tvirw. "vrumTiVWr ir.A.rr. rnoiromTW lirTPTVEWon rmnnT mmi rrncn a tr t a Tn a t v 10 mm 5 o'DGlAL AND PERSONAL W. 11. Wobbor of Talent wiih in Bedford Thursday (in litiNiiiomi. Ilolmou, Iho iiiBuriuico man, I'lion ,7H1. 250 , C. 13, Collins spent WmlnoMilny at .IiIh iiiiuu on I'vaiirt uruolc. Tht! llulok "Whlto Htronk" In tho bunt ear ttiiiilit for tho money, ano Knghioor Hnwynr woh In Gold Hill on Iiiihiiiohh Wednesday, , Siupor sowing iimoIiIiioh for snlo nnd tor rout. J15C South Onkdulo. i'hnno M32. Mown ril b. Dudley Iiuh ruttirnotl front mi extended trip oiiHt on busl- IIUHM. - Wear K'ldd'd Shoos. Colonel Goorgo 1 Minis of Sovcu Onk wiih in Medford on IiubIiiohh Thursday. Who ilochii't sigh for a llulck? 380 'ChnrloH A. Mnlboouf of Portland spout Wednesday in Mod ford, Tho llulck ha given hotter snlls ' faction for llvorg nnd prlvnto uro than any motor enr In tho rnlloy. jVhIi tho owners. 300 W. H. Williams of Modford Hpotit '.Thursday in Grunts I'iihh, Wcnr Kidd's Shoes. J. A. Wostorlund has roturnod from n trip to Dourer, whnro lio won n prize over 21 competitors with aoino of his Yellow Newtown npplerf, Tho llulck In Iho auto bent adapted to tho wed of tho Itoguo rlvor vnl loy, combining light weight, high powor, upood, uml durability. 2C0 Henry C. Snvapo of Phoenix wiih a 'recent visitor in Modford. Wear Kidd'H Shoes. The Hrothorhood of tho M. E. church will givo n hauqiiot in the church parlors next Wednesday eve iiing, to which nil members and 'friend of the church aro invited, fiuppnr will ho Hiirvcd promptly at 7 o'clock, followed lv toasts. Tick old fiO cents each. Clot your tickets not later than Sunday and thou ho inssured of a font at the lalilo. Wear Kidd's Rimes. The IionIopxc for tho Swastika nrd party next Tuesday aro Mrs. M. Purdiit. Mrs. W. W. Harmon and Mm. Clam Mouldcn. nulck In tho king of tho auto world. 280 Minn Nellie Marlow of Woodburn, Or.. Jh here on a visit to Mrs. J. K. 8olisn. Minn' Marlow in a milliner nnd part of tho roaHon of her vIhH in to look over tho local situation with n view to Incntlnp pormanontlv. Wear Kidd's Shoes. Itm1 Ulrich of Jacksonville re- tuned from n business trip to Ash- la"l Thtirwdnv "lorning. You need a nulck. 280 T'tmer A. Hicks, Frank Wilson, Tronic Poole, Dr. C. II. Kay. IT. C, "filnddnrd. P. F. Hark, Pen Oarnott, J. Y. I.awlon, Willinm Mullcr, Law rence Orepnry. Harry H. Hicks and others spent Wednesday in Grants Tns nllondinp the Masonic cere TuonieH, What in life without n PnickT 280 nnrpe Sheriffs of Pnrre, Vt nr- rivc' in Mcdford Wednesday lo 'Upend tho summer. rM n Pnick. 280 O. W. Henderson of P.ucli was n Tccent vNilor in th'w citv. "Tolmes lias nothing to do hut write fire insurance. ' 2.r)0 S R. Pentr. of PnMc Falls is in Mcdford on business. Mr. Pent? is vnrv enlhtiHlnsttc over the fittunt of Hulle Falls nnd oxpeets with the coming of the railroad 'r, pcc mm em f nrocress in thnt town which will make it one of the host lwns in Southern Oregon. P J Rlrcels of Klnmnlh Fulls is in Afcdford on n business "isil. O. V. Thnmpsnn of flreonback, rnl.. is a Medford visitor. T3. h. Pinlns of Tjoland spent Wed nesday i" Medford on business. 0. A. Mnlbncnf, Renernl freight ticront for the Roufhern Pacific cm pnny, is in Medford. Mr. Mnlboouf, nfter Iho Ifillf, will booomo n porma uont resident of Medford, ih his res ImtoMon tnkes effect Hint dav, and be lins already decided to booomo n oill on of tho best oily in Orepon. laud Thompson of Fnplo Point "vns n Medford visitor Wednesday. Oeorpo P. Mima of tho Roven Oaks oroliard, roturnod homo Tliursdny norniiiL after a visit of several dnvs in .Modford. 