Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 24, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    I (J
a f
o e
Kvldcntl.v there will he few people
III tllCHC Highly Intelligent CllllHllllll
bodlcn i !((! hi IimUi, ik our lore-
four HiiotcitNivtf Kuinhiy uftcriiDoiiM In fntherM did. Ilnil HiIh clement of faith
tlic large! Auditorium of Hrwtcljn. , i'?'"""' " wilvuilmi. lew ol im
niniiii niiiir nun uimiiri jiiihi i.iiivoi
till great lirullltcut lit llHH creed, (lull
Sermon by
Pallor Brooklyn
Itrooklyu, ,, v January III, -Today
began a aerlc or Clirlritliui Mux Meet
ing, wiikii mi in continue during
MotlmillHt hrclliren in milixliintlitte
their doctrine of I'H"' irne Ih-hiiium in
tin- Mllleiinliil Kin .ilniii. A- f r in-
1HIIIIM'', till' Millie, Mftl'l ll'Hl J UK ii
till1 'llllll'll"l H III" (lllllMI lIP
explained id I In' l.i'i.l inn) hIIit ti' i
iiiiirrhme or iinii'ii v 11 Mm hi Hi"
Hernial (.'niiiliiii. mk 'iih' i'.i III-, mi"
l.nmhV Wife." H'IIh Him iii"ii 'I'll'
Hpli-li mill Hi" Hi id" -null ('mi"
iinil wIiiimim'ii'i will urns wine mill I ill'-'
of I III Will
sxll, ITi,
(WANTS I 'ASH, .Inn. ii-l.- -Tlio
Hebcknh iliHtrict convention held nt
(In- J. 0. o, K. Inill in thin oily nnl
WIIM 1)110 of till) IIHIHl HHCCCHftll .'I
well iih moHt thoroughly enjoyable
nITiiiiH which Iiiih occurred in lotlgo
circle for- some limn. Tlio lodge.
room lnnl been ileuorted" in honor of
"f'i ly" (ll.'v..inii..ii ,,iM 0V,.,i nnil presented nn iittrnet-
. : - t .1.-
fnlli'il iIIhiImMi.iihU' i. i ,vu iIM'' '- " "I"-"
! All. vert, wi
keep tin Apoxili'V i'iiiiiiiihikI, "Hunt' ' iiiemborH mid vinitorH for the nftcr
I lo xliow ihyclf approved unto (Sod. n 00 nCHHl)lu
wnriiiuiin ilnil in'fiii'in inn io ii"
inhumed, rightly dlvldlim Hi" word oi i
Dologntoti from nevornl othor town
LONDON, .Inn. '2I.-Ldy Con
Htiincc Stewart Wichnrdson, wlumo
barefoot ilance Iiiik drawn thoiiHiindn
to a local inuuic hull during the hint
week, never again may bunk in tho
r.tliiincc of the royal tircHeiiee, Al
though hIic Iiiih been a favorite' of
King Edward, nh! ha been
mnndud never to ftppenr before him .
again bccnufio fdio porsiHted in ap
pearing in diaphcnoiis drapery for
her $1,000 n week.
When the royal edict wn deliver
ed to the tilled exponent of the bare
lix Case of vSicRness
IMl O N E 3 0 4 1
Neur Pout Olfice All Night Servirt Free Dolivety
Tniili1' (II Tlmoiliy II. I.'o. Wi talii'ii , in HiIh iliHtrict were present, inclnd-1 foot terpifichorcnn art ho collnpHed.
io Unix dl villi tin- 'i'ruili mid lit inn" in,r prert,cni f the Kebekah as- j Later she even attempted to cancel
tt. (Mirlloi, ..ppllnil.l.' now mii.I ' . . (.,: Ill,bnrd of Indenend-1"0'' contract with the music hall, it
oiIht p-irilou iipplli'iibl.' diirliiu' it." "t'HiWi. Mirno nuiilinnl or jmiepend - rcr)0rte(l but was informed that
Mlllciinliiui. Tlninlc (Joii. ! ni' ti"! once, Kroin Gold Hill there were ninol . '..' tt , , ,n ,;f,
tin Acmlt'iuy n( MiikIc. uiiiIit Hit; him
yi't loo old lo li'iiiu. ' Hiiri'lc linn
l.i-i'ii iliiirniiu'lily Kli'keui'd liy mir ml-
pirn, of TcH.p.o'H fulplt ANInHoa."! 7 reilcZ 2' ' l",rr'r,'"u,,"H J'f ,!":', '
rim inni.. t,,r ii... .)...- reiiow-uiirmiiuiK rejitiin iiiim aw , , ,. , nind" iioiimcii of both ,i in ii-.
