Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 19, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Measure Fixing Slzo of Applo Boxes Hnrrlman Linos In Orouon Ask for
. ..
Stands Small Chance of Pass
ing and It Is Believed It
Will Do Pigeonholed.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Tho Ln
fona apple-packing Mil, Intended to
ilrlvo Oregon and other western ap
ples out ot eastern markets, lies dor
mant In the house- committee on ag-
Some $2,000,000 to Carry
Out Plans for
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 10. Vivo
President nnd General Mnnagor J.
I O'Hrlun. ot the Hnrrlman ronds In
the northwest, has put lu requisition
for the greatest lino ot oqulpmont tor
When "The Wolf" comes to the
Mcdford tonight the audience will ho
invited to follow the author and the
actors up into the Hudson Bay
country- The play is in three acts
mid'dehls with the deceiving of a cirl
and subsequent avenging by her
brother, according to the rough, but
thoroughly human ethics of that wild
country. The girl has disappeared,
and the name of her betrayer is un
known, but on his deathbed the fnth
er commands the girls half-brother.
Jules, to seek out tho girl and enro
for her. Jules finds in his search
that the girl has met voluntary death
in a storm, so he sets out to find
the man and locates him in tho homo
of a Scotch fur trader. The plot
embraces many other varied inci
dents, with nnother more savory love
affair, and with the comedy inter
ests well represented, it is said. The
end is as it should be, logically and
melodramatically jnst. ns most the-
ntergoers demand that a play should
be, if its sponsors would have it be
Tho company is headed by Andrew
Hobson, who will be seen in his
much-tnlked-of characterization of
Jules Benubicn, the heroic French
Canadian, a romantic role of the
stylo in which Mr. Robson has won
his brightest laurels in the past.
But that doesn't excuso you if you
are not a Commercial clnb member.
tYoung Woman Alleges That Doctor
Cut It Out Without Ter Con
sent While She Was
OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 19 Demand
ing $25,000 to compensate for the
loss of her appendix, which she
claims was removed without her con
cnt. while she was under an anaes
thctic, Miss Lillian Kobotham ap
penred in court today to prosecute
the suit she filed against Dr. Arthur
Stokes, a leading physician of this
Miss Rpbotham declared today
that sho called upon Dr. Stokes to
bo treated for varicose veins and
that he informed her she had appen-
cicius. tJeioro sho submitted to the
anaesthetic, she declared that there
was nothing wrong with her internal
mecnamsm nnd that she did not want
ltlampered with.
When filie retrained her senses af.
ter the supposed oporntion upon tho
troublesome veins, sho alleged she
!qpvered that an incision had been
made whore it was customary to
dejvo for tho appendix.
Stokes refused to discuss the
charge brought against him, declar
ing that he would tell everything ne
cessary in court.
But that doesn't oxcasc "ou if you
are not a Commercial club member.
?n, --Augustus
ow..via,j oi mo uiovoiand Y.
M. C. A., today addressing the Mln-
iBiprini Association, which is pre
paring ror an orangelizatlon of the
city, scorod tho mjnistry for neglect
ing to enlist laymen In rollglous
"Tho man who directs tho work
-of 1000 men every day in the week
cannot bo oxpected to como to church
on Sunday and make a success of
torching a biblo class of six girls un-
ftor tweivo years of age," said Mr.
Nash. "Give liim something to do
la the congregation.
"Tho church is allowing great
minds, too to go to waste, if Rock
efeller had boon enlisted by our Bap
tist friends to onsecrato himself to
ward groat work like the evangeliza
tion of New York City, the Job would
Iiavo been done."
But that doesn't excuso you If you
are not a Commercial club member.
Many Narrow Escapes Made From!
names In San Francisco Fire
at Market and Church
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 19.
Two-thirds of a block of buildings
in tho vicinity of Market and Church
streets aro smoking ruins today,
while scores of families driven from
their homes are being cared for by
neighbors following a midnight fire
which destroyed $100,000 worth of
property. Thrilling escapes from
death were frequent, nnd that no one
was injured is regarded as mirncu.-,
The firo started at 1 o'clock this
morning in the furniture Btorc of
Wicker & McManus at 2084 Market
street. Numbers of sleeping fam
ilies in apartments overhead or ad
jacent were aroused by the noise of
iiremen and apparatus as it re
sponded to four alarms.
