8 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OK EG ON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910. IB- 8 EARCHING FO BODES HI NS Philadelphia Firo Chief Stitll Look, inn for Bodies of Girls in Ashes of the Ellis Building. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Jnn. 20. Insisting. In his lioltof that a num lr of lioctlos nro still burled in the debris of tho Bills building, whore 500 factory girls woro trapped In a Hro yesterday afternoon, Flfo Chief Raster Is today personally directing a search of tho ruins. Five bodies have already been tak en out nnd reports from the hospi tals to which scores of Injured girls woro taken Indicate, that at least half a dozen fatalities will be added to the list. During tho night an attempt was made by tho authorities to secure a poll of the missing girls. Owing to tho scattered locations of the refu gees to -widen the injured were tak en this has not yet been completed nnd it is believed that many of the girls who nre still reported missing will be found later. Shortly after noon Fire Chief Nas ter declared on emerging from the ruins that ho believed his figures of yesterday, when he estimated from 30 to 40 killed, were high, but that he feared the number of bodies would be found under a collapsed stairway which had dropped into the basement of the building. TUGS AID CRIPPLED STEAMER INTO PORT HOQUIAM, Wash.. Jan. 20. Tugs today nre standing by the Bhip WII Ham H. Smith, which s-dlsabled off Moclipse In 25 fathoms offwater. Al though the vessel is leaking badly, it Is believed that it will, be tawed safe ly into port this afternoon. Four teen' men and one woman are still aboard the ship, but they aro in no Imminent danger. It is also expected that the cargo of timber will be sav ed. Yesterday Mate E. B. Moore and four sailors arrived in Port Oran vlllo in a small boat, whero they had gone for assistance. The vessel lost her mainmast, her foretop gallant and mlzzenmast In the terrible storm of January 13. CITY WATER CASE SOOHE TRIED Abstract of Record Has Been crvcd Supremo Court Will Set tho First Open Date for Hearing. The abstract of record ot tho appel lant in the case of M. F. Hnnley, re spondent, vs. the city ot Medford, np pollant, has boon prlntod and served upon the attornys for, th respondent. There will bo no unavoidable delay In getting tho taso Into tho supremo court, ns thoro Is an emergency exist ing In the matter of tho city's water supply for tho coming year. A. E. Renmes, attorney for Han ley, said this morning: "I have been served with tho abstract of record and will prepare my brief in the case ns ouickly as possible. I am of the opinion that within tho nest three weeks at most the supreme court will set a date tor tho hearing ot the case. nnd owing to tho Interests involved both for private parties and tho pub 11c at largo the earliest possible date will be set and the matter pushed to a conclusion." GREAT FLOODS NO MORE LYING SWEEP FRANCE BY YOUNG MEN WR DECLARED BELIEVE THAT MINERS WILL COT TOGETHER End of Long Strife Between Eastern and Western Miners Thought v. Now to Bo in Sight. ' INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jan. 20. Tho end of tho long standing strife between the United Mine Workers of America and the Western Federation of Minors Is believed to bo In sight through the action today of Presi dent Moyer of the western organiza tion in appearing beforo the mine workers convention here today seek ing reconciliation. Moyer proposed that tho mine workers should appoint a committee to bring about the union of the two organizations or at least a close work ing agreement. Hundreds of Lives Emlnngcrcd Propcrty Loss Tremendous Much Livestock Is Killed. If Thoy Do, Thoy Will Suffer Here after Mirrors Aro Barred In Any , Capaclll From Places Whcro Liquor Is Sold. HINDU LABOR RIIE1MS, Jnn. 20. Tho lives of hundreds of persons nro endangered by the floods thnt nro sweeping Southern nnd Eastern. France today. Tho city of Avenny has been isolated by the overflow of tho river Mnnie. ' It is fenred thnt many hnvo been drowned. The property loss through out the flooded district is enormous. Much livestock has been killed nnd hundred of farms nre flooded. Ordtnnnco No. 2S7 passed by the city council nt Its meeting Tuesday evening la designed to suppress or nt least contj-oH-one ot!tho greatest "ovlls -t- CLUB TALKS OF PLANS. connected with tho liquor business: that Is tho selling or furnishing of Intoxicating liquors to minors. Tho ordinance provides that It shall bo unlawful for any minor to enter or be In any placo In" tho city of Medford where Intoxicating liquors nro sold, and provides n penalty of from $20 to $50 and Imprisonment for not more than ton days for vio lation of the ordlnnnce. It Is mado unlawful also for n min or to mako a falso statement Inn re gard to his nge In order to secure liquor. Tho same penalty aS above Uplands, Cnl Citizens Up In Arms Regarding Employment of Hin dusEight Forcibly De ported From City. (Continued from pao 1.) A notice was received from Hutch- U t0 bo Imposed for violatlou of this sivt Inn nt iht nnllnnnro .uu v u..u ,v..v Th0 ortUnanco ,3 now , f ,. forcei- ::"" v." fcn romnotn r A nr mnnh nn vuu nullum mum. I wicv uu- UPLANDS. Cnl., Jnn. 20. It Is probable that n largo number ot Hin du laborers who nro living In