6 the aggpiroftn mail tribun'r midword, oukiion, wiWN.KsnAY, janizary r, idio. SQGIALANOPFRSONAL ,Dr. Ai . Darm, the dentist, and fninili' of! North Central RTenue. left todfcy fflr a temporary visit to Ash- land. n ... mi: j "Ilii'lHT :u)lllfHU unit uuss mto ihiuui j u. . jifi'im.j, . umn if relumed home Monday from their in Modford on a buaiues trip. wookV holiday visit with Mhw Q.'s j Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Ullwan, of Oln pniwuts on Slnte Creek. ! iiiu, Ohio, are lu Medford, took. Henry Mti, the (3. A. KJ ing oyat the eonntry, seekm a Wa Jitintkr. bougM in th Pokngnma! tion. sawmill ami 40 acre of timber at' Tyro Beal), of Central Point, ia hriif bale ystetdy In Jaokson- j in tfedferd today (Wednesday) on vine, kit. Mate WiH improve and , htifceaa, oparate die tail. both la aawtof lorn- Frank Brown, the Eatf Point kqr and wood tha'aok:t season. 1 merchant, was ia Medford Wedftea- Mr. fcwigou ia having 40 load of j day ou business. , fortiliaar rpnend ovat hit resident t Mrs. H. L. Montgomery la spending property, ja Jaw weeks In tfew Mexico with Win. E. Staeey, tho Aladdin laaiai relatives, man, ha returned from Grants, Pass Mb, W. T. Brown is makirtjt an wh- - he Lh bean assisting hia field extended visit in TexaX. um-i in placing hia goods. ! Col. "Frank L. TuuVeu and Mr. Mrs. C. II. Pi ere, of Aahland, is and Mrs. Itass Kline have returned vising friends in Medford and from a pleasure, trip to San Fran Jacksonville. J eisro. J. II. Devlin, of Portlaud, is pay- J J. R. Wood was in Aahland Wed inflr ft visit to his parents, Mr. andjnesday on a business 'trip. Mr. John Devlin, ou Appiogate. Mr., J. W. Lawton made a business visit lhe nn is engaged successfully in the real estate business in Portland, bnt has still a wntin soot hi his heart for his old homo in Jackson oouuty. Mr. mid Mrs, 0. W. Luke and Miss Gruehlor, of Centrnl Point, who have been visiting frionds in Medford, re turned homo Tuesday. G. II. Parker, of Grants Pass, spent Tuesday in Medford attending to business interests. County Commissioner Patterson was in Medford Tuesday on his way to Jacksonville to attend tho meeting of the county court. A. W. McDonald, of the Washing ton Nurseries, at Snohomish, Wash., is in Medford looking after the nurseries of tho company. The Washington nurseries have sold over I 300,000 trees through agents in this territory during tho past year. Mrs. C. J. Fry, of Sau Francisco, is a Medford visitor. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brnner, of Chico, Cnl., are in Medford on a tour of investigation. B. L. Jewell, one of tho prominent residents of Trail, spent Tuesday night in Medford. Read letter today from friends in Spokane mercury 10 below zero ground blanketed with four inches of snow. Fino sleighing. Mrs. J. G. Martin visited relatives and friends in Jacksonville today. Professor Abe Bish of Grants Pass schools spent Xew Year's day Tery pleasantly with Professor Bish's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A- W. Bish of North Court street. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Collins were pleasant visitors at tho cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hamil ton Sunday. Guy Moore, the Woodvillo farmer, came np Friday to spend tho holidays with his wife and yonng son. Mr. Medley's two young sons on the East Side aro seriously ill with measles. Mrs. Philbrook and son Philip of Jorth Bcatty street left Friday for a two weeks' holiday visit with her 6ieter and famxly at Tacoma, Wash. W. M. Kennedy has material on hand for putting n 100-foot new plnnk