Police and firemen rushed into
the buildings and dragged forth be
wildered men nnd hysterical women.
Quick work cheated tho flnm ,f
their prey and all occupants were
rescued before -tho structures were
But that doesn't exciisn vmi if vn
' jw J w
are not a Commercial club member.
Mother Church of Boston Is In Ab
solute Control of First Church
of Christian Science In
New York.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Tho last
vestige of the Stetson .machine,
which has controlled the First
Church of Christian Science of this
city, since its founding, passed early
today when the candidates endorsed
by Mrs. Augusta Stetson for re-election
to tho board of directors of tho
church, were beaten by n vote of 732
to 480. " fiuarM fcuti"
The announcement of tho voto
camo nt 4 o'clock this morning, fol
lowing a session which lasted from
8 o'clock last evening to 4 o'clock
this morning, when tho
rlcuUtjro, nnd thus far thoro has 1910 that linn been asked for In any
been no Indication that It Is to bo, former year in tho history of th'to
pressed for consideration. Tho bill roadH. Ho miys that ho is not In a
Is not a vow ono. In ono form or position to announce tho riotntU nt
another It has boon Introduced lu to Present time. Inasmuch as tho
several successive congress.- but ,,m,ot UuM m,t yot l,w)n 'M'Provod,
. , .. , , , , but Ih In tho hnnds of the eastern of-
novor yet has It rocolvod considers- ...... ... ..... , ,
., ....... ... iiv.hiib til uiu njnuuii. ivi m miiuv
Ion at the hands of any commltteo , , , Ul0 f , ,
o which it has been re erred. If Mr. nm, moUvo roJ
Ufenn has any Intention of urging , fc t)ml , M fop w
Its consideration this session, ho has ,, ,
. . .. ... allowed,
given no lntlm.t cm of his purpose to , gomo Wcn ()f Mm f , ,
the chairman of tho commltteo on ag- monl ,,m, t f()r lho Q
rlcnlturo, and without request from f , fnct that
him tho commltteo will take no no-;jlBt ypnr ,ho npproprlntlon Bowod
tico or Ills till. i Mr. o'llrlon was lu oxcchs of $2,000.
Tho Lafean bill Jn Its present
, . . . uuu, which was nenny nnviniru m
shape ecem Ingly stands no chance of , ,ro niror,ntlon for thc whoU,
" ..u.uuu- l,nrrm!u, Bj-stom.
nry character ot Us rcqulromonts and .. ., ... ..... ,....... .
...... , . I ill u iiuiu ill uiu uinitji in iiivou
tho manifest object sought to bo at-' llnp. ,inn ,nr ,, , ,,.
talned are sufficient to guarantee a mm, fof ottorment tlmt tho offl.
fight against It In committee, nnd t .... . ........ m. ......
........ .... ... emm nru nun utnin. i uu now inn-
is doubtful if tho bill should bo re-. ,,, pnlltvnv whMi u., m.
ported to the house, but. should a " , t d ,nto lrn, Qr muBt bo
report bo made, it would only bo aft-' ldod Uh conBll,rnb,0 rolIln,.
V. . 1. .1 a -t "
" u , u,u ""u "a "'""rniiy ntock Th0 0 & w th0 j,UKCt (
-u. .e goun(, oxton8on of ,ho Un,0 ,,.
object onab o features But more ,fo m,uoimtoly 8Ul,pllei, wlln
than this, It Is seriously questioned coac, nnd 0 Tho ftdd.
,uu7' ' " UWPO.CU tonfl tQ Borv,co on th(J 0 R & N ,
to enter upon tho regulation of tho , ., ,,,., .... , n
slzo and contonts of packages In ..,. .... ,
....... . . ' uoiuiiKiu" uiviDiuiin muni uu mil nun i
which foodstuffs aro shipped in In- nftor Tho t BtPMKB,0 bolwooB
terstato commerce. Such legislation , v,n,.,., n i .i... tr..i.n
was not attempted under tho puro .,.,, .,
food law. and t is not believed to bo clft8a thf0 h BOrv,co from tuo wnBl
tho purposo of congress nt this lato . . ............. ........ ..
day to set a precedent such as would mnl Browth of frul,lt bllRllinBa for ;
bo established by tho passage of tho thIf) lorr,tory w, rPalr0 nu unUHU
Lafean bill. i , ........
uiij mih" iii(iiriunuii. i
llrawn In Intcrwt of Eat. ; .., , ot nb,0 , , (,t dl,fnto
In a nutahell tho Lafean bill is a . ..... ....
iniui iiuiuuu ua iu JUBk wuui lino uvuu
measure drawn nt tho behest of cor- i.., . ,. ..... ,, .......
