THIS MISDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MTCDFORD. ORHOON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 19.10. I--..- 4-4 4 4 ---- 4 4 4-4 4-4-4 4 4 -4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4-44 44 4 4 4 4 4-4-4 4 4-4 444 4 4 4 4444 444444444444444444 4-4-4 4 4 - - 4 4 44 ffH--H Answering' Want Ads Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-- " 4 4 -4 4 4--4 4 4 --- -- --------- 4 4444 4 4 44 4 t-Wt 44444444 -- 4 4 1-4-4 4-4-4 EIGHT INJURED IN TROLLEY COLLISION Authorities Invostluntlnu Accident Which Nearly Caused Dozon Deaths. I BAN 1'UANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 10- Whilo ono limn In on tho verge, of lentli (odny nnd hov'uii otliorn lit vn riotiH hoHpitnlM with moro or Iqhh hq rloim injurU'H, tlio loonl nuthorilloM inn endeavoring t uneortiiiii tlio MUU of u collimou between two earn on tho. CiiHlru street lino liiHt night, in which tlio victiitm wore maimed. From ncoountH of oyowitnoHHOH, the iiion who wuro injured were on (ho limbic footruil of u Cmilro-Htrool our, bound up tlio hill from Eight eenth Htrect. Tlio roar uml or a downward hound oar on tlio parallol I rack, in Homu iinucooiinlalilo man lier, swung from tho traok, scraped nlong the upward hound oar, qruHh iug and injuring its puHKeiigorrf on tho running hoard. All ighl injured wuro ground in tlio muhH of wreckage canned bytho collision, and nouo uHOupcd serious ,hurt. Oripiaan ('. W. Drummont of tho downward hound car wan urrcntod, lint claimed that ho could not nu coutit for tho accident. Hut that dooHn't cxouho you if you are not a Cymmoroiitl club incmhcr. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. ProHiduut George Davis of tho Fanners & Fruitgrowers' hnnk made a vinit to our town recently. Ho wan HiirpriHod and well plonHod with tho nppearaneo of tho town and com munity. John Cook of Hnnchorco has been delivering hay to nomo of our oili r.enrt tho past week. Hay is hay with im, anything in tho shnpo of hay being worth $20 per ton. Tom Grigsby K-nveM for tho valley Sunday, tho J 0th, for a load of freight for our merchants. Ono earns itho money teaming ovor tliCHu rotuls .it thiH time of year. . lid Walker of tho Crater Lnko Lumber company baa just returned from a trip to Moil ford in tho in tcrest of tho company. Wo nro in hopes tho company will start tholr ttnill moou. Tho petition to open up tho link of road between hero and Propped is uiieetinir with unanimous support. Professor Seowell Wright received tho aad nowfl of tho aeriouH illness of bin father at Canton, 0. Wo ex tond our sympathy. M. C. Muhoney and family nro Bpondiug their time on thoir hoisio- plead, building n now residence and imiiking other improvements, Winter is with us m dead earnest Your or fivo inches of now snow, Hut tho days are bright and plenB. , nut. K. S. I'entz tp on a trii) to Med- 'ford. Ho will remain in Modford 'for an indofinito time, till business in lliia linn nicks lit) lit til 0 I' nllrt. S. P. MathewH in out to Modford nfter a load of freight for Merchant Mnrnv. Mr. Mathews oaiuiot romam idlo long at ft time, although bo baa enough of this world's goods to live, comfortably. Hut ho is afraid tho old mnlo will got rusty. 'kIio P. &E. ia clearing right of way .within two milos of tho FnllH nnd grading within thrco miles. Thoy Sinvo crows of men Htrotohcd from lutto Falls to Modford and aro browding tho work aa fast as con editions will ponnit. Thoro is not much doubt but that tho oars will bo running into Hutto Falls by tho 1st of May, 1010. Our real estato doalors, Adams Hriggs, ropovt coiiHidorablo inquiry for smalt tracts of laud nround tho Walls; also for town lots and timbor claims. Prospective fruit land buy ers nro looking into tho fruit pros pects of this Kj'otion. Thoy find ' conditions vory favorablo and prioos . very lotisonnblo. Wo oxpod in timo to boo this tho choice fruit Boolion of i tho Roguo Itlvor valloy. . Fred Miehnols has just oomplotod ,'niiaw dwelling on his homostoad and rl is quito comfortably sottlod at homo , now. Fred says ho enjoys farm life , nfter being confined to his shop so C loK- . .. Our harbor" has plncod an artistio Bign in front of his place of business, t. tlio work of, aintor Erio. Undo Johnnio Mooro of Dudloy is 1 roooited quito sick. Wo boio for bis toarly recovery, flharlio Ilondrlr U looking aftoi'him with tho aid of tho noighbors during his illnoss. