2 TM arEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, M.ED?ORD, QRISQQN. 1TODAY. JANUARY 7, 1010. STATION WEN BATTLE WITH YEGGMEN One Dead, Other Fatally Wounded! Says His Declaration Regarding HANDS OUT HOT ROAST Followed Night of Terror In Michigan Town. "YPSILANTI, Jtlcli., Jan. 7. Ono mnn Is dend and ono fatally wounded s a result of a battlo with two yegg tuon who attempted to break Into railroad station hero early todny af ter causing a regln of terror among tho storekeepers ot the clnclnlty. The dead: Henry Erner baggage- raaster. Fatally wounded: Morgan Em mitt, telegraph operator. Tho pistol battlo followed a night of torror In which tho yoggmen held up a Bcoro ot parsons and broko Into several stores near tho station. They- met no resistance until they stormed tho station and made an at tempt to force thoir way Into tho office. Erner and Emmltt met thorn with drawn revolvers. A desperate struggle followed In which many shots were fired by tho men as they grappled on the platform of tho etatlon. IJef ore reinforcements arrived, Erner was killed by a bullet from tho pistol ot ono ot the high' waymen, who escaped, and Emmltt was mortally wounded by tho other, Emmltt plucklly held on to his man until policemen camo up and arrested the bandit. Tho operator was rushed to a hospital where phy sicians made on examination and pro nounced him wound fatal. A po8so is pursuing tho escaped yeggman. MONKEY MAN" IS L TO WIFE Impersonated Brute So Often That His Entire Being Gradually Grew Brutish in Nature. American Civilization Was Caused by Child Labor Situation. WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. ?. In ft letter made public hero today, Qcorgo Uornard Shaw explains his recent as sertlon that ho had refused to ac cept an Invitation to visit America' because It had "Qono back a century In civilisation." Shaw declared that this statement had. been called forth because ot the frightful existing conditions ot child labor In the cotton mlll9 ot South Carolina and other southern states Ho ridicules tho "freedom" that ex Ists In a land whero these conditions aro possible Tho letter states that tho writer Is nwaro that similar con dltlons exist in othor countries. Ho declares .that his dlsplcasuro is not directed at tho United States alone and that the attacks of child labor Is on principle whenover tho opportunt ty affords. "My objection," ho declares "Is to get thoso chlldron out of tho cotton mills." After further comment upon child labor and American Industrial conditions, ho says: May I etato that If tho moro de cent Americans would set about tho work ot freeing theso children In stead ot discussing whether my opin ions are fair to them, I should have a much higher Idea ot their good sense?" EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 7. That masquerading as a "monkey man" had gradually changed her husband into a bruto Is the charge made by his wife against Harry L. Blitz, who be came a landmark on the exposition grounds last summer through his 'an tics; Judge Llndsy after listening to he evidence today granted a decree 'of divorce and alimony. Blitz Is now said to be in Portland earning S100 a month In front ot ono of the cheap theaters as a business getter. .Mrs. Blitz told tho court that her "husband had been In tho "monkey" business for many years, and that he 3iad grown more brutal in his attitude with the passage of time. "I grew to regard him moro as a brute than as a husband and lost my love for him through his cruelty to me," she said. Blitz put In eight hours a day In front ot one ot tho paystrcak shows, bedecked in barbaric apparel, a black ened face, armlets and leglets, ear rings and a most ferociously insane ..expression, CIRCUIT COURT. ''State vs. John W. B. Morris, as sault with intent to commit rape. Sentenced to seven years in the pen itentiary. J. H. Grace vs. It. D. McDowell, to recover money. Defendant Riven 30 days to file bill of exceptions. State vs. Wm. Dubs, selling liquor .to minor. Plea of guilty; fine $100. Two other indictments dismissed. 