sidewalk in front of his pretty home on North Front and Jackson streets. Jnmes 0wing3 went to Central Point Sunday on important business. Mrs. William Owings and babies of Woodvillo camo up Friday to pass the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mr. DeRoboam of North Central avenuo. Mr. McBrido nnd family -will occu py tho Rev. Loroy Hall residence on North Central avenue when vacat ed. Mrs. Orr of North Central avenue left Sunday for at wo weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grimes of Eugene. Dr. Dean and family took tho morning train for a brief visit to Grnnts Pass. The second annunl card party and drinco of Medford local of socialists will bo hold Thursday evening nt So cialists' hall on North Grape streot botweon Fourth and Fifth streets. A cordial invitation is extended to all socialists and friends in Medford and Jackson county to indulge in tho good tirao that is promised by the commit teo in charge. Everything freo to nil. Mrs. J. n. Provost, of Ashland, spent Wednesday in Medford, visit ing friouds nnd doing sotno shopping. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hubbnrd and daughter, Miss Margaret, wore in Medford Wednesday from their hill- sido farm northwest of Medford. Mr. Hubbard was formerly ono of the I high offiors in tho Pillsbury Milling Company, of Minneapolis, and camei to tho Rogue River vnlloy for tho simple purposo of buying a small tract nnd "raising apples." Tho pos- sibilities of tho raise in prices of land so appealed to him, however, that now ho is tho owner of some 1,500 acres of Rogue River valley land, and In ono of tho most outhusinttio boos turs wta hnvo F. Y. Alltu, of Trull, 6bo oC the ..11.1 it.. i ...i:.... ..... . I (Willi iruwiis wt mm nriiwii n Medford viUor Tuesday. : B. C. Pomeroy. of the Meadow t district, was in Medford on business I I Wednesday. f i 11...., i. r n.i;. r...j. ij , to Ashland eduesday. j F. V. Streets returned to Medford t from business trip to Woodville. i Wednesday. Dr. Deau, who with his family, has been hero for tho pnst several months, loft Wednesday morning for Phila dolphin. Dr. Dean has a numbor of Pennsylvania" friouds who aro anx ious to locnto in Oregon, nnd the ob ject of his visit hero this fall was to locate the best spot where ho could locate his friends. lie has found it in tho Rogue River Valley, and has left his family here whilo ho goes back east to tell his friends, believing he can do more that way than by writing. Ho expects to come back in a tew months witn a carload ot investors from Pennsylvania. Prof. P. J. O'Gnra will leave Sat urday evening for Wenntchee, Wash., whero ho is expected to address the Washington State Horticultural So ciety on tho subject of "Pollination of Pomaceons Fruits." The address will bo practically tho same ns the one on the same subject heretofore delivered by Prof. O'Gora before the Rogue River Horticultural Society except that it will perhaps he a littl moro elnborate. On January 17th he will address the fruit growers of Mc Minnvillc, and will stop ot Albany nnd Salem, and expects to reach home about the 20th of January. b. btcinhnrt. of ireko, was in Medford Tuesday on a business visit Geo. J. Miksche, of Henly, Cnl., and his family, are here to locate. . J. Hnnt and wife, of Aurora, Or. are registered at the Nash. