TTI.TC MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREflQN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 3910. 8 MCKAY SAYS POSTAL ELADEES IS ONLY COMPETITOR TO Hi'ikI or I'onIiiI DcdnH'H III Com-miii)- II Xni McrKt'tl With WYitrt'it I'lilon. NHW YOIIK, Jtin, 21. Clnrnncn II. Murkily, In IiIh tmllinony (oduy bofiiro ciiiiinillti'o of Dm liulliiturj of Now VnrU (ipiMilntwl to oxnmlni) tho (lllrNtliin of wlillir teloKnipIl mid tnlo iiiuin cHiiipnnlmi uliuilld bti plm-i'il linilur tlin pulilli) norvli'ii law, Mtnt?1 tlint by rrnntm of Dm coiiiimllllon kIvcii by tliu I'oalnl TliKriii company, ti'lottrupli ratcM linvn twati rtiluccil from 20 to to tr cunt. Il til no ntittril Hint tliv I'O tnl coiiiiMiiiy wum Dm only uompiiny tlint Imil nvrr niirccBiInd In comimtlnit with tlin WuhIitii Union, Mini Hint If tlin Vw tnl i-miipnny mIioiiIiI comMno with tlm 1 lull Tlrlioiip coinpnii)1 anil Ilia WnI itii Union, tli pro wolilil iiuvnr lia nny roininitllloii. on net-mint of It IiHiik lm pixnltilo to oliliiln oiitranca Into InrK" rommnratnl cantor tml to oMiiln rlwhtN of wny on liU'liwnyM Iwtwi-tm ftrcnt oil leu, mich n Now York nn1 r)ilmillilili, nml ulmi on ncmxiiil of tlin vniit um of money Hint would lia rnjulri'd. Mr. Mmikny ilrolnrpil tlmt tlin lontnl Tfilrnrnpli cnmpiiny will liu tlin Initt roniM'tltor In tulKrnpli, nnd wlmn that roinnntltliin cennrn thorn will l only n cliolro litwnnn niiiiiopoly nnd Kovurn IllPIlt OWIIITMlllp. Mr MncUny itKnln ntnttil that tho Von- tnl- Tflnurnph aompnny wun ntimilutely frn from nny coinlilnntlon, uicruor. control or miuVrntnnillitK with tho llll Tprphotii Inlmrrxtn or tlm WVatnrn Union TVIcRrnrili company. On Afternoon uf Inutility III In Kinltli'N Hull IMoiiNiint Time Ih I'liiiini'il. HOMETIMEK TAIT'B BMIX.B HIDES. DISArrOIKTMEKT WAHIIINOTON, Jnn, 22. I'rlilmit Tnft'M mull In nlrmily fa in cm I In none Mini ntory It U tho outwnnl tnnnlfrif tntlon of conlnllty, kooiI-wIII nnd hu tnnr. I Hit not lnfrri'ntl' It Mile u lrli1mtlal illxppolntmi-tit.. nnil nvnn n hwirtnchn. 1'or ivnlii rrenntly tlin proaltlnnt Wim ronnlilrrlni; tlin nntnra of rnndldntrn for appointment to two vncnnclrn In tlin Kovornmoiit aervlcn. At Innt he rlftnl out tlm two men whom ho thouiiht would flit thn John nntlnfnc tnrlly. Honmhow thn name of llmnn two rnndldntm beenmn known, nnl lm runtlntely tliero toKnn to pour Into th nxrcullvn office lettera nnil trlfKrniim innklne nil Ulniln of clmrKi-B AKnlnat thn two nwn ami o mihntn.itlatlnK tlieui Hint It wnn Imponnlhln for tlm pre! drnt lo mnkn tlm opixilnt inrntn Kpnoklnt; of tho tnnttrr to onn of hln cnl.lni't offlcnm, Prrnlilfiit Tnft mtlil, rnthrr rimfully, an lm rnntrmplntml tho upnxttlnK of 'hlx loni; Inborn: "Look nt thonn Innt-hoiir rnturnn. I'vo not to itn th work nil over nRnln Oirl If 1 couldn't mnlln 1 would hnyo to rfnlBti from thn presidency! rATHKB BAVEB DAUGHTER rBOM DEATH ZIT TX.AMES UKI.l.tNCIIIAM, NVnnh. Jan. !5t I'lRhtlnR hU wny throuch fihoklnB cloudn of ntnokB In hln liurnlni: mnldnco pnrly tmlny, Cnptnln Ilnctor Clnwlny isropnd throtiKh thn IxMlroom of hi ilnuitbtT. JckiiIp, Rh1 16, until ho found thn nnnnn Iphh clrl nnd bore Ikt to nfwty. Thru, KnnpliiK for hrnnlli, hn nKUIn fncM tho Minim; roomn of thn uppor ntory nnd ntruiTRlrd to tlm Inmr hnllwny, whern hn. found hln R"d fnthnr-ln-lnw, llnnry Mnmhnll. nnd led him to thn outer nlr nnd nafety, necnndlntf hl fnthcr'n f fortx. ImlplnR him rnlun tho Indder nnd dine 1 1 nit nnlRhtiorn who rnn to the houno t help. Arthur Onwlny, tho llttlo lO-year-obl nou of tlm cnptnln, worker ldo by nldn with til h parent Helen Onwley. nRed R. mndn n nennfltlonnl