t T1TJS MEDFORD AfRT:gggg. mSDffOnpt0mGt WEDNESDAY," JANUAIIY 19. 1910. 8 f I I V. 1.1 III MII1IR 1 11 I I I . ' - - - - , . , 1 ' A Charmlnu and Prnotlcal Prook Por Hi Ochoolulrl, Hchool frix-kN fr ulrlM nru niiulu In Ioiik wnUhM t'lTi'ct of iiliiln uooftu incut liiK a lloiiiici) (Idllcdi of plnhl Itiiriuo nlxliiK with tln plain fiilirlc. Tlw mck In IiIkIi. nnd (In- cIonIiik U down thu loft Mlilv. AltOKctlmr thu dculgn In trim, but uol milled to nil figure, a I'hort, chubby Irl will look her womt jfl Mich it kowii, ,'i'l Idun of wcitrliiff rhlrTon yoIIh on tho Htroot l Krowlni; In fnvor. I'oarl ClIII.D'tl YOKn nUEHrt. grny nml white ant Ixith ndoptwJ. and then In n pale llino Krit'H with n autlti bonliT thiit Im In ilrnt fnvor, A Hlinplt Utile dn-MH. Mich ns the one shown, ciiii Ik iiimiIu In u varlutr ot wn-N, ns fur tin thu trimming In con Cornell. Tho yoko can tt- ;nmlo of all ovor inntrrlal or lie tin nil rmbrolilcrctl. JUOIC UitOM-ICT. Ttil May Mnnton pattern U cut In ilzrn for ohllilrrn of our, two, four mid alx ycnrn of tint. Hml 10 coulu to thla oftlco, Klvlnic iiumlxr. CUT, ami It will t prompt ly forwanW to you hy mull, If In hailo noiiil n ntlilltloiml two cant itamp for letter itut;i). which Iniure mora prompt delivery. FASHION FEATURES. An Attractive Hat That Can tie Mad at Home Coitumo Harmony. A pretty lint that could ho copied by any k'lrl or woman with n unto for millinery I a nu'iluiu "xhnpp. tho crown roundliiK ami tho brim Undue at tho left wide, covcni! mtiootlily with black antlii. The trimming in a plume starting from the left Hide under a atrip of untlu drawn through a jet buckle, the mild plumo bring of tho dnlntlont HiiKerlo frlllH mnvrd In thu foiiiidntlon. ciihcade fiiNhlnti, very thick and full. The frilling U kulfo plaited and tho effect Ih Htrlklng. Nover wns the voj;uo ko treat for Iinrmony of the whole continue, and thu most HtyllHh women appear with Sown, hat. shoos nnd nccennorlea of tho umo hue. Two now exuhdtc shndr-n ore to bo found In materlalN thin urimon prim roo aud wood rone. The former l a OlTtlVU DOUIIM! llllllAHTlU) COAT, polo yellow that combines especially well with black, and the Inttcr la tho latest modification of old rone. Tho coat llltiHtrated la inuilo of ding, onnl cloth, with rovers nnd trimmings of velvet, but the stylo Is appropriate for tho coat suit ns woll ni for tho BeparnU wrap. JUDIO CIIOCLHT, TIiIh Mny Mnnton lmtlern la cut for clrls of fourtoon unit sutnsn year ot nee. Bond 10 cents to this ollloe, siring num bor, Olfll, and It will b promptly for wnrdod to you by mall. If In Imato aond nn additional two cent' atnmp for ltttr Jioatago, which limuroa mora prompt da Ivory, But tluU doesn't oxouso you if you nro not n Commorciul club mombor. KHHOLUTION. Ilo It roHolvod by tho city council or thu City of Moilfurd: 'Hint It Ih Hid Intmillon or tho coun cil to lay a '1-Inch wator main on Thlrtoontli Htrout from Nowtown Htroot to King ntrnot, and to nsHOHS tho coHt tlforoof upon tho proporty fronting on nld portion of wild Hlrinil lit proportion to frontiio of Haiti proporly. , Tim council will jnoot nt tho coun cil chmnhor In tho city hall In mild oitv on Foliruary 1, 1010, at 7::i0 p, in,, nt which tlmo all protostu against tho laying of said wator miiln on hiiIi portion or mild street and tho itMHOHHinont of tho coHt thoroof upon tho proporty fronting thoroon will bo honrd. Tho foregoing rcHolutlon was pno od by tho city council of tho City of Modford on tho 18th day of January, 1010, by tho following voto: Wolch, nyo; Merrick, ayo; Kjnorlck, ayo; Wortman, ao! Klfort, ayo, and Dom mor, ayo. Approved Jnnunry 10th. 1910. W, H. CANON, Mayor. Attcut: KOHT. V. TUM'IOIt, llocordor. Oltl)INANCiC6T288. An ordlnauco providing ror tho con iitructlon of a laloral Howor boKln n I tilt at Inloraecllon of Ilonnott avo niio and llooaovolt avonuo, thonco woHt to IntorKectloti of Howard and Dennett avonuo, thonco south on Howard Htroot to WnHhliiKton, thonco woat on Washington stroot to Gon ohoo stroot, nnd for tho nimosHtnent ot tho coat thoroof on tho proporty di rectly benefitted thereby, and nd Jucont thoroto and providing a moot ing of tho co'uncll to connldor proteats ngnltmt snld conatructlon and nHnoB- I'mont nnd tho itorvlng of tho owners of such proporty with notlco thoroof. Tho