V THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1910. 4 -4 t "- --------- .--.. - . H Answering Want Ads Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair 444444444444444 4-4 4444 4-4 4-4-4 4 4-4 444-4-444 4-4-4 4-4-4-4--4-4-4 4 4-4-4-4-4-4 4 4-4-4-4 4 4 44 WHITE MASTS SHE "FALSE" FRIII SALES Now York Frolt Broker Takes Oc casion tf Brew Cauitlp Regard Inti the Handllim of Fruit. NEW YOHK, Jftn. 10. To tho Wilt or: Noticing I" your lftt two Ihhiioh omo remark coinorntng "tB ot fruit, ono emanating from Now York nnd tho other from London, I -would llko to havo nomotl Init to Bay comiirnttiK thorn both. In tho lottor from Now York of December 17, which take you to -tr.uk nbout an nrtlclo coucornlnK "Washington Annie Break Low Ro cord:" In that lottor It ay, "This flhowa conclusively thnt tho fruit wan handled n It hould haj-o boon." Lot mo toll you and your roaJo' thrt tho namo nuctloneor nof tht' r V noil tho gcntlm A' letter tn yon. ! tecolvors of tho ftt to W f anr olhor cruntry do jot .iae tho market or In any way control tho rale oxcopt by tolllnK tho auctioneer to withdraw tho Rood If thoy do not consider tho value nut 'flclent and ovon when thoy do with draw tho good thoy oflon mako mUtakcn. On my return from tho wot I no ticed In lomo of your paper tho prlcon Bald to bo rcalltod for tho pears from Central Point. If my memory uenre mo whon tho alo of that orchard was mado a hort tlmo .ceo, you ipoko of the pearn nolllng at 1S.7C nor box. That mlrht havo dono for a fow. I ha70 been out of Now York for a long tlmo In Cali fornia, but that It wa only. for a fow 1 proved by tho fact that rivo-nlxtha of tho car ha7j boon old horo dur ing tho past fourteen day at low price, nonio lcs than 12.00. I question If tho lot will avorngo 13. 2G. From this han to bo tnkon frotght, storago and other oxponBCB, certainly not Ioob than SI tv box. Still that would not tho. grower back $1.25 which la a rood prtco for Wlntor Nclln ponro and at that prlco bought qulto a lot In California this season; and now nbout tho wilful lottor that annles had boon sold In London undor tho "near Crook' which Bomoono wants to say wa put thoro wilfully. I am gonorally well posted on what ha tnkon plnco In London and at tho prosoht tlmo I havo now In front of mo reporters' tntomont8 cnncornlng qulto a lot ot Medford goodo jiold In London dur ing tho month December. "Bonr Crcok" NowtownB flhlpped to W. Don n Ir & Son, brought from 8 to 11 por box. Grnntfl Pass Nuwtowns Bold nt 0-9 to 10b: Snowy nutto NowtownB Bold at 0-0 to 12b Tho Washington apples from tho Pamonla Ranch, which If I r.m not mlatnkon, wa shipped by ono ot tho gontlomon who wroto ono ot theso lottorfl, Bold thoro I'om 8-3 to 8-Ofl. Hill Crest Comlco pairs nold from 10 to 11-b and tho Snowy Butto Wlntor Nolls sold nt 11 to 12b. Furthermore, I can glvo you oomo other nown now about Now York. I "know of throo recolvorH In Now York this Bonflon who havo boon soiling Or egon NowtownB from II. GO to SI. 00 por box. Tho Oregon NowtownB thlB yoar nro making very llttlo moro than Sal lfornln Nowtowna. Tho California Newtown? nro exceptionally tlno. Tho Oregon NowtownB havo not boon trontod proporlyj thoy aro too rlpo, &nd hnvo hnd to bo sold on this mar ket bocniiBo thoy could not bo kept; troy woro too rlpo to no In cold storage. I may ony a goqd donl moro nbout Oregon fruit, but I cannot holp g'vlng n word of caution to tho pros ont groworfl thnt this foolish boonv Ing of particular countries produc ing n fictitious prlco should nt nny tlmo thoro bo n universal crop will ho a boomoring, returning with Erontor forco than whon It wont out. Thoro nro lots of Dr. Cookn In tho f. ult trndo and thoy nro Just finding tliom out. MIOHL. WHITE. BOTH AT DEATH'S DOOR; HOPES FOR RECOVERY GRANTS PASS, Or., Jan. 10.