Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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4 '
Arthur Hrown of tltu Itnguu Mugn
r.liio vun lit OrimtH I'ltstf TtuiHtliiy on
Mrs. Nyo and daughter loft Tiioh
day morning for Himtiburg on n vIhII
to relatives it ml friends.
Mrs. Thompson of Host-burg, who
littH Immmi visaing Imr cousin, Mrs, H.
'h. Iloiinolt. of Mini ford, rnturtioil to
her Iioimi Tuesday morning.
Captain M. V. KKKtimtun of Ash
litml was In Medford Tuesday on a
business trip,
Lu Hoitll of Lukoviow, otio of the
prominent elllri'iiH ttnil eoiiMlHtur.l
boosters of l.nko county, is visiting
relatives itml friends In Mcilfonl and
Central Point.
T. C. Dugun of Kaglo Point was it
Medford visitor Wmluomluy.
K. C. .IiiiilcHou of Ashland visited
Medford Monday evening.
J. V. Foster of (, Ca!., is In
Medford on business.
V. A. Sumner, Jr., of the Modoc
much. wns jt Moilfonl viHltor Mon
lny. M. I). Fouler of Gold liny in In
Medford today.
A Marriage license has been
granted to Waller Larson of Med
ford nml Mia I.lllio Ficko of Jack
sonville. Tho wedding will tnlta
place tlilw evening at tho homo of
the bride In Jacksonville. I
h. K. WillinniK of Contrnl Point
spent Tuesday In Medford.
T. 0. Kriokson. speeinl agent of
the forestry service, who has hcon
visiting his parents and friends In
Dakota, is expected to return to
Med ford in tho near future.
II. Q. Poole of Kugeno is visiting
with relative near UiIh oity.
Ilnnrv Crane hns left for n visit
of some duration with hU pnrontH in
, Son Francisco.
Tho city council will moot in reg-
nln- NoiiMjnn evening.
W. II. Jnckson of Grants Pans in
upending n few dn'H in Modford.
Miss Mary Jllair of Portland !h In
Modford vixilin gwilh friends.
llarvoy W, Hendricks of Peyton is
spending n few days in Modford on
I. K. Whiting inado a huninoss trip
to Fugle Point and tho Antelope sce
tion Tnodnv.
Mr. and Mr. W. M. Taylor of Fl
leushurg, Wash., nro visiting Mr. and
Mr. J. A. Perry. Mr,
"Mr. Perry arc cousins.
W. T. flrieve of Jacksonville in in
U H t
Wear Kldd's Bhoos.
Ilulck In tho king of tho nnto rnrld.
What have you to oxehntigo for 80
noros uiihnprovod land. Hogtio
Hlvtir Laud Co., Woodvillo, Or. 2f)5
Who doesn't sigh for a Hulck?
Wear Kldd's BIiooh.
Tho Ilulck has glvon bettor satis
faction for llvorg and prlvnto two
than any motor car In tho valloy.
Auk tho ownorii. '!50
Fruit, alfalfa and general farm
landH In tracts to suit purchitBor.
Now lownaito addition, just plotted.
Wo can show you oxcellont opportu
nllloB; prices right. Rogue Itivor
Laud Co., Woodvillo, Or. 255
You neod a Ilulck. 280
Widow of Bank Rcijcnt In Franco
Comes to Mysterious and Vio
lent End In a Rallwa)
PARIS, Jan. J8. KffortB to fin J
tho Hiippoticd murdcreY of Mmo.
Oouin, widow of tho rogent of tho
Uauk of Franco, who met u mysteri
ous death' on a train hetwecn Foil
tainhleau and PariK, were abandoned
today by the police.
Officialdom Ih equally divided over
'A Uox of Monkcya" at tho opera j Ho theories of accident or murder,
hotiflo Saturday, Jmnmry 22, 1) p. m.' ( Many bcliovcil tho woman to have
No ono kuowH how lonj,' n Hulck ' fnl0n from tho train, whilo othorrf
til I .... 1 Vm ltittt imu nvnp it'firil !
Will lrti iui nv !' wv.. ij i
California State Bulldlnfl Trades
Council Gives Executive Board
Power to Probe Into the
MONTEKEY, Cal., Jan. 18. A
HtruKKlo to prevent the further in
creaHcd prices of' foodntuffs and tho
cot of living was lttimeUcd today in
tho annual convention of the state
building tradert council, in session
here, when a resolution was intro
duced giving tho general executivo
hoard power to proceed with an in
vestigation. -
Appears That Legislature of Illinois
Will Reject Measure and Sub
stitute One With Some
Tho resolution proiwaos that tho
pportod by tho railway, which feat Inhor unions at present seek no fur-,
SPItlNOFIELD, III., Jan. 18.