1 HYou Need Any thing m SILVER WARE I have it. Martin J. Reddy Ths Jewler Mrs. Chrin Ivoepau of JaokHonvilln' was a Medford vlMltor TliurHilay. ' Uuii Mitchell of ,lai)l(Houvillo in in 1 Medford on ImihImohh. If you iinvur laiiph, doul attend ''A ' Hox of Monkeys," tho rourinp two-' nut oomudy piven by tho liipli hcIiooI Monlont Saturday, January "A Ilox of Monkoyu ' at the opera hoiiHo Balurday, January 22, t) p. m. J. C. Aitkon of Woodvillo was In Medford Tliursday. Mr. Ailken sayH that there wiih Hcarculy any wind at all nt Woodvillo Thursday mnrniuif, "probablv bocaiiHo llni oourMo of the Itopue Itivcr from Gold Hay down in so nrooked that tho wind is diMcour aped tryiii" to follow tho Htruain and hits the hlpli places." 13. M. Dav of Jacksonville wiih a Medford vimlor Thursday. Oeorpo M. Millor of Kupeno wiih in Modford on Wednesday en route to Ioh AiipoIoh to watch the airships fly. Mr. Miller Is a 'brother of Jnnquim Miller, tho poet of the Sierras, and i. of (ho Hamo nipped frame and inde pendent diapoHitlon as Joiupiin. In the early tnininp days of Alaska ho cnino near orontinp inteniatiounl complien (ions by pulliup down a Hritish flap ho didn't holiovo hnd a ripht to fly in that particular place and lioistinp tho Stars and Stripes iiiHtead, Inves tipation uhowod that Millor was cor rect. 13d Hanloy spent Wednesday in Medford on luminous. Colored poiitlcrnon without rofor- oncos will do well to kcop uwny from Modford until Chief Shearer or Homo other policeman picks up a negro who is wanted. Kvery "now coon m town" is closely investigated by tho chief. This morning ho picked up a sou of Ham who had just "blow in" with tho south wind, but ho wasn't tho follow ho wauled. However, in looking through his prisoner tho chief found n revolver, which ho confront ed and then gave tho colored brother a prossinp invitation to rofrnin from milking Medford his topping plnco.jTim O'Noil of Denver last night, and Invention ncceptcd nnd gun udded to ' jnck Bums, tho Snlinns. Cnl., heavy- inuuicipnl collection. GIRLS NAB BOLD BURGLAR IN SEATTLE Y. W. C. A. 81SATTLK, Wash., Jnn. 13. Tho city Jail contains Chostor Wolib, ngod 23, who Is pondering over tho great- vst mistnko of his life, which brought 1,1... t , iiin'iinwiiiuuin n chnrco of bnrnlary. Webb's error of judgmunt wns mndo last night when ho crawled through tho window of a room of tho Young Womn'a Chrlstlnn Asoclntton building and landd beforo tl.roo surprised but mus cular glrlH who forthwith prepared to administer chastisement to tho of fender and turnod him over to tho po lice. Tho young women, Clara Voss, An na Olilson nnd Mnrlo Tain bor, Intent upon tho study of somo Intricate problem of fomlnlno conntructlon did not notice tho Intruder until ho drop ped to tho floor of tholr room. Then things happened. When tho alleged burglar, Webb, ceased to strugglo ho found hlmsolf prostrate on tho floor vory much mussor up and Boroly bat tered by tho buslness-llko blows rain ed -r. him by tho exponents of fo- nit,. .it Jltsu. Wobb then took a In tho auto patrol. tttttt ttffft t t t niininrnn inniin -f t BUS Ob LJUAL3 : One-half h. p. motor, 1 20-qt. White Monntnin freezer, it lot of pspking cans, tubs, etc., for nalo. Inquire Lp in' conftotionorj'. otfl of stores would bo well nd voiti.iod if thoy wero only ndvortisod porsistontly instond of occnsionallv. If you want iumirunco thnt pnys 100 contH on tho dollar see Holmes, Iho insurance man. 250 'iho olnssifiod ads of tho Mail Tribuno nro suro monoy-gottors. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR S.A1.I5 Now h. 0. Smith typo wrltor '"r snlo cheap. Addross "D," caro this offlco. 200 FOlSALnOerFlTfamO mllos from Pacific & Eastern rail road! 1.500,000 nine and fir; 30 .w.rnm ii ii,.i,i,r,r . iirmvi,. per boro, Ore .250 Near Post Office FIRST NATIONAL'S j ANNUAL MEETING: ncflular Quarterly Dividend Declared and Old Officers Re-elected Without Chanyo Flattering Showing In Growth. Tho First Natlonat UnUnk hold Its annual mooting Tuesday, ro-oloctlnp tho old board nnd officers who liavo bou lu charKO of Its destinies slneo tho organization. Tho annual roport' row uud satur(liyf tt8 Jt b feared tho tho trl-color In tho International avl of President Crowoll showed a mostt Rrcal bittcnicaa shown throughout iatlon meeting at Los Angeles, Calif., fmttorlng and flourishing condition,! tj10 cnrnpuiKn may result in serious ! private citizens aro coming forward. tnu imiiK's aoposiis nnving incrcasoa from $302,147 a year ago to $593,700 ( with lu n year, a gnln of ovor $200,- 000, which reflects not only tho , growth of Modford hut tho growth of i xho violent breaking up of polit tho bank. lcnl mcctincs. which bocamo almost Tho First National has hnd a phe nomenal growth slnco Its organiza tion four yearn ago. Its policy undor Judgo Crowoll lias been ouo of wlso conservatism, nnd n careful and con-1 dies mndo it a point to attend all big ' At present Franco , with the hon Kclontlous outlook for tho wolfaro of assemblages, not for tho purpose of Jors won by her daring aeronauts, at- Its patrons. It now ranks among tho loading banks of Oregon, and lias re- cently Increased Its capital stock. f At Tuesday's mooting tho rogular i quartcrly dividend was declared, and tho following officers ro-olocted: W. 8. crowoll, proBiueni; i it., uonoi, vlco president out; O. W. Daun, vlco pros-. Ident; M. L. Alford, cashier, nnd Oris Crawford, assistant cash lor. JACK BURNS PUTS IT OVER O'NEIL OF DENVER OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 13. A hnrd punch nnd 30 pounds disadvan tage in wciuht nroved too much for weight, was given n decision over him in a ten-round bout at tho Oakland Wheelmen's club. Burns dropped O'Ncil in tho third round, nnd tho Donver boy took n count of cipht. Ho was on his feet npnin, howovor, nnd mnde a ro- markablo sliowinp npninst his licnuer opponent durinp the rest of tho fipht. I .". V . . , , ,. j maiiaped lo Keep nis nenu nna npni . bis way out or tipht places, tuuio Smith refcrced. Frnnkio Edwards, who was to go ton rounds with Johnnio McCarthy, wns unable to nppoar on account of nn injurod hand sustained during trnininp. Joff Porry wns substitut ed and fought McCarthy to n draw. Tho preliminary was tame. BUYS AFTER A'THOROUGH INVESTIGATION OF VALLEY After spending sovornl weeks in ex amining tho Roguo rlvor valoy with a vlow to securing a lnrgo block of Hiiltnliln Intnl. Itonl. C. Sheldon of Minneapolis, this week closed a deal Ilmt wnuw ly in his I urtiss bi (or tho purchaso of 240 acres of land ',ln" ,ms nftctrnoon. Hamilton has