THE MEDFORD MATTj TRIBUNE, MED1TORD, OWKDOX, THSSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1910. ROGUE RIVER Three Color Stationery Letter Honda and Envelopes Cornice Pear and Spitzenburg Apple L AUUTKTIIK IIICINZE. COPPER ICING. WIIOKIO TIM A L MAY PROVE SENSATION SARTORIAL NEWS. Oath a KMIUiKMATIO soL'itnc.' OK TH1C VALIiliV AM) 1X8 KIUNCIl'AIi HK HAT AND ATTIUOTIVK, HUT NOT (5AUDV. IHE MAIL TRIBUNE I F. N. CUMMINGS , T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD & CUMMINGS THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Surveys, Mans, Plane, Specifications, Reports. Estimates, Etc., Water Pow ers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewornge, Railroads,' Ir "igation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Drapery Appears on Coatt Well as on Oowna, Not content with ornnmentlng three out of ovory live frwk, tho sah tins now reached the coat. A almplo three- iuirtcr coitt of tnolu cvlorud cloth linn a trash of black satin threaded In and out through broad plaits of llio cloth nt n hoii t knee depth. Of course It has to liuvo a separation at tho opening, hut this Is not noticed when tho gar ment In fastened. Tho sash Is tied nt tho left, hanging in long fringed end. Tlw fascinating little bolcroB for wnlst decorations seen lu tho shops at such high prices may he innde nt home by the needlewoman. A pattern miiBt bo bought cither traced for working or tho paper pattern and design separate-, ly. Then decide upon tho materials nnd tho decoration. Net. thin silk and DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QU1CKLV AND WITH COMI'' "UJT TO YOU AltK AMVU'8 TO IIW FOlVJh A I Til K FAniiOV & DOWNING, I'KOritlRTOItS. WEST SIDE STABLES I'HONB siai . QUXVR BIUEEX A sensation In expected to grow out of the trial of K. Augustus Uelnze. the Montana copper king, charged with misapplying the funds of the Mer cantile National bank, New York. When Uelnze whs nrrnlgned his lawyers threatened to bring other men high In the world of tluuncc into tho ense. ielnze Insists that n movement I on foot to make a scapegoat of him. This was the plea of Chorion W. Mono when ho was eonrlcted and sentenced to fifteen years In n federal prison. The charge ugalmit Ilelnze Is based on transactions nllcgcd to hare taken place during the panic nf J007. the same tlin that .Morse Juggled bank funds. RESOLVED Tho bent resolution for you to tnako to to c'omo to lis for your noxt suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho beHt work nnd charge tho lowest pricoB. W. W. EIFERT Tim FBoaKtisarvn tailo NKW YOItK. Jan. 18. Defects In the first Indictments ngnlnst F. Au gustus lleluzo for alleged misappro priation of bank funds are believed (by the federal officials to have been cured In tho present Indictments. Tho prosecutors declared today thnt they awaited with confidence tho at tack promised by the Ilelnze lnw- 'yers, who, however, asserted that Bcnsntlanal allegations would be made to convince tho court that the i now Indictments should bo dismissed J. K. KNYA'UT, President JOHN S OUTU, Cashier J. A. PERKY, W. 11. JACKSON, Aim't Casbior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK t UAPITAL . $50,000 SURPLUS $i6,000 Safety box for rent. A leneral Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. as wero tho old ones. Motions to quash tho Indictments wero first In order for argument. Falling success In this move, tho attorneys held tho demurrers In re servo to protect not only l A. Ilelnze, and other officers and cm ' ployes of tho United Coppor com I pany, Indicted for conspiracy to ob struct tho obtaining of evidence In tho Ilelnze Investigation. Kvldcnce of tho thorough-going I fight tho Ilelnzo attorneys wero pre J pared to make for their clients wns furnished when tho members of tho grand Jury which Indicted F. Au gustus Helnzo appeared in court in obcdlenco to subpoenas. District Attorney Wlso asked that the sub poenas for tho Jurymen bo quashed, but Judge Hough ruled naglnst him. John B. Stanchtleld moved