4 -THE MSDffORD AIA.IL TRIBUNE, MKDJFQRD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JANUAR Y 19, 1910. Medford Mail Tribune PUBL.1B11KD BXIL.T KXCMT SATURDAY. A consolidation of the Me4fr4 Mall, Ufc)lhd 1SSI; tho Southern Orcon 'tain, eaUbllAhod 1103; the DeiaecraUo Tttaea, MUbUsheU 1TJ; the Ashland Trib une. QBtnbllwhed UJInad the MeJferJ Tribune, ftabllahtJ 1806. . Official Paper of tho City of Medford. , QEORQK PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. ttatered dm second clean watter Nerember 1. 1809. at the poetofflco at mWo?3C Oregon, under the act of March 3, I8i. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: FOLLY AS IT FLIES tw rear, br mall............ H.00 One month by mall or carrier....? .5 ROSEBURG AND ITS BOOSTER. h- A Mile In the Air. The Lost Dice. "I understand," snld tho liuly who could do more tnlklug In one dny than bIx phonographs, "that If un nlrshlp ascends to the height of six miles Its occupants ilnre not open their mouths. "Then let's go live miles further up,' said her husband desperately. list- per's Weekly. On Board Ship. Chauffeur Jones Gee! tires t What fierce Wisdom of Youth. ' Rosoburg, distanced ou tlie one side by Eugene and on Ilia otlier by Medford, is making a supreme effort to get iiito the procession. To this end the Roseburg commercial club has employed Mr. Darby Richardson at $4000 a year salary as a professional booster to advertise tho city and county. , .; $ In a statement issued in tho Rosoburg Review, Mr. Richardson announces that "the keynote of the now adver tising campaign will be the presentation of facts, in concise simple form, instead of glittering half-truths vivified by an immoral imagination." This probably refers to tho advertisements of Umpqua valley orchard lauds, now being indiscriminately exploited in newspaper advertisements, and many of which are on the wild-cat order. Continues Mr. Richardson: . t "Advertising of Douglas, county lands heretofore has been vague and indefinite, and the language of h'perbole has been almost exhausted. Glittering generalities and highly colored pictures have been disseminated, in many instances, to the detriment of the community. Lack of in- J formation has been the real fault of such exaggeration. i ; "Douglas county, owing to the crass ignorance, iudif-j f erence and petty differences and unintelligent advertising j has not become known to investors and settlers nor ad- j vanced to the extent which have other less favored sectionsi of Oregon. Douglas county and the city of Roseburg have been, until lately, notorious for backwardness in claiming tiie attention and interest of the outside world. Many of its business men and mossback landowners seem to have passed into a cataleptic trance. The ordinary methods of mediocre men at small salaries has been tried and found wantincr. So it was decided to secure the services of an ex pert in industrial upbuilding, one whose experience and 7 -1 1 J T J J!! 1 ' training aiong souna, economic, industrial auu xuiauuiui lines would insure the inbringing of overdue capital and the highest grade of farmer and industrial worker. Such a man was found Mr. Darby Richardson, who was for some years at the head of the AYall Street department of leading New York daily newspapers and recently staff member of a great magazine." Medf ord wishes Roseburg progress and Ir. Richardson the fullest measure of success in waking up "its cataleptic land-owners" but he has a heart-breaking and soul-wear-ihg job in straightening out the kinks in the mossback mind. Isolation and provincialism, the narrow view in the narrow rut, have done their work only too well and prog ress will be exasperatingly slow. The method of employing a paid booster, an expert in municipal publicity, is the usual way of galvanizing into life, an Oregon community. It has been successful in Port land, Eugene, Albany and other towns that had peacefully vegetated for many years. It has never been attempted in Medford, which is unique among the fast-growing cities in this respect. Instead of one paid booster, about whom the commercial club revolves, we have many unpaid boosters, all devoting time and labor for the public good. The re sponsibilities and duties rest on many shoulders and the spirit of co-operation and patriotism thus generated has done more to unite the people and instill into them the spirit of progress than any paid bopster could