I ! ! '4 THE MEDFORD MAIL 'TRIBUNE, MBDKftD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910. MbbfordmmlTribune I J PUIU-ISJIKD DA1LT EXCEPT SATOnUAY. A cohsMAaUcn of th Medfonl Mall, Ubllhd 1SS8; th Southern Ocf iaa, tiUMlbtrad IHi: the TJomocratlc Ttraoa. wrtiiblloheJ IS'If the AhlanJ Trlb ttnp, nalnblkatwd 18 ftad the Uotlfonl Tribune, fcaUbllnhod 10. Officio Paper of tUe City of Hgdfurri. FOLLY AS IT FLIES Did He See the Polntf GEOH01S PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. terot nr second clna'"matter NoTcmtwr 1. J80P, at the potofflco at MeJroiM OreRon, under the act of March 3. U1. fo year, by mall. sunscniPTi on hates: , $5.00 One month W r carrier. .1 .M ALL PULL TOGTHER. Now that, the city election of 1910 has passed into his tory and the majority has stamped its approval upon the administration hy retaining the present council in office, insuring a harmonious and business conduct of public af fairs, the animosities and jealousies engendered by the 'campaign should be forgotten and all elements work to gether for a greater Medford. "All men are liars," once remarked King David, and .this is the universal opinion of defeated candidates. Poli tics is a buzz-saw and whoever monkies with it is apt to get hurt. It is the great American game, and though many play at it, few master it. The only sharp contest "was between Mesrs. Wortman and Nicholson both excellent men and good citizens in. the second ward, where the opponents of the administra tion centered their efforts and massed their strength to de feat the incumbent. It is alwavs easier to attack than to -defend, but the excellent record made by Mr. Wortman won the day for him. The success of the first three amendments proves the realization by the people of the growing needs of the city in its' process of transfromation from village to city, and their willingness io lend every effort to co-operate and help the cause along. With such a business administration and with such a citizenship, it is no wonder that Medf ord pushes ahead by leaps and bounds while other Oregon towns are marking time. Unitedly and of single purpose citizens face the fu ture, determined to make Medford a large city and where , there is this will, there is always the way, and Medford has .found it. IB Motherly Advice, AN OLD IDEA REVIVED. 'Considerable ridicule and some abuse has been show cred upon this paper and its editor by Portland and some Calif ornia papers for proposing the new state of Siskiyou, but the merits of the proposition speak for themselves and in iinprejudicfcd quarters, the proposal meets with the. earnest'disoussion and consideration it deserves. That there is nothing new under the sun and that the so tjalled new ideas of today are but repetitions of old ideas, -and that man in his progress follows a special course, con stantly doubling back and over the efforts of the past, is x shown by facts this paper has recently learned, that twen tyiyears ago a movement was started in Ashland for a new state division,1 to embrace much the same territory as that in the proposed state of Siskiyou. This proposal met general favor in the regions affected. "It came from a live and progressive set of men who had ; started Ashland on the boom, and made it the metropolis of southern Oregon. The panic of '93 broke most of them ' and forced them to leave and scared the remainder into be coming ultra conservatives but Ashland never since has had the same enterprise and dash it did in those days. The