With a deadlock in the state senate
and every indication of ono in the
house, it appears today that the di
rect primary bill before the legisla
ture, will be defeated.
The scnato today became dead
locked and adjourned until tho honic
shall come to a decision this nftcr
noon. It is regarded as likely that
the houfio also will deadlock.
Should no solution of the diffi
culty present itself, it is thought that
the Shurtleff bill will be substitute!.
out. Tho first ones uro sun ruu-i nossibilltv of big damage verdict, 1 tlier mlvancc in wages, out mm incir, ii.m .ui .
nlng. .258: . ' hold the murder theory. I energies almost entirely toward a' the county an.t euy can... .nie, .
The accident, theorists explain flu ' prevention of tho rurtlier nso in mo compels mem in c.cct
Men's Gloves
Wc will put on sale here tomorrow 50 pair of mop's
horschidc and pigskin gauntlet glovca, rogulor $1.50,
$1.75 and $2.00 a pair qualities. Sale price
1.25 a Pair
You npprociato tho work the high
school Is doing. Show it by attend
ing "A Ilox of MonkoyB" Snturdny,
January 22.
Wear Kidd's Shoes. '
Kvor see n "Hox of Monkcys'l? If
not go to tho opera Iioiiho Friday
night. 202
Tho Ilulck In tlio auto bent adopted
to tho ne'ds of tho Ilo&uo rltor ru
ley, comblnliiK Ucbt wolRht, IiIrIi
power, npcml, and durability. 2C0
Meeker's January clearnnco salo
ends Saturdny, Jonunry 22. DettcrJ ,mjI( fe fonv
i or.n , , ,
circumstnnceH as follows:
"Subject to hemorrhages, and so
attacked, Mmo. Oouin left hor com
partment nnd went to tho washroom.
Iteturnintr. sho sat down near tho
cost of necessities. I select state and congressional can-
Special attention is to bo directed 1 didatcs1,
toward tho prevention of cornering
markets on foodstuffs. Tho reso
lution k'ivcs tho general executive
50 dozen men's Oantuu
flannel work gloves with
tight fitting knit wrist, 10
1 Pau
3 for 25c
door, which on all Kuropenn coaches ! hoard the power to exercise a veto
.... nn (tm iiln 1 on all nction of local uiiioiih seeking
Tlio Ilulck "White Streak
t"!.-! opened nnd, clutching at tho curtain,
,B ,,0,l.- .. i. ftl
If you never laugh, dont attend '"A
Modford on husiiiPHs today. j
There will b a special meeting of
the Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
odic Episcopal church on Wednes
day afternoon in tho basement of
the church. All members are urged
to ha present.
Kx-Sheriff J. M. Under of Kaglo
Point is in town on business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlninc Khun return
ed Tuesday from a visit to Ashland.
Willinm Patterson of Ashland was
in Modford Tuesdnv on Inud busi
ness. T. J. Hnrloton of Central Point
spent Monday in Med ford.
Mrs. Edwin Judy of Oriffin crook
ded Snturday night at her homo in
that section. The fuuornl took placo
Monday afternoon, tho interment be
ing tnnde in Odd Follows cemelerv.
Mr. Judv has been a residont of
flriffiu Creek for a number of yenrs
nnd leaves a wide circle of frionds.
Ilox of Monkoys," the roaring two
act comedy given by tho high school
Boniors Saturday, January 22.
Onco own a Ilulck and you will
never need another. It has
duality. 208'
What is lifo without n Iluickt 280
Just arrived, tho moat completo
stork of Hoods In tho city. Whore?
It. It. V. Nursery, office 25 W. Main
struct. 259
Wo carry tho largost and most
completo stock of ornamentals be-
tween Portland and San Francisco.
It. It. V. Nursery, office 25 W. Main 1
strent. 259
Plant your bulbs now. Wo carry!
a comploto stock. It. It. V. Nursery,
offleo 25 W. Main st. 259 i
It's a plcasuro for us to show I
rnvlor and goods,- and wo do not feel hurt If
1 t. It in vrtiiv lutnrAHt (n tmv '
of us. II. II. V. jsuroory, an w.
Main st. 259
under tho train's wheels. Thcro her
rings fell from her hnnd, her hand
bag was ripped open by tho wheels,
which cut off the nnfortunnto wo
man's feet.
