I r the ADSDiroitp Mail tjiibune, medford, oreoon, Wednesday.. januahy .19, 1010. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL j Tint .luvciiih' Diiiiclnir dub, com posed of .')() of Modfoid'n married ttouplos, r 111 givu thtili third duiiuing party tomorrow, night tit tlio Anglo oporn house. Mtmlo by Ilnzolrigg's full orohuotrn. Dancing bugiuii .t 8s!)0 ). in. nlutrp. No Invitations uru InMiiod, TI10KO vltu signed tliu l!Ht IUU lllUlllllUI'H. No it foldings, tlio veteran hIuko dnvur, wan in tbia city from (Join Hill Mondity. Mr. foldings wan hold up twice on tlio BiukiyotiH whilu driving, onco by lliu famous Dluok Hurt, whoso Hliint wiim to lenvo a verso of alleged poetry in tlio ex press box in liuti of tlio coin ho ah Htrnolvd tliurufrom, 1'. M. Dubois of ANhlnud in in Mnlfoid looking after IjiihIiiohh iil lurcHls, 0. C. Hutlor, 0110 of tlio prominent tdtixons of Ashland, spent Tuusduy night in Modford on biiMiniMH. Mr. mid Mrs. I. K. L. Drown tiro lioru looking for a lonatioii, J. B. Ilurksdull report the sulo of two bungalows in Oak 1'ark addition. owned by Kdgur Hafor, to Mr. Swan MOTHER GIVES BLOOD TO SAVE HER BOY Mood Pumped From Molhcr's Wrist Into Arm of Boy Is on Road to Recovery, NEW YORK, Jan. lO.TrniisfiiH Ion of blood from lilm inothor to a dying child Ih dcpvndoil tipon today to save tliu lifo of Arthur Hhibluy, tlio littlo boy roooully nbol in High Hridgo I'arlc by a mysterious man who killed Arthur'H boy companion, Hobble Lomns. Arthur wan HorioiiHly wounded by the unknown nHsniliint. For sovornl dnys ho llngorcd, but at laiit began to Kink from lank of blood nourish incut. The mother wan called to tlio bed side and wan told that only the traiiNfot of her blood to the vc'iiir of the boy could nave bin life. Kite consented to nu operation-whereby' an incision wax made in her wrist T HERE FROM NORTH Merry Party From Inland Empire Greeted at Train by Members of Commercial Club. t 'ff - t4tt : BUSINESS LOCALS : ITALIAN WORKS SYMPATHY I STUNT TO A FINISH I and the Iiov'k elbow. Tho mother's of Colorado for $2500; also lot 02, , blood was pumped into thbdyiug blook 82, from Mrs, Hell to 0. Daily ,0yVt veins nnd today bo is reported for $1000. stronger and in all probability IiIh City Attomoy Porter J. Nuff left f0 wj ,0 HnVcd. Tuesday evening for Salem upon Moth mother nnd child wore con- proluHHionnl btiNinoHS. 1 hHoiih during the operntion. While All pontons having children 0 yenre old, or who will bo 0 yearn old by March 1, whom they dcHiro to Hcnd to school, are requested to Head them Monday, January 21. Chil dren younger (hnu the compulsory hchool ago and who have inado no progress in hcIiooI work, will not bo admitted after February !. Mm. M. B. Middlohtinhcr and Mm. Mary It, Martin of Trail woro in Medford Wudiicsdny on business. W. .1, Dixon of Qleudalo in in Med ford lookin (.'lifter business matterH. M. T. Laird of Qreuvillo, Pa., Ih in Medford looking for a location. V. T. Livormnro of Smkyiou in here on land business. Hut that doesn't excuse you if you arc not a Commercial club member. James Sowell of Holland, Or., is in Modford. I.. P. Hubbnrd wan in Medford on Wednesday from IiIh farm in tliu foothiltH went of town. W. T. York uiiido n business trip to Ashland Wednesday. S. 0. Hodges of Cold Hill wiih in Medford Wednesday on Iiih way to .Jacksonville on business. Judge Hauna, having ndjounicd , -court at Grunts Pans, returned homo to Jacksonville Wedncuday. r. .nun, ouo ot the prosperous IruitcrowerH of the fanmV Valley htriet. wan a Medford visitor Wed ncsdny. . Hut that doosn't excuso you if you are not n Commercial club member, l ied Peninger of ContrnI Point wn a Medford visitor Wednesdjw fJeorgo P. Minis of tho Sovcn OnkR farm wim in Medford WedneRdny. Married L. V. Larsuii of Afedford nnd Mum I.illio Ficko of JnokRonville wcro married at tho home of the lirido's parontR in Jacksonville Wed ncudny, Hov. Hobort Knnifl offieint ing. The young people will mnko their homo in Xfedford, whore tlio -pronm ir in btiRincHR. II. D. Kubll of Applegnto waR in Medford WodnoRday on buflinoss. Tho Went Sido dontal offico, Dr. . m. Vnn Sooyoo baa oponod a now dental offico in tho Farmers' T'ruitgroworR' Hank building, west nido of tho tracks. Tho dootor hnH been practicing for 14 yonrs in an eastern city and is up-to-dato in his profession. IliR office !h fitted with tho best modorn equipment. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST Sllvorlno watch with Icathor fob. Ttonnonahlo rownrd If return od to this offico. 203 wanted-Houses to. ront. O. W. 8hnrpo, 101 W. Mnln. Phono 3101. 200 "WANTED Soiuo cheap lotB from from owners., 101 W. Main. Phono 3101, C. W, Sliarpo. 200 "WANTI0D Good alfalfa tracts. 101 W, Main. Clino. W. Sharpo. Phono 3101. - 200 WANTED Homestead rollaqulsh monts. C. W. Sharpo, 101 W. Main St. Phono 3101. 200 yon SALK Flno tract noar Taloat, ready to sot to troen, a bargain; 10, 30 nmt 30 acres. O. W, Sharpo, 101 W. Main. Phono 3101. 200 'WANTED Furulsbod modorn houso. Phono 3101. 200 "FOit SAMS Nlnoty ncros, 30 In ono year old opplo and poar trooa, 100 InchoH of water, 3 ,J mllos from railroad otatlon. For tonus wrlto "Owner," caro Mall Tribune 200 'WANTED A position on a ranch by man and wlfo by tho first of April. Address P. O. box 471, Modford, Or. 205 FOR RENT I.arRO barn and wagon shod, cIobo In; room for four horaea. , AddroHs C. J. Olsdn, nt Pclaco ho tol, 202 FOR RENT Ono sulto of nlcoly fur- '' nlahod liouBokooplng rooms; no chll- dron. Call at 222 South Holly St. her lifo blood wan flowing to rovivo tho boy, (ho mother Hpoku encourag ingly to him from time to lime. Hut that doesn't excuse you if you nro not a Commercial club member. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. Mrs. C. C, Hartley waa calling on sovoral or hor North Talent friends last Tuesday. Mrs. I.uthor Stancllff of Crosswoll, Or., arrived In Phootilx last Thurs day to be at Vj Lcdnlde of her moth er, Mrs. A. Moore, who Is very 111. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hughes ot Fern Valley woro visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Houston last Sunday. Mrs. Ud Slniu, wlfo of ono of our Phoenix morchants, Iina been qulto 111 with la grll po for several days. Tho littlo daughter of Mr. and Goo, McClaln sw Mowed a pin Ir.ot Tues day but no 111 effects has been folt c yet. John Holmlc Of North Tilont was a Medford business visitor last Tues day. Frank Oat man of North Talent was a Modford callor last Saturday. Mr. Ontmau's family havo all toen on tho sick list .atoly. A. S. Furry got tho oloctrlo lights and telephone connected up wtth his now resldonco south ot Phoenix last Friday. Tlio ovangcllstlo meetings nt tho Christian cuirch nt Phoenix, con ducted by 8. W. Jackson, aro In prog resa and aro very Interesting,- with good nttoodanco. Harry Lynch of Wagner Crook was a Medford business visitor last Sat turdny. A flno bis boy baby wnB loft by i stork at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo King of Phoonlx last wook, which Lnnouncomont was ov erlooked In my Inst wook'u Itoins. Miss Clara Alien was n guest at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mm. C. Caroy lat Sunday. Mrs. A. S. Croy and Mrs. Win. Uoardsloy and "Mrs. O, Caroy compos od and party of ladles who wont to shland last Monday by team to vis It friends and do somo shopping. OBITUARY. Ida Lavornia, dnughtor of J. W, and Kittio Smylic, was bom in Joel county, Kansas, Ootobor 29, 1000. bho camo to this coast with hor par onts whon but a-few months old and has boon a rosident of Modford about eight yoars. Sovoral wcoka ago she bocomo ill with typhoid fovod, but with hopos of recovery, until n ro- apso took placo, nnd. after n linger ing illnoss sbo passed away Sunday evening, January 10, 1010. agod 9 yoars, 2 months nnd 18 days. I ho funornl sorvicos woro hold on TuoHday, Jnnunry 18, nt tho Metho dist church, conducted by Row L F, Holknnp, tho pastor. Intormont 'nt Odd Follows' comotory. Sao loavos, nosidos hor pnrouts, n littlo