creation of a new state is bound to corner-it is only a. question of time. Not only the territory affected needs it, but the entire coast needs it, to strengthen it at the na tional "capital. Now is the time to start the ball rolling and it will not take any longer to accomplish than it has for Arizona to achieve statehood. He (frightful tore) Now, can I fetch you anything nice? Sho (sweetly) Oh. thank you bo much. 1 wish you would fetch mo that tall, dark man I danced with bo fore you and I hnd tho last "Don't all spenk nt onco, dears!" Fortune, Meybet Weary Geo! If I kin keep up dls speed tilt 1 reaches de pound, mo for tuuo's made. St. Louts rost-Dlspatch. No Hardship. "So when they get fat you kill and eat tbem7 Poor little beasts!" "Oh, they're quite used to It, miss." Accurate Information. Fortune Teller This, lino hero Bbows that you will die in a year. Client Good heavens! In a year? "H'm, yes but In which year I can'l quite tell you." 20.111 notes in township 38, rnngo 1 west , 10 J. B. Morris (o Cynthia Surnh Morris, lots 13 nnd 13, blook R, Railroad Addition to Ashland J. Elyogon to M, 13. Whtnnlo, lnnd in Woodvlllo 1,330 Clara L. Dnutulson, to Look out Lumber Co., 100 acres lit township 31, 4 wont... W. U. Oden to W. mills, 80 ncros In section 10, town ship 31. A west , . 23 1 C. II. Pioruo to G. A. Morse, lots H 13 and 13, block 2 lots 1 nud 2, block 7, Piorco nubdivislon, tmvitphip 37, 1 west ., 0,400 Cacldio L. Andrews to Clara W. Mouldon. 80 acres soo- tion 2, township 37, 1 west 2,100 A. Clay to Pnoiflo & Eastorn railroad, right of way in section 2, township 315, 1 onst 10 W. J. Cameron to P. fc E. railroad, right of way in 6ection 4, township 35, 1 east 100 J. Brnokott to Lookout Lum bar Co., 1G0 ncros in sec tion 32, township 38, 4 west 109 T. W. Daily to J. B. Hnnnnh, part lot 2, bloek 2, Mingor's subdivision, motion 24, township 37, 2 west 10 S. A. Pattison to F, W. Wright, lots 7 nnd 8, block 2, Pattison addition to Cen tral Point 225 Satno to E. C. Gibson, lot 0, block 2, Pnttison's addition to Central Point 100 Satno to Sarah E. Wright, lot 5, block 2, Pnttison nddi tion to Central Point 125 A. W. Lucoy to Frances Rum loy, lot 4, block 40, Moil ford 1,500 J. M. Butlor to J. G. Goblo, land in I.'J. Phipps' reser vation to Medford . 1,800 J. M. Cascbeor to A. D. Hel mnn, 17 acres N. W. Fisk D. L. C, township 38, 1 cast 500 TV A. Culborlsnn In 1m urn A, Krb, lot 22, .Southern Homo traut; soutlon 10, township 30, 1 onst J. W. Lyon to A. J. Eiuorson, 030 lot 4, block 2, WilloWn nil- dltlon to Modford . , Nnnoy Obuiiohnln to Minnie C. Poningor, land in Contnil Point makes good pastry, afouter. Tho nlnmn. hard triiiins. aaIaoUhI from tlie en tiro North wcfltcra vboat crop and thoroly olenncl And scoured jtut all thu bill for u ucrfoot pastry flour besides it ia tho (lour for (rood bread mid cakes and umctma. Olyniplo Flour always tlio Baoxt, . wftjs clean, pure, wholcBomo and nutri tious is an aid to rather than a taat of a younj? houaowifo'B ability. If your grooer can'CBupply you we'll tell you who can out insist upon uiympio do mood it there Isn't aay Jun as good." Flour too." 5- tniH.i tuxt AT YOUR GROCER'S rOUTLAKD FLOUKtNO MILLS CO 1OUTLaKU, OllKOOW "Ma. do I hare to wait till all tho grownup folks hare had their dinner" "Of course you do." "Why don't you task pa wait onco In awhile? lie's always kickln' 'cause ho ain't got no appt!to." New Yorki World. i FAIR OPERATOR STOLE TO PLAY THE RACES SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Jan. 