THE MED3T0RD ALAJL TRIBUNE, AQflDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANLTARY J a. .19.10. MEDFORD MAILTRIBUNE : MEDFORO TEAM TO l'UUMPHKD DAILY EXCEPT SATU11DAV. A coniotldatlon of the Me.Jford Mail, esUbllnhtd ISS9; the Southern Oration Un. cstnbllnhod l0!j the Democratic Times, cstnbllnhetl 1ST!; the Ashland Trib une, tiilllliod 1S96, nnd the Medford Tribune, UblUhcl l0i. Official Paper of tlie City of Medt'ord. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor anJ Mnnngor. fcntrl b second clnns matter November 1. "1909. ot the postotflce nt Medford. Orccon, under the net of March S, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: hio year, by malt S.0O On moath br matt or carrier. .$ .11 Another step forward for medford. The Southern Pacific company, through General Man ager J. P. O'Brien, has promised Medford a $50,000 pass enger depot, the largest in Oregon, outside of Portland. It will be of concrete and brick, steam heated throughout, in terior finished in Oregon fir, and modern in every detail. The depot grounds and right of way will be parked. The new depot will be considerably larger than those recently constructed at Eugene and Albany, and the same size as' that erected at Walla Walla, Wn. It is designed to fill every need of a city of 50,000 inhabitants, which shows that the Southern Pacific is building for the' future, realizing Medford 's future. And the best thing about tho announcement is that work will commence within two weeks. The Southern Pacific is justified in erecting tho largest depot outside the metropolis, in Oregon, at Medford, be cause Medford gives it a greater business, both freight and passenger, than any city in Oregon outside of Portland. The volume of business, both in number of cars and in cash, was greater in 1909 than in any other city and railroad PLAY KLAMATH FALLS FOLLY AS IT FLIES "A Cold Deal." Basketball Gamo Is Scheduled Next Monday Evening In This City. Monday evening nt 8 p. in. tho first basketball gamo of tho season will bo played. Tho contesting teams nro ! tho Klamath Fulls nml Medford high schools. Klamath Palls high school conios to Medford with a clear record. They nro making n trip north as far as Portland, playing games at Eugene, Rosoburg nnd several other points' along tho route. As far as can ho, learned, Klamath Palls has tho strongest team that has mado its ap-1 penranco in the scholastic field of! Southern Oregon. j Tho Medford boys have been prae-1 ticing hard this week and several i good players have been developed. Medford high hns determined to kill) Klamath Falls' chances for the chnmpionship nt the start. So un der theso circumstances a fast and( furious gnmc of basketball may lie, expected. The gamo will bo played at the Wigwam, nnd music will bo fur-' nished by tho high school orchestra.: Hk . nriTjuv ti wi m-f-i n i i ,i n Hp Usual Plan. flr W You may need something which someone else has ceased to need. And, perhaps the someone, else is ad- Dusmess is wuai tens uie siory ana revcuis uiu rusuiuuus, i fjcti columns. development, growth and future of a city plainer than any other statistics even more than the 50 per cent increase in bank deposits and 33 per cent increase in postal receipts. The Southern Pacific is naturally friendly to a corn ed?! Mr. Askitt Willie, what U your Bis ter going to do on her birthday? Wllllo (aged nlue) Trtko a year off, I guess. The scheme, which originated in tho sanctum of George Putnam, editor of the Medford Tribune, proposes that Coos, Curry, Douglas, Joseph- i,a i 11,. i,,, .a rnAf,.j j ine, Jackson, Klamath nnd Lako) fc,-' ""-J1V- """" """ counties, Oregon; nnd Del Xortc, Bedford is naturally friendly to the Southern Pacific, hav- Humboldt, Siskiyou, Trinity, Modoc, ng