Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 10, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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W. II. Hrndy of Clullcu, JoBCphluo
ooiinty, 1h horo on a IhibIiiuhh vlnit.
Wonr Kldd'n Shoen.
Hiigoiio Dowlltig, n prominent ron
iduut of Vrokn, Cnl,, lu IrniiBnolIng
liitHltiuHri in Modford.
Wonr Kld' Shots.
li. M. Whltinnn of Kuglo Point
.npunt Suniliiy in (liln city.
Wonr Klda'n BIiom.
It. J. Colo of Colon, Cnl.. wn n
Medford visitor Monday.
Mm, It. J. Jennings of Chicago in
visiting II. C. Knntuor and family of
Wonr Kldd'n Shoe.
MirtH Itosslo Kotitncr, who lntH iicon
upending tlio holiday! at homo, loft
'Hundny evening for Berkeley, Cal.,
'to resume hor studies nt the Unlvcr
nlty of Cnllfornia, from whloh Insti
tution hIio will graduate thin year.
W'oar Kldd'n Khoen.
K. Ij. Monro of Vnlloy City, N. I).,
n retired fanner of that pcctlon, is
in Modfprd looking over tho country
on hlfl wav to California Mr, McOro
linn found ho many North Dakotniis
hern that ho liaa expressed his In
tentlon of stopping on IiIh return, and
H'n up to tlio othor ox-N, D. to keop
A. M. Johnston of North Yakima
'is in Mcdford tnking a look over the
Milo Goodnln, who ban beon mnk
'ing his lioino in Modford with bin
TmrtMitH for tlio pnst two months, loft
for KiiKonr to nttond the univcmity.
. Mr. C. f. Hutchison nnd daugh
ter. Minn Fcni. returned to Portlnnd
.Sunday evening, after spending the
'liolidayn at home.
Dr. K. U. Pickel. C. I. Hutchison
nnd II. U. Lumndon wore nmong
'those who attendod the meeting of
'the Mystic Shrino nt Ashland Sntur
dav night.
Judge Hnnnn and District Attornoy
fulkey went to Grants Pnsn Monday
morning to open tho Januarv tenn
of Circuit court for Josephino
Minn Actios Itohortson, who is vis
iting relatives at Anhland, came on
'Rundny evening for a short business
trip. Sho will lonvo shortly for a
trip to San Francisco nnd tho onat.
C. K. Crater of Dorris, Cal., is in
"Modford on n business trip,
day evening, whoro ho haH hnon enll
L, K. Whiting, foreman of tho Mail
Tribune, loft Monday nftornoon for
tho Hiverviow fnrni, whoro ho will
epend Hovornl dnyH becoming no
qunintcd with his family.
Professor O'Gurn will loavo Tuos
day evening for Sonttlo, whoro ho has
"been called to give a lecttiro at tho
mooting of tho Stato Horticultural
uoeioty of Washington on "Pollina
tion of Fruit Trees."
W. II. Kirby, a prominent fruit
irrowor of Wonntchee, Wash., Is hi
tho vnlloy studying conditions hero
tin compared with thoso of tho Won'
ntchco vnlloy, with n view to ncquir
Ini! knowlodco. Mr. Kirby wiib
nmong thoso who addrosscd tho Hor
ticultural nocioty Saturday.
It. A. Howlcy roturnod Sunday
from Portland, whoro ho had boon
nttendinir tho mooting of tho board
of dlrootorn of tho Umpqua Coppor
company. Ho hns received ordorn to
oxtond tho wngon rond four miles
into tho initio, and expects Homo very
important developments tboro this
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Skngga of
Port and nro horo looking for a lo
cation. Mr. Sknggs hns boon through
tho vnlloy govornl timon nud ovory
time ho fell a little moro in lovo with
It. Now ho hns como to stay.
Assessor W. T. Oriovo of Jackson
ville wnB a Medford visitor Mondny.
Father Mayour of Grants Pass,
formerly of tho Cntholio collogo at
Mount Angol, is horo on n visit to
Father Van Claronbeok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fredorick Polouro of
Englo Point woro in Modford Sntur
day and Sunday, hnving como to this
city to nttond tho fruit growers'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Presi
dent Taft today stamped with Ills on
dorocmont tho pain of Sonator Elklns
for tho Investigation of tho high cost
of IIvIiir provnlllng In tho country to
dny. Tho prosldont told Sonator Elklnn
that ho honed tho Investigation would
got at tho root of tho ovlla oo thoy
could bo removed.