have accomp lished. At the same time, Medford has reached a, point where the right kind of a paid booster, would be the finest invest ment the community could make. Clerical and routine work has attained such a volume that it practically absorbs displayed by tho island players. Mc' all the time of the secretary of the commercial club and it' Lougblin, however, did not heaitnti to declare that he believed favorit ism had been shown eastern players in the ratings made by the American national commission. In these ratings McLoughlin was given sixth place in tho Araorican singles lists, while Long was given seventh. "Of course, I nm surprised at tho ratings Riven us," said McLoughlin. "Both Long and I took tho measnro of Johnson and Niles in the tourna ments Inst yenr, but both of these men were placed above us. Perhaps we Hiionld say nothing, but I don't think that was exactly fair. Any way, wo will bo much higher in tho lists next year." But that doesn't excuse vou if you are not a Commercial club mombor. iw.i mm "I'm wondering what your father wqold 'say if lio bow you smoking." "Well, lady, I don't know as I cars much about what he'd say. I'm won derlnjr what he'd do." New York Measurably Mournful. BUILDING LARGE ROOMING HOUSE K. Goodo la constructing a throo-story fnuno building on Holly street, botweon Eighth and Ninth, which ho purposes using for u atoro, restaurant and rooming houao, Tho building will bo '12x70 in also, tho lower floor will bo occupied by a grocory storo and a restaurant, while tho two upper floors will bo out up into bedrooms. But tlmt dooafi't oxouao you if you nro not a Commercial oluli member. Nino Acres, Half milo from oily limita, 10-room honso, lnrgo barn, 8 noroa in 1'J-year-old bearing orchard; half onah; will take city property in oxoJmngu for balance. Aylor it Barnolt, next door to Mail Tribune office. 2(10 wart uoooKHary for tho officers to ungago in .a linnd-toliiuid encounter with tho uotiplo before they finally wore siibdtiod. Tho naked woman stripped an officer almost its com pletely na horaolf before hIio finally waa landud In jail. Accompanying tliolr pnrouta to jail wore two children, a boy and a girl, ngod H'tml 0 yoursj who stylo Ihoinsolvos Otto and Mary Josua, iu lionuolug tho name of Pnaohlnt. Puaohlol wauled to leave hla clothing mid como to the jail naked, Intituling only on being accompanied by Ida Bible. But that dooH.i't oxcitHii vou If yon nro not a Commercial club mombor. FAMILY AWAITS LORD'S COMING Tourist Where's tho bulldog I sold you tho other dny? "Oh, the poor tmstc swallowed a tapo measure, and ho died, sorrj" Tourist (waggishly) Ho died by Inches, eh? 'No, sorr! He went round tho back of tho house and died by tho yard." A Strenuous Introduction. IIAL5M I tho grontoat difficulty that thoy'woro overpowered without Injuring thorn, It h probnblo that tho coronor will decldo Hint tho dead lmby rntno to lis end by starvation as much na from exposuro for tho ontlro family had fasted alnco Monday, A cold wind was bloulng when a Lyndon man discovered th. family on tho roof of tho llttlo homo going through tho most lnnnno nntlca, tho mother hugging tho dead body of tho Infant to hor breast, unmindful of! tho fact that Its llttlo soul had fled. Aid was quickly autnmoncd and then tho fight began. It ondod only whon tho Paschtnt family vrna landed In tho county Jail In this city. Whon tho bnttlo on tho roof was ondod It wns found that tho clothing of nil tho members of tho family had boon des troyed and It was necessary for neigh bors to donnto articles beforo thoy could bo pro'aontnblo. Tho hearing of tho prisoners will bo on an Insanity chargo nnd will probably bo postponed until tho case has been looked Into. Inter rhnnren (of a more serious nature will Hkoly j bo made. In which other Holy Rollers I aim vspccmuj loauurn 01 wio cim ' it 1. a win no inuuiuca. Only a Small Margin Be tween Profit and Loss and How Necessary itis to Safeguard it The Hueceasful mcrchalnt today muat keep up-to-dato or quit. Why do ao nmuy fallt Cortainly thoy make n profit on what thoy soil. It is because thoy do not adopt modern inelhoda, cut out detail work, get on tliu floor mid hoo their cuatomera. Your time la moro valuable, a $1 or $15 a wook clerk nhould do this. Buy goods that nro saleable. Buy nt right pricoa. Study now idoas. Tnko advantage of dtscounta, etc. For example, a atudent of medicine apondM several yoara