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Boone, of Lake view, are in Medford on a visit. C. A. Wister, of Rosehurg, was in Medford looking after business mat tcrs Tuesday. MARION DEVRIES MADE NEW YORK APPRAISER WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 5. President Taft today sent to tho sen ato nomination for justices of the new court of customs appeals cre ated under tho provisions of tho Bayne-Aldrlch tariff bill. Judge Alfred C. Coxo of Utlca, N. Y., Ib mado presiding Judgo with the following associate justices: Wm. Hunt ot Montana, James Smith of Sau Francisco, former gov ornor-general of tho Philippines; O M. Barber of Vermont. At tho same time President Taft sent in the name of Marlon DeVrles of San Francisco as the now chief of tho board of appraisers of customs In Now York. COUNTRY HOMES. Do not have to bo without good light, A gas system, using n pressure tank and hollow wire to each lamp, can bo installed with tank out of doors insuring safety. Each lamp gives 400 c. p. of pure white light; no odor no dirt, and nt less cost than any other light. Call at 211 W. Main and see demonstration and get prices. 248 J. W. WTHITNEY. Oird of Thanks, Wo, tho undersigned, desiro to thank the many friends and neigh bnrs who showed their kindness and friendship with holping hands and beautiful flowers In our sad bo- roavoraont. MR. AND MRS. II. M. COSS, Tho council needed honost men, And so thoy searched tho town; Thoy didn't have a bit of luck Until thoy found Joo Brown. Thoy put him for candidato, But soon felt greatly hurt; Ho sont his resignation in, " 'Cause ho couldn't leavo tho dirt." ' NOTICE. 1 Thoro will bo n meeting of tho Episcopal Guild with Mrs. Lucas on Thursday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Gray on South Mistletoe street. Thoro will bo a Epiphany servico and all aro invited to bo.present. 10 LAKE IS PLAN PstHlen Clroulntoil Asking County Court to BtllW From Butto Falls te Pros poot. A peUtton Is nelas anerally lTi- ed for a road from Butt. Falls to Prospect via the 8utt rort or tne, Rosue. Th. Ha. wh.n completed r " T V. . world, and alone which will us some n tt. MBlkat r1v.rioKln wl. '.V- . It is hepod to aat. the matter ,i hXr.h. fri nf . " . . mw ., ... wl court and hare the contract let by , Apru. Jt win rat out me rionaco, grade ami lessen the dtstanos to 1 Crater I-ake by aeten mllen. It will j pass along the bank of a' canyon 500 feet In depth, ! J CONGRESS ACTS UPON RIVERS AND HARBORS i WASHINGTON, O. C. JAn. 5. Thc house conunltteo on rivers 'and harbors began to frntno tho annual rivers and hnrbors btll today starting sovoral wooks of open hearings. It Is unilor8tood that th bill will bo Introduced In tho house on tho first Monday lu Fobruary and will bo sent to tho house for action nt tho end of that week. From reliable sources today, It Is learned that tho demands of Oregon and Washington as outlined In tho estlmntes of tho array engineers, will bo substantially granted. In Oregon tho Columbia river will recelvo most of tho attention of con gross nnd tho work thoro will bo kept up this year with tho additional ap propriations asked for by tho cngl neers. In Washington, Tacoma and Olym pio ar to bo Improved besides tho rlv er Inmprovements asked for.. Tho commltteo hopes to have tho bill ready early In Fobruary. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Mooro Frank Polouzo, Ens lo Point: Mr. nnd Mrs. It. S. Goodoll Michigan; R. S. Bennett. Las Angel es; J. Ketch, Rosoburg; Thos. Irvlno Portland; E. H. Cunningham, Newell Iowa; II. U. Lumsden, Los Ancgols F. E. McBrido. Sterling. 