eenpn from tlm houne, ornwIInK from her bedroom win dow to the roof of tho porch nnd Icnplnn Into tho nrmii of bytnndirn: Tho flrn broke out nt nhout 3 o'clock thin mornlni; BOMAWOU HITPHD IH BUD BV BTERN rROVXBXOWB OP XiAW Tho (Ironter Mudford Club will hold u reception to the ludlun of iledford nt Hmltli'n hull on Urnpu ntreet, Janunry St. Tho reRiilnr bunlni'im portion of the ini-etlnR will hn token up promptly lit 3 o'olock, nfler which a plraitnnt proiantil of nm nla nnil niidliiK will bo rnndered, followed by n Ri'tiernl reception to the Ktienin prcMont. Thn Indlitn of the Greater Medford club nro very enlliunliiMtla over nevernl proJ eclN which they hnvc on liilnd for thin nprlliK'H campnlKli, nnd earnestly nollolt tho co-opemtlon of nil the ludlnii of Medford who nrn Interested In tho Im provement nnd benutlfylnK of our city. All thn Indlen Intertilled In thin work urn, therefore, cordially Invited to HiIm next roetilnr meollnc An ndiuUnlon fe Of 10 cent Will bo Aftknd, thn proceeds to by donated to thn llbrnry fund, .. Book Club Orows. Thn hook club Mill voutlnueH to In crease In fnvor, nnil It Is expected Hint the number will noon bo 100, There Is, however, still n chnnrn for those who hnvn Intended Jnlnlnu thn club und not yet rrRlstered. All those Interested In thn llhrnry'n Rrowth will bo Kind to nvnll themselves of this opportunity to so tnntnrlnlly nld tho llbrnry, nnd also to enjoy tlm delluhtful new books to be In circulation nmornr members of the club. Special Sale WEEK OF JANUARY 24, 1910 WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES AND LAOES. Madame Root 'OK PORTLAND, OR. S PECIALIST BE AUTIFYING THE SKIN. Demonstrating now at our store. Invitation is cordially extended to all. The H. C. Kentner Co. In Case of iSicKraess P H ONE 3 G 4 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfice All Night Service Free Delivery HOTEXi ABBXVAX.B. Thn Nnsh W. 1. Illddle, I I Hum mers, ChlcnKOi a. T. Uarlnnd, Jtnpld City; W. It Ilnyless, Henttle; T. H. Law rence, l'ortlnnd; W, N. Steolo, Mlnnenp oils; 1". W. Auspet. Chloneo; U Helen, l.eo Cochran, Ban l'rnnclsco, H. IS. Htepuens, I'ortlnndi C. WHmeroth, C. M. Hpeck, Hpoknne; W. A. llacon; O. II. McICny nnd wife, KuRene: W. W, Iteed. Henttle; V. N. Kendnll, l'ortlnnd! O. W. Ooodwln, Han Francisco; IS. A. Melxnr, AVnshlnRton; It. U. Olle, Bnlem: C. J. Ituck, 1'ortland; J, I'. Mutt, Kajclo I'olnt; C. V. Hsuxliurst, W. a. Kortmiin. Han Krancluco, Tho Mooro M. J. Denny. Portland; J. Orr Bmllh, Central I'olnt; I IS. Mill, ItURby, N. IT; C. IS. Tull. Medford; J. I), Wllkerson. ICoihkonlne, Mo.: Miss Almn Howe, Irma Howe, I IL Iloxle, K. C, I'urdy. Benttle; J. Costello, C IS. rreumn, Han Vrnnclsco; W. C. Duley. city; A. V. KelloRR. l'ortlnnd; I. II. Ilrower, Han rrnnolsco; C. I', yillls, l'ortlnnd; V. K Oanotte, ChleriRo; II. L. Molcnte, Corvnllls; V. 1. Mnrtln. Tbos. Irvine, Portland, The 1'nlace J. T. Harnn, Tolo; Mrs. Mldillebushcr, Trail; I- I.. Murphy nnd fnmlly, Iis AnRoles; I). C. Helms. Tal ent; C. IS. Yountt nnd wife, Svuttlo; O. I.. McnonnW,' N. J. VIlllams. J. U. Keter; M. Ilnynes. C J. Denton, city. 4- AT THK'HUHniKS. "All tho world loves n lover," yet the stern provisions of thn law cnmpolled County Clerk Colemnn to refuse to Issuo tlm pnpers Saturday which would ninko two henrts bent n one. simply because tho neressnry wltnessen ns to tho nllKl blllty of tho parties to enter tlm matri monial state wero not nt )innd. The oro nnd nppenrnnco of tho cou ph.. who hnlo from nn upivnlley town, both of them near tho throe-scoro lino, was prlmn fnelo cvldoneo, but tho ne ressnry nffldavlt by some third