V Bod City Hnlf United I'in ANNoelatloii, Full l'iiKctt WIki l((iMirt Tim only jinimr In tho world imiIiIIhIukI In a city tliu "ilio of Modford having a lennml wlro, Medford Mail Tribune THE WKATIIKK. Ton (glit and Wednesday Clotdy. Monday High 51, low 3C, rnngo 44. FOURTH Y11AR. M FflWORn ORKOON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 18. 1910. No. 259. POSTOFFICE IV1AKE8 BIG Nearly 3,000,000 Pieces of Mall Matter, or Over 7000 a Day, Were Handled During tho Past Year Great Strides Are Made Twclvo Employes at Work. Two million, riln hundred mid nevonty-two thminnd, four hundred r.ml twi'iity-nlno pieces of mntl mot tcr wore handled In tho local pontof f Ico. nn nvtrag of 7322 each of tho 3fi5 ilnys, nccordlng to it detailed re jiort JiihI compiled by Arnilntant Post innstor ltnlph Woodford. This In tho flrttt year that nuoli n report htm been wnpilcri ho Hint u rompnrloon with n previous year In litipoimlblo. However It inny ho re membered thnt In 1890 twenty ycnr ngo nn old soap box'wlth nix roinpnrtmcnta wore deemed sufficient to hnndlo tho Incoming nnd outgo Ing mnll. Mnuoy Clnlor UuIhcm, During tho year 11,134 domemlr nnd 237 foreign money order woro United nnd (5,51 1 domestic nnd 4 4 foreign ordorn woro paid, mnklnp tho totnl number of trnnntttonn nt tho money order window 17,120 or 49 ench dny, Including Sundnyn nnd hol idays. Tho totnl nmotint of money rccolvod for ordera. domestic nnd foreign- wns I91.01S.13. Tho totnl amount pnltl for orders wns $84,152. 9C, tho n inn lint nent out being In ox n totnl of plocu. recelvd 1,272,420. The totnl amount of money panning fOoiitlnuwl on page B.) S WHISLER Writes Professor O'Gara That Ho Is Meeting With Success In Fighting La Fean Bill Now Before Congress Meets With Commis sion Men In Norfolk, V a Still In Washington Thnt bo is making headway nnd is very hopoful of defeating tho La Fonn npplo bill now pending before congress, is tho word sent buck by C. K. Whisler to Professor P. J. O'Gnni regarding his efforts in Washington to defeat tho bill. Mr. Whislor 1ms boon in Washington' noma tiufo us tho representative of tho Rogue Rivm Vnlloy fruitgrowers. Mr. Whislor's Jottor is dntcd Jnn- nnrv 12 mid at thnt time bo was in' DEL NORTE HAS A REAL LIVE SCANDAL Assessor Files Affidavit Charging Judge and Others With Con spiracy to Defraud County. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 18. Judgo John S, Cbilds, of tho su potior court in Dol ttorto county, with otlior Del Norto offioinls, is charged in an affidavit filod lioro today by Assessor W. F. Malono of Dol Norto with conspiracy to do fraud. Tho otbor aoousod officials aro District Attornoy Qoorgo W. IIowo, Auditor N. C. MoVny nnd Treasurer W. D. Rico. In addition to tho allegations of conspiracy, Malono claims that Judgo Cbilds rondorod a fraudulout judgment in favor of J. P. Bnrnoy in a suit in which Mnlono ondoavorod to t provont tho pnymont of witness foos. Malono further allogos that tho mou whom ho noousoH bavo Uiroutonod him with grand jury investigation. Tho alleged conspiracy roforrod to by Cbilds is dosaribod as nn attompt on tho pnrt of tho officials bo uamos to pay an illogal claim for witnoss feos filod by Carney, ROLL NEARS THE 200 MARK Revised Circulars Sent Out to Mem tiers rof Club, Giving Names of Thoso Wiio Should be Members of Club Campaign Is Now at Its Height. Tho lint of now members of tlio Medford Commercinl club is growing dully nnd nt present Homo 200 have put in tlioir iinnies who heretofore havo not been mcmbors. Tho total list in nround tho 500 mark, but tho committee Iiuh decided on bnving no less than 000 on tho night of tho high jinks, January 25. Tho campaign is fnirly under way now nnd much interest is being dis plnycd. On overy corner rcsidontH of the city nro being buttonholed nnd urged to jjoiu. Roviricd listB linro been prepared of tlioBo who should become mem bers, and n fresh start taken to round thorn up. Let it be said to .Medford's credit thnt nearly nil of her citizens who own property arc on bor "Roll of Honor." This year promises to bo tho best in tho club's history. HOUSE ADOPTS CONFERENCE REPORT ON CONTROV.ERSY WASINGTON, Jan. 18. Tho house today voted unanimously to adopt tho conferonco report of tl-o Uniting-er-l'lnchot resolution. Norfolk, Vn., attending n mooting of tho National League of Commission Morchnntfl. Ho expected to loavo tho following dny on bis return to Washington. In regard to tho La Fonn bill, Mr. Whislor says: "I am now beginning to mnko sub Htnnlial headway on tho La Fonn bill nnd am most hopoful ns to tho ulti mate result." E PAYS ELECTION BET Buys Congressman McKlnley of Cal ifornia a $100 Suit of Clothes to Pay a Bet. WASHINGTON, Jnn. . 