THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORIOOON, 'IT MS I) AY, .TANLARY 11, 1010. If J WISHCOOPERATION OF ROGUE VALLEY Frank W. Power Writes Thnt Roniio River Valley Should Alii In All Stale Exhibits of Horti cultural Products. Entire World Regrets the Passing ol Cardinal Satolli Portland, Or., Jan. I. To thu Kdltnr: I rotttl with great appreciation your editorial in (ho Mom) ol' 'JUd alallng that Hague river wan ready l on optitnlo with olltur purl h of tint sluto in mailing our nojct mooting mi nll mIhIo exhibit mill not u IoiiiiI in'. I wn very norry In onrilur Uuol to Imirn thnt your section thought it hail liimn Hlinhli'd nt tli( Iut mci ing. W'lnin I wns elected secretary IhI yinr il was my doiio to mnho this society a state one, not only in iiHitiii, Inil in fuel, ami with that par jwmo in view wo did rnino about lit" largest pri'inliun lint ever offurvil at n meeting of the society. Hpeclnl Tilox. Contrary to uttial custom, wo of forod sprcinl prises on various sec lions, including two special prctnl nam nf W pir box for Rogue River (Iho largest prizes per liox offered in anv Hcfiio'i of the sfnle, together with a number of premiums that could lm competed for Iv all sec. tion. Wo aim, diirrowed from Iho iihiiiiI order of tilings by offering prize. on vegetable in tin liopi of making it nit till-stnto affair. Tlio cold wonlhor interfered snumwhiit with our plaiiK, but ill wo hail a very credit nblo exhibit. i wii annul mat our prctninu) HUs . . ... . ... worn noi mniicu winy enough, out w mailed tlicin iik hi ion an wo had (hi' pionoy pleduod, in fuel, receive! three premiums aflor it wns iiinilm This dnlny was probably my fault, a money should have been scoured pari br. but ii h tlio officers work without compensation I could not well nf ford to Ipiivp my personal biixmcss and cn. nut nflpr funds earlier, an there was abHolnlpIv no assNtnnc in rnising tbn funds except by the president and secretary. Tim pro gram wcrp also mailed at least vcok too Into, but v witbheld pub t!.....r ..... iiiTiiiiuii, waning 10 near irom imr ties in Rogue river stating whethor they could prepare a paper on pea growing in Kogno idver vallev. as w wished thai industry ronrcuMilfd, os penally uh we print tlio proceeding PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone 931. DRIVERS . that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLY AND WITH COM K ITT TO YOU AltIC AIAVYVB XO IIW rOLUDAI TIIK FAniiOW & DOWNING, I'ltOl'IMUTOUS, WEST SIDE STABLES I'Honi: mm s. guai'K stuki-tt T. V. OSGOOD F. N. CUMMINGS OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Oivll Ensimeers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Surveys, Maps, Plnns, Specifications, Reports. Estimates, Etc., "Water row el's and Water Works, Paving and Road Alakiiitf, Sewerage, Railroads, Ir rigation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. IliiH year, Tniulilntmiio IVntnrc. Anotlier troul)lenoino featuro lo tho Hceretnry wn iu (,'Pttinn notieoH to'jrrowcrH, an them wpro 80 few that . wero nieinbern iu hoiiio of our boxl fniit hpcIioiim t tut t we had no mailin list worthy of (ho name from tltee. Huctious. We appealed to tbo van oiis commercial ornruiizatioim to help ini out and received Rrcat nssiHtauco from the pre.xH throiiliout tho Rtnto, The I'orllnud Commercial club mailui over 'J2.r of tlio proniium HhIh and the Hnmo number of programs, RondiiiK one lo each commercial nrpinixation in the tttato and 0110 to every iiowh- pnpor on thuir mnilintf HhI. Thin Knvo our meeting thin yonr miicl morn publicity than wo had ever bu- foro Bcourcd. I wrote and mailed lMs to about a dozen commercial nrpiniratiouH h tlio Irnlt HeelioiiH, also to tho win nor of prizeH at tho Albany nn: Hood lliver applo sIiowh; iiIho lo Iho Oruuon wiunerH nt tho Hpohiiuo up pic Hliow, aHkiiiK them to exhibit. TIioho tiHlH wore pent iu addition to mailing 0110 to ench parly who hud been a member at any timn duriiif; hip paw inroe yearn, a phown Im printed hKt nnd mcinborBhip list fo Inst yoar. Heavy Mciulicndilp. 1.11 .. . . o hiiouiii navo at loiiHt IfiOO to 2.r)00 meniberH iu thin Htnto in place of lesH than 200 paid-up meniberH, iik will bo hIiowh on our printed pro ceodittKH which wo aro now irottinc ....I.I' ...I . .. ... 