THE MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1910. 8 THIS SERMON IS A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE Ooo ooo PEOPLE'S PULPIT... Grieving the Spirit. mi Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pailor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Htlllllll)1, Off. UI.-i'UNtor ItllKMI'll of tho llrnoklyn Tiitwriuirlv tiri'iiiliml lo tiny from, tho tint, "(irlcvi not lliu hull- Htilrll Hfiilisl unto tho iliiy oMlWuVriua' (KIiIidmIiiiin W, !!()). lie mild: Mont t'vlilonlly our tixt Ih not ml dri'HNfil to tin hcMilH'ii, who Icnow not liil, nor to tho iiiiihm'M of ('lirlNtcnituiii oven, Imt inort'ly tt thOMo who romt t nn liitltnntf nciinlntntii'0 with tli IHil nml. who hiivti rt'colvcil liU liolj Kplrll iih n Ncnl, murk. I'vliloiiu'. proof tlinl thy y nml by will itliiihi tin frulllou of llidr Iiohh-iIii i ouiiltl of tlnlr mli'iiipllon, )lr iiIiumIiiii il llvvmnco from nln dentil romll tloiiH, MohI nMMirwlly no nn roulil Krlovo the holy HjitrU yho Iwul not n wlvwl It! Tin' cxpnvwlon. Iwly Bplrlt of Ofxl,,l hrnt twrjl cxnctly In tho unim? KunNp'ni If wo wrrc Mpcnlflnc to a ilcnr cattily frliMiil. wIiohi Fiyinimtliy, frlhiwhlp, fnvor wi hud learn to lrui rrjr hlulily Of ftirh w nilrtil My In rury nltnllnr lneitiKi, If you do iwi and no. It would numiredlj wnnml nnd irrlrr inr npirii r your uonrr rnena i n Intlumtlon would lie Hint you would no loitKcr lmv lilx cMtmn nnd for nn lofor: Hint Hie n'prrhwidcd conduct would cnuw inorc or litw or n breach Ix'lwcen you nnd your friend It would not nicitn I tin I hli nrqnnlnltinrr would tiorowmrtly c cut forcrcr. ntrfl thnt lu would tifcotnc your cnniiy. ItiMcml o your friend It would uicnn, rnilicr, Hint tuivltiK been your friend lie would cittiH'in you no ungtr worlliy -of Hit' in nn dcfjnif of fellowship and conll Ocncp nn iH'forc lie would no Ioiiri trcni you iim n ilenr nnd Intlmnt friend, ntnl couiuiuiilcnlc to you 11 pin n nnd iirmnccincutN bIiwk rnrioun lluea lie might Mill wnk Un l pnNcd by, nnd trent you In errry way Minlly. yel there would be n dlfferptice, n roolnewi. .n KepnrNllon, n cloud, lie- tween, f you entccinnl Hi lore your friend. IiIn fellnwNhlp, hi inter est In nil of your nffnlrn, you would iiHNiireilly l continually tm jrnanl ! in iiothiuK Hint iiilcht wound, nrrend Krleve 1 1 1 tit and nllenate IiIn ayi'npathy nnd fellowHlilp- cnjiecliilly If b were on n higher jilnne of wealth or honor or Intelligence limn yourself, and our, therefore, whone pntronnpp. mlrli- ami oiiiimI you needed and ilrMrrri 'I hi, we take It. In Hie thought bo tiliid the AptHtle'M word "arievt' lu our text II la dourly nlll'il with the thought of offcndltiK our beat friend our Creator, our IleHTenly Tnther. V lire not to rt the tlwliKlit Hint the Krent Creator of the Hulrerae could be netunlly cuuaed aorrow, Krlef. repln liik pnln. by nuy conduit of oura. He Ih toil Krenl mid we are too luxlcnlll cunt. Vet our Heavenly Knther takes note of iin nn n world of innnkliid tie Iiiih provided for our rellrf from aln nnd IIm peimliy, deiith. He li apn'lnlly llllereMleil III those who huve ri-lxinilcd to lilx cnicioiiK iirofferti. "Mkv ua u fu (hut pltleth Ida children, m the Ixird pit leili thorn Hint reverence hint" (I'miiIui rill. I IIm pity extended beyond HilH-wen to love, when we heartily ucccpU-d lila fuvor and innde full con aovnitlou of our little all to him. It wiih then Unit lie wna pleused to aeal iih, to Klve ua I lie murk or Htntnp of aoiiHhlp, to evidence to ua that we hnvo iH't'lt boRolteii ngatu to a New Nut tin', to immortality, to alary witti niiuMjf- tf an be that we continue faithful to our vow of cooHeerntlon. Th Lord' vlewtlt. Ah a father he waichcH over the In tureHta of itilx couHccrulcd clans. A I UioukIi, iih the Scripture any, they mo "few," he cMtltniitcM them very highly mid, nuiouKHt