7 44 ,f44M4 ,4t, 4.4 4 - 4 ---- 4.4-4-4.4.4 4 4 4.4-4-4,4-4.4 --- 4 4 4 4 4 4 Answering' Want Ads Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair INSURGENTS W DAILY IN II What tho Minority In Congress Havo Done Durlnii tho Past Year Are Gradually Wlnnliifj. (By John Toniplo (lrnvim, 10 (liu Henrst Syndicate,) WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. Wlint ft tint fruitage of"lnHiirK,wi7" Wlint him tho movement (I0110 to Jim tlfy tho Interest and discussion which It han tivolioil? linn this htllllnnl ami picturesque Kioup of statesmen lr nonnto and hoiiHo, which linM lout nearly nil tint color mill glow (o congressional af fairs iltirliiK tho year behind tin, boon n mere spectacle, n passing show of oratory ami political pur.nnclly, or liu oil dono things Hint iiialio prog ress ami will affect tho future? I am Inclined to rnto tho work of tho Insurgents highly. I think thoy liavo dono kocmI and durahlo service to tho country and tho Union, and that tholr work will llvo after tlium. Their (Jooil Point. Tlur nro several notable facts b,out Hk.'no Independent mon: Thoy hnvo always boon frnnk. Thoy hnvo boon perfectly fearless. Thoy hnvo not boon Intimidated or coerced from tho f Irnt to Inut. Thoy hnvo steadily Increased In mcmbcra and Influence from tho bo j; In 11 1 11 h'. Thoy nro mnny degrees stronger nnd tnoro Influential In nntlonnl af fnlrn than nt tho clone of tho Inut sou Ioii. Tho recent stormy events nt Wash lngtoti, tho patronage order of Post master General Hitchcock; tho threat of excommunication from tho party, tho am:. nit upon Cannon nnd I ho final collnpno of that man of atraw -all thoiio things moro or lew 'hnvo had the Insurgents, with their brains and their energies, with their courage nnd tholr resolution, an a -varied nnd striking background. And now that thoy hnvo won nil along tho lino, with Cnntionlsm do Mroyed, or facing certain destruction with their patronage restored, nnd with tho president marching out Into tho open with n rofiiHnl to excom municato or condemn thorn why, now tho Insurgents nro on top. Win Right to liiNtiw, Thoy hnvo established tho glory of Independence. Tlioy nnvo con quered t'10 right for themselves nnd otherH to liiHurt;e, and henceforth men of clear ronvlctlonn, with brains nnd courage to hack them, can nnd will vote an they ploaso, In or out of congress, villi nnno to motoBt or .mnkit thoni afraid. Isn't Hint is mighty achievement tor n minority group to trnco out i"lthln n year? Democrats, as well nn nopuhllcniiH, taking tho cuo from tho lnsurgont triumph will dnro to voto nn thoy plonHo nnd na thoy think upon tho i:ront questions of tho country. And wlint groat thlngo nnd good things In legislation nnd In mnrnlR may wo not renHonnhly nnd logically 'hope for nnd expect with King Can cuh dethroned and Czar Cannon do poHod ,wlth tho IIhIh of corrections wldo open nnd tho mlndR of tho poo 'plo's representatives clenr and freo to think tho wHont, tallc tho nlenncat nnd voto tho list things rgr.rdloss of party or tradition. Tho Insurgent victory Is tho now omancilpntlon proclamation and It :HotH tho Blxty-flrat conijroRn freo. CAMPAIGN AGAINST HIGH ... FOOD PRICES LAUNCHED WASIIINpTOK, Jnn. 18. Headed Kn fllrohuouH onilonvor by Mrs. John 11. .Hoiulorson, Mrs. Ellon Spencer 'Mnsfc.v niul Hie wivon of 11 nuinbor of ooiwortHinon, Hie National Antl TriiMl lencue. which wn fonnitlly or Kiinizeil in Wiishington Innt nif;lii i mnkiiiK propnrnlionrt for a nation wide eniHiule on the hi;li prieos of fooil"1fr Tlie ninilH hourly hriiiK In lliou- sRimri- of lellorx from llio IioiikowIvoh and liomekceperH nil over (ho eoun Iry, ulnwiiH' Hull Hie iulerenl in tho niovomoiit i intonBO. Mrs. JHiry SiHh I'niker, n Wuhiuglon nowspa- por woman, in to ho hond of tho ox- ocutivo eoimuiHee. In ovor.v coiiKrossionnl