'State vs. W. H. McManus, same charge: same proceedings. State vs. Jack McGlinn, selling liquor to minor; dismissed. Tho court: ordered the petit jury discharged with exception of II. H. Halloy, until, January 24th. John Penningor and Fred Penniger tb. I. J. Hansen et nl, Fred Penniger appointed guardian ad litum. Mabel De'Rohdara vs.' Wm. L Do Robonin; divorce; on trial. PRESS AGENTS ARE WANTED FOR CHURCHES CHICJAQO, Jan. 7. A press agent for every church and constant adver tising in newspapers as a means of creating interest In religious affairs was part of a plan advocated last night In a lecture at tho Doremus Congregational church led by Rev. E, II. Packard ot oBston who calls blrasolf a "publicity evangelist." Tho lecturo was illustrated by lantern slides showing jutt how ad vertisements should bo worded and tho cuts and Illustrations used, "It Is a fact which many ministers aro beginning to understand that commercial methods can bo applied to religious work," he said. Mrs. L. A. Drako and her daughter, Miss Bessie, woro over from North Phoenix last Tuesday visiting Mrs. C. Carey. J. S. Stagg, of North Talent, was Mcdford business caller last Wed nesday. J. S. Spitzer, of Talent, went down to Medford last Tuesday after a load of groceries, for his store. C. Carey was doing trading, with Talent merchants last Wednesday. Bob Purvis, of Wagner Creek, was doing trading with Talent merchants last Tuesday. Frank Elliott, of upper Wagner Creek, was In Talent last Tuesday. Ed. Hamlin, of Eden Valley, was delivering fresh pork in Phoenix Tuesday. Thero has been a great amount of hay moved during tho past week. Not less than 20 tons has been brought through Phoenix. A. S. Furry has moved the house hold goods into their new resldenco Little Boy Blue, come bldw your horn; It you don't It won't be blown. The people won't flock To, buy your stock If you never make it known. So, Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn ; It's the proper business caper'. And the very best way To mnke it pay Is' to blow it through this paper. CARSON WILL CERTIFY PETITION FOR AITKEN Commissioner Carson Believes That J. C. Aitken Should Bo Reap pointed Fruit Inspector. CHINESE-JAP BOYCOTT HAS FALLEN THROUGH A. II. Carson, stnto horticultural commissioner for this district, spoct an hour or moro with tho county court yesterday attornoon, endeavoring to show thorn why tho tight against tho fruit posts should bo vigorously kept up. "I found tho court very courteous. and willing to listen to mo," Bald Mr. Carson, "and I am satisfied that convinced them taht tho work of tho Inspectors is not merely a matter of experiment anymoro, but ot positive knowledge of conditions, and that It Is a condition and not a thory which W4 aro called upon to confront. So tar wo have been ablo to hold our own and a llttlo moro with tho blight, ecalo, moth and othor pests, but it In a case of oternal vlgilanco and effort if wo aro not overwhelmed later. In tho mattr of tho reappointment of Mr. Aitken I hopo that you people will petition tho court for his reappoint ment, as his work has always been satisfactory and his romoval was a mistake. I will add my certificate to any potltlons for his reappointment that may como beforo mo." Potltlons aro now being circulated for tho reappointment of Aitken and will come before tho February, term of the court, as tho time Is too short to south of rhoenlx bapply domiciled. H. H. Helms and wife of Talent mado a flying trip to tho Willametto valley to bring Mrs. Helms grand parents to Medford whero they ex pect to mako their future home. Mrs. R. T. Blackwood of Phoenix was up In North Talent Wednesday visiting her daughter Mrs. W. S. Stancllft. Mrs. Allen Roberts of Phoenix was up in North Talent visiting friends last Tuesday morning. Tho Presbyterian church in Phoe