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hondrix nmdo a busiaoBB aiid social cull on Hutto 4 Falls friouds tbia weok. Mr. Ileu- Hlend, Joe has done a great deal of hard work on IiIh place and lias thingH quite comfortable and homo 111(0 and quite a clearing. Jack Doubleday and his cook wore out ploighridiug this week, taking in tho Falls on Ihn trip for mail and supplies. Jaok has madu u great iui piovemcut in his plane, purchased of J). Poole. He has a fine piece of laud and a plcawant home. 1), II. Harris has placed extra phonos at tho Derby store and John Allen's. The ll:io is working nicely. A iiiiiuher of applications aro in for phones, and from tho present out look ntiothor wire will havq to ho stretched soon. Hut that dooHii'l uxuuro you if you aro not a Commercial club inembor. WOMAN TAKES $900; nUNS AWAY FROM HOME STKKATOH, 111., Jan. lO.Aftcr huving cashed a .$1)00 check and dis appearing, Mrs. Thoodosia Arnold and her two children, of Stockton, Cab, aro being sought for today by thu police of Illinois and California cities. Mrs. Arnold loft Stockton Septem ber l.r to visit her pnrouts at Irving, III. Hbo carried a check for $1100, which was cashed by hor in Chicago and tho names of a matt and two women appear on its hack as in dorscrs. Tho Chicago police have been asked to look for these persons. Notification of tho woman's disap pearance was made to the local po lico by Oliver Leip of Irving, who be lieves that she may bo hero or in some adjacent town. Hut that doesn't oxcuso you if you nro not a Commercial club member. JEFFRIES PLEASED BY ATTITUDE OF ROOSEVELT NEW YORK, Jan. 10.Jamcs J. Jeffries announces that ho is. de lighted to leani of Itoosovclt' inter- 'St in his coming fight with Johnson. A telegram from Jeffries, given out hero today is as follows: "Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 17. I nm glad to know that the bnttlo which I urn about to engage in interests mon like Theodore Itoosovclt. I believe that it taeaus more than just decid ing tho heavyweight championship. "Tho interest of HooFovelt may mean that this fight might plnco the boxing game on n higher piano thnn that which It has fonnorly occu pied." Hut that doesn't oxcuso you if you nro not a Commercial club member. PORTLAND MARKETS. f lttttt t-t -f Hop, Wool nml Hide. HOPS 1908 crop, cholco ICo; pritno to cholco, lCc; prime, lCc; modlum, lGc; 1909, , cholco, 31c; prime, 30o; modlum, l6G18c. WOOI Nominal, 1909, Wllla- motto valley. 20&31c; otiatorn Ore gon, 2O0!3c. Jr. i 8HUI2PSICINS Slioarltig, 10026c each; short wool, 25 050c; medium wool, GO&fl ench; long wool, 76cQ $1.25 inch. TALLOW Prlmo, per lb. 3 GHcj No. 2 and Rrcnso, 2 02MiC. CH1TTIM lURlt Nominal, 4 Me. UOHAIR 1909, 2320 lb. HIDES Dry hldoe, 17 180 lb; rreen, 0H10c; bulls, grees salt, 7c lb; kips, 1010c; calves, greon, ISO 18c por lb. Ilutter, Kggs nnrt Poultry. I3QOS Local, candled solect, 40 41c; local storage, 27c; custom stor- C, 2730o, nOTTian PATDelWery t. o. bt Portland swoot cream, 37 Hi our, 35VjC BUTTKIt ICxtra creamery, 39o; foy, 37c; Btoro, 25c. CHKK8K Fancy full cream, 18 ltVic; triplets and daisies, 18 Ho; Young Araorlcans, 19 Ho. FOULTIIY Mixed chlckons, 15 He; fancy hens, 1BH 10e; roosters, old, lie; geeBO, 12o for live, 10 18 for dressed; ducks, 1618c; turkeys alive, 2122c; dressed, 25029c; plceens, squabs, $2 per dozen; dress ed chicken, lc to 2c a poind hlgbor lb an altvo, Grain, Flour and Hay. IUrtLBY Producoro rlce 1909 Feed, 31.50; rolled, 33; rewlng, $3i,50. YVHI3AT Track, club, $1,10 $1,11; Blue stem, 1.201.2l; red, $1.13; forty fold, $1.12$l.i3; WilUMette valley, $1.08. MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran, $26; middlings. $30; shorts, $26 0'7.5; chop, $22 029; alfalfa Meal, $21 per ton. ' FLOUn New crop, patents, '$6,- 15; straight, $4.85; bakers' 6. 