8 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OIUttlON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1010. A FOREST SERVICE GETTING READY cMaklnn Maps and Preparing for tho Summer Campaign Cruisers Work on Snowshocs. Tho United States forestry office Is principally engaged In preparing for tho next season's work, still more or less field work Is being done. ; During tho past month 15 sales of timber havo been made, more of them In tho vicinity of Anhlandand tho timber cut up Into cordwood. There is a shortage of available fuel In tho Immediate vicinity of Ashland, and these sales are the result. A party of cruisers are now en gaged in estimating timber In tho .Pelican Bay section on a prospective sale of 1,000,000 feet of timber for lumber. Tho cruisers are working on snow shoes. , Some boundaries are being run and recognizance maps being mado In the Applegato section, but tho general field work will not commenco for a couplo of months yet. Twenty-flvo per cent of the gross receipts from the sale of timber, graz ing or other privileges are turned over to the county in which the tim ber is located, or where the permits nre Issued. SKIRMISHING ON KOLGATE SAYS TRAINMEN ASK IfflURDER RESULT BETWEEN ARMIES! FEW CONTESTS HIGHER WAGES! OF BLOOD LUST Desultory Flrlntj Continues Between Will Be Here Until January 29 List sixty-five Roads Are Involved Revolutionists and ment Armies in ragua. Govern-Nica- BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua, Jan. 21. Desultory firing is going on today of Claims Adjudicated Are Open to Inspection. Concentrated Action by Em ployes of Roads In East. in Chicago Police Making Strenuous Efforts to Discover a "Jack-tho Ripper," Who Operates In tho Windy City. CENTRAL POINT TO HAVE HANDSOME BOOKLET CENTRAL POINT, Jan. 21. A special meeting of the Commercial club was held recently to pass on the cover of tho community book, which had been sent up from Portland for approval. The front cover as a work of art has not been eclipsed by any thing yet issued in the way of com munity advertising. A group of Newtown and Spitzenberg apples and Boso pears from perfect specimens secured from Central Point orchards are reproduced in "natural colors, while below in bold characters ap pears "Central Point, Roguo River Valley, Oregon." The back cover is a reproduction in colors of n young applo orchard, the picture selected II. L. Holgate, stafo superintend-i CINCINNATI, O., Jan. 21. Thou cut of. water rights for tho Southern snn,i9 n? ,.:, ne nr. mll. betwecn tho outposts of tho govern-, Oregon district, is in Mcdford and i , , ,i i , , . vn-Kuii uiujh, 3 in "ll"""u ronds operating between the Missis- ment and revolutionary armies near will remain hero until January 29. ; . ,, ,,,, ,,: (nc, Aonvnnn ?l-im!ct.!n n-l.tM. ,,,.. Sippi riVOr MM till AtUUttlO I OnSt Acojnpa. Skirmishing which begun DuriK this time tho claims filed h,VVo presented a demand for an m yesterday, resulting in no eventual'. , . T11, .. , . urescmon n luninnu ior nn in ndrnntn !tl,nr CM ,rna ..for walor Bntto creek will cronso in wages, nocortlmg to Ml an- sumed shortly after dnwn. 1)0 n for tn0 inspection of those nonncement made here today, As tho result of President Jladru 'interested, and 30 days will bo given declaration that peace negotiations in which contests mnv bo filed. with tho insurgents havo been aban doned because of the terms mado by Estrada, it is believed a general en gagement at Acoyapa will tnko place very soon. Tho result of this an ticipated battle, it is believed here, will havo much to do with tho future plans of both lenders. Tho torntory in which tho reads ,run extends from tho Ohio rivor la tho Canadian line. March 1, under tho law, water ovor, Malingers of tho ronds are o.v- which there is no control will bo ( pectcd to hold a meeting soon to nwnrded to tho claimant, nnd a do- fonnulnte a general reply to tho do- cree will bo issued by the circuit-H"1' " possiblo that they may . follow tho notion of 35 lines center- court conxirming mo uuo oi uio clnimnnt to the amount of water which has been , adjudged to him by the state board of control. In enso of a dispute between par Mr. Wert is improving the looks of his pretty residence property on i;es or n contest over tho decision forth central avenue. ing in Now York, tho