nix has been papered anew through- oat and presents a much neater ap pearance, so much for tho Ladles' Aid. Phoenix will bavo a new Jewolry store adjoining T. J. Beckett's store.. Mrs. L. A. Roso of Phoonlx was do ing trading in tho city of Medford last Wednesday. Jim Smith of Phoenix was in Med ford last Wednesday, C. F, Pratt of Phoenix was in Medford on business last Wednesday. where they are Bot them in this time. MANY WOULD GET LICENSES,IN-WASHINGTON SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 7. Ono hundred and olghteon applicants rep resenting evry state, and territory in tho union. South America, Mexico and Japan, aro in Spokano to bo exam ined by tho Btato medical board for permission to practice In. the stato of' Washington. To Japanese are, tak ing the examinations through inter preters, but'thoso from. tho. Latin re publics aro discussing tho various olo gies, 1ms and other kinks in English. Tho subjects- range from anatomy to toxicology. JUDGE RULES THAT STATE CANNOT ACT ON RESERVE SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 7, Paul Cloln, convicted of murder in tho first degree by a Jury In tho Spokano coun ty superior court last fall on tho charge of killing Jan Lewandookl, has been, granted a now lease ot Hfo. Judgo J, Stanley Webster, holds that a state court has no Jurisdiction to try or punish a person for a crime committed upon a government res ervation. Want a Home? Now, modern, 8-room, 2-story res idence, situated in northwest part of Medford; the most healthful, as well as highest saction of, the city, cost ing, completed, over $3,500; lot with $1,000; will sell at a sacrifice of $1(000. Address all communica tions Box 648, Medford, Oregon. Want a Lot? Nice 63x108 foot lot in northwest part of Medford; good soil; sloso in; worth ovory cent of $600; will sell at a sacrifice.' Address Box 648, Med ford, Oregon. Small House A boxed house, and nice 53x108 foot lot in northwest part of Mod ford; house can be made very com fortablo for small oxpenso; house and lot worth 41,00; will sell at a big sacrifice. Address Box 643, Medford Oregon. Baron Kekuchl Declares it Would Never Be Success as Japan Is Food Supply. oUJoutH of tuu luimiolutlon, which hnm 67 charter tiiomborn, uro to tuirournguj matrimony by dlHcuHliu: ltn lulvan-j tagon and hiipptitcHM, culinary hcIuiico, ' education mul ullloil subject it ami to ontuhllsh mi Information and muting J ! bureau. I - - - EMPLOYMENT AND, BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Several span 6 horses. Wagon and harness, i-roora bungalow, 6- room bungalow. 7- room bungalow. 4-room house with 1-2 noro. 4 lots, 50x210. 2 runtaurautti and othor businesses; good opening. 2 loto, ono on G street, tho othor on Hivorsido avonuo. FOR HENT l)-room houso. 7-room houso, furnished. WANTED A woman to work and cook on rnoh; good wngob. WANTED -A woman to cook on ranch for two persons. WANTED A girl for gonoral huso work; must bo able to cook; $1.00 per day. Othor girls wanted. Anyono wishing to noil their busi noes, call up Business Ghnuco Man. E. F. A. WTTNKW, fnsp. RtUM 248, PHIFPS SLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. SAN FItANOlSCO, Jan. 7. China's boycott ot Japaneso products has fal len through, according to Daron Dalr oku Klkuchl, president of tho Imper ial University of Kyolo, who Is In San Francisco today. China looked to wards Japan for foodstuffs, ho said and thoir boycott theroforo could nover havo boon a success. Daron Klkuchl who nrrlcod yestor day on tho Unor Nippon Maru, came to this country to study Amorlcan od- catlonal methods and to dollvor a sor ies ot lecutres on what Japanoso was contributing to tho educational world. Tho cmplro now has 30,000 schools, tho-baron said, and two largo univer sities wero being constructs at a cost of several millions of dollars. Speaking of economics, Daron Kl-J kuchl stated that tho effects of war with Russia woro beginning to wear