NEW YOHK, Jan; 10.- -Thomas F.
Wllny, forinorly an otnployo of tlio
flugur trust and now a special .Invcs-
tltiKtor for tho lntorstato commorco
commission, was aralKnod before
JudRo HouRh today nnd charKod of
"feloniously" taltlng and -publishing
a lottor from Attornoy General Wlch-
orBham to district attornoy WIso of
Now York.
TOll3KATKnnin7Jau7T07Wlth a
bill of coato amountliiB to f 1000 nt-
tnchod, a Franklin county caso Rrow-
Inc out of tho thoft of two amall plK
valued at ?3 oncli, has punt rachod
tho aupromo court for tho third tlmo.
4f lt
The Btaton'i Turlmn li DKfloult Work
For k Amur Mllllnr.
It In not very cusy to innko ono of
the ifniHiti'n turlimi tints unt rlKht
Thwfe In rKHhltiK that ntiown tliomibtle
ty of I lie nitllliirr's art morr tlmn n
mnda hn(. To corur one of the now
Imped frnmrn In j ill to an art. nnd for
tb mtir It In wlfivr to Imrv tho
ftliftpu innilo or tho frame covered! tben
tb fur touelicn or trimmings of koU
tnny bo nt homo,
Not only the hciiiIUUIiik conts, Imt
tho ornnolKbtlin modols, nro to bo
populnr thin nonnoii, wliloli In plcnnnnt
now i) for tlH wniiinu who ban n umd
ency to to wuiH'wIml Jtout.
(iroon coNiumon nnd touchon of Rreen
nro to bo noon on tunny of the slunnlnff
winter milts.
A decided millinery novelty wnn a
pntr of vliii;n on a inouniln lint. Tliey
woro of ISiikIImIi chiimj first tucked
ucroM, tboii Hhtipi.fl uxuetly like bird'
COLUMK ailtb'B BtOUnX.
wins. Tlhf rows of tucks rcr two
Inches apmrt nnd nt a nllcht dltoe
awny lookrd exactly like real wines,
as the tuck uppvarcd to Imj the tip of
each layer of feathers.
Hoch a blouitc an the ono Illustrated
belongs In crcry Rtrl'n wardrobe.
whether sho attends colics or doea
not. It cau be mnde from iter? or
brondcloth or nlmllnr uiatorlnln and la
bent worn with n plnltcsl skirt to match
or with oil odd aklrt, an liked.
ThU Mar Manton pattern tt cut for
Ctrl or founrfn, ilxtcrn nnd lhtn
years of ak. Hcml 10 cents to this of-
flc, ittvInK number, (At, and tt wilt ba
promptly rnrwnnltxi to you by mall. If
In hasts send an additional two ont
tamp for letter poatava, which Insures
mora prompt delivery.
Jtt Bandeaux For tho New Coiffure
Which la Flat In Front
Jet bandeaux urv smart nnd really
quite luexpouslve unless ouc wishes
to pay more. A new Idea In bandeaux
In the com blunt Ion. This Is made no It
will net on the front of tho head In
the orthodox way. but hua n hoop at
tachment In the bttck through which
the hair pnnnes and becomes cnclr
clod. It Is n pretty arranccmcnt and
costs $2.05.
Chiffon nloeven In evening gowns nro
BOinottmon made perfectly plain with
out tuck or wither nnd no flnUh at tho
Itntbcr new nro tho sailor collars
found on long nepnrute coata of tho
sennon, which wraps nra to b very
much In evidence thU whiter.
The prinocMs coattnne mnde with tho
cuirass or Jersey waist nnd plaited
Hklrt Is one of the smartest of aft
thtntrs Just now, The model seon in
the cut Is of rulslti colored I'ronch
oorge. with chemisette nnd slcovo
trimmtnBS of silk orerlnld with sou
tache braid, but the frock could bo
trimmed to suit Individual tasto. ,
This May Manton pattern Is cut from 84
to 41 IttQlicH bust measure. Bend 10 cents
to this oltloc. Klvlng number, W, and It
will bo promptly forwtfrded to you by
mall. It In lmstu aend an additional two
cont stamn for letter posUko, whloh lnr
sures moro prompt dollverjr,
Theaters of Different Afles.