person who wiih ucuunlntcd with both wns not nt hand. Consequently tho pair whoso nppllcn Hon for llconso to wed showed Hint "o'on In our nHlu'M live their wonted fires," sor rowfully wended their wny bnck to their homeH In senrch of somoono who cAuld mnko tho necessary declaration "that thero In no legal Impediment to thlH innrrlnRe. i AUSTRALIA riHDB HBVT WAY TO HANDLE BOOS WAHIIINOTON. Jnn. 22. From nn Austrnllnn expert sent to tho United BtntoH to study up systems of econom ical mnrketlim' of farm products comoH a brimd-now HUBRostlon oh to eR8, Tho expert'M Idea Ih tho establishment of 'Vkk circles." wherein nil tho farm ers send their lion frut to u "sec rotary." who KradoH nnd payH cash for tho rooiIh, forwardliiK them to tho Koverninent "cooIIiir" or HtorhiR houseH. Tho rov ornment then selln to tho rutallcr and Is thus practically tho only middleman, tho secretary receiving only ono cent per dozen for tlm orrh he linndleH. Tho syntom Ih In operation In sovoral Australian HlatcH nnd It Ih reporlod that It will shortly bo tented In llusaln. Mcdforrt, OroRon: This cortifios tlint wo lmvo sold Hall's Towis Won der for llio euro of nil kidiioy, lilnd dor nnd rhounintio troubloa for ton yonrH, nnd lmvo novor had a oom plnint. It kIvoh quiok and jHinnnnont roliof. filxty dnys' trontmont in onoli liotllo. Mod ford l'harinaoy. Christian Church, Phoenix. Tho following will ho tho jirogrnm nt tho ChriHtiiin church, rhoonix, Sntttrdny ovonitiK and Sunday noxt: Subject for Sntttrdny cvoiiiiij,', "Whoro to lAsam What to Do to Ho Saved." Sunday school nt 10 n. in. All children ruqucstcd to bring n twino Ktring twico uu long aa thoy aro tall. Sunday morning nt 11, Evangelist JneUon's subject will bo "LovoHt Thou Mo." At 3 p. m., meeting for women only; Bubjcot, "Woman: Her l'laco nnd 1'owor," for all over 13 years old. This will bo a croat Borvico; don't miaa it. Subject for Sunday evening, "How can all Chribtiaus in Phoenix Ho United f" A gront chorus choir nnd snooinl hoIoh nt nil sorvicos. Mrs. Jackson is a uront loador. Nor wdrk is n mighty powor in tho meotinga Hlustrntion, inspiration and illumin ation ohnrnctorizo tho sermons. Lovo ubouuda through all. Illustrated songs and viowa. ovory ovoning. Como, como oarly, como to tho front. You'll miss it if you miss it. Christian Science. ' Sorvicos ovory Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock. Subject of losson-sor-moil, "Truth." All nro welcome Sunduy school nt 10 o'clock. 128 North Grnpo stroot, north Shonnan Cluy nuisio house. Christian Church. At tho Christian church Sunday sorvicos as -follows: 10 a. m., Biblo school; 11 u. in., tho Lord's Suppor, followed by n Bormon on "Tho Vino nnd tho Branches"; 0:30 p. in., Christum Endonvor; 7:30, song sor- v dml V . vtco aim sormon on "ino imw oi Pnrdon." Evorj'hody woloomo. W. Theo. Mutlock, pastor. Presbyterian Church. Tho morning Borvico nt 11 o'clock, subject, "Tho Touch of Christ Upon Your Kyos." A solo by Mrs. E. E. Goro; congrogntion singing. Evening sorvico nt 7:30 o'clock, subjoot, "How to Iionlizo Christ's Idea of Mnu"; congrogntionnl Ringing. Sun day sohool at 10 a. m., C. E. sooioty at 0:30. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING A)l Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN , PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 KELBON IS C HA IK MAN Or ikvebt:oatinc ooasaarrrsi: WASHlNOTON, D. C, Jnn. 22. The first step toward activity on the part of tho nalllneer-Plnchot Investigation commltteo of congress was taken to day when Hcnntor Kelson wan elected chairman of tho committee nnd Bonn tor McCnll vice-chairman. Tho com mltteo will meet again next Tuesday. 