directors of which refused to nccedo to a similar demnnd by their employes' demands,. hnt nalrml Hut trninninn in nmuiint .it, ' CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 21. llolicv- ,ine; that a iimniuo afflicted with hloodlust killed Mrs. Jennie (Leg horn, known as Ann Kurlong, whoso headless mid disoinhowolcd body was .found hero yesterday, tho polioo to dny aro seeking a ".Jiiok-tho-rippor." They fear a repetition of the horrible crime, which is similar in its details to tho infamous Whitcuhapcl mur ders of London. At prcsout thoro is littlo or nothing whereby to traco tho murderer. No clow was loft to reveal his identity, hut tho circumstnnces surrounding tho murder point to tho deed as one committed for lovo of blood and joy or killing. OUR CLEARANCE Means the Saving' of Dollars to You A LADIES' SUIT Costs only about half regular. the stnto board, it will bo necessnrv for the interested parties to tako the' matter up in the courts, so that it may he finally settled. ' "I do not anticipate many contests in the Butto creek section," said Mr. Holgatc. "In fact, I believe there will i be few, if any. The work has bcon i very successful in that district andj . thl mninriiv nf 4lin rntpr.ncitr nn. it i r.f i m k II-. r, i 1 - J - . . nui u oinyie wrrcsi nab oeen rauue ntfefjc,i with the nllotmcnt made investigation snows tnnt tno an il"- nr,nrn;n,, Mmm!i. i, onssin crept into tho room of the of of securing a compromise wage scale. omn." np?rc?,l' wh5l . Y . wn? sleeping, mo nouy was nncKcu nnu DRUNKS EVIDENTLY FEAR NEW JUDGE Since Mayor Canon Took Over Police Court Work. Although ho has been police court judge since Monday, Mayor Canon has not had a singlo case brought be fore him not even one of "common them." HARRIMAN SYSTEM TO HAVE OCEAN CONNECTION NOT MUCH DOING AT MIME LEDGE Miners Waiting for Good Weather! and Less Snow Before Doing Development Work. gouged, disemboweled and frightful ly mutilated. The head was missing. In spito of careful search, the po lice havo been unable to find tho nn fortunate womnn's head. It is hop ed by them that when it is found it will provo a clew for the nipt urn of the murderer. Things In the llluo Ledgo district nro very quiet now. Tho annnual as sessment work has been dono, nnd ns the district la covorcd to n con- Lovett Flics Memorandum. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jim. 21. -Attorney-General Wiokernhnm today granted Robert S. Lovott, chief of the Ilnrriiunn interests, permission to file a writ of memorandum sup ixirting his request thnt the govern ment dismiss tho nctiou whioh seeks to dissolve tho merger of the Union and Southern Pacific rnilwavs. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 21. Of ficials of tho ITarriman system in Seattle todny confirm tho report that thn TTnirm Pnnlfie will 5mmnlintl V hPnn Hm nrplimlnnrv wnrl.- Inni.W sldorablo depth with snow, furthor wickorsham :, ll.nt 1,0 wm,ld take drunk." Tho town has been quiet to tho cstnblishment of ocean con-i development work has been suspond- (ho memorandum Iulur cnimiiloro and orderly and the calender is con- nection with its mil lino in Seattle. ed for tho llmo belnB' or untl1 bot tion. sequently bare. Within a month's timo tho holdings tor wither prevails. . ' J Z It mav bo that tho ordinary drunks of tho company on the water front- Tho now ownore tho "otho" Knox Turned Down. it may do mai mo orainnry urunKb , . . . rmiin. iunl ncrogs tho rnniro from cm nrpiPT.imn t n, win oo tusmnniiea ot us present mm " . . oi. rr.ir.uonuau, umi. aro awaiting until tho Judge leaves stnjcturcg nm dcstruct5on of tho bi(J thq Blue havo a force of nen doing ActinR 5n nppnrcnt conccrt with tho for Southern California to study buiid;nfrg win bo i,ot:t,n. development work, but moat of tho jnpnnesC( wi,;cj, t,m,C)i jown to,iy n thn mt Himl nnd W sniP paving to have their time, belienng it j3 authoritatively stated that otnor cam ftro lulesccnt. tho sci,cmo 0f Secretory of State for tho purpose being taken from the .that they will have an easier timo be- part of tho Ilarriman lino Pacific This year, though, overyono looks Knox for tllu noutrnlixntion of the Fiero orchard. The cover is printed foro Judgo Eifert, who, as acting Mail steamers will bo diverted from for a b s Uoom ,n tI,Q ai8trlcl nntj Manchiirinn railway, Russia todny ;n fn i ; ?n,? n idln.. ' mnvnr. tnlrp nvir tho inb. However. San Franc sco nnd bo broucht from luu Blu"- ireiu' linndcd to AmbnssnUOr Kockliill a - . . .... ... tt ...... c.