0 iiMiuj mi- iMUJiiuiiiioii, unu u win not mako u very credltablo nhowin when thoHO aro mailod to onntoru bo oiotioH wlioro moniborflbip is muoh larer ovon in HtatoH Krowinj,' but lit tle' J'ruit. Wo should havo at leant COO momborH in Io;uo Hivor valloy. K .wo had n lnro momborHhip it wofild onablo uh lo offer much largor proiniuniH, uh wo would havo tho fundH from which those promiuniH could bo drawn, in place of; dopond inj,' ontiroly upon tho liberality of the Portland biminoHs men. I would also bo plonsod to roootvo nny miuKostioiiH for noxt yonr from growers in eyory Rection of Iho hIiuo that thoy may havo to offor whoro l.y thoy think our program or ex hibit could bo improvod. Ono point that Hhould ho fully dis ousHed iH Iho time of meeting, 'which wan olinngod nt our IiihI ineoting to tho Bocoud Wcdnosdity in Doconibor, in plnco of holding il on tho third WeduoHday iu November, uh Htig gest'ed by the officorn. What dato would best huU tho -groworn in your uoetlon? I am cortuin that Dooom- "Canllnnl Sntoltl, who died re cently In Home, wan ono of tho moRt brilliant mon I havo ever mnt," Htates Kfllhor Van Clnrontipek, of tho local Cuthollo ohiirrh, "nnd vfau probably without n peer nit n Latin Btudont. 1 remember mcotliiK hlin onco with n company of jirlontn nnd (or nn hour bo charmed 1111 with tbo fluency and perfection of bio Lathi. Ho was a very nblo ninn." When tho cablou first brought tbo nowM of tho cnrdlnnt'H lllncBa nnd later that of his death ttioro wan gen eral mourning tbroiiKbout tho Unit ed stnti'H, (or tho famoiin prolate inado n bout of frlendft on hln vIbUb to this country. Ho wnw Interviewed by I undrcdH o( nowspnper men when ho (IrHt enmo hero nn papal dolcgnto In 1803, nnd when ho wan nt tho world's (nlr In St. LoiiIb he renewed tho ac quaintance cjT Jimny of tho writers ho bad mot yunru boforo. All of tbeso mon romnrked upon tho cardinal's ox ccllont memory (or faces, names and Incidents. Sutdlll was born at Mar-' solnna In 1830. His blrthplaco Is In J tho archlcplscnpnl seo presided ovor (or years by tl o lato Popo Io XIII., and tbo two wcro tho closest (rlends (or mnny yenrs. RESOLVED Tho best resblution for yon to mako ifl to como to us for yonr next suit, if you want something out of tbo ordinary. We do tho best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIPEET THE P&OQ&fcSSIVE TAHrOX tut The Helping Hand An Eloctrlc-llghtod Window Is a helping hand to Inoroasod business. It extonds for you the giad hand of business fellowship to every possible customer. A welt lighted store tnsldo and out, makes good friends, and good friends make good customers. Our export can show you tho best and choapost methods of sign and window lighting. 'Phono for him. THE ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. J. B. ENYA-ItT. President JOHN S. ORTH. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Presideat W. B. JACKSON, Afls't Cashier. GOLD HILL ITEMS. 1 (By Spectator.) Friends here were shocked Sunday to hear of tho death of tho estimable and respected lady, Mn. Emily Pan key llirch, of Sam'n Valley, at her Into residence in Siiiu'h Valloy. Sho wag attacked with n plight stroke of paralysis just onu week boforo her death, which occurred Sunday ovo- ning. The tittaek became acute and grow worse until sho succumbed. Tho deceased wiik born on tbo old homo EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. Owen Dunlap of Phoenix won vis iting in Talent last Saturdny. .Min N. H. Towne. deputy county clerk, enmo out to Phoenix Inst Sun day and was a Kiiepf nt tho pleasant home of Mis Nellie Hon ins'. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clinton Ilnrtloy were ntteuding church nt Phoenix last Sunday. Miss Nellie Reams of West Talent wa a Phoenix visitor last Sunday. Mrs. VT. S. Stnncliff of North Tnl THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $J&,0CC Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit youT patronage. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t I Foundry and Machinist t J All i',r,i of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-. chinery. Agenti In Southern Oregon for 1 FAIRBANKS, M0BSE & CO. of her father, the Into James Pan- ( out wns attending church nnd calling key, June 20, 3803, whero who hap resided all her life, excepting two years she repidejl with her husband, Robert Birch, in California. She and Mr. Birch woro mnrried three yenrs ngo last ChriKlniiiB in this county, nud soon after left to engage in min ing in Iho Sacrnmento valloy. Thoy returned to the old homo last yoar to reside. Her father, the late James Pankey, camo to Oregon from Illi nois in 