1IKKII T1IK WAJINIXCJ. Muslo nt rlrst Mothodlst Splioopal. At tho mornlnn scrvlco Ileethovon'H anthem, "Tho lleavona Aro DeolarlnB," Will bo mint?, and QadHby's "I 'Will Lay Mo Down In I'oaoo," at tho ovonlnt; sorvico. Onoo own a Huiok and you will novor nood nuothor, . It has tho qnnlity. 258 Slimy .Mi'ilforil IVoplo Hnvo I)oni So. When tho kldnoys aro sick thoy glvu unmlstnkablo warnings that should not bo ignored. 13 y examining tho urlno nnd treatlni; tho kidneys upon thu first sign of disorder, ninny dnys of suffering mny bo saved. Sick It liln 0)8 expel a dark, Ill-smelling urlno, full of "brick-dust" sodlmont and pnlnful In passage. Sluggish kid neys cntiBO n dull pain In tho small of tho bnck, headaches, dlizy tpolls, tired, languid feelings nnd frequent ly rheumatic twinges. Donn'a Kidney Pills nro for tho kidneys only: thoy euro sick kld neyu, nnd rid tho blood of uric poi son. If you suffer from any of the nbovo symptoms you can ubo no bet ter remedy. Medford people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Jennie Sovey, 1023 Ninth St., Medford, Or., anys: "I first used Donn's Kidney Pills whllo living In Idnhn. I had suffered a great deal from kidney trnublo nnd I wns sub ject to sevoro attacks of pain In tho smnll of my back.. Tho kldnoy secre tions also pnsscd Irregularly and showed that my kidneys woro at fault. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved mo promptly and finally effected a euro. I am now in good ncnitn nna my kidneys do their work ns thoy should." For 8alo by all dealers. Price GO cents. Foster-Mllbnrn Co., Uuffnlo, N. Y., solo agonts for tho United States. nomombor tho name Donn's and take no other. . time to ono who is in a position to handlo it. Price $60,000. Aylor & Dnrnott, next door to Mail Tribune office. To the Mail Tribune. This is to certify that my foot has had nn itching skin disease for four or five years and have tried two or three doctors without nny relief. Four weeks ngo I began using Chinese Dr. Paul Young's medicine and my foot is entirely well. You will find Dr. Young in Ashland nnd Medford. LEE GOY. SIGNS OK WKATjTII. An olectrlc sign should bo Judgod as you would judge n salesman or a clerk. If a good salcsmnn can soli twko aB ninny goods for you as a poor salcsmnn, you would rather pny him a Rood snlnry than n poor sales man a poor snlary. An oloctrlc sign burns your nnmo Into tho public mind. It stands out bright nnd radiant on tho darkest night. It makes a niuiio for you nnd your store It soils goods. It stamps you as successful. It brings you trndo. Is an olectrlc light an oxponso In vlow of theso things? . No, It Is nn Investment just ns a clovor salesman, a money saving cash register, hnndsomo now showcases, I or nny othor nppolntmont of your huslncBS Is nn Investment, It Is tho only offectlvo night ad vertising. Hotter wrlto or phono us about It today. KOGUH niVEU EU3CTRIO CO. EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES 0-room house for rent. 7-room house, furnished. FOR SALE 4-room bungalow. 0-room house, lot 70x250. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acres improved 5-yoar-old vineyard lo cated in California. FOR SALE A restaurant, the only ono in town. Half interest in n good restaurant. Restaurant for $550. Restaurant for $1000. Two other businesses in town. 4-room houso, $1150. 