All the woman's effects were
found strewn along tho track, in
cluding several hundred frnncs.
Thcso nro taken by the accident the
orists to support their contention
that the woman met an accident.
Agitation is continuing through
Franco, however, for the introduc
tion of the American stylo of railway
Testimony is being. tnken today
before W. II. Canon, United States
commissioner, in the contest enso of
tho United States vs. V. h. Camps.
This is a case whero the government
contests the right of the Tiomcstcad-
ccrtnin lands in the Dead In-
imon nn tho side.
Tim imtirrmo'rlv closed, higher WagCS,
swung open. It struck a bridge pier, At the same lime, every trade un
hanged shut and covered Mmo. Oouin i tonist is wrcd to ally himself with
;! iniininrml ,.lnc nml wnmlivrirk. ono or another of the state labor
1 . ! t . t nnntn
The woman, fainting with fright and oomes to secure co-opcrnuo. "-""
i i hit fnwnnra' nwfn 9n r tnn a nnri ninnr vi "
rwar.l. i no uoor again A.w...w. y ,. fim
unionists to nil public otliccs trora , " -
the lowest to tho highest. ! Hnimnnt never made a bonafido
It appeared today that this con- i homo upon the land, and that neither
vention is likely to commit itself to he nor his family ever became pcr-
r it.- i ;i hnnncnt residents upon the Innd in
progressive than at- any previous
26-inch parasols, the
best $1.25 value in tho i'it.
Special price for tomor
row only
90c each
Get your, tickets early for a "Ilox
of Monkovs."
Itomomher that when
'Merchant Who Recently Disposed of
Business Buys Blrj
Millionaire Dies.
CHICAGO, III., Jan. 18. John
Fnrson, an eccentric millionaire
banker of this city, died hero today
of heart disease. Farson was noted
for his peculiarity of dress, nnd on
sovcrnl occasions imitated the fnsh-
I ions of dress nffected by Mark
Twain. lie frequently followed
: Twain's cxamplo in wearing a white
dress suit.
(Continued from page 1.)
his usual majority.'
question, nor had any intention oZ
so doig.
Camps is a resident of Ashland.
If you haven't Joined tho Medford
Commercial Club now is the time tof
do so.
(ContlnofJ from page 1.)
I.lqunr IiiUTCCs"Ma) Withdraw.
charging tho duties of our steward
ship. It would have been Impossible
for anyone to have secured, practical
ly unsolicited as they vr-o by you,
so many public endorsements of the
approval of the people.
"I have accepted your resignation
and, as you will not by tho press dis- (
patches of this day. have fo olwod ccuUvo Qf th(j tQ lhank QT
your recommendation. I feel thatt , ,
Our 10c Windows
Do 'ou wan't a bargain in tinware, kitcheu utensils,
etc.? Then take a look at our 10c window tomorrow.
Its for one day only.
50 boxes of of axle
girase. You usually pay
25c for this. Here tomor-
10c Box, 3 for 25
"Webb- halters, leather
and rope hitching straps,
25 to 50c values, tomorrow
loc each
2 tor 25 ,
you buy
fruit trees from us you nro abso
lutely itnarantoud mralnst illscaso of
I any nature, as each and ovory troo
Is thoroughly inspected nerore u
Ioav'H our hands. Wo have on hand
tho following vnrlotles: Yellow New
town I'lppln, Spltzonborg, Wlnesnp.
Hartlott, Do Anjou, Cornice, Winter
KoIIIh, Ilosc nnd Howell pears; Ding,
Lambert and Itoynl Ann cherries,
Knrly and l.nto Crawford. KIberta,
Triumph, Aloxunder, Halo's Karly,
I-'oBter. Mulr. Salway. Phillips and
Tuscan CIIiik Peaches. H. It. V.i
NurHOry. 25 West Main street. 259
Whllo they Inst, n few thousand
2-3 foot poach trees, coast jjrown,
10 conts each. It. It. V. Nursery,
officer 25 W. Main st. Ask about tho
now raspberry. 259
Tho Ilulck is tho most economicnl
of all cars on unsolino. "Hill" Hod-,
son and Shoriff Wilbur Jones drove
a Whito Strenk from Medford to
Qrants Pass, a distance of 33 miles,
nn one unllon of gasoline. 258
Tho last pound cannot brenk tho
hridfjo until it has been previously
overloaded. Tho last car novor
would have stalled tho train if tho
onrino had not boon previously over
taxed to an unroasonablo deiroo.