lying two nillua northeast of Talont from E. X. Campbell, paying therefor $7.0QO. Tho property was part of tho Jos hua Patterson property and was pur chased by Mr, Campboll a yoar or more ago. Tho tract comprises somo 200 acrea suitable for fruit growing and cast of Dear Crook, lu thq (pqtUIUs facing toward tho Y0U Thoro aro at presont 1DQ ovrM wmlor cultiva tion. Mr, Sheldon's Intentions, it Is un derstood, Is to plant all tho available portion of tho tract in fruit and ulti mately to dlvldo it into smaller tracts and placo it on tho marlcot, Probate Court. Estato of S. II. Glass Will ad mitted to probata. T. II. Glass and l'J. L. Gluss, executors; II. L. l'cllon, W, W. Islington, J. C. Poudloton, up- pnuscrs Guardianship of Robert J., W. T., P. T. and Eva K. Williams.-Supplo- filed and approved, of Wilson Bowman Jaok Bon County Ijjjiik ordorod to pay oyer cortain sumaolonginp to said estato toTV; G.or J otr. , , , Lstnto of Mary A. Bildorbaok' uno ox iiuai soiiiomoui mauo rouru nry 18, 1P10. Estato of Harvoy A. Wnlkor, a nuuor Arthur M. Walkor nppointod guardian, ( Estato of O, Slionnnu, iucompotont j --Second nnnuiil account lilod and I npprovod. Estnto of Thomns Osier Final no- count nyprovod and uxouutor dis charpod. Estnto of Colesto True Sumo or dor. I Estato of Josoph Kompboll Invon 1 tory and npi)raisoinont showing per i sonnl property valuod ut $187.70, ( filed nnd approved. Mrs. Mniuio Dox, daughter of tho Into Silas J. Dav of Jaoksnnvillo. k Koxpoetod to nrrivo this ovoninir from Lowiston, N. D whoro sho was nt Iho timo lior father diod, TROOPS TO GUARD ENGLISH POLLS ! Main Election Will Bo Held Saturday I -Rowdies Break Up the Meetings Continu ously. LONDON, Jon. 13.Tho author! ties today aro making elaborate pre parations to prevent riotinp at the elections which will bo held toinor- outbroakB at tho polls. Tho voting wjh i,0 done tomorrow in a few bor- 0UKi,s, but tho main eloolion will bo jjj Saturday. the customary form of ending im- 1ortant gatherings during the cam paign, forbodes violence The polico say that gangs of row. questioning speakers legitimately, but with tho intention of preventing them from speaking at all. Thcso actions uuvo boon encouraged by some par- tisan newspapers on both sides, which gloated by tho column over the riot- 0us scones nt tho "opposition" meet- inK8. ings Tho situation has developed t j fiorao extent Irom tho inct t tint n largo numbor of peors who know li- tlo of politics and had novcr before ! tnkon an nctivo part wont on tho stump. They have been dubbed "backwoodsmen." Many of thera never attended a session of parlf.n mcnt until summoned to vote against tho Lloyd-Gcorgo budget. Baiting was so easy and so entertaining that tho general public ns well as the reg ular party rowdies took n hand in it. PAULHAN IS HERO. (Centlnnd from 1.1 5000 feet ho was in tho air 50 min- lilrxj nnd .IH 1 -r unpnnifa. If tnnl- , ,lim .13 Ini,,utes nnd 10 1-5 seconds uimuira mm uu kwuuo j0 je8ccnj. Wiih CIoho to Dentil. Although Paulhan did pot admit l publicly, it is said by thoso close to him that ho confessed thnt he nar rowly escaped with his lifo when ho broke tho record. After ho hnd pointed tho aeronaut downward ho fonrod ho might descend too rapidly and kept the ongino running. Tho nnp.o was so snarp, nowever, uiai uia gnsohno would not feed ho ongino. , As a result he was compelled to plido, 1 1 