Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Want Ads Will Retain Your Luck
2HEk J
Tho ri'KUlur hiooOiik of din O runt cr
Moilfur'l Cluli wna linld Momlny, Jim,
3 Hiivornl innllurft uf Irupuriiuioo wro
ltMClMHC.l, NW IIH'llllmrM tultun Into
!n ululi lit IliU tmotliiK wort) Mra. llort
Ainlrsoii, .Mrs, V. O. Orcii mill MrM.
Wllllum t.uotta.
A book cluli was orKunlioil, tho object
-of wlilcli will bit In obtuln tho Intent Ho
tlon, plnuliiK It In it library fur tho uxdu
olva uu uf tho iiiitmbrrs of tho lioolt
club fur it kI von li'Miilli uf tlmu nftnt
which It will bo turned aveV to the pith
111) tllirrur' for Knvml lino. Tho iihiiii
Iters (if thu (Irnttiir Moilfonl Club who
wish to Join tho hoolt club cun do no by
eceliiu Minn Jaiiliu
Tho mat tnoulliiK of tho CJrrntwr Moil
iorJ Club. Jiuiuury 31, promises to bn n
incut IntoruntliiK oiio, A coiuuiltteo wn
iiolute1 to it rn ii bo troKrnm nml
ntuloi thu tiir'otlnK a aooliil ono, oin to
(ho int-mber of tho olub Mini thalr
frlomla, An tho olub In In nooil of funds
to enrry out tholr many Jtlnn for tho
ruturo bottonnoiit of Medford, tho small
tium of tin cunts will bo chnrjcod nn
Mr. Biiilth linn kindly Klven froo uno
of litnttli'M hull for ineotlliKK of tho club,
Tho noxt uiPOtlnif will tio hold nt that
jilnco Monday, January Sot.
On Jitnunry 4 tlio Ladles' Aid Hooloty
of the Muthodld Kjtlaeopal church kuvo
an "at homo" to It miiibrs mid tholr
friends, from 3 to 6 o'clock, itt tho homo
of Mra. C. If. Cury, 356 JaoVaon street.
A larirn iiumtmr of itucata wcro prment
nrt tho afternoon waa spent moil en
joyable. Al Urn KueaalnK content In
which nearly nil took part, Miss Dur
ham mid MIho Wolfo received tho prlaea,
a plclura mid n vasn. Thin wan followed
tiy n abort tntialcal program. Vocal
nolo wero nunit by Minn Ilono rielder
mid Mm. W, M, Van Hcoy, mid Mlii
Cary mid Miss Durnmn ititvo aolrotlona
on tho plmio. itefreahmentn of cake,
cream puff nnd coca wero served later.
Tho lioatreaes for tho afternoon woro
Mcadatnea Cary ,Moad. Chldcster.
Vlni-n. llolknnp. YVoolm and Davis. Tho
ladles are plnnnlntt to entertain their
Trlends mico a month during tho winter
nnd at tho same ttmo add to tho fundi
of tho aoclety.
Mr. nnd Mm. II. 13. Hoyden entertained
tho member of tho 500 and tholr hua
bands and a few Invited Riieata on Fri
day ovenlnit with charmlnir hospitality.
Nino tables of COO wore played. Mr.
It. MeOowan won tho gentleman prlxo, a
liandMonio book, while tho Indian prlxo.
n choice Jardnnler, was carried off by
Mm. II. O. Nloholaon. A dellcloua lunch
conalatlnK of chicken sandwlchea, olives,
coffee, cake nnd fruit parfalt, wm serv
ed, tho hostess being aaslatod by Mm
K. O. Trowbrldce. Mm. I. I llnmllton
nnd Mr.J. O, Uoblo. Aaldo from tho
mnmbem of tho club nnd their htmbnndn
there wero preent Mr. and Mr. V. w.
fltretn. Mr. and Mm. Kentner, Mr.
