THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1010. UNDESIRABLES 10 BE BARRED 0U1 Canada Considers Making Law That; No Asiatic Can Enter Without Three Hundred Dollars in Cash. OTTAWA, Ont., Jan. 20. All Arf ntics, Chinese, Japanese, Hindus, Malaya s who desire to enter Canada will be compelled to show the author ities that thev have $300 of their ownmoncy, if a bill pendinp before tho house today becomes n law. The bill, under tho heading of tho rcncral immigration act, provides many new restrictions for tho Asi-j ntic, but principal nmonc them is that of money qualification. Not only will tho new act debar paupor Asiatics, but it is likely to keep from tho country tho families , of tlindus whoso men folks have be corao established in America, but who arc no nine to pay me price ; $300 n head to permit them to rejoin . uic men. I The bill is presented by Frank Ol iver, minister of the interior, and is an outgrowth of agitation against the Asintics, particularly Hindus, in British Columbia. Iri that province the Hindus have been mobbed nnd harried by the whites, who fear any further increase in the Asiatic pop ulation. JEFFRIES WILL NOT FIGHT IN SALT LAKE Berger, Manager, Emphatically De nies That Big Jeff Will Fight Under Any Ban of Law. DENVER, Colo.. Jan. 20. Sam Berger today added to the mnze of uncertainties that envelope the choo.sins of a site for the much-heralded Jeffries-Johnson fight by de claring that if Governor Spry of TJtali says tho contest cannot be held in that state. Salt Lake City imme diately will bo eliminated as a pos sible battle-ground. "Jeffries never will fuht under an obsolete law." Berger .asserted. "If Governor Spry does not want that fight to be pulled off in Salt Lake it won't be so far as Jeffries is con cerned." When his manager had finished his emphatic declaration, Jeffries nodded his head and remarked: "Whatever Berger says goe3 with me." Berger wanted it understood thor oughly that Jeffries will not at tempt to force the promoters to ac cept a specified place to hold the fight. Ho was unwilling to disc,uss the disagreement that has arisen be tween Bickard and Gleason, but stated sagely that while Jeffries was willing to fight wherever tho warring promoters decided, he "doesn t fig are on tho mill going very far from California." To the Mall Tribune. This is to certify that my foot has had an itching skin disease for four or five years and hnve tried two or threo doctors without any relief. Four weeks ngo I began using Chinese Dr, Paul, Yonng's medicine and my foot is entirely well. You will find Dr. Young in Ashland and Medford. LEE GOY. RESOLUTION. Bo It resolved by tho city council of tho City of MqiHord That It Is the intention of tho coun ell to lay a 4-lncli water maln on Thirteenth street from Newtown streot to King street, and to assess the cost thereof upon tho property fronting on said portion of said streot in proportion to frontage of said property. Tho council will meet at the conn ell chamber In tho city hall In said city on February 1, 1910. at 7:30 p. in., at which tlmo all protests against tho Inylng of said water main on Bald portion of said street and tho assessment of the cost thoreof upon tho property fronting thereon will bo heard. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho City of Medford on the 18th day of January, 1910, by tho following vote; Wolch, ayo; Merrick, aye; Emorlck, aye; Wortmnn, aye; Elfert, ayo, and Dem xnor, aye. Appjoyod, January 19th, 1910. W. H CANON, Mayor. Attejt; , ROBT, W. TBLFER, Recordor. pitv MnTir.r TO THE PUBLIC. The width of tho following streots between curbs will bo conslilero.l niul flxod nt a meeting of tbo city coun cil of Medford, to bo held February i. 10. at 7:30 p. m. Any person uesirmg 10 oe nenrn on tho question of. fixing tho width of tho streots mentioned bolow are here by notified to appear on tho above date, Apple street, North. Allco street. Austin street. Alder street. Almond street. Ashland avenue. Bartlott street, north and Youth. Beatty street. Boardman street. Bliss street. Belmont avenue. Bennett avenue, Beauregard street. Burrough street. Central avenue, north to boundary, Central avenue, south to boundary, Court street. Clark street. Catherine street. Cottage street. nrtfH T f Til I Til ThlrJ t0 Jackson 8treet h tQ ElQyQUth street ffom ElQV. , .,. Dakota avenue. Eighth street, east and west. Eighth street, (Highland Park ad dltion.) Eleventh street, east, west to Oak- dale avenue, west of Oakdale avenue. Eleventh street. (Imperial addi