to quash tho indictment on the ground that It was on information and be lief, and not on positive evidence, nnd argued for the constitutional right to question the Jurymen on this point. The Ilelnze lawyers apparently im pressed the court by their statement thnt John P. Fornsler ,a public ac countant, had Illegally participated in tho proceedings of the grand Jury naming witnesses -and presenting pa pers. "I shall require some arguments," said Judge Hough, "to convince mo thnt n bookkeeper, even when ap pointed by the Attorney-General, has a legal right to ruinn the duties o: a United States attorney." Judgo Hough decided not to pro ceed today with tho examination of the Jury members nnd excused them until further call. Tho case was ad journed for a week. ffi SUIIrr WAIST WITH YOKE. velvet are used for the foundation, braid and embroidery for the trimming. Tho Irish lace collar has a rival, and after its long vogue this Is not sur-; prising. The newest collars are made of cluny. and some of them are lovely when in a soft pale cream shade that Is more becoming to most faces than dead white. The shirt waist made with a yoke Is thought very smart this win ter, and the yoke on the waist Illus trated Is cut to form tabs that give a novel effect. The sleeves, with their deep cuffs, are new and comfortable. JUDIO CUOLLET. This Hay Manton pattern Is cut from to 40 Inches bust measure. Send 19 cents to this orBce. Giving number. US2. and It will be promptly forwarded, to you by mall, If In haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage, which Insures mora prompt delivery. GOLD HILL ITEMS. NEW C. W. January (By Spectator.) Born To Mr. nnd Mrs, O. Slmonds on Calls creek 13, 1910, n daughter. Bogue of Rlvorsido nveuuo January Bag no of Hlversldo nvcnuo January 15, n son. LIQUOR LAW EFFECT IN IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Wn.. Jnn. 18. So far ns 'disposing of liquor after 10 o'clock nt night is concerned Van couver Is once moro nn open town. This law and tho ono prevtnlng treating in barrooms was repealed UYou Need Any thin? iivSlLATLR WARE I have it. Martin J. Reddy Tins Jewler Near Post Office from Med ford homo folks. Mrs. M. E. over Sunday visiting Kellogg of Mod ford, Inst night. Inctead -of closing nt 10 o'clock, tho saloons may now keep open till 11 o'clock, opening at G o'clock in who has been visiting relatives t;tll0 lnornlng ,ngeftd of 7 aiomlnlo, stopped off on her return Chairs nnd tables -which wore ta homo horo Monday to visit nor son, j booed under tho old law nro contc- Coronor A. E, Kellogg who has ben i nnncod under tto now. confined to hla homo with nn attnek Tho $1000 Hconso for retailers HINTS FROM Long LA MODE Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. $ Foundry and Machinist All V'r.' of Engines, Spraying Outfit?, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- 1 . . . . m m. t cninery. agents in oouinern uregon lor r FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. t Dii- In Case of vSicRness IMIO'NE 3 04 1 -r- MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Poat OWioo All Might Sorvico Froe Dolivory . - AboutiReturnlna Library Books. Tho librarian -ffishoB. to roquost tho patrons of tlio library to roturn books only during rogulnr library liours. Much inconvonionco lias boon oconsionad lately boonuso books nro roturned out of regular library liours, Sovornl books Imvo boon found on tlio book sholvos or dosks loft by tlioso who do not nc oominodnto tbomsolvos to tlio lib rary scbodiilu. Through suoh onro lossnoss tho bookB may bo lost or iujurod, nnd ofton tho patron is not givon credit for having returned liis book, fis it was not dono in tho reg ular way, of ln'grlppo for sovornl days past. Miss Dolorls Kelscy who wn; so dangerously 111 last week Is very much improved and on a fair load to rocovory. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John V. Eddlui'ton in Sams Vulloy Jantinry 1, u son. Mr. nnd Mrs, M. T. Hownrd of Rico Lako, Wis., parents of Mrs, Rex II. Lampmnn of tho Nowu, arrived horo 'Monday on nn oxtondod visit and with a vlow to settling horo. Mr. Howard is president of tho Citizens bank of Rico Lako and n largo prop erty owner lu thnt vicinity. Ho sold his splondld homo property boforo ho loft so our readers may boo that tho mini from Wisconsin meant business boforo hp loft and know Cold Hill was on tho map. Many others from tho snino district nro following Mr. Howard to Gold Hill In tho early spring. nnd $500 for wholesalers remains tho samo. License Is bowovor given for $500 n year to sell beer and soft drinks only. CANADIAN CUSTOM HOUSE TO BE SHAKEN UP WINNIPEG, Jan. 18. Canadian govommont dotootives who linvo beon investigating alleged irregularities in tho customs offices bore and nt points along tlio bonndnry lino, ro portod today that many valuablo au tomobiles from tho Unitod Stntos, como in on under valuation, and that tlioir ownors nro compollod to pay tho difforonco on doninnd of cortniii doteotivos. H0FER RESISTS AUTO FINE AND. WINS CASE SALEM, Or., Jan. 18. E. Ilofer, editor of tho Salem Capital Journal, was ncftuittcd this morning in tlio justico court of tho chnrgo of opor atincr nn nutomobilo without n state liceiiPo. At the timp ITofor wns nr- rostod n voting contest wns being carried on in pnper, and tho un licensed nutomobilo was among the prizes to bo given nwny. Tho con tention of Ilofor's counsel thnt tho mnchlno did not actually bolong to tho pnpor was agreed to by tlio jury today, nnd the presumption loft is that tho uiiinufnoturors are tho only persons liable. ' Watch tho Classified Page. MINE REOPENS WITH NONUNION LABORERS DEADW00D, S. D Jan, 18. Af tor a wool: of idloness following a shutdown in which 3000 union min ors censed work, tho IToniestond iniuo oponod today with nonunion miners in tlio workings. It is ostimnted thnt two days will bo tnkon up in filling ii tho oro bins nid that tho stnmp mill will start crushing rock noxt Tuesday. jijta Fur Coats In the Season's play of Pelts. Long seal mustiuash coats, scmlflttlng in frout and almost tight in the hack, are very smart when trimmed with deep bauds of skuuk fur at the bot tom of the 6kirt. The same fur also makes the wide rolling collar and deep cuffs. A large muff of the musquash accompanies the coat, trimmed with a slashing big bow of Dresden silk, which material lines the coat. Muffs this year are as long as the pocketbook will allow, and they aro elaborately trimmed with animal heads and tails and. with wide ribbons and chiffon. Silk covered cord Is a trimming that makes a gown look Individual and Is thicker than what is known as rat tall. Oval buttons covered with the gown material are used on some of the smart tailored suits of serge and tweed. Amethyst, both In gowns and bats, PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 WANTED Timber and. Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. 3. H Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackouxi oounty Bank Upstairs GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Oro. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN A YOKE BKIItT. is a favorite shade this season. Every variation of the yoke skirt is In stylo just now. The model seen in tho cut is simple nud generally becoming. The skirt portion Is straight nud conse quently can bo used for bordered ma terials. Ono of tho pretty and fash ionable wool plaids makes tho skirt Illustrated. JUDIO CUOLLET. This May Manton pattern Is cut In flic from 22 to 30 Indies waist moasur. Eetul 10 cents to this otHco. giving num ber, and It will be promptly for warded to you by mall. If In hasto send an mUUtlonal two cent stump for letter postage, which Insures more prompt delivery. Watch tho Classified Pngo, BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE SEE. JS FIRST When in need of Electric Wiring, or Fixtures, and save monoy by get ting best workmanship. Dynamo Repairing a specialty. FtYNN BROS. MEDFOFHVS PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. . 13? WEST MAIN STREET. 1 MP ill