brotbor, Lloyd, n grandfnthor, unolo nnd a largo cirolo of fronds to mourn hor loss. To know hor wns to oyo hor. Wo'll moot beyond life's swolling flood, Novor to say farowoll, Itodoomod mid wnshod in Jesus' blood, . t" Novor to say farowoll : t A . Earth's long, long night will pass away, Dissolving into honvonly day, And wo shall with our lovod ones stay, Novor to say farowoll." J. A. Armstrong of East Modford is aufforing from n oouplo of broken ribs. Tho nccidopt ooourroJ , tho first of tho wook. Tho Kpokauo-Wulla Wnlla-Houlh-uru Californi a excursion, comprising a train of eight Pullmans, two diners and an observation car, arrived in Medford at J :W today and a stop of 1C minutes was made. Tho excursionists wcro received informally by h large delegatioii of citizens and woro nrcsouted with ap ples nnd pears of tho kind that win prizes. , JkM President Colvig, of tho Commer cial club delivered a short address of welcomo, in which ho took occas ion to mix his t compliments to tho Washington visitors with quite a few boosts for tho Roguo Hivor vulloy. At tho conclusion of his address sovoral Spokane gentlemen woro call ed on to reply, but by that lime tho apples had been distributed and there was nothing doing in tho talk line. With three hearty cheers for Med ford and its boosters the train pulled out for the south nt 1:30. Tho party will reach San Francis co tho morning of Jnuuary 21, vis iting Palo Alto (nd San Joso that dry, thutico to Pao Robles, on Janu ary 22, Santa Ilarbar.i on January 23, arriving at Los Angeles tho Bruno evening. Most of tho excursionists will pnjis 'from 30 to 0 days In Cali fornia. Tho party, In charge of W. It. Skcy. Is compoaod jf tho follow ing from points outside oi Spokane: Mr. and Mrs. Uyron Defenbach, Sandpolnt, Idaho; Mr. .nnd Mrs. C. It. Hubbard, Cheney, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John Coram and Mr. and Mrs. 8. Overman, Grnngovtilo, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Spotccr, Mr. and Mrs. II. 12. S'.-ik,. Mr. and Mrs. P. Robertson, J. J. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs'. W. J. McLean, Mr. and MrB. II. C. Gulll, Mr. and Mrs. William Cousins, Miss Isabella Cousins, Mr. nud Mrs. W. H. Dabb and Mr. and Mrs. John Read or Modlclno Hat, Alta; J. It. Jaynos, Mr. v.i.1 Mrs. T. A. Hatfield, Miss HatfleM. Mrs. J. T. Stoddard, and A. Mcllrldo, Calgary, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyle, W. C. Doylo, Miss T. it. Patrick. Nelson. U. C; W. F. Foster, McLeo.d, Altd ; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Pason, Jr., Cooldalo, Alta.; A. Krappol, Fornlo, B. C; J. I). Mclirtdo, Cranbrook, B. C; Mrs. John Huston, John Huston, Miss Hustonn, II. W. Bnumnn, Lclhbrldgo, Alta.; E. J. Peschan, Colfnx, Wash.; R. L. Smith, Pnlouso, Wash.; J. L. (ruonwnld, C. R. Sooloy, Rosalia. Wash.; F. A. Duncan, Mrs. Duncan, Crcston, Wash.; II. Carson, Reardan, wash.; w. A. Scrltsmtor, Coour d'Alcno, Idaho. Tho Spoknno peoplo nro: Mr. and Mm. Philip T. Bochor, Mr. and Mrs J; W. Watklns, Mr. annd Mrs. W. J. Doust, Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo M. Col bum, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin T. Coman, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Roomer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dompslo, Mr. and Mrs. Barg hoom, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mllnor, M. nnd Mrs. W. J. Glrand, Mr. and Mrs. 13. V. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. James Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Potor N'olson, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cloua'a, Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo F. Chrlstonson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo H. Day, Mrs. and Mr. II. S. Moore, ,Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wolrb, Air. nnd Mrs. H. . E. Broknw, Mr. nnd Mrs. a. Meeso, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. H. Egglccton, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Caldorwood, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Borchard, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Bock- o; Mr. nud Mrs. Max Nouman, Mrs. E. II, Jamlcson, Miss Irono Jnmlcson, Miss Annlo Koppl, Mloa Kato Strass- hurg, Mrs. M. H. Haro, Mrs. S. M. Smith, Mrs. J. C. McDovltt, Miss Colin Smith, Mrs. A. G, Kollum, Mrs. K. P. Calbralth, Mrs. A. C. Scott, Mrs. II. A. Ryan, Mrs. O. Warrou, Miss O. Wr.rron, Miss Lotta Smith of Pullman, Miss Roao Flshor, Mtsa Anna Stlno, Mrs. F. J. Dorsey, Hor- aco O. Brown, C. G, Staples, M. II. Whltohouso, 13, II. Jatuloson, Jr., Charles Fleming, R. L. Balko, E. J. Pcschnu of Colfnx, R. I. Smith of Pnlouso, T. A. Bnxtor, Lovi Grant Monroo, secretary Spokano chnmbor ot commorco; Uoorgo 1, Goodhuo, Q. F. Cohrs, John C. Hllby, Thomas Koyos, G. J. Andorson, S. O. Ham- lund. C. Wnrron. W. Dean. Wear Kidd'fl Shoes. Dulck Is tho king of tho auto world. What havo you to exchango for 80 acres unimproved land. Roguo Itlvcr Land Co., Wopdvillc, Or. .255 Who doesn't sigh for a Buick? Woar iadd'fl Shoes. Tho Buick has given hotter satis faction for llvcrg and private uso than any motor car in tho valley. Ask tho owners. 200 Fruit, alfalfa nnd genornl fnrm lands in tracts to suit purchaser. Now townsito addition, jtiHt plotted. Wo can show you excellent opportu-l nitics; prices right. Itoguo River Land Co., Woodvillo, Or. 255 You need a Buick. 280 Wear Kidd's Shoos. "A Box of Monkeys" nt tho opera houso Saturday, January 22, 9 p. m.' No ono knows how long a Buick will Inst, for no Buick has ever worn out. Tho first ones are still run ning. .58' You apprcciato the work tho high schooUis doing. Show it by attend ing "A Box of Monkeys" Saturday, January 22. Wear Kidd's Shoes. GLOBE, A.'lz,, Jan. 10. Camillo Lucoro, an Italian employed by the local telephone company, is in jail, charged with obtaining monoy under false pretenses today, becauso ho collected cash from fellow-workmen by exhibiting n permit (o bury his 2-ycnr-old sou, whilo real tears streamed down his checks. Subse quently it became known, thnt tho child was nlivo and in tho best of health. Lucero's arrest followed. But that doesn't oxouso you if you , him in tho bosomont of thn hulhiino- nrc not a Commorcinl club member. I Tho men woro unmasked. Soon after tho robbers doparted Wltzel squirmed looso from his bonds and notified tho police. Ho was ablo to glvo a mln uto description of his assailants. DRUG STORE PROPRIETOR IS ROBBED IN PORTLAND PORTLAND, Or., Jnn. 19. W. C. WItxel, proprietor of tho Hawthorne pharmacy is today recovering from his cxporlonco last night with thtsgs who dragged him Into tho rear of his drugstore and robbed him of his wal let, containing $50 In gold, a S12C diamond. stickpin and a diamond ring valued at 1C0. Aftor rollovlng tho druggist of his Jewelry nnd wallet tho thieves rifled tho cash register, secur ing about 1 6.00 Jn change Boforo leaving tho placo tho thugs bound nnd gagged Wltzel and throw Beats Man's Head to Pulp. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Jan. 19. John Mirando, a teamster, is in jail today pending an investigation Into tho death of Zcno Robles, a sheep shearer, whoso head was beaten to n pulp yesterday in a little shack on tho outskirts of tho city. A bloody hnck is being held ns evidence, FIRE DESTROYS RECORDS OF TURKISH PARLIAMENT CONSTANTINOPLE. Jnn. 10. . It.. !. .!.. it ""-okiujeu mis vuiruusan , i t i t i palacOr where tho sessions of the are not a Commercial club member. Turkj8h parliament aro hc,d Mfly STRIKERS PREPARE TAKE-OFF ' S?".0' tH ,M.l f Whih ON CARNEGIE BANQUET S.bnaST''' Rm' WAGERED NEWSPAPER ON GAME OF PINOCHLE WALLACE, Idaho. Jan. 10.