I . . , , , , i Muo M"0Ul" b" buruwl ,U ,"u ! trln-H-Ulnctlon and Krc (inu-.-i.n.l
II Lonffnwtumalt,!, I'rabytery llro,lt.r Calvin di-vK n r.-npt W(,m. ,,, ,ll(I d.-fninrd anil rllltlrd
luiu Hint .lcAix muf urremlrr in
the Mtratt a Vhuich t'tilcrallon."
1'ititlor C. T Kuiwull of llrooklyu
Tnbcriinclu ih-llverwl tlio nddreiis. The
RpnclmiK mid olCK'tint Atidltorluiu wnn
crowdttl no Unit an overlluw luvetiiitf
with iiuothiT npl'iikfr wan defiuwl ud
Vlmtblo. Uu lliu (ilutform behind the
npi'nker were ncvfrnl hundred men, lu
cludlnu n tiuiiili.T of ml nut cm. Tbi
iiuUli'iico un a whole wna a very lu
tulllueut olio. The llonurnblo J. F.
Uuttit'rford. Atturuejr-nt.ljuw, Intro
duceil I'HHior ltuiull, who nnld:-
1 Itiko for my text the Word of the
Lord through (he 1'rophut. "Hy ye
not, A Confederacy, to all theui to
whom thin mhii ilmtl nay, A Uon
federnoy; neither fear yo 'their fenr.
nor be afraid" (lnluh ritl, l'.'i.
The deidrtiblciifftA of oiirtirm In the
Church of Chrlnt U beyond dUpute.
The linpntprlcly of mturliiulum or dl
vIhIoii In now Kenernlly concrtkil, ul
thotiKh twenty yours a:o ninny de
fended the dlvldnl condltlnti of the
Church n beliiK helpful. They point
ed lo our lAinl'M words, I un the Vine
nml ye ure the hrniiehen; every branch
In me thut lienreth not fruit my I'n
ther, the Ilmdmuiliiiuii. 'laketh uwy
And every brunch that beareth .fruit
he pruiicth. that It muy bniiK forth
more fruit (Jo'hn xv, lni. They claim
ed that the denoiulnatloim were the
to llrother HervetUM, No, thank Uod.'
We hitve outcrown noine of the uur
rownemi which no terribly fetinrrd
lome of our href hern during the dark
Few any loiiKer believe that there
are "Infaulf In hell not a ttpan lone"
becaimo uoii-eleet. Even where the
doctrine of Election In ntlll blindly
held. fow huve the temerity to state
their belief that any Innocent Infant
wan predominated to cvcrlnritlus; tor
ture. Hut llrother Calvln'H conten
tion exprcuHcd lu the WentmliiMter
CoiifeMlou Im Hint there nrvuo innocent
InfMUU-thiil Jlie coudemiiutlnu of
Orlxlnul Kin wan to eternal torture aad
thut Adam' children, "born lu uln and
lm pen lu Iniquity." were therefore not
Innocent, but uullty born under the
sentence of eternal torment and nl
vable from It only through membership
In the Church of Chrlt. Indeed we
may nay that thin theory' wa.i ntlll
older than Calvin, for did not Ht. Au
KUHtlne llmt declare the dauber or lu
faniH to Oiernul torture and the neces
sity of their belnif broiiuht Into the
Church of Christ by baptism In order
to escape eternal torture? And Is not
the force of this teachlui; still manifest
' amotiRst both I'rotestants mid Catho
: lies, as prldeucetl by ihelr fear to
' have an Infant die unbaptlzed'-so that
, some. In extreme cases, even (iractlre
branches. The evident tenchln of i
the Master here U that his people are 1
related to him In au Individual setme
and not iih parties, sects or deuomlua-
lions, and that they arc dealt with
from the Individual standpoint nn one
Church nml not many,
Ht, Paul enunciated the same groat
truth (I Corinthians xll. ini. declaring
that lln- l.oid .Ichih Is the Head of the
Church, which Is his llody. and that
as the human body has many mem
bers under the full control of the head,
except when dlscuwd. so the Church,
an members In purilctitar of the Hody
of ChrlNt, uro all to bo subject to the
Lord as their Head. They are all to
be so connoted with their Head, and
thus with each oilier. Unit when one
suffers, all suffer with It. and when
emu rcjolet. all rejoice with It. be
cause they all have fellowship In the
one spirit of the Head. Uetue the
eye cannot say to the bund, uor the
hand to the foot. I have no need or
you, for every member Is necessary to
the prosperity of the Hody as n whole.
