Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 19, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Hefrnann Case Continues In Portland
J. 0. Mann Is Put Upon
the Stand and Ex
. amfned.
PORTLAND, Jan. 19. Members of
tho Jury turned nroescutore In tho
Blngcr Hermann case today and gave
J. D. Mann, secretary of tho Star
Browing company a very bad few
minutes. This added to tho pertlont
questions which Colonel Worthlngton
asked ot Gcorgo G. Brown, clerk of
the state land board, In regard to tho
action ot tho old state land board
under transactions, added tho only
spice to tho morning session ot the
J. D. Mann was put on tho stand
to show that he had taken tho ack
nowledgements to a large number of
tho applications for school lands for
George Sorenson dur)ng 1901. He
testified that Sorenson had taken him
down to his of fico on Front and Stark
streets ono evening and there had in
troduced a Iargenumber ot men to
htm, "who looked like saloon bums"
and that he bad sworn, them to blank
applcations for school land and that
at tho same time ho had made out
blank assignments ot tho 6amo lands
In favor of Sorenson.
But that doesn't excuse yon if you
are not a Commercial club member.
A petition Is being circulated by C.
H. Plerco for the opening of a county
road, leaving the road to Hlllcrcst
about a quarter ot a mile this sldo
of the orchards and running aorth
three-quarters of a mile, then gyest
to a junction with tho Eagle ijplnt
road In the neighborhood of thO'Mc
Andrews place. The object Is to
make a boulevard which will afford
an excellent view of Medford and the
valley, and at tho same time give the
porperty owners in that district an
outlet. The right of way for tho
Toad has already been donated.
But that doesn't excuse you if you
are not ti Commercial club member.
A. S. Furry was a Medford visitor
last Saturday.
V J.
f '
Will Be Placed on the Market in
Ten-Acre TractsGood Op
portunity for In
vestment. The Hopkins orchard, recently
purchased by John R. Allen, has
been subdivided into small tracts,
averaging ten acres in size, and will
bo placed upon tho market. An op
portunity is hero presented to se
curo n tract of valuablo orchard
land, already in bearing and ready
to begin paying baok the cost price
at once.
W. T. York & Co. are the selling
agents in Medford.
(Continued from pra 1.)
notify was placed on file.
A petition to widen Eleventh street
was referred t-. tho street committee.
Ordinances 285, providing for a
sewer on Jaclison street; 286, provid
ing for a contract for tho city print
ing with the Medford Printing Co.;
287, prohibiting minors from fre-
qucntlng places where Intoxicating
iquors aro cold and fixing tho penal
ty for violation of this ordinance;
28S, for 6ewor on Bennett . avenue
wcro passed.
Resolution providing for a water
main on Thirteenth from Newtown
to King, passed.
Tho sum o $1500 was ordered
transferred from tho Mater fund to
tho interest fund.
The communication of tho city en
gineer regarding tho fixing ot the
width of certain streets was ordered I
published and February 1, 1910,'
fixed as date for hearing.
Tho sum ot $500 was ordered
transferred from the contingent to
.the general fund.
Tho city attorney was Instructed to
;flraw up an ordinance la referenco to
sewer connections and fixing a pen
alty for failure to obey tho ordinance
But that doesn't excuse you if you
are not a Commercial club member.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Daggett are in
Medford from their orchard farm
west of the city.
r '
' ' -fa '
f -
New Type
Banker on Way to Federal Prison
Suddenly Attacks Newspaper
Man Who Would Se
cure Picture.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jnn. 10.
Appearing unconcerned ht his nearer
approach to prison, convicted and
coudemncd bahkor John R. Walsh
arrived horo today from Chicago ou
his way to tho federal prison nt
'Leavenworth, Kan.
Before tho train arrived Walsh
nsked only one' question of hU
"Have we missed tho Missouri J?a
oifie out of Kausns CityT" ho ques
tioned. "I nm afraid so," respondedMnr
shal Hoy.
TTr. .In n-n Knonn U'nlcll "T
guess wo will go up trolley," said
Marshal Hoy, interrupting his pris
oner's query. "It will bo a nico trip,"
ho continued lightly.
"Yes," commented Walsh, some
what sadly, "a nice trip; a nico
One show of nngor marred tho
banker's arrival. A newspnpor pho
tographer nttcmpted to snap a pic
ture of Walsh as ho alighted from
tho train. Walsh ran at him and
smashed the camera before Hoy
could interfere.
Walsh's outburst camo so sudden
ly that both Hoy and tho photograph
er wero taken unawnres. Tho bankur
made no comment and resumed his
placo quietly by the sido of his es
cort. But that doesn't excuse you if you
are not a Commercial club member.
A petition which has been In clrcu-'
lotion for some time for tho paving
of Central avenuo from Thirteenth1
street north to tho city limits, was(
filed this morning with the city re
corder. Tho petition was signed by a largo
nearly unanimous majority of tho
porperty ownors affected by tho
Old type and equipment exceeding in cost $1000 from the Medford Mail
and Southern Oregonian job offices has been dumped and replaced by
, New Furniture,
Dust proof racks, modern fixtures and series of the latest type faces,
individual motors, the best craftsmen, enable us to do printing quicker
better and more satisfactory than ever.
