Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1910, Image 1

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    iTrcqon Hlilorleri Sodety
riw Mall
ft 'i f
United I'H'nn AsMoclatloii.
"It leased Who Report
Tho only pppor In tho
wirld tuiMlHluhl In n city tho
hIku of Medford having; a
h.nitod wlro.
Medford Mail Tribune
Today nnd Monday,
Cloudy. Saturday High 02,
low 41, rango 53.
No. 263.
Movement Started In Cleveland Federal (Irani! Jury Will Mirt Mon
HpreiuN Like Wlhlflrt- livery
uhero Idea In Favored -In Some
I'ltkm Price of Men I In Iiwered.
tiny lfr Inlllnl Move in (Jovern
iiii'iit'N Second Fight to Hreuk AN
leged Combination of Parkers.
Feared That Death Lint Will Ho
GmUly Increased AVhen Full Ho.
construction worK on tho rmmonse
port Are In Hundred of Arm Irrigation system which will eventually
... . ....i.e. , piace t,vuu noros or iwgue iiivcr vni
III Country District Submerged. ,ey ,.,, ,,- irrigation. . c...
mated cost of SI. 250,000, wilt start on
February 1, according to an announce-
(MIlr'Ann Inn Will, .11,... PAIMH. Inn ?5 TMrv.nn.. n.r.nn. I ment mmln from thn lftMl nffle.x- nf
A A I . ...... ... ........ ...... ... - "" I " . "
TT -rTT-r-r-r-rTTT-r-TTTT l lawyer for tint ChlcaKO mnt uicers we dead an tho result of tho floods that I tho syndicate hnndllng the proposition
i iinrrvinir iiiwiirii hub rn v r uraii iv 11a vn wriii iiiiiiitrii iiiifi pnmnrii urnnriiniiiiuiuur. i un iirit huik iiii iin inn
I - ' ' " ' " - -- . ...... . , ,- -
'It II... . ...... A . - . . .. I
Plant of S?v Irrigation Company
Heath Such n I'olnt Tlmt Construc
tion Work 'Will Soon Start 55,-
000 Acres of Valley jUnd Arc to He
Plnced Under Irrigation.
. I licrr. tho federal gran 1 ;ury Is matting during tho Inst three' days, nccordlng
.... preparations today to incut nmt Monday , to advices received here today. News
' I II .1 ........ ... ... . 1 . t. . . I .
workmen which started tho rent -f l'or ",0 '","01 movrment In tho tfovurn from tho stricken sections, however. Is
kkiIm,! hl'iI.i it.., i.i,-t, t I nieiit's second M k tl,rht to hrn. nu meoeer, and It Is feared that tho mim-
...... .... i.. i , ..... i ...i.i it... .... ... . . .... . ..... ,.. .....
uiivHi-, vuiuuiiiiKiwii iii nu agners in uur ui cnniiaiiivs win Keaiiy exceeu
innlntaln high prices for innts. that number.
United Htntert District Attorney Klmit Althouch the swollen rivers am still
will open n criminal prosecution of tho rlslne, there Is liopo that tho hluli-water
packers with the presentation of n larKe mark wilt be reach od before tomorrow
niMit throuKhuul the oountry.
''We, as waitO'carners, aro will
Ink to assist thn slultt nnd mil
ntulpalltlca In prohlnir Into the
IiIkIi cost of llvlnir. purtlaularly
thn of moat, which Is almost
"This niiitatlon can best bo-
. nmounl of datn uathrred by himself nnd Tho rains have ceased, but tho rivers
inn i.nni.iiiui. a ui 111 I'KHveriuiieui nra ueuit. ten irom sinmier sireanis.