--Ilnn. J. O, Booth has boon lying at donlli'fl door for (ho past week hh n result of ptoinnino poisoning brought on by onllng u liol tamalo, His falhor, brothorrt and several nlhnrrol ntivos woro Hiimmoiiod horo tho 1uh( pnrfc of tho woolc, but ho ban ralliod cmiHiilornhlv and Ih nblo to tnka noiir- islunnnl nnd Ihore Ih homo hopo fori his rooovory, STOCKHOLDERS WOULI KNOW OF DINNER PITTSnURO, I'n., Jan. 10. Lit tlo y little (he details of the Carne gie Ktccl company's Saturday night dinner leaked out today, mid ovou Pittsburg in shocked. Tho event wan nu nmiitnl nffnlr and it cost $100 n pinto. IimKiiiucli ns Micro woro 70 porsoun primout, tho stockholders of tho United StntoB corporation woro said today to hnvo started n bom bardment of questions, consisting of "whys." Also do tho atockholdors nHk to ho mndo ncqtininted with tho nature of decorations thnt woro said to hnvo required nn outlay of $-1000 for Atnurlcan bonutico. Send your tropkies to me for mount ing. Dig game hefrds, fish, bird nnd mammal mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, nabs fur rug, make, remodel and cleak fur garments. Express and mail or der promptly attended to. e, n tnnms. Mi V-tA.Arwft Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. 4- f t PMTiAWl MARKETS. Hops, Wool and Hiatal. HOPS 1908 crop, choice lGc; prime to choice, 16c; prime, 1614c; medium, lGc; 1909, choice, a'le; prime, 20c; medtnm, 10 18a WOOL Nominal, 1909, Wllla- metto valley, 20&21e; eastern Ore- Kon, 20023c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, '1036c each; hort wool, 26 CP 60c; medium wool, 6041 each; long wool, 76c $1.26 ech. TALLOW Prlmo, per lb. SflUc; No. 2 nnd greaBO, 2 2 He CHITTIM DAnK Nominal, 4 0 i He MOHAIR 1909, 23P24c lb. , HIDES Dry hides, 170180 lb; green, 9HflOc; bull, green salt, 7c lb; klp. 10?10Hc; calves, green, 16T18o por lb. Ituttrr, Eggs and Poultry. TJOOS Locnli cindled'eoloct, 40 41c; local storage 27c; o&storn stor age 27 030c. HUTTER FAT Delivery f, o. b, Portland ewoot cream, 37 H; our, 35 He nUTTER Extra crenmory, fancy, 37c; store 26c. 39c; CHEESE Fancy full cream, 180 18 He; trlploto and daisies, 18 He; Young American, 10 He. POULTRY Mixed chickens, lGHc; fancy hens, lGH016c; roostors, old, 11c; gocso, 12c for llvo, 1C013 for il reused; ducks, 10 018c; turkeys alive, 21022c; dressed, 2D 029c; pigeons, squabs, $2 por dozon; dress ed chicken, lc to 2c a pound hlghor than alive. Grata, Floar and Hay. DARLEY Producers' prlce 1909 Feed, $31 031. GO; rolled, $33; brewing, $3i.60. WHEAT Track, club, $1,100 $1.11; blue atom, $1.2001.21; rod, $1.13; forty fold, $1.12 0$1,.13; Willamette valley, $1.08. MILLSTUFFS Soiling price Dran, $36; middlings, $33; shorts, $26 027.60; chop, $22 029; alfalfa meal, $21 per ton, FLOUR New crop, patonts, $6. 16; straight, $4.86; bakers' $5,96 0 6.15; Willamette valley, $6.70 bbl.; export grades, $4.60; graham, H, $6.50; wholo wheat, $5.70; ryo, $5.76; bales, $3.16. HAY Producers' price Now tim othy, Wlllamctto valloy, fancy, $19 0 20; ordlnnr), $19; eastern Oregon, $20021; mixod, $15; clovor No. 1, $15.50010; wheat, $10017; ohoat, $10017; alfalfa, $15 . OATS Spot dollvory, now, pro ducors prlco Track No. 1 whlto, $32.50033.60; gray, $31.50032.50. FrultH nnd Vegetables. FRESH FRUITS Oranges: Now nnvols, $22,26 0 $3.00; Vnloclas, $3,0603.76 box; bnnanas, 505Ho lb; lomous, $5,6000.00 box; grape fruit, $4; :onrs, $1,25; grnpos, $1,- 76. POTATOES Soiling, now, $1.10 01,25; buying, enstorn Multnomah nnd Clackamas, 75 085c; Wlllnmotto valloy, 05 070c. VEGETABLES Now turnlsps, Or- ogon, 00c Back; beots, $1,25; carrots 80 090a sack; cnbbngo, local, $1,50 1,75; tomatoes, fancy, $2,25 crato; boans, 10012a por lb; cnulltlowor, $1.00 por dnzon; pons, 10012c lb; horseradish, 10c; grcon onions, 10a dozen; poppers, boll, lb.; bond lottuco, 20a 0oz,; hothouso, $1,25 box; rndlshos doz, bunches; col- ory, $3 03.60 crato; ogjj plant, loo lb; ewoot potntoos, $3; sprouts, 8 0 uo cuniuoors, ?j.uu ciozon. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.4001,60 Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to You It May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or-twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. ' , There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. por cwt.; garlic, 10012c per lb. APPLES $103.50. Groccrlca, Nuts, Etc. SUGAR Cube, $8.36; powdered, $5.95; fruit or berry, $5.95; dry granulated, G.95; conf. A, $5.76; ex tra D, $5.2G; golden 0, $G.35; D yel low, $5.26; best, $6.76; barrols, lGc; half barel, 30c; boxes, 6Gc advnnco on aclc bail. (Abovo quotations aro 30 days not cash quotation.) RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, GH o; No. 2, Gmo; ew Orleans neaa, 6 3-4 07c; Creole, 6 He. SALT Coaro Half ground, 100 $9.G0 por ton; 60b, $10; table dairy, GOs, $17; 100. $16.60; bales, $2. 2D; extra fins barrels, 3s, 6s and 10s, $4.6006.50; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. HONEY Now, 13 He per lb. DEANS Small white, $6.G0; largo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.26; bayou, $5.75; Lima, $6.00; reds, $7.50. Mcata, Flh and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front ctreot hog, fancy, 10 He; ordinary, 9 He; voalo, ovtrn, 11 He; ordinary, 10 H 0 11c; extra heavy, 300 lb., 6'H07c; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. HAMS, DACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) ham, 17 Ho; broakfaat bacon, 18H036c; boiled ham, 250 26c; picnics, 14c; cottage roll, 15c; rog-alnr short clears, smoked, 16,Hc; backs, smoked, 16 He; pickled tong uofl, COc each. , LOCAL LARD Kottlo loaf, 10s, IS He por lb.; 6s, 18 G-8o per lb.; 60 ' lb. tins, 18c per lb.; steam rondored, , 10s, 171c por lb.; 6b, 17 5-Sc per lb.; compound, 10s, 11 3-4o por lb. ' CLAMS Harshell, per box, $2.50; , razor clams, $3.00 por box. , FISH Nominal Rock cod, 10c; flounder, 6c; halibut, 8010c; strip- ed ba3, 15c; catfish, 10c; salmoi, stoolhead, 10c; ellvora, 8c lb.; fall Balmon, So lb.; solos, 7c lb.; shrimps, 12 He lb.; porch, 7c lb.; torn cod, 8c por lb; lobators, 26c por lb; frosh roackorol, ( ) por lb.; crawfish,' same. Call at office of Condon ( ) por doe.; sturgeon, 12 He porjWator nnd Power eompany for par- lb.; black bas, 20c per lb.; Colura - bla smolts, 26c per lb; silver smoltB, c por 10.; oiacK cou, mo per iu.; ; crabs, $1,35 01.76 per doron. OYSTERS Bhoalwater bay, per gallon, $3.25; per 100 lb eack, $6;iFOR SALE Five room honte and Olympla, per gallon, $2.75; por 100 lb, sack, $707.60; canned oastorn, t r . nM inn 65c can. $0 50 do..; eastern tn ehell,F0K SALBChoh businwa proper ' ' Ior i ty nt a bargain, en long time; eany u.iiL.ii, uesi aieers, weignmg 1200 pound, $4.75 04,80; medium steers, $4.50; best cows, $3,750 3.85; fancy helrera, $3.7503.85; modlum cow, $3.60; poor cows, $3 02,60; bulls, $302.75; stags, $2. GO 3. . HOGS Beat east of the moun tains,, $7.75 08.85; fancy, $8.G5; ctockors. $0; pigs, $607. SHEEP Dost wothors, $5,250 5.60; ordinary, $5.00; spring; lambs, $0.0000.26; straight owes, $4.76; mlxod lots, $4.75 06,00. CALVES Best. $5.25 05.50; or dinary, $3.00 04.60. MEDFW MARKETS. Fruits and Vegetables. (Prlcos paid by Medfrod merchants.) APPLES 2 04o lb.; pears, lHc lb. Potatoes, lo lb.; onions, $1.50 cwt.; cabbngo, 2c; turnips, lHc; parsnips, 101 Ho lb.; squash, 30c and $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10016c. Butter, Rggs nnd Poultry. (Prlcos paid by Modford tnorchants) Ranch buttor, 32 Ho; fancy cream ory, 37 Ho. Frosh ranch oggs, 40c. Mlxod poultry, 10c; spring chick ens, IGo; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 17o. (Prlcos paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfalfa, $16; grass, $14; grain hay, $1C, Ornln Wheat, $1,20 hushol; oats, $30 ton; barloy, $30 ton. Hoof 2H03o; pork. OHo: mut- ton, 4c; lnmb, 4Ho; voal (drossod.) Cc. (Soiling prices.) Rolled barloy, 2 cwt, $37 ton; bran, $1.10; middlings, $1.8601.90; shorts, $1.8001.85. "niii i , tftt tf tt FOB fTEHT. FOR RENT Famished rooms, 607 South Central avenue. 