diRtriot' Ji8tfi aro now boliiff- propnrod of available vomon for llio tlintrict loaders and workers. Tho district (aronlfl" will invostlKiilo prices of foods and IoiIro complaints. A boycott agaiimt artiolos for wliiidi llio prieoH aro too high may ibo carried on. BLAME OWNERS E In Annual Report Official of United Mlncworkcrs Bitterly Scores Capitalistic Owners for Greed. Indiana iOMfl, imi.. Jan. is Tho (treat nlnughtor of human lives In tho coal mines of tho country la duo to tho greed of the mine owners to IncreiiHo tholr profits nnd avoid tho expenditure of good hnrd"cnh for Hafoty appllnncoH for tho pro tectlug of thooo who provide tho coal Kiipply of tho country, Is tho charge tuado nnalnt tho inlno own orB hy K. 8. McCiilloch, vlco proal dent of tho United Mine Workers of America In his annual report sub mitted to tho organization today. Tho vlco president terms thin as n natural disgrace and murder of the most disgraceful nature and sayB that iih long as tho public can gets Its fuel nnd profit It Is tho main aim nt tho owners nnd no relief can bo hoped for only through tho united action of tho mlnerH themselves. Tho various diseases which destroy hu man life hnvo awakened public ,ln toroxl nnd obtained tho nupport of our bestt clllxcns to prevent nnd de stroy their blighting Influences, but those who perform the labor of our laud, supply the wants and needs of nil, llvo and work amid dangers, squalors nnd dluenso, recelvo little or no attention, snvo n few dollars during periods of nruslng sentiment and sympnthy such ns tho Cherry initio dlsnstor. GIRLS GIVEN FREAK NAMES IMPROVE THEM A LITTLE MUXICO. Mo., Jnn. 1R. Nothing Tiittto nnd f,omothlng Tuttlo nro now Trlx and Kitty Tuttlo. respectively. They have chnnged their iimncs. Tho young women aro daughters of T. T, Tuttlo, a retired farmer TutUo's first child, n girl, wan born In 18S1. which wns n dry year. In order to comtnomorntft tho yenr ho nnmod hor Klghty-One. She la now tho wlfo of Hugos Jackson. Tho second child, a boy, brought about n din agreement between Tuttlo nnd his wlfo ns to n namo, so thoy compro mised by calling hint It Tuttlo. Tho third child, n girl, was named Noth Ing and the strange unities wore car ried out In the naming of tho young est. Sho bocauio Something, f U t t PORTLAND MARKETS. Hops, Wool nnd Hides. HOPS 1008 crop, cholco 15c; prlmo to cholco, lCc; prime, lBc; medium, lCc; 1900, cholco, 21c; prlmo, 20c; medium, 10 018c. WOOL Nominal, 1909, Wllla motto vnlloy, 20&21cj enstorn Ore gon, 20f 23c. 8HEKPQKINB 8honrlng, 10O2Bc each; short wool, 2GSG0c; modlum wool, 50ifc$l each; long wool, 75c $1.25 each, TALLOW Prlmo, per lb. 34e; No, 2 nnd groaso, 2 0 2 i c. CHITTIM DARK Nominal, iff Wo. MOHAIR 1909, 23024o lb. HI D1CS Dry hides, 170184c lb; Krepn, 9ft $pl0i4c; bulls, ure salt, 7c lb; kips', 10 ? 10l4o; cnlvos, groon, l018o por lb. Tluttcr, Kggs nnd ronltry, KQQ3 Local, candied select, 40O 41c; local storage, 27c eastorn stor- Ce. 27 0300. nnTTnit VAT Delivery f. . b. or, 39c; Portlns-d nwoet croatn, KUTTI3R IJxtrn crenmsry, fBBcy, 37c; staro, 25c. CHM13S12 Faucy full cream, J8 UMic; triplets nnd daisies, 18 He; Young Americans, 19 o. POULTRY Mlxod chlokens, 15 He; fancy hens, lGMitfiMOc; roosters, old, llo; eoeso, 12c for live, l5(fj18 for dressed; ducks, lC18c; turkeys allvs, 21 (f? 22c; dressed, 25 029c; plceons, squabs, $2 per doaen; dress ed chicken, lc to 2o a pound hleher itun alive. Grain, I'lonr and Hay. IURLWY Producers' prlca--1909 Feed, $3l'31.50; rolled, 33; renlae, 3i,E0. WHEAT Track, club, $1,10 0 $1,11; blue stow, $1.2001.21; red, $1.13; forty fold, $1.12 O $1.13; Willamette valley, $1,08, MILLSTUFFS Selling price Draa, $26; middlings, $33; shorts, $26 027.60; chop, $22029; alfalfa ueal, $21 per ton, FLOUR Ne,w orop, patents, $6, 16; stralsHt, $4. IS; ba.kers' $G.99 