The difference between tho piny,
hotimt In which we nee a drama of
liroiuton Howard's today and tho piny
Iioiiho In which Kherldnu'n comedies
were irll tinll x noted In (renter tlinn
the difference iM'tweoil Hhcridnn'n
Drury Iitie nnd tho liotieo for wblch
CotiKrevo wroto nnd In which Heller,
ton nctod. And that restoration piny
liotino wiih very unlike the Klleabctban
theater for which Hlinkeapenro wroto
mid In which IturbncO nctcI. Hrcn
moro nppnrent In tho dlfferenco be
twooti tho theater of Dlonyslus at
Athens nnd tho Itouinn theater nt
OrntiRo. These th enters are sharply
dlfitiiiKUhthcd from one another by
their nleo, by tliclr lmxj, by their
mothods of Illumination, by tho ab
sence or prenenco of real ncenery ami
by tho nrrniiKeinent of tho twits for
the npectators, and nn wo study theno
successive chutiKos wo nro continued
In tho conviction that these physical
conditions must hnve exerted a pow
erful Influence upon the dramatists
who followed one another down the
centuries. Hratider Matthews in Cen
tury, Wisdom In Fable.
Among the ln-itt tlilnptthnt hnve
ever been written arc the Aesop's . fn
blcn, which dnto back to tho sixth cen
tury H. C. They .present huronn na
ture as It nlwnys has been, In nnd
probubly always will bo. Tako. for
example, the story of "The Fox With
out a Tall:"
" tux was onco caught In n trap
by bis tall and In order to rt frco
wun obliged to leave It behind, tic
know Hint his fellows would make fun
of hi tnlllens condition, so be mnde
up hbt mind to Induce them all to part
with tholr tails. At the next assem
blage of foxea he made a speech on
the useloniness of tutls in general and
tho inconvenience of u fox's tall in
particular, declaring that never in bis
wholo llfo had he felt no comfortable
j now In hln tailless freedom. When
he nat down a sly old fox rose and,
waving hi brunh, said, with a nnccr,
thnt If he had lost bin tall he would
h convinced by the Inst speaker's ar
guments, but tintt) such an accident
occurred he fully Intended to vote In
favor of tails."
Peculiar Superstitions.
Tho people of Kulu are extremely
Uerstltloun nnd go in extensively fur
demotiohitry. Many trees are held to
be sacred and hnve tluy templrfl dedi
cated to them. The dcmonf are popu
larly supposed to live tit tho tops of
trees, and If n tree fnllf in such u way
thnt It is possible to pass under It, as
Is often tho cuse on the mountain sides,
every man before golug beneath the
trunk will place an it u stick or stone
to propitiate its gunrdlnn spirit. Cer
tain streams arc also sncred, and no
one I.i allowed to wash dirty clothes
In them. One year some strangers
came Into the valley aud hapinmcd to
pollute the water of n river In this
manner. It chanced to be a year of
extraordinary rainfall, and the peo
ple implicitly believe that tho ex
cesslve rain wns Rent by the outraged
"deota" of the stream as punishment
-Wide World Maguilne.
Helntnn Huhhv Out.
"Your wife seems to bo wonderfully
mtcrojjteu ju your uusiness. mxihi ue
a source of great satisfaction to you."
"Yes, Indeed. Do you know 1 used
to tlitpk she cared nothing about tt."
"Why the clmugeV"
"I don't ktiow. That's tho funny
part of it. I can't Imagine what has
changed her. A few nights ago I
went home, tired must to death, and
during the evening 1 casually remark
ed, lole, my business Is gettlnr most
too much for me to handle. I niu
thinking of employing q nice, steady
stenographer and typewriter. Don't
you think It would be a good IdeaV
From that moment the good little wo
matt has been extremely auxlous to
assist mo and mnUe tuy lot caslor In
every way. I huiuho it's her natural
ly sympathetic nature. It must be."
Uostou Herald.
A Drilllant Judoe.
Steady linker was at ono time mayor
of Folkestone, 'England. Onco a boy
wns brought before him for stealing
gooseberries, and Steady, awaro of the
Importance of the case, turned over
the pages of tho alphabetically arrant:
cd "Hum's Justlco" for a precedent.