oilier prcrloua tuuiica, Klvek to HtcHc KotiM of Hod tho Utlu of "Jowela." Tho cxperlt'iicea of the prea cut life are Intended to polLih theae Ji'wela to prepare .them foru heavenly Nuttlni; In tho Iteuurrectlou Mornlui;, "They ahull be mine, anlth the Lord of lionta, In that day nhrn 1 make up my juwola" (Malachl III. 17). Am tho lapidary flrat waahea the dia mond which lnn been picked from the tulry clay; aa ho then critically exnm Iiich It to note Itu very beat iHxalblll tloa; aa he then u'Itcn dtrrctlon to the workman reipoptlnt; Ua cutting nnd subaoqiirntly rttipectltir Ha poltihlntr, wo have thr Dlrlue llluatrutlon of how (Jdd'u prorldcuce tlirosik the holy Spirit, the holy I'awer of (JihI, over rulcti and mildew In all tint xperlcuufa of thlu cotiHocrateil "Jewel" claaa, It la ronulrwl of thoiii that they exerv'lao fnllh nnd learn to rejoice In trlbuln tloiirt, aH well an In more plrnmirabU exjiorlcticcH. Itnowltifr that they are In God'u liiinil, nnd that, If thry urn nub mWalve to him, he 'will "work nut for theni a far more excccilltii; mid oIer mil, wi'lKht of Klory" throiiKh tho dla upt)iilutincntH. (he frlctloua, the aor i'owh, the leafs, the iwikuIhIi even, of earthly oxpcrlcnccN If theso be on dured for r:hteiutiuoaa' nuke, O 1 1 1 1 1 1 k down to human comprchen tldli, the Lord rcprcHciita lilinsi'lf nn plt'MHcd or dlspU'iiNcil, rejoiced or jtrlev oil, after the maimer of the moat nohlo of the htunnti family, lleciiuae of li Ih Koticroull.v, It Ih btiucvok'iico, li Ih desire to io kooiI unto nil. nud impcclally to the liniiHchnld of faith, and particular ly to tin; fully consecrated, our Crea tor tnlciw pleiiHttre lu tho worltliiKout of u icenl Plmi of Silvitllnn for humunltv Text, "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God, by Wlncli You Were Scaled Unto the Day of Deliverance" (Eplicsinns iv, 30). tton upon our hcnrla, auiillutr ua, mark. 1 liiK ua, continually deepening tho lm prenxlon, ovitnttially iriuiaformliiK ua, , until, by the final elniiitfc of tho Klrat i ItoHUrroctlou, (ho acnliiiK iirocoaaca , ahull luivu been nccompllahed. Then , tho KlorlottK promlxca of Hod'a Word liiivliiK been fully realized, wo ahull bo lllie our Lord on (ho aplrlt plnuo nnd ahnrcra of IiIh lory. Tlieu wo ahnll bo Krnnteil tho prlvlli.'Kca of aaaoclutloii with him In hla Millennial Kingdom work for thu uplifting, tho roatlttitlon. i tho hlcnaluK of larael mid nil the fa tri ll lea of tho earth. Hut let tm not for Kt't that no oito Ih Healed with tho holy Spirit of promlae, except hu linH turn ed from aln nnd accepted our Lord JcHtta iih hla HeileemeT and who Iiiih. additionally, conaccrutcd unto death PLUM BING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone 2031. DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLV AND WITH COSII-" MKT TO YOU AUK ALWAYS TO ItM FOUND At I'll 12 FAIILOW & DOWNING, PKOITHFrOIW. WEST SIDE STABLES piion'k stai s. anAru stiu2I3t Tor iitx tliouauiid year a our loving ureaior naa jN'riniitejl A.lnn.a UIhoIh... Wb , r, , uml lt,im)U, of dlenci! to brlriK upon hla fatiiHy n trrl- J , M. -j,. f F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD ' ..r ..... . i' iwinizca wiih tin- "jtronuitiK creation ' nnd hna prmulaed naalatniico-dcllver-titicc. Hut hla Wladoiu dolermlitea thnt the lexxoti of tho NlnfulneM of alii and the blltorncaH of Ita fruit niiiHl Prat bo thoroughly learned Then the deliver nucn to iltfhteniiHiieHH nml life may bo the belter appreciated ntnl nil dnlip'r of a reveralou lo aln lie ncolded. nml an eternity of rlKhd'oiiHiieaa nnd bleaa Int.' remit. Prnparnttnii for thla urent prnttrnni tinH not biTlt awlft, nor la hnate neceM wiry The eaon of aln nnd Ita bitter frultnco haa enmo lo the world dtirlns alx ihotiHfltid yenra, Hioiieh no alnclo rneiiila'r of the rnce neiiled or received ao prolonitetj a leaaon, Tho flrat