tion.) Evergreen street, north. Edwards street. Elm street. First street, west. Fourth street, east and west. Fifth street, east and west. Fir street, north to Fifth street. from Fifth to Jackson street, south to Ninth street, from Ninth to Thir teenth street. Fourteenth street, (Barr'8 addi tion.) Grape Btreet, north to Fifth street, from Fifth to Vermont street, south to Ninth street, from Ninth to Thir teenth street. Howard street. Genesee street. Holly street, north to Fifth street, from Fifth to First street, south to Ninth street, from Ninth to Thir teenth Btreet. Holly street, (Falrmount addition.) Hamilton street, (Palm adltion.) Hamilton street, (Barr's addition.) oHward street. Ivy street, north to Fifth stieet, from Fifth to Oakdale avenue, south to Ninth street, from Ninth to Thir teenth street. Iowa street. Jackson street, east and west. Knight street. King street. ( Liberty street. Laurel street, south to Eleventh street. Llndley street. Madrona street. Manzanlta street. i Maple Btreet. Mistletoe Btreet. . Milne street. McAndrews street. Myrtle street. Ninth street, east and west. Nlantic street. Narrlgan street. Newtown street. Ninth street, west of South Orange street. N,Inth street, (Imperial addition.) Oakdale avenue, north. Oak Btreet, (Highland addition.) Oak street, (Gray'a addition.) Oleson street. Orango street, north and south. Prune street, (Meeker's addition.) Pino street. Palm street, (Narrlgan'B addition). Palm street, (Woller's addition.) Peach street, north and south. Phlpps street. Portland avenue. Plum Btreet. Pruno street, (Electric Park addi tion.) Qulnco street. Queen Anno avenue. Rlversldo avenue, north and south. Rose nvouuo. Ross Court. Roosevelt avenue. Reddy avenue. Second Btreet, cast to Jackson street, west to Oakdale avenue, wont of Oakdalo avenuo to boundary. Sixth street, e-J it, west to Oakdale. Soventh street, west of Laurel to boundary, at oast end of bridge 34 feet, at cast boundary. Summit avenue. Sherman street. Third street, east and west. Tenth street, east and west, Tenth streot, (Imperial addition.) Tenth street, (Highland Park ad dition.) Twolfth streot, oast and wost. Twelfth street, (Barr's addition). Taft avenuo. Thirteenth streot. Thirteenth street, (Barr'a add7 "on). I Tripp streot. imtv unnrrc 4- ' Ull I 1UI IfUtfi Tenth street, (Imperial addition.) Vermont street. Vancouver avenue. Walnut street. Woodstock street. Washington street, (Frultdale ad dition.) Washington street, (Rose Park ad dition.) Washington street, (Highland Park addition). Willamette nvonuo. Willie street. (Signed) W. H. CANON. Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 2 SC. An ordinance prov ding for tho ox-nd'onjoy lines of railway and sys ecu Ion of a contract with tho Med- t rnwaV8 oltnor 8lnR,0 track ford Printing Company for the print- or doub,0 trnc, wu t() Ing of all legal notices, ordlunncos, ',, from onp to tho oUlor wlth resolutions, etc. ! convenient switches, turn-outs, turn- Tho City of Medford doth ordnln , tnl),e( ctt)(a.over,t connections nnd as rations: ,..,, I ways, and to run nnd operate there- Sc,Cm" T5Mmi?oriB-,l,l Vh." 011 lwonBer cars nnd to carry pas or of the City of Medford are he.eby 'ers t nml rnt0 r,l)on authorized and directed to enter mto f ,me.n0' .,...,. nnd a roiurwH on m.., , u, ' tunorni cars, to carry freight, par MedfoTa with the Medford Print In , packages and United Company in words nud figured to.-stnl;,9 nm Miervon, 8ubJpct ,0 tno low ing, tow it. reasonable regulation of tho council aiomornnuuin 01 nKrcemeni iiiuuu . I I, 1HI1, .In.. .-"- --u " necessary to tlo successful operation January, 1910, by and between tho of 8al(l rnlw.,ys and systems of rnll MmUnrii Prlntlnir Coiunany. a corpor- ...i .i,m .,. jntton, party of the first part, and tno . - . - - atlon. party of the second part. nnanth That the party of the hereby covenants and agrees . - - ' ; I J "U (ill UI UIV oitvuto .1 . Willi n.ll.l nrlnt In tho dallv edition Of tllO .Mi'll'i.i,;. xt.w..i . lutrimi nr rwn vo.irs iruui mis uaiu ....... . .1 u . I vii, ui ..ivuiuiii .a nw.. 1 iit;i vtii ivi rord Matl Tribune, published and, 0t a(l 08lal)U8bod. excepting printed by It in tho City of "uforu.iOnkdalo avenuo, and within the cor all legal notices, ordinances, ro.vjlu- ,,orate Umt3 of 8aU, clty of Mw,foril tlons nnd other rending matter hlchn8 QQVf C9taUghoii nnd nfl 8ald cor. the City of Medford may require to f orato ,lm,tg may horea(tor Do 0x havo printed In any jiowspnner or ( tonded. provided, that this ordlnnnco said city, or which tho