TIJJ3 mVDFQHD MAIL TlifBUNE, AfEDIfORbuORKOOy, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20. 1910. 5 SOCIAL ANUPLRSONAL SIX HUNDRED BY TUESDAY. In i ttti HERMANN IS IN BAD. II. Connor of Table Hook wh a Modford vlMltor Thursday. Alliort Walker Of AhIiIiiikI was a Mt'dl'ord vihitor Thursday. (loo wo Oivcim of Antihunt wuh in Modford on biminoHn TlinrHtluy. Mr. mid Mr. 1C. V, Chandler of Wnodvlllo vri) In IIiIn city Thurs day. .1, V. Altliou of Woudvillo whu fit InokMoiivlllo on limiuusi Tluii'idny morning. ..I. II........ il... in... I. tl..ti ... ., . . . 7 t 7, '"7! Ainnyf 13. H. ICtop, H. II. Whitehead, ' . .. L J ' ! William Ulrioh, W. II. Rnrdoti, .1. L. (CoiitliitH'il from p.go 1.) liorH Imvo brought In now momborB, though tlioHii thirty Imvo donti yoo himii'h work and proniino to continuo It, but tho otlioi-H tiro ixpcctod to do their share. Thu club now numbers 17X1 IIIMIlhol'rt. Tlio following aro now member and tboHo presenting tholr names for uit'iuboiwliiit! Hy F. V. ModyiiHki-W. M. ICon nody, Ud Pot linger, I.oon H. Hn kiiiM. fleorgt' L, Davit, J. R. Howard, Dr. Ilntgrnvo, floorgo Merrimnii, Dr. Ira Philips, Frank II. Hull, W. M. Holinoii, f. N. VnnSooy, Frank : BUSINESS LOCALS .: t not lliiimility. Art ltotio of I'liouulx wan in Mod Wear Kidd'H Shoes. " Ulilck In tlio king of tlio auto world. Wliut liavo you to oxchnngo for 80 iuwuu unimproved land. ' Rogue River Lund Co., Woodvillc, Or. 2fi6- Who domtn't nigh for a Unlclc? Woar Kidd'H Shoo. I'VuIt, alfalfa nnd general farm InndH In tractH to suit purehnscr. New towiiHitu addition, just plotted. Vc can hIiow you excellent opportu nity; prices right. Roguo Rivor Land Co., Woodvillc. Or. 256 Donimor, M. I'1. MoCowan, Mlko n..n t. i..tntA ii t A.i..t..M r l i ,.i ,, if ( . , wnuii, 1 1, iiuuuiii, i, jiii.yiihi, .ii. ......,,,.,,,,, ....... wm. , MPj)onoUKb, N. D. McDowell, Ray II K lUm.n Ir i.f l,.nU,miHlrt' 1 ' U' ,,-miM,"" n"rrv No ono know how long a Huiek ll. K. iHi nn, Jr., of ,lekornillH w Q n Kllw,0 Wi,,ur A, ,. , n(,.M,H ,. in Medfiud on profomioiml ... T... , .. .,....., i will law, for no JJuiolc Iiuh ever worn I iiv I I I'UIU, ,1111111 mil lu-wui h, iri.iKn .4 .llllP.llHi UmlnomlHy. I.t,llv U' S Itnnmi... fir . P.H- I. II, MoDounld, .Ion Whoti-lono, W. B. (Continued frm puse 1.) know who got (ho money comln from Ills landH. At tli 1h Horonnon t'jstl flod, Mayfl told him It wan nccoflxary to pay Bonntor Mitchell and Dlngor Hormanti for tho work that was bo Ihb dono by thorn In Wanlilngton to wardii furthorlng tho creation of tho rcBorvo. Juror MUh in"t(lon. Moro Hlnnlflcmt, however, than tho Mormunu link, waa tho point made by William Myorfi, ono of tho Juror, when ho opunod a lllit vlnta Into the Irregularities 'of fh Oeer tiitj land hoar?! ndiiiliilHtritHon of 1001 by the quoitlonti which ho Mkeri Sorou- ;on ilurltiK'tha tnntlmony. Boromwn had bon tolling of taking blank ap Wear ICidd'fl Bhoo. "A Hox of MonkeyB" at the opera pllcatfotitf for Hchool lHiid to the itate boiiHo Saturday, Janimry 22. 