T'lynn. a vlatlnK coualn of tho Kentnom
Mr. nnd Mm. If, O. N'lcliolaon, Mr. and
atm, I'. W. Hollla and Mr. and Mra. M,
The beautiful new tiununlow hnto of
Mm. J. D. Heard on Blaklyou ItelKhta
wan tho aceno of tho Hwaatlka card
party nn Tumday nftornoon. The view
of tho valley from the crent of the hill,
with tin circle of nnow nprlnkled moun-
tnlnn. called out many oxclnmntlnna of
dellRht from thono Improaaed with tho
nnturnl henuty of foothill acenery, Hoven
tnblen of whtat nnd five hundred wero
played nnd the hoatean naalatod hy her
dnUKhter, Mlaa uladyn Heard, nnd Mm.
II. R. Koatrr, nerved n dellcloun and
nubitanllnl lunch conalatlnk of brown
trend and hotter nnndwlchcn, nnlnd, cako
nnd coffeo.
In two wf.fka, January IS, tho club
will bo entrrtnlned nt tho homo of Mm,
M. 1'iirdln. with Mm. W. W. llnrtnon and
Mra, Clnrn Mnulden nn nralnUnt hoat-
Tho organization of n hook olub. an an
nuxllllury to tho public library In n
tnnvemrnt that meotn with Koneral fav
or, over thirty members belnir necured
tho flmt week, tvtthout nollcltntlon on
tho jmrt of tho committee. Tho mem
lierahlp feo In ono dollar nnd tho fund
belnir tltun ncctired In lined to purchnao
recent flotlon nn well na dealrnhlo worka
Hint nro noicflctlon. Tho bookn nro to
ho held for alx inonthn for nlroulatlou
nmnni; tho mtintiortr of tho olub, nftor
which tlmo they will ho placed on tho
nholvea for Kcnornl circulation nmoni?
imtronn of tho llbrnry. A lnrtro nuinhar
of now bookn hnvo heon ordered and will
noon ho In circulation. Wednenday 107
hooka wero drawn, tho lnruoHt number on
nny ono dny alnco tho cntobllnhmont of
tho llbrnry.
Mrn. AVIUInm Ijucnn, naalatod hy U
W. Oray, Mrn. "William Aldonhnrfen,
Minn Hoko nnd Minn Dot Ilerry, cntcr
titlned tho Indies guild of Ht. Markn
ICplacoiml church Thurnday nftornoon nt
tho homo of Mrn. Oray on Mlntlotoo
ntreet. tho hunlnona of tho nftornoon
wnn anoedlly dlnpatohed, nftor which
Hov. Mr. Lucan, rector of tho church, In
n dltfnlflod nnd Improaalvo mnnner con
duotcd tho bcnutlful Kplphnny aorvloo,
This wan oapcolnlly plennlnfr to many
who find It Inconvenient to nttond n
great number of ovenlnK norvloen nnd the
very Informnllty of tho Knthorlnir
liolKhtonod tho effect of tho rending. A
dainty lunch Wnn nerved nnd nrrnnifo
tnontM nmilo for n mooting January 13
nt tho homo of Mrn. Humphrey, SIS
Kimt Main ntreot.
Tio reKtilnr mentltm of tho V. I. I,
club took plnco Mondny evonlnir, Jnn
unry 3, nt tho homo of Minn Mllllcent
Potter, Onkdalo nvonuo, North, who
proved n chnrmlnif hoatonn. Tho on
tertnlnmont wnn of nn Informal nature,
nnd musical program, In whloh Mlsa
Florn flrny wna heard In piano soloa, and
Mr. Henri dunnon favored with vooal,
wnn much onjojed. Itofronhmontn of
wafers nnd olmcolato wero nerved,
Thoao prcnontt Mian I'ttn Ilnrnmn, Mlas
Arm Hnrmon, ho Merrill nlntem, Mian
Flora Oray, MIbh Kdnn CumltiKM. Mr, C.