Intends n vlKorous and hard fouKht cam- Knnrmous damaRo was done In nnd
come effeotlvo by refralnlUK ,1,,K" """"en 10 e snuwn oy mo nrounu mis cuy. ino wans oi mo
from ealllit invot for ft period of -I I'ruceuuro linn iot mo J'nris onu urieans rnnwuy tunnel, which
JO itays. .I1'"10 keen made secondary to the crlm-. was flooded yesterday, were creatly
"If this does not brlnif tho t . . weuiicnei ami enKineers who oxnmincu
wuiui igmu urn, mem expiesseii mo lear inai incy wouiu
Hints has scores of witnesses hero collapse. Traffic In tho metropolitan
who hnvo been worklnx secretly for subway Is partially tied up today
several months. These aro expected to Vlneyardlsts and small farmers suf-
KO at onco before tho ifrnnd Jury and It fercd severely Hundreds of acres In
(Continued on pass 4.) the country districts wero submersed.
price of meat within the means
of poor people, thu we will re
frain from eatlns meat for CO
"We, as citizens, do hereby
ask our representatives In each
counollmunlo district and the
legislative bodies to keep 'this
aultatlon uppermost In their
minds and actions until the re
sult manifests Itself.
"W'a ask tho co-operation of
all proplii who lira Interested In
fair play and tho future of our
otherwise prosperous oountry."
Will Krect 950,000 Hulldlns Where
Merriumu'M Illuckuniltli Shop Stood
Money In Sight nnd Work Will
Start in Xear Future.
II. J. Xeely, Vice-President Xntlorml
Apple Show nnd President of 150,-
000 Club of Spokane, Greatly
Pleased "With Rogno Itlver Valley.
,i a. meeting or Medford lodee. So. Sookano'a chief booster. IT. 3. viv.
103, A. F. & A. St., Friday evcnlnc ,tl whoso signature, by the wav nmuarirt
was decided to purchase tho Trail lot on the check won by Tronson & Guthrlo
on East Main street, where tho black-'at the National Annie fihow as vl
smith shop of George Merriman new ' president of the show, has been visiting
situated, and to erect a building, il.e ' Medford, for tho past few days and Is
total cost being In tho neighborhood o: charmed by city and valley. Mr. Neely
150,000. A largo portion of the monev has long been Identified with the Boost
has been subscribed and work will soon ' ers' Club of Spokane and Is at, present
be under way. 'president of the 160.000 Club of that
It Is the Intention of the lodce to cltv.
erect a three-story building, prejssd i "I am ereatlv nlenl with what T
brick front, steam heated, full basre- havo seen of your valley," states Mr.
ment and modwern In every respect. Necly, "and I feet that I must come
Work Is to be started as early In the back and ret some of vour fruit land.
spring as possible. Tho top floor will I have seldom been so impressed by
bo fitted as a lodge room and In addl- natural conditions as I have been here.
Hon to a banquet hall, a smoking room. "Medford has a great future. Your
library and other features will bo add- city la bound to grow with the resources
vu, maKing u a noma xor members of It has back of it.
Although the year 1S10 la still
young, Medford has set a mark, -f
in municipal improvement which 4
probably lias never been equal-
eu oy any city of 7500 in the
world, and which no other city
in the northwest can show. Dur
ing the past two, weeks petitions
for paving have come in until the
total' on file when tha recorder's
office closed last evening repre
sent a. total of over ten miles
of the city's streets. This work
is all to bo dono this summer.
Medford has nearly three miles
of pavement at the present time
and it Is believed that by fall
T flrwl tnonv. I T 1UII7 i miieS 01 IHO CltY'S
tho Siosonlc order. neonio hero and t to tht ,. ,ov.-f streets will bo paved.
This is the first lodge building to chosen wisely. You certainly have a live l Faring 300 feet to a block;
be put under way In Medford. It Is un- bunch of-boosters here, and I say this. tho PUtlons on file represent.
(der8tood that tho Odd Tcllows and Slks in spite of tha fact that I conic from thoi PavlnS " cy blocks.
.aro also contemplating building. place which contains none but boosters." , 4-
SJayor Canon nnd Councilman Weldi
Leave Todny for California to In
terest I'a-lng Continuity in Loco
Field Much Work to He Hone.
.Man Who, Nude, With Fntnlly, Sat on Housetop to A wait Coming of the
Iortl, In Committed to Anyltttit Wife It ANo So DlNttosed of
Sahl HIn Children Were "Po.HeHM-tl of Spirit of Hevll."
