G mma "nPTYiiYYT?'n "M att wpiTmxrro ArmrvHwivn m:innrvT mrrnuonAv tavitauv 10 mm i THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK lly GASTON IiKHOUX, Author of "Tho Mystery of tho Yellow Kooni." Copyright, 10, by Itretnno'a CHAPTER X. His Atfony From ttie Pcrftitnc of the Lady In Black. torment for eight days!" We followed lilin with our eyes to tho door of the square tower. We , could pee from his looks that he could endure no more. Well, M. lhirwu 11 little nftcr this pvo mo cause to e.pe rlence the most frightful thrill of ter ror which could frecso human bones. Dnraic went straight to the square tower, whore, of course, ho found ller nlor, who opened tho door for him. ( As Hornier had been keeping constant guard before tho door of the room, as ho had kept the key In his pocket and ns wo had proved by our investigation . that the place was empty when wo I had left it we bad established tho fact i that when Darsnc entered his room there could be no one else there And ' this Is the truth. I At tho moment that wo saw Darzac go to his room wo heard n clock strike 5. i uj. iui urau uuiui nit iiuiu i iiuuicuioiuc nuu i rciuaiueu cuauiug ft I on waking nest morning. Mine, upon tho platform of tho tower B for I I Kdlth ws wulktfig in the court. another hour. Suddenly my friend I At, l I.. . .1( 1.. .-i.t, T . . I ..-I. . .. - tt,1. - . I. . l I OILUW UiU U MtMU Hip Uil IUV B1JUUI der and exclaimed, "For my part I think" And then, without complet ing tho sentence, he started for the saw on his way to make his Inspection square tower. I followed him. of the square tower. I found him lie thought of Mere Bernlers bag of qutto calm and entirely master of him potatoes which he emptied out on the self and also entirely the master of white floor of tho room to the great I bis eyes. It was worth while to boo , amarcmont of the good woman; then, I tho manner In which ho looked at ev-' satisfied with this act, which evidently erythlng around him! Nothing cs-! corresponded to the Btate of his mind, , caped him. And the square tower, he returned with me, while behind us , the nbodo of the Lady in Black, was w could hear Tore Bernlcr laughing ! the object of his constant surveillance. as u picked up the potatoes. When M. and Mmo. Darzac were not t As we reached tho court wo saw tho in their apartment, tho only key which ; 'aco ' Mme. Darzac appearing for a opened the door was in tho keeping of ', moment at the window of the room oc the Bonders, and It was a special kind cupicd by her father on tho first story of key made purjosely for tho room j ' 'a Louve. within tho last twenty-four hours in a i The heat had become Insupportable. . place which no one but Rouletabillo ! We were threatened with a violent knew. He had let no one into tho ) storm, and we believed that it would -secret. 1 begin to lighten immediately and re PUT my head out of the window on waking nest morning. Mine. Kdlth was wulklfig In the court, chatting carelessly with Houle- tabllle and twisting the stem of a beautiful rose between her pretty fin gers. I followed Rouletabillo, whom I Ho throw himself Into a chair ns If exhausted. "I cun't breathe!" ho moaned. Ho tore hU collar away from his throat. "Water!" he entreated. "1 want the water from the heaveua! I must have It!" And he waved his hands toward the dark skies. lr ten minutes ho remained stretch ed out In tho chair, thinking. What surprised me was that ho naked no question or uttered no conjecture as to what the Lndy In Black had boon i seeking In my room. I would not have ! known how to answer If he had done i on t Imit-ttt lt. rti unit tviittt tt I take the guard at the postern. lie would not even come In to din ner and sent word to have some simp brought out to him. The dinner va sorved In la Louve at Sirto. imr-a who cntue to the table from Old l workroom, said that the latter re'n.' to dlno also. Mine. Kdlth. fearlnr t her uncle might be III. went lmi' ! ntely to the round tower. Tho Lndy In Black came In on nrm of her father. Sho ent on look of sorrowful reproach vhtis'i i 1 turbed me Krcntly, Her oyo Mv:r.u never to wander from iijo (To be oouhnucnl.) Savoy Theatre TONIGHT A LIVE CORPSE (A Tioklor) THE EMIGRANT TRAIN (A Woslorn Thriilor) CORSICAN HOSPITALITY (Educational) Doors Open 7 P. M. ONE DIME. I ANNOUNCEMENT Tho lioguo Itivor Cunning & luvniwratiiig company will tlovoto Mondays itnd 'L'liursduya of oaoh weak to eiintoin work in tho innn ufneturo of older, npplo liutror and Jellies, Phono your ordors for nico awoot eider to J 1X2. Dolivorloa will bo tnndo on Tuosduys and Kridn.YH nf each week. ROGUE RIVER CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mill In West Medford. Phono 11X2. THE ROGUE RIVER LANB COMPANY NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers au especially good foothill orchard for a low prico and on good tonus. In these days of