il.. ... iuu luua i..MUb- w life in his hands. Charles Hamilton, who has been kcepinp in tho bnckpround, stated " ru" ol Jio snm mat iuu uxpuuiuu willing "to uepm coming his way," now for tho first time in tho history of nvintinp, two woman passenpors will bo carried topothor in nn ncroplnno lato this afternoon, ne- cordmp to Pnulhnu. Ho proposes to tnke his wife and Mrs. Dick Ferris, vlfo of Gonernl Mnnnpor Forris, iu his Fnrraan biplane for n short spin. Knnbonshue nnd Beachy worked nil forenoon potting their dirigibles in shape for n rnco this nftornoon. This, like the other hip events, probr ably will not bo smarted until nftor 3j30 o'clock, yhmi t,ho wjn( jg got. tlod, AVIATION FIELD, LOS ANGE LES, Cnl.. Jan. 13. Tho first at tempted flipht of todnv nt th'o nvin. tion field resulted in n smnshup. Hi- lnry Benchey took out his now Gill-1 Dosch hiplnno nnd nftor sovornl vain attempts pot tho onpino stnrted. He Z, ' n T " . !""v' 10VV " " r '1 .1' " u " pround heavily nnd one of its wings', wns broken. Tl,!fl will ?f ... i. commission for a dav at least. uonchov was not injured beyond n filicht iarrinr. TTn ' -V; onst on account of tho accident, ns ho hnd sot his heart on fl.vinp todnv. iJS,"???0 m-C,rr?c - mfthnf ZZ a Z" . ?clcs ot incorporation. Xo site for wonl? wririM p3r r Mnsoarol nttoinpted to mnko a' flight in n Bleriot monoplane, but ! without success. Twico ho succooded iu potting the noronlnno off tho .ground, hut nftor travolinp sovornl hundred foot it went slowly but surely to tho rarth. Tho monoplnno wns slightly damaged. If you nro looking- for co-oporntion ns to Imoking or services in oarry inp out nny sound nnd prnotipnl nnd foasiblo plan or idea loud impoHnneo to Iho (piost by going iu for n rons onnblo onmpnipn of olnsifiqd ndvor tisinp, Ownors of money havo to ho nlort for snfo investments for it. Thoy rend husinoss opportunity ads, iPAULHAN'S FEAT EXCITES FRANCE ' Populace Aroused to Patriotic En thuslasm, Contribute to Fund for a Government Air Fleet. PAIUS, Jan. 13. Arousod to pat riotic enthusiasm by tho groat feats In aorlal navigation acocmpllshcd yesterday by Paulhan, who carries today with offers to make presents of sky craft to tho government la a! frenzied effort to rehabilitate tho country In Its pliably weak aerial n0w county movement inaugurated by navy. , Cottage Grove are 530 squaro miles It was announced thnt man whose of North Douglas county, having an name Is given merely as Spices will assessed valuation of nearly $2, prcscnt to tho government a rigid 000,000. dlrlgtblo which Is to bo constructed Immediately. trading tho plaudits of tho world, has not a single serviceable airship. Tlin Thntilv 1 tp.irn nnt. TIn P.atrlp was lost In a storm. Tho VUIe do Paris Is deflated and rates have mado many meals on tho envelope. Tho Liberie Is out of commission. The Clement-Bayard fell into the Seine and Is not fit for use. The Republl- n.oo miu. ,itw TOi,olwhen tho Czarina first grounded. Isho fell with bor, craw of four, kill- Ing them all. It Is rumored that thejsay,ns crew anu w Colnel Reynard Is faulty In construe-, tried desperately they 60 far have tion. Tho Kodlc nllo nl.ovn Paris . Deen unablo to get near enough to occasionally but it does not belong to tho government. With tho great success of French- men with their aeroplanes the crying nccd for dirigibles to support a fleet f t,.)