18. Con grossipnn Duncnn McKlnlny of Cali fornia, In addition to n happy siullo, today Is wearing a now $100 suit of clothes paid for by Sonntor Dourno. Tho sonntor hoforo tho nomination of Tnft wnB a strong Roosovolt mnn. In a discussion with McKlnlny rtourno rnshly mado a hot of n suit of clothes that Hoosovolt would bo nomlnntod. Tho California roprosontattvo took up tho wngor nnd then forgot about it. Rocontly Dourno mo t McKlnlny and tho hot was rocalled to his mind. McKlnlny rofuscd at firsts to regard tho wngor with sorlouBnoss until Dourno remarked: "I am a man who pnya my hots," thou MoKlnlny coiiBontod to mons uromont by a loading Washington tailor. ' It you haven't Joined tho commer cial club, now lo tho tlmo. Llvo, ac- tlvo mombors aro noodod to aid In bringing Medford to tho front. MINI! HEADWAY Ladies' Furnishin To tho Public: acted by us during the past 90 days has, b'een , fully 60 per cent greater than during the same period of the proceeding year. - , .. , The bulk of this substantial.' increase can be traced directly to the advertis ing columns of THE MEDF.ORD MAIL TRIBUNE. W. H. MEEKER & Co. "s -' TARPLEY ON LEWIS IS SLATED TO HEAD MINERS Fifteen Hundred Delegates Gather in Indianapolis to Discuss Impor tant Business to Come Before Convention. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jnn. IS. Fifteen hundred miners representing great coal districts throughout tho United States met hero today in tho annual convontlon of tho United MIno WorkorB of America. Although Bovernl important ques tions fnco tho convontlon. a greater part o ftho day wns spent In organi zation of committees. Llttlo Import ant business wns transacted.. Tho dolegntes woro welcomed to tho state and city by Govornor Marshal and tho mayor of Indlanoplls. Appropri ato responses wcro mado by leading delegates. Tomorrow Is set ns tho tlmo for tho roporfof tho tollers on tho re sult of tho vote for national ofticors of tho organization. It is regarded ns a certaluty that Thomaa Lowls has been ro-olcctod as prosldont. Lewis Speaks. Prosldont Lowls of tho United MIno Workers of Amorlca In his an nual roport today doclarod that strikos as a moasuro of strengthen ing organized labor havo boon prov ed a failure. Ho urged that thoy bo resorted to ouly la extromo casos. Lowls pralsod tho Joint conforonco methods of negotiating wngo scales, nnd advocated tl6 creation of dis tricts In which uniform wages Bhall provntl. Ono of thoso districts ho atatod should lncludo Colorado, Mon tana, Wyoming, Utah and Washing ton, whllo Canada should bo permit ted to carry on its own negotiations, without dictation or Intorforonco on tho part of tho mlno workors. Prosldont Lowls condomnod In junctions aimed to hnmpor uhjon men nnd union oporntors. Ho aUo advocated a govornmont bureau of mines to donl with tho growing prob loma of tl)o mining lntoroots of tho country. GILLETTE MAY YET GO INTO RACE FOR OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., aJn. 18, Govornor Glllotto today positively do nlod a Btory in circulation to tho of foct that ho had docidod not to ho a candldato to succood hlmsolf as gov ernor. 231 East Main Street Medford, Ore. Jan. 18, 19 io Tho voluimne of business trans STAND IN HERMANN EA WOULD I K ALL III COMMON BAND And Show That Hermann Was Fully Awake to Fact That Immense Conspiracy to Defraud Government. DftDM.ivn n- 1m.i -lo-n-J W. Tarploy, one of tho string of wit- nessos that are expected to link Bingor Hermann with tho alleged conspirncy to creato tho Blue Moun - inn fnrnat. rosnrvn fnr thn lirivntn :.. -P.t ..:.. tho stand by Prosecutor Henev to - jny Tarnlov mado a start at his storv this mominc over tho objection of Colonel A. S. Wortkineton. and this uftornoon bo wUl continue his tcsti-, rcad ,our esteomed favor of Jan