D THE MKDFOUD MAIL TiUUUNJii, AlEDlfQBD, OU1SCIQX, MONDAY, JAN I' A 11 V, 21, 1910. V, Medford MailTribune ' PUHM8UKD DAILY EXCKPT SATUKDAY. A consolidation of the Medford Matt. established 1889: the Southern Oregon ntnbllnhU 1902; the Democratic Tlmc, established 1S7I; tho Aahlnml Trill ium, tutiihllghcd U96, and the Medford Tribune, established 1806. ftVml l'n " 'it i MtMli.-t vQEOHOk PUTKAM7 kilitorTnd Manner. V fcnterwl ha second class matter November 1. 1909.. nt the Voi.toffice at .Tlfnrd. Oregon, under tho act of March S. 1879. GRANDPA UO UTOR OF J01TN A. LOGAN. who is to vrcr wealthy tjelcuan. Jn year, by matt. SUBSCRIPTI ON' HATES: .jj.OO One month by matt or carrier... ! 50 GOOD ROAD SAMPLE DEEDED. r l Some thirteen mouths ago the first street paving was constructed in Mqdford. As a result, t(n miles of addi- timinrstreet paving aVfc Itlready petitibned for this year fnnd the close of tho year will see thirteen miles of paved ; thoroughfares and Medford the host paved city in the ? northwest. It only needed a demonstration of the advantages of .K paving to make everyone want it. It only needs a demon stration of the advantages of good roads to make everyone want tliem. The methods of building roads in Jackson county are wrong. It has been thoroughly demonstrated that gravel is almost worthless in comparison with crushed rock. The ' $79,000 spent last year upon the roads has not brought) $79,000 worth of results, and the highways will never be satisfactorily constructed until modem methods are . adopted. One mile of good road will have the same effect upon , . the county that one paved street has had upon Medford, ! and it would not be long until every section was clamor ing,for,it. : ADVANTAGES OF IRRIGATION. hi nn in niTTi r in mam da r n it air IS PLAN Few realize the immense advantages that will accrue to the valley by the construction of an up-to-date irrigation 'system, such as that projected by Engineer Cummins and associates and already under way. Irrigation will bring into cultivation many thousands 'of acres now barrel and bring into the valley thousands of homeseekers. There is no land that with water cannot be made to produce some kind of a profitable crop. The average farmer p Oregon has never appreciated the value of irrigation as a crop insurer. It may not be needed all veal's, but it always assures a good crop in what otherwise might be off years because unusually dry. Foothill lands are made by water more valuable than valley bottom land because freer from frost. Eventually! in the progress of the valley every acre will be in 'demand) and under cultivation, hence next to the Pacific & Eastern, i the irrigation project means more for the Rogue River valley than any scheme yet under way. A wvddltti: NtMiu tn tnko place tvtilrh U or uiim-si Uuli in .iim nt of society L that of Ml Marti Lou so Locnn of NVw York n Henri tic Shu'iiy of Brunei. HetRlnni TheenjraBermMjt vn ns-.-nilx imioiiti til li .Mr. Killtti Andrews Lojpm. the yonntr woman's tnoilicr l.nmin N m yriii'dititimtiixr of Oenpml John A. Locnn of clrll war fnnii': her TiiIht. .IoIiii - mii. In. lost hts life In the Philippine. Mr deSlm-tiv W tin- tiii of ijitwtim ! ln m, a vrpalthy tine mlti owner In Deletion Yihhii: !' Si i n mjn. in iiu uiti try tn study th zinc lndniry unit spnt n pari f !. nit'i'inT i V hikim Whll thv bi mo' Mis I. "inn nnd foil In l-vi EAGLE POUT EAGLETS By A. C. Howletr TELEPHONE BUILDING frte.oCntract for the Construction of "" the Home Telephone' Building to Be Let This Week. PACKERS HOLD STOCK. (Continued from pace 1.) E. C. Sharps of the Home Tele phone company, returned from a Irip to San Francisco Sunday ac eompanied by Mrs. Sharpe. The bids for tho contract for the rCm ttruction of tho buildin." for the J Home Telephone company are all in and the contract will be awarded this week. The building is to be located on tho north side of Sixth street between Grape and Holly on what is known as the Soliss property and will bo 25x 80 feet and two stories high. "Orders havo been placed," said Mr. Sharpe, "with the Dean Electric company of Elrayra, Ohio, for tho telephone equipment, and with the John A. Longan & Sons' company of Trenton, N. J., for tho cable, and tho delivery of the equipment will bo rush ed. Tho contract for tho construc tion will bo let this week and work will bo comonced at once. If the contract is awarded Wcdnesdny for for instance tho work will bo in fuil awing by Monday following. Wo wish to hurry this matter and tn. the advantage of all tho eood weath er possible, so that whou our equip ment begins to arrive wo can houfc it. 