6 THE MHDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ftEEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1910. AIDED J1HARNEGIE Plant Wizard Claims That With drawal of Support Comes as a Great Relief to Him. SANTA ROSA, Cnl., Jan. 19 Luther Burbank, tho plant wixnrd, has a now claim to fnnio today. An annual feront of $10,000 from tho CarncRio institute awarded to tho horticulturist has been withdrawn 'nnd 'Burbank declares tho notion is a rcliof, maintaining that cares nnd responsibilities accompanied tho yearly gift. Tho action of tho institute's offi cials is based on tho fact that the plant merger is being exploited for commercial purposes. Another rea son assigned is that Burbank is not the originator of tho spineless cdiblo cactus. "I am exploited, whether I am willing or not," declared Burbank. i'Morcpvar, I do not claim to have originated tho spineless cactus, but I "do claim (o bo tho first man to make it commercially useful. But for tho Advice of friends, I would have dis solved my connection with tho in stitute Inst year. Besides cares, the grant brdught a full crop of envy and jealousy. Personally, I have no desire for wealth or fame. I will say, though, that it was mutually agreed with tho institute that T should have tho privilege of supple menting their inadequate grant by tho sale of my productions as before the contribution was offered:" But that doesn't excuse you if you arc not a Commercial club member. J REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. $ yr. C. Green to I. F. Wil '' Hams, lots ,7 mid 8, block ' 3; Central Point ,..$ 1,000 W. H.' Barlow to R. J. Ed wards, 40 acres hi section '9,' township 39, 1 west . . . Emaline A. Dodge to Albert - HallJ.53t.3-4 acres in D. L. ; C. 72, township 38, 1 west 10 10 Gold Ray Realty Co. to B. P. t Benson, lot3, block 2, Xickell Additiou to Med- ford t 2,500 E. E. Bagley to G. IT. Ganierc, lot C, Baley addition to Ashland E. N. Warner to Lillian E. i Polke, lot 10, block 4, . Walnut Park, Medford.... C. C. Pierce to E. R. Seeley, 5 acres in section 2, town- ' ship 36V 1 west E. II. Corfles to W. H. Hum i flfcrey, lot 10, pnrt lot 17, block 1, Fruitdale Addition, Medford 10 10 10 C. II. Pierco to I. D. Phipps, lnild in D. L. C. 42, town ship 37, 1 west 6,000 r It. Moore to Irene Wil son, lots 3 and 4, block 25, Central Point 500 Bridget E. Williams to Chas. Olsen, land in D. L. C. 4, township 37, 1 west 2,100 But that doesn't excuse you if you are not a Commercial club member. CHARLES N0RVEL PUTS IT EASILY OVER CLIFFORD SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 18. Charles Norvel of Butte elands aco hfch with the Sacramento fight fans today as the result of hi9 decisive victory over Jack Clifford before the Central club last evening. Clifford scored a win over Nor vell in San Francisco recently. Nor vel justified his claim that another meeting .would bo productive of a different result. Last night's fight was scheduled to go 20 rounds. Early in tho second session a right cross to Clifford's jaw sent him to the floor for the count of oight. When ho aroso Nor vell planted a right uppcrcut under his chin and finished tho work. Nor vel was not scratched. But that doesn't excuse you if you are not a Commercial club member. Court News. : Estate Lizzie Dolan Davis Order to convoy real estato under contract. Estate of Giles Wells Ellen I. Wells appointed administratrix; John L. Grubb, George Owens, L. A. Neil, appraisers. Proof of death ad mitted. Estato of M. S. Welch Inventory and appraisement showing real and porsonnl property valued nt $12, 455.30 approved. Es(oto of Abraham Fisher In ventory nnd appraisement showing real property value $5390.20; ap proved. v Estate and gunrdinnship of Rollins F. and Buelnh C. Taylor, minors "Ijortlin 11. Sharp appointed guard ian. But that doesn't oxouso you if you are. riot a Commercial club member, . ., T" g! I Trofron of Ashland was in Medford Wednesday on his way to Jacksonville on legal business. THE PERFUME OF THE LADY III BLACK ny GASTON I.KUOUX, Author