-1. W. Brooks today ownd a newspaper which ho won yosterday In a game of pinochlo from Ilarry Mooro. Both Mooro and Brooks aro pin ochlo "fionds." Ycstordny tho two friends mot nnd decided to engage lu a game of their fnvorito pastime To increase thoir mtorcat In the game, Mooro suggostcd that thoy mako a wagor on tho result, and of fered to put up his nowspnpor, Tho Dividend, a weekly mining pajwr, against a box of cigars. Mooro lost, and, living up to his reputation an u trao sport, today tumod his papor over to iJrooka. But that doesn't exeuw 3vn if yev. aro not a Commercial club mouioor. , Talt Signs Resolutions. WASHINGTON, Jan, 10. Pront dont Toft today slgnod tho Joint res olution authorizing the proposed Bal-llngor-Pinchbt congressional Investi gation. But that doesn't excuse you if you are not a Commercial club member. Road tho classified. Evor see n "Box of MonkcyB"f If not go to tho opera houso Friday night. 202 'Tho 13 u I etc is tae auto best adapted PITTSBURO, Pn., Jan. 10. A 1 ccnt banquet, which is in reality a "tnko-off" on tho recent banquet ' 1 . ... . a - , , i pivcn vy inc nmcgio oinciais ni , 1'ittsburg, which is snid Jo have cost $100 a plate, is being planned for Saturday night by the striking tin- plate workers here. The banquet tn thn Tiffin nt tho Ilncim rlvor vnl. t wi,I bo given at Bridgeport aii sinKers wno novo tho car larc nnd 1 cent extra have been invited. Tho cent will not bo used to provide food, but will be expended to purch nsc oil for tho torches. This is the .menu which the work ingincn, who have been on strike since the 1st of July, will bo of fered: Watercress. Crackers. Peanuts. Smoking Tobacco. Cob Pipes. River Water. But that doesn't-excuse yon If you aro not 'a Commorcinl clnb member. Icy, combining light weight, high power, speed, and durability. 260 Meeker's Janunry clearance sale ends Saturday, Janunry 22. Better hurry. 250 The Buick "White Streak" Is .ho best car made for tho money. 2C0 If you never laueh, dont attend ''A Box of Sfonkoys," tho ronring two net comedy given by the high school seniors Saturday, January 22. Onco own a Buick and you will never need another. It has the quality. 258 What is lifo without a Buickt 280 j Got your tickets early for a "Box ; of Monkeys." 262 A smnll investment in tho Queen Anno Auumon i incorporated ) wm j bring handsomo returns. Lots $500 and upward, easy terms. 285 , Don't forgot "A, Box of Monkeys" nt tho Medford theater Friday night. 202 Tho high school seniors: in n "Box on Monkeys" Fridny night nt the, Medford heater. ., 202 j Medford, Oregon: This certifies, that wo havo sold Hall's Texas Won-1 dcr for tle cure of nil kidney, bind-' T T71 T Q f V T J Q der and rheumatic troubles for ten! tj JPy 11 W plnint. It gives quick nud jwnnnnent relief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. CARD OF THANKS. WANTED ""i unocoiaie uipper, or a nlrl to learn the business. RUSSELL'S, The man who makes the high-grade goods. 129 EAST MAIN STREET. fAcfc Afi0 cant for 5 continuous Think of itl In addition to the brightest, pur est and safest light that human brain has ever devised, the ALADDIN Lamp has a feature of still more vital importance. It saves oil. In spite cf the fact that it gives a better light, it burns only one-third" as much oil as any oil lamp manufactured of similar size. That means tha tthe ALADDIN really casts you nothing, for in a shert time you have saved its cost then goes on saving money in oil as long as you burn it and with ordinary care it lasts a lifetime. A lamp is a real necessity. You must have light to w'k by light to play by. Don't you owe it to yourself to have the best and brightest ugnt wr.en it oners you the means of saving? W. E. Stacey, Agt. Medford. ore. BOX 826. BARGAINS 120 acres in Sam's Valley. 10 Wo .Wir n BinonrMv U.nnL- nn . "ue3 lmm -"COIOrU, U milCS IrOUl Gold Hill, 6Vz miles from Eagle t'oint; partly cleared, can all be plowed; less than 2 acres waste; wo nre offering this now nt $30 per aero for quick sale; terms. 40 acres, 10 miles north of Med- i ford. XU mile of Bontrlo: 8 nrr iil-I Ben Benll of Central Point wns in 1 tivated. 