111.; F. H Cartor, Yosomlto. Cal.; Leo J. MIk schl. Hurley, Cal.; Sol Steinhart Yreka. At tho Nash C. A. Gronor, Port land; J. B. Winstanby, Portland; Harper, Chicago; P. J. Hunt and wifo Amera, Ooe.; H. WatklnB, Eagl Point; F. S. Pond, Eugeno; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Atkin, Kent, Ohio; A. W, McDonald, Washington; C. A. Weston Rosoburg; Edmond Taylor, Granville, Ills. COUNTRY HOMES. Do not hnvo to be without good light A gas system, using a pressnro tank, nnd hollow wire to each lamp, cun bo installed with tank ont of doors insuring safety. Each lamp gives 400 o. p. of puro white light; no odor no dirt, nnd nt less cost thnn any other light. Call at 211 W. Main and see demonstration nnd get pricos. 248 J. W. WHITNEY. NEW CASES IN CIRCUIT C0UR John Pennlngr vs. I. J. Hanson suit to cancel deed; Qua Nowbury nt torney for plaintiff. Presbyterian Cruch. Services every night this week at 730 o'clock at tho Presbyto'rian church In accord with tho univorsal obso'rvanco of tho week of prayer. Ev oryono is welcome and invited to join with ub In thebo services. Joo Brown, "Tho man who sells tho dlrjt," Is in a mighty fury, Thoy hauled him off to Jacksonville And sot him on a jury. All business is susponao-J, And Mod fold s gono to rack; And pcoplo just sit round and wait, Jntll Joo Brown gets back. EAST IS IN GRIP OF TREMENDOUS STORM CHICAGO, Ills., Jan. G. Tho snow and slcot storm which crippled In dustry in Colorado yostorday, moved eastward today., Tho ;nlJdl0 wchi xporionced ono of the vorst stormx In recent years. Iloports from the woothor bureaus offor no roliof with in twenty four hours. Tho dnmago caused by tho storm was lmmonso, although no fatalities had been reported. Wlro communi cation was badly crlnpled. in uuicago mo snow nnu wjna uou up traffic on tho surface Hnc3 caus ing a numbor of minor wrecks which soon rendered useless tho routes into tho suburbs. E 0 i ho uuro of tho Arctioi. I I'olur llfo lirthitH Htraniio rovolntlotm A twin who H n tmtWi of HintHlilllty nt homo Is n avhk In tliow ttlth hit- ' Ituttw, where M.t lir ,miro ttud hu i'iTi!it ('Imrnrtoflilin, WIhmi n lutin ' Wie to tho ntvttiH ilrt ht dlftltlttifc It. I If lio la ramttit tLm ue winter he ' vow,, to litnuMlf Umt h will nwver fe - neat the advoutnm Yet when lid jpp twek home ho dleoovere thttt the "Wfclta sHence" h a roitinolltair etnatUin. 1 have nrvor known a mn who count realat the otrnnee to i.aiii. vm i nun mini iivr, Alter twentr.Teara of exnorlruon. If another! oppcrtotiitr oante to im it u uouiitroi whether auy iMustiiwratiou wonkt pre-1 vwit mjr tikto m the wrk aaalii. dure In eharw of those ronit inonthal nt 1ntivh Ihu liwwtKi'lmla ilMlhla aal. teUMl of t0(W, Kmu. tKh(. the white nt tht brilliant numnlnrht nen. Rood btina, all undor fence !eeti felt a umii Is nunhle to restst the i ttltVII CK.1I Of till) IHirt tl ttlllt hllH ho I I ww uwro tw Aim than family, home. w money, dlmlly U taNw bla "fa in hlti hunds ami fares rth again ntw tlHMH) waa.-Daptaln Ku- wh, CtrtH f Wpf,r VtAtr Klpaitlou jt, ,tm0tml Mattttue. , mS5hIIiu? of "burk fever,' " said a i )) enr,hu w!' , survey otllelal. "tviulmtB me vf 'boar j an De ( ar Jassmann have a npue.' Oliver bonnl of It. oh? Well. 1 very flue d'ulny of gems. One Hi first uneounteriHl It lu Wraugel nar-'liluo crystal diamond nt an oxoep row. Alaska, it manlier of years ago, i tional low prioo por karat. Lot us Wo woro on the old surveying etenmor . (1.liro witl, yol on (l ,linmond. 3-1H Patterson. I l.'lflnun rim-Ad IiumI nri-hnri! Intnl. "Just as wo rounded n point of land not more than '..'00 yards distant a big black boar was soon on the bench looking nt us. Klght mou took up rlttos nt once and woro about to shoot when I told them to wait and tire nit at once lu n volley when 1 gave the order. They all took careful bends on the boast. 