THE ACEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, M"EDFO.ED, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1910. 4 tt r l CRNTKAT, POINT ITEMS. ttt t -t' (From Central Point Ilcrnld.) Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Norcross left Monday forenoon for Los Angeles nnd other California points where thoy expect to visit relatives for a whilo, coins from there to their for mer homo in Wisconsin to visit Mr. Norcross' mother. f prospect items, -f Sccintr that no one hns tnken the trouble of informing the world ns to our beautiful town for some time, wo will endeavor to let the f not bj known that there are yet n few res idents hero who are very much nlivo. Tho Medford Mail Tribune is a very - -. -- -. OOM) IUMj ITEMS. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Mr. and Mrs. A. Caloy, of Yon-! welcome visitor in our town for it is cnlln, former well known rosidonts of j Central Point, spent Christians hero with their daughter, Mrs. Edmund March. Miss Eva Norcross loft for Snlcm Sunday evening, whero she hnlds a position ns teacher in tho public schools, after spending tho holidays with her parents. At tho commercial club last even ing A. J. Dunlnp, who returned Sat urday from attending the Illinois Stale Horticultural meeting, gave nn interesting report of his trio. A full report will bo given in the Herald's next issue. D, M. Mardon, ono of tho host known residents of the Knnca Creek section, died Monday afternoon. Mr. Mardon was a pioneer of Southern Oregon, coming to tho Rogue River vnllby from California during the early days .of tho gold excitement. Ho .was a man highly honored and resnected bv nil who knew him. He is survived bv his wife nnd several children. The funeral services were held at Gold Hill yesterday, Rev. T. M. Jones of this city officiating. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pelton, of Port land, hnvo this week announced tho approaching marriage of their nieces, Miss Grace Lylo Bradsley to Mr. Ward Earl Whiteside and Miss Elva Merle Bradsley to Mr. Lloyd Vnn Bebber. Tho double wedding will tako place at Whitwood Court, Portland, Saturday, January 8, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside will reside in this city, where Mr. Whitesido is engaged in a lucrative real estate business. They will probably arrivo hero next week. AGE NO BAR. j a wide nwako newspaper, and fnir. fearless (By Spectator.) David Mnnlon ,nn oM resident of tlili ! section, Jlcil nt Ills Into homo on Kim 1 Crock, January 4, 1910, after a short 111 I ncss. Tho subject of our sketch was born In Devonshire, Unglnml, November 30, 1SS5. At the iko of IS ho arrived In this country at San Vnvnclsca After mining In tho various mining districts In Pnllfnmla ho enmo to this county to 1 .,...,. Viol,.,- l.,nn1. l.'ltt..!. Mr flna I " ' - - -- , UltUlIU 1 liIIUI U.1V.UM A IIJ1V11, Engel, It .It. Qilbort, Mrs. T. (Jon Tho following list of letters re main uncalled for ut the postoffioi at Medford, Ore., Wednesday, Jan uary ."), 11)10: Canons C. do Admor, Joo. Adams, Mrs. Carrie Anderson, Charles An drows (2), Mrs. K. G. Ashoroft, Joo. Carter, Mrs. Lucy Chonowoth, Mvw. II. M. Casper, Harry Goi-gnotte BVIOIUCPC rUAWITVC Klmer Davis, Mrs. Pearl DoPrli'V DU llROj J. W. StoveuBon, Dr. E. It, Stovau Hon, Elmer Storio, Cluulos L. Taylor, Vernon Tihbetts, Krod Thnwsoli, 11. 1). Sanborn, W. Wlllo, Mrs. Will Wright. Parties calling for the nhovo lel lors will ploaso say "advertised." EMPLOYMENT AND follow tho same pursuit, settled on Kano's creek where be has resided over Sylvester 11111 nnd wifo have just ' farming and mining. Mr. Mardon ronr retnmcd from Medford, whither they rlcd Miss" Mary Ithoten in 1SC5, who was .,.., i- i,nf np Mi l.,f..-'c ' deceased sovernl years ago. Ho leaves I . ... 