HAN 1'ltANClHCO, Jan. 52. Declar
ing that the price of meat In Han Fran
cisco Is no hlghor today than at corre
sponding dates for years past, Juf-
feron (1. James, a wholesale meat deal
er, today asserted that thorn Is no meat
!,. I.. rniir...,.i h.i.i am 1im ,.iti
, MHIIIWIIIIII ...... l I W III VI I,...,,, .1.... ...... . . . . , . ....,
1,,. ml Vm. nn,,.,tlll,.i, ..Tl.t. nmnni. thu " "ftu "wei.iru 10 jmii.
wholesalers. Tho advance In prices Lena, my little daughter, front mo and
noted at this season of tho year, ho said, I held her tight. Sho kicked and
Is due only tc tho scarcity of beef on screamed nnd stl'ffencd nnd struggled
tho ranges and not to pr.unedltnted at- ko n ,,ov poj..oj ncr, x wna try.
iuiiiih on inn imri ui uiu uwiiurn . to cot tho dovll out of her "
IIOIU up 1 110 llgurt'S. So testified OenrL-i. l'enlnt. th fannl.
I.eroy Hough, vice-president of tho icn, ..,,... Holipr.. wh ...lth
western irai company, corrouoraicu nm, two sm(.,i chn,irn. wn. tounA OI,
james sum-munis. no iieciareu Mini ttm roof of tho lWnt hnmn near I.m
meat prices in mis city navo noi ex- ,ion nWniiinir tho end of the world. !.
coded a normal flguro and nro lower jU(jC0 Hardin's department of the su-
limn in any oini-r l acuio iw.i cuy. iKjrIor court wh lo belnc examined for
o uomoinauon. i.i. -ntv todav.
ino peopio oi mis cuy aro 10 nn Jiidiro Wiiti Aiinr,
conKraiuiaiiMt inai inoy nro noi ueing ju.liro itUP,ii. moved to wrath bv the
FHKI x. cuJmixgs
Whost oL'or s lot" t tho foundation
of the iv.tdlcate wit It J. vIU build an
I.Tigntlon system la the Rogue rlvor
valley uneqailed In 'ho northwest.
I overhauling nnd repairing of tho main
canal from Llttlo llutto creek to the
oha'rged exorbitant prices for meat," ,ic,cr,,tlon of Daby Martol's death and
HoiiKh said. "Tho reason they are not . onft.a torturo by her father. reutlM:
Is becnuso then. Is no combination hero ..j x ,lfttl ,,oen ro wh KOO(,
nntiiitg mi., wnoiesniers. uocnuso oi Mie , x wou,a ,myo move(, a Mov or
.'.inuiiK nrcii tiiii..iiui.iu, mrui yunin two ollt 0f you j B10rt order "
i cents per poumi ess nr on nn av- At Ul0 000mslon of tho oxa.t.hmtlon
erogo than It does In Los Angoles. Tit- of 1Vatot ln ,ha cour,room ui of Mrs.
coma, Han Dlego, Portland or Heattle. restot ,n tno coulthoue Jail, Mio tx-
N "Thero In a marked scarcity of live-
stocu on tno consi una year, ami many
smaller cities have scoured portions o
tho supply that should go to tho larger
centers, Kxpenses of .feeding cattlo nt
this Uine of year Is high and tlmt con
tributes to thn general advance In prices
In many cities. Han Francisco has not
suffered from these conditions, how
ever, nor hnvo other const allies to any
nppreclnhlo extent."