always received fair and courteous treatment at the railroad's hands. i MEDFORD SHOULD TAKE THE LEAD. I Blut Blooded. to San Diego, California, has set the world an example worthy of imitation in building a system of good roads Bonds have been issued for $1,250,000, which will be used . "J"" w & rw : riiy nnnn i nnATinw Lassen. Shnsta nnd Tehama coun ties, California, elope and tie up. It wns quite natural for Siskiyou to fall in line, since its name was to bo given to the new organization, and) its count) scat was to be mndo tho capital. Tho bait was enough to Mls3 citymnn - Seems tempi two counties. tnlllc looks rather blue! Tho first gun of the campaign j Farmer- Shouldn't wonder, mlaa was fired several weeks ago when , Our cows are all hluo blooded stock. tho Press association of Jackson ' Kew York World mo this The liolfer (to tho clergyman he just boatt'ii nt golf) Never mind, old chap; you will get even with mo when you read my burial Horvloe, The Clergyman That your hole. will still be An UnflnUhcd Court. 5 "Does your son graduato thin mouth?" "Oh. no! Ho has another year ou the track team." A Winning Combination. Good humor nnd generosity carry tho i day with the popular heart all tho world over. Alexander Smith. country. The interest on theso bonds will amount at 6 per nnK ,.th0 ?cct' Loxx? , lt ,mvo ; cent to $75,000 annually, a less amount than Jackson coun ty spent last year on road work. A bond issue of similar OPPOSITE FREIGHT DEPOT A 1TA AA'Tl Al C4U UIVUUIIIUM . UUU UliChSUIl lllV nmnnnr tfau ri unr lnwnnco rnvnTinn in .1 orlrcnTi iminr.v 1 . . . .. . . ! uu nwvi.wivrxA " .... """"" limes, must have been the whole ns- ford Daily nnd Weekly Mail, South PAVING REPRESENTATIVES FLOCKING TO MEDFORD j Scott Davis nnd others have pur-' Attrnctcd by tho fnot that Mod-' HOGS IN SECOND PIGHOOD (By Eph L. Musiok in tho Del Norto Record.) That sectional strife is becoming rampant on tho Pacific coast hns been quito woll evidenced during the oast few months. On tho heels of be recent setback administered no ho embargo, South California stnto, nothor phantom ship of stulo litisi eon launched in entirely difforont liondqunrtors, but for similar rea sons. Then, off with your hats to tho now atnto of Siskiyou I Tho counties of Southern Califor nia nro "on tho hog train" becauso they nro being forcod to pay their legitinmto portion of tho state taxes, or Los Angeles is, and Los Angeles thinks it is nil there is south of To- hachapi. Tho real troublo is that California has bred tho same old hog onco too often. Tho old hog has reached her second pighood. and, of a consequence, has gone back on her motherhood nature. Tho samo is truo of Oregon. Tho "PortlanO hog" nnd tho "Salem pig" rofuso to share their hnrbor improvement slop; henco a squeal from tho littlo piggies. In tho movo to create tho now state of Siskiyou, seemingly, but two counties, Jnokson of Oregon and Sis kiyou of California, nro tnking tho initiatlvo and doing nil tho boosting. California counties mentioned would head such a call. Editor Given of tho Wenvcrvillo Journal, tho only' paper published in Trinit" county, ' after copying from tho Bee an nc count of the Jackson county moot-' ing, comments: "The above item would be laughable if not pitiable, and pitiablo if not laughnble." Werej it possible to get tho consent of ev-; cry voter of tho fifteen counties, tho result would be but a drop in the bucket to what would then bo un done. A stnto ennnot bo divided un less a majority of tho stnto so olect, according to the United States con stitution; and, in the life of our gov ernment, but one stato has been di vided. In 1803 West Virginia was cut from Virginia, but in the divis ion election a majority of tho malo population, being in secession, did