mony. Ho is telling tho story of how ' uar' 12th tendering your resigna ho and Horaco G. McKinloy scoured ' tlon aa circalt idgo of tho first Ju- ndvanco information regarding tho creation of tho Blue Mouulain re-)11 ,s always a matter of rccrot with servo through Morritt Ormsby, son mc T,'ll0n an ottlccr who has, for a of tho forest superintendent ; how lon6 Period 0f years, served his stato thoy purchased 17,000 acres of w,th 'Welity and has, continuously school land ahead of George Sorcn-, during all of that sorvlco, performed son, representative of F. P. Mays"tno duties of his office without fear and W. N. Joucs, and how Mays de-'or mnnded ono-half of the laud bought, tolling Tarploy that tho nroceods from tho lands wore needed to "pay tho pooplo in Washington." It is expected that Tarpley will be succeeded on tho stand by McKinloy nud borenson, all of whom havo sim ilar talcs to relate. A. F. Flcgiil, an attornoy of Port laud, was the first witnoss of tho morning. SAYS MACHINISTS WILL NOT WALK OUT MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. IS. Third Vice-Prosidont Slndo of tho Northorn Pncifio today completed n toll of tho machinists in tho employ of tho railroad and announced thuti 00 por cent of them would rofuso'sorvnnt you havo boen callod upon to to striko in sympathy with switch men, ovon if ordored out by their na tional body. Prosidonl Van Lear of tho north west district of tho machinists puts littlo faith in tho nttitudo of tho mou as shown by Slado's poll. Ho de clared today that an order to strike would bo hooded' immedintely. Dry Goods BENSON PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO HAU In Replying to Judge's. Letter of Res i Ignatlon, Governor Thanks Him for Long Services Upon Judicial Bench. In replying to Judgo H. K. Hanna's letter of recignation, Governor Frank vv. uenson iook occasion to pay a very high tribute to tho retiring of- ! f lclal xho COTernor saya. . I "State of Oregon, Executive De- !l)artment' Salem, January 13. 1910 Hon. H. K. Hanna, Circuit Judgo, FIrst Judical District, Grants Pass, 0recon. "My Dear Judge: I havo careful- aicini aistnct oi tuo state or Oregon iavor 8acu oniy ny tno wisn to faithfully carry out tho duties of his trust contemplates his voluntary ro- tlrement. Knowing you asl havo dur- Ing our closo relationship, extending over a Period of twonty-fivo years, and having, during that tlmo. boon permitted to know you, both as such officer and as a man. tho fact that you aro now voluntarily surrendering that trust, adds greatly to tho gonor al feeling of regret I alwaya onttor taln in such cases. "Almostcontlnuously for twenty four years you havo filled tho offlco of circuit judgo of tho first judicial district. Tlmo and tlmo again tho pooplo of your district, irrospoctivo of party politics, havo ondorsod your work nnd place' upon It, that which I know you regard now, In your de clining years, 8 tho greatest recom ponoo that you havo rccolvod, and thnt is, thoir approval of work woll dono. "During your careor ns a public oxorclso tho dutlos of your offlco in ensos that woro of tho grentost im portant to tho litigants appearing boforo you. During such r. careor as this, It cortalnly appeals to mo that had thoro boon anything connected with it that could havo boon shown that you woro not faithfully dls (Continued on pago 6.) LIBERALS N LEAD AT Unless Conservatives Take Decided Brace They Will Lose Power In Parliament Liquor Interests In Ireland Threaten to' Withdraw from Irish Nationalist Party. LONDON Jan. 18. Unices the Conservatives take a decided brace during the remaining days of the na tional parliamentary elections it Is perllctcd today the Llebrals and La- borltes will be able to control the next parliament without the aid of the Irish Nationalists. Estimates based upon the solid Liberal representation usually re turned from Scotland and Wales place the total Conservative gain at but eighty seats. As tho Laborites are making slight gains, the Liber als may be able to lose ninety seats without losing control of the parlia ment. Forty-two constituents navlng a parliamentary representation of for-ty-ix members aro voting today. Winston- Churchill and "Tay Pay O'Connon are among tho candidates whoso fate is being decided. "Honest John" Burns, president of the local board, Is receiving the congregatnlatlons of his friends to day over tho battle for re-olectlon he waged In Battersea. He defeated A. Shirley Denn, a Unionist, by more than 500 votes, more than double (Continued on pacoS.) 