252 FOR SALE Homestead location. Call 122 South Cottage St., Med ford. 257 FOIt KENT Desk room it. a very light offico in tho now Phipps-Taylor building. Prefer man who will bo in offico znoBt of the time. Address "K," caro of this office. 253 POR BBNT PktbIsmI zaM. No. 16 North Oram cfarwt. FOR RENT Furnished front room, 402 Main St., opposite Park. 256 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 325 South Ivy street. 252 FOR RENT Nieely furnished honse keeping rooms: no small children. Mrs. Joo Thomas, 222 South Holly SL FOR RENT A. suite of 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. 222 South Holly. Mrs Joo. Thomas. ' FOR RENT Large furnished room light housekeeping; no children; $15 per month. 133 W. Main St. ' lw255 1 FOR RENT Farms, from 40 neres upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inquire at offico Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main street. FOR RENT Tracts of land from one to forty acres: with water for i irrigation, suitable for raising po i tntoes nnd garden truek, also suit nblo for chicken and tnrkoy raieing. 1 Ownor will furnish n reasonable I amount of lumber and poultry and other fencing for iraprovcBseats if lessee perform labor of erecting I ticulars. 1 . ...4. rm save. ' 11 1 1 -t -- ,11911. Aim three lots, close in, for $2300; $1600 will handle. W. T. York & Co Ma im.. 11 n nnY Jin FOR SALE Bay pony, 7 years old, Baddlo and bridle; $35, Address box 494, Medford. Oregon. 250 FOR SALFi Rogue River threo-color stationery showing Comioo ponr nnd Spitzonberg apples. Medford Mail Tribune-. 200 FOR SALE, FOR SALE 02 nores, $0,500; flvo nulos from Modford. 20 noros in trees. A very good buy. Huntloy Kromor Cp., 214 Fruitgrowers Bank building. FOR SALE Grocery nnd general morohandiso storo in Central Cal ifornia. For particulars nddross P. O. Box 14. 255 FOR SALE ft and 10-aoro tracts just within nnd adjoining oity lira its, nt n bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. ,FOR SALE Chonp, food tonm and wagon, nlso houso nnd lot. Inquire Win. E. Stnuoy, cor. Bonrdmnn and Alioo Htroots. ' 251 FOR SALE Onk, fir and pine oord- wood, 12 nnd 10-iuch; nlso dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono ordor to Main 4201. FOR SALE Two lots and an eight room houso; a bargain if tnkon nt 01100. Addross Box 404, Medford, Oregon. 250 FOR SALE 210 noros two milos from Tnlont, nbout 150 noros undor cultivation, good fruit land, at $70 an noro. This is a snap. W, T. York & Co, 4- FOR SALE. FOR SALE Yonnj orchard in boar- ing. Mat Calhonn, Phoenix, Or. ' FOR SALE 7G-acro ranch, with good water right; finest fruit land; ch'wip:; also property In Portland; will trado for Medford p-operty See Coleman at cigar factory. FOR SALE Eight good mlleh cows, all giving milk; one good 4-year-old horse, weight 15u0. George Hilton, 2 1-2 miles north of Medford, on county road. 253 FOR SALE 5-room house and lot with or without furniture, on North Riverside avenue. Fine location, near good school and church. For particulars address T. B., Tribune office. FOR SALE A fow fall blooded white Leghorn coekrclc; Tetaluma, Cal., stock; not related to anything in tho valley; $1.50 each. Address A. W. UcPherson, Grltrfln Creek, Oro. Phone 111 Farmers line. 251 FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter, latest mode, with 2-color ribbon shift; base and metal cover; cost 9110.00; will sell for .cash only; price $00.00. Address Box No. 588 tf WANTED. - NOTICE For the prsent timo I havo taken my land off the market, T. J. Parton. 