1) p. m.' ! land office ami thoro filling thorn out to Hint lilriiHoK from the hooks of C. A. Woilor nutl CIihiIoh Ii. Deri- h itt Hit S.iutlirn I'nnific wort vlsltoro in Modfard Wodnoidny. John Wollx, ono of tlio pioneer ii r ill the upper vnlli-v, wn in Medford from Awhlniul Tliurnilay. WantedMnii to Holiuit firo and iittitMiiiihili' iiiHiit'iinci and "to how ;lly proporty. Honson luvostnionl 'o . an? M. C. Miller of tho Sulliorlin Lnnd eoinpHiiv. of I humid I'ounly, h in Modffird Uitintf Howftid Dudley, of tb Orison Ori'lmrdt Sviidionto. Mr, nnd Mm. CbrU Koo;nn r.f .Jaoknonvlllo wore among tlumo who Knw "The Wolf" at tho Medford tho tttur Wodnimilny night. Mndloy, Hr gono Amaun, . Tlioiinu, D. F. f0OIIV, J. W. IhlKH, CllHlll' RllHIIg, . Joss Duller. ! Hv Hlainn ICInrn H. K. Cook. K. ' Hall. Dollmrt Fchn, J. W. Anllo, fl. A. Unit, Dr. Ooblo, E. E. Smith. C. N, Hanson, A. E. Powell, Geo. Kre 1 1 nor. M. I, Krii'ki?on, W. H. Llllev, 1 L. J. Duttorfiold, John Bcnnon, P. E. Elliott, 11. E. Footer, William Woier. ' Joe I'.ho, C. T. Noo. W. K. Vhiftinnt. !l Wil-o... .lack Tyrrell. By Scott Davig and othors W. .1. inenrom. A. W. Walker, II. E, Ed-, I meaiU. E. D Towi"eni1. C, A. Luv. ;W. r. Smith, O. N. Wilaon, O. F. i Cnthbnrt. II. W. (IrunHky, Fred , out. ning. fl l-l 1VU 1 I II I Hit t A . IJl.K.I tiniK in Modford Thursday aa a witno-M in! ?olfH'.W' Km0 ,y' 0,18 ""V ono of the oontit cane4 now beinvl Vn'r"' r 'n n Vi carried on before Commisionor 1 "r , "x "" KSa! ,i,"'I Cukoii i ""rt4' " 1 ii u, r. -. win. ii Carlo Abram, troauror of the KtntetMiinii one of tho livo wires of tho enpit !v. wax a XIhiU'oiiI iilor hotweon lraih Tttomlitv ovouilig. Honj. F. Collinw of the .Tncknon- Tho first onos arc mill rati -258 Vou appreciate tho work tho high Hohool in doing. Hliow it by attend InjC "A Hox of Monkoyii" Saturday, January 22. Wear Kidd'rt Shoc. Evcr'sco a "Hox of Monkoy"7 If not g to tho opera house Friday night. 202 Meokcr'a January clcnrance nlo endn Saturday, January 22. Hotter hurry. 250 If you nevor laugh, dont attend ''A Box ofv Monkeys," the roaring two net comedy given by tho high school seniors Saturday, January 22. Once own n Huiek and you will never need another. It has tho quality. 258 What In life without a Buick? 280 Oct your tickets- enrly for a "Box of MonkoyH." 202 A small investment in tho Queen tho offlco, aftorwardn filing thorn with tho offlco. "Do you mean to Ml me." asked Juror Myorfi, "that the clerks of tho resumed before the end of the week Htato land board Haw you doing that kind of work?" i "Sure," Bald Horonnon, "I had been doing that for n long tlmo, and wo woro all In tho same room together, and they mw mo, and thon filed the applications." "All right," said tho Juror, and tho attornoyfi for nolthor sldo wont fur-' thor Into tho question, j ALL DANGER FROM ICE GORGE HAS DISAPPEARED EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 20. It is bolicved today that tho danger to narration oatwed by the ice gorge that has been sweeping down the Ohio river since Monday is paused. Thousands of tons of ice have been forced upon the shores and the riv er is comparatively free today. Although tho danger is apparently paused, little river-shipping was at-; tempted today. It is thought, how-, eror, that the usunl traffic will Savoy Theatre TONIGHT EXCELLENT MUSIC. NOTHING BUT TROUBLE. THE MAN AND THE DOLLS. BENEDICT ARNOLD. INDIAN BASKET MAKING. COZY, COMFORTABLE. OXK DI.MK ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kogue River Canning & Evaporating company will dovotq MondaM and Thursdays of eaoh week to custom work in tho man ufacture of cider, apple butter and jellies. Phono vnur orders for nice aweet eider to 11X2. Delirerie'a will be made on Tuesdays and FridavH of each week. 1 ROGUE RIVF.R CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mill in West Medford. ' ' Phono 11X2. i L. Vrailonburg, M. E. Worrell, W. S.' A A,i,iii! :nn,ni,n ...:n ublishing oomimny, nml mX ,, n 1" . n ' ! ''nilg handsome retunis. Lots $500 live wires of the onnltol ' "B,,?,v'. C' VA ?" A "l'nrl, easy terms. 