counc I ma l8ha oecomo vod aml ot no effect direct, to bo printed at tho following prices, to-wlt: Two cents per line for each .n-J ev er Insertion thoreof, said notices to be printed in the same typo that has heretofore been used In printing no tices for said city In said paper. In.conslderatlon of the premises said city hereby agrees to cattso all notices, ordinances, resolutions nnd other reading matter which said city is required to print, or wnicu uie council at any time during said period ! may order to be printed to bo print-. ed In said paper. And "Jrtner cove- ( curatoly indicated all streets and por nants and agrees to pay thorfor tho tIon8 of atroetB and ajjey8 whlch tll0 price noove t iuu. tsald John R. Allen, his heirs or ns SiM f rat nnrtv ncrrees to nrlnl alll-i 1 1... 1 .. - ' , , 11 loisiia, uranu uuu imuuu iu 1111111.1! 111 such notices, resolutions, ordinances) th(J con8trUctlon of said railways, and other reading matter nh-ca lttnnd at tno expiration of said two may be dlroct.'J to print hereuu'.iT.jtW0 year8 tho (ranci,lB0 and rBht with accuracy .ind dlspi. oh. to construct a railway hereby grant In consideration whereof said par-1 ed 8nn )0 doemcd to havo lap8cd ties have caused those presents to ao i na -n --- --- - 1... mn I execuieu on uieir uuuu n.v.i v- spectlvo officers, and their corporato seats to bo hereto nttixcu. CITY OF MEDFORD, By,V. H. Canon, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. (Seal.) MEDFORD PRINTING CO. (Seal) By O. Putnam, President. The forecolnc ordinance was pass ed by the city council of the City of Medford, on tho 18th day or January, 1910, by a full vote "aye." ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 287. An ordlnanco prohibiting minors from entering or being In any placo where tho sale of lntoxlratlng liquor at retail Is licensed In tho City of i Medford, and prohibiting such minors from making misrepresentations as to their ago and providing penalties therefore. Tho City of Medford doth ordain as follows Section 1. It shall bo unlawful for to such streets or streot, or pur any minor to enter or bo In any placo Itlon of street or streots. on and ovor within tho City of Medford whero the sale of Intoxicating liquors In quanti ties of less than ono gallon Is or may any tlmo hereafter be licensed. Section 2. Any person who shall violate tho provisions of the foregoing section ot this ordlnanco shall upon conviction thoreof. be flnod not less than twcnty ($20) dollars, nor moro than fifty ($50) dollars, and shall bo Imprisoned at labor for a period qf not moro than ten days. Section 3. It shall bo unlawful for any minor to mako any falso state ment to any person, npw or at any time hereafter, licensed to sell Intox icating liquors In less than ono gallon, or to any agent, representative or em ployeo of any such person, for tho purpose of securing from such person, or his agent, representative or em ployee, any Intoxicating liquor. Any person who shall ho guilty of vlolnt ing tho provisions of this section of, thin ordinance shall upon conviction thoreof be fined not less than twenty ($20) dollars or more than fifty ($50) dollars, and shall ho imprison ed at labor not less than five nor moro thnn ten days, Section 4. This ordinance shall bo In forco from nnd after tho dato ot Its passage. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was passed by the city council of the City of Med- ford, Oregon, on tho 18th day of Janunry, 1010. by tho foIolwInK vote Wolch, ayo; Merrick, ayo; Emorlck. aye; Wortman, ayo; Elfert, ayo, and Dommer, aye. Approved January 19th, 1910, W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W, TELFER, City Recordor. ORDINANCE NO. 284. An ordlnanco granting to John R. Allen, his holrs and assigns, tho right to lay down, construct, acquire and own, nnd to maintain, oporato and uso railways, poles and wires, and under ground conduits nnd conductors In the City of Medford, Oregon, and to oporato curs and locomotives, othor than steam, to gonerato and transmit power, and to sond and rccolvo raes? sagos by telegraph and tolophono ovor certain streets, alloys nnd nubile places In tho City of Medford. Oregon. and to authorize tho construction, in stallation and mnlntenanco of equip ment and power bou3os, stations and - . PITV NHTIOPQ ! ' W, I 1 . w 1 I w .v all othor things nocosanry or conveni ent for the operation and maintenance thereof. And to proscribe nnd fix tho extent, terms and conditions tinder which the particular Ht root it and alloys of the City of Medford may bo appro priated nnd used for railway purposes and fur powor, telegraph and tele phono lines by tho said John U. Al len, his ho Ira nud assigns, and re pealing Ordinance No. 25-' of said city. Tho city of Medford doth ordain ns follows; Section 1. That there bo and hereby Is granted to John H. Allen, his heirs nnd assigns, the franchise right and privilege to erect, lay down relay, construct, reconstruct, pur- Minim nnniilfit litnait viilinti ntnln I tttn nnltltt nmicnti linvn lwiltt lion " nun nun l...lihn nf an lit ! x . I -t nil n t n ti tiltiil jM(,afaid( mwr n8 a -opnrnto By8. ! (VIII Ui I ill I i J o IV II 111 ill V bill II V II J U-)of Mo(Uon, or n8 ,,art of n 8ytem ! 