this vicinity will tnko tho hint today and loavo this part of tho f mm try fol lowing tho deportation of eight Asiat ics InBt night by n pnrty of determin ed cltlze. prepared tor' any contin gency composed of whlto men who pnld n visit to the Hindu colony and landed tho eight Hindus "not want ed" Into n farm wagon, drovo them eight mllos Into tho country and or dered them not to return. Only one of thum wns bundled roughly. Ho refused to get Into the wagon, and as n result ho was assist ed Into It by several citizens. Since a H-ycur-old boy wns cap tured hero recently nnd mistreated by severnl Hindus tho feeling hnB January Clearance Odd Lots, Eadc cl Lines etc Now is tho timo to buy all kinds of romnanta, oiuIh of lino3 and odd lota of hosiery, undorvoar, dross gooas ana sines, waists, sKlrts, wraps, suiw, otc., otc, at a saving of from 25 PER CENT TO 00 PER CENT. See the Windows For thoro you find a truo indox to tho bargains in stock. A closor look at tho goods in tho storo will giv.o you tho truo information that tho bavgains aro tho host to bo found in Southorn Orogon. THIRD FAILURE FROM March 1 which was referred to tho building commltteo with Instructions to ascertain what could bo' dono In securing new quarters. Short talks were mado by several members. Judge Colvlg strongly ap proved the proposed constitutional amendment to permit the bonding of the county tor ralso money to build county roads, and Superintendent Feeling 01 Nervousness in Financial Smith tnlked of Mcdford's school sys tem. The secretary was Instructed to purchase chairs for the club. Tho secretary was Instructed to give real estate ment as many book lets as could bo spared. District No Panic, Howover, Is Expected. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Tho third failure following tho drop in Hocking A voto of thanks was tendered to Coal and Iron stock wns announced the members who have put forth their today, when tho firm ot Roborts, Unit best efforts In securing now mom- & Crlss suspended operations on the bers for tho club, nnd a vote of thanks stock market. was. extended to the Mall Tribune for 'Thoro Is 'a feeling of nervousness boosting for members o'f tho club. n tho flnnnclnl district, but a panic Is not cxpocted to follow, as the flur- Murdered Woman Found. ry does not nffect tho banks. CHICAGO, 111., Jnn. 20. The Tho bonrd of Bovsrnors of tho ox bodv of n woman with the head sev. chango today began an offlclnl Invos ered wns found at noon todny in a ligation Into the couso of the collapse flat in the south side. The police of thc "cklng pool. believo she was bratnllv murdered. A member of the firm of Roberts, that tho nssots aro nhout $1,000 000. 1 fore crowds of men were orgnnlxcd to drlro tho foreigners from this vi cinity, but tho Interference of offi cers prevented them from doing so. WILL BE REPRESENTATIVE FOR ARKANSAS COUNTY At tho primnrios hold yostordny in ' Phillips county, Arkansas, I'eler A.j Deisch received tho Democratic nomination for repreicntntivo in tho;n stnto legtslnturo. In this county n Democratic nom ination is equivalent to nn elceti in nnd for county officers tho Repnli licnns rarely put up nny tickot nt all. -Mr. DeiBeh wns for years n resident of Jnukson county, whe o he has n largo circle, of friend, wln will bo grently plcnscd to lonni of his succcfiP. Thoy nil predict for him thnt Phillips county, Arknnxnt), has rondo n wiso choice We Invite Friendly Criticism of this Store If thero is anything wrong with this storo if tho pricos aro not adhorod.to as advortisod if our clorks or tho proprietors do not treat you courtoously, if thoro is a thing you think could bo improved in this storo, wo will thank you to drop us a card and givo us your opinion. This is tho ppoplo's storo, thoy havo mado it, thoy should bo intorostod in tho way it is run. SEND US YOUR CRITICISMS. The Hutchison Co. Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co. Hall & Crlss said today that tho con- corn failed for $3,000,000, Tho FIsko company, which went to tho wall yostorday, announced today that Its liabilities arc $2,000,000 nnd WEST SIDE PHARMACY NOW OPEN. Evcrytlilnn In DruQS, Medicines, Drugnlsts' sundries. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Manicure Necessities, Sick Room Necessities. Accurate Preticriplioii Work Ounrnntocd. To!eplifiioMtrvioo. Prompt dolivory. What jou wmit, when you wmit it. You nro uordially in vited to Htep in and insert our storo. WEST SIDE PHARMACY THOS. BARTHOLOMEW, Ph. G., Manager. 206 WEST 7TH STREET. PHONE G5I MAIN. .' t : : I $1000 THROWN AWAY .f : ' r " Old type and equipment .exceeding in cost $1000 from the Medf orcl Mail and Southern Oregonian job offices has been dumped and replaced by New Type, New Furniture, New Equipment Dust proof racks, modern fixtures and series of the latest type faces, k . , individual motors, the best craftsmen, enable us to do printing quicker, better and more satisfactory than ever. ' " ; ! : We are ten tim&s better fixed to do good work than ever before ' . " ' no longer handicapped by old materials and inadequate equipment or .V.S , ; ' : the unavoidable delays due to moving. The largest stock of bonds in ': ' V ;; r" r the city: to select from, Estimates cheerfully furnished. - M sr MEDFORD PRINTING COMP'Y -'!,!' : '' Printers and Publishers 38. South Central Ave. 1