11(1 POLLS WML ERS Orders Supremo Court to Look Int o Execution of Cannon andGroc$ Tells Court to Prevent Miscarriage of Justice Jn Shoot- V ing of Citizens of United States. MANGUA, Nicaragua, Jan. 18. The supreme court of Nicaragua to- today received a message from Presi dent Madrlz, demanding the trial of officers and officials Involved in the execution of Groco an'l Cannon, two Americans. President Madrlz declares that the shooting of the Americans appears to havo been unwarranted and that the court should sufficiently satisfy it self as to who aro responsible for a EE IN MEDFORD T Members of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce and Walla Walla Clubs to Be Welcomed. Tho third annual excursion of Spokane and Walla Walla, Wash., boosters to California will arrive at Medford Wednesday in their special train about noon. Tho excursionists will bo greeted by members of tho Medford Com mercial club, who will present them with somo Iioguo River apples bo that thoy may form an idea of what real fruit tastes like. Tho train loft Spokane on the evening of January 17, and is duo lore about 12 o'clock Weunosday. Minister Turns Murderer, OXFORD, Miss., Jan. 18. Wrought into an insano frenzy be causo of obsossion that his crusade against sin bad boen a failure, tho Rov. Jamos Owens, a Scotch Baptist ministor shot and lulled his wife and bor sistor, Sarah McAuley, fatally wounding Will J. Vnughan and then committed suicido, Vaughan was in a critionl condi tion and tho doctors hold out little tope of his rocovory. HIPPING IS DAMAGED SOUND Sixty-Mile Gale Menaces All Ship ping Near Seattle Frame House Blown Down Gale Subsides S&mcwhat Today Men Injured by Shower of Glass from Windew., SEATTLE, Wash., .Ian. 18. With a C0-mile-nnrkour gale blowing and seas running mountain high, one of tho worst storms of tho winter pro- Tailed along tho Washington and British Columbia coasts jost night, menacing shipping and making the operation of small craft almost im possible. The velocity of tho, wine had diminished to some extent today, but the sea is still rough and sound steamers are generally behind their schedules. Little damage was done in this harbor. Two men were painfully injured shortly before noon today when a big plate glas3 window at tho Pa cific Tobacco company's store near the public market blew in. The men. were showered with fine particles of glass and wero badly cat about the- handd. A frame house on Seventieth street which had just been complet ed, wns blown down during the, night V J -'- ff 11- i .1 The oSuthern Pacific, ta construct ing a new sidewalk on West Jackson street across their right of vray. Elec tric light voles aro also being placed. INVESTfGATIOH miscarriage of justico. I Whether the prosecuting attorney, Sllva, will be Involved is not known. It is certain, however, that General Medina under whoso immcdlato di rection the executions took place, will endeavor to Justify himself as & ( mtltary officer acting under orders- from President zelaya. Tneso oraenr it Is said, Medina still rotalns and will use them to shift the blame ot tho afafir to the former president. POISONED ENTIRE FAMILYJDR ESTATE Authorities Investigating Sudden Death of Wealthy Farmer In Toxas. DALLAS, Tor., Jan. 18. Beliov ing that an attempt to poison a wholo family ba3 been mado, au thorities today aro investigating- the death of L. Alexander, a wealthy farmer, who lived near Dublin. Alexander and throo membors o his family wero poisoned by drink ing coffee. Alexander dipd suddenly, whilo tho other victims nro boliovod to bo dying. Tho theory of tho polica is that the Alexanders wero poisonod by someone anxious to got thoir es tate. ICE GORGE TEARS LOOSE AND DOES MUCH DAMAGE EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 18. With a roar that was hen! for miles an lmmonso lco gorgo that cxtondod for six mllos along Wolf creek at Leavenworth, Ind., broko today and ground its way toward the Ohio- dr ier, i )