We are ten times better fixed to do good work than ever bef oi&r--no
longer handicapped by old materials and inadequate equipment or
the unavoidable delays due to moving. ' The largest stock of bonds in
the city, to select from. Estimates cheerfully furnished.
Printers and Publishers . 38 South Central Ave
INVESTS $6,000
6CTSI1 8,000,
Scott V. Davis Cleaned Up $12,000
In Less Than Ono Year by In
vesting In Medford City
Last February Scott Davis pur
chased .13 . acres ot land on West
Main street from J. W. Wiley for
16000. Ho platted tho ground, nam
ed It Highland Park adltton and
-placed It on tho market. During tho
year ho ,a.old to Individuals lota
enough to make htm whole on tho
original Investment.
Yesterday ho concluded a deal
whereby tho remainder ot Highland
Park becomes tho property of Cuslck
& MoyorB, H. H. Croft and Fred S.
Hutchlngs, In consideration ot tho
payment of 318,000. a clear profit ot
$12,000 on an Invostmont ot $6,00
is something phenonional, and so
far is tho record in real cstnto trans
actions In Medford.
Highland Park Is admlnnrably sit
uated for residence purposes, and tho
new owners purposo to grado tho
streets and put In cemont walks be
fore again placing it on tho market.
West Main will bo paved in front of
tho proporty this spring.
But that doesn't excuse you if you
arc not a Commercial club mombor.
I co Gorge lit Indiana.
EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 10.--Grinding
its wny down Wolf creek,
an immenso ico gorge is sweeping
toward Evnnsvillo todny. It is fear
ed that tho great ico flood will be
stopped by n bend just below tho
city, damaging tho creek nnd causing
a flood nnd will result in heavy
property damage'.
Tho gorgo broko several miles
nbovo Evnnsvillo last Monday with
n roar that was heard plainly here.
Six miles of ice, tearing its way
through banks and sweeping with it
trees nnd small buildings, immedi
ately began a slow but irresistible
advance toward the Ohio river.
Wolf creek is rising rapidly, and
already damago aggregating more
than $500,000 has been dono along
its banks. Many coal barges havo
been crushed in the floes.
But that doesn't excuso von if you
are not rt Commercial club member.
Anderson & Green Mako Record Sale
for Land In Foothills, Flvo
Miles From tho City 29
Acres Orlnn $25,000.
Anderson & Orcon report tho sale
of 20 norcH of tho old Millor pin no,
five milcH west of Medford, on the
foothill road, to Dr. Donn nud Mr.
Herbert of Oswald, N. M., for $25,
000. This is at present the rocnpl for
pneo por noro in tlint locality. How
long It will stand is another mnttor,
for prices aro increasing right nlong.
Tho Innd is n choico ploeo, however.
Fifteen nores are plnntcd to Btnnd
nrd commercial variation of pom
and apples, which will hoar next
year, nnd tho balance- is hi young
trees. .
But that doesn't oxcuso you if you
are not n Commercial club mombor.
(Continued front
upon tho terms, of thin contract."
Tho notice then states that Hamilton
was so ordered to stop work nbout
August 1, 1009. Now that flvo
flvo months havo elapsed without no
tlco to resume work tho constractor
if tho city shall fall
to glvo notlco to recommence tho
work by March 1, 1910, and In conse
quent thorcof, tho final completion
of said plpcllno shall bo delayed bo
young tho flint day of Juno, 1910,
nnd water Is not furnished by tho city
for tho purposo ot mnklng tho neces
sary testa for leakages, etc
then tho said contractor demands
thnt tho balanco withhold for tho
construction work porforired at that
time, shall bo forthwith paid and tho
contractor rolcasod from any and nil
liability under tho terms of tho con
tract and that all liabil
ity under his bond bo cancelled and
tho contract to bo null and void."
But thnt dnosu't excuso vou if yon
aro not n Commercial club member.
J. S. Stagg was In Medford last
Saturday on business. Mr. Stngg
leaves for his now homo In Potnlumn,
New Equipment
January Clearance
0M Lots, Eftds of Lines etc
Now is tho timo to buy all kinds of roranants, onds
of linos and odd lots of hosiory, undorwoar, dross
goods and Bilks, waists, skirts, wraps, suits, oto., otc,
at a saving of from 25 PER CENT TO 00 PER CENT.
See the Windows
For thoro you find a truo indox to tho bargains in
stock. A closer look at tho goods in tho storo will givo
you tho truo information that tho bargains aro tho
host to bo found in Southom Orogon.
We Invite Friendly
Criticism of this Store
If there is anything wrong with this storo -if tho
prices are not aaherea to as advortisod -if our clerks
or tho proprietors do not troat you courteously, if
there is a tiling you think could bo improved in tills
store, we will thank you to drop us a card and givo us
your opinion.
This is tho peoplo's storo, thoy havo made it, they
should be interested in tho way it is run. SEND US
TKe Hutchason Co.
Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co.
Ul.L! L 1 .
Savoy Theatre
.yofrk '
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