., thnr, ni, i,ino. I. , miMect of wido rtlsmtlflfartlon. In tho meantimo Germany Is stead ily and rapidly forging ahead. Sho has a round of splendid dirigibles In commmlsslon. Tho Splcss dlrlgtblo will bo 300 feet long, with a forty foot beam. Her car will bo 120 foet long and will carry two engines of 120 horso-powcr each. It Is estimat ed that sho will travel 48 miles an hour. Tho framework is to be of aluminum and bamboo. The gas bag will have a capclty of S000 cubic yards. Great Opening. Great Bargains. Come without mo'.y nnJ without ( pice and buy tho tr.ilh. Whoro? - tho Phoenix Christian churvli. Now. T . .11 -... V 1 r.vanpoiist cnmuei y, , jacKson is me gospel messenpor, flw wares nil genuine. Jonwalem production, ioib. loyii v are uie a- 'words. Dau't believe a word of this. 1 but como and see and hear for ypur- . ; self. Don't put it off, Como today. Come, come early, coPIO to tho front. Big rush, You Know Where Yon Stand! And you know you aro perfectly Bnfe, when you pay your good mon- ev for our diamonds, you got full i returns for U. No misrepresentation 1 here. Evorythlnc is unconditionally guaranteed exactly as represented. Wo carry a full lino of porfect dia monds. VAN DE CAR & JASMANN, Diamond Sottors, Phlppsj Bldg. 25 To the Mall Tribune. This is to certify 'that my foot has had nn itching skin disenso.for four or live years and have tried two or throe doctors without any relief. Four weeks npo I bepnn using Chineso Dr. t'nttl lounp's medicine, nnd my foot is entirely woll. You. will find Dr. YonR "i Ashland nnd Medford LEE GOY. NEW YORK CITY WANTS WORLD'S FAIR IN 1913 Z , bThrid iTv u or,.d 8 f.nlr to be hoM ,n Now York V L, "ZlJ.?.1! commomoit n7nnn, " or ino settlement of Manhattan Is- land. Tho promoters of tho entor- priso havo effected a preliminary or-; mnhatlon, and havo taken nnr nrtl. i ",L fBlrh" been chosen, ' ma ddi en nlAHHItU. At tho resldenco of J.-S. March, in Applegnto, Januaryl2, 1910, J. R. Hoffaiun and Cora E. March,, by K. 11. Slckafooro, V. D. M. At JackBonvlIlo, January 11, 1010. by J. H. Noll, county Judgo, John O'Connor nnd Cecil Kdsall. In Ashland, Jnnunry 9, 1910, by Row W. L. Vanscoy, Albert Shorard and Mollio Inlaw. You npproolnto tho work tho high scnooi is doing, Show it bv nttond !. IA 1).... ,.i xr...i r. . , v .iw.x m luimuot. nniurunv, Jnnuury 22. RESISTS CREATION NESiTIUOUNTY Douglas County Will Hold Mass Meeting at Roseburg February 19th to Talk It All Over. ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 13. Act ing upon the initiative of the Drain Commercial club, the Roseburg Com mercial club has issued a call for a county convention to bo held in this city on February 19 noxt for the pur pose of launching concerted opposi- j tion to tho proposed creation of cs mJth county. No tentative plans have been outlined. Involved in tho Ncw Cases Filed. Emll Piel vs. Chas. E. Hoover; Harvey attorney for plaintiff; P. 31. Calkins for defendant. V. L. Stonebreaker vs Katie B. Stonebreaker, divorce; J. A. Lemery ; attorney for plaintiff. MARSHFIELD SHIPWRECK. (Continued from page I.) 1D0 vcsscl 13 0Ul 01 reaca OI luo "IO t . . 1 . 1 . 