MEN HORRORS Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to You It May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or . a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. - .1G; Wlllametto valley, J5.70 bbl.; export crades, $4,00; erabara, V. $5.60; wholo wheat, $G,70; rye, It. 75; bates, $3.15. HAY Producers' pries New tim othy, Wlllair.etto vnlley, faney, $19 0 20; ordlnnr), $19; eastern Oregon, $20021; mixed, $1E; elovar No. 1, $1G.GI016; wheat. $16017; cheat, $16017; nlfnlfa, Sis . OATS Spot delivery, nw, pv ducers' price Track No. 1 whits, $32.60033.50; gray, $31.60033.50. Frultii anil Vreetablea. FRBSH FRUITS Oraness: Nw aavels, $22.25 O $3.00; Valeclas, $3.6S03.7S box; bananas, BQB'Ac lb; lemons, $6.5006.00 box; grape fralt, $4; eara, $1.26; grapes, $1. 76. POTATOnS Solllae;, new. $1.10 1.25; buying, eastern Multnomah and Clackamas, 75 f 85c; Wlllametto valley, CG70c. VEGETABLES Now turnlsps, Or ogon, 90c snck; boots, $1.'2G; carrots 80090c snck; cabbago, local, $1.50 f 1.76; tomatoes, fancy, $2.26 crato; beans, 10012c per lb; cauliflower, $1.00 por dozen; peas, 10012c lb; horseradish, 10c; green onions, 10c doion; peppers, boll, lb.; head lettuce, 20c i'oi.; hothouse, $1.25 box; radishes dor. Hunches; col ery, $3 03.50 crato; cg plant, 16c lb; sweet potatoes, $2; sprouts, 8 9c; cuinuuors, $2.60 dozen ONION8 Jobbing, $1.401.G0 per cwt.; garlic. 10012c per lb. APPLES $1 3.50. .Groceries, Nuts, Etc. SUGAR Cube, $6.35;, powdered, $5.9G; fruit or borry, $G.9G; dry granulated, G.9G; conf. A, $G.7G; ex tra D, $5.26; golden O, $5.35; D yol low, $5.26; best, $5.75; barrels, 15c; halt barcls, 30c; boxes, 56c advanco on snck basis. (Abovo quotations aro 30 days net caBh quotatlonn.) RICE Imperial Jnpnn No. 1, 6V4 c; No. 2, 5 flic; Now Orleans Head, 6 3-4 07c; Croolo. 6Uc, SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s $9.50 por ton; 60s, $10; tablo dairy, 60s, $17; 100s, $16.50; bales, $2.25; oxtra flno barrels, 2s, 6s and 10s, $4.5006. GO; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. HONEY Now, 13tfc per lb. DEANS Small whlto, $5.60; largo white, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bayou, $5,75; Limns, $6.00; rods, $7.50, Meats, Pish ami Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front ctroot hogs, fancy, 10 VjC, ordinary, 9c; veals, ovtra, 11 c; ordinary, 10 HO 11c; extra hoavy, 300 lbs., G07c; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) ham, 174c; breakfast bacon, 1826c; bollod ham, 260 26c; picnics, 14c; cottaso roll, 15c; rogular short clears, smoked, lCc; hacks., smokod, 10 c; pickled tong ues, 6O0 ouch. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10, IS Hp por lb,; 5s, 18 G-Sc per lb.; 60 lb. tins, 18a per lb.; steam rendered, 10s, 171o per lb.; 5s, 17 G-8c per lb.; compound, 10s, 11 3-4c por lb, CLAMS Hnraholl, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $3.00 por box. FISH Nominal Rock cod, 10c; flouudors, 6c;' halibut, SO 10c; strip ed bass, 16c; catfish, 10c; salmoti, steelhcad, 10c; sllvors, 8c lb,; fall salmon, S lb.; Boles, 7o lb,; shrimps, 12 H lb.; perch, 7o lb.; torn cod, 8c por lb; lobstors, 2&0 per iu; irean mackerel, ( ) por lb,; 'crawfish, ( ) por dor.; sturgeon, 12 He per lb.; black bass, 20c per lb.; Colum bia smelts, 25c por lb; sliver smelts, 7 per lb.; blnok cod, 7H Pr lb,; crabs, $1.25 01.75 per dozeu. OY8TJDRS Snoalwater bay, per gallon, $2,25; per 190 lb task, $5; Olympla, por gallon, $2.76; per 190 lb. sack, $707.60; cunasi eastern, 65 caw, $6.50 dez.; eastera la skill, $1.66 per 100. CATTLK Best steers, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.76 04,10; Medium steers, $4,(0; best cows, $3,76 9 3.85; faicy kelfers, $3.76 03.16; modlum cows, $3.60; poor cows, $2 0 2.60; bulls, $202. 