A. Weaver, Mr, W. H, Watt, Mr, Henri
Oiinaon, Tho olub will meet January
17 nt tho home of MUa McKay on West
Jnokaou nrr 'V memliDrn nro nx
Potd to tftfttU 9 rvll cnll with mi
Ham of ourraa miv
t i
Whllo Qtrttttrt lr In apeclally
clvmi over iv 1 vii uml family
KitthnrliiKa In which tho lioinn cookml
dinner In tho fiHtwri of tho day, on Now
YHir n day, tunny nvnll thomnolvon of tho
prlvllego of dining out. Among tho
many imrllia partaking of tho very at
trncllvo tnhln do hoto dinner nerved
Jnntmry flmt nt tho Hotel Nanh drill,
wan that of Mr, mid Mrn, U. I. Hulclil
aon who had nn tholr guentn. Dr. and
Mrn. IS. II. I'lckel, Mr. and Mm. W. 1.
Vuwtcr, Mm. Hill, niothor of Mrn, Yaw
ter, Mr. V. Vf. Ilutohlnori, Mian Kori
Hutchlaon, Vernon and Wllllum Vaw
(er, Carter Ilrnndon, Mlaa Atothn Km
erlck and Halbart Douol.
Tho Wedneaday Htudy mot thla week
nt tho homo of Mm. W, I. Khletdn on
Holly Htrept. Sovonteen mambern of
tho club wero preneiil. Tho aubject ba
Ing "Itnlph Waldo Kmoraon," with Mra,
K, W, Htreeta na eannylat Mm. II. C.
Kentner rend ono of Hmemon'n poema
and n pner on the llluntrloun author's
home, prepared by Mra. U. a. Hmlth,
who wan unnhlo to ho preaent, wna rend
hy Mm. II. H. Tuttle, nnd Mrn. Tortor
J. Nt-ff read a aelectlon from tho eanay
on "Componaatlon." Tho meeting wnn
one of tho mont Inntructlvo and enter
taining of tho winter. Next week Mrn.
Helen Ilanklna will entertain the club.
Klnhorato preparation nro being mado
by Itenmea Chapter O. J J. 8., for tho In
stallation of offlcem which taken place
Wedneadny night. January 13 nt Maaonlo ntn,uy evening nt which time It was do
hall. Tho Auxiliary committee having cd,j to fix tho date of tho dinner, plana
tho arrangements In chargo conalats of for which wero made before tho holt
Mm. M. V. Alftfrd. Mra. K. 1). I'lckel, daya, on Wedneaday evening, January
Mrs. Frederick Page. Mm. W, I. Vawter, x.
Xlm. W. II. MeOowan, nnd Mm. II. C. ,
Kentner, chairman. Commlttoea on , Mrfc Jr Montgomery, who won re-
program, qecoronon onu onnnuoi novo
been appointed to work In conjunction
with tho auxiliary committee and doubt
leaa tho affair will bo tho leading aoclal
ovent of tho week.
The ladles of tho Bt. Ann's Society
will give ono of tholr popular dancing
parties at Angle's opera house Wodnes-,
day evening that will doubtless bo ono
of tho aoclal aucceaaea of tho week.
Tho committee on arrangement,, la Mra.
Oney J. Patton. Mm. W. C. Debloy. Mm.
Duff and Mm. J. F. Ueddy. T. 15. Dan
iels with Mr. John Wilkinson and oth
er to naalat will bo In chnrgo of tho
floor. Hupper will be aerved and tho
Hazelrlgg orchcatra will furnlah tho tnu
ale. Tickets, 11.60.
Mlaa Hniel Knynrt la en route homo
from Now York where alio has boon
upending tho year with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mra. J, A. Whitman, lie
foro leaving tho metropolis Mlas Knynrt
lin.1 fliM rilnAunrn nf lixlirltttr ,Iim tin.
mortal Caruao nnd a aupportlng com-!
puny of tho world'a greatest artlats. In ;
Ileethovnn'n opera "Alda." At present
she Is making n somewhat protracted
visit with relatives In Iognnport and
ludlnnnpolln, Indiana, and will visit In
Chicago also before coming homo.