advancing prices, it will pay to look into this. It pays to deal with tho 44 Man Who Knows." Whon tho Koguo River Land Company sold tho Tronson & Guthrie orchard at Eagle Point to tho prteo winning owners, four years ago, tho salesman, W. M. Holmes, assured tho purchasers those Spitnonborgtroos would produce tho world's best apples, and Bubsotjuont ovonts prove tho soundness of his judgment. By tho ways Did it ever occur to you that most of tho men who havo won out in tho Rogue River Valloy, bought their win ning orchards through the Rogue River Land Company1? f f lift .1 LWIIUVOy I tl I VI IE) (UMtTQ 4b UlU QUI 1 llU H for a good buy. 1 I SHOT BY ROBBER RouletablUo wished that tho -watch ! Heve us. Berkeley Officer Probably Fatally Wounded While Stopping Saloon Holdup in tho Early Morn. might bo kept also upon tho rooma i A few drops of water had begun to of Old Bob. but the latter swore that fall. lie "would not be treated like a pria-! Wc turned to tho door of M. Darzac's ; oner, and he said that on no account . room. Bernler was smoking his pipe would he glvo up the privilege of go-, in tho corridor, sitting astride a chair, ing and coming to his own rooms when I "Is M. Darzac still there?" asked he saw flt without asking tho keys , Rouletabillo. from tho lodge keepers. "He hasn't stirred slnco ho went In," Mme. Edith had said, with her lips Bernlcr replied, pressed together In a narrow little ! Wo knocked. Wa heard tho heavy line, "But M. Rouletabllle, my uncle bolt drawn from the Inside. (These to carry him away!" 1 within the room.) to tho ItoosovoU hospital, whoro Rouletabllle. after asking after the Darzac was writing letters when we , t anounceu an opcrauon woum BERKELEY, Cal., Jan. 13. Dop uty Sheriff Audrow W. Llndqulst was shot and perhaps fatally wounded by n masked man who attempted to hold up tho saloon of Albort Mooro near tho Contra Costa .vjunty lino, north ' of this city oarly yesterday. Llndqulst was wounded In tho shoulder and another bullot penetrat ed tho walls of his stomach. He was , health of Mere Bernlcr, who was gath- entered. He had been seated beside crlng up potatoes and putting them In j a little reading table facing the door, a bag, requested Pere Bernler to open Now mark well all our movements, the door of the Darzaca' room. j Rouletabllle complained that the let- This was the first time that I had ter which he held In bis band con- entered the apartment The atmos phere was almost freezing. The large firmed the telegram which he had re ceived in the morning and pressed him room, furnished wfth simplicity, con- i to return to I'aris. His paper Insisted bo necessary to save ls llfo. Tho officer was stan 'Ing at tho bar In tho saloon talking with Moor" when tho highwayman x. itorcd. Lev elling a revolver at each nan, he or dered them to hold up thOr hands. , Llnqucst swung tho heavy iimbrol- tained a bed and a toilet table placed j upon his proceeding at once to Russia, la ho carried striking Uio thug on tho at one of tho two openings in tho wall around which there bad formerly been loopholes. The two windows wero fit ted with bars of Iron between which one could scarcely pass one's arm. Op posite in the angle of the tower was a panel. It would have been Impossible for any one to bldo In this chamber un less behind this panel And the Bonders liud received orders to look every tlmo Darzac read indifferently the two or ! head. Tho man then fired twice at three letters which we had brought him and put them In his pocket 1 now held out to Rouletabllle a letter which I had received. It was from my friend in Paris, who, after having given me some Important details re garding tho departure of BrlgnoUcs. Informed me that tho latter had left his address for mall to be forwarded the officer, and escaped through n j rear door. Efforts of tho police toj find him mot with no success. I they visited the room both behind the ! to Sospe), tho Hotel des Alps. This panel and la the closet where Darzac. fetifcg Lis cfothes". rTv'hen we passed into the sleeping yjropHJ of Mme. Darzac we wero abso- waa extremely Interesting, aud Darzac and Rouletabillo were greatly excited over it We decided to go to Sospel as soon as It could be arranged, and tejy pertain that we had left noth- j we went out of the room. The door Vahlnd tin nf which we did not ing k Un'5V' --v:'s .room was smaller ,Mm?; DV nf husband. But than than that of u. , ht , fr it was bright and weU -hJJ the way that Uie windows d. As soon as wo set foot over - - threshold I saw Roulotabille turn pale. and he turned to me and said: Salnclalr, do you perceive the per fume of the Lady In Black?" I did not I perceived nothing at all Roulotabille. after having looked -under the bed. gave the signal for de parture and motioned us from the room. Ho lingered for a moment, but no longer. Bernlcr locked tho dooi with the tiny key, which