers will bo called upen to pay an "export" to toll us "that which we already know." ! Medford, Oregon: This certifies Lthnt jve have sold Hnll's Tern Won der for tlu cure of nil kidncv. biad- der nnd rhenmntic troubles for ten 1 years, and have never had a com-' plaint. It gives quick and pormnncnt ' relief. Sixty days' treatment in each hott'e. Medforrl Phnrmocv TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ! WANTED A good, responsible so licitor, $20 per week guaranteed; only a No. 1 man need apply. Ad dress S, care of this office. FOR RENT And furniture for sale, 8-room house, No. 3 Fourth, corner Front. 362 FOR SALE Or trade, A 3 1-4 horse power Indian motorcycle. See or write C. C. Pierce. Medford. 2C9 FOR SALE Four acres inside city limits, with 850 feet front on S. P. railroad right of way, half acre fruit in bearing, small house, barn; price (2500, terms. How's this for an In vestment? C. H. Pierce & Son, Med-' ford, Oregon. 269. I FOR SALE Two corner lots, good 6-room bouse and barn, near cor ner 11th and Fir streets. This Is a good buy. Price $2550. C. H. Pierce & Son. 269 FOR SALE A fine home and Invest mcat on North Central avenue, fronts 264 feet on Central avenue, is near! '00 feet In depth; 6-room house ana barn; price only $4000. Look this up. C. H. Plerco & Son. 26 FOR SALE Good lot of second hand lumber. C. H. Plerco & Son. 260 New Eq 38 South Central f fKf $ ftnP fPnf for 5 continuous noni wnen W. E. Stacey, Agt. Medford. ore. BOX THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers an especially good foothill orchard for a low price and on good terms. In these days of advancing prices, it will pay to look into this. It pays to deal with the "Man Who Knows. " Whea the Rogue River Land Company sold the Tronson & Guthrie orchard at Eagle Point to the prize winning owners, four years ago, the salesman, W. M. Holmes, assured the purchasers those Spitzenbergtrecs would produce the world's best apples, and subsequent events T" I'ni'n tlin cnntiflnnpn Viia inmAn. T J.1. Did it ever occur to you that won out in the Rogue River Valley, bought their win ning orchaids through the Rogue River Land Com pany? W. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service for a good buy. ( DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLY AND WITH COMPORT FOUND At THE FAItLOW & DOWNING, PROPRIETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES rHONE 2431 8. GRAPE STREET ON- uipment " X , Ave. Think of it! In addition (0 tho urlghtost, pur est and safest llrjht that human brain has ovsr devised, the ALADDIN Lamp has a feature of still more vital Importance. It saves oil. In splto of the fact that it gives a better light, It burns only one-third as much oil as any oil lamp manufactured of similar size. That means iha ttho ALADDIN really costs you nothing, for in a short time you have saved its cost then goes on saving money In oil as long as you burn it and with ordinary caro it lasts a nieiime. A lamp is a real necessity. You must have Unfit to Wirk bv Unfit to nlnv hv. nnn't vnn I owe It to yourself to have the best and brightest 11 oners you me means of saving? 826. most of the men who have 1 TO YOU ARE AJVW.l'S TO IK? '' . .4, 1 i A,- t