285" ..... , "' ' ' - !)'( foruet "A Box of Monkeys" bard, John Olmslcnil, Chariot L-1 nt tho Medfordaheatcr Friday night. ' IHI. I OflO rt.. 1 a T I e m rr ! -w villa branch of tho Fanners' Fru.i- t t r c n C ' V 1 7,10 ' scI"'0, scll!ors ewers' bank, spent7 Wodncdnv . f.' f1!" I' L' .f c f.0?? , ' M TT i 0,1 ""keys" Friday night at the night in Medford in nttondanco u,H,n ."'""S ';r": 1 !,I,,,,k"1ir; J.?,n" "-Medford theater. 202 tho monthly n..eetion of tho Rath- L"t n V"rh"' '- Jw- Modford, Oregon: This certifies bono Sisters. , ' J,.:.nti"": A' Co'cnian, Jnko Klip- ,inl wo mvo so(1 nnir Tcxns NVon. W. Fred Mason, Iiumiioss mnnngor of Owirg, M. Cohan nnd Sam II. lnrriH' "Brewster's Millions," nr rived in Medford last ovening to mnko preliminary nrrnngomontH for thu unp'MirniiOi- of hi nltrnotinn nt the theater Wodnotday oveiling. Oenrge E. Henderson of Cent nil Point wnR n recent visitor in Mod . ford. Editor Pnttlson of the Central Point Herald was in Modford Thur. til ftiHi, Harrj- T. Jng of San Frnucisoo is nponding a few days with rolatives in Medfonl. John W. Scott of Ashland was in! Modford on business Thursday. W. .B. Slinu of Siiornmcnto ft? vis iting his Bisto,r, Mrs. Brown, of Mod ford. Robert Bow and W. R. Coleman woro nmonK those nttmiding tho pro duction of "Tho Wolf" nt tho Mod ford Wednesday ovening. T u tv.ifc,,, ,.r Winn wns n re cent visitor ,ln Medford. Henry W. Haven of Grants Pais wnR n recent visitor in Medford. Vorno Mnrnhall, fonnorly a rosi- donl of this oitv. but who roooutlv per, w . &mngor, ij. .-vmnorg, a. h. (lor f()r 1e curd of n kit,IICVf lln(,. uo.is, ueorgoiomis,i larouoe i-.a.i.,ior Jllul r,oumntio troubles for ten By II. L. Conrad Earl . Hunt-i ,.,.,. nmi i,v,. ,.m-nr .. n Icy. H. T. Flvnn. O. O. Powor. W. II. I f t l" f v c- tni im; iii(iii,- Watt, J. B. Wright, F. L. Hoalh. (1 - .,. i w i..r,.M. L. F.. Mo Daniels, Charles W. Sharne. J. rnl.-(vr A B. Williams E. W. Al ton, George II. Millar, Rev. Win. Lu cas. By Dr. C. R. Ray and others B. F. Thciss. W. S. Clnv. C. E. B. Webb. E F. A. nittnor. W, E. Pl,:m, A. Illoks Klino Ross, Charles P. Ilnrolrieg. By D. R. Wood L. O. Orton, N. f .To--v. O. M. Soltdiv. J S. Vila, i By A. B. Saling Chnrliw Lvons. I T. A. Hnt-nll. W. It. Tufkor. Bv B. II. Harris T. C. Norris, J. E. Oleson. Bv C. II. Pierco E. D. Root, C. ! ''n.,. V.. C Avlnr. U'nllni. .T I Sfundy. J By Goorgo Putnam B. T. Van do j Car. F. W. Cnrnnhnn. By George Bordeaux J. E. Pay-' ', otto. ' j Bv Davo Gootifricnd E. G. Trow i hriik'o. 0ortfo End. , By Arthur Brownr.I. D. Dnwson. pennnnent relief, Sixtv days' troatment in each bottle. Modford Phnnnnoy. Wrecker Asks Pardon. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Paul Stons lnnd. wn-okor of tho Mllwauko Avo nuo Savings bank, appeared before tlio stato board of pardons today to petition for his freedom. MME. ROOT, FAMOUS BEAUTY SPECIALIST, HERE. Mndamo Root of Portlnnd is in Modford and has made arrangements with tho II. C. Kentuer Co. to dem onstrate her famous German beauty preparation, "Bloom of Roses," and Yl TT r VT tt v l, mu a-!. !..!.!.!.... " w. iiii-iioiHnu u. m. urown. ...... ..vvn in viniiiu, jiiii.,, m viniiing.i Ti,, i .. i , i iui ins uireuis ai uaKiawn am m-i cldontnlly ronowing old ncqunint nnoos in the oity. John U. ICooly of Gold .Hill district ftpont Tlmrsilay