And as the Joint supports and strength
ens the limb and Is Joined thereto
by sinews, etc., so Individually God's
people are united to each other In
the bonds of grace and truth and love
It intiHi be conceited Unit Church
Federation or Confederacy Is In many
respects quite a different tiling from
the Church's oucnexs lllustratiil by our
LorU'rf parable of the vine, and the
A pontic's Illustration of the human
body. Nevertheless since a Federttloti
ts proposed nn the neerest piwslblc ap
proach to tho spiritual enjoined Union.
It Is proHr that wo and all Christians
everywhere should enquire carefully
the coif and the ira Implied In the
Federation movement. An the pro
gram shows, this nerles of meeting
will consider Impartially the cost of
Federation to the creedk of tho most
prominent denominations, First lu the
list today we consider the sacrifice
of Congrefmtlonnllsm, I'resbyterlnnlsni
and Methodism,
(I) As to church KoverninMlt 'Vcry
slight concessions will U require! of
any of the federating' (fpnomlmitlons,
Denominational liberties aa reflects
forms of worship nnd methods of gov
ernment and discipline nro to lie permit
ted very loose rein, The Federation pro
poses chloily the regulation of home
ami foreign mission work and a geuoral
watch-care over the Intercuts of the
federated systems along the lines of
political lulluence. The expectation Is
that the political power of the Federa
tion will have considerable to do with
moulding or legislation favorable to the
Federation, and later on. unfavorable
to the Hiualler denominations not asso
ciated in the Federation,
(') it .i along doctrinal linen thut the
Hitcrltlelng lu the Interest of Federation
will be chlelly demunded.
:. Doclrlntilly Congregatlonallsta and
rrcsbyterlaiiH are one: hetice we tuny
consider their aacrlllceH of doctrine In
the Interests of Federation as the
flame. They both accept the West
nilmitcr Confession of Faith with Its
Calvhilstlc fouiHlatlon-thut 5od, bo
fore tho foundation of the world, fore
ordained whiiltHievor conies to pusa
that he predestinated an oloet. snlntl;
few to heavenly glory, and equally
foreordained that the remainder of
thousands of mlllloiw or non-olect I
Hhould be maintained In eternal life
' to all eternity, In order that they might '
Buffer excruciating pains, both mental
nml physical, iiever-endlug, as a part ,
of tho mippoHcd penalty of tho "Orlgl- .
s , nal Pin" committed by our flrst pnr-
una in i-ucu.
"baptism In uteroV" '
Doctrlnnlly Mcthwllsnj Is Indirectly
opposed lo Calvinism In every sense
of the word. I'osslhly .Methodists will
have less to concede than Cnlvlubtts.
bec-nune. although lu Wesley's day the
doctrine of Free Urate wbh com hut ted
on every ham). It is now tho tacit f tilt ti
or the vast majority ot Christendom.
The ibx'irliit' Hun liiwi hail promcdl
tatitl nml Irn-vmalily foriHitdalned itn
eternal torture ot our race except a
handful of Hi" F.lcot was too Horrible
a one lo sinml. Mi the MctHodist Oim
trine of Divine l-ovc tor un ami I re
Grace as resptN'ts salvation has ap
pealed more and more to the growing
Intelligence ot mankind. .Nevorttieiens
we cannot do otherwise than concede
that It will matter little lo the thou
saints of millions which all "nrttiodox"
creeds consign to eternal torture
whether they shall sutler eternal
agonies as a result or Divine loveless
ncs lu foreordaining their sulterlugi'
or to Divine Inability to outwork for
their beuctlt Hie supposed advantages
of Free Grace arranged for them toy
Dlylne Love.
Tho Mor Exesllont Way.