Tho Chrlatlnn Kndenvor Bocloty of tho
Preahyturlan church held n social nt tho
church Friday evening thnt was attend
ed by n largo crowd of onthuslastlo
youn pooplo. An admission of ten
Columbia Hams and Bacon
Sweet, wholesomo, delicious nnd jusL tho thing for chilly morningu.
Giro your bronkfaBt a zect It ha novor known before
Have tfie Best Turnouts in the City
You nro treated right, tho prico is right, th ttnm is
right in fact, ovorytliing is right. Como nnd ee.
j -i iLj.a'j . it.:
P. 0. FlnnBM!. Tom Mnfftm.
Wo mnko any Ivirul mid stylo of wTwdfrnu Wo carry
irhiH of any Rizo on hd.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
cetitn wan charged nnd nandwlchon,
cako, punch, hoinu-miilo candy and nutn
weru jiurvod. Mr, Arthur Hohertn aotod
nn doorkeeper, whllo nmoiig thoao oi
tho cominltleo of nrrnngemontn woro
Mian Clonolovo Wortmntt, Mlwn Mary
Cloro anil Minn Mlnnla Jnckaon.
Mr. Chorion McMurtry and nlntor of
Omaha, Ncbrnnku, ul ono tlmo rnaldnnln
of Medford, havo been tho guentn of Mr,
nnd Mm. I'. Knynrt. Minn McMurtry,
Who iloun oxuulalto piilnllng In olla, hnn
lieoii In Orunln I'naa tho pnat threo
inoiilliH whoro nho gnvo Inntruotlon In
nrt to mi oiithualuatlo cluaa of puplla.
Tlmy aro on tholr way to Loa Atik1h
to apond tho tmlanco of tho winter nnd
on routo wilt atop In Oflhalnd, Huornmon
to uud Hun 1'rnnolnco,
Tho Kndlea Aid Hoclety of tho Chrla
tlan church mot nt tho church Wednoa
dny afternoon In bualnoaB aeaalon nnd
elected the following offlcem: I'runl-
dent,, Mm. D. If. Mlllon nnnlntniit, Mm,
UoiiJ, Oamott; treoaurer, Mra. Cameron;
.,..-., i, irv. Mrn. l!d. Itoblnnoni com-
npondlng necrotary, Mrn. Mlnhlrr, A
committal) conalnllng of Mra, A. W.
Walker, Mrn. Cameron, Mrn. Thco. Mat
lock mid Mm. Dean, nerved n delicious
lunch that wan highly appreciated by
tho Indlca.
Mr. II. U Kolley, nupcrlntendcnt of
tho government flnh hatchery at Trail,
hnn irono to Wnahlngton, D. C, on hln
way to liuonon Ayroa, Argentina, where
, will be field nuperlntcndont of flail
hntcherten for that government. Whllo
greatly mlnned by a largo clrclo of
frlcndn, ho In being congratulated upon
tho jinnotlon which mennn opportunity
for extenalvo trnvol an well nn n moro
lucrattvo poaltlon. t
Mr. and Mra. Frederick Togo cnter
tnlned In a delightfully Informal man-
nr Thurnday evening with three tables
f coo, tho gueata being Mr. nrid Mrs,
C. I. Hutchlnaon. Mr. ana aim. w. i.
Vnwtcr, Dr. and Mrn. Ii II, I'lckel, Mr.
and Mm. I II Waktmnn and Mr. and
Mm. 1 W. Hollla.
Tho Men's Brotherhood of tho Mcth
odlnt church held o call meeting Wed-
ernUy caei to Albuauerijue. Now Mex-
Ico. by tho death of her slater, expects to
ho In Los Angeles noon with her mother.
Her plana for returning homo aro aomo
what Indefinite, depndlng on thoao of
her mother.