'Itendy, tiro!' 1 shouted. Thoro was a rattle of musketry ns the eight pieces were discharged, and everj" one looked to see the aulmnl'H death throes. Thoro was the bear run ning up the hill ns llvoly us a Jack rab bit. Not a shot had hit him. Bear ngue, that's all. Every man's hniid was trembling so he couldn't hit a house. Buck fever's nowhere along side of it." Sari FrancUco Call. Her Vocal Selection. A wedding was recently held which was of tho fashionable kind, nnd thero wero all sorts of protuiratlona and frills. Among the "fontures" was a song by a baritone singer of con siderable local renown, and Just whnt he wns to warble was n matter of con siderable discussion. A little sister six years old of tho brido took much Interest In tho pro gram. "Sis," buc said, "I want to sing nt your wedding." "No, dear; you can't slug," was tho rejoinder. "But I can, nnd I want to," she pleaded. "What would you sing?" her father asked her. "'Heaven, Look With Pity!'" was her rejoinder, and her fnther hnuu't got over it yet. Kansas City Journal. Lndlos First! "Scratch a southerner nnd you find a knightly soul" might bo said to bo ono of tho morals of tho Chicago Itec-ord-Ucrald story below. Tho second moral Is reasonably obvious: "What U the reusou," began tho lr rl tii tod traveler from tho north, "that tho trains iu this part of the country are always behind tlmo? I have nev er seen one yet that ran according to its schedule." That, uh," replied the dlgnlfled Georgian, "Is a niattah that Is easily explained. It la duo to southern chivalry, buIi." "Southern chlvnlry! Where docs that come In?" "You see, mill, tho trains aro always late In this country because thoy wait for tho ladles, God bless them!" The Patient Man. Mr. Henpeck hnd hesitated a long whilo about doing this bold thing, but ho felt that now was tho tlmo or never. "Lear," ho Bald, lu n very' timid voice, "I wish you wouldn't call rac 'Leo' any more." "Why not'" demanded his wlfo ex plosively. " 'Leo' Is your given nnme." "I know, my dear, but it makes my friends laugh wlou you call mo that. I wan thinking you might call mo Job,' Just for a pet namo." Catholic Standard and Times. One Beauty of Classical Music. Miss Gusli Do you like classical music, Mr. SourdroppV Mr. Sourdropp Yes. Miss Gush-Oh, I tint ho gladi Do you not dud lu it great Inspiration, HUbllmo thought and truo beauty' Mr. Sourdropp Not exactly. I llko it because no blithering idiot can beat tlmo to It with his foot. Matrimony Made Easy. 'Can a fellow mdrry comfortably on n salary of ?.00 a year'" asked tho young man. "Sure, lio can," replied tho sago of Sugevlllo "that Is, provided lie has saved his lust ycar'H salary und can get his employer to pay tho next year's lu udv(jnco."-Clilcngo News. Not Games of Chance. Tho Vloar-Is it true, Samuel, that your father tillows games of chance to bo played ut your house? Tho Boy Thero ain't no eiinnco ubout it, zur they all cheats! -London Opinion. Circumstantial Evidence. "Do Villers ban quit scorching." "Machine all In?" "Nope; he's dead." "Oh, that doesn't prove anything." Harper's Weekly. J. C. Pcndloton, of Tnblo Hook, was a Medford visitor Wednesday, 4 f 4 l 4 Wr ludu'a Sltoo". 