'Ordot-H for poles will be plueed within tho next few days." WATERWAYS REPORT FILED (Continued from page 1.) prices Is tho opinion today of Pat rick Cudahy, president of tho Cuda hy Brothers Company, packers. Cud-i ahy declared,. however, that thcprlce of livestock must be lowered before that of meat as the dealer must have a margin of profit. "It Is the farmer who will suffer," continued Cudahy. The lack of reliable statistics on wator transportation and a condition of government reports termed cha otlo aro condemned and It Is recom mended that a uniform method of collecting statistics bo enforced. The construction of a canal Is not en couraged because of the oxpeneo of acquiring lands and the Immense cost of construction and tho commission recommends that natural waterways be used wherever available. "Etravagance" Says Ripley. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Jan. 24. "General increases In wages and a rapid Incrcaso of money In circula tion aro among tho causes of high prices" declared E. P. Ripley, presi dent of tho Santa Fe railroad system, who Is here today for a winter vaca tion. "But exeravaganco Is the para mount cause," continued Ripley. "Most housewives, whoso husbands earn good wages, will pay three times) as much for goods In fancy packages i than for tho goods without frills," Thoso who heard Ripley's remakrs recalled a recent cartoon headed "A , foolish question brings a foolish an swer," Tho picture showed a row of corpulent gentlemen each tafgod with a label of a food monopoly and each answering "why tho present high ' prices?" with a polntlnf of fat thumbs at tho humble consumer and tho ro- ply "he cats too much." J,OS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 24. A comprehensive Inquiry among the res taurant men In Los Angeles today es-; tahllsbed the fact that there haB been a great falllntr off In tho nnln of meats In tho majority of tho cafes and restaurants within the last four days. "Although wo have Increased our prices somewhat during tho past few months, no changes have been adopt ed in tho last week," ho said. "It is not tho fow extra cents to which my customers object as much as be ing held up by tho moat trust." All arrangements for tho mass meeting Wednesday evening, which haB been called by tho central labor council to protest against tho high prlco of foodstuffs, havo been com pleted. It Is believed that a large vote to abstain from meat for at least 30 days will be polled. Kllllam Bilier and W. H. Wall, one of the new arrival irom tho east, called nt tho Sunnysldo for din ner last Thursday. Thoy came out on the P. & E., stopped off nt the Butte creek bridge went down the creek to look at a tract of land .Mr. Miller had bought of Lonnle Duggan. and after tramping through sticky for a half a dozen miles, tried to do Justice to dinner, nfter which they took a tramp up the hill to Eagle Heights to look at what U known as Ibe Stoddard tract. Mr. Wall seem ed to be very favorably Impressed with this part of the country and talked as though ho would buy prop erty hero. Mr. McCray, chief onglneor of tho Fish Lake Dkch company, and Mr. J, L. Sbaska .collet' here for dinner last Thursday on their way up to the Fish Lake ditch. Mr. Shaska said that he was to have u gang of men go, to work and cloan out and onlarge tho ditch sc as to carry wa ter enough to supply the demand. Mr. McCray tells mo thnt ho has tho reservoir at Fish' lake arranged so as to bold a vast amount of water as a reserve and yet tho dam is per-' fectly safe. Rev. Stayton, the Sunday school missionary for the Baptist church, j Rev. McKee, the Blblo colporter for tho Baptist Bible society, and Rov. I La Mar, the pastor of the Baptist church, at Eagle Point and Talent, ' were hero last Thursday and Rov. Stayton gavo a very Interesting talk to tho school children In the after noon aftor school and at night gavov a talk to the adults on the subject of Sunday schools. - Mrs. Martha Brown and her daugh-torln-lnw, Mrs. Geortgo B. Brown, woro pleasant guests at the Sunny side Inst Thursday night. Mrs. Brown and lira. Howlett havo been old tjme friends for over 40 years, and It seem i od like old times aif.i't tc have them together talking over the changeH that havo taken place since thoy first they became acquainted In 18fi4 when we wore ail young. They had been to Medford to havo sonio dentnl work done and ruturned