ho put In his Inside pocket and tightly buttoned his coat over it Wo made the tour of the corridors and also that of Old Bob's apartment which consisted of a bedroom and sitting room, as easy to examine and as incapable of hiding any one as those of the Darzacs. Iu short and In fact nothing es caped Roulotabille, and when wo had made the rounds of the square tower we bad loft no one behind us save M. and Mme. Bernler. One would havo eald, too, that there could havo 'been no human being In the apartment of tho Darzaca before Bernler, a few min utes later, opened the door to Dar zac himself, as 1 am now about to re late. It was almost 5 o'clock when, leav ing Bernler In bis corridor in front of the door of tho Darzacs' room, Roule tabllle and myself found ourselves nguln in the court. At that moment wo climbed to tho platform of the ancient tower at B. We seated ourselves upon the parapet At that moment wo noticed upon tho gc of the Barma Grande the dis turbed and wrathful countenance of Old Bob. Ills shadow was tho only dark thing about By what prodigious anachroulsm It was that this modern scholar with bis cout und hat In the height of fashion should be moving about, grotesque and ghoulish, in front of this cavern 300,000 years old formed by the ardent lava to serve as tho first roof for the first family in the first days of the world! We could soo him brandishing his skull as ho had dono at tho table, and wo could hear him laugh, laugh, laugh. It toro our ears aud our hearts. Our attention was drawn to Darzac, who was coming through tho postern of tho gardener. He did not see us, Ho was not laughing! Rouletabillo felt tho deepest pity for him, for be saw that ho was at tho end of bis endur ance In the afternoon ho had said to my friend, who now repeated the words to me: "Eight days Is too much! I do not. bclleye that I can bear this of Mme, Darzac's sleeping room was not closed. I have mentioned that Mme. Darzac was not In her own room. Then the three of us went out of tbo square tower, leaving Pere Bernler In his corridor like tho good. .lYfltChdoff ;Uat he never ceased to be until tho last ii?. ot Ms Me lt Tvna About half past 0 o'clock when, In emerging from tbo square tower, vre went to pay a visit to Old Bob In the round tower, Rouletabllle, Darzac and I. As soon as wc entered the low basement Darzaci uttered an exclamation of surprise at seeing the destruction jvhlch had been wrought upon a wash drawing upon which be had been working and which repre sented the plan for a great scaling ladder for the Fort of Hercules qt the kind which had existed in the fifteenth century. This drawing had been gash ed with a knife and paint bad been smeared over It Ho endeavored in vain to obtain some explanation from Old Bob. As Old Bob seemed to be in a churl ish humor, we left him that Is, Roule tabillo and myself did. M, Darzac re mained gazing at his spoiled drawing, but thinking, doubtless, of altogether different things. As we went out we raised our eyes to tbo sky, which was rapidly becom ing covered with great black clonds. Tbo tempest was near at hand. "I am going to He down In ray room," I said. "I can't stand any moro of this. Perhaps It may bo cooler there with all the windows open." Rouletabillo followed mo Into the new castle. Suddenly, as we reached the first landing of our -winding stair- ase. ho stopped me: "Ah," belaid in a low'volce, "she is there the 'Lady id Black! Can't ypu smell the perfume?" And he hid himself behind a door, motioning mo to coutlnuo without wait ing for bim. What was my amazement in opening the door of my room to find myself face to face with Mathlldo! She uttered a low cry and disap peared in tbo shadow, gliding away like a surprised bird. Sho swept down the steps like a ghost Sho soon gained tho ground lloor, and I saw below me the face of Rouletabllle, who, leaning over tho rail of the first landing, looked at her too. Ho mounted the steps to my sldo. "Ob, my God!" bo cried, "What did I tell you!" He scorned to bo in the greatest agl tatlon, "This thing must bo ended Jn twenty four hours or I shall no longer have strength to act." It Is Running Out Baker's vs. Home Made Bread "We have home-made bread. Which would you rather eat, home-made or bakers' A foolish question to ask, for most people would be willing to pay twice the price for home-mado bread they pay for baker's, but you can buy tho good old-fashioned homo made bread at the Rex Grocery for the same price as baker's. Large, well browned loaves, both nourishing and palatable, and baked from the best flour iu tho city. "Yakima Best" Take a loaf home with you and be con vinced. Rex Grocery Co. There's a Reason Why the custom of the Rex Market is growing. The reason is worth in vestigating and a trial order will explain the reason. sRex Market Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3271 Is your subscription to this pa per running out? If so, don't you want to renew It and start the year right? A Cotliy Client. Miss lluyley told mo that Mr. Phlpps tbo .oculist told a gentleman, who told her, tbo following anecdote of tho lute DucheM of Devonshire: Mr. rhlpps was scut for to Chats worth to operate upon the duchess' eye. He stayed thero some tlmo and at parting received from tho duke a fee of 1,00). Jum before ho stepped Into his carrlago n inessao from the duchess brought him to her chamber. 