252 WANTED Experienced quarry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medfqrd Or. WANTED Good clean cotton rags nt tho Mail Tribune office. Will pay right price for same. WANTED To borrow $500 to $1000 will pay 12 per cent interest. Ad dress P. O. box 292. WANTED A 4 or 5 room, furnished honse. Address Box 402, city. WANTED Good driving horse, as part payment on a piano. Van Walters. 253 WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages; small family. A S. Dllton. H WANTED Young office man wishes room and board In prlvato family, Address W. W. Kofoldt, general do llvory. 252 WANTED Man and wife; man to do general work, woman for genoral housework. Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED Tho best orchard tract that $5000 cash anA $4000 modorn houso in Portland; will buy. Ad dress Investor, P 0 box 863. WANTEDHand ,spra pump; sec ond hand, tn good qoud,UiQn nnd comploto. Address with price, L. v. aimmor, Medford. WANTED A Iday solicitor to sell olootno heatmc, oooking nnd light ing derices, Apply nt tho Condon Wntor and Power Co. WANTED Agents to go to Cnlifor nin to sell torritory for tho "Hidden Window Screen." Innuiro E. C, Aylor und Barnett, ronl ostato of- fiee on Soutli Central nvonuo. 201 LOST. t LOST A thoroughbred Scotoh Col lio dog, snblo with white markings. Finder rotum to W. S. Brooko, Snowy Butto Orchard, Central Point, Oro. 254 STRAYED Ono roan horso, boll, branded, N. on right shouldor, 1 roan 2 yoar old colt, 1 light bay horso branded N, on right shoulder, glaBS oyod, baldfnco; 1 small brown goldlng brnnded 4 loft sldo. Last seen near Eaglo Point, Finder plonso notify S. A. Robinson, Eaglo Point. Reward. 2C0 WANTED A typewriter in good condition. Addross Box 202, 252 WANTED Girl who understands cookinc No. 10 North Ornnn St. 255 BUSINESS DITJECTORV ' il T Tea and Coffeo Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee erown.can bo had from their agent, S. Kcrnp thornc, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Tickets given with ovory purchase. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15c; beds, 15c. Give ns a trial. 20 Central avenue, upstairs. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, parnlysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured ut the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, whore they will bo sold by tho proprietor. Chow Young. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and mode to order 128 North O street. CHIMNEY SWEEP If yo'ur chim ney needs cleaning be sure and see D. D. Woods. Leave orders at the Medford Hardware Co., or phone 258L 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNL'R Auctioneer, mil be found in room 208, Tayh; it Phipps Building. Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines for rent and for sale on easy payments. All kinds repaired and woik guaranteed. Best oil and needles for all makes at the Singer store, 27 South C st Phone 3431. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-lav No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig,'C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. B. F, MULKEY, Attoraey-at-Law, Jnoksonvjlle. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Steuogrnphio work dono quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON IMhSTMKNT CO. Heal estate, lonn- iimf tire insurance Office 112 W. Main st., Modford Ore. Phone 3073. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, C. P. Brlggs, real estate, insurance, farm and . city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers anA Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped. Job offico in South oni Oregon Portland prices. 37 South Control avc. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op tician betwoen Portland and Sao r amen to Office on West Main street and ri,ri. Brick Companies. G. W. Pjiday. J. T. O'Brien, O. D. Nnglo. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO,-Briok manufacturers, and contractors; also limo, ceniont and plaster in Rtiy quamuy. vmco, uertiora national Bank bldg. Phono Main 545, Undertakers, MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 351. Night Phonos C. W; Conkliu 3001; J. H. Butler 3571.' Piano Instruction. HARMONY, Bight reading, musical lorm, Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan Collego of Music. Miss Flora Gray, btudios, 144 South Central nvenuo. Phono 403. Carriage ana Auto Painting. ALLEY SIGN AND CAKUIAUB WORKS IIigh-clns8 work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue, Phone 801. Photonraphers. MAOKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Muokoy and die with joy." Over At Inn & Reagan's Htnre; entranoe no Seventh street Civil Ennlneers WILL tnko by contract, on reason able terms, all kinds of work, olfif irrigating, planting and cultivating etc. Landscapo gardening. First elnsH roferoncos. William Peters Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 East Main street, Medford, Oregon. BUSINM3 DIRECTORY. t Bin Posters VERNE T. CANON Hfl I Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson Count y Bank Building;, Medford, Or. eTTTITtTd Parlors J. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 480, Medford Or. Yonr building respectfully so licited. Fwnlture H. P. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand f nmiture and hard ware. Agents for Monnd City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Ste., Mei ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORBOFF & WOLFF Cook Stove and Ranges. New and 8mil Hand Faraiton. Eads' oM Hand, IS Si If St .South. Phone 01, Medford, Or. Nwwles QUAKER NURSERIES Our tram are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything pnt out. We are not tn the trust H. B. Patterson, office, is Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook. Peep. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Boc 841. Phone 588. Medford. Transfer and Drayate. H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage an4 transfer. Baggago storo. Office C and Seventh. . Cement Warkers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 400 Beatty street. A card will, brine me to you. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillier, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano fpstructwn Metropolitan ColJe pf Music Misa Flora QrnyL Phone 493. 144 Soutfe Central avenue. Building and Lean Association JACKSON COUNTY BUJLDLN'i AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C Boggs, Acting Secretary, 12b E. Main street. Carpenters and Builders. A. D. JOHNS, Contractor and Build er 225 Riversido avenue. Phone 2471. F. E. HILL Will furnbh plans an , list of all timber to bo pnt in buil4 ing. Medford, Oregen W. G. HOLMES, contractor and builder; plans and estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Mile Building, Main street, Medford, Ore- .gOP; Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Offico nnd res ident phono Mnin 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Offices in Haskine Building, Phone Main 1001. , ONROY & CLANCY Office In Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Offico phono, Main 341; private phone, Main 613. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician ana Surgeon, Modem equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hour: 10-12, 2-4 p. ra. Office in Jackwou Co., Bank Building. UK. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i 0 Physicians. Mission Blook, Phone 21. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey spewallflt. when others fail. Office in Eagle Pharmnoy. Main 233. Ebh Main near D'Anjnn. CIBGABS AND T0BDAC0S. IRELAND & ANTLE Smokn House, doalers In tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lowls Slnglo Dinder, El Morlto and El Paloncla. 212 West Main street I n