of "Tho Mystery of the Yellow Room." Copyright, 1000, by ltretnno'a CHAPTER XIV. Mystery of the "Body Too Many." EXT Cay, 11 o'clock. Where was Houletabllle? Ills bed had oot becu disturbed. I dressed myself hurriedly and wont to look for my frload. whom 1 found In the outer court Ho took mo by the arm and led mo Into the vast drawing room of la Louve. There I was surprised to And. although It was not yet time for luncheon, every body Assembled. M. and Mme. Darzac wcro mere. aimo. cuiui. ironi me dark corner where she was reclining on a sofa, saluted us. "Ah. here Is M. ttoulctabllle with his friend, Salnclalr! Now we shall know why wc havo all been summoned here." Ho addressed himself to Mme. Ranee. i "First of all, madame, permit mo to Inform you that 1 have decided to sup press the 'guard which you kindly al lowed mo to establish, although It vexed you." "Ah, really, are you going to with draw the guard from the chateau, M. Roulctablllo? Well. I am very glad to hear It. although 1 assure you that It did not vex mo In the least," exclaim ed Mme. Edith, with an affectation of sayety. "On the contrary, the fact proves to me that M. and Mme. Da tac are no longer- In any danger." "This Is true, madame." replied Rou Ictabllle, "since last night" Mme. Darzac could not refrain from a hasty movement which no one save myself perceived. "So much the better," cried Mme. Edith. "May heaven be praised! But how Is It that my husband and I arc the last to bear the news? Interesting things -must have been happening last night. The nocturnal trip of M. Dar zac to Castelar was one of them with out doubt." As she spoke I could sec tho embar rassment of M. and Mme. Darzac. Tho former, after a glance at his wife, started to speak, but Rouletablllo would not permit him to do so. "Madame, you should know the rea son why M. and Mme. Darzac bavo ceased to run any danger. 1'our hus band, madame, has. told you of the frightful tragedy of the Olandler two years ago, and you know also, of course, that the reason why wc have placed such a strong guard hero around M. Darzac and his wife was because wo bad seen a cortaln man again." "I do." "Well, this man cannot appear again ever." "What has become of him?" "Do Is dead." "When did bo dler "Last night He was killed In the square tower." Wo all sprang to our feet at this declaration In the greatest agitation. M. and Mme. Ranco seemed complete ly stupefied by the words which they had beard, and M. and Mme. Darzac and myself were plunged Into the most profound agitation by the fact that Rouletablllo had not hesitated to reveal the secret. "In the square tower?" cried Mme. Edith. "And who, then, has killed him?" "M. Robert Darzac," replied Roule tabllle. Mme. Edith aroso, seized Darzac by the band and exclaimed with an em phasis which made mo decide that 1 bad judged her wrongly when 1 called ber affected: "Bravo. M. Robert I All right! You are a gentleman!" Arthur Ranee arose and said, his faco as pallid as though bo bad seen a gbost: 'Larsan Is dead. Well, no one Is more rejoiced than myself to know It. and if he has received the punishment duo to his crimes from tho band of M. Darzac no one Is more to bo congratu lated than M. Darzac. But 1 consider that It would be wrong for M. Darzac to make any attempt to conceal an act which is an honor to himself. It would bo better to inform the authorities. If they come to learn of this affair from outsiders, think what the situation would be! If wo give out thu Infor mation ourselves wo shall show that an act of justice has been committed. If we conceal anything wo shall place ourselves in the category of malefac tors." no paused. "I believe that my husband Is right." Edith added. "But we ought to know just what has happened." And sho addressed herself directly to M. and Mme. Darzac. But both 'of tho latter were Htill under the spell of surprise which Rouletablllo had caus ed them by his remarks, who that very morning in my presence had promised to bo silent and had sworn us all to silence. M. itance rcpeuted nervously: "Why should we couceal anything? Why should wo? Wo must tell everything." All ut once the reporter seemed to take a sudden resolution, He leaned toward Arthur Rauce, whoso right hand was resting on a caue, tho head carved of ivory by a fumous cutter at Dieppe, Rouletablllo took the cano in ' bis hand. "May I look at it?" ho asked. "I am un jimateur jvor.carver myself, It la really very beautiful, It Is h Jlguro by Imlx'sse, and there Is no better work man on tho Norman shore." The young man seemed to bo entire ly engrossed In studying tho caue. As ho touched the carvlug tho stick fell from his baud and rolled toward Dar sac. I picked It up and returned It Im mediately to M. Ranee. Rouletablllo cast a withering look at mo, and I read in that glance that somehow or otlier 1 had shown myself nu Idiot. Rouletablllo asked abruptly of Mrs. Ranee: "Well, madame. do you thhik wo ought to Inform tho authorities)" "I thluk so more than CTor," she re plied. 'That which wo are powerless to discover they would certainly tlnd out And 1 warn you of ono thing, M. Rouletablllo. and that Is that wo may already bo too Into in seeking out the pincers of Justice. If we bad told them of our fears at tho very bcglu nlug you would have been spared some long hours of watching and sleepless ulgffts which hnve protlted you nothing, since, aa now appears, they did not prevent what you dread ed from coming to pass." Rouletablllo motioned Mmo. Edith to a chair and again picked up tho cane which M. Ranco had laid down upon a sofa. lie replied sharply to Mme. Edith: "Madame, you are wrong in assert ing that all the precautious which I had taken for the safety of M. aud Mme. Darzac havo been useless. If 1 am obliged to acknowledge the unex plalunble presence of one body too many 1 am also compolled to refer to the absence perhatw less Inexplicable of one member of our own party." "YOU HAVE KILLED MY UNCLE!" What is that?" InqufrwTMme. Edith, with a mockiug smile, "lu such a case I fall to see how you find any mystery." giving a flippant Imitation of the reporter's words "a body too many on the ono side, an unexplained absence on the other. Everything Is for the best." "Perhaps." rejoined Rouletablllo. "But the most frightful thing of all Is that the unexplained disappearance comes just at the right time to make known to us apparently the Identity of the 'body too many.' Madame, 1 regret to teh you that the person wo cunnot And Is none other than your uncle. M. Bob." "Old Bob!" screamed the young wo man. "Old Rob has disappeared!" "Unfortunately it Is true," said Rou letabllle. And he let the can drop to the ground. But the news of the sudden disap pearance of Old Bob bad so seized the Ranees and the Darzacs that no one paid any attention to the cano as it fell. "My dear Salnclalr, will you be kind enough to pick up that cane?" asked RouletabUle. I did as I was ordered, and quickly. too, but RouletabUle did not even deign to thank me. Mme. Edith turned like a lioness upon Robert Darzac. who recoiled from her almost In fear as sho shrieked: "You have killed my uncle!" fler husband and myself with dltll culty prevented her from flying s hlra. We entreated her to bo calm nd to remember that because her un lo had absented himself from the peninsula aia not necessarily mean that he had disappeared In the potato sack, and wo reproached KouletabllU' with his brutality in blurting out an Idea which could only be, at the pres. cnt time, nt ull events, a hypothesis of his uneasy mind. Hut tho young woman turned scornfully. "M. Salnclalr, I sincerely hope that my unclo's absence from hero will only be of short duration, for If It should turn out otlierwlso I should lie cuso you of being nu accomplice In the most cowurdly murder. Ah to you," turning, to RouletabUle, "the mere idea that you dared compart' Lursau with my uncle, the kindliest soul and tho greatest scholar of his time, forbids mo to consider you as a frlond. and I hope you will relievo me of your presence." "Madame," replied Rouletablllo, "I was Just about to ask your permission to leave. 