Falling to llnd one, he turned to the
culprit. "Sly lad." said he, "lt'a lucky
for you that you were not brought hero
for stealing a goose instead of for steal
ing goosclKTrlcs. There Is a statuto
agnlti8t stealing geese, but 1 can't thul
anything almut gooseberries In all
'Hum,' so let the prisoner bo discharg
ed, for I suppose It Is no offeuso."
THs Way Down.
,Thoy had been ninktng hay while
tho sun shone, and when thoy bad
finished it high haystack the farmer's
boy shouted from the top, "Stty, mis
ter, how am 1 goln' to get downV"
The farmer considered tho problem
and finally solved tt:
"Oh, lost shet ywr eyes nu walk
round a bltS" Hverylxuly's.
'Hero, hold my Imtf u inlnuto, will
"Sir! I'm u tnciuber of congress."
"Never mind. You look honest. I'D
tako a cluxnev." -Ioulsvlllo Courier?
What's Wattaf
Tho Mayor Watts' wlfo la a auflrra
Tho Coloncl-Whnt's WnttsT
"A sufferer." Smart Sot.
Thoso who attain any oxcollonco
commonly spend llfo lit ono common
pursuit, for excellence la not gnlucd
upon caster tortus.
---- ------------- --J Ry A. C. Howlott
. , -
nnuuinnirtu ftsu
iunb ".,-J: BUSISS LICAtS :
Can Force Railroads to Follow Their
Instructions as to Distribu
tion .of. Fuel.
I very flno display of gems. One 1
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Tho in- blue crystal diamond at an execp
toratato commerco commission has tional low price per karet Let tis
of coal by tho railroads of tho Unit- hthKt ,. , tn
cd States according to a decision of
tho fedoral suprem court today.
Tho ruling was mado In tho famous
suit of tho Illinois Central, Chicago &
Alton, and Baltlmoro & Ohio rail-J
roads aaglnst tho Interstate commerce I
commissioners, dcnylnc tho rlcht of!
tho commissioners to make pro rata
distribution of avallablo coal cars.
Tho sunromo court reserved tho
lower court in tho casos brought by
tho Illinois Central and Chicago and
Alton, and romnnded that of tho Bal-
ttmoro and Ohio with lnsttuctlons to
dismiss It.
Clearly Unprejudiced.
. Tho attorney for the prosecution was
xaminlng the talesman, .iwlth the
bushy whiskers.
"Mr. Sklles." he said, "you Bay you
bavo read about this case. Have you
formed or expressed nuy opinion con
cerning It?"
"Ho, sir," responded the possiblo
Juror. "1 nover bvlleve Iiothlu' I seo
In tho newspapers." Chicago Tribune.
Tha First Patent an Matches.
Before 1S33. when wooden, matches
with puospuorus were mnde In Vlenua,
people were dependent upon flint aud
stool to secure a light. The first pat
ent for a phosphorus match lu tho
United KtntiM wn tnken nut In IKTtlt
bv A. D. Phillnna of Snrlnctioht. Kings.
For nmuy yea. -a people refused to uso
tbctn, but by 1S-15 the 111 singling and
clumsy old tinder Iwxes were generally
discarded mid tire preserved. Ilko snuff
boxes, as curiosities.
Out of His Line.
Western Relative.-Well, Wendell,
what was the score today? Little Bos
ton Boy itenlly, l do not know. Is It
not your oplulon, Uncle vWIam, that
tbo theism of Clement and Athiumslus
furnishes a' much more tenable basis
for a ratlona. tneory of creation than
is afforded ly that of .AugustlnoV-
uniengo Tribune.
Ir 'o Piisweusor I believe you're
driving over every stono in tho rondt
urncr wnai, sir, It tuues a purty
good driver to hit 'cm all. Uostou
Tho Real Trouble.
"Woman's .Juiiorniice of cooklnir is
the butie of married life."
"No; .It's womnn'H Ignoranco of her
Igtiorunce of cooking," Boston Tran
Kindness has couverted more sin
ners tbtiti zeal, cloqucuco or learning,
i". w. fa bee.
Nowadays Its Tho Toggery for
i best values in town.
