Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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: : i
l)Hi'i.t l'i out MimUoiiI Will 'IVII
lltitv (,'oiiiiiiInnIoii Mi ll Tried to'
DUcifdll I Ik' NorlliwtNt
DlHlrlrt Attnmny Mnllny wnrt In
Mdilfuril Hutiiiilny on Iish'Iiuhih,
Mr. II. M. Fortum-iio of (lolil Uny
wan ii Modfcml Hliopiinr I-'rlrluy.
' Mm. II, I). 1'NiHtnr Ih vIIhIIiik rela
tive Itllll frl"ll(lM III (lllllltM I'ltHN.
Mr. mtil Mih. .1. A. Mover vImIIci!
ftTpntlt In (InuilH I'win Hutiinln.v.
II. K. Fohlor. city miglimiir, wnn
itt'.lHoltHiinvlllo Kiitiinliiy on IhihIih'NH.
0. Hokk wnn nt .Inmmnnvllk'
tftitHirduy on IokhI bimlni'
.Mowti-n. .1. I). Cook ninl (b'oino K.
Howliuiil of tho Throo Plnon Lumbor
Mjwwiiv locittad on Jump-Off-Joo
-ir'U In Joii)lilno county, Imvo boon
Ht ,lnclmuivllIo for th prut Hivornl
(Iivh looking nftor tlilr IntorofltM In
ifllnltiK mound In Unit tllxtrk't. Thoy
raljirniMl to (IrnnU I'nM Hutnnlny.
'Owmt ICiHiKiin of .InokHonvlllo wnn
1 ll'Ul'll M MHIHII M V ... il J IUU1I I4II1I II , IJ1 1 III II WWIUI
Anoiirulii IiiiimpHiiI lull Wliflt Ut Wl I ruulia .. t u'ualilnirliiii. ulilllnip hit wnn
Mil" I'liiirmiiry. 2 0 1 dent Uy tho Itojfuu Jtlvcr Vnlli-y hortl-1
Mr, iintl Mm. Jiuih McGoiirhii culturUt. ,
' Hliijipnil off In Modford Friday on ' riu. m-xt inwotlnic of tin noddy will
tlujlr way from Bpoltnno lo imutltorn , hnlit U Medfonl, Kftturh n-Unuuy
(jnUfnrnln to vlnlt n lirnthcr, Dr. 6, nt which tlmo Mr. Vhllr will l.
Clmrli'ti .Mcdmtitnn, If n rctlmd dim- ir'ni unit will iv in full doiaii thul
UhU who roroiillv whip hero from remit! of dm work ho hn don A'
WMt l-iiko rllv ninl Invi'tili'd In Kiwii' 1 full ncoount will ho kIvmi Uy Mr Whin
lUVir vnlloy rnl OHtiitofT Jmiich Me-ilr of tho work nccoitipllnlioil, nnd tlioj
OijllKitn wnn until rerontly n load'tig reniiomi ulven why hi trip to Wattlilng--wlioh'imln
donlor In tnhncro nnd clg- ton wn n mmcoin, I
Mtr In Hnoknno, nnd tinvlng boon on- Tho I.u Kcihi hill, owlntr to thu cf-i
KitKHl nctlvoly In InmlnoitH for ni-fortn or Mr. Whlrdrr nml othr tJl- (
wnrdn of 20 ycnrri, I'hh dorlih'd upon unicii from tint northwint, him Iwn
n K'on of rout lnfon r-oiiKnKliiK , tiholviM for th tlmo nt leant, nnd II
III Iniidnotni. iH'tico IiIm trio to Cull- only roiniilim for thu Krowir to thor-
Tlin'mi'otlnu of tho horllotiltiirlNtN of
t viUlwy for thu iiiirpoxu of orKonlr.,
Iiik it union to IiiiihIIm tho vntlru fruit
outpul, whlnh wiin nchcoiilfil on Junu-'
nry St, linn Iikiii ponlponed until tho i
roturn of C. K. Whlnlor, who, im rfp-j
fnnmiliitlvo uf tliu north wnalnrn fruit-
urowi't", did Kriiit work nt tho Irnvir
Uav nnd nftorwnn! ncoompllNhPd nat
fornln for tho wlntor, Ho l woll nc
limlnlod with Dr. J, K. Hi'ddy nnd
olhir foriiKT Hpoltntii'lti'H now rcl
dontn of Modford. Thin Ih tho flrnt
Unit' llio lirollioM lmvo mot for ton
ouuhly orKUiiUo lo dufcat It.