City of Modford doth ordain nn follows: Bectlou 1. It Ih tho Intention of thu council to cntiso u lateral Howor to ho coimtructed beginning at Inter- jsectlon of lionnett nvenuo nnd Uooho I volt avonuo, thunco woat to Intersec tion of Howard nnd Monnotl avonuo, thenco south on Hownrd stroot to Washington, thonco went on Well ington street to Genesee street, nnd to nsiioss tho cost thereof upon tho proporty directly benefitted thoroby and ndjncout thereto. Bectlou 2. Tho council will henr nnd consider any protests ngnlnst said construction and tho nssosHlng of said property for tho cost thereof, nt a meeting of tho council to bo hold February 1st, 1010 nt 7:30 o'clock p. in. In tho council chamber In snld ! city, and nil property owners or prop erty adjacent to said sower and bono ritted thereby nro hereby called up on to nppenr beloro snld council nt snld tlmo nnd plnce nnd show cnuso, If any they hnvo, why such construc tion should not bo mado and tho cost thereof ho uhhcrhoiI, Section 3. Tho city rocordor Is horoby directed to sorvo notlco thoro of upon tho proporty owners aforo- snld, by cnuHlng threo copies of this ordlnnnco to posted In threo public plnccs In snld city, nnd snld ordl nmieeH to he niililinlioil once in it illlilv newspaper published nnd of gonoral circulation In tho city, nt lenst ton days before tho ditto of said meeting, Tho foregoing ordlnnnco wns pnss ed by tho city council of tho City of Modford, Orogon, on tho ISth dny of Jnnuary, 1010, by tho following voto: Wolch, nyo; Merrick, nyo; Emorlck nyo; Worlmnn, nyo; rcirori, nyo; nnu Dommer, ayo. Approved Jnnuary 19th, 1010. W, H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: 1 tO HURT. W. TEM'-KK, City Rocordor. ORDINANCR NO. 58C. An ordlnnnco providing for tho con structlon of a, lntornl sowor along JnckHon street from prosont sowor on .TnokRon street west to ColuinbuR nvo inio, nnd for tho nmiossmont ot tho cost thoroof on tho proporty dlroct ly beuotlttod thoroby, nnd ndjncont thoroto nnd providing a mooting ot tho council to conaldor protests neniiiflt sn'ul couBtmotion mid assess- mont and tho sorvlng of tho owners of such proporty with notlco thoroof. Tho City of Modford doth ordnln na follows: Section 1, It Is tho Intontlon of tho council to cnusq n lntornl sowor to bo constructed along Jackson stroot from prosont sowor on Jackson fit reel west to ColumbuH nvenuo and to iihhohh tho cost thoroof upon tho nrniiortv dirontlv honufitod thoroby aud adjacent thoroto, Suction 3, Tho council will hoar nnd conaldor any protosts ngalnBt said onwlruetion niul tho nnHossinir of snld proporty for tho cost thoroof, at a mooting of tho council to bo hold February 1st, 1010, nt 7:30 o'clock p, in. In tho council ennmuor in said city, and nil proporty owners of prop orty adjacent to said sowor nnd bono flttod thoroby aro horoby called upon to npponr huforo snld council at snld tlmo and plnco, and show cnuso, It any thoy. hnvo, why such construction should not bo miulo and tho cost thoroof so assessed, Bectlou 3, Tho city rocordor Is hereby directed to servo notlco thoro of upon tlio proporty owners nforo snld, hy causing threo coplui of this ordinance to bo posted In threo pub' llco places In said city, and snld ordi nance to bo published puco In n dally newspaper published and of gcno'rnl circulation In tho city, at leant ten days before tho ditto of snld meeting. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of tho City of Modford, Oregon, on thu 18th day of January, 1910, by tho following voto: Welch, nyo j Merrick, ayo, Kinorick, aye; Wortmnn, nyo; Eifcrt, nyo, nnd Dumiuer, ayo. Approved Jnnuary 10th, 1910. W. II. CANON, 4 Mayor. Attest: It OUT, W. THIiFBR, City Recorder. DEEDS, HOT WORDS. Med ford People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home. It's not words, but deods, that prove true merit. Thq deeds of Doan'a Kidney Pills, For Medford kidney uufforors, Iiaro mndo tboir local reputation. Proof lieu in ths testimony of Modford poo pi o who hav been oared to sUy cured. T. J. Williams, 617 Oakdnlo ave nue, Modford, Or., says: "In 1007, after Dona's Kidnoy I'iIIb benefited me eo greatly, I publicly recommoncl ed them. tAt this timo I am ploascd to again speak in their pralsa and give permission for the continued publication of my testimonial. I