1 two sons, John H. and Oeorgo T., who Wo nro informed that nn elope ment took place in our midst recent ly. Tho young men nro complaining because they haven't been wearing gon, L. Gould, P. W. Hull, Harvo H. Hall, Ward P. Haitis, C. C. Hall, Mrs. Frank Helridgo, Mrs. Hnbo Holhroolc, Mrs. N. C. Hopkins, .1. A Kent, Charles Lees, P. D. Lookard, L. A. Martin, T. 1). .Miles (2), A. crs who reside In this country, Thomas Mardon. a resident of this county, ami jfeXotton, Grnco Nelson, A. B. Put- Ilnrry Mardon. of " , w B Robertson, Dessa Ho!- Interment was made in the I. O. O. I-. , ' , ,.rx- nt nineo. Tho funroal luson. Sanford Bras., P. at o well. spectacles, too, that they may havo j services were conducted by Kov. T. M. aecoiveu uicir competitors niso. joncs ot v.cmnii i-umu , John Bania has tho distinction of I C, II. Farmer, a former Wont of , . . , . . it ' this place, was up from Calico creek being a very successful teamster. He. the fIlrsl of the wock ,ookln(t nflcr ,,, having hauled ono ton of freight ' mintng interest In this district. ! from Central Point to Prospect, over n. H. Moore of Mcrrltt & company, bos t the present bad roads. However, lu ! purchased property in tho miAM-, ., 1 Hon adjoining the Dekum bungalow, ana . team is better than tho averago t a ;mmoaloU8 domido in tho team. early spring. ' Messrs. Larson nnd Iudor havo Hughes & Carter received the first of been making some very material im-i the week from Tork. , , , w Pv SO.000 pounds, of up-to-date machlnen i.v i.u.i,uw "'h - ihnlr now lime kiln on Kano-s creeis. Tho macninery wm do placed in position on tho property and will bo in operation in tho early spring. This property was recently purchased of tho II. Allison eatate and has been In ooeratlon for a number of years. Tho outpost of this kiln will bo shipped to Everybody In Medford Is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle ago, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable to explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backacho first. Comes when 3 on catch a cold. Or when yon strain the bi-ck. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, "Brighfa disease. Cure ovexy form of kidney ills. W. P. Gould, 119 West Jackson street, Medford, Ore., scys: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and I am pleased to Bay that they have given mo more relief than any other kidney medicine I have ever taken. Other members of my family have also used Doan's Kidney Pills and the results havo been so satisfactory that I do not hesitate one moment in giving this statement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. w ORDINANCE NO. 284. An ordinance providing for an ap peal to the supremo court of tho stato of Oregon from tho decree of the circuit court of tho stato of Oregon for Jackson county, and directing tho mayor and recordor to execute tho necoB8ary undertaking on appeal. Tho city of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Tho action of tho city attorney In giving notice of appeal to the supremo court of tho state of Oregon from tho decree of the circuit court of tho state of Oregon for Jack son county, In that certain suit whorelu M, F. Hanloy Is plaintiff and city of Medford and others are de fondants, which decree was made and ditch which was quite sovercly damaged by tho recent freshet. One of our local citizens recently received a letter from our old friend, Mr. Donald Pardoo, who left hero n few months ago, and is now enjoying tho best of heath in tho soldiers' home in California. It is rnmorjd that a second-hand store is to begin in our midst, or else where soon, under the firm nnmo of Aiken and Henry. Success to you, gentlemen. Mr. W. E. Mooney, of Wyoming, who purchased tho Red Blanket farm near here, is making some very no ticeable improvements on his proper ty in the way of grubbing out omo of tho timbered portions of tho farm. Mr. S. S. Aiken, our mayor, psst master, notary public, etc., is tln busiest man