Mr. WhUlor will tidl thn Krowcm nl1
tho J'uhruury inrnilim how u hox of
Itoitua Illvcr npplrn wri tnmporcd with
In ordnr to lvo tlyi ImprcNolon Hint;
t.. lioxrn wvre ahort nnd how tlio iiiInii-
I'll, tltV ,w!i miwi t in .. "t "
W. ('. V8trflod, Konornl nKont Iiik uppli- wro found In tho pockoU
nf i ii rvitiitnlil;! I.lfo lnuiirniu'o L'cim
lih. roporln n (rood litmlnran In Mod
ford nnd will miilto thlit hln homo.
M. (V Mnnry wn In Modford Snt
tirdfiy from hln fnrtn went of tho city.
Wont Hldo lMmrmiioy for romhn,
Miru)io". nil tollot roiinlnltoH. 2C 1
,.W. (1. DiivliUon In htilldliiK n hnn
j:hlt)w on ItU lot on Wnt Tmilli
ntfeot recontly purchnnod hy lilm.
Davldnon In lntoly from Mlchl
rovouo rolloctor In lown.
1). ronnr of Tnblo llork wnn n re
cant Modford vlnltor
of two Clilciitfo commlimlou men.
nd'KAlll-: AfiAINKT 111(311 I'ltlCUS.
(Continued from pace 1.)
l'or hdiiio time tho imnocUtlon hnn '
bvn worklnK Into it control of tho mnr
kut nnd It In vlrtunlly cortuln that un ;
advnnoHl price of henlm can ho forced .
by It In reBtralnlnu nuh.n. Tho nocl-
'Hon hnn I null ml a Mnti'liliHit to outnldo,
i Kroworn riMiic itlnc them to act with It
to foroo nn advance. .
f Potniii.idM nf T"hlp Hock wnn
ji'rocont vlnltor In Modford.
V IC !iImikiiii who rocttlltlv tiur-
r'n"d tho .loo Ilndor plnco nonr 12n
Kla J'olnt. hnn rottirnod from nn ox
tondod trip to northwont cltlcn. Ho
riiflrt murli Intoront thoro roRnrdlnR
tlljl Hogno mvor vmioy
Vo Action Yit In Spokane. !
HI'OICANIC. Wnih., Jnn. 52. Althoush .
tho iiKltntlon in.-nltit tho prenent liltfh 1
prliH of meat In butnif Knvrally dli
iuinh.hI hvro, vHp,ahilly unioni: union
innn. no official action hnn liovn taken
i un. o tlilK lime Tho MUhJi-ct will he
ui. rPi. lm rntitrnn,! tn hor dlnouimed nt n fedurul union nteotliiK
homo on North Contral nftr npond-! tonlKht. A number of Individual, how
Inn it month' dollfMful vlult with over, have anneMed tholr Intention to
h-r nurcntn. Mr. nd Mrn. W. H.lcut out meat until prloen ro lower
Grlnuw of l-'urono Proprietor of local mi-nt niarkot nay
Wontonka lill N' 30. hold n their wtlea hn not been affeolcd up,
ran pint hox notltW nt the nedtuon'n to "l
bitll Friday ovonltiK, Jnnunry 21.
Oamon W(r plnrod nnd onjr.ved. nft-' Committee Kamod.
c- whlr't tho Itoxtw woro nold to tho, CHICAGO, Jan. .roued by tho
lllKVll'Mit hldi'oru nnd lmc,H ot-' imtlon-wldn inovemcnt of tho InborlnK
tm. cofCeu ht losc forol hy tho com- j qIhmvh to cuw rmiuctlona In th
tnlttoc. whloh connlntod of Myrtle i prlcn of mt b a boycott, tho Amrr-r-nunr.