Nor would thnt last bit of dust have
stoppod your watch if it had not
hcon Inhorinc undor more than nor
tnnl strain. Lot us oxnmino yoi.r
watch. Wo will toll you tho fnots of
its condition. Van Do Cur & Jns
itmnn, I'hipps bldr. 2.111
A small investment in tho Queen
Anno Addition (incorporated) will
brine; hnndsomo returns. LotB $500
and upward, easy tonns. 285
Don't forgot "A Hox of Monkoys"
at tho Modford thontor Friday night.
Tho high school soniors in a "Ilox
at tho
John R. Knodell, State Superintend
ent, and A. B. Zimmerman, As
sistant, Wind Up Campaign.
John It. Knodell, stnto superin
tendent for tho Anti-finloon I.enguo
LONDON. Jan. lis. Threatened ' thorer Is no other man better quail-
secession of tho liquor Interests of fid to advise mo on such subjects
Ireland from tho Irish Nationalist : than yourself. In addition to this,
party, Is causing tho party leaders tho bar of southern Oregon and a
much anxiety according to a dispatch largo numborot promlnont citizens
from Dublin received horo today. Gf that section, have approved your
It Is reported that tho split bo- endorsement,
twoen tho Nationalists and tho II- "With your leaving tho public sor
quor Interests Is so great that It will vice at thl stlmo, I feel that tho stato
for Oregon, npd A. H. Zimmerman, 1 result In general support of tho lat- 0f Oregon has lost ono oi Its most
his assistant, wound up tho cam-1 tor to tho parliamentary candidate i trusted servants nnd an officer who
paign they hnve been waging ngninit whom tho Limerick licensed vintners has, durlns all of his honored caroor,
tho saloon in Jackson county nt association has announced Its Intcn-j nerved his stato well.
Medford Rundny morning nnd eve-.Hon of putting up against tho Nn-' "In conclusion, I desire, as tho ex
iling. I ttonallstcandldate In tho elections i .
In tho morning MV. Knodell lato this month. i
preached at the M. K. church and The reason for tho trouble. accord
Mr. Zimmerman nt the M. 12. church lng to tho dispatch, Is tho campaign
South. In the evening mass meet-'tho Llbornls, allies of tho National
ings were held nt tho Baptist church, j lsts, aro waging throughout England
where Mr. Zimmerman officiated, . against tho Kquor element.
and nt tho Presbyterian church,
where Mr. Knodell wns the speaker.
Roth churches were crowded and
mnny wore turned nwnv.
i the service rendered our state during
your term of office, and to wish you
and your family good health and
"Very truly yours,
(Signed) '"FRANK W. BENSON,
Tho fololulng telegram was dis
patched to Governor Benson:
"Medford, Oregon, January 15,
"Hon. Frank W. Benson. Governor,,
Salem, Oregon:
"In view of your appointment of
Frank M. Calkins .rs circuit Judge,
tho undersigned attorneys hereby ex
press their approval of your action
and tho belief that tho best Interests
of tho people havo been thereby sub
served. (Signed) W. E. Phlpps, L.
O. Narregan, John Carkin, Gus New
bury. T. W. Miles. Wm. S Crowoll,
F. J. Nowman, M. Purdin."
girl to
A Chocolate Dipper, or
learn the business.
P. T. Lawton, who rocontly dis
posed of his implomont business in
'this city to Cuthbort & Co., who are
.to ocQUP.V the first two floors of tho
new block to ho erected by A. A.
'Davis, has purchnsod tho Joff Ham
lin plnco, or old Moyora tract, in tho
Antelopo valley. Tho tract consists on Monkoys" Friday night
of -180 uores of Innd, 200 nercs of
which arc plowed, tho balnnco hohig
timber land. A house, barn nnd
other buildings stand on tho plnco.
MesHi'M. Cutlibert and Lawton loft
lust ovoning for Pprtlnnd, whore
thoy will imrchuso a carload of vehicles.
At tho Wigwam Inst nlgJit tho
Klamath Falls Imskotlmll tonm took
tho Modford high school tonm down
the line hv n score of 20 to 17.
, Tho Kluniath team is oomposod of
seasoned nlnvers nnd wore too much
for tho Modford boys nt evory stngo
of the game. Still, tho fnot that tho
score was not grontor in favor of
tho Klnmnth county mon shows that
... ..t . .. i i ! ii.- ir..i
Willi practice nun couoiiwg uiu inuu
ford high school oould put up n
'pretty fair nrtlolo of ball.
Medford thontor.