1- L 1 1. tho stranded schoonr to bo of any assistance. Only One Passenger. I ino vesso onr uu senger. Thtj was Harold MlllU. the 20-ycar-old son of C. J. Mlllis, gen- feral manager of tho local steambrat company. All tho rest on board the vessel wero from San Francisco. Just how many have lost their lives can not bo definitely determined until later in tho day. Covered With Ice. When dawn broke this morning tfce vessel vas covered with tee and all but one spar had been washed away. To this remaining spar Cap tain Duggan, tho first officer and Mlllis aro said to bo lashcd.-AH oth er members of the row aro believed to have lost their lives, as the heavy soas lato yesterday broko over the vessol when mooould bo seen drop ping from the rigging into tho angry jater .f , A Q r'rlntlr Inof n IcrVif HfirrV lr W V VWVM MC"- - j R u MCOnd aS3,stant engineer, jdrltted near onough to the Inshore to k b tho Ufo.s-v:ng boat. H romained unconscious until 3 c.,,.. , Mil I'lIlLIIV. L1I1S I1IU1 lllilh. W fcUWM av was too weak from Ms experience to talk Intelligently. t;us morning scurcs of people aro wading into surf i" the hope that survlv ' drift IP shoro. "- H-QP Abantloncd. All hopo for the rescue o( and Captain Duggan havcj been a,b uuuvu. ii iq jiomieu, im JUS' they havo not be SVf5J)t even from the rigg ng by tlyj iWvS . th theyi wTthl ! been ablo J wltbstaurt , I 'lthst.ftu .jo rigors of the bitterly ; cola night, With daybreak today, Captain J Boyce and his Hfo-savlng crew start ed out to mako another attempt to reach tho vessol. Against the heavy breakers, however, ho Is helpless. Queen to Assistance. imiu mbi nigni tne wireless got into connection with tho steamor Quoen off shore but it Is fearod this vessol started too late to bo of asstst nnco. Tho Ciarlna with a cargo of coal and oil started from Coos Bay to San Francisco shortly after noon yes terday. Tho tldo had Just begun to ebb. Tho. soas yns rough outside, but t0 nU app naratvolv appearances tho bar was corn- smooth. The Rodondo " San Francisco crossed out Just ahead of the Czarina, Struck Heavy Sea. Mhlwny out, howovor, the Czarina Of 11 m (1 4-ul nn ilnun n- . 1 l w - Vw IUOU Ul bUv . - WRlor Cftmea tho bridge away. At first it wa3 thought that Captain Duggan was owopt away with tho brldgo, but this report later was found to bo untruo. To all apponr ances the southwest storm that had boon approaching tho const had Just struck hor and tho Czarina shipped 20 or 30 seas In rapid succession. No sooner had tho vessel passed by tho cud or tho north Jotty, than sho appeared to stop nnd almost In stantly was swung around tho north ftlllt ntlll ennn ina In t,-nn1... Dosplto tho vallont efforts of tho"l "l0 ,01rms of 1,10 f,n,0 att Do orow, who saw tho approaching dan-1 l'oro ',ooomo? to oa donlor in gor, thoy woro unnblo to do anything for tho doomod vessol and sho soon ! wont aground on tho bar. An ebbing ! tldo soon swung hor broadside and lulm i. ... .. , v iu uu mivuu uacu into me 'trcakors. , BIG TIMBER DEALS ARE NOWPENDING Will Mean Revenue to State of Over $300,000 Sales Aro Heaviest Yet Mado. the PORTLAND, Or., Jnn. 13. Pend ing timber sales from tho national forest reserves of Oregon and Wash ington will moan a rovonuo to tho two commonwealths of moro than $300,000. This sum will go to tho school funds of tho two states, the counties benefitted being thoso la which tho tinier grow, Tho distri bution of this money will mean groat Improvement to both states. Sales this year will be tho heaviest yet made from govorncent reserves. Last year saloa In tho two states ag gregated 130,000,0000 feet, board measure This yoar proposals havs been made for the purchaso of about 