T,lfl T,aic,. Mlanlonnry Society of tho
churcl hold a peasant meeting
(J afternoon at tho homo of Mrn. D.
LaWton, jjo North IJartlett street
rcn(1 ,unch orved nnJ a
'fl,Kfl, .f,-rnon nncnt.
profltnblo afternoon spent.
Mr. It. V. I.umaden of tho firm of
Hutchlaon A I.umaden, returned Mon
day ovcnlng from Los Angeles, whoro
with his wlfo nnd mother. Mm. R M.
I.umaden, he haa been apcnjllng the win
ter. Ho wilt remain several weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Itawsln of Tho
Dalles wero New Year's guests of J. W.
Itoberts and family, Oakdolo avenue.
Houth. Mrs. Itawsln. a recent bride, Is a
",cr ot Mrs- Il0BC'ls-
Mr. and Mra. Cowles entertained Mrs.
Vilas, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Woodford, Prof,
and Mrs. O'dara with a dollghtful din
ner at the Nash Grill Friday evening,
December 31.
Mr Trove Lumsdcn, who Is In his sec
ond yenr at Stanford University, spent
tho holidays with his parents In Los
Angelen, returning north for tho open
ing of school tomorrow.
An January 19 la tho night achtdulcd .
for tho "Tho Wolf," probably tho blg-t
gent production announced hy tho toenl
miinnger for. thin nnaon, tho Juvonllo ,
Dancing Club will not moot on that
night an provlounly announced.
Mlnn Helen Watt, who has been apend
Ing tho holiday vacation with her par
ents Mr, and Mm. J. IS. Watt, returned
to Ht Helen's Hall, Portland, Wednes
day evening.
Tho sympathy of tho community goes
out to Mr. and Mrn. IL M. Ccna, In tho
loan of their only child, an Infant daugh
ter who died Now Year's dny.
Mr. A. A. Campbell, manngor of Sher
man, Clay ft Co., loft Friday evening for
a brief visit with his family In Heattla.
Mrs. IJort Orr has gone to Kugeno to
visit her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.
Mrn. Maltby entertained Friday with
a charmingly appointed dinner, having
an her guents Mm. J. F. Mundy, Mrs.
W. It. Btokcs and Mrs. Clara Moulden.
Mrs. Fielder of East Medford has had
nn her gueatn Mr. and Mra. Adalt of
Ilod Wood Fulla, Mlnnenota. who left
Wcdncnday for aouthorn California.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harmon had as
their dinner guests Sunday at the Nanh
drill, Mr. and Mm.. Turner of tho Pa
cific Si Eastern.
F. l. Lou Velio and. Mr. and Mrs.
Hobs Kllno havo returned from an ex
cursion to San Franclaco.
Mrs. F. W. Carnahan la enjoying a
visit from her father, a K. George of
Miss Maud Stlckel of Oold Hill was
a Medford visitor Tucaday.
Mrs. Do Dcuw of Jackson, 111., Is vis
iting Mrs. Charles Drown.
Steamers in Distress.
CHICAGO, Ills., Jan. 8. Four lake
paaaenger atoamora aro In dlstreaa near
this city according to mcsagea that
reached hero early today. Tho steamer
Arizona of the Goodrich line flashed a
wlrelaa message stating that she had
been disabled by a boiler explosion and
haa been cought In tho Ice. Thre. other
steamers, tho Puritan, Flora M. Hill,
nnd tho City of Marquette, also are fast
In Uio Ice. Tuga have gone to the rescue.
Jobbers Choose Sncrnmcnto.
DENVEIt, Col., Jan. 8. The 1910 con
vention of tho Western, Fruit Jobbers
association will meet In Sacramento,
California, according to the declaton of
tho deelgntea of tho association In ses
sion In thla city. Sacramento was chos
en over St Louis.
4. n j n
FOR RENT Fumined roosae.
10 North Grapo atroot.
FOR RENT Two houses at ?10 nnd
J 12. Aylor & Dnrnott.