76; stag4, $2.50 03 HOGS Best cast of tho moun tains,, $7.7508.85; faney, $8.65; etoekors, $6; pigs, $6 07. SHEEP Best wethers, $5.25 & S.50; ordinary, $6.08; sprlaz lambs, $6.000 6.26; straight ewes, $4.75; mixed lots, $4.76 05.00. CAUVE8 ot. $6.26 O6. 50 or dinary, $3.1 ?J4.60. MEDFORD MARKETS. Fralts and Vegetables. (Prices paid by Medfrod merckaats.) APPLES 2 4c lb.; pears, lHc lb. Potatoes, lc lb.; onions, $1.50 cwt.; cabbage, 2c; turnips, lHc; parsnips, 101 He lb.; squash, 30c and $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10 15c. Butter. Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Modford merchants) Ranch butter, 32 He; fancy cream ery, 37 He. Fresh ranch eggs, 40c. Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chick ens, 16c; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hny Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $16. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushel; oats, $36 ton; barley, $30 ton. Bcof 2H03c; pork, 6 He; mut ton, 4c; Iamb, 4 He; veal (dressed,) 6c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, 2 cwt, $37 ton; bran, $1.10;' middlings, $1.8601.90; shorts, $1.8001.85. FflR SALE. f FOR SALE Alfalfa bay. toose and baled. L. Nlsdormcyer. Phono Jack sonville 1303. 263 FOR EXCHANGE Piano nnd furul- turo to exchnngo for lot. 103 Roorc vclt avenue. Phono 22S. 262 FOR SALE Fivo room house nnd threo lots, close in, for $2500; $1000 will hnndle. W. T. Vock & Co. FOK SALE Choico business proper ty nt n bargain, on long timo; easy torms Address P. O, Rox 418. " FOR SALE Now L. C. Smith type writer for snlo cheap. Addross "D," caro this office. 260 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Hotel in Swoet, Idaho, for Medford prop erty, cither town or farm land ; val uation $0000. Address William Woody, Swcot, Idaho. 278 FOR SALE S. C. Whlto Leghorns (595 strain), S. C. Buff Orpingtons, prlzo wlnnlnc stock, cockorol $5, pullet $2; hens $1.50; eggs for sot ting, $2 tor Leghorn $3 for Orp ingtons. AJdrecs W. T. Goodman, Box 412, Grants Pnss, Or. FOR EXCHANGE Hcsldenco prop- orty In Pomona, Cal., for property In or near Medford. Box 843, Med ford. 260 FOR SALE Roguo River throo-color stationery showing Comioo ponr nnd Spitzonherg apples. Modford Mail Tribune. 266 FOU SALE 5 nnd 10-ncro traota just within nnd adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay merts. Address P O Box 418. FOR SALE Good dry cord weod at $7.59 por cord. A'no wood sawing vrders promptly filled. Call on C. F. Relcaestela, 421 South Grape atreet, or phone No. 491. 261 FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter, latest model, with 2-color ribbon shift; base and metal cover; cost $110.00; will soil for cash only; price $90.00. Address Box No. 688 tf FOR SALE Six room house and 8 lets; Close la. Address box 306, 269 FOR SALE Horse, harness and light spring wagen with polo and shafts. 125 Souta Oakdale. FOR SALE. ----r 4 FOR SALE Youns orchard in bear ing. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE Baby carriage, cheap if taken at onco. Apply 107 E. Second street ovcnlngs. 259 FOR SALE: 30 acres fruit ranch; 10 acres 15-year-old apples; ?ood buildings; closo In; prlc-j $000; a snap. Seo us. Roguo Rlrer Land Co., Woodille, Or. 25 FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine cord wood, 12 nnd 10-inch; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4201. WANTED Hand spra pump; sec ond hand, in good condition anJ complete. Address with price, L. W. Zimmer, Medford. WANTED A lday solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing, devices. Apply at the Condon Water nnd Power Co. WANTED Agents to go to Califor nin to sell territory for the "Hidden Window Screen." Inquire E. C. Aylor and Barnott, real estate of fice on South Central avenue. 