96 0 6.15; YMUaHtotte valley, $6.7 Vol.; export grides, $4, CO; graham, Yi, $6,50; whole wheat, $5,70; ryt, $5,75; bales, $3,16, - - 4 Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to You It May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. HAY Producers' price New llm- othy, Wlllatr.etto valley, fanoy, $19 20; ordlnar), $19; onstorn Oregon, $2021; mixed. $16; elevor No. 1, $15.50016; wheat. $16017; cheat, $10 017; alfalfa, $15 OATB Spot delivery, new, pro ducers' price Track No. 1 white, $32.60033.50; gray, $31.60032.60. Frulti nnd Vegetables. FRR9H FRUITS Oranges: Now aavols, $22.26 $3.00; Valoclas, $3.0603.76 box; banaaas, 55He lb; lemons, $6.60 6.00 box; grape fruit, $4; oars, $1.26; grapes, $1. 76. POTATOHS Selling, new, $1.10 1.25; buying, eastern Multnomah and Clackamas, 75 085c; Wlllamotto valloy, 65 70c. VEGETABLES Now turnlsps, Or egon, 99c sack; boots, $1.25; carrots 80 90c sack; cabbago, local, $1.50 1.76; tomatoes, fancy, $2.25 crate; beans, 10 12c por lb; cauliflower, $1.00 per dozon; peas, 10 12c lb; horseradish, 10c; green onions, 10c dozen; peppors, boll, lb.; head lettuce, 20o t'oz.; hothouso, $1.25 box; radishes doz. Bunches; col- ery, $3 3.60 crato; eg plant, 15c lb; sweet potatoes, $2; sprouts, 8 9c; cumubors, $2.60 dozen. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.40 1.60 per cwt. garlic, 10 12c per lb. APPLES $103.50. Groceries, Nuts. Etc. SUGAll Cube, $6.35; powdered, $5.95; fruit or borry, $5.95; dry granulated, 5.95; conf. A, $5.76; ex tra D, $5.26; goldon G, $5.36; D yol- low, $6.25; best, $5.75; barrels, 15c; halt bnrcla, 30c; boxoa. 65c advance on sack basis. ,- (Abovo quotations aro 30 days not cash quotatlonn.) KICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 5H c; No. 2, Efllc; Now Orleans Hoad, 6 3-4 7c; Croolo, 5 He, SALT Coarso Half ground, 100s $9.50 por ton; 50b, $10; tablo dairy, 50s, $17; 100s, $16.60; bales, $2.25; extra flno barrolB, 2b, 5s and 10s, $4.505.50; lump rock, $20.50 per ton. "' HONEY New, J3Hc per Jb, DEANS Small wblto, $5.50; largo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bajou, $5.75; Llmaa; $6.00; rods, $7.50. Moats, Pish and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front street hogs, fancy, 10 He; ordinary, 9 He; reals, ovtra, 11 He; ordinary, 10 H 11c; extra heavy, 300 lbs., 5H7c; mutton, 7c; Iambs, 7c. HAMS, DACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) ham, 17Hc; breakfast bacon, 18H26e; boiled ham, 26 26c; picnics, 14c; cottas roll, 15c; rcgulat short cloars, smoked, 16 He; backs, smokod, 16 Ho; pickled tong ues, 60o each. LOCAL LARD Kettlo teaf, 10s, IS He por lb.; 6b, 18 5-8e por lb.; 60 lb. tins, 18o por lb,; steam rendered, 10s, 171c per lb.; Os, 17 6-8e per lb.; compound, 10b, 11 3-4o per lb. CLAMS HarshoU, por box, $2.50; razor clams, $2.00 por box. FISH Nominal Rock cod, 10c; flounders, 6c; halibut, 8 10c; strip ed bass, 15c; cattish, 10c; 80.11110:,, steelhoad, lOo; eilvors, 8c lb.; fall salmon, 8a lb.; soloo, 7c lb.; shrimps, 12 He lb.; perch, 7c lb,; torn cod, 80 por lb; louBtors, 3ba per 10; irosn mackerol, ( ) por lb.; crawfish, ( ) por doz,; sturgoon, 12 He per lb,; black bass, 20o por lb.; Colum bia smolts, 26o por lb; silver smelts, 7 por lb.; black cod, 7 He per lb.; crabs, $1.251.75 per dozen. OYSTERS S&oalwater ay, per gallon, $2.25; per 110 lb sack, $5; Olympla, por gallon, $2.76; per 100 lb, sack, $7 7.60; canned oostera, 55e cam, $0.50 doz.; casters la shell, $1.66 per 100. OATTLB Best steers, wolghtng 1300 pounds, $4,75 4.80; medium steers, $4,50; beat cows, $3,769 3.85; fancy heifers, $3,76 93,86; medium ooyts, $3.51; peer eowa, $2 02.60; bulls, $202,75; las, $2,50 HOQS Best east ol the Bieun- tnlns,, $7.76 8.86; fancy, $8.65; ctockers, $6; pige, $67. ( bhhei Beat wethers, .