12. Declarinp; that horso racinp; was re sponsible for her predicament, Mra. Evelyn Do Bolt, a telegraph operator, was held in dctinno in tho city prison ho pri or tho "01," TIs Sure Irish. Grants Pass Oborsorvor: Tho vato car used by J. P. O'Brien Southern Pacific, Is labeled Buckley's Is "02," and Campbell's Is "3." A short tlmo nco theso gen tlomon mado a trip down In this section with their cars In ono train end a cow oporator In a way station UNCLE JOE CALLED A HERO BY DAWES CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 12. Joseph Cnnnon, speaker of tho house, is a hero, according to Charles G. Dawes, .former comptroller of the currency. In a speoch today which is regard d hero as "tho first Run in a cam ipaign to kill any chance the insurg ents may have of Ruining a foothold in Illinois," Rnwes likened Cannon to Alexander Hamilton. Tho former comptroller snid : "Joseph G. Cnnnon is another Al exander Hamilton a constructionist ;and a man who does things. Ho is a door, not a drono. Cnnnon willing ly bears tho lash in his efforts to up Lold conservative legislation." '' Notarial Commissions. SALEM, Or., Jan. 12. Notarial commissions liavo been Issued to Josoph A. Wright, Sparta; C, C. Cal wtsrt, Baker City; Jay B. Tower, Warshfiold; E. h. Ponnock, Cascado Locks; W. H. Patlllo, Grarts Pass; 9f. S. Contnnt, Grants Pass; Glun O. fowoTB, Bluo Itlvor; L. II. Peterson. Gooch; J, II. Parrar, Salora; Paul banclisol, Edwin L. Hollyor and L. Plncknoy "White, Portland; L. II, KubsoII, La Grnndo; Charles Thom as, Eentorprlso; W. II. McEIdownoy, Forest Grovd and H. O. Wyatt, Vello- TBS. Free Delivery for Klamath Falls. KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 12. Klamath Falls will havo free mail delivery this year, providing tho pos tal receipts for the first quarter of 1910 exceed 2124. Tho total re ceipts for tho nine months ending December 31 wero $7975,12, and for tho first quarter of 1909 oxceeded tho amount necessary for this quarter to gain tho now service by Increasing volumo of postal business. Thero is no doubt that the record will bo sur passed this year In tho opinion of Postmaster Emmltt. op- todav while detectives investigated seni mo following meosago to Agent her alleged appropriation of $1760 Isham of this city: "There's noth not belonging to her. ,lnB but Irish on this road. Camp- Mrs. Do Bolt declared that she was , "en, uucwoy ana o unon just pass- urged to place the money thnt was in i od through in tholr cars tho O'Ono, her keeping, apparently as a trustee, , mo o iwo and tno O'Threo, bouna ... 41. . 1... T ll...I...n. ! fn .AllltllM-n nn.nin Tli.t' nil lilt' r.icuM i i unu iv. nui.inuuiun, She refused to say where tho money camo from, but stated that only $1100 hnd been bet. Mrs. Do Bolt was formerly em ployed at Santa Cruz nnd said that sho had an 8-year-old son there. She wanted to sccuro her rolenso so that she could support tho boy, sho snid.j for southorn O'Recon." That erator deserves promotion. 