Our suggestion In that now, In the
lapping time or this Gospel Ago with
the oncoming Millennial Age, as the
arc electric light casts the candle ot
tho past Into the shadow, no the clear-.
er light now shining from the pi gen
of Gtsl'n Word castn Into the shadow
all the doctrines of the "dark ages,"
relieving un of the horrible nightmare
which once beclouded our hearts and
lives and made us fearful of our Cre
ator as an all-powerful, but merci
less, sovereign. In thin Idensed light
now shining from Vnx'n Hook have we
not a basin for Christian mUant Let
us ueei.. If wo can flnd In God's Word
that the doctrine ot Election and the
doctrine of Free. Qrtye' are both true,
both Hlhlleul, hurt tint one Mougs to
the Church In this Gospel Asa andvthe
other lo mnukliul In general lu ,the
joining .Millennial Age, will not this
solyo our problem and give tm doe-trluiiN-VWsvi'lnatead
of a, more rJrm
Hwi based Umii the Ignoring of doc
trine? Wt can nil assent to this. thS-re-fon
let us examine the facta.
The lllhle imsuretlly declarea a Di
vine" ohs'tlon nccording to a Divine
purpose rormrdalnod-hut not such nn
election as llrother Calvin outlined.
God foreorlalnel the selection of a
Church, predestinating the number
who would const llute Its inumbershlp
and the character of each one who
would be acceptable as a member, lie
forvordulncd testa of the worthiness of
xthese inembein nnd the glorious re
ward that should bo theirs and n great
our Heavenly Father, "the God ot au
Grace "
lu the light now shining we may se
thai the terms of the Divine eh-fibm
of the Church are in every sense of Him
word without partiality, except as n
gitrd character and faithfulness.
Tliose now called with the heavenly
delegates, includiut; five paKt noble
grnndH, an folio wh: Mr. Nellie Dar
ling, Mrs. Kellogg, Mn. Mnud Stick
le, Mrs. Nellie Weed nnd Mrs. Jfnggic
Hurvey. Olendale sent two past no
ble grands, MVh. Lndd and Sirs. Van
Guilder, nnd one other delegate. Kcr
by sent two delegates, and Jackson
ville five, four of whom were pn-jt
noble grands, n follows: McBdnmcs
Ulrich, Taylor, Prim nnd Dunford.
Most of tlio visitors arrived on the
calling to be of "the elect" are Indeisl ; mcmiing train and wore welcomed by
Invited to eternal life on the spirit L com,nitt,.0 f lchl RebebiliH.
plane, to be llko unto the angels, but .
more exalted, while the opportunities ! Notice
to be granted to the world In general I A . , f . ;,,- hftvo becn
durlug the Millennium will be Inferior. ... 1 , . . . , .
earthly. restliutlonary-Vet grand (Acts f'10'1 "ecJ:olnry f B'ato h
III. I0-2D. Itut this dlrference ot re-11'- ', J. h. Day, l. S. Day, II.
wanl Is counterbalanced by the se- ;W. Gooddnle nnd C. E. J'otvcrs of
veror trials and testings of those now , Medford. with D. L. Day, J. E. Day
called to be or the elect. They mustnnd II, W. Ooodnlo an board of di
walk by fnlth and not by sight. They i roctorH nnd d. h. Day nnd president,
imini inse iiii uieir
the Iimb whli lie
'rii.ifc' f.niMf n.kiint
!... I.tlf i,-llllll,.li- M,rltlf-(, llinlr,
of cripitnl stock, $10,000: for the
earthly Interest thut they may he pur-
i uu! uS bibui. i roctora nnd u. U. Day nnd president;
,.r cross and follow n w Goodnlo co prcR;dent and F.
'Wr'Tlves ;o,Bder 1 n"?Rrc.t?--tfi'rr; "m"nt
work which they, ahnll be priTlleKCl to
llclpulors with their Ittsieemer lu glo
ry, honor and Immortality, and lu his
great work ot the Millennium- the
'dossing ot the world ot mankind with
a uieutnl. mural, social ami physical
Cannot we all. Congrcgnilomillsts,
PrcxbytcrluiH nnd Mctbodlsi. nnd all
others of Gisl's people, unite us we
(fiity upon this STlpiunil hypotheilsV
re we not xiilb'tled with the terms ot
this election- thai they are sulllcleuily
Mrlligent to exclude all except the
nltitly7 Hearken to the Apostle's dec
laration, which we once so grievously
iilstindersttMid: He says-of Gtsl's elis--lion,
"Whom he did foreknow he also
V I predestinate to be conformed lo
Ho linage of his Son." lu other words.