81lo hoped tilts 4luko had done what was handsome by lf. Phlpps. Tho gontlcmnn protested: ' u "Yes, nud more than InlhilsOtno." "It Is nu awful Ihlng," continued her grace, "l ask, but 'really I am at this moment In Immediate want of such a sum, and If you could, Mr. Philips." What ci uld the mullst do? llo pro duced his 11,000. took his lenvo and never htnni of Ills money from that 'day to thli.-l'"rom "Recollections of u Long Life." by Lord Iiroughtou (John Cam Holiliousc). Name to Fit tho Trade. Old newspapers glvo us many In stances of men's names fitting their callings. Thus we havo Last, a shoe maker of Cxctcr, and Tread way, wbo plied tbo same trade In Hammer smith. There wns a Hrlsto! school mnstcr named Rod. Dodgo aud Wynne, attorneys at law of Liverpool, must have been tho butts of their fellow townsmen, wbllo fow could have a more appropriate namo than the Primitive Methodist preacher Riv er Jordan. Loudon Chronicle. No Escape Via Temperament. "Mabel is getting past tbo marriage able ago, isn't sbeV" "Yes, and It's too bod sbo hasn't any talents." "Why?" "She won't bo ablo to tell her friends that temperament prompts her to glvo up matrimony and devote herself to nrt."-8t Louis Htar. A Foolish Queitlon. A reader of tho New York World writes to that paper to ask whether It is proper for. a young man to send candy to n girl whom ho has mot but once. What n question! Why, most young men begin handing n girl taffy bh soon as they uro Introduced to hen Washington Post Frills. Mrs. Crabshuw The now girl I havo said sho hud takeu a course in domes tic science, Mrs. Crawford Is sho dif ferent from the other girls you've bad? Mrs. Crabshaw Only in one way; she wanted $5 a mouth more. Lipplncott's. Shakotpeare'e House. Tho house iu which the master bard was born is located In Henley street, Stratford-on-Avon, England. Wash ington Irving said of this famous nbodo of genius: "It Is a small, mean looking cdlflco of wood and plnstor, a tmo nestling place of genius, which seems to delight in hatching its off spring In by-corners. Tbo walls of its squalid chambers are covered with names and Inscriptions in every lan guage by pilgrims of all nations, ranks and conditions, from tho priuco to tho peasant, und present a simple but striking Instance of the spontaneous and universal homage of mankind t. tho great poet of nature." Soveral years ago tbo bouse was purchased by subscription with a view to the careful preaorvatlon of It and of its contents for1 the Inspection of future generations. Tuning a Belt. No matter how great may bo tbo caro taken in making the mold, a bell has to be tuned before it will ring a clear, true note. Ah a matter of fncr, every bell sounds five notes, all of which must blend together harmo niously, if one is tbo least bit out tho tone 'will bo spoiled. Tho first of these notes is nroddcod by tho vibra tions at tho mouth of tho bell, tho sec ond by the vibrations a littlo higher up, tho third still higher up, and so on to the fifth, which is produced quite neitr the top. As tho character of the sound which rlngH dcpcids upon tho thlckneos of tho metal, it In possible, by tuklng thin shavings from various places iu Uho lnsldo of tho bell, to alter the lira noleu until they are all In harmony. You Can Sell Real Estate If You Can Advertise Real Estate! Tho problem in selling ronl en tnto is to find tho ONE ntnl tlioro'fl only ono porson to whom tho property would bo WORTH MAST. Somotimo, in tho course of a fow days, or of n fortnight, tho prospective buyer to whom YOUR property would ho worth most, will rend (ho ronl ontnto ndn in thin nowspnpor. IIo may read thom ovory day lie mny rend thom onco n weok. BUT HE READS TllPir you can bo euro of thnt, And YOURS MUST RE TIIERE WHEN ITE DOES. If it la, your problem is Bolvod. If it isn't, you'vo still got your problom and your property, Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled , A Trial will Convince You Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers Aluminium Du4. Aluminium dust or powder burns If oubjoctod to an cxeoedlngly high tem pera turo. "Yes, my husband and I quarrel In. The Barrier, ceosantlyt' "Why don't you tft a divorcer' "Wo can't bear to. What would be como of Fldfr'OHJTtaDd Leader, REAL ESTATE 7riK Lund Timber Land Orchard Land s? Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Dank Building