650,000,000 feet. Crowing scarcity of timber on privato holdings is load- ' millmon to tho resorres for logs, This increase is expectod lo continue for the next few years nntll the point is reached whore only mature timber will be cut. Sturapago prices this year charged by tho government are about $2. Tho forestry law provides tlat 25 per cent of the stumpago rovont,o shall to to tho state where tho forest is. cut. This means that the revenue to tho two states for tho coming year froni timber cut off Threat reserve lands will bo about $1,200,000. Hcrtr Commercial Clab. The Redmond Commercial Club, Just organized at Redmond, Or., is one of the latest members of the Oregon Development League, it hav ing applied for and been admitted, to fellowship In the big family of Oregon's most progressive commun ities. There are now 102 duly ac credited, members of the Oregon De velopment League. Oregon ranks seventh among all the states in railroad bnildinp dur ing 1009. These figures are com plied by the leading railroad publl atlons of tho country nnd show that the Beaver state added 134 miles of railroads during tho year just closed. The Pacific northwest Is declared to be tho great goal of competitive rail road building in tho United States. Tho strugglo of the railroads to en ter central Oregon Is detailed and development In the Wlllamettte val ley and In tho Oregon coast country is recorded. This is a far betf showing for the past year thf p' made in 1908, when 79 ml' .-d'vas railway was built In t' -es of ow -uts state. VETERAN COMMERCIAL MAN BACK ON R0AD Hnrry W. C!nrko. who mndo his first trip throm1- morcial t- . ,":0m.,,s a .0 tb -aviMor ia 2So8, is nffajn rj - road, after having been on th- retired list for tho past fivo ypars., Mr. Clarko ia the oldost, both, v npo ana years of road experience, of a-ay of the travcIors KDR this tor- " Wp nnJ ,so V snbsnnnent fn'no m, i . . v I snbsoquept trips wero mndo liy stapa "UU1 )ucrnmonto to rortland, and tho trip was made only twice a year. After a five-year rost the call of the road was too strong for him and ho once more jumped into the hni ncss and says ho fools 50 per cent uouer man neiore. Howard Dudley returned last evo ntnp from a trip east in tho interest of tho Orepon Orchnrds syndicnto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stocks of Lara mie, Wyo., nnd Mrs. B. J. Stocks of Seattle, Wash., who have been vWt inp at tho homo of Mr. and Mr. H. L. Young near Brownsboro, loft this morning for nn extended trip through nmornia and the oast. Mr. Slocks intends visiting nil sections of the . Faeifia coast with the intention of ultimately purchasing proporty nnd looatinp. Ho is very much planed with Southern Oropon and will roturn Inter. Mrs. Charles Mnnn nnd Miss Ap nea Murdock left Thursday morning for Oakland, Or., wlicro thoy will spond n few dnys on their wnv lo iwin.,.1 MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. SELLS JACKSONVILLE BRANCH Wednesday tho deal was closed whoroby T, h. Dovoro took over tho Jnoksonvillo brnnch of the Modford Furnituro Co., of which Finost Lnug loy has boon mnnnpor for tho past two yoars. Tho Medford Furnituro Co. from husinoss in Jacksonville, under """"""'niwungs in tliat town, m,. , . . V-": ' i y won1a of wnnt 0r8lnr-wdny or soma other div "'" -"Will enrrv tO VOU It. rrnnlnn , v ,., P'jod Juok messnpo. You'll know it when you sot it, tool