suffered for yoars from kidney nnd bladder trouble, the symptoms being slight nt first, but growing mora pro nounced ns timo pnssod. Tho pains in my back becnino so acuto that I could hardly enduro them, nnd ns tho result of restless nights I aroe in tho morning nil worn out. Often I wns so lame nnd stiff thnt I could nqt stoop, nnd hendnches nnd dizzy spoils wero in evidence I tried so mnliy remedies without being helped thnt I grow discouraged, but when Donn's Kidney Pills wero recom mended to me I docided to try them ns n Inst resort. I procured n Rtip ply nt HaHkins drug Rtoro nnd af ter nsing two boxes I could seo that n grcnt improvement hnd been mndo. I grew bettor from thnt timo on, nnd when I discontinued nsing Dean's Kidnoy Pills I wns frco from every symptom of kidney complntnt. This excellent mouicine ennnot bo praised too highly." For Bnlo by nil dealers. Prico 50 conts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United Stntes. Itcmcmbor tho nnmo Donn's nnd tnko no-othor. ROGUE RIVER Three Color Stationery Letter Heads and Envelopes Cornice Pear and Spitzenburg Apple Columbia Hams and Bacon Sweet, wholesome, delicious nnd just tho thing for chilly mornings. OIvo your breakfast n zoat It ha nover known boforo. ASK FOR THEM BY NAME. Pie n :$ &kf' mS 4rtbtJPaHiy KMBLKMATIO OF THB VALTiBlf AND ITS rRINCIPAL UE SOUllCIW NBAT AND ATTUAOTIVH, HUT NOT GAUDY. THE MAIL TRIBUNE Are You Going East ? Have you a friend coming west? You ought to bring one to Medford. Call and see us. Let us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phone, address or call on Southern Pacific R. R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent In Case of iSickness PHONE 3641 MEDFORD PHARMACY Noar Post Olfico All Night Service Free Delivery PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEE.N . PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FUENISHED. i B. W. Harris & Co. MEDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackson county Ban& Upstairs F. N. CUHMINGS T. W. OSGOOD "Order Sxnmvi Flour it makes good broad and biscuits." Mother. 'Abanliitolv elenn and tmro. OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Civil .Engineers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Reports. Estimates, Etc Water Pow ers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Tr- t "igation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. BIhe: 1 wiiolcsomo nuu n utritious mndo from se lected North western wheat insist upon Olympic- "there laat may Just aa ajoou" AT YOUR GROCER'S FOR SALE 100 Acrrs of Gool Iult land I inlleH went of Gntuta Piiss. Forty hovcu lota la Jacksonville, flllO lOCAtiOU. I Imvo uluo got n jtulr of fine Cougar Kittens, flvo inontha old, wlileh run bo bought nt n rctisonnblo prlcv. HNQUIHK GJ.Lewis Jacksonville GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 Yest Main St., Medford, Ore. maaaaaBBjBT3 TinvrFva Operating Quarry at Gold Ray. Oregon DEALERS IN BRIGHT WINDOWS have a dollar and cents' value. After tho doors are locked and business Is suspended for tho day many possible customers aro attracted to a brilliantly lighted show window. Test It Watch the people as they accept tho bright Invitation extended to "Just look." Listen and you will find that many contemplate buying on tho morrow. Don't mlsa thl3 chance for more profit. 'Phono us today to send our lighting export to talk It over. THE ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRAINITE J. E. ENYA'RT, Preaidont J. A. PERRY, Vico-Presidoat. JOHN S. OKTH, CnBhior. W. D. JACKSON, Aes't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK " CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 510,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Ruslness transacted. We solicit your patronage. Get The Mail Tribune YOU FURNISH THE LAND. WE FURNISH THE BUYER. EASTERN CONNECTIONS Enable lis to seir your property to the best advantage. Write, telephone or call and tell us what you have. HUNTLEY-KREMER COMPANY Real Estate, Insurance, Loans. 214 Fruitgrowers' Bank Building. TELEPHONE MAIN 3491. THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD, THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD, WHEN YOU WANT TO GO, CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY R. O. DUNCAN, Proprietor.