. One-half h. p. motor, 1 20-qt Whita
r i m - ia x
.cans, tubs, etc., for eafo.
;Lewi8' confectionary.
I Van Do Car ft Jaesmann nave a
Lots of stores would bo well ad-
vortised if they were only advertised
persistently instead of occasionally.
" ' -
Bakersfleid Wants In.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7. It was
nnnouncod hero today that Bakers-
fleId'8 chances of securine; a f ran- j
chisfl from tho California Stato,
LcnRuo. rested on San Jose's action ;
m .tho matr bettering trnnspor-,
tatlon. to thnt. c,ty 6 baU Pa.rk TP '
committee whtoh was appointed to
1 consider n sixth city for the lenprne, ,
wns waiting tottay lor propositions ,
from both Bakersfleid and San Jose.
Tho Jnnuary term of Circuit cquft
convened at Grants Pass Mondny
morning. Tho term will bo a short'
one, ns tho Docembor term for Jack
son county hns adjourned only until J
tho 24th. I
Tho Josephine docket is not very
heavy this tenn, nnd tho court of-'
fiqers hopo to finish the work with- j
in tho two weeks.
A. F. Stonnott spent Sunday visit
ing in Ashland.
in Sweet, Idaho, for Medford prop
orty, either town or farm lnnd; val
uation $9000. Addross William
Woody. Sweot, Idnho. 278
MY PLACE is not on tho market for
sale nt presont. J. M. Schmidt. 2o3
FOR SALE 30 noros, throo-nunr-tora
milo from Englo Point; best
1ann -Pwie ami nnnv Mia TfAivoAii
UVI itwu oisat nuut kiiv x i iticuit vv I
Guthrio nnd Pago orchards, which'
prodttco tho best fruit in th world,
$125 por acre, torms. Aylor &
Harnett, noxt door to Mail Tribuno
office 252-
WANTED Public stonogrnphor to
tako offico room with Aylor & Bar
nott, noxt door to Mnil Tribuno of-
Jico. 253
WANTED Iloard nnd room in n
prlvnto family, contral location, by
a woman employed during tho dny,
Address postofflco box 315. 254
FO ifltENT S lx7oom modern fu r
nlsbod house, closo In; 35 por
month, Address X. Y. Z., caro
Mall Tribuno. 253
FOH RENT Houso, modern, 6 rooms
turntshod; $35 por mouth; near In,
At the citizens' mooting which
was hold horo on tho 4th lnst. thoro
was qulto a number of those who
took stock In tho telephone company
that had bfon organize 1 at Dutto
Falls and nn agreement was reached
by which q:ltc a number of our cit
izens nro to havo p'loncs put In tholr
homes and tho old telophono line
from horo to Control Point was turn
ed Into tho Butte Falls company and
all who took stock became share
holders. Brown & Von dor Hollon
t'-rned over tho old lino and ono
hundrod phonos, poles and all things
bolonglng thereto In consideration of
tho company allowing them two
hundrod and fifty dollars and they.
Brown & Von dor Ilellen took tho
most of thent amount In shares at
$10 each. After tlio deal was mado
j Win. Von der Hellen was elected ono
oi tho directors and Frank Brown
was elected treasurer for tho com
pany. Thc'ro' was some talk of
changing the name of the company
to the Butte Falls, Eagle Point &
Mcdford Telephone company, but
that was loft to be decided at a fu
ture meeting. It was also under
stood that the Pacific Telephone
c mpany was to put In operation an
extra wlro from Medford to Central
Eagle Point wire so tb?t wo of Eagle
Point can got Medford direct with
out calling up Central Point as there
has been so much trouble to get the
connection with Medford there. Tho
meeting also instructed 'the director,
Mr. von der Hellen to put on a
force of men and put the line be
tween hore and Central Point In a
good condition. Attorney John
Cirkln and B, H. Harris were hero
to represent tho Interest of tho
Butte Falls people and tho different
motions were passed over the line to
and from Butto Falls by phone.
Wm. Muller and W. C. Murphy of
ilodford woro guests at the Sanny-
slde Tuesday night.
Died, January 3, at bis home on
Littlo Butto Creek, August Myers,
aged about 84 years. I have not
been ablo to learn tho particulars'
of tho death or his family, but know
that bo leaves two sons, Henry and
Husmen, and that ho has been sick
for sometime.