HKliLINOHAM, Wash., Jan. 2!. nmltlng physician, toporiod the cout' "radshaw drop, and then tho rccon- both nro Insau. and nti-.i nnd wife "tructton or what Is Known as the Hop
were ordered connnUtjd to iho theil.t-Mna lateral.
coom Insane asylum. I uwing to tho limited time that the
Tho hearing of Putot was marked by "ulor can 00 KW irom tno main oanai.
tha queer comblnatloT of 1,10 company finds It Impossible at this
nn tusnnlty dlplavd by Tostot. "mo to reconstruct the main canal, but
Imbued With the Devil. I" wm 00 inorougiuy Cleaned and some
Tho lunatlo blaei...! alt his troubles Improvements made. Tho Hopkins lot-
on tho beliefs of tho Holy ItolVr cult era!, however, will be built larger, tho
nnd on his following them and thus work bel,,B ot R Permanent nature,
bocomlnu Imbued with tho "snlrlt of the The new syndicate hns not entirely
dovll." 0000 organlxed, tho final steps not ns
"Tho Blblo and truo rellulon never having been taken. This will be
drove a man Insane." ho declared. "It arrangoa in tno near future.
was when wo followed this false doc- company plans a great work In
trine that my wlfo had delusions and I tho valloy. When its system Is com
hypnotized mo into doing fooilsli lted It will have over 250 miles, of
things." laterals In tho valley, placing 55,000
But although ho seemed to havo re- ncros unr Irrigation,
covered from tho belief that ho would , or niany months tred N. Cummlngs
bo taken up to heaven by a fiery clur- ,m8 becn nl wrk on the project and
lot. that tho world was comlne to an nw "I" Plans glvo promise of a suc-
end nnd that ho must strip himself nak- cessful culmination. He has already ex-
ed to meet his maker, Pestot was ovl- ',enl"" 'n preliminary surveys
dently far from sane. nml "tost cnthuslaatlo regarding the
Train Leaves Soft Track on C. P. Railroad and Plunges Into Rive:
Three Conches Submerged Drowning Occupants Like Rats
Feared Heath List AVill Reach Total of 07.
SAULT STK. MARIE. Ont., Jan. 22. of tho forward part of tho train, but
Late this evening tho Canadian offl- broke under the pressure and sent a first
cmis sam inai j. persons wero Known class coach, a second class coach, a
to be dead In tho wreck of the Montreal- sleeper and a diner plunging down the
Minneapolis express. embankment toward the Spanish river.
.From the number missing it is cstl-l Coach Shattered,
mated that tho death list may reach! Tho second coach was shatter,! h..
as high us C7. ' sleeper turned over on it bU1
Thirty-seven passengers were Injured. , tho first class coach was hurled etonr
Several of them are expected to die. ;lnto the stream and went Into the rlv-
Parents of Triplets Who Received n
letter From Roosevelt Now
PoNsea.s Quadruplets.
Tacoma Takes It Up.
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 22.Tho Pion
eer Improvement club of Tacoum has
called u meotlng for tonight to tulco un.
tno -no mcai propnganna' wnton sinn
ed In Cleevlnnd and Is gaining hendway
an over tno country At tonight's moot- tj0.S ANQHLKS. Cnl Jan. 22, W. AV,
oV en r nr , : " w.on .d i of 2010 Magnoim
sons who will pledge themselves not to nvonuo, who rocelvo.l a congratulatory
ont meat for BO days. lottor from TltLOdoro IIoobovoU whoa
Ministers to Act, trlnlots weru born to Mis. Wilson dur-
TIlO mllllHters of tho city nro reported ! thn fnrmnr nrnsldent admlnlBlrn.
to be planning n Ullltod meeting for Hon. aro the nroud nnrents of niindrmi.
nosi wci'K. 111 which nine tun period lotSi Tw0 nro boys nnd two nro blrls,
noyooii win no inorougiuy iiisoussea priOP to tho arrival of tho four
mill Homo (lotion tnKen. THO subject Will honnolnir vounirHtors vestordav. Mrs
nlso bo tnknn up by tho central labor wilson had given birth to trlplots on
council Wednesday night. two occasions, and onco to twins, All
tho ohlldron wero born within tho last
to Kauo on Bean. Initio years,
VKNTUIIA, Cal., Jan. 22. With thou- Tho first "sot" of trlplots died. Ono
snnda of peoplo abstaining from moat llttlo lad, 4 yenrs of ago, Is tho only
with tho vlow of compelling tho butch- surviving of tho second trio, Two twins
ors to lower tholr prlcos, It was nnnouno- now nro protty llttlo girls of 0 years
rd todny hero thnt tho Lima Ilcnn Whon tho first trlplots wero old
QroworB' nssoolatlon whlah controls nil enough to bo oxhlbltod on tho stroot by
tho nenna in tno country, exoopt 125,- tholr fathor and mother, threo go-enrts
000 sacks, IntondB to hold for n rnlso woro dismantled, fastonott abronst, and
In tho prices uoforo soiling. heavy wheels nttaohed to tho outsldo
(Continued on pago B.) ' xlcs. Wilson stated today, thnt an ox-
ItejKirts of Fatalities Hegliitilug
Come In From All Sections Snow
Causes n Fatal Wreck.