in town. Mr. Aikon is tho youngest man of his ago wo chance to know. Quite a number of our local sport attended tho dance given nt Peyton recently. They express themselves ns having hnd an excellent time. J. L. Grieve, more familiarly known as "Alfonzo," is spending a few days in the valley for tho put pose of attending to business mat ters and to consult a physician re garding his physical condition. Geo. Daniel whose movements arc being closely watched nowadays on account of his famous arguments against married life, has been cutting and hauling some very choice board, j or shake timber to the sawmill, that he may be ready for business, should No matter which way you look at street during the holidays, returned to their homo Wednesday, tliA nrpntliur liiwnmn plondv nr 5n nnv manner inclement Some people talk I conductor: 2taffi; - reverse 01 ineir iucukuis. Emma Pauly, O. O.: Dora Cain, organist. Herbert Henry, who is a Colifor- Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts of Spo- ian by birth, finds Prospect quite re- kane, who have been visiting her par vr fmm M nntivA ctntn. Asnonl-. ". Mr- and Mra- Charles Iteldel on D ly does ho think so regarding the win ter season. Trapping seems to bo quito a pay ing industry here during tho winter season of the yenr. The woods 3Com to be alive with deer, bear, foxes, wildcats, wolves and cougars. We have had considerable snow during the past six weeks, and on account of the shaded portions tho snow remains longer than wo wish. Wo are nil sitting on snow balls up here, looking westward across our left shoulders for the proposed rail road. May we not look in vain. Mrs. Martha Hollenbeak and daughter, Miss Pearl, spent the hol idays with friends and relatives nt Gold Hill, Central Point nnd Med ford. Tho former received medical saiem and wiiiamctto vaiiey points, it cither through a maQtiifylng glass where, it nas gainea ine repuwuun vn being the best lime on the morket H. A. Cryder, ex-postmastor and n long-tlmo resident of Gold Hill, is now located at Twin Falls. Idaho. Floyd 1 Eddtngs has taken a position with tho Pacific States Tolephono com pany at Grants Pass and left for theero last Monday. Tho following officers havo been elected b Sugar Pino Camp No. 10.073. M. W. A. of this placo for tno ensuing vear: J. E. Davidson, consul: C. F. Carter, advisor: J. U Hammcrsly. bank er; G. L. Haff. clerk: F. L. Eddlngs, es cort; P. E. Hulburt, sentry: Cyldo Walk er, watchman: W. P. Chlsholm and R. C. Kelsey, camp physicians, and A. E. Kel logg, camp deputy. Ittley Hammersly and Charles Dun gan havo leased the Hammersly placer mlno on tho south roric or aaruino creek for the coming season and began operation last week. r Tho postoffico will be moved from tho bank building to the McClcndon building one door south of the present location, about tho first of February. The pur pose of tho removal is to provide larger quarters for both the bank and post office. Mr. and Mrs. C. C McCtendon aro on an extended visit to relatives at Lom poc, Calif. The following officers were Installed Wednesday evening by Amethyst Ite bekah lodge. No. 97, for the ensuing term by Mrs. Nelllp Reed, district depu ty president: Katherlne Kellogg. N. G.: Nellie Reed, V. O.; Maud Stlckcl. R. 8.; May Smith. P. S.: Pearl Coy. treasurer; Nelllo Darling, R. S. N. O.; Ella Smith. Jj. S. N. O.: Mlnta Lance, R. S. V. O.; Martina Thelle, U S. V. O.; Maud Jarvis, PINE NURSERY IN THE SHASTA NATIONAL FOREST SISSON, CaL, Jan. 8. Tho forest sorvico has planned to establish a coniferous work on the Shasta' na tional Forest, the capacity of which is designed to bo 500,000 transplants per vcar. The stock produced here is to be used in experimental planting on the timber forests of the north. Approximately 5,000 pounds of sugar pine and yellow pine seed hnvo been collected the past season for conducting sowing experiments. Tho