.. en fur Heavenly Father inreUnew
"d tirnleieriiilmsl m gather tm elect
t .u;r h us the llrlde ot t'lirWl. lie also
i-reileieriiilned Unit none could Is-
iieiuber ot It unless they aitaliied
hr.'Ugh faith ami olsHlleuce In .Un
IiimiI of Christ eharacier-llkouoss ot
.i' sih-heart likeness to hi m- hence, as
leirlv as potfsihle. an ofs-dlence ot the
iifiiii to Ills Law.
Hiirch ii" niie will claim that any
mil a Utile duck lias ever attained lo
this iioiiorisl t'omltiloii: uence our tor
.ter Ideas lespectiug Hie uoii-eli-4't
tiiild consign tin majority ot our
cullies, uulgtilsirH, friends and an
:ie heal hen. io endlONS woe. Hut now
How dllterenlly we see lu GikI's Word
that tlio elect class Is selis-tis.! lu mi
value, thai In Gixl's due time, witu
he itod wnier. It may tiiess every erca
aire with fullest op.irtunliy to reiuru
to tiuuiau perfection lu a I'aiadUe re-gained-restored
during the .Mlllcnm
uiu. I'Hls proposition ot the N-rlp-lores
Includes those who have gone
down to the prison-house ot dentil -into
.s'kvi. Into lluitm, both the evil
Hid the gissl. All shall then Know.
from the least to the greatest, that
"Jesus Christ, by the gnuv ot God.
tasted death tor every man." They
Hhall know that (he redeeming blood
was not shed lu vain, but will secure
to each inembur ot Adam's race, not
eternal life, but au opportunity to at
tain eternal (Ifielttier ou the heaven
ly plane durlug this Ago or on the
earthly plain" during the Millennium.
I address you. dear friends, not iimiu
a sectarian standpoint nut trom n
Federation standpoint; yea, more than
this, trom the standpoint ot those wiio
tleslro to he dnetrlnnlly, an well ns nut
wiinfly. lu agroeiiieiit with the
,aia with each other. Have we uot. In
ids beautiful cltsiluu ot the Hi inc. the
busts for the grandest ot all hopes, ttie
highest of all anihltlons-io lie "Heirs
ot God and Jolut-hulra with Jesus
Christ our Lord:-" Can wo want more
than this ror ourselves? And does it
not enhance iho glory or this prize to
nave the prospect ot conquering the
world ror .lesus mid tor tho Father
during the Millennium, In the uuiy
way In which It ever can bo completed
-Got I'm way?
In It not for this Kingdom that our
ueiieemor taught us to nrti.v. "Thv
i j...-. i j -t.
uiaiiiiiiiciiinug ol easu, tioors, cuo-
inet work nnd genera! job cnrpcu-
tcr nnd mill work; plnco of businenH,
' Medford, OrcRon ; location . for the
present will be corner of Ninth and
Fir streets, formerly known ns Day's
Pinning Mill.
such it course would not Bcrve to lift :
the kingly ban. ' 1
It was whispered here today thut;
the king first became displeased with I
Lrdy Constance when, after eon-1
eluding her Salome dance for liim,j
he dronped to her knees before him j
and said: ;
"Sir, give me the head of Sir'
Ernest Cnssel." 1
Sir Ernest Cnscl is the financial
advisor of the king nnd is known to
bo a favorite with him.
Ail Work Guaranteed Prices ReaBonable
IT North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303
Attorney Ilnrvoy of Ashland was
in Medford Monday on his way to
Jacksonville to attend the adjourn
ed meeting of cjrqnit, court.
Ts hereby given that the undersigned 1
will apply at the regular meeting of
tho city council of Medford, Oregon,
on February 1, 1910, for license to ;
sell malt, vincous and spirituous1 )i-,
quors in less quantities than onovgal-
Ion for a period of six months, at ,
lot 11, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, i
Dated January 21, 1910.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. He Harris & Co,
Office in Jackoou ooiaty Bank Upstairs
,1-room houso for rent.
"-room housm. furnished.
FOR SALE 1-room bungalow,
rt-room lione. lot "Ox'i.Vt
improved 5-year-old vineynrd lo
cated in California.
FOR SALE A restaurant, the only
one In town.
Half interest in n good restaurant.
Rcstnurnnt for $.rf0.
Restaurant for $1000.