1 8,0 wr' '' rr' o11- pr'" " wlcli l lt a Ultfh atnto of ottltoratlon. Tit In I -u farm. mu h iml one, the very boat of fruit, or grain land, only s ! ntllea from town; term to'eult. Prtr- per acre, loo. Aylor A iioiintt, noxt door to Jtnl( Tribune offU'o. Wear fddd's Shoes. Matty ntifOH Torjrxtwst deep hlnrlt ' .. a.ll fk. kl ki.I tan.1 i.. ihhi m n. rir v,n,y lwo mU fpora town, small Ont building, ete. $135 per aero ; i r. ...... , W'.),, Irlbnitir- af.w. nil, next door to MtA 815 WeuT Kidd'a Rhoaa. One-hair h. p. tttotor, 1 20-o.L White Mountain freeaar, a lot of j.i'chinj' ' onus, tubs, etc, for snle. luquiie! f .4,ttMaa ' IW,kii.ttlJitli,tl Fifteen acres best orchard laud, only thlree-quurtera mile from town, near Tfoinon & Uuthrlo'H orchards; tli Ibi 1 en snap and worth doulilo tho prlco nskod; terms to suit. 12ti por acre. Aylor .t linrnott. 2 S Wear Kidd'a Shoos. BASEBALL COMMISSION ELECTING A MANAGER CINCINNATI. Ohio. Jan. D. -Tho national baseball commission con vened lu this city today with John Lynch, Ban B. Johnson nnd Garry Herrmnu prosont. After Hornr.nnn'H roport nil jrosi-, dent for tho past term, la rend the commission will vote on n man to direct Hh affairs during th coming yenr. tl is thought In busoball cir cles that Herrmann will bo ro-olect-od. John Kline, tho Chicago National League player, who was suspended for a violation of his contract when ho fnlled to appear for practice last spring, nftor ho had been rofused a higher salary, will evidently not re nter organized basohall. No applica tion for rolnstatomont had been ror , celved from him up to tho tlmo thati tho commission convened. , t MALB0UEF TO ADDRESS ' COMMERCIAL CLUB TONIGHT i "Why I nm lonving Portland forj Medford," will bo tho subject of n ( talk by C. A. Malbouef, district , freight agont of tho Southern Pacific, who lias resigned from tho railroad 1 to enter business nt Medford. Mr. Malbouef will oxplnin tho ronsons that led him to select Modford above all other northwest citios nnd prefer it oven to Portland. President "W. M. Colvig returned from Portlnnd today und will prcstdo ! nt tho mooting tonight, which will bo enlled early ns Mr. Malbouof lonvos for tho north nt 8:10 o'clock. Much important business is sched uled for action nnd a full attendance is desired WOMAN DECLARES THAT FORCE SHOULD HAVE WOMEN! LOS ANGELHS, Jan. B. Tho dec-1 Juration Vif Mrs. Frances N. Noel, in her speech before tho Reciprocity ' Club to the effect that women woro needed on the polico forco is the in spiration for many comments and discussions among the local clubs horo today. Sho stuted that in hor opinion, women could do effcetivo police duh without recourse 'to clubs nnd that in nor estimation tlioro aro many more important things for n pohco mnn or policowomnn to do thnn to promenndo up and down a "boat." FUNERAL OF D. 0. MILLS WILL BE HELD FRIDAY SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. C Tho fnnoral of tho into D. O. Mills, mil linnniro and philanthropist, will ho hold from tho family homo at Mill brao noxt Friday, according to ar rangements announced today. Tho romnins prohnbly will ho shippod to Tnrrytown, N. Y., whom thoy will ho interred bosido tho body of his wifo in tho ccmetory nt Slcopy Hollow, fa mous an tliir scene of Washington Trving's legend. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED -Hund spra pump; foo opd hand! in good condition an. I coTiiploto. Address with prico, L. W. Zimlnor, Modford. FOR BUNT Furnished rooms $1.00 por wook, Tnko Bartlott streot to North school liouso, thon ono block northeast of school liouso. 248 WANTED Furnished houso, good location; modorn convonloncos, for a thoroughly roliablo party. Iri quiro E. A. Wolch. 2C0 BUSINESS LOCALS UNLOADING OPPORTUNITIES Don't neglect your tiiportunltli. If you do, you will pay moro mtwoy for ootids a little. Inter.