groat problem 011 tho timber forests lies in the replacement of chaparral, which has taken nossesoion of iin aid while at Gold Hill, and returned ( mense areas of potential timber land ioiiowinc nre, much improved in health wo are pleased to note. Prof. Geo. A. Crane, of Roseburc, who began a term of school hi this district last fall, closed a very suc cessful term on the 31st ult., but owing to tho universal satisfaction entered In said court on December of his services ho was immediately A - t 1 llll. A .9 ' 1 1 !lL - 1 1 22, 1009, Is hereby ratified and con firmed, and said city attorney Is hero T)y directed to proceed with said ap peal. Section 2. Tho mapor and record er of tho city of Medford nro hereby directed and authorized to execute on behalf of Bald city tho necessary and usual undertaking on appeal, and to secure sureties thereto, Tho foregoing ordluanco was paes cd on tho 7th day of January, 1910, by tho city council of tho city of Modford by tho following voto: Mer rick, ayo; Welch, nye; Elfert, aye; Dommor, ayo; Wortman, aye; Bm orick, ayo. At teat: ItODT. W. TBLFER, City Recorder. Approved January 7th, 1910. W. H. CANON, 253 Mayor. ro-employod with an increased sal ary, and so the school moves smooth ly along without a vacation. Pros pect can boast of having ono of the finest district school houses in Juck- son county. Congressman nnwley sent the district a fine map of the United States, togother with his com pliments. Come and investigate our condition. OUTLAW HOTEL ARRIVALS In connection with the exporiment nt work on the Shasta National For est, experiments will bo mado with many of tho broad-lcufed species of tho east for tho purposo of ascer taining whether some of them enn be successfully grown on certain favor able situations. E. D, Drlggs, a leading attorney of Ashland was a Medford visitor Tuesday. or tho wrong end of a pair of opera glasses the prices we quoto on men's pants, Hats, furnishings and shoes are real bargains. We make good goods at low prices.. We do mora for you. The Wardrobe FARMERS AND FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING. FOR SALE Sovoral span of horses. Wagon and harness. 4- room bungalow, 5- room bungalow, 2 rtist.turiuits and other businesses; good opening. 2' loto, ono on C street, tho other on Hiversido nvonuo. FOR RKNT 0-room house. 7-room house, furnished. WANTHD Men to clour 10 acres, WANTRD Men to cut cordwood nt $2,r0 por cord, 24 Inch wood. ! WANTUD A numbor of gtrla for! general housework. ! WANTED Sovoral women for cook ing. WANTED A houso smith. WANTED Two waitresses. WANTED A woman to cook on ranch for two persons. WANTED A girl for gonornl huso- wnrk; must bo able to cook; $1.00 per day. Other girls wanted. Anyouo wishing to sell thoir busi ness, call up Businoss Chance Man. E. F. A. MTTNEff, Prop. RfMM 208. PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. Hot Tamale Parlors 403 Hi BARTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER G, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh ucof ami chicken tatu les, Mexican beans, chlckon soup nnd all varieties' of Mexican illshos always on hand. Special tables for ladles. Will also keep a supply of tamalos, etc., ut Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens, MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. ANNOUNCEMENT Tho Rogue Htvor Canning & Evaporating oompiiny will dovoto Mondays ami Thursdays of unoh week to oiihIoiu work in the iiinu it f not lira of eidor, apple butter and jollio. Phono your ordurs for nieo MWi-et elder to UN-'. Dollvurlim will bo made on Tuesdays nnd Fridnvn of oiifh week. ROGUE itIVEN CANNERY & EM'ORAriNG COMPANY Mill In West Medford. Phono 11X2. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, .obes, twits, btaftkefe, wag on sheets, axlo grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 34 E. Main. Martin J. Reddy ' For Diamonds FineJewelry Near the Post Office ..Ul.lX..!IJ'-liL. .i.iu..: : ii- i i Want a Home? Now, modern, 6-room, 2-etory res idence, situated in northwest part of Medford; the most hoalthful, as woll as highest section of tho city, cost-, ing, completed, over $3,500; lot with $1,000; will sell nt a sacriflco! of $1,000. Address all communica tions Box 048, Medford, Oregon. Want a Lot? Woo 53x108 foot lot in northwest part of Medford; good soil; sloso in; worth overy cent of $000; will sell nt a sacrifice. Address Box 018, Med ford, Oregon. Small House A boxed houso and nice 53x108 foot lot in northwest part of Med ford; houso can bo mado very com fortablo for smay oxpenso; house and tyt worth $1000; will sell nt a big sacrifice Address Box 048, Jleuiord, Oregon, Bargains For Sale or Exohsno AO acres heavy tlmbor land aovon mlloo from Modford; tho wood will moro than pny for tho land. 12 acres full bearing 'orchard, 4 miles from Medford. SpiUeuborg and Newtown Pippin npples; best aoil in valley; good buildings. A bargain for n few davo. For Nilo Now C-room modern; terms; S2000; plumbing and wlrlne comploto; plenty of bearing fruit treei;; East Sldo. Now house, 4 rooms and bath, near park; choice location; term; S1C00. Grocery storo and stock gooda; terms; S2C00; good trade oaUbllsh d. See Towsend 134 HAIK ST. AT CUSIOK & METERH, r Instantaneous Gas Lights 211 W. Main J. W. Whitney Phone 1082 REAL ESTATE THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD WHEN YQTJ WANT TO GO, CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY R. O. DUNCAN Proprietor M'DON'ALD IS AUDITOR OP SOUTHERN PACIFIC OMAHA. Neb., Jan. 8. A. JJ. McDon ald of Los Angelea today was appointed auditor of the Southern Pacific railroad. Hla appointment la effective Immediate ly, He formerly waa auditor and secre tary of the Pacific Electric railroad, the Huntington suburban system operat Ing la and around Ioa Angolea. Tho Mooro J. W. Word, G. It. Morris, Seattle: A. B. Lee, Spokane; A. G. Harrison, Portland; II. C. Campbell, I. N. Campbell, Minnesota; V. II. Mondclson, L. T, Brunn and wife, Karl II. Menke, San Francisco; J. II. Mendenhall, Seattle; I. Benyer, New York; D. L. Clause, Portland; John Millo, Jr., Seattle; It. V. Burt, Seattle; L. C. Allen, TJ. S. A. Tho Nash-r-Thomas Towlos, Wal laco, Idaho; D. A. McLean, W. J. Bland, D. II. Silloy, P. J. Cox, Chas. Boyco, B. E. McMurray, Portland; E. Adlor, New York; A. B. Snyder, San Francisco, W. G. Nilos, Port land; F. I. Moore, Stockton; Geo. F. Cuthbert, Medford; Herman Grun- pl-v. 'M'nlPnrl Finn T Rnilnr TVn-t- land; Mrs. J, M, Portor, Ashland. CALIFORNIA The Mecca for Winter Tourists Its attractive seaside reftorts, famous medical springa, magnificent tonrist hotels, picturesqno Bcenery, delightful climate, nnd opportunity for nil kinds of outdoor poetirae, bucIi as hundrdda of miles of nuto drives through orange proves nnd along oconn beach boulevards, make this favored region The World's Greatest Winter Resort, reached via, tho SHASTA ROUTE anil "Raad 7 a Ikui&MA WmmIm" SOUTMEN PACIFIC CO. Low round trip rat are U fft from all pointu ia the Nrthweet, with lonjr limit, stop-over privileges and first-olaes Acaoauao&atieBS. Mdford to Leva Angeles and Rvttsrn $47.50 With a final return limit of six eiontluj, and stop-overs in either direction. First class, up-to-date train with tko, ltteat equipment, un xcelled auaing er service, and every thing that goes to make tk trip pleasant. Attractive, interesting and instruetive literature tolling of e fimouB winter resorts of California, can be had on application to any O. E. & N. or S. P, Agent, or by writing to WM. McMURRAY, General PasteRger Agent, PIRTLAND, OREGON. Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank BnHdlng In Case of vSickness PHONE 3 6 4 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfico All Night Servico Froo Delivery 1