alep of recovery wna nccompllahed by our Itedeamr'a mitIIIc of hlinvetf The aerond atep ban lMen In procran alnce IVntisooat (tha rallliitf and atrrptlust of the antltyplcal Lvvltrx) aiwlally nmoncat thr of Hi antll,vpUnl prleat IiokI, who now rejolclnrly anffer wllh the preat HIkFi Prleat They lay down their lire In hla aervlce. under the promlKo thnt In the Klrai Iteaurrectlon they ahall lw with their Itrdwmer nnd ahare tila Klnry and, na a "roynl prleat hooI" under him. rule. Inatnict. nnd oyery way naalHt In tiillftlui; the Strnnnliur rrentlon" diirlnR tho llllen tlt I ICItiKdnm of the prent Mediator. wIioho inembera tliey will bo Till atop lu the Divine Plan la apoken of lu the KcrlpturoH na "The Myatcry of Ood:" Hint tin Church now lielnj? aeleelwl nre "fTirflrr" of The Chrlat Ah aoon na thla "inyntery bidden from nRca" ahall Im completed nnd the Church tn glori fied, with her Iird. then our prayer nnd the prayer of our Redeemer will fx-fln lo hare fulfillment- -"Thy KIiik dom come; ihy will be done on earth na It la done In henven." Not nil who have untned the niyno of ChrlHt; not till wbohvn turned nwny froa a la; sot all b bare teAm faQ couaecrntlon of Hiemaelvea even will attnln to the Ktorlotta "thdiRa which (Jod hath In renervatlon for them that love him" Only auch of the conae crated na learn In the School of Chrlat the great Icanoti of supremo love to (JimI and heart obedience to hU will (outward nlxdlenco alao to tho extent of ability) only thcao will bo uccoiiutcd worthy to ahnre In tho KlnKdom. It la tunic that nre mentioned lu our text aa aeleil ty the holy Spirit of prom ise mid wnltliiK for tho reaurrectlon morulni;, the dellvernnce day, the day of attainment to the Ktorloua thlngH which (Jod haa lu reservation for tho fultliftit. Aa n IovIiik parent watchea the profcrea.1 of hla child In achool. ao tho Henvenly Knttier la Interested In our protean, nnd deHlroua that wo ahull make our ouIIIiik nnd our election euro to tho henvenly glories. Hence ho picture himself na ptta.inl with our pniRreaa nnd na grktvd when wo fnll to learn tho neceaaary leaaoua. Ho haa promlNcd ua n plnce with our Lord In hla Millennial Kingdom Throne, but the protnlae la a conditional one. Our Uodeonter expreaaea It thiH "To blm thnt overrninctli will I grant to alt with mo In my Thmno. Thua wp get n glimpse of (Jod'a Hpcclal Intereat In each of hla consecrated, aplrlt-bogotton children, TKsy M Inm m urn amlle In mpiaVM wa vhm7 tho ItisIi-emer'H footatejwi. A fallnr to walk tn thla wny jrrierra the Iord'a aplrlt or figuratively lirlnga tila frown Instead of his amllo unit tonda to aep- arale us from Ills love The child of (Jod should eok to ever live In the sunshine of tho Henvenly Fitthe.r'H favor. Whatever clouda nrlso between auch nnd their very boat earthly frleiidH will ho light nflllctlons Indeed, If they still nbldo In fellowship with tho Henvenly Father nnd the-Son. through tho holy Spirit the aplrlt of love, the aplrlt of Truth, th aplrlt of olh'dlenre. Hie aplrlt of self sacrifice. Indeed, If earthly friendships nnd earthly lovea bo entirely severed through faltbfuluraa to the Lord, the loyal one may reach the place where ho can "rejolca In tribulation alao," 8aled by th Hcly Spirit. A seal h an authoritative mark, With a algnatura a aeal Implies that the contract of the docameat la no longer open, no longer a mere pro posal, but an accomplished, tin la lied agreement or bargain, In oUles times. seals were usually Imprewnl la wax whllo It wna yet soft; tho aeal Itself represented a coat of arm or some thing representing the personality of the one who used It. The prossuro upon the aoft wax wna gradually In rrensod nud then hold (Irmly until tho wnx had cooled, hardened, nnd permit ted the removal of tho hcaI. without Injury lu tho Impress which then wits clearly rovouled. This la Hk mental