in study ing beforo ho enn grnduato. What would bo tho result if, when ho be gan practicing, ho should atop atudylng modern methods of treating and preventing diacaae, and ahould rely solely on hla firat knowledge? Mow aoon would ho bo diaplaced by a moro up-to-dnto practillouerf Ho would aoon bo "down and out." It Saves Money It Saves Time "Why. Willie, what haa happened?" "Aw, nutnnl I've only been gettln' acquainted wit' tho new boy that's moved In our block." Pittsburg Post TENNIS PLAYERS INDIGNANT AT RATING GIVEN THEM SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 19. Added fuel was heaped upon the fire of smoldering indignation be cause of the positions given Maurice McLoughlin and Melville Long in tho ratings compiled by tho Eastern ten nis experts, following the return from Australia of tho team that rep resented tho United States in the Dwight Davis international cup matches there. ' McLoughlin and Long arrived from Jho antipodes on the liner Ala meda late 'yesterday. Both wero warm in their praises of the treat ment they received at the hands of the Australians, and of the ability is hardly fair to ask those busy men at the head of large en terprises to continue indefinitely to sacrifice themselves for the community. INCREASED COST OF LIVING. Prices of forty-three commodities that enter into daily consumption advanced last month, according to Brad street's report. The average cost of all climbed higher than they ever were before in times of peace. The "Wall Street Journal announces large increases shortly to be made in the price of shoes, harness and leath er goods, and in the price of all rubber goods, while the United Cicrar Stores announce an advance in the nri of Manila cigars. ' Meat is steadily rising in price to the consumer, but not more rapidly than livestock in the Chicago market. The supply per capita is not as large as it was formerly and is culture. The increased cost of corn accounts largely for the increased cost of meat. Income from investments goes down as the cost of bonds and stocks go up. Salaries and wages are not in creasing as the cost of living jumps skyward. A $100 bill "will buy fewer necessities than ever before and wages are therefore comparatively lower. What is the cause of this increased cost of living Pnri. of it is undoubtedly due to the Payne-Aldrich-Taft tariff buu ujo poncy 01 taxing poverty instead or wealth, of tax ing food instead of land. Part of it is duo to artificial means resorted to by trusts and combinations to raise tho price. Part of it is due to exactions of middlemen who como between producer and consumer, between the manu facturer and the retailer. Perhaps one cause is the in crease in gld production, for measured by what it will buy, gold is cheaper than over before. ASHLAND TRAPPERS ARE DOING GOOD BUSINESS TEN LOST AT SEA IN SMALL SCHOONER RAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 10. Captain A. Schroedor of tho Nor wegian schooner Alico, his wife nnd daughter and seven seamen wore drowned when the little vessel foun uorcd during a storm in tho Smifli Seas early last December, according to a report brought by tho crew of tho schooner O. M. KcHn. wliini. . , rnr m port today. Tho Alico, 117 tons buncn, was bound from Itnrntongn, in tho Cook islands, to Mnnnhikn. Sho was spokon by tfio Kellogg tho day be fore a torrifio storm swept that sec tion. Nothing hns boon hoard from her since. Tho Alico was engaged in tho inter-island trade. But that doesn't excuse you if you ore not a Commercial club membor. Unusually largo shipments of furs from Ashland this winter indicate that the weather conditions in this section havo been favorable for suc cessful trapping in the mountains nnd foothills. Trapping is not com monly put forward as one of tho in dustries of this section, and furs nnd hides nro not clnsscd among tho va ried resources of this wonderful country, as a rule, but many hun dreds of hides of fur-bcaring ani mnls have already been shipped out of Ashland this winter, nnd n num ber of pooplo are said to bo making money trapping. Tho principal catch of tho trappers is tho skunk, though mink and fisher nro- common, Pelts of the skunk havo rniaod in price until thoy are now quoted at from $2.50 to $3 each. "But that doesn't excuso you if you are not n Comraorcinl club member. Sunday School Rally. Rev. J. D. Spruigston, state socro- taryior the Amoricnn Bnptist Publi cation