ICthol Ilflurtlo nnd Cnrrlo . loan -wtntlon of Labor today nn
fMllnon. nouncxKl tho appointment of a committee.,
fhnrxtn II. Olitetto of Anhlnnd wnn. to Inventltuto the hlh'h oot of llvlnif.
Itt 'Modford Prldny. Tho nnnouncoment icavo Impetun to,
A P. Il. lo o' ISnclo Point npont n ' tho nnll-mtmt cruiwdfl hero and It In
fovhourn In Mwlford Fi.'duy on ImihI- oxiHcti'd that poronii win havoj
.noli. ipledcwl themiielves within a fw duyn
Mr. I. A. ltono of P" oonlx wnn 'to nbntaln from meat until price nr
n Mtdford vlnltor l'fli'av. lowerwl.
i, II. Troonoo of U .lo Point wm , I
In 'Stodford tlnturdny on Imnlnons. ! 100,000 in ouveUnd. i
A9,onOr W tirivo tu jnrn- v.uiiv -., uun. ... o...i......t,
tnonvlllo wnn a Modford vlnltor Sntur-' Hint lOO.oOO ptron hnvo Joined thn
1 nntl-ment crun!o to roduco liluli prlcen,
Mlwt Akiiob ItohortMOn rottirnod retail butohew hero today uro complain
Trldny from AHhlnnd, who:o nho hnn Inu that tlmy nr tho only ono auffer
hoon vllstlnK rolntlvon nnd frlondfl. ' InK from thn widespread boycott.
W. W, Ulfort hnn nvolvod n lottor! They declaro that thoy aro elllnK
from hln dntiKlitor, Mm. Will Ilnr-'mcat ut tho mnllet polb!o marBitln
num. from 8nn KrnaoUco In which ! for runnliiK expeno and a mnatl prof-
One More Week of Our
January Clearance
Come Prepared to Be Surprised
T T? A TW HP "XXTT? AUG 'irc tllc stal' ffttiirc of 'this store.
IVEyrlU X " 1 J" VV JDyrlXVO -rc have complete assortments all
(he'lime. Our object is to curry quite a complete stock Suits, Coats, Skirts,
Waists, Petticoats, etc., at all seasons; to sell completely out and not be able to
show anything at this, only about the middle of the season is not treating all of our
trade just right. BUY A SUIT NOW and you not only save dollars, but you yet
have several months to wear it this season and it will do nicely for n OQ
a second best another season. Sale prices up from t. jr,07
BUY A COAT OR CAPE, and it will do to wear not only the balance of the winter,
but bo just as stylish as one could wish for spring and summer, when a (ga 1 Q
wrap, is necessary. Sale prices up from.... ,17
"WAISTS, SKIRTS AND PETTICOATS are in our Clearance Sale at prices sel
dom attempted anywhere. We invite a look.
A Few Hints to Investigate
Have a look at our windows when down town and don't fail to come into the store.
You arc always welcome here. Below arc a few of the many good specials now of
fered fit this store.
39c yard for 60c, 14c yard for 20c
Dress Goods. Flannelettes.
$1.19 yard for $1.50 ( 29c pair for- Lace
Dress Goods. j Curtains.
27c yard for 50c 98c pair for $1.25
Ribbon. Lace Curtains.
79c yard for $1.00 $1.69 pair for $2.00
Table Linen. Lace Curtains.
$2.19 doz. for $2.50 , 25c garment for 35c
fAcfc nnp fPflf for 5 continuous
vUAli UIIC LCHl hours Riirnlnd
Think of it! In addition to the brightest, pur
est and safest llrjht that human brain has ever
devised, the ALADDIN Lamp has a feature of
still more vital importance. It saves oil In
spite of thfe fact that it gives a better light, it
burns only one-third as much oil as any oil lamp
manufactured of similar size.
That means tha tttio ALADDIN really costs
you nothing, for In a short tlmo you havo saved
its cost then goes on saving money in oil as
long as you burn it and with ordinary caro it
lasts a lifetime.
A lamp is a real necessity. You must have
light to wrk by light to play by. Don't you
owe it to yourself to have the best and brightest
light when it offers you the means of saving?
W. E. Stacey, Agt. Medford. ore.
BOX 826.