Special Meeting of tho Council Friday
Afternoon Divides City Funds
Hetween Three Ranks.
CLEVELAND, 0 Jan. 22. HeportB A special mooting of tho city touncll
of fatalities and accidents nro begin- W08 1,oUl Friday nfternoiu at which
nlng to oomo In from all parts of Ohio, , , "7. ,
,. , . '. M " ' privilege of handling tho city funds
luiiunmii iuu niu ui u uuzzaru wnicu I weor opened.
Is sweeping the stuto todny. The ro- It was found on opening tho bids thnt
porta havo boon dolayod owing to In- tnreo of "le banks, tho Jackson County,
tnrrimtimi of wim exminnninniinn u tottroni Mitioiiai nnn tho Fnrinors
, ... . .... . " i' ruugrowera nmi uui in uieniicai
ul IVUIVU HUH BIX injUrOU ll .la vl Mill li,l,.rn. .1.11..
lw, ...... ,,,. . ... I ' ..... - ..... ....v.vat w.
.i,i-i. I'ii6i iiaiii vuiliucu Willi a in nni, nn.1 .11.3 tier eon ,loll
strootcnr near hero lato last night. Le iv ,m.- , nv,.e ti, m..; x..
T1I...1I.. .... - . " -
u.i.K .., unveil oy 11 lo-miio gnio, tlonnl offered 2 per cent on dally bal
Is assigned ns the cuuso of tho nccodont. nuccs na 3 ,,or ccnt on 'six month.
j. uuiiiuur ui nuuuiLur acCUieniS OO- I il.mnultu
uu"u" ""':?' lrco,cnr "a"o A resolution was passed ncceptlng tho
now ueu up oy mo siorm. offop of thQ ...... flrst ,mm.,, ,innWa
Instructing tho treasurer to dlvldo the
cltv funds botweon tho throa muntoliml
im Bi-ui win uo auueu to una nursery depositories as nearly ortunl as the Htate
on wncois ror tho bonoflt of tho now of tho different funds would permit.
DOUIOS. Tho treasurer's band win flu,l nt
It was suggestod to Wilson thnt ho $25,000. ns at nresent. nnd eneh of thn.
eauio tno goou nows to Koosovelt In banks will bo ronulred to eiv v hnmi
Of 115.000.
Ten bodies havo been recovered.
Divers aro nt work on tho submerg
cd cars.
Tho Montreal-Minneapolis passenger
train went over an embankment 37
miles west of Sudbury. Ont, last night,
but tho number of victims will not be
k own definitely until divers have made
an Investigation of the threo coaches
submerged, with its occupants. In the
Spanish river.
The condition of tho track Indicates
that tho wreck was caused by a weak
ened rail, which withstood the passage1
er, but it was only partially submerged,
its occupants all escaping with slight
Most of tho severely Injured were In
tho second class coach, which was
smashed In Its crash down tho embank
ment The sleeper, being of much heav
ier construction, was not nearly so bad
ly damaged, but several of the passen
gers who wero In it woro badly hurt
Ho One Escaped.
It la not believed that anyono escaped
from tho first class coach, which went
into tho river, as it was so quickly sub
merged that thoso within It must havo
(Continued on pago 6.)