0-room houso. Have othor houses to soil. Lots to sell. WAXTKI). Two women for genornl housework', 11 per day; ono woman, boardlnK hoiiBO, J20 per month, room nnd board: two men nnd their wives on ranch; ono womnn to work on ranch, 51; flvo much hnnds; ono girl for dining room work out; ono girl for genornl housework. Havo other work for men and wom en: woman to wash. 30c per hour. 20 ncros for sale uoar Englo Point For snlo Iot on Oakdnlo avenue. Kor snl? 2 lots on Oal: street, fine location. For safe Ono lot on Grapo street. E. F. A. BITTNER. Prop. ROMM 208, PHIPPS BLDG. i PHONE MAIN 4141. Notice. Ib hereby given that the undersigned will apply nt the regular meeting .of . the city council of Medford, Oregon, on February 1, 1910, for license to sell malt, vincous and spirituous li quors in less quantities than one gal lon for a period of six months, at lot 11, block 20, in Medford, Oregon. W. M. KENNEDY. Dated January 21, 1010. WANTED A Chocolate Dipper, or a girl to learn the business. RUSSELL'S, The man who makes the hlgh-rjradj goods. 129 EAST MAIN STREET. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands 1 ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON j TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in J ac&mm county Bank Upstairs FOR SALE 100 Acre of God Fruit Land, 4 miles west of Gmnts Pass. I Forty seven lots In Jacksonville, fine locution. I liuve nlso got a pair of fine Cougar Kittens, five months old, which can be bought at n rcnwonablo price. THE VISITOR ENQUIRE G.N.Lewi; who Is welcomed by a flood of light can not fall to feel genuinely welcome. The one who arrives In tho darlc half doubts the warmth of his reception. A porch light adds cheer as well as comfort to tho home. It saves possible accidents and grop ing for the door bell. It makes tho home before which it shines a beacon In the street. A porch light indicates progression, lovo orhome and civic pride. Send for the estimate man today. Do not put It off. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO YOU FURNISH THE LAND. WE FURNISH THE BUYER. EASTERN CONNECTIONS I ar lAflI7il1aEnabl0. 118 to seU your ProPty to too beat advantage iPUlsHtjUlif nil . write, roiopnone or can ana ten us wnat you have. t Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. I Foundry and Machinist All If'nr of Emjlnes, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma4 chlnery. Agents In Southern Oregon for X $ FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. J f .4.4. HUNTLEY -KREMER COMPANY Real Estate, Insurance, Loans. 214 Fruitgrowers' Bank Building. TELEPHONE MAIN 3491. To Close An Estate. . 350 norcs, Ihroo milos from town on nmin trnvolod rond, good lnrgo houso nnd bum, 300 naros in n high stnto of cultivation. It is nbovo frost lino nnd lnys just right to fiub- tuvido into 10 nnd 20-noro trnots. This is nn old donation olnim nnd hns novor changed hnnds Rinco it wns ontorod from tho govornmont. It is not only ns good, but tho very boRt lnnd in tho Itoguo Rivor vnlloy. Wo nro in n position to mnfco oxcop- tlonnlly easy torms to rosponsiblo pnrtios. It is tho chnuco of n life- GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Olfico: 209 West Main St., Medford, Oro. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRAN HE F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Civil Entieers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON, Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Reports. Estimates, Etc., Water row el's and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Ir rigation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. J. E. ENYA'RT, Preaidom JOHN S. ORT1I, Cnabier .1, A. PRRltY, Viee-PreMidMt W. n. JACKSON, Ass't Cushw. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UAPtTAL . . $50,000 SURPLUS $f0,fW Safety boxes far rent. A general Banklny Ruslness transacted. Wj solicit your patronage.