59c for 75c Blan
kets. $1.63 for $2.00 Com
forts. 98c for $1.35 Petti
coats. 89c for $1.50 Waists
$2.50 f o r $3.50
$9.98 for $20 Furs.
$1.19 for $1.50 Um
brellas. $3.19 for $5.00
$13.29 for $20.00
$11.29 for $15.00
Formerly BaRer-Hutchascm Co.
The best resolution for you
to mnko is to come to ns for
your next suit, if you waut
something ont of the ordinary
We do the bent work and charge
the lowest prices.
DRIVERS that know the country
RIGS that cover the country
FOP.1I) Al rilK
Another HuhIiicns, Under tho MniWKe
meiit of Thoinns Hnrlliolomew, En
tors field on West Sldo.
iiiiik)! mlviirtUnmnnf In r!nlfnrnln. 1)0-
lng eliown In moving ilctnro rIiowk
nloiiK with l.on AnnnloB, Sunttlo nnd
other lnro cltlcn of tho coast.
Oleic SlliiKor of I.lttlo Hutto Ih
looking nftox bunlniVM lnioretH In
Mod fori'.
:ktjok bui&dxno aorao ow
oalcra Imvo liml no effect lu roducliiK
tlio price.
Kxeopt for two cent per pound out
In pork c)iop. tha rotuU price on mcata
remain tho Mine.
Itftnlature to Act.
ClIICAaO, Jnn. Following tho
action of members of th Ohio stato
IvRlnlnturt), Ilepreaentnttvtt ApanmJoc
0 .1... itll....l 1ntl1ntiii-. ntitimincoil to.
, . i Ifk II1U t .. IHU.M I.ll' ...... . .
While out wnlklnir this mornlnjf Intiluy that ho Intemls to Introduce a ro
tho northern pnrt of tho city, enJoyliiR ' olutlon beforo that boily domamllnB an
tha warm Chinook air ami mmihlne, InveNtlRtttlon of tho tilth coat of llvliiB
Amnni; IIIO prony rcaiui'lico prnpnruen ill Jllllium.
nmt liHtHnlnir tn tlin clail SWOOt aOHCM
of tho rohln. who aeema to contend with
othera ho In tho flrat sprlnir bird
my attention wan attracted to thu
many lumber wauona pnnalnir nnd tho
1nceaant rlnKlnn of hnmtnor nnd mtw
In the dlatanco on North llentty atreet,
hub-nf tor a llttln careful InveittlRntlon
1 noon aw whrro thla hulldlnc notlvlU'
waa Riilnit on, for I found two now filx
rnom hunKDlowa under conatructlon
ono for J, I., Hoolcer. tho builder nnd
contractor, on hla vacant lot on thn
north corner of hla preaont rtdenco on
Worth Heatty Btreot. and tho other for
Mr. Amann, In tho weat corner of
Amanr. a nddltlon. Thcao bulldlnna nro
tiullt anbstantlally on cemont founda
tlona nnd nro to bo modnrn In nil tholr
deportment. My nttontlon wna nlao
attracted to tho unfinished rcaldenco
formerly owned hy Mr. Phillips nnd
family, hut recently aold to Mr, Tlnkor
nnd family of Alberta, Cnnnda, who la
busy rcmodollmr and I mprovhiK tho
mmo. Mr. Phillips and family havo
elnce moved to Han DIcko, Cal., for tho
bonoflt of Mra. Phillip's henlth. On
my roturn homo on North Contral avo
nuo I noto Alf Woeks hulld'lnK n flw
room resldonco nloiiRaldo tho ono ho has
luit completed on tho west sldo of
North Central nvenuo. Mr. ltoborts Is
tho builder J. O. MAUTIN.
HAN FRANfMHOO, Cal., Jan. 22, A
vnudoylllo war between tho Orphoum nnd
William Morris circuits, raniilng throuuh
tho country from tho Atlantic to tha
Paclflo and reaching Its fiercest culmin
ation on tho Pacific, la foreshadowed to
dAy by fnlluro of tho opposing Interests
to' effect nn ngreomout.
Tl.,. luickora hnvo declnred that tho
farmers and stock ralsors nro respon
sible for tho hluh prlcos. They mnln
taln that tho packora' profits tho year
round nro bnaod upon upon tho actual
cost of handling stock.