Fanatical Women Mall Target Per
forated With Hitllets to Eng
lish Lender,
LONDON, Jan. 22. Officers from tho
Scotland Yard today aro trying to learn
tho Identity of tho Suffragettes who
mailed to a momber of parliament who
was standing, for ro-clectton a paper
targe, that had been perforated by bullets.
Tno arrival of tho tnrgot enmo close
upon tho Suffragettes' announcement
thnt they Intended to make a demon
stration before tho national elections
wero concludod and tho discovery that
several of tho "votos for women" lead
ors hau been Indulging ln secret revol
ver and rifle practice
At Scotland Ynrd It was admitted
today that a shooting gallery tho Suf
fragettes had established was raided.
Tho Impression la great, however, that
Winston Churchill was tho recipient.
Qeorgo Sheriffs and William Duncan
spent aSturday In Medford visiting their
Will Xot Lose Sight of Eye as Re
iwrted Politician Peppered
With Small Shot.
When City Recorder Telfer closed hls
offlca last evening he had on file peti
tions from proporty owners In the city
requesting certain streets In the city to
be paved totaling in tho aggregate near
ly ten miles, or 176 city blocks and
this since January 1. This work Is to
ba done during 1910. With nearly threo
miles already paved. It la expected that
by January 1, 1911, that 15 ralles ot
Mcdford's streets will bo paved. -k
Mayor W. H. Canon and Councilman
Welsh, armed with all available data,
and knowing that they have ten mllea
of streets petitioned for, leave today
for California points, where they will
take up paving matters with companies
in on endeavor to secure a lower cost
They will be absent sorao ton days.
A number of petitions aro still out
and will coma in later. Tho streets on
which paving is asked and for which
petitions aro on file ln the recorder's of
fice are:
Genessee street
East Main from brldgo to city lim
Riverside avenue, Twelfth street
north to tho city limits.
Central avenue, both north and south
to city limits.
Sixth. Rlvcrslda avenue west to Oak-
dale, with exception of railroad crossing.
Bartlett from Main to Eighth.
Front north to Jackson, south to city
Fir from Sixth south to city limits.
Alley between Fir and Orapo, Main
to Eighth.
Grape, Sixth to Eighth.
Holly, Second south to city limits..
Ivy, Sixth to Seventh.
West Tenth, Oakdale to Hamilton ln
Ross addition.
Laurel, Main south to Eleventh.
North Orange. Main to Fourth.
West Fourth, Oakdale to Columbus.
Roosevelt avenue, Main north to city
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 22. Al
though Tom Taggart, Demooratlo na
tional committeeman, was painfully
wounded while hunting near Fayette.
Miss., yesterday, his surgeon today wired
that Taggart will not lose the sight of
his injured right eye. Taggart was out
quail shooting In tho underbrush near
Fayetto with H. W. S. Norton, his secre
tary. Norton fired at a bevy of birds
and a portion of a chargo of blrdshot
struck Taggart
The politician's face, right shoulder
and chest were peppered with small shot
and for a tlmo it was thought that tho
sight of ono eyo had been destroyed.
Taggart is duo to arrive hero tomor
Firate Son round.
PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 22. What Is
thought to bo the rendezvous of a band
of river pirates hnvo boen found near
Smith's Landing below Woodland, on
tho Lowls river. Loot to the valuo bf
moro than 15,000 was found.
mawy inr ssx.axrjr
CHARLEROI, Belgium. Jan. 22,
Many persons aro bollaved to havo been
killed and a scoro of missing burled
under the wreckage of a largo building
which collapsed today. A number of
Injured persons wero removed from tha
outer portions of tho debris.
Tho falling building narrowly missed
burying a passenger train. Workmen
aro attempting to rescuo tho Injured
and missing and recover bodies.
Mrs. W. AV. Haines of Eugene, ono of
tho pioneers of Oregon, died Saturday
morning after an Illness of several
months, aged 77 years.
Mrs. Haines was among tha children
who made the great trek across the
plains rt tho early settlement of tho
Oregon country, crossing with tho sec
ond wagon train which madotho trip.
Hor parents settled at Brownsville,,
Linn county, which village topk i'ltn'
name from them. '