1 1 ..... .... 4-..1 ...I k .t 1 .1 t.. Iiril pari , f tmlfnril nn.i 1,,vh.m wlttintit t.?I. I 'ho city of Modfoid, along and upon ".... ... .1 n .1... .V... nnlil at the expiration ot ono year from tho date ot Its passage, unless said John R. Allen, his heirs and assigns, within snld tlmo. shall have com menced tho actual construction of said system of railways within tho said city of Medford: provided fur ther, that the said John R. Allen, his heirs and assigns, shall within two years from date of passago ft this ordlnnnco tile, or cause to be tiled lathe city, with tho city recorder of 8nd dty of Modford( n mn) or plnt . ,,, ..... upon whch , ,, , ... ...w and aiioy8 which aro not so Indlcnt ed on tho map or pint so filed, but such lapsing or the forfeiture of said franchise as to tho street or por tion of streots not so Indicated there on shall In no wise affect or Impair the franchise and rights hereby granted as to the streets and portion of streets which aro so Indicated upon said map or pint; provided, however, that unless said John R. Allen, his heirs or assigns shall havo actually constructed and havo In op eration at least two miles of streot railway on tho streets of said city within five years from tho dato here of, then all rights hereby grnntod shall bo forfeited and lost by tho said John R. Allen, his heirs nnd as signs, except na to such streets or portion of streot or streets on which he shall have actually constructed and hnve in operation such street railway at said tlmo; nnd provided further, that nil rights In and to all streots hereby granted shall lapse and becomo void at the expiration of sov- cn years from dato horeof, excopt a" which said John R. Allon, his holrs or assigns, shall havo constructed and havo in oporatlon such streot railway line or lines at said tlmo. It being understood that tho term "In operation" as used horcln, shall bo taken and Is understood t6 menn the running ot streot cars sultablo for carrying pnssengors and in which pnssengers aro actually carried for tho faro herein provided, nt least onco every two hours In each dlrec tlon, between tho hours of 7 n. m. and 7 p. rn. ot each day. Section 2, Said John R. Allen shall havo tho right and franchise to connect together, tho said railway and system of railways with any oth er railway or systom or railways, and to run cars from any lino of Btrcot to any other lino of street and to con struct, maintain and uso convcnlont sidetracks, switches, curves and turn outs from tho lino of railways main tainod under authority of this ordr , nance, subject to tho rensonablo rog- illation of tlm council, to nnd upon ins nnd their property nnd other rights of way nnd to and Into his and tliolr shops, barns, storehouses, repositories, depots, yards, terminals, buildings and KrouncX Section 3. Rajd' John R. Allon, his uuirs una nam hub, may operate ana propol cars over and undor railways constructed pursuant to tho provl- slons of this oidlnanco by moans of ovornoad or underground olec trie power, storngo bntlories, compressed air, cnnies or otn er mechanical powor oxcopt only steam motom and stonm lo comotives, but htoam motors nnd steam locomotives may bo used in tho operation of said railways for construction or tomporary purposos, or in enso of accidents or omorgon cIpb) not longer thnn soven days at ono tlmo without tho consent of tho council, and for tho purpose of op orntlng railways nnd having con venient powor and oloctrlcnl curront for his and their uso, may put up, oroct. maintain nnd uso polos and ovorhead wires and lay down, con struct, maintain and uso under ground slots nnd conduits nnd under ground wires, conductors nnd cablos In nnd along stroots ovor which said railway aro or may bo laid down and In nnd along such othor strep's of tho city of Modford as its common council may direct. Tho motlvo now- or and tho