society, will hold a Sunday school rally at tho Baptist church this evening nt 7:30 o'clock. FiVcry one interested in Sunday schoo' work nnd especially nil officors nnd teachers in tho Sunday schools o the city, aro earnestly requested in no present But that doesn't oxouso you if you aro not a Commercial club member. PAULHAN SETS NEW RECORD. (Can tlnu ed fra mp s go 1.) BELLINOIIAM, Wash., Jan. 10. Littlo Martn Paschtot, 11 montha old, ia dend today from hunger nnd exposure; her 2-ycar-old piator is lying at, the point of death, while their parents, Mr. and Mra. George Paschtot, and'two other children ore languishing in tho city jail on chargos of disorderly conduct. Crazed with rcligioua fronry, Pnachtot and his wife yeatcrdny stripped thoir four children of nil clothing nnd tho family of aix, en tirely nude, clambered to tho roof, of their homo to4 wait for a fiory chariot from heaven to transport' them to bliss. Tho family lives atj Lyndcn, 15 milos north of Belling ham. When tho family reached tho roof tho wind wns high nnd tho tern-' peraturo was closo to freozing. Whon found by tho police tho chil dren wero complaining of tho cold,' whilo their parents wore urging them to bo bravo until tho fiery chariot came. Littlo Martn, tho youngest child of tho couple, was found doad, lying entirely nude on tho roof. Tho 2-yenr-old girl was numb from tho cold. Sunday there came to Lyndcn frqm Seattle a Holy Rollor cider, who exhorted tho mombors of his sect to proparo for tho end of tho world. Tho Paschtot family took tho instruction litcrnllv and begun to fast. Tho family ato nothing Mon day or Tuesday. When tho polico arrived tho couplo hurled inveotivo nftor inveotivo at tho officors. It MODERN METHODS WIN. If you had your clioico of going nnywhoro by means of a horao car or, nn "electric," which convoynnco would you take? Tho quickest, surest, easiest riding, of course. Now then, don't you aeo that if you run your btiHinoss nlong anti quated linos with old-style methods you arc in tho anme position u tho man who rides on n horao car" when ho can take an "eloclrio?" AND TIME IS MONEY. Don't you see that tho "electric" is cheaper hiiico it anvoa you time nnd worry for fear you won't nrrivc? Think of tho competing linos in tho annio city ono, an "clootiic" tho other a horse-car line. How long would hones stand tho pace sot by tho "electric?" Thoy would dio of exhaustion nnd overwork in a few montha. Your competitors who havo caah register havo just the annie. advantage over you ns electricity has ovor horse-power OLD IDEAS A HANDICAP. You aro greatly haudienpped yourself by refusing to invest tho few noccssnry dollars in this greatest of business systematizes A NA TIONAL CASH REGISTER. , Wo positively guaranfeo to furnish a, Better Cash Register, and (or Less Money, than any other concern In the world. CASH REGISTERS FROM $15 UP. JOHN T. SXEVER will bo at tho Hotel Nosh for a fow days with a full lino of snmplos nnd will bo pleased to aliow any merchant in the city how our system will Bnvo him TIME, WORK and moat of nil MONEY nnd that is what every morchant ia in business for. Are You Responsible for Any one's Wrong Doings? D. ML Stever SALES AGENT, NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, SALEM, OREGON. titudo record and one- for Bustaine flight this afternoon. It is. improbnblo that Charlos Wil- Inrd, who is with Curtiss, will fly again during tho moot, for tho ron son that his engines havo boon work ing bndly. What Paullian has in mind to thrill tho spectators with this afternoon is a fit subject for speculation. Tho daring Frenchman is always close mouthed about what ho intends to do. With fow exceptions ho does not even confide in his manager con cerning n foat until it hns beon dono. Whon seen today Pnulhan reforwd to his hazardous trip to tho old Ar cadia racetrack in his Furmnn bi plane ns a moro "jolly excursion." rlo laughed when asked if tho gnlo which was blowing nt tho time mode the flight dangerous. But that doesn't oxouso you if you aw-PPLaCoinmorolal club mecibor. j leBUICK - Won 93 per cent ot all the great competitive events held in the United States and Canada the : past season. The combined automobile outnut of the whole world won the other 7 per cent. Buick 20 44 White Streak" ; $11 50 Buiek 24 . ... . ... Buick 30 . . .... . All Prices F. O. B. Portland. $ 1 550 . $1900 Think it over. Mef dord Buick Co Tou Telle Manager J