picture which our text brings licforo our minds. (Jod our Creator, our Fn her, linprossoH upon our wIIIIikj hearts his holy Spirit his own elmrnotor HkenoHs, which Is specially oxompllllcd for is lu tlx words mid doings of our The Ooallno Operation. God'a holy Spirit, In effecting thin aonllng of our hcarls. In malcliig thla Impress of the Divine character upon us na Now OretitiireH. uses various means. Olio of those Is tho Word of GckI, sometimes called "tho Hword of tho Spirit." Its Instructions, encour agements. wnrtilngH and promises con stltiitit n power of OisI upon Uio hcnrtH of IhoHo who lovo rlgliteoustiess and bate Iniquity nud who nro striving to Rorvo the Inl with wjlllng nud self- sacrinclng hearts, Tint Word of (Jod j may rencn omers niai iniiucuce uiem mon or less this way or that, but only i upon this one special class docs It cxer-1 else this tealhiff siwcr. Another agen cy for tho ImprivMilng of tho Divine will, "the mind of Christ." tho holy Hpuit. upon our hearts U God'u I'rov- J Idencei. Theao. boworer. can be right- j ly understood only by those enlighten- i cd by the Word, tho niblc. and can be rightly npplled only by tho meek, Uie ! humble, the tmatful. who hnvo mndo ' tho consecration nud nro Booking to ! tniitce their calling and clecHon sure. The holy Spirit iihoh theao different means of developing In tho consecruted onca the mind of Christ, tho aplrlt of God. the holy Spirit: nnd tho sealing thus effected mnrka each Individual na 1 one of the Lord's "Jewels." one of tho I Lord's "mcmlKTS." In preparation for n shnr with the Lord In Hie henvenly Kingdom. There Is a blessing experi enced In conjunction with tho sealing ( Itself o Joy, n pence, n rest of heart, 1 which the world can neither give nor of tho present time nro merely n fore taste or "enmest" of the great Inherit mice which Is to lie theirs with the completion of their experiences In the ) School of Christ. In tho end of this ago nil of these faithful ones, "not tMBy," "a Uttli flock." wtn jwcts the end of the Journey nnit. tiy tho First Ttefliirrecllnn. Iio "ehannrd In n moment. In Hie twinkling of nn eye." into the ' glorlotis likeness of Hie nedecmer. Thnt wonderful moment will bo in the early dawn of the Millennial Day. which Is the T)ny of Redemption, tho Duy of Dellvernnce. Ocllveranea For tho World. j Hut while Uie Church will be the ; first to tio blessed In that dellvernnce ! lny, the Scriptures nsstiro us that oth- , era nlso will bo delivered "the groan- ' Ing creation." Hut tho Church will be I flrat every war. nnd then through It na , tho riody of Christ, tho blessings of j rtstitutlon opportunities will bo extend ed to nit others. Thnt will be earth's 1 great Deliverance Day or. na shown In ' tho Jewish types. It will Is? the nntl- I typlcnl Jubilee Year, In which the world will bo released from Its bond- ngo to Bin nnd death. Aa St. James do- clnros (I. ISi the Church Is "a kind of first-fruits unto God of nis creatures." I Hut tho first-fruits will have n great pre-eminence, in that tho First Resur rection will bring them spiritual per fection, aa well aa n share. In the Mil lennial Kingdom. Theirs will Ik? an In stantaneous chnnge. while tho oppor tunities or tho world will be that of sradual uplifting from slnjind death OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Civil Enstfneers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Reports. Estimates, Etc., Water Pow ers and "Water "Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Ir rigation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. to RESOLVED The best resolution for you to mnko is to come to us tor your next suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE FKOQ&lsSSrVZ TAILOX The Helping Hand An F.lnr.trlc-llchtod Window Is a helping hand to Increasod business, it extendsr for you the glad hand of business fellowship to every possible customer. A well lighted storo Inside and out, makes good friends, and good friends mako good customers. Our expert can showyou tho best and cheapest methods of sign and Window lighting. 