10 AUT0M0BILIST CHARGED ! WITH AN OLD CRIME: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Benj. Hix to W. nanson, 288 acres in section 8, township ' 30, 1 oast $ B. G. Little to W. J. Elbert, lots 3 and 4, block 34, Central oint 300 Ben Beall to G. B. Little, same property 30 C. n. Piorco to G. A. Morso, land in township 38, 1 enst 10 Clara W. Mouldcn to II. S. Dudley, land in section 2, township 37, 1 west. Hotel Arrivals. The Nash E. F. Wassam, Hiss Genoviove Wassam, Spokane; A. B, Fassett, A. M. Shannon, L. II. Wil lett, J. Forsythe, W. It. Wallace, Portland; A. C. Stock, Tonopah; W. P. Smith, John McCarthy, W. C. Smith, Jr., C. Fredorickson, C. C. Felts, Portland; F. G. Koriiri, De troit; C. Merrick, B. W. French, Ev- anston, III.; Harry K. Levi, A. Gold berg, Now York; M. S. Leahy, Bed ding; C. n. King, Portland. Tho Mooro B. B. Ireland, Chi cago; A. Stancil, New York; J. It. KhodeJI, Portland; Carl Bennett, Marysvillo; C. Sanderson, city; W. II. O'Connell, Steamboat; W. Deoring, Washington; A. E, Jepps, Eugeno"; G. h. Mordaunt, iity ; J, It. MoReyn olds, Willow Springs; J. P. Dobbin. Red Bluff; It, J. Colo, Coles. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 12. That a charge of manslaughter brought against Ralph I. Leavitt, au tomobile HtleHiniin, at Seattle two years ago, had been revived, was tho j Campbell to II. D. 8chuIor, l n i n i In Jxif 1-1. - -i? : ' , - who wore searching the city for him. Leavitt had not been seen since ho deposited a bond of $1000 for his appearance here on Jnnnnry 2 on. a charge of paying a poker debt with a check when ho hnd no money in the bank to meet it. That wns last Sunday. Within a few hours after ho had been given his liberty a telegram wns received from Chief of PoHco Irving Ward of Seattle asking thorSan Frnneisco po- nlico to arrest him and hold him for manslaughter. Leavitt wns arrested in Seattle rn a manslaughter charge, two months ago, but managed to havo oxtrnditinn proceedings against him dropped. His case was before the grand, jury thin week. The Jackson County Realty Co With offices in residence, corner "West Tenth and King streets, nro always proparcd to show yon the best .Titckson comity has in tho real estate line from the unimproved laud to tho best bearing orchards, farm land or stock ranches; also city property. The manager has had ten years' experience in the county, which will aid tho pros pective purchaser. Seeing is knowing. Wo also have modern rooms to accommodate our patrons. JACKSON COUNTY REALTY COMPA MEDFORD, OREGON NY ----- K. OF P. GRAND OFFICERS TO BE' ENTERTAINED D. T. Yoren, grand vico-chancollor, nnd L. R. Stinson, grand kcopor of records nnd seals of tho ordor of Knights of Pythias in Oregon, will bo tho guests of Tnllsmnn LBdgo, K. of P. of Medford tonight. Tho two grand officers nro on an official tour of tho lodges in Oregon, . After tho regular business of tho lodge a banquot will bo served. Notice. A largo attendance is desired this (Wednesday) ovening nt 7:30 at tho Rcamcs Chapter No. 00, Eastern Star. Following tho installation of officors thero will b6 a social. LILLIAN B. WOODFORD, Sec. , 1910 BUICK 1910 "WHITE STREAK," THE FAMOUS LITTLE RUNABOUT THAT HAS MANY IMITATORS BUT NO EQUAL ON THE MARKET. THE BUICK WHITE STREAK IS NO EXPERIMENT AND NEEDS NO APOLOGUES. ASK ANY BODY. $1150.00 F. O. B, PORTLAND. , BUICK 3 O jz? 105-INCH WHEEL BASE, 4-OYLINDERS. 4 1-1x4 1-2.' VALVE IN THE HEAD , CONSTRUCTION. SLIDING GEAR SELECTIVE TYPE, THREE SPEEDS FORWARD, ONE REVERSE, REMY MAG NETO, COMPLETE $1550,00 F. O. fc. PORTLAND. VICTORIOUS BUICK 40 Touring Oar and Roadster Bodies. Powerful, Speedy, Durable, Differs Only in Price From Any $3500.00 Cal' ' obtainable. 112-Inch Wheel Base, 4 Cylinders 4 1-2x5 Valve in the Head Construction, Sliding Gear Selective Type, Throe Spoeds for ward, Ono Reverse, Remy Magneto, Complete, $1900.00 F. O. B. Portland., MEDFORD BUICK CO. TOUVELLE MANAGER. ' , Garage Next Merriman's Bladksmith Shop on Riverside Avenue. - ---- t .- 1,300 100 V