as far ns Eagle Point on tho P. & E.. Ira Tungntc, formerly one of tho forest rangors, but now a plain citi zen of Medford, stayed with us Inst Thursday night, his health, though not good, Is Improving, nnd ho thought host on account of tho ex posure to which tho rangers aro sub jected that he had better resign his position. S. H. Harnlsh had tho mlsfortuno to have one of his horses run n 20 penny sptko nail Into his foot about an Inch and a half that Is causing tho ( animal a great deal of pain, and fears aro entertalnod that ho may havo nn attack of tetanus. Ho Is ono of his driving horses, nnd tho loss of such an animal would bo Quito sovero on Mr. Harnlsh. Last Thursday the two Misses Ewen went to Jacksonville to tnko tho necessary stops to try to got pos session of tholr part of tho farm that bolongcd to their fnthor, who died . sovoral years ago without a moment's warning, and It is claimed that thoro was some Irregularity In tho settle ment of tho estato, ' Mrs. S, B. Holmes went to Med ford last Thursday. i I'tvucli War Offliv HellowU to lt i I Hack of Sclicme, Tliougli It I U OMftihlbly Private Pnitli'x. PARIS, Jan. 24 Aeroplane and dir. iKtl'l. urm.M, no fur tin Ik pokkIIiKv 1Mu tlu flKlitlnif Mhtpfl of (Do wntiT. will MKik' In ti mIiuiii ucr lu I Imltlo nutr Paris next Soitiiulior. iiri'oritliur to nn annoinu'cini'iit hur toilny. Wiillo private ntrirlm wim mip ponoit to tio behind tho plnh fr th vx hltilllon when It first wnn hiikk'-Mc'I a vok hko, It Is tiollrvoit today thnt tho l'rt'iioh wnr office Is provtitlnc no snmtl proportion of tlu n?otitrtry fuiuls Mlti Istor of Wnr Hrun In known to bollrvo Hint Uu ttlrlKlhtii hns nmohott tli limit of Its Oevi'lopmciU, iuil tin hits lottir boon In ftivor of nctnnt tests Unit will provo or disprove tils contention. DIHkIMou unit iioroplnnoM wilt 1 used Jn tho Imttli'. Moth will onrry imuil. ' tlons of vtr nnd will he dlrootud from flnRstilps, I'nrinun, Ulcrlot nnd Antol- 1 nette aeroplanes nlso wilt be pressed Into service. I.nthnin Is snld to !' umkliiK sit rut trlnts with n now Autol. j liotlo machine which he will direct In the oiiKitKcment. j The field for the tmttlo bus not yet been selected. It Is thouicht, however, tnt either Juvlasy or'llhelms will be. the choice. I GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice Is heroby given thnt tho un dersigned, guardian of tho person nnd estate of Lloyd Elwood, a minor, by virtue of nn order of tho county court of Jackson county, Oregon, duly nnd regularly given and mado and entered of record on tho 29th dny I of December, 1909, nnd nn order of i said court supplemental thereto duly I mado nnd recorded on tho 13th dny of January, 1910, will on or after tho 21st day of February, 1910, of-! j for for salo and sell nt private wile. to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, j tho following described real proper ' ty, belonging to snld minor, to-wltr Lot numbered nine (9) lu block number ono (I) of Whitman Park, In Jackson county, state of Oregon. Dated this the IGth day of Jnnu ary, 1910. ' E. D. ELWOOD. Guardian of tho Person nnd Estate of Lloyd Elwood, a Minor. W. E. PHIPPS, Attorney Dnto of first publication January 10, 1910. C A and see us in our New Quarters, 108 W- Main St., next door to York & Co. Realty Office. 2Rex Market Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3071 REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences . City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Bullciln u --- - - - --- Some Snaps in Shoes This Week at Van Dyke's Lelt Over From Our Shoe Sale Broken Sizes ! 2 TT1 1 T-t rml r m-w . . $ m neavy ana uine snoes- women's men's and Childrens' THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD, THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD, WHEN YOU WANT TO GO. CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY R. O. DUNCAN, Proprietor. Lot 1 The Lots of $1.98 and $2.98 Ladies' Shoes This Week at pr $1.75 RESOLVED The bent resolution for vou t iruiko in to come to iia for your uoxt Huit, if you wnnt something nut of the ordinary, We An tho lH8t work and oliurce the lowest prioes. W. W. EIFERT Tim PKOQRbBSIVB TAILOR 1 I Cit O The Childrens' $1.48 Lot of 1 AO 1 Dress Shoes at the same price V I a TL The Hen's and Boys' $2.48 Lot tO 1 C iai xj Special this week at per pair . . M J New Shipments We are showing' Spring' Styles in Fine Shoes for Women (JD. Men Shipment Just Arrived vSome Special Prices on Sweaters for Women & Girls in Red White