mode of oporatlug and -.' CITY NOTICES, " propelling ears may at any I lino bo changed by tho holder of this fran chise to any more Improved, econom ical, practical or desirable method, excepting steam motom and steam locomotives. Section 4. The track and tracks to ho constructed under tho provisions of thin ordinance shal) ho Intd flush with tho grade of tho Btreet whom snld street havo an established grade, provided, that when tho track Is laid upon a street 'Miern no grade hns been established the trnck shall bo brought to gradu whenever such, grade shall bo established by tho city, and when any established grade shall bo changed by tho city tho track shall bo changed so ns to conform with tho grade so established, nnd provided further, that the said John R. Allen, his heirs and assigns, shall Improve nnd keep In repair that por tion of each street so oc cupied by him laying be tweon a point of 20 Inches beyond tho outsldu mil of his said track or tracks. Tho word "Improve" as here in used bt'lng understood to mean tho Improving, Including paving, of said street In tho same mnnner as tho ronialnder of said street Is Improv ed or paved by or under the author ity of the cltv. Section .". Said John R. Allen, his heirs nnd assigns, may construct, op erate, equip and maintain telegraph, telephone and power lines along nil of the said streets upon which tho snld railways may bo co'itructed for tho purpose of transmitting messages or power ovor tho said lines for tho uso In connection therewith Section C. It shall bn lawful for tho said John R. Allen, his heir nnd assigns, to mako all needful and eon- (Venlent excavations In any of raid I streets undor the conditions hiToto foro named, for tho purpose of os- inuusning saiti railways, or svom of rallwayo, telegraph, telephouo or power lines; provided, that whenev r snld Johnx R. Allen, his heirs oi as signs, shall disturb any of nU stteets he or they shnll restore ln same to good order and condition s soon ns practicable and without minoecunr.v dolav. and fnlllnir an lit mi 1 1, n mm. mon rntinrli of snld city sha'l hav I tho right to fix, by resol ition, a in- rfj.iauio lime within wnrh an rc pnlrs or rehtc atlon of sill tr.e shall beoin lf u. and on i f tllu'o to ccmnlete said rpi'ln or p .il-o mid restorat'on. w it Inn tho ilnrt incH, ed by snld council, the streot com missioner of sail city shnll placo tho same In good condition and repair at tho expense of tho then holder of tho franchise granted by this ordlnnnco. Section 7. Nothing In this ordi nance shnll be so construed ns to pre vent tho proper authorities of tho city of Medford from sewering, grad ing, paving, plnnklng. Improving, ro pnlrlnir or altering any of snld j streets, but all such work shall hoi done, If possible, so as not to disturb, i.i . . i . . . . i i iiijiiri: or prevent ine inn operniion of said railway or system of rail ways. Section 8. Said John R. Allon, his neir nnd assigns, mnv' charge and! collect from each passenger traveling upon railways constructed undor nu- thorlty of tnls ordlnnnco, for each trip traveled by such passenger, In i ono gennrnl direction upon said mil-1 ways, from any point In said city to any othor point within tho limits of tho -city or Medford, a fnro of flvo, cents and no moro; excepting for riding In or tho uso of ohsurvntlon enrs, funeral enrs, mall cars, express cars, f might cars and othor special cars, said John R. Allen, his heirs; nnd nsslgnB, may chnrgo and collect such compensation, rates nnd fnres as It or they may desire. Section 9. All of tho rights, prlv-I lieges nnd franchises herein granted shnll continue nnd bo In full forco nnd effect for fifty (50) years from tho dato of tho 'nccoptnnco of this' ordlnnnco. I Section 10. All of tho provisions) of this ordlnnnco shall Inuro to, ap ply to and bind tho heirs nnd as-! signs of tho said John R. Alien. Section 11. Tho fnlluro of tho said John It, Allen, his heirs or assigns, to opernto any car lino oMInea which ho shnll nt nny tlmo construct horo-! under, ns tho torm "opornto" Is hero-' In doflned, for a period of moro than ' ninety days at any ono tlmo, or for' a porlod of moro tjinn six months In , nny cnlendnr year, shall bo taken , .... 