not vote. For many years to come state pride in California, duo to self creation, will not allow a single foot of territory to bo alienated. In .Or egon, that pride is not so great; but, if tho "Portland hog" now controls tho political destinies of that stato, how does Jackson county expect to free itself? Will it not bo another case of a fox without a tail trying to persuade all other foxes to part with theirs? Tho writer has had tho good for tune to visit every county of tho proposed state all but two quito re cently and believes their interests, similar in every respect, would bo far better looked after if they wore brought together under a now stale government; but woll, "What's tho Use?" Tho time will come when tho Pacific ocean will bo tho western boundary of nt lenst two now states. Until thnt time comes, would it not bo wise for thn dissatisfied voter of both Oregon and California to soparato themselves from tho influ eiifo of corporation dorninnnoy? When Israel Putnam willed to de stroy his enemy, tho wolf, he took a torch, crawled into tho enemy's do-i nnd slow him. Lot Oeorgo Putnam do Jikowiso (ho is certainly fearless enough), bnt let him tako tho right kind of a light nnd crawl into tho right holo, chased lots 7 and 8, block 18, from Allrmaf T.ntrrnnfT fnr n innciilnrntinh but wTould enable roads unexcelled throughout the country ! socintion. He is a sort of a Billy , f 25oo. This nmnertv fn no foot to be built all over the county. But Oregon's obsolete ?a? fn 8C.a,c',!;CKRing hia i on ront B it pp8 i i a-a. a- j v-t i i iJPntnams) pardon for the compar-, proposed sito of tho new froight de- QlOSSback constitution forbids counties from ISSUing bonds ; ison. Let it be said to Putnam'd p0t of the Southern Pacific. so that a constitutional amendment will be necessarv be-, cre(lit- kowovcr, that when ho bo- ' foro i roil qvRtom of frnort hiriiwiv mn bo sPnm-Pd in Opp- : fm3 ROVernor of Slskiyou n w J As soon as you decide to tako pri- iore a ieai system or good Highways can De secmea inuie-, bo governor. vnte ieB80n8 in 80inethinffi hc to gon. ''Xjawiil 14 13 qu!t0 P8sibl that tho nbovo I watch tho classified ads. Pcoplo who Medford, the most progressive city in the state, should X whhSw f froBSdd X! tcach lso advcrtisc- take the lead in this matter and start the circulation of an ! but it is not probablo that all tho initiative petition submitting to the voters of Oregon the needed amendment. It will require approximately 9000 signatures before the measure can go before the people, md now is the time to start the ball rolling. Good roads meetings held in Portland have accomplish ed nothing beyond raising a purse to hire two or three speakers in a "campaign of education." This may be needed in the mossback sections of the "Willamette valley where heads are so thick they have to be cracked by main strength to get an idea into them, but the poor roads of the present ought to be education enough to convince even the Silurian oi the need of good highways. A campaign of education cannot be half as well con ducted by orators, who only reach a small element of the people, and most of those who turn out to listen do so be cause they are already advocates of good roads, as it can through the press of the state. A press bureau to supply to all newspapers constantly, the arguments and details needed, will do a hundred times as effective work as any number of speakers can. Practically all the papers will print this matter free and so make good roads possible in Oregon by securing the needed votes to enact the constitu tional amendment. ford will do eomo fivo miles of pav ing during tho coming yonr, the rep resentatives of sovoral different paving concerns nre gathering in Medford to discuss tho mntUir