261 WANTED Good span of mules, fair size, well broken. J. F. Wort- man, at the old Van Dyke place. ' WANTED A 2471. nurse. Phone Main 253 FOR EXCHANGE Will exchango somo good residence lots in Med ford or house and rt pay ment on ranch. ' Co. WANTED Small tract of 20 to i)0 acres near Medford; give full de scription, price nnd terms. Address "A." Mail Tribune. 260 WANTED Good Japanese cook, good wages. Telephono Farmers 61. 255 WANTED Experienced onarrr man Address P. O. Box 418. Medford. Or. WANTED Man and wife; man to do general work, woman for general housework. Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED Hair work dono at Mrs. D. M. Pearco, Phoenix, Or. 263 WANTED Placo for a girl to work for her board and go to school In good private family. Inqulro Supt. Of high school. 2C4 WANTED To buy gasollno pump In good condition at once, 2-6-horso power. A-ldress Box 156 Eaglo Point, Or. 263 WANTED A Chinese boy wants housework or cooking. Address Leo Sun, caro Slue Leo laundry, Medford Or. 264 -f FOR RENT. L 4- FOR RENT Furnished rooms Tilth board, No. 10 North Grapo street. FOR RENT Onlyhotel In town of 1000 population. Call nt Candor Water & Powor Co., 209 West Main street, FOR RENT Now 5-room house for rent at once; reasonable. 1002 W. Eleventh street. 261 TO LEASE For a term bl year store room 25x90 feet; best loca tion. Aylon & Rarnett, next door to Mall Tribune offlco. 259 FOR RENT Traets of land from one to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and garden truck, also suit nbje for chicken and turkey raising. Owner will furnish n reasonable amount of lumber and poultry and other fenoing for improvements if lessee perfoam labor of erecting same. Call at effiee ei Condon Water aud -Power costpaay for particulars. FDR RENT. FOR RENT Six room modorn fur nished house, closo In; $35 per month. Address X. Y. Z., caro Mall Tribune. 262 rOTT R"ENT" WrmsTlFom 46 acres upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or goncrcl farming. Inquire at offlco Condor Water & Powor com pany, 209 W. Main street. 4- I flRT STRAYED Ono roan horse, boll, branded, N. on right shoulder, 1 roan 2 year old colt, 1 light bay horso branded N. on right shoulder, glass eyed, baldfaco; 1 small brown gelding branded 4 left side. Last seen near Eaglo Point. Finder pleaso notify S. A. Robinson, Eagle Point. Reward. 260 -t- -t BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND TJNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can be had from their ngent, S. Kcmp thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Ticket given with every purchase. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15c; beds, 15c. Give us a trial. 29 Central avenue, upstairs. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will euro rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Yonng. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheetiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER, auctioneer, will bo found in room 208, Taylor & Phipps Building. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY La wye rs Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy-at-law, No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col- vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of' fice Medford National Bank Build inc. second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building. Medford. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside" avenue Phone SQL Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance Office, suite 205-206, over 'Fruit growers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, C. P. Briggs, real estate, insurance, farm nnd city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped iob office iu South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tima between Portland nnd Snc rnmento. Office on West Main st. nnd railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Triddy. J. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nngle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Briek manufacturers nnd eontiietors; nlso lime, cement and plaster in nny quantity. Office, Medford Nationnl Bnnk bldg. Phone Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. II. Butler 3571. Piano Instruction. HARMONY, sijrat ' reading, aiusieal form. Mrs. E. E. Gro, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central aveaue. PJione 403. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm bloek. Stpiiognaplue work done quickly and well. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st.. Medford, Or. IK. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & I. R. R. t fft BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Photofjraphers. MACKEY's" 8TUDIO-"Poso with Maokoy and dio with joy." Ovor Al len & Reagan's store; entrance o; Seventh street. Civil Entjlneers. WILL take by contract, on roason- nblo terms, nil kinds of work; nlso irrigating, planting and cultivating, etc. Landscape gardening. First clasa references. William Peters, Civil Engineor, Phono 1801, 322 E. Main street, Medford, Or. Bill Posters. VERNE T, CANON Bill Poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Or. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hafl building. A nice cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect nnd Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford, Or. Yonr building respectfully so licited. Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and ' second-hand fumitnre and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MSSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New nnd Second-Hand Furniture. Ends' old. stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 01. Medford, Or. NurserhTs. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office in HoteyjTash; ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-crade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 583, Medford. Transfer and Drayage. II. S. BRUMBLE Draynge nnd transfer. Baggage stored. Offico C and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Bentty street. A card will bring me to you. MUSIC. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. II. L. Huillier, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) nnd languages French, Italian. German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Pb-ne 493. 144 Sonth Central nvenne Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 Enct Main street. Carpenters and Builders. A. D. JOHNS. Contractor and Build- oi" 225 Riverside avenue. Phona 2471. F. E. HILL Will furnish plans mid list of all timber to be put in huild ing. Medford. Or. W. G. nOLMES Contractor ami builder; plans nnd estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. S'l EARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bnnk. Night call promptly answered. Office and rei dent phone Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. I). Offices in Ilnskins' building, Phono Main J 001. CONROY & CLANCY Dffieo in Stewart Building Physicians nnd SusgeonB. Office phono Main 341; privnte phone Main 012. ' !. R. GEELY, If D. Physician and Surseoa. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Rnr. Office hour: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Offieo in Jnekson CountyBank Building. DR. F. &, CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicinns. Mission Block. Phono 291, Medford. CALL ON DR. X. J. BONNER, Kc specialist, when others fail. Offieo in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Mam near D'An.iog. Cigars and Tobaccos. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke Houo. dealers is tobae o, cigars and smok ers' sapplies. Exclusive agents of Lewi Single Biader, El Merito and Bl Paleaota. 212 West Main street.