. udiuu iui, nam .ill. j uiiuii, 11111
...... , . K,r0 wuo nnvti ollr mo budget Is tho largest In
found their market rapidly falling tho hlfltory of thw 0 K & N , )ok
Into tho hands of Oregon, Washing- , n , ,. KtMm
ton and other western competitors. , ,.. ,
Western apples are today command- H,mnh. ., to ,.. Bomn i
Home Made Bread
Wo lmvo homo-nmdo broad. Which would
you rather pat, hoino-nmdo err bilkers? A
foolish flueation to ask, 6r most people
would bo willing to pay twice the price for
homo-nmdo broad thoy pay for baker's, but
you can buy tho good old-fashionod homo
made bread at tho Rex Grocery for tho samo
price as baker's. Large, well browned
loaves, both nourishing and palatable, and
baked from tho host flour in tho city.
"Yakima Best"
Take a loaf homo with you and bo con
vinced. Rex Grocery Co.
lng ton prices throughout tho cant.
duo solely to tho superiority of tho
fruit itself nnd tho nttrnctlvoncHS
with which It is shipped to mnrkct
and placed on sale. Tho sunorlor
methods of western production and
ohlpping havo enabled Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho and Colorado growers
to crowd out tho custom growors In
their own markets and tho Lafean
bill Is proposed to put an end to, or
seriously hamper tho westerners in
their fight for theso markots.
Tho dopartmont of agriculture.
which Is allvo to this situation, haB
undertaken to nrouso eastern grow
ors to tho necessity for nd nntlni.
western motuods. but this far hnn
mot, with llttlo success. It Is easier
for tho eastern growers to ralso and
soil Inferior fruit than to exorcise
tho precaution characoristIc of his
western competitor, nnd how tho.
eastorn grower Books, throtich the
balloting. fean bill, to drivo out his compotlt-
uj uuuvi luguiauon. 'i no issue is i
TOKIO. Jnn. 10. A rrlfirifinn nml
Japanese naval officors engaged in
a lovo feast today when Admiral
Hubbard, in behalf of tho officers
and men of tho American Atlantic
fleet prosented tho Japanese Naval
club with a hnndsomo loving cup.
Many Japanese officials of high
rank and naval officers, including
ixumirai logo, wore present nt the
ceremony. Nuvn! Minister Saito re
sponded to Admiral Hubbnrd's pre
sontation snecch. ITn nM
"This expression of wnrm fni:nn
it . . ..
ui. mo pari oi our visitors from tlio
United States is n nmnf p m.
----- -- .nu .-I,,-
dial relations existing not only be
tween tho navies of both countries,
but tho people themselves.
"I beliovo that (liio ;.in;,i..i .:n
strencthon tho chnin nf f,ioi.:
between Jnimn and AmnnVn t.
... uiu ,jiDt
unn oi winch wns forged by Com-
immoro reary more than half a cen
tury ngo."
raito will entertnln llm A
oricers nt a banount fnniryi.f
But that doesn't OIC11HA vnil if V... I
urn tint o rnmn.w.!.i t..i. ... 1
day is in absolute rnnfrol. WWYmi and onco thn mnMcrf U ti ntirn Vii Kill
- t f v wk t w w ia viu Mill
it will remain so is believed to hingo I w11' s'nnd Httlo chancd of favorablo
uviiin.uji ui uiu oiuiHumies I '"umuoiiiugB. i ui air. juiiean, in
to tako tho election matter to tho j half-a dozen years, has mado do movo
courts. If this is dono it will boito ot his bill-out of tho commUteo,
upon allegations that cortain mom-,and thoro is no indication that ho will
bors not entitled to voto wero al- P"t forth any unusual effort this sos
lowed to cast ballots. .slon.
nr?l!hUt r C8n't 6-X?"fi. .yU 5f ,you But thal ,,oosn't MCUS0 you yon
are not a Commercial club member, are not a Commercial club member.