with tho city authorities. "Cruelty to a bank balnnco" in tho interests of adequato advertising for tho store iB usually moroly good business policy. THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD, THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD, WHEN YOU WANT TO 60, CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY R. O. DUNCAN, Proprietor. An Experience With a Sale The Same May be Met With Right in Medford A Woman in Kansas City a fow days ago wont to an unloading or cloaranco aalo and purchnaod latlioa' goods to tho amount of $21.08 at tho salo prlcoa. Sho bought only thoso goods with which sho was familiar with tho rogular prico and quality. Whon sho ro turnod homo sho took ponoil and papor and carofully tho known formor prices woro sot down and whon addod up it was found that had sho piirchasod tho samo goods at rogular pricos, sho would havo hod to pay $27.85 or a saving of oxactly $5.87. Tho samo may bo dono horo in Medford right now. Supposo you bought tho following: 10 ynrdi of rirvsN good, rvgubir price 91.00 yiml, 910.00, at nl prlri. 70c or $7.00. 10 yard of utuollii, rrguliir prliv, 10c ynni, or $1.00; nt nnlo price, Ho or HOc. 10 yurtlx of outing, rvgulnr prico l()c ynrtl or $1,00; nt enlo price He or HOc. 1 Clillil'rt coat, regular price 910.00; tit Mile price, gn.OD. 1 raincoat, regular prico Ol.tlOO: at mile price $lt.l!f. A jwilr of clilld'n (Km, regular price 11.1c or 91.75; nt Hide price -He or $1.15. 2 pnHn of pliix, tvgulnr.prlro lOe or '-!(; nt sale prico tic or l-c. U Imiu'm of ImlrpliiN, regular price -5c or 10c; Ml wdo price, 10c or ilHc. 1 corot, regular price, pit. 00: tit nnlo price, 9.17. 0 handkerchief, regular prico 1!.V or 9I.50; at unle price, 17c or 91.02. Itegnar price, 8IH.05; xnlo price, 9:tl.(lt!. The total regular price you pay would bo $43,95 Tho total salo prico would bo 31.62 Tho total amount saved $12.33 AN ACTUAL SAVING OF OVER 28 PETl CENT. You can actualy savo monoy at thoao salos and tho morchant who tells you you cannot i& doliboratoly misleading you. Wo invite you horo to provo that wo do savo you mony and wo wish you to remember that SATURDAY WILL BE THE LAST DAY FOR A LOT OF THE SPECIALS NOW OFFERED. i The HuLchason Cb Formely Baker-Hutchason Co i Castle Is Divorced. an nUoniuy In an olovrlor In f SAN FUANCI8CO, Gal., Jan. 13. Waldorf-Astoria hotol, : i-w Yo::.. Novlllo II. Castlo, formerly a San August. A. fountain pou lu , . Craig o pocket deflect. J tho bullot Francisco attorney, was grantod a ,.,, ,., .. riHH11Pft ,,Pn,lf dlvorco from ifary Scott Caatlo of t0 boar by Captain Honry H. Scott,' Now York at Nome, Tuesday, nccord- U. H. A Mrs. CuHtla'H brotlior, ru ing to word rocelved In tlila city to- milted In a dismissal of tho cliargo day, 'that was placed against bor at that Mrs. Caotlo shot William D, Craig, tlnio, t t "li ni 1 1 1 r- MT-mn rm i 1 1910 BUICK 1910 t "WHITE STREAK," THE FAMOUS LITTLE RUNABOUT THAT HAS MANY IMITATORS BUT NO EQUAL ON THE MARKET. THE BUIOK WHITE SCREAK IS NO EXPERIMENT AND NEEDS NO APOLOGIES. - ASK ANY BODY. $1150.00 F. 0. B. PORTLAND. j& BUICK 3 O u27 305-INCH WHEEL BASE, 4-OYLINDERS, 4 1-Jx4 1-2. VALVE IN THID HEAD CONSTRUCTION SLIDING GEAR SELECTIVE TYPE, THREE SPEEDS FORWARD, ONE RE VERS ID, RE MY iIAQ- NETO, COMPLETE $1550.00 F. 0. B. PORTLAND. VICTORIOUS BUICK 40 Touring Car and Roadster Bodies. Powerful, Speedy, Durable, Differs Only in Prico From Any $3500.00 Car obtainable. 112-Inch Wliool Base, 4 Cylinders 4 1-2x5 Valvo in tho Head Construction, Sliding Gear Solective Typo, Throo Speeds For ward, One Reverse, Remy Magneto, Comploto, $1900.00 F. 0. B. Portland. MEDFORD BUICK CO. TOUVELLE MANAGER. Garago Next Morriman's Blacksmith Shop on Riverside Avenuo, ----- -------------- ---------.)