FOR RENT Furnished front room,
402 Main St., opposlto Park. 25G
FOR BENT Two furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Call at 325
South Ivy street. 252
FOR RENT Nicely furnished houso
keeping rooms; no small children,
Mrs. Joo Thomas 222 South Holly
FOR RENT Corriplotoly furnished
C-iootu houso, ono block from
Main street; adults only; $40. Ay
lor & Dnrnott,
FOR RENT A suito of 3 nicely
furnished housekeeping rooms; no
children. 222 South Holly. Mrs.
Joo. Thomas.
FOR RENT Largo furnished room;
light housekeeping; no children;
$15 por month. 133 W. Mnin St.
lw 255
FOR HUNT Uood 40-acro farm;
building; wator for Irrigating;
young orchard; good terms to right
party. K. S. llltrlor, Taft uvonuo,
near Second, Medford. 251
FOIt RENT Farms, from 40 ncroa
upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa,
stock or gonoral farming. Inquire nt
office Condor Water & Power com
pany, 200 W. Main street.
FOR RENT Tracts of land front
ono to forty ncroa; with water for
irrigation, suitable for rawing po
tatoes nnd garden truek, also suit
able for chicken and turkey "raising.
Ownor will furnish' a reasonable
amount of lumber and poultry nnd
other fencing for improvements if
lesweo porfonn labor of erecting
Bfttno. Call nt office of Condon
Water nnd Power company for pr-
-- -f
FOR SALE Five room house and
three lots, close in, for $2500; $1000
will hnndlo. W. T. York A Co.
FOR SALE- -Choree business proper
ty nt n bargain, on long t,irae; eaay
torm Addrrww P O, Box 41 R,
FOR SALE Bny pony, 7 years old,
snddlo nnd bridle; $35, Addross
box 404, Medford, Oregon. 256
FOR SALE Roguo River three-color
stationery showing Cornice ponr nnd
Spitronborg npples. Modford Mail
Tribune 2G0
-f & -f -f
. . 12.1. T . 4. 4. 4. 4.
4 f444444444444
FOR 8 A LB 5 nnd 10-acro tract
jiiHt within and adjoining dty lira
itn, nt a bargain, on 5 nnnual pay
ments AddroHU P. O. Box 418.
KOH SALE Chonp, food tunm nnd
wagon, nlno limine and lot. Inquire
Win. E. Stnccy, cor. Uonrdrnnn and
Alico streets. 254
FOR SALE Oak, fir nnd pino cord
wood, 12 and 10-iuch; nlno dry rail
wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono
order to Main 4201.
FPR SALE Two lots and an eight
room house; a bargain if taken nt
once. Address Box 401, Medford,
Oregon 250
FOR SALE 240 acres two miles
from Talent, about 150 acres under
cultivation, good fruit land, at 70
nn acre. This is a snap. W. T.
York & Co.
PUK BALE 76acro ranch, with
good wator right; finest fruit land;
ch'mp:; also property In Portland;
will trade for Medford p-operty See
Coleman nt cigar factory.
FOR SALE Young orchard In bear
ing. Mat Calhoun. Phoenix, Or.
FOIt SALE Eight good milch cows
all giving milk; one good 4-year-old
horso, weight 1500. George Hilton.
2 1-2 mllca north of Medford. on
county road. 253
FOR SALE 5-room house nnd lot
with or without furniture, on North
Riverside nvenue. Fino location,
near good school and church. For
particulars address T. B., Tribune
FOIt SALE A tow till blooded
whlto Leghorn cockrolo; Potaluma,
Cal., stock; not related to anything
in the valley; $1.50 ench. Address
A. W. McPhorson, Grltrfln Creek,
Ore. Phone 111 Farmers line. 251
FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter,
latest model, with 2-color ribbon
shift; base and metal cover; cost
$110.00; will sell for cash only;
prico $90.00. Address Box No.