1853, settling in Polk eountv, nnd enmo to tins county in 1 S."I nud on friends in Phoenix Sunday Mrs. A. B. Fern of Feni Vnlley -iK doimr trading with Talent mer chants. Miss Clnrn Allen of North Talent was callinir on friends in Phoenix last Saturday afternoon. Mise Let tie and Mnrv Stnncliff "ere callinir 011 their old friend. Mrs. ' ITnrry Cash (nee Copelamn at the home of her mother in North Talent Inst Thuridnv. Mrs. ITnrry ROGUE RIVER Three Color Stationery Letter Heads and Envelopes PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St., Medford, Ore. Phone 303 Cnsh fnen fniw. settled on this estate, whore he nnd Innd), whoso pnrents live in North in ,iU runmtu nn uieir iieuiii sov-, inieni, returned to ber homo in oral years ago. On their death, Mrs. ( Shnstn vnlley last Friday, nftvr Birch accpiired tho old homestead. spending tho holidays with her par She leaves two brothers nnd two ents. sisters Louis Pankoy of AHhlnnd,! V. A. Dunlnp of Talent Imn cw riiomns Pankoy of Sam's Vnllev. to Soulhorn Cnlifnr!n f. n. 1 Jfrs. Jnmcs Frodenburu' of Sam's efit of his benllli. "U.. n,..,i... 1..,., nlloy nnd Mrs. J. Js. Smith of Con- been iu poor health for the nast Ihrco Cornice Pear and Spitzenburg Apple WANTED Timber and Coal Lands tral Point. Interment was made Jan uary 11, at Sam's Valfey, Row Frcd- enburg of that placo officiating. venrs and chnnge of dimntc has boon recommended. riouston nd fninily of Cole- numuniiito ur oUMUULb ; North Tnlen hst Sndnv. CHECK CIGARETTE SMOKING The family of Ira nnnlnn of Phne ,-.. . , . '"iv is n, icr pmra-"" for cnrlt LATTLI3. Jan. U. To check tho Vvn- r n....i.. s .... '. .7 , irmivli... nlr,.,, .... . ' " "cnillllCO h ' 'ook mo to 1.0 iu his b ncksmili- shon. HGllCnlhovn nf Ron HI.. M. -,r . . ' -., miu iiuiiiu ui Air. nmi Mfo if r m . mliipiillm. I,n. ,ln.i ...., . ' vu-iuens 01 ;,;: . :, , ' " iuiui m- wnitm creek wont do-n to Pentrnl flcor for tho solo purpoao of dotoctlinr Pnint ic ...,.. tho umokoro and proaecutlnB donlprs rin,miK. nnrnl,0 Vr- -...1 . enuRht soiling cigarettes and -do ! pi" m' . nmklns" to tho younKBtors. In manv Thn n.. t . juHUneea whoro boya havo been found buin " Phi n i Z w v ZtnZt mokward In their studies, tho trou-; being remodeled for n'ellv li i mm.L n o linalioen traced to clgttrotteB. I(Wns onco a placo noted for goid fact, It Ih now boliiB urgod thnt n ...,.lu ,i ii i...!,.,!... Bpoclnl school bo oaJablUhod, whoro ! C.burg was tbo min'ers' tradi.m viciiiiia 01 1110 cignrotto linblt enn ob- post. uuu inHirucuon nnd freedom from! Word lmo l.nn,, :.. m .... tholr otiBlavomont. I that MUa rn. w n.:...i.L.. ... I " mi VilU'UHHV, Wild , wns woll and favorably known in )or is too Into to mnko 11 cood ox-1 riioonix nnd Medford. died vpumillv libit of penrs, and many years will 1 i' Rnlt Lake Citv. Miss Critehlow o too lato for npplos, as was tho 1 l"d been in poor bonlth tho past two onso this yonr. when manv of Mm years, hnvimv midnrfn(in nn tost apples hud boon shimiod east Hon for annendieilis somo linin nn. boforo our mooting, . - Noxt yoar wo bono to at leas! ! Notice. double our premium list nnd to hnvo! Benl estnto men and others who oxhibitR from every fruit soction iu linvo been wanting copies of priio tho stntoi ulso to increnso our mom-! plmlns: T have copies of same nindn borship at. least fourfold, Wo hnvo1 now nud can bo had at mv studio. T very fino showine of lii'o inomlim-i. bavn nurohnsnd 11m hnat linn I1.1.0 a.. " . ' . I 1 " .i.n I . M .- tin 3-w ATX&tJIJ Si KOa oacuIi J L ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. - . OREGON Office in Jac&otm county Bank Upstairs I'HE MAIL TRIBUNE GOLD RAY GRANITE GO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. ut not nonrly enough annual mom jors. I know that with vour assist. neo wo can uccomplish muoh iu tho Rogtio ltivor valley, FRANK W. POWKIi, tlm market and will bo bettor nronar od to do nil kinds of new work this season limn ever, ft. A. GREGORY, 25f n Photogrnphor. Are You Going East ? . Havo you a friend coming west? You ought to bring ono to Medford. Call and seo us. Let, us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phono, address or call on Southern Pacific R. R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE 5EE US FIRST Whon in need of Eloctrio Wiring, or Fixtures, nnd Bavo money by get ting best workmnnabip. Dynamo Repairing a specialty. FLYNN BROS. 93; J, MEDFORD'S PREMIER EllECTRICIAHS. 132 WEST MAIN STREET,