Two othor businesses in town.
4-room house, $1150.
fl-room house.
Ilavo othor houses to sell.
1ots to sell.
Two women for general housework,
Jl per tiny; ono woman, boarding
houee, $20 per month, room and
board; two men nnd their wives on
rnnnli- nnn i-nnmTi tr wnrlr nn Mnoli !
Si; fivo -anch Uan-ls; ono girl for l,,',
dining room work out; ono girl for.
general housework.
Have other work for men and wom
en; womnn to wnsh, 30c per hour.
20 acres for sale near Eagle Point
For snlo Lot' on Oakdalo avenue.
For sale 2 lots on Oak street, flnci
location. j
For salo Ono lot on Grapo Btreet. -
A Chocolate Dipper, or a girl to
learn the business. ;
The man who makes the high-grade
I no Acres of Goo-l Fruit Land
I miles west of Grants Pass.
Forty seven lots In Jacksonville.
fine location.
I have also got a nnir of fine
cougar unions, live nionuis old.
which ran Im lionHit at n rpajKiitalila I
v. i.
who Is welcomed by a
flood of light can not
fail to feel genuinely
welcome. The one who
arrives In tho dark half
doubts tho warmth of
his reception. A porch
light adds cheer as
well as comfort to tho homo. It
saves possibloaccldentsand grop
ing lor tnoaooroeu. tcmaKosxno
home before which It shines a
beacon in tho street. A porch
light indicates progression, lovo
of home and civic pride. Send for
the estimate man today. Do not
put It off.
E. F. A. BtTTNER. Prep.
PHIrlE MAIN 4141.
ivieaTora iron vvopks
O I Enable us to sell your property to tlio beat advaiit-igov
t AVrite, telephone or call and toll us what you have.
214 Fruitgrowers' Bank Building.
telephonp: main 3491.
411 ii
r f rRO'A'CRIDGE. Prniiflctnr.
F mi dry and Machinist
tit Engine. Spraying Outfits Fu.upb. Boilers anil Wa
Agent In 9r:thorn Qrerjnii iOi
do for tnanklnd-llmltetlly now, fully
durlug the Millennium. Accustomed to
the citation or fellow-cltUen.i to tho
Presldencr, to Courivhs, etc., where
thoy will have tho opportunity for
blessing the uon-elect, we should have
carried thin same thought to tho Di
vine election ot tho Church. We should
have discerned that the elect Church,
the "Seed of Abraham" (Qalatians 111.
IX), la specially Intended to be the
channel of Divine blessing to "all the
families of the earth" ((lenesla rxrlll,
How struiiKo that we overlooked this
nud tho asflurnnco that with the com
pletlon of the Church Messiah would
oxnlt her In the "First Resurrection"
to be his Iirtde and Jolnt-holr iu hid
Millennial Kingdom, to be established
for hie hlcHstuj; of all mankind! How
strange that we did uot notice that
every text of Rorlpturo usod by our
j Kingdom come; thy will he done oil
earth ns it la done lu heavenV" Is It
not for (his Kingdom that he taught
un to Willi, sn.vliig. "Fear not, little
dock: It Is your Father's good pleasure
lo give you the Kingdom" (Luke xll,
H'-ii? Is It not for this Kingdom that
the world waltsv "Unto aim every
knee shall how and every tongue eoii
"The knowledge ot the Lord
shall llll the whole earth." "All slmll
Know him I nun the least to the great
est." "And li shall tome to puss that
every soul which will not hea'r that
Prophet Hhall he destroyed Irom
amongst the people" (Acts III, a.'li.
Shall w, then, stop merely with an
outward federation or confederacy
Shall we not rather unite our Hearts
nnd heads and hands along the lines ot
the Divine promise given to us-"In
theo and In thy Heed shall tho fninllles
of the earth be blessedV" (Ualatfann
HI, liO.l 1
Otfitf. 209 WVst Main St., Mfdlotd, Oio.
'Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications,
Reports. Estimates, Etc., Water Pow
ers and Water Works, Paving and
Road Making, Sewer?e, Railroads. 1
iifntion xud Prainao.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
h b;M A'K'I, I'ltiriideii
1 a 1 'hit to, i',dH,,t
V A' U-m'N. A--- 1 alue
Safety boxes lor rent
A t-uneiiii Baiiklnu Business transacted.
Wh solicit our (jalriiiiugii