1 havo a Jouruoy of te:;ty fpurhou.rs to take. J.jdiall return to bo of nsslstaneo to you In accounting for tho disappearance of your undo." "If my undo hits not returned with in twenty-four hours I shall Uxlgo a complaint In tho hands of tho police, monsieur." "It Is a good plan, madame, but llrst I ndvtso you to question all tho serv ants In whom you havo confidence, particularly Mattoul. Question hltn questiou him. Ah, boforo I take my departure allow mo to leave with you this excellent and historical book." Aud Rouletablllo drew a small volume from hU pocket. "This Is a work of M. Albert Bntntllo. a copy of his 'Civil and Criminal Cased,' In which I ndvlso you to read tho adventures, dls gulsos, travesties aud deceptions wrought by an Illustrious swindler whoso truo uamo was Uullinoyor, "After 'having read this." bo went on, "ask yourself carefully whether tho cleverness of such an Individual would havo found very great dltllculty lu presenting himself boforo your eyes under tho guise of an undo whom you had not seen In four yours, for, It was four years, niadamo, since you bad seea Old Rob until that time that you started out to tho honrt of tho I'mupas to look for htm. As to tho memory of M. Arthur Rauco, who started out with you on that journey, It would bo even loss distinct thou your own, and ho would bo more capable of being de ceived than yoursnJf with your intui tion of kinship added to your recollec tions of your relative. I am going, but I shall return, for if it Is necessary to arrive at tho lntolerablo conclusion that Larsan assumed the likeness of M. Bob It will remain for us only to seek M. Bob htmsojf, lu which case madame, shall "bo your obedient servant. "For nil that boa happened, M. Rancc, I make you my humblest ex cuses and also to your wife, and I count upon you to persuade her to have patlenco n little longer. I real ize that you feci that you bavo reason to reproach me with having stated my hypothesis too quickly and too abrupt ly; but, plcaso remember, It Is only a few moments slnco madame reproach ed me with being too slow." Suddenly tho portals flow open, and the stablo boy, Walter, Old Bob's faith ful servant, rusbpd luto our midst. Ills clothing was torn nnd muddy, his hair was In disorder, and bis face wore an expression of rage mingled with terror. Ho carried In bis baud a dirty rag which ho tbrpw upon tho table. This repulslvo object, stained with great blotches of reddish brown, was nothing other than the Back which had served to carry off the mysterious body. With u harsh voice and savngo ges tures Walter howled forth a thousand lncomprehenslblo things lu his broken jumble of French and English. Ranco Interrupted him from tlmo to time, while Walter shook bis flsta menacingly at Darzac. Onco for a moment it seemed as though ho in tended to seize Darzac by tho throat. When ho finished spsaklng Ranco translated his words for us. "lie says that tbls morning ho no ticed blood stains on tho English cart and saw that Toby seemed very great ly fatigued. This puzzled htm so much that ho decided to speak of it at once to Old Bob, but ho sought his master hi vain. Then, seized by a dark foreboding, ho followed tho prints of the horse's feot and tho wheels of tho vehicle, which ho could easily do because tho road was mud dy and 'the wheels had sunk deep. Finally he reached the old Castlllon and noticed that tho whoels led up to a deep chasm Into which ho descend ed, bollovlng that ho should find tho body of his master, hut ho aayv mere ly, this empty suck, which may havo contained tho corpse of Old Bob, and now, having caught a ride in a peas ant's wngou, ho has returned to ask for his master, to learn whether, any ono has seen him uud, If ho la not found, to accuse Darzac of having caused his death," Wo stood confounded. . But, to our great astonishment, Mmo. Edith was tho first to recover her self possession. Sho quieted Walter by promising him that sho would hood bring him faco to faco with Old Bob perfectly safo and woll. And