FOU BALE Light spring wngon
125 8. Oakdnlo. 259
WANTED Man to contract" for
clearing 7 acres timber land 2
miles woat of Modford. Answor B.
V., enro of Mall Tribune 204
FpU SALE Houbo and lot In Hood
Itivor, Orogon, or will trn'fifor
proporty In Medford. Address A.
J. Emorson, 114 Tripp street, Mod
ford, Orogon. 271
FOU SALE A good 8-room Iioubo,
1 aero of ground, somo fruit, barn,
chicken Iioubo and woodshed; water
In Iioubo. Pleasantly situated In
Aahlnnd, Oro. For particulars nd-
dress L. n. 54, Aahlnnd, Oro.
Rnnso Rouso and Gcwrgo M,
Stophonson of Ashland spent Tuos
day in. Medford.
Momlny nfternoon a meeting of
tho Anti-Snloou lengue of Jackson
county wns held nt tho Christian
church and n central committeo to
conduct tho work in tho county wns
appointed. Tho names of this com
mitteo are for tho timo withheld from
Tho themo of tho Sunday evening standard in numbers groat onough
Tho Nationalists allied themselves
with tho Liberals following Premier
Asquith's declaration for a modified The man who makes the hlgh-grads
form of homo rule for Ireland. 1
Mon horb who aro familiar with
Irish politics are of the opinion that '
tho defection of the liquor people
will not work n hardship with tho
Nationalists." Thoy assort that when
this element sevors its connection
with tho Liberals, porsoiiB opopscd
to liquor wlit flock to tho Liberal
The Rogue River Canning & Evaporating company will devote
Mondays and Thursdays of each week to custom work in the man
ufacture of cider, apple butter and jellies.
Phono your orders for nico sweet cider to 11X2. Deliveries will
be made on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week.
Mill in West Medford.
Prions 11X2.
talks by Messrs. Knodell nnd Zim
mennnn was "Tho Eliminating of the
Saloon : What ITns Recn Douo and
What Is Purposed.''
At tho Monday afternoon meeting
it wns resolved thnt tho Jackson
county branch should nnd would
work for a statewide prohibition and
to that end would concontrnto all
their efforts.
to offset tho losses, and perhaps to
provldo a substantial Increase in
strength, N ,
(Continued from pace 1.)
LONDON, Jnn. 18. Clad in little
elso thnn hor title, Lady Constance
Riehnrdson is appearing nightly nt
a local muslo hall as a "barefoot"
dnncor, As Lady Riehnrdson is clad
in filmy gaiuo only, tho polico are
doubtful as to tho eorroot applica
tion of tho term "bnrofoot," but
have refrained from noting in the
mnttor hoonuso tho dansouso is n
woman of titlo. If sho wore sinuly
a profossiounl dnncor hor costume,
or Inok of it, would not bo tolorntod.
Lndy Richardson hns npponrcd in
both wnys through tho window wns
Asldo from this 115 money orders
w-ero Issued for saving purposes
I amounting to $7,CS5.for which $27.50
was paid,
Mail Handled.
During tho year tho number of
lottors and prlvato post cards mailed
totaled 770, S03; government post
cards numbered 40,489; there wore
414,435 pieces of second class mnt
tor mllod and 42,700 of third and
fourth class mattort Of official mat
tor thoro woro 13,000 pieces, making
a total of prleces received, 1,272,420
Tho number arriving was 1,700.000,
making a totnl .handled, 2,972,420.
During the yoar 030 special dollv
ory lottors woro dolivorod and S29
s.milnr dances at pnvn o chanties hnmi,0(, to n toM of 14l02, of',
for monoy, but last night was hor
first nppoaranco ns a professional
follower of Mnud Allon nnd a host
of "Snlomes." Nor exhibition made
first-nighters nt the Alfred Rntts
Pnlaco musio hall gasp, and it is
termed tho most daring display Lon
don hns yot seon,
which 5,347 wns received.
Truly tho business has grown
wonderfully. To hnndlo It, ton per
sons nro required natdo from tho
poatmnstor and his assistant four
clorks, four cnrrlors, ono rural route
nnd ono star route man.
The Jackson County
Realty Co.
With offices in residence, comer "West Tenth and King
streets, are always prepared to show you the best Jackson
countv has in the real estate line from tho unimproved
laud to tho best bearing orchards, farm land or stock
ranches; also city property. Tho manager has had ten
yeais' experience in the county, which will aid the pros
pective purchaser. Seeing is knowing. "Wo also have
modern rooms to accommodate our patrons.
f I