-,n- j i flnvolnnmnnt. ...i.!t. :.. w n 1 1 1 " mnr tvini 'nm iinnniuni in rspniun inrepi. A WBAP I Costs only about half rugular. A HAT OR PUR Costs less than half regular. ALL ODD LOTS OF REMNANTS At very closo prices. The Hutchascm Co. Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co. STEEL WITHDRAWS CASE AGAINST P. R. L. & P. CO. SALEM, Or., Jan. 21. Tho rail- rond commission todny dismissed tho complaint filed against tho Portland Railway, Light & Power company by Will O. Stool. Tim complaint against tho company by Stool was that it was running opon.mid unlimited cars on tho St. John line, and n hearing had been sot for January 25 in the Chamber of Commorco building in Portland. Tho dismissal is at tlio. plaint, request of Steel, who says in his let' roliuf. case bo dismissed that the coinpntiy has shown a disposition to remedy tho situation, and in view of that fact askH that tho suit bo dismissed without projudico and with tho un derstanding that it bo filed agiiliu should tlio company fail to livo tip to its agreement. Medford, Oregon This certifies thnt wo havo sold Hall's Texas Won der for tho euro of all kidney, blad der and rhoiiuintio troubles for ten it yours, aim navo never mm n enm- It gives quick nnd permanent Sixty dnyK' troatmont in orn-li rnnlv which is believed to be ndverse. tor to tho commission nskinc that tho ImiUIo. Modford Pharmacy, Tomorrow, Saturday is The Last Day of Our CLEARANCE SALE you do not note the following prices, you will lose on one of the greatest opportunities ever thrown to the people of Southern Oregon. Every remaining article in our great sale cut to the quick. AS THE MONTH PROGRESSES BARGAIN LOTS HERE AND THERE ARE MUCH DEPLETED. THESE SMALLER LOTS ARE BEING CONGREGATED TOGETHER AND MARKED DOWN STILL LOWER THAT THEY MAY BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. ANY WAY YOU MAY TURN IN THE STORE NOW BARGAINS BECKON YOU. TOMOR. ROW'S PRICE LIST WILL PROVE VERY ATTRACTIVE TO THOSE WHO KNOW AND APPRECIATE UNUSUAL VALUES IN MERCHANDISE. EVERY LADIES' SUIT TO $25 FOR SATURDAY ONLY $9.49 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES THESE ARE BEYOND QUESTION THE GREATEST JANUARY SALE BARGAINS WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. Our laces and embroidery section is offering values in this January Sale that surpass by far all previous offer ings. Special purchases favorably consummated enable us to quote values of the most pronounced interest. Laces; values to 20c yard; Saturday, yard 5c Embroideries to 50c yard; Saturday, yard 13c WAISTS, JUST 1-2 FINE JANUARY VALUES. In addition to the full assortments with which this sale opened, recent arrivals have greatly strengthened the showings and consequently tho values. Thus the second week finds this section not less strong in unusual offerings Every Waists in stock reduced to one-half price. $1.00 Waists : 50c $1.50 Waists 75c $2.00 Waists $1.00 LINENS Values of great interest, groupqd in assortments of won- 4 I I I H derful range, including every good style, both in design and material, are making tho history of this January Waist Sale one of notable savings. 75c fine mercerized 70-iuch Linen i..50c $1,75 fine all linen floral design Linen $1,25 But Now to Cap the Climax and to Completely Petrify Competition OUR SPRING LINE OF MUSLIN WEAR, SUITS, PIECE GOODS, HOSIERY, ETC., WILL GIVE YOU PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH THE BUYING PUBLIC PRICES THAT WILL SET A NEW RECORD IN VALUE-GIVING PRICES SO DARING, CLOSE TO COST, SO UNPARALLELED, THAT ALMOST EVERY PATTERN WILL BRING FORTH THE INQUIRY: "HOW CAN THEY DO IT FOR THE MONEY?" WE WANT EVERY PERSON TO KEEP THIS LITTLE BLOCK OF STATEMENTS BEFORE THEM UNTIL OUR SPRING LINE IS IN THEIR HANDS, THEN WE INVITE AND URGE EACH OF YOU TO TELL US FRANKLY YOUR OWN OPINION OF THE VALUE YOU FIND IN THE LINE. IF WE ARE NOT MISTAKEN, YOUR OPINION WILL CO INCLDE STATEMENT FOR STATEMENT, WITH OUR OWN, HOWEVER STRONGLY DRAWN THAT OPINION MAY SEEM TO YOU NOW. WE BACK EVERY STATEMENT ' WITH THE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. w, tie MEEKER & COMP'Y