Prices Ont In Flttsbargr.
PlTTSHUllO. Pn., Jan. SI. Follow
ing tho wavo of protest nRnlnst hlKh
prices of ment provnlllnir here, a reduc
tion of two cents n pound In pork and
veal was nnnouncod today.
Ollno nnd Wllltlntiott hnvo dissolv
ed jmrtnorahln tho ronl biiHl
nosa of tlio Ollno & WlllclnBon' firm of
Oontrftl Point. 205
J, L. CLIN133.
Saornmeuto Xnveatliratei.
HACIIAM15NTO, Cal., Jan, 22. Local
labor, bodies aro planning to consider
tho Question of tho gonernl increase In
tho cost of living when further reports
nro recolvod from tho east.
In tho past ftvo years menta havo
Increased about 10 per cent, but other
staple comomdltlos have gono up beyond
that figure Flour nnd bacon havo ad
vanced nearly 100 per cent nnd a big
ndvanco la shown In fuel. Whllo It la
unlikely that there will bo a meat atrlko
horo, tho goneral protcat against food
prices will result lu a closo Investigation.
IlIdH nro wnnted by tlio Quoon
Anno Addition, Inc., upo ntlto grnil
In Kf Queon Anno nvnttuo In tlio city
of Modford. Tho nrofllos of tlio urndo
ndoptod will ho found In tho offlco
of tho city oiiKlnoor. Contrnctora do
BlrliiR to bid on thl contrnct nro ro
quostod to fllo Bonlod bids nt 20
North Front ntroot on or boforo Jan
uury 31. No bids will bo rocolvod
nftor tbnt ditto, nt which tlmo tho
immo will bo oponod. Tho iindoralBii
od roaorvoa tho right to rojoct ntiy
nnd nil bids offorod nnd will roqulro
n Biifflolont bond from tho auccoaaful
blddor. .ac'1!,
Hownrd S. Dudloy la In Onltlnnd,
Or., on n abort busluoas trti,
Among tho many new business enter
prices that havo recently been opened
on what Is known as tho "West Sldo" la
tho now pharmacy In tho Fruitgrowers
llank building, which was recently
thrown open to the public Tho busi
ness Is under tho management of Thom
as Ilartholomow, who for tho past IS
months has been connected with tho
ICuglo phurmacy, nnd to whom much
credit Is lua for tho popularity of that
Tho new storo Is handsomely fitted
and carries a full stock of commodi
ties usually found In such stores. It Is
tho Intention of tho manauemont to
bring tholr storo up to tho standard sot
by the muny excellent stores of Med
ford. Mr. Ilartholomow, who assumes
charge of tho store, has a host of
friends In tho city, who wish him woll.
two scorn: die in wreck.
(Continued from ps 1.)
been drowned beforo they could get freo
of tho coach, oven If thoy retalnd con
solousnoss during tho terrlfla crash
down the 6mbankment, Proparatloim
wero mado early today for tho divers
to begin tholr Investigation of tho coaoh
and It Is expected that thoy will bring
to tho surface tho bodies of moro tuun
a scoro of victims.
Tho scccond class coach, after being
smashed, was consumod by flro from
tho heating apparatus and tho pnssen
gors, most of whom wore poor and car
ried nil tholr baggaga with them, aro not
only Injured, but aro destitute.
Horrlblo Deaths.
Many of tho passengers woro drowrt
cd and mot horrlblo deaths, Although
somo of them woro able to break
through tha wlndown of tho conches that
plunged Into the rlvor, thoy found them
selves unablo to cscapo from boneath
the loo.
Othera wore pinned under tho wreck
ago of tho coaohes that remained on tho
shoro. When tha flro broke out they
woro Incinerated Many of them can
never bo Identified.
ISIght pnssongera of those saved wero
In tho diner when tho wreck occurred.
ISvery- passenger of tho colonist, first
nnd second class coaohou Is thought
to havo lost his life.
, Ono Hundred on Hoard
Tho records show that when tho train
left Sudbury there were about 100 per
sons on board. Of this number 22 wero
seriously Injured, while practically none
escapod unharmed.