$6.25 B(50; ordinary, $5.00; sprla's lambs. ( 600 6(25. , stralght owes, $4.75; mlxed lots, $4.75 05.00. CALVES- "at. $6.25-5.60 or- dlnary, $3. f4,50. MEDF0RD MARKETS. t t ftt-f t I'rnlta anil Vegetables. (Prices paid by Medfrod merchants.) APPLES 24e lb.; pears, iHc lb. Potatoes, lc lb.; onions, $1.50 cwt.; cabbage, 2c; turnips, IHc; parsnips, 11Hc lb.; squash, 30c and $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10 15c, Iluttcr, Kggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants) 1 Ranch butter, 32 He; fancy cream ery, 37 He. Fresh ranch eggs, 40c. Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chlck ons, 16c; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hoy, $16. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushol; oats. $36 ton; barley, $30 ton. Doof 2H3c; pork, 6 He; mut ton, 4c; lamb, 4 He; veal (dressed,) 6c (Soiling prices.! Rolled barloy, 2 cwt, $37 ton; bran, $1.10; middlings, $1.85 1.90; shorts, $1.801.S5. f FOR SALE. FOR SALE Alfalfa liny, iooso and baled. L. Nledormcyor, Puono Jack' sonvlllo 1303. 263 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and furnl turo to exchange for lot. 103 Roofo volt avenue. Phono 228. 262 FOR SALE Fivo room bouse and thrco lots, close in, for $2500; $1000 "will handle. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Choico business proper ty al a YftTRiiW, pn long time easy terms Address P. 0JnJ 8- FOR SALE New L. C. SmitSr type writer for sale cheap. Address- "D," care this office. 260 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Hotel in Sweet, Idaho, for Medford prop erty, either town or farm land ; vnl nation $9000. Address William Woody, Swoet, Idaho. 278 FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorns (295 strain), S. C. Duff Orpingtons, prixo -wlnnlnc stock, cockerel $5, pullet $2; bens $1.50; eggs tor sot ting, $2 for Leghorn $3 for Orp lngtons. AJdroctfW. T. Goodman, Box 412, Grants Pass, Or. FOR EXCHANGE Residenco prop orty in Pomona, Cab, for property In or nenr Medford. Box 843, Mod ford. 260 FOR SALE Roguo River three-color stationary showing Comico poar and Spitronberg apples. Modford Mail Tribune 260 FOR SALE d and 10-ncro tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ipeits. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE- Good dry cord wood at $7.50 per cord. Also wood sawing orders promptly filled. Call on C. F. Reiehcstola, 421 South Grape street, or phone No. 491. 261 FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter, latwt model, with 2-eolor ribbpn shift; suso and metal covor; cost $110.00; will Bell for cash nly; prico $90.00. Address Box No. 588. , it FOR SALE Light spring wagon. 126 S. Oakdalo. 259 FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine cord- wood, 12 nnd 16-inoh; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling, Phono order to Main 4201. FOR SALE- Must havo somo monoy. Will soil either houso In Medford or fivo acres ready to subdivide, 334 W. Sixth st. ' 263 f FOR SALE. FOR SALE Young orchard in bear ing. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE 30 acres fruit ranch; 10 acres 15-year-old apples; good buildings; closo in; prlcj Ofln; a snap. See us. Roguo Rltvr Land Co., WoodVille, Or. ?51 FOR SALE Houso and lot In Hood River, Oregon, or will trarti for property In Medford. Address A. J. Emerson, 114 Tripp street, Med ford, Oregon. 