John T. Stover of Salem
Clty' ford visitotr. .
officials rolatlvo to matters nortaln
lng to tho now Camas Prairie railway
or which ho Is tho president. This
road Is tho Indopondont oporntlng
company from Itlparla to Lowlston
nnd from Lowlston to Ornngovlllo,
which horetoforo had boon oporatod
But that doesn't excuso you if you
aro not a Commercial club merabor.
$12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old,
nino acres in Bartlett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years
old; close in; good soil. Terms.
$12,000 Elovcn acres in Comico and Bosc pears, 3-1
years old. Theso trees aro in full bearing and will
pay a good ineomo on tho price asked.
$24,000 Th irty-two acres in Bosc and' Anjou' pours;
trees aro from 4 to 7 years of age. Complete sot
of buildings. Closo in.
$7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles
from Mcdford, all under tlio ditch and can be irri
gated. $13,000 Thirty-two acres, closo to Mcdford; eight
acres in Nowtowns and Spitzcnbergs 5 to 7 vears
of age; 14 acres in alfalfa; three acres in peaches;
two acres in berries; irrigated; buildings.
$12,500 Twenty acres; 1G acres in 7-year-old New
towns and balanco in 3-year-old Bartlett pears; no
$7500 Ten acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit
zenberg apples, 7 to .11 years old.
$17,500 Thirty-fivo acresabout 25 planted to apples
and pears, in bearing. Trees aro from G to 15 years
old; buildings: four miles From Mcdford.
$14,000 Tli irty-fivc acres; buildings; pxccptionallv
fine place fov a home; tweivo acVos in apples anil
pears Q years old; about an acre of bearing orchard;
snw lyps ot uc-wi( " 11 acl'cs 111 al"fft; "II fio dcop freo soil.
Ight roiling Btoek I $150 to $200 per acre-Stewart aero tracts; two miles
rrom jucuiora; tracts aro from 10 to 25 acres in yize.
Pino building spots on all; can all bo irrigated;
cheapest tracts in tho Mcdford neighborhood; easv
terms. - .
$300 per acre Finest five and ten-acre orchard and
garden tracts in tho valley; easv terms.
$35000-270 acres; buildings; 2G acres in bearine
bpitz, Nowtowns and Cornice pears; about GO acres
in ono and two-voar-old nmilnn nnrl nnn iw firm r
v - X wwi.iu, V111U UL
words from them."
While not in n postlon to tako up
tho estimates or cost of tho now!
equipment or tho tlmo when It would'
ho delivered here, Mr. O'llrlon lntl-1
mated that tho highest typs ot both
passenger and fro
was Included In tho ordor.
Mr. O'llrlon expects to no to St
Paul within tho next fow days for aj
consultation with Northern Pacific;
HI.UUMINUTON. Til.. .Tnn. 10
Leonard Hliss, popularly known ns
"Bnby" Bliss, becnuso of his 57C
pounds of flesh nnd bono, famous
as holder of n number of fronk hi
cycle records, suddenly became in
anno today and nttneked his fnmil'
with n club. Tho fnt mnn wna ... r
powered and disarmed before ho hnd
injured any ono sorioiiflly.
But that doosn't oxoimo you if you
aro not n Commercial club mcmbor.
cuara lanci. , . rrj
lite Mecca for Winter Tourists
S8 TSS&lSS fits ZJmM
miles of nuto drives through orange , 31- i WnUs of 0,utdowpoBtiino( such ns hundreds of
region The World's tA bcoulov-ds, make this favored
ania,l?f a Thousand Vtonders" '
Privils aJlJSS M POiDtB ln th NrtUw08t' "top-ovor
wuu flM,fr? to Los Alele and Return S47
KjnirBetWrnH m' "d Top-overs U, either dimttom 7'5
ncmutfHAY, General Passenger Aflent, POrlTLAND.
1 t
Whon in nood of Eloctrio Wiring, or Fixture and savo monoy by get
tkiff host workmanship. Dynamo Hopnirinj a specialty.
Stoam and Hot Water Heating.
All, work guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
Oia Tribune, Building. Phono "931
II Do You Want to Sell?
If you want io sell your busimess of any fond, or if
yo want to sell your property, aad will make tU prico
right, I would lik to hoar from you. Give description
and price. AddresB J. E. SMITH, 513 Ohambor Com,
er, Portland, Oregon,
- vvmmuiumi ctuu meiuuer.