Many of tho Injured are a precari
ous condition, It was predicted by phy
sicians who nro attending them that the
doajh list will roach SO.
Wonr Kidd's Shoes.
Duick Is tho king of tho auto world.
Who doesn't sigh tor a Bulck?
Wear Kidds Shoes.
Wear Kidd's Shoes.
For wood of all kinds, soo tho
Squnro Donl Woodyard. Phono
2C01. Fir street, between Second
nnd Third streets. Gould & Llndley,
proprietors. 261
No one knows how lonp a Buick
will last, for no Buick has ovor wont
out. Tho first ones nro still run
ning. 258
Wear Kidd's Shoes.
Phono 781 for R. A. Holmes, tho
insuranco man. 203
Hot wator bottlea and fountain syr
inges at West Sldo Pharmacy. 361
What is life without a Buickt 280
Wnnted Man to solicit firo and
nutoinobilo uisurnuco nnd to show
oity proporty. Benson Investment
Co. 267
Peoplo on the West Sldo can pur
chn80 postngo stamps at West Sldo
Pharmacy. 2C1
It costs no moro to insuro in ono
of tho big companies than n small,
ono. Lot Ilohncs, tho-insurntico mnn,
toll you about it. Phono 781. 203
For Rood insurnneo seo Holmes,
tho insurnneo man. 2003
Telephone OR I Main whon you need
anything from your drug storo. West
Sldo Phnrmncy. 2C1
Slngor sowing mncbtnoa for rent.
12R South Onkdalo. Phono 1342. 201
Nlco 5-room modern houso, elec
tric light, lyuh, four blocks from city
park, for ono weok at $2550.
Ono 5-room bungalow, completed
woll located; two blocks from pave
ment; bargain nt $2200. $1000 will
handlo it.
Ono C-rooni houso, electric lights,
closo to sower, half block from Main.
Good buy at $1S50.
LOTS OP LOTS Reasonable prices.
Wright & Allin
128 East Main Streat.
Offers an especially good foothill orchard for a low
price and on good terms. In these days of advancing
pricoi. it will tav to look into this.
I It pays to deal with the "Man Who Knows. " When
the Rogue River Land Company sold the Tronson &
n.,ii,,.: 1. ,i 4- T7 i T:,.i. x : :
vniLiixic uiuucllu ui juayiu jtuuii tu uitj pnzu winning
owners, four years ago, the salesman, W. M. Holmes,
assured the purchasers those Spitzenbergtrees would
produce the world ' apples, and subsequent events
prove the soundness of his judgment. By the way:
Did it ever occur to you that most of the men who have
won out in the Rogue River Valley, bought their win
ning orcha?ds through the Rogue River Land Com
pany? W. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service
for a good buy.
Robort P.. Dow of Jacksonville was
reglatored at the Nash Friday evening,
FOR SALE Cord wood, $3.50; tlor
wood, $1.75 nnd $2, Phono 117
Fnrmors. 26S.
WANTED Wood choppers. Pboflo
117 Fnrmors. 2CS
gors furnished at nil hours of day
nnd till 9 p. in. to any pnrt of city,
from 10c to 25c. Phonp Mnln 1S12.
LOST At Elks' ball on Thursday
ovonlng, ladles' pink cropo scarf
with lottor H ombroldered In old
English. Finder will plonso roturn
to Hotel Nash nud recolvo reward.
FOR RENT Furnished Housekeep
ings rooniB. 143 North Grnpo St. 2GG
FOR SALE Totn of ponies; giny
color; wolght 750 pounds npteco;
might consider trndo for good sad
dlo Korso. Call at 214 Fannors nnd
Fruitgrowers' nank bldg. 2G1
You eaa be fitted perfect- i
ly, get the ltv" nnd aj
quality in shoe leather thatt
is right, if you will call and f
inspect our shoes. The
profit on tho high top shoes
j is yours.. Shoes for the en
! tiro family are priced as low
,ns good quality stock can
possibly be sold. See our
'bargain counter of broken
1 lines of shoes. It means mon-
' oy to you if you can got a fit,
Farm Land Timber Land
Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Medford Realty Co
Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building