271 FOR SALE Agoodr8-7oom" house, 1 aero of ground, some fruit, barn, chicken houso and woodshed; water in house. Pleasantly situated in Ashland, Ore. For particulars ad dress L. D. 54, Ashland, Ore. "'" WANTED. -'- WANTED Hand spraf pump; sec ond hand, in pood condition and completo. Address with price, L. W. Zimmer, Medford. WANTED A lday solicitor to sell electric beating, cooking and light ing devices. Apply nt tho Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED Agents to go to Califor nin to sell territory for the "Hidden Window Screen." Inquire E. C. Aylor nnd Bnrnett, real estato of fice on South Central avenue. 2fil WANTED Good span of mules, fair size, well broken. J. F. Wort man, at the old Van Dyko place. WANTED A 2471. nurse. Phone Mam 253 WANTED Man to contract for clearing 7 acres timber land 2H miles west of Medford. Answer B. F.. care of Mall Tribune. 264 WANTED Small tract of 20 to CO acres near Medford; give full de scription, prico and terms. Address "A," Mail Tribune. 200 WANTED Good Jnpaneso cook, good wages. Telephone FarRierg 6f. - - " 255 WANTED Experienced qnawy taafi Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. - WANTED Mun and wife; man to do genoral work, woman for general houGowork. Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED Hair work done at Mrs D. M. Poarce, Phoenix, Or. 263 WANTED Place for a girl to work for her board and go to school in good private family. Inquire Snpt of high school. 264 WANTED To buy gasoline pump In good condition at onco, 2-6-horso power.. A'ldress Box 166 Eaglo Point. Or. 263 WANTED A Chlnc6o boy wants housework or cooking. Address' Lee Sun, rare Sing Leo laundry, Medford Or. 264 -t FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished roomB ttlth board. No. 10 North Grape street. WANTED To lease .1 5 or 6 room houso for ono year. Address G, caro of this otflco. 263 FOR RENT Six room bouse. 10 N. Quinco atreot. 262 FOR RENT New 6-rooai bouse for rent at onco; reasonable. 1002 W. Eleventh street. 261 FOR RENT Trnots of land from ono to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and garden truck, also suit able for chicken nnd turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber and poultry and othor fencing for improvements if lossso porfonm labor of ereoting snmo. Call at offico of Cendon Water and. Power company for particulars. f t -ff-f FOR RENT. FOR "RVnct Onlyhotcl In town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Water A Power Co., 209 West Main street, FOR RENT Farnib, troui iu m upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inquire at office Condor Water ft Power com pany, 209 W. Main street. -f f -f f LOST. STRAYED Ono roan horse, bell, branded, N. on right shoulder, 1 roan 2 year old colt, 1 light bay horse branded N. on right shoulder, glass eyed, baldface; 1 small brown golding branded 4 left Bldo. Last seen near Eaglo Point. Finder please notify S. A. Robinson, Eagle Point. Reward. 260 ' '- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can bo had from their agent, S. Kemp thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phono 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15c: 'beds, 15c. Give us a trial. 29 Central avenue, upstairs. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, nsth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may bo pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Yonng. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheetiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER, auctioneer, will be found in room 208, Taylor & Phipps Building. Attorneys. WITHCNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Pnlm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-nt-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Rcaraes. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riversjdf flvenyc Phone 801, ,..,.. 7.. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Lealis and Fire Insurance. Office, suita 205-206, over Fruit- rrowers' Bank. Phono Ml. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adnms, U. P. Briggs, real estate, insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped iob offico in South orn Oregon; Portland prices. 3' South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op- ticiam between Portland nnd Sac ramento. Office on Wost Main st. nnd railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Triddy. J. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nnglo. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractors; also lime, cement nnd plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford Natioanl Bank bldg. Phone Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conkli 3001, J. II. Butler 3571. Piano Instruction. HARMONY, sight reading, musical forjw. Mrs. E. E. Goro, Metropolitan Collego of Musie. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phone 493. Stenographers. KLLA M. GAUNYAW Pnlm block. Stenographic work dene quickly aad woll. t lospltals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st Medford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. H. 4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poao with Mnckoy nnd die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; cntrnnco O't Seventh street. Civil Engineers. WILL take by contract, on reason able terms, all kinds of -work; also irrigating, planting nnd cultivating, etc. Landscape gardening. First class references. William Poters, Civil Engineor, Phono 1801, 322 E. Mam street, Medford, Or. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Or. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks.- Up stairs, Young & Hall buildmg. A nice cool place to spend tho hot afternoon. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford, Or. Your building respectfully so licited. Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st Sonth. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Onr trees jare bndded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guaranteo ev erything put out. Wo nro not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 583, Medford. TransferandDrayage. H. S. BRUMBLE Draynpe and transfer. Baggaee stored. Offico C and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Beatty street. A card will bring me to yon. MUSIC. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mw. II. L. Huillier, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, German, Spanish. MRS, E, GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Music Miss Flora Gray. PJ-n S'SJjlJouth OcniritJ avenue, Buildlnn and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 F.ast Main street. Carpenters and Builders. A. D. JOHNS, Contractor and Build er 225 Riverside avenue. Phone 2471. F. E. HILL Will furnish plans nud list of all timber o be put in build ing. Medford, On W. G. HOLMES-Contractor and builder; plans nnd ostimntes furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Aickson County bank. Night calln promptly answered. Offico and rosi- dent phone Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in ITaskina' building, Phono MainlOOL CONROY & CLANCY Office in Stewart Building Physioinns and Surgeons. Offico phono Main 341; privnto pkono Main 612. S. R. SB ELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing nooms. X-Ray. Offico houri: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jueksun County Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block. Phono 291, Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ec specialist, when othern fail. Offico in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D'Anjou. Clrjars and Tobaccos. IRELAND & ANTLESraoke HbiMH, dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' snpplies. Exclusive agents 11 f Lewis Single Binder, El Merito nn EfPaleaoia. &12 'Tfest 'Main tre 6