in Modford. D. B. Dovtor of Eairlo Point wn a Modford visitor Thuradny. W, Fred Mnon. in ndvnnoo for Joo Brown J. A. Krouzer, J. W. Lnwlor, Ben Sheldon. By W. II. Canon Vemo Canon. Pv J. -W. Wakofiold Robert W. Mears. By R. D. Iloko J. W. Berry, J. G. Jnsmann. By J. B. Wood W. R. Tlolbrook. Bv Will G. Stool Alfred L Park- "Brewster'H Millions," which will ap- f,,, CimpinXtialuJ pear hero shortly, was In Modford "Woilnosdnv night. II. L. Holgato of Corvnllls, stivlo siinorintondont of water lights, i in Modford for tlio purposo of rocoiv ing tho final Hiiiiplomontnrv nffidnv Hr In tho matter of tho adjudication of tho Butto orook walor rights. Sam Rogers, tho veteran of tho Blue Lodge, is in Medford for a few davs on business. E. W. Ifuykondnll, a prominent IfoHi'linii' ntfomov wn In Modford Thurflilny, roprosontlnfr tho contostoo in lb" oaso of Unilod States vs, Nu ,'tinn hoforo Commissioner Canon, J, A. nnrvey of Ashland was In Modford Thursday, representing tho (in toHteo in tho onso of United States vs. TIarloy I. Johnson, in which testimony is being tnkon ho foro ConuulBsionor Canon. II. Vou iW Hollon of W'olloo was In Modford Thursday attending to 'Sonio busiuoBA mnttors. TT. E. Chinmnn, who was in olinrgo of tho pavlpfr for tho Wnrron Con vini'.f!.... ..omnaiiv Inst yonr, is in Modford looking ovor tho ground in viow of tho future operations of tho fooinpany. No Hono for Conservatives. LONDON, Jan. ao. Although tho oonsrvntlves liavo mado n total gain of fif. seats In parliament from gains mndo yoBtordoy, today's returns In illcnto that thoro la no chanco of tho conaorvatlyoa controlling tho noxt (parliament, By J. W. Dodgo Clinton Scott. Plioi'lllv. By J. A. Wostorlund L. O. Cole man. s Bv P. A. Ilussoy C. D. Miller. givo special nttontfon to hair dress ing, manicuring, facial nnd scalp massngo to mnko tho ladies beauti ful. Mmo. Root will bo ploasod to moot tho ladies of Medford either at ) tho Kcntnor Co. storo or nt their' homos by appointment. She is an artist in hor particular lino nnd 1ms By Ed Van Dyko N. C. Wostor- many tostimoninls of hpr skill whiob field. sho will gladly show to all whom By N. S. Bennett W. II. Mookor, mny bo intorostod. Any" ono dosir J. T, Summervillo. 1 ing hor sonicos will recoivo prompt r . nttontion by cnlling upon hor at the WHITEWASH JOB SPURNED. above address. She onrries a fine ' I lino of hair goods, switches, pom- (ContlnuuU from paeo 1.) pndoura, puffs nnd curls. puiutmeut given him last night at tho Republican oauous, It is probable that tho Democrats will hold n caucus tonight to tnko ac tion on tho mnttor. Tho rofusnl .of tho Ropublicnn oauous to accept as ono of tho Domooratio mombors Hop rosoutntivo Rainey of Illinois has arousod dissntisfnotion on tho D.omo oratio side. Tho Domoornts in oauous nnmcd 'Ollio Jnmos of Kontuoky nnd Rniuoy of Illinois to roprosont thoir party. Tho RopublicntiB nccoptcd Jnmos nf tor somo dobato, but doolinod to al low Itainov to Borvo. Tho mnkoup of tho committoo as turnod ovor by tho Ropublionu oauous is as follows: Regular Republicans MoCnll of Massachusetts, Olmstoad of Pennsyl vania nnd Donby of Michigan. Insurgent Republican Madison of Kansas. Democrats Jnmos of Kontuoky and Lloyd of Missouri. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, FOR SALE 120 head of Angora goats. F. 13. Hamlin, Trial, Or. 203 FOR SALE Flvo-room bungalow bo- . lug constructed; prlco $800, half cash, balanco $20 monthly. Denson Investment Co, 202 FOR RENT Moderu furnlsbod rooniB at 004 West 10th fit. FOR SALE Or oxchungo, family horso. Inquire nt Hotel Mooro of flco. 202 WANTED Toam good horses, about 1200 pounds, 7 to 9 years old; also hamoBs and wagon. Inqutro for "Stoop" at dontal pnrlors of W. M. Van Scoyoc, Fruitgrowers' IJnnk building. FOR RI3NT Hoti8okeoplnB roomB for rout, 21C Applo streot. 202 LOST A 8hopbord and fox torrtor pup; yollow In color; nnBwors to nnmo of Toddy; roward for return to Will Carnes at flaea & Halo's ua- 'loon, ' 200 Valentine Post Cards Wc have just put on sale the finest line of Valentine Post Cards ever shown in Medford: also new line of Comics, Floral and Scenic Post Cards, the best quality, all at the one price, Choice 1 Cent fAcfc nun pani for 5 continuous liUMA UUC ICIII hours Burning Think of It! In addition to the brightest, pur est and safest light that human brain has ever devised, the ALADDIN Lamp has a feature of still more vital importance. It saves oil. In spite of the fact that it gives a better light, it burns only one-third as much oil as any oil lamp manufactured of similar size. That means tha tthe ALADDIN really costs you nothing, for in a short time you have saved Its cost then goes on saving money In oil as long as you burn it and with ordinary care it lasts a lifetime. A lamp is a real necessity. You must have light to wrk by light to play by. Don't you owe it to yourself to have the best and brightest light when it otters you the means of saving? W. E. Stacey, Agt. Medford, ore. BOX 826. Special . for Friday We have just 12 fancy wash bowls and pitchers, worth in a regular way $2.50 to $3.50 set, choice tomorrow, $1.75 Set Men's Work Gloves IMr. Man, take .a look at those $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 work gloves in our west window. They are On sale tomorrow at. vour choice, $1.25 Pair Watch Our Windows They are our best advertisers. We have something in them every day at a special price for the day only. BOXING CONTEST 15 ROUNDS 15 Roy Do an vs. Geo McGann MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Friday Night, Jan. 21 si:. 2 PRELIMINARIES 2 Admission 75, $1.00 and $1.25 at Haskins IHUSSEY'SI Only a Small Margin Between Be tween Profit and Loss and How , Necessary to Safeguard It. I It Saves Money RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your noxt suit, if yoa wnut something out of the ordinary. Wo do tho best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB PHOORfc8SIVB TAILOR It Saves Time OLD IDEAS A HANDICAP. You nro groatly handicapped yourself by refusing to invest tho few nocossnry dollars in this groatest of bustnoss systouiatizons A NA TIONAL CASH REGISTER. Wo positively guarantco to furnish a Better Cash Register, and for Less Money, than any other concern In the world. Cash Registers from $15.00 up JOHN T, STEVER will bo at tho Hotel Nash for n fow days with a full lino of samples and will bo pleased to show any merohant in tho city how our system will savo him TIME, WORK and most of all MONEY and that is what ovory morohaut is in business for. RMRVJ It t 4 Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All r, of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ka-t chlnery Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. 1 DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLV AND WITH COMim1 TO YOU ARE AWVMY8 TO UK rOIWI) A t TIIK FAIttOW & DOWNINO, PROPRIETORS, WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 2181 8. Q RAPE STREET