'Phono for him. THE ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. J. E. ENYA'ItT, President JOHN 8; ORTH, LuUiur J. A. PERRY, W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK oAPITAL . 550,000 SURPLUS $ft,GK Safety boxes for rsnt. A general Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronage. AiiAAiiitifiiiiAAAiili AlJidli AAAAAiA i At AAA J TVtt'T" V Tt tttT VT Tf TTT' TTTTTTT "T fTTT " I Medford Iron Works V n TDfllllnainRC DrnnrUiar i C ' V MJK " . T m f All rr of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-T Ttiiuiuy. nuciu in quuuiciii uicyuu iui -t i FAIRBANKS, MORSE it CO. $ ROGUE RIVER Three Color Stationery Letter Heads and Envelopes Cornice Pear and Spitzenburg Apple PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEILN (SL PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 30$ t - Iti'iloi'incr hihI I Iio iiiiomUos who walk- (I In his nIpiih of dovotlou In dud ami o rlKlitooiiMiioM ami In wolf fmcrllleo In Iio Inlorost of othorn. What a liciuillfnl plcturo our toxt tlion l'Ivoh im of Hid lirilv Hnlrlt'rt ooora nlnnw!, na4 ta a woiU-vH hom't. 'I he prlcTlnic of the hor Sp'rtt, '.bon, vroilrt n'Ktilf.v that tho PrM'nR ?roc osh. wnild rtl?ont!nnr: tint the rork wonlil nJt be accompllHhctl: that tho 1 Word nml rrovldoiieeH of Oml would not provo offoctlvo lu I ho heart which hnd prlovod the Spirit. In other wonln, It Is ivqulnNl thnt thl vorlc of scaling shall bo fully with our consent (co operation!. elfx It cannot proceed. Tho AjKxitle Intliuntefl thai nolf will on our part, or a recurrence to I he aptrlt of the world, would bate thla hltanttng effect. Thla la attown In tho context procedlnx:, which aliould lx fully atod led. It Is not our wfcih to dteHxtrnee any. liody In any roeaaure of well dolnjr. On tho contrary, we encourage all with the Scrjptuml asuuranee that not n Rlivglo net of ktndneaa dune to oae of the lenat of the Lord'a dtsclptea will full of Ita reward ct a cup of cold water. It Is or duty, boweTer, to call attention, not only to tha uraadeur of the lrb which the Lord haa H be fore bis Cuurob, but alio with equal persistency to call attentWui to the particular twins upon which It may be secured. It la not tn Tain that the pontic wrote. "If ye do thine thine. ye ahull nerer fall, for o an entrance Rhall lie ministered unto you abun dantly Into the oTorlnstlnu Kingdom I of our Lord and Savior .Tonus Cliriat." lu lb very Maine connection Uie Apow (lo i'iiIIk iur attenllon to Nome who have prleved the holy Spirit where with they were mmlod unto tlw day of deliverance, siiylnn: "Hut he thnt lack eth iIiono thlnea Is blind and cannot see afar off (Iiiih lost his spiritual Might) nnd has forgotten that he wiih purged from his old mIiib" (II Poter 1, 8, W 1 Po, then, dear brethren, let us plvo tho i more earnest heed to the Word of the lxird. lent we Bhould lot the bleaseil mi'MMace and blwacd liitluoiico slip fHE MAIL TRIBUNE r Are You Going East ? Have you a friend coming west? You ought to bring one to Medford. Call and seo us. let us talk routes and rates witU you. Information ehecrfuHy fur nished. Phone, address or call on Southern Pacific R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent I WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. Ha Harris & Co. . . - - OREGON Office in JackooL county Bank Upstairs GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE 5EE US FIRST Whon in need of Eloctrio WirinR, or Fixturoa, and savo raonoy by got tinu Lost workmnnship. Dynamo RopairiiiR a specialty. FLYNN BEOS. MEOFORD'S PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. wtST MAIN STREET. v