4 acres in fruit trees from ' Medford Wednesday doing business 2 to 10 years old; on 2 good countv " roaas; small house, bam, woodshed,: vegetable house, henhouse, 2 wells ;' F tnis can all ho oastly cleared without friends nnd neighbors who so kindly nssisted us during the recent sick ness nnd death of our daughter, and for tho floral pieces with which we woro remembered. MR. AND MRS. J. W. SMYLIE. with locnl merchants. BOXING CONTEST 15 ROUNDS 15 Roy Doan vs. Geo McGann MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Friday Night, Jan. 211. 2 PRELIMINARIES 2 Admission 75, $1.00 and $1.25 at Haskins 500 GIRLS ARE TRAPPED. .-1""..S3-l5.itinr! foot ot to tana. 25 cs -m Tho other firms In tho Ellis building1 ?o0e"lth wovcn wro fencc' Pnco whore tho main damage wns dono, " ' woro engaged In similar lines of, Let us show you somo of our 5 business. nnd 10-ncre tracts: these tracts are Botweon 30 and 50 young women nt difforent stages of dovelonment. woro picked up from tho sidewalks j from raw land to bearing orchard. If Now Road Incorporated. BOISE, Idaho. Jan. 10. Artiolos of incorporation of tho Boiso, Butto Jtailway company have boon filod with tho soorotnry of stnto as tho first stop of tho promotion of tho road which is to tap Idaho's rich est undovolopod mining regions nud to atford n now market for Southern dnho agricultural products. Tho proposed routo ponotratos the vory hoart of tho Boiso, Custer nnd Lomhi county dlstriots nnd will havo ns its northorn tonninua Butto, Montnun's groat commoroial coutor and mining moiropous, , .. , , , , . or rescued half conscious from win dow ledges, and taken to hospitals. Evory available ambulanco In tho city wbb callod Into service, and for a time- tho sceno resomblod thnt which followed tho great Iroquois theater flro In Chicago. Walls CollniKsc. Aftor tho building had boon gutted by tho flames tho walls collapsed, burying many of tho victims bonoath groat' piles ot debris front which It will bo oxtromoly difficult to rccovor thoir bodies. . , Scores of picked flromon woro dot somo of these don't suit you, you nro indeed nnrd to suit. A ton-room house, south front, in ! desirable neighborhood, for $2100 ensu. LOTS OF LOTS. Our firm owns 100 desirnblo ros'i- denco lots. Wo aro building houses! in each of these additions. Wo will ' soli thorn on tho installment plan. Tho nvorago prico of those lots is $250. Easy payments, $25 down nnd RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. ' We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PROQEiiSSrVE TAILOJt to work Immediately In an offort to , $10 monthly. Wo anticipnto raising tho pnco of lots whon a fow moro houses nro completed. Wo do not beliovo in hot-nir nrgumonts to soli property. For your pooketbook'a snko, tako our tip. DO IT NOW. We have recontly moved to our now quarters over Fruitgrowors' bank, suite 20.1-200. Phono 541. INSURANCE TIIAT INSURES. Firo, clear thoir way Into tho rod-hot ruins so that It may bo dotormlucd nt tho oarllost possible moment Just how many young women woro roasted to donth. Taiilo Ensues. In .tho panic which accompanied tho flro many of tho girl employes woro lost In tlio, crowds and disap peared boforo thoir relatives arrived at tho scono. so that scores of frantic mothers sought thoir daughtors tn ( vain, and abandoned hopo of evor yo hnndlo no othor kind, finding thorn, although thoy probably j pn((J Qhss Au(omobiIo woor snio. It Is possible that tho tiro startod from a gasollno oxploslon, but tho complotonoss of . tho destruction wrought niakos almost hopoloss any ondonvor to ascertain doflnltoly tho cauBO of tho dlsoastor. But that doosn't excuse you If you nro not a Commoroial club member. Benson Investment Company H-H4Hr4- Ty . 1 f M. It r t iYieaiora iron vyopks i i 4- E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Hr.. of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-7 pa inn lllA unnnf. a r n 1 j rHinunnivo, muroc. c uu. j chlncry. Agents In Southern Oregon for DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUIOKLV AND WITH COMIAMST TO YOU ARE AIAVU'S TO IK? b FOUND A t THE F Alt LOW & DOWNING, ritOPRIETOItS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 131 S. GRAPE STRKKT it