- Anyone wtm knows will toll you that overy thing is goltiy up, mid our lines ihnw tho most, marked ad vances. AT THE PRICES NOW OFFtWD YOU CAN SAVE A LOT OF MONEY QY PURCHASING NOW. Don't Yttti Want to SEE THME? 0e Dreaa Goods for 23o We Diva Goods for 48q tl.tltl Dress Good for....BDc .fl.7.ri Pre Goods for Wo AND THESE? :V Table Dninnxk for. ...23q flOe Table Dnmaak for....33c . Tslde Daituiwk for J7o 1.25 Table Damn for..70c AND THESE? 50e Neokwonr for 19c 7.1o Neckwour for 33o $1.00 Xeokwenr Jr 59c $.'.7.1 Wool Malts... (....$1.09 $1.00 Cotton llatts BOo Ilrto Cotton Units 23c .ftfi.OO Coats nnd Skirts. .$859 THE HUTCHASON CO. Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co. . . .. - . '- i . " -.. . " m ii' ..i . . ii j "i SBaHHMMSaBaBmBHaOTaaaKBllBeaBHBaBMBmSBB WE ARE GIVING VALUES almost unprecedented in Med ford's shoo world and will continue doing so until all odds and ends in way of broken sizes aro all gone. This is certainly an opportunity to get anything you may need inyfootwear, and not pay top-notch prices. , &mea Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THE BEST MAN WINS (A Western Comoy.) J CONVENIENT LAMP POST (A Lnugh Evory Second.) ONE DIME. RpGUE RIVER APPLES SELL AT $3.00 EACH (Paris (111.) Daily News.) "Tho boaiitiful Oregon npplos, which woro on display sovornl days ago nt tho Hodgo hardware storo, hnvo gono to help n worthy cause, n novol plan hoing ndoplod to mako thorn yield tho largost possihlo ro turns. "Tho fruit was taken lo tho Haw kins salo this week, whoro it wns put up nt miction, tho monoy to bo usoil for ChristmiiH. charity. Thoro woro lll'toon upplos and soon tho good old fnrmorn rnn tho prico up to one dol lar npioce, Lnch oL thorn wns knocked off nt this prico mid then tho purchnsoi-H liaudod them bnek to tho aiiutioucor to ho sold again. Ono farmer, whoso hoart is as lingo as a barrel, und who hud nlroudy pur chased one of the bounties, stated ho would outbid nnyono prcsoilt und paid .$2 for tho snmo npplo which ho lind purchased boforo and returned. Tho other fourtoon mon woro not to ho hlttffod nnd thoy also ropurohnsod tho npplos for $2. This mado onoli npplo bring $3 nnd togothor with sovornl other npplos sold, tho total amount was $51, which will bo usod to purohaso prosontH for poor chil- dron." Tho fruit was from tho Itoguo DiU You Watrt to SEE THESE? 15o Uoaisry for 1 1 C U5o Homier)' for 23c B0 Ifonierv Jnr 33c .AND THESE? 1 40i Kitney mblwn for 19c Jfic Fnney Uibhon for 27o 11.00 Fancy Ribbon fur....B0c 7.00 Hairs for $3.00 All 5u Motions 3c All 10c Notion Gc AND THESE? m.W Suit for SI0.G9 Iftn.OO Suits for $27.89 1.(1.00 Coats and Skirl. ,$5.89 jMO.OO Dresses for .$14.89 00 Waists fof $3.19 'J..HI Drossott for $11.29 THE SLEEPER (A Novoltyi) Hivor vnlloy. FINAL PAYMENT MADE ON GOLD STANDARD Tho Quid Standard initio on Galls Crook, ownod by It. D. und K. Kubli, has boon sold to tho Portland & Gold Hill Mining Company, and really sold, ns tho purohaso price has boon fully paid. This miuo, which wan acquired fiomo 10 or 12 yours ngo by Kubli Bros., during tho timo it waa worked paid fiomo vory fair dividends, hut tho owuorH did not fool uhlo to con tinue tho uocossnry work in tho lino of dovelopuiont. LnHt Juno an option wnn given to tho Portland & Oold Hill Mining Company, roprosouting coiiHidornblo Portland capital, nnd aftor dtto in vestigation of tho property tho full purcliuBo prico of $21,000 has boon paid over. Nothing is known of tho plans of tho nnW ownors, hut it is oxpootcd Hint thoy will commonco uotivo op erations soon, Diod At liiu homo on Liiko crook, January 3, 1010, August Moyor, ngod 47 yoars. Tho funoral took placo January fjth nt tho Contra! Point oomotory nt 2 o'clock P. M, aw