oft, and Japaneso would soon bo gone. Hot Tamale Parlors 403 N. DARTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER 5, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh bcof and chicken tnm los, Mexican bonus, chicken soup and nil varieties of Moxicnn dishes always on hand. Special (abtos for ladles. Will also keep a supply of tamalcs, etc, at Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens. MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. ANNOUNCEMENT The R Hb-r Cumting & Eraprfag oopny will dovoto Msjdlsp tust Minwiaju vt eoh wcvli to ova&m wrk In Ik mntt Mtwrtum ftfvfe kttftfcur Mil jflMta. I'kone jour or3w for nleo Hwwot cWer t 11X3. Dollvriet will b muck n IHt4rt aud Fridn.rH of eoh rwk. mmk mvm cannery & evaporating company MM ta Wwt miUri. Phot 11X2. For the Best obe, twite, MkU, wag mi sfeeeta, auk frcoM and BaU core, a well m aM kinds of custaw wert, see J. C. Smith 344 E. Main. Bargains for Jala or Exchange 40 ncrca heavy Umber land sovon Idaho Goes Ashore. I PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7. Tho ' battleship Idaho has grounded on mile from Medford: tho wood will Peov Patch Shoal in tho Delaware moro than pay for tho land, river whilo bound for Sandy Hook to assist tho warships held in tho ico 12 ncres orchard, 4 there; Tugs were sent to tho assist-' miles from Medford. Spitzenberg nnce of tho stranded vessel. j nnd Newtown Pimiin annles: hunt anil in valloyj.gxod buildings. A bargain Martin J. Reddy For Diamonds FineJewelry Near the Post Office i. him -.m i mm i .i, iijii 'j j .i i i Instantaneous Gas Lights MANY BACHELORS WHO WOULD TAKE A WIFE SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 7. "Thero aro mow well-to-do young and mlddlo aged bachelors In Columbia county. Wash., than In any similar aroa on this contlnnonU" said Ralph Hunt, presldest of tho BIuo Mountain Dach olors Club organized at Davton. and,"- ho added with a chucklo, "ov ory ono of tuom la looking for a wife.' President Hunt, organlror of tho club, Is a prominent ranchor and graduate of tho Btato collego of Wash ington. Ho announces that tho chlof for n few davo. t For salo New C-room modern; forms; $2000; plumbing and wiring complete; plonty of bearlns fruit trees; Bast SIdo. Now house, 4 rooms nsd bath, near park; choice location; terms; $1600. Grocery storo and stock goods; terms; $2000; good trade establish ed. See Towsend 13-4 MAIN ST. AT CUHIOK MKTEHS. THE BOADS ARE NEVER BAD THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD WHEN YOU WANT TO GO, CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY R. O. DUNCAN Proprietor 211 W. Main J. W. Whitney Phone 1082 REAL ESTATE CALIFORNIA The Mecca for Winter Tourists Its attractive seaside resorta, famouB medical springs, magnificent tourist hotols, picturesquo scenery, delightfa) climate, and opportunity for all kinds of outdoor pnstimo, such as hundreds of miles of auto drives through orange groves and along ocean beach boulevards, mako this favored region The World's GreateslWInter Resert, reached via the , SHASTA ROUTE. and "Wed f a Theusaml WMdet" SOUTH EN PACIFIC CQ. Low round trip rate aro in effeot from all points in the Northwest, with long limit, stop-ovor privileges and first-claM acconuBodatioms. Mwdford to L,s Angeles and Return $47.50 With a final, return limit of six months, and stop-overs in either direction. First class, up-to-date train with the latest equipment, un xcelled mning car sorvico, nnd every thing that goes to make the trip pleasant. Attractive, interesting and instructive literature tolling of e famous winter resorts of California can bo had on application to any O. It. & N. or S. P. Agent, or by writing to WM. McMUflRAY, General Passenger Apnt, PORTLAND, OREGON. Farmland Timber Land 3 Orchard Land 2 Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building In Case of vSickness PHONE 3041 MEDFORD. PHARMACY Nonr Post Oifioo All Night Sorvico Froo Dolivory