1. ... . - ... . . .1 uuu iii'iu io no an niianunnineni or tho rights herein riven ns tn thn street or streots or portion of streot j or streets, upon wnicii said lino or lines shnll havo boon constructed, nnd such fnlluro ohall without nny nctlon on tho part of said city oporato to cancol and annul all tho rights of John R. Allon, his holrs or nsslgns, on or to any such street or streots. Section 12. Tho said John R. Al lon shall, within thirty days after tho passage of this ordlnnnco, fllo In tho offlco of tho rocordor of tho city of Modford, his wrltton acceptance of this ordlnnnco, nnd tho franchise, rights and prlvllogos by this ordl nnnco granted to nnd conferred unon him, his holm nnd nsslgns, subject to tho tonus nnd provisions In this ordlpnnco contnlnod. Fnlluro of snld John R, Allon to nccopt this ordl nnnco within thirty dnys from tho flnnl pnssngo thoreof shall bo doom ed nnd hold to bo a rejection of this ordlnnnco, nnd upon tho expiration of tho tlmo nllowod for tho filing of snld accoptanco, tho samo not hav ing boon filed, this ordinance shall becomo nnd bo wholly void, inoporn tlvo and of no offoct, flection' 13. That ordlnnnco No. 252 of tho city of Modford bo, and tho snrno is horoby roponlod, and tho snld John R. Allon shall Includo In his accoptanco of this ordlnnnco to bo filed ns roqulrod by section 12 hereof, his wrltton consent to tho re peal of said ordlnnnco No. 252. and his roleaso and walvor of nil rights nnd prlvllogos glvon or Krnntod bv said ordlnnnco No. 2G2, Tho forogolng ordlnnnco wbb nnss- od by tho city council of tho cltv of Modford, Oregon, on tho 18th day of January, 1910, by tho following voto: woicn ayo, Morrick ayo, Emorlck ayo, wortmnn ayo, Elfort ayo and Dommor ayo. Approved January 19th, 1910, W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFIDR, (Son!) City Recorder. Baker's vs. Home Made Bread Wo lmvo liomo-niado broad. "Which would you rather oat, hoiuo-niado or bakers' A foolish question to ask, for most people would bo willing to pay twieo the price for hoiuo-niado broad they pay for baker's, but you can buy the good old-fashioned home made broad at tho Rex Grocery for tho samo price as baker's. Largo, well browned loaves, both nourishing and palatable, and baked from tho best flour in tho city. "Yakima Best," Take a loaf homo with you and be con vinced. Rex Grocery Co. $12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old. nine acres in Bartlott and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; closo in; good soil. Terms. $12,000 -Eleven acres in Cornice and Bosc peal's, 11 .years old. These trees are in full bearing and will pay a good income on tho price asked. $24,000 Thirty-two acres in Bosc and Anjou pears; trees aro from 4 to 7 years of age. Complete set of buildings. Close in. $7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, threo miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irri gated. $13,000 Thirty-two acres, closo to Bedford; eight acres in Newtowns and Spitzcnbergs 5 to 7 years of ago; 14 acres in alfalfa; three acres in poaches; two acres in berries; irrigated; buildings. $12,500 Twenty acres; .16 acres in 7-year-old New towns and balance in 3-ycar-old Bartlott pears; no buildings. $7500 Ten acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit- zenborg apples, 7 to 11 years old. $17,500 Thirty-five acres, about 25 planted to apples and pears, in bearing. Trees are from G to .15 years old: buildings,' four miles from Medford. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a homo; twelve acres in apples and peal's 3 yeara old: about an acre of bearing orchard; 1.1 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 per acre Stewart acre tracts; two miles from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 acres in nize. Fine building spots on all; can all be irrigated; cheapest tracts in tho'Mcdford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 per acre Finest five and ton-acre orchard and garden tracts in the valley; easy toyms. $35,000270 acres; buildings; 20 acres in hearing Spitz, Newtowns and Comico peal's; about GO acres in ono and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chnrd land. w. T. YORK & CO. I SEE US Whon in nood of Eloctrio WirliiR, or Fixturos, nnd save monoy by Ret ting bost workmanship, Dynamo Repairing a spooinlty. FLYNN BROS. MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. . I - v MAIN STREET PL UM Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed, Prices reasonable. LP. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH 01d"Tribune Building. Phono il931. U'Do You Want to Sell? If you want to sell your business of any kind, or if you want to sell your property, and will mako tho price right, I would like to hear from you. 0ive description and price. Address J. E. SMITH, 513 Chamber Com merce, Portiond, Oregon, FIRST BIN G