588 tf
4. . 4-t 'f
NOTICE For the prsent time I have
taken my land off the market. T. J
Pnrlnn. 959
WANTED Socllcltor with clean rec
ord. Apply No. 6 F street.
WANTED Experienced quarry man
Address P. O. Box 418, Medford,
WANTED Good clean cotton rags
nt tho Mnil Tribune office. Will
pay right price for same
WANTED To borrow f 500 to $1000
will pay 12 per cont Interest. Ad
dress P. O. box 292.
WANTED Second-hand calcium gas
generator. Address R. G. Patch,
JfodtorfjJJw. 251
WANTED A 4. or 5 .room, furnished
house. Address Box 402, city.
WANTED Man acquainted with
the valley toshow land. Benson
Investment Co. 250
ANTbD Uood drmng horse, as
part paymeut on n piano. Van
Walters. 253
WANTED Girl for general house
work; good wages; small family. A
S. Dllton. Vx
WANTED Young offlco man wishes
room and board in prlvato family.
Address W. W. Kofeldt, general de
livery. 252
WANTED Man and wife; man to do
genoral work, woman for general
houBowork. Condon Wator nnd
Powor Co.
WANTED Tho best orchard tract
that $5000 cash and $4000 modern
houso in Portland will buy. Ad
dress Investor, P. O. box S63.
WANTED Hand spraf pump; see
ond hnnd, in good condition and
complote. Address with price, L.
W. Zimmor, Medford.
WANTED A ldny solicitor to soil
olectrio heating, cooking nnd light
ing dovices. Apply nt tho Condon
Water and Power Co.
WANTEDAgenta. to go to Cnlifor
nin to soil territory for tho "Hidden
Window Screen." Inquire E. C.
Aylor nnd Bnmett, real estate of
fice on South Contral avenue. 261
LOST A thoroughbred Scotch Col
lio dog, snblo with whito markings.
Finder return to W. S. Brooko,
Snowy Butto Orchard, Central
Point. Pro. '251
STRAYED Ono ronn horso. boll,
branded, N. on right shouldor, 1
roan 2 year old colt, 1 light bay
horso brandod N. on right shoulder,
glass eyed, baldfaco; 1 small brown
goldlng brandod 4 loft side. Last
seen near Eagle Point. Finder
ploaso notify S. A, Robinson, Eagle
Point Reward, 260
fliiQiMPQQ ninrnmnv -f
Tea and Coffee Houses.
riety of tea or coffee grown enn bo
had from thoir agent, S. Kemp
thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phono
3871. Tickets given with every
loc.; beds, 15c. Give us a trial. 120
Central avenue, upstairs.
CINES will cure rheumatism, nsth
mn, paralysis, sores and private dis
eases. These remedies may be pro
cured ut the store of Wah Chung on
A street, Ashland, Oregon, where
they will be sold by the proprietor.
Chow Young.
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and
sheot iron wnreion hand and made to
order 128 North O street.
CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim
ney needs cleaning be sure and see
D. D. Woods. Leave orders- nt the
Medford Hardware Co., or phone
2581. 231
be found in room
Phipps Building.
-Auctioneer, will
208, Taylor &
Sewing Machines.
Singer nnd Wheeler & Wilson sewing
machines for rent and for sale on
easy payments. All kinds repaired
and woik guaranteed. Best oil and
needles for all makes at tho Singer
store, 27 South C st. Phone 3431
Attorn oys.
Palm Building.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-atrUw
No. 0 D street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank Build
ing. Second floor.
B. F. MULIvEY, Attomoy-nt-Law,
J nckson ville.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stenographic work dona quickly and
Real Estate.
estate, loan nnd Hep insurance
Office 112 'V Main St., Medford
Ore. PtH.i.e 3073.
ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, C. P,
Drlggs, real estate, lnsiranco, farm
and city property, timber. Butto
Falls, Or.
Printers and Publishers.
best equipped job office in South
ern Oregon; Portland prices. 3
South Central nvc.
DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op
tician between Portland and Sao
ramento Office on West Main street
and rnnrviH
Brick Companies.
G. W. Priddv. J. T. O'Brien
O. D. Nagle.
manufacturers, and contractors;
nlso lime, cement nnd plaster in any
quantity. Office, Medford National
Bauk bldg. Phone Main 545.
dertakers, Day Phone 351. Night
Phones a W. Conkliu 301; J. H.
Butler 3571.
Piano Instruction.
HARMONY, sight rending, musical
lorni, Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan
College of Music. Miss Flora Gray,
btudtos, 144 South Control avenue
Phono 493.
Carriage and Auto Painting.
WORKS High-clnss work guaran
teed. Signs. Riverside nvenue.
Phono 801.
Maekey and die with joy." Over AI
len & Rentrnn's tUore; entrance oo
Seventh ntreet.
Civil Engineers
WILL tako by contrnet, on reason
able terms, nil kinds of work, also
irrigating, planting nnd onltivnting.
oto. Landscape gardening. Fiml
olnss references. William Peters,
Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 Easl
Main strest, Medford, Oregon.
t-r-f f -rt4
Bill Posters
VERNE T. CANON- Bill Poster and
Distributor. All orders promptly
Tilled. Room 7, Jackson County
Bntrk Building, Medford, Or.
Billiard Parlors
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Young nnd Hall bnilding. A nice
cool place to spend the hot after
noons. Architects.
J. K. A. BILES Architect and
Builder. P. 0. Box 480, Medford
Or. Your building respectfully so-
H. F. WILSON & CO., doalors in new
nnd second band furniture and hard
ware. Agents for Mound City kit
chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh si.
Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med
ford. Mission Furniture mado to
ordor. Cabinet work of all kind.
A trial order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second Hani
Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-24)
If St .South. Phone 01. Medford, Or.
are budded, not grafted. Our stock
is not irrigated We guarantee ev
erything put out. Wa are not in th
trust H. B. Patterson, office, !a
Hotel Nash.
Growers of high-grade nursery
stock. C. E. Cook. Prop. R. R. V.
depot. P. 0. Bot 841. Phone 583.
Transfer and D ravage.
H. S. BRUMBLE Draynge and
transfer. Baggage storca. Office
C nnd Soventh.
Cement Workers.
B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran
teed strictly first-class. Residence
No. 400 Bentty street. A card will
brine me to you.
L. Huillier, 707 Main street West
Private lessons in singing (method
Rossini) and languages French,
Italian, German, Spanish.
MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction
Metropolitan College of Music. Miss
Flora Gray. Phono 493. 144 South
Central nvenue.
Building and Loan Association
Boggs, Acting Secretary, 12H E.
Main street
Carpenters and Builders.
A. D. JOHNS, Contractor and Build
er 225 Riversido avenue. Phone
F. E. niLL Will furnlah pinna an
list of all timber to bo pnt in build
ing. Medford, Oregon.
W. G. HOLMES, contractor and
builder; plans and estimates furn
ished. Inquire Star restaurant or
address Box 818.
Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Mile
Building, Main street, Medford, Ore
gon; Physicians and Surgeons.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Night calls
promptly answered. Office and res
ident phono Mnin 3432.
Offices in Hnskins' Building. Phone
Mnin 1001.
Stewart Building Physicians and
Surgeons. Offlco phono, Main 341;
prlvnte phono, Mnin 612,
i. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician utuj
Surgeon. Modern equipped operat
ing rooms. X-Ray. Offico hours:
10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jaoknon
Co, Bank Riiilriiuc
MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h I a
Physicians. Mission Block, Phone'
201. Medford.
specAitst, wnm otnors mil. Urrioe
in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 833. Eaai
Main near D'A n jon.
IRELAND & ANTLE Smoko Houso,
dealers In tobacco, cigars and smok
ers supplies. Exclusive agents of
Lowls SInglo Hinder, El Merlto and
El Paloncla. 212 West Mala street