A. B. Zimmerman has been ap
pointed a freight agent In place of
George Owlngs who roslctied at tho
Pacific & Eastern depot. c -
Tho tracklayers are now laying
moro stpel and soon tho Inhabitants
of Vestalville will bo having railway
communication with tho outside
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Wilbur and
Orville Wricht are in Now York to
day, presumably on business con
nected with the attempt they are
making to prevent Glenn Curtiss nnd
Louis Pnulhan. tho French aviators,
from using aeroplanes in which a re
incorporated copy of tho Wright
ideng are used
Thirty-two uoros in this tract, f i
fruit land, about two miles from
a shipping point. Tho building
consist of a five-room box house, j
(rood-sized barn, etc. Thgre are '
12 acres of 5 and 6-year-old nr. '
pies, mostly Nowtowns, with com-
hioroml pearcs planted PCtwee.
ns fillers. Also thre ncros of
young pear trees and some family
orchnrd. Four acres in alfalfa.
Six or eight acre. of timber, most
ly oak nnd laurel. Thoro is a
pumping plant ou the place which
supplies water for the garden and
nlfalfa, equipped with gasoline
engine. About 40 rods from n
pood school. Tins rural mail de
livery and telephone. Price
$10,500. Tonus.
W. T. YORK & CO,
V Hanson. . Torn Mnftto
We make any kiml and stylo of windows. Wo earn
class of any am on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
In Case of v$icKiess
PHONE 3 6 4 1
Near Post Olfioo All Night Service Free Dolivery
Tho steam shovel that has had
such a tlmo gottlng to Crony & Ful
ler's camp, by tho tlmo this Is 'a
print will havo roashod Its ' destina
tion and the work on tho "Bis. Cut"
will bo pushod right along.
On Wednesday tho Gtu, your Eaglo
Point correspondent took O. Adami,
B. H. Harris' foreman at Butto Falls,
up to his place of buslnoss, whoro
ho is superintendent tho work of
putting an adcMtlon to tho saw mill
that place. Messrs. Wm. Cham
bers and Charley Edtnondson took
up tho samo day two largo shlvs,
o.tch wolghlng about slxtoon hun
dred pounds, to bo put In the addi
tion to tho mill. Ho tolls mo that
they aro making arrangements to
open a bank in Butto Falls. Then
they will havo twonty-fonr families,
eight bacholoro" establishments and
only think of It, there aro soventoon
young ladles of mnrriagablo ago and
still eight keeping bach, four stores,
ono ochool, two teachers, eighteen
pupils, a meat ns.rket, ono hotel, two
restaurants, ono lodging house and
one saw mill, two feed stables, and
one law office. And since they havo
totephono communication with tho
outside world they expect to do bus
iness In earnest. They also havo a
project on foot to open up a country
road to Prospect and thereby bring
all tho travol to Crater Lake; etc.,
through that city. Speaking of
country roa:ls, through tho energy
and determination of some of th
business men of Butte Falls they
havo secured a route from Eagle
Folnt to that place by which we
can travel, especially in tho dry sea
son from hero with a good load as
by means of tho new road. The two
bad hills on tho old rot eare cut out
' nnd now we have an easy grade
around tho Vestal hill and the Rocky
hill; tho grade on the new road Is
Just tine and after tho ground be
comes packed we will have a fine
road all the way to the Falls. The
grade around Rocky hill should be
widened some and more turnouts
made. Stopping at Derby on my
way home I mot Mr. Swleart, the
Derby merchant, and he Informs me
that business is becoming bettor all
tho time and tho principal trouble
with him is to get In goods enough
to supply tho datnand. Ho also tells,
me that a strong tn6vo li on foot'
to have a daily mall instead of a
M-weokly, is tho subscribers to the
daily Mail Tribune, as it is, can't got
tho nows until they aro old.
W. W. French returned a few days
since from a business trip to Klam
ath Falls and other Eastern Oregon
. 100 Acres of Good Fruit Land
4 miles west of Grants Pass.
Forty soven lots In Jacksonville,
fine location.
I liavo also got a pair of flno
Cougar Kittens, fivo months old,
which can bo bought at a reasonable
i price.
G.N. Lewis