sho Bald to Rouletablllo:. "You have twenty-four hofirs7n1on' clour. Mttko tho boat use of It." Mmo. Kdtth cost a withering glnnoo at him and left tho room, followed by her husband. Tho sight of tho mick struck Darsac speechless. Ho had thrown tho bus Into an abyss, and It was brought hack ompty. Rouletablllo spoke: "Uirtmu U not dead, ho Hiiro of that) Never has tho situation been so fright ful as It Is today, and I must hurry away nt once. 1 have not a mlnuto to lose, lu twenty. four hours I shall be back." He pressed us to bin heart. M. Ir r.ne tint, then myself, and then, railing luto the arum of the Lady In Ulack, he hurst into a pindnn of sobs. But tbt doomi't exouso vou if you are not a Commercial club moniuor. (To l asHtiaaod.) G. Aknmt of Jacksonville wont to Woodvillo Wednesday to finish up some onginooring work for tho ooun tyj Ho also has soiuo rend work to do in tho upper Evans Creek Hoetinu. Far the Best In harness, saddles, whips, efees, tents, blankets, wtq on sheets, axle grease and . gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES 0-room houso for rent. 7-room house, furnished. FOR SALE 1-room bungalow. G-room houso, lot 79x250. Lots on C nnd Hivorsido avouuo. Lots on Grape, 50x100. 7-room bungalow. Havo n number of bargains. Havo men. FOR RENT Land from 1 aero to 400 In ono body; hnvo spud Innd. FOR SALE 10 acres Improved 5-year-old vlnoynrd locntod in Cali fornia. 1 span horses, harness nnd wncon. WANTED Man nnd woman on form. WANTED Woman to cook and do housowork ou ranch. HOMESTEAD rollnq-ih raont can ho secured at this office. ANY ONE having any kind of build ings to movo, mil nt room 208. WANTED A chnmbormald. Womon for housework. E. F. A. BITTNER. Prop. R0MM 208. PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. Bargains For Sale er Exchange 40 acres heavy timber load sovon mllea from Modford; the wood will mora thou pay forthe land. 20-acra alfalfa ranch In valley of Foathor river; ideal location nt crois roads sod station on oloctrlo ear lino; host of soil; house and outbuildings; all und.r irrigation. I'rlc, (4000, terns, FOR BALM 16 mm, quarter mile from town; 7 aeroa set to Nowtown apples, 1 asro abortion, S to alfalfa; E-room bous.; electric light; barn; on main road; spoelal prlco for a few days, on afvorablo torms. 41 aoroa two miles from Tal ent; 18 Improved; about IE aeroa food wooa tlmbor; best frslt soil lies on gatl. slop; a bargala it sold soon. See Townsenl RITA I FTATF 184 MAIN ST. AT OUSIOK a Mrata. Extra Good Buys Ono D-room cottage pantry, bath room and woodshed, lot CCzl04; flno Investment at I137C; $800 will ban dlo it. Ono 0-room houso, two lots, two blocks from Main etroot, close In. A snap for $2100, Call and look over our list of lots boforo you buy. WE OAN PLEASH YOU. Wright & Allin 128 East Main Stroot, THE RttiUE RIVER LAND COMPANY NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers nu eapocmHy good foothill orchard for n low prio mkI on good tonne. In thoBO duya of advancing pis, it will pay to look into thin. It pays to donl with tho "Alan Who Knows." Whew tke Roguo Rivor Land Company Hold tho Tronaon & -uikrio orchard at IDaglo Point to Jlio prir.o winning wrH, four years ago, Uio salesman, W. M. Holmes, aoewred tho purehasora those Spit'.ouhergtroca would prAe tho world's best apples, and subsequent evonta wy tho soundness of his judgmont. By tho way: DO. it over occur to you that most of tho men who havo wn but in tho Rogue River Valley, bought their win Ming ercharda through tho Roguo River Land Com- 7f. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your sorvico for a good buy. There's a Reason Why the custom of the Sex Market is growing. The reason is worth in vestigating and trial order will explain the reason. sRex Martlet Huth fie Pech Props. Phone 3271 Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial will Convince You Allen The Square Fam Land Timber Land Orchard Land vj Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Room 10, Jackson Reagan Deal Grocers Realty Co County Bank Building