5 Answering' Want Ads Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair -- TIT IS OTD.FQRD MAIL TRfPUNlS, MEDFORD, OR KCJ ON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1010. REAL ESTATE AGENT GETS COMMISSION J. H. Grnco Wins Suit In Circuit Court for Commission on Real Estate Verdict $4,025. Tho mho of J. II. Ornno vn. Robert H, McDowell, being nn action to re cover iiionuy In tliu matter of n nalo of roul tnttuto occuiiluil tlio attention of tho circuit court Tuoadny. Tho emtio was 0110 In which n ills puto nroHo ovrr tho ninount of com mlnnlon to bo paid (or tho hiiIo of cor tnln IiiiiiIh nttuatci) In Hams Valloy. Tho valuation of thuHo lands In tho flrnt liiNlnuco wnn placed nt $1000 nnd tho plaintiff wan promised nil ovor thnt mini ho could secure. Tho property wiih Hold for $13,200, nnd tho former owner refused to coma through with tho $4,200. fo'r trial Mon- Tli0 ciuiHo enmo up day and tho following Jury whs oui piuiollod: H. L. (irogory, John Cameron, Wiley Turnbnugh, rt. II. Ilnlloy. I.. A. Abbott, Clmit. Fields, ltalpli nillliign. John Albright, II. I). Kubll. Aaron Iloclc. W. M. Chlldoru, O. 12. For. , Aftor lining nut but n abort ttmo tho jury rotumcd a vurdlct of J 1,0'-' 5 for tho plaintiff. It having boon on tnbllHhcd thnt $176 bad boon paid lilin 'beforo tho action wan com muncod, ' Tito caso will vory likely bo ap pealed. ANACONDA SMELTER TO REOPEN AT ONCE GREAT KALI.S. Mont., Jan. 5. Upon th receipt of niwtimnros from tho offlrlntH of tho Oront oNrthorn nfllnmdN, t'nt tlicy. thpmnlviH will nwltrh 1 1 oompnalwi' tralnr, at Great Folk, In ordur to allow tho remimp tlon of work nt tho ollston nnd Mon tana timoltom, tho Amnlgnmatod Cop par nompuny nmiouncod today that tholr in I n (in and plants will continue In operation. Tho nwipenlng of tho Great Falls mnoltnr will moan rollof to tho won omployod In tho plant who woro thrown out of work when th0 mtioltor rum cloned following tho Htrlko of tho Hwltchmi.'u on tho Northern rnll romlH. Tho Amalgnmntod company jinouuccd, too, that they would ngrco to operate tholr plnnta as loni; na th0 Hullo minora union rofrnlnot from In tor forrltiK with tho mon work In tho Groat N'ortl.orn ynrds nt Groat Falls. In cimo of tho vio lation of this order, tho company said u rcomptoto suspension of work In nil of tho Amolgamntod properties will follow. WOMAN FOUND WITH FEAR PLAIN ON FACE BAN JOSH, Cnl., Jnn. fi. Tho nutlioriticH today nro sonrcliinR tho Second utreot homo of Mm. Mnry Mnuorlinu in the liopu of fludinp; a triieo of tho man or ItmiHl tlioiiRlit to havo friKlitonod tho woman to death yo8torclny. Noij;libor8 woro nttracter by t ha HuriolcH of Mra. Mnuorhaii. Thoy liennl tlio womnu running from room to room, nnd thou tlioro wnn nilonco. Mrs. Herbert, living noxt loor, wn tlio flrnt to rcneli tho Iiouho. filio linstily cnllod on tho noih'liliors. "Mm. llebert Hoarohed tho Iiouho for Tifrfl. Mnuorlinu but fnilntl to flml iter. OuthuilriingH nnd tho yard wcro oaro fully gono ovor without n Irnco of tlio womnn. Thon Homo ono found Mrs, Mnuorhaii hudillod boluml a Tinntry door, dond. Fonr was written indelibly on lior fnoo. It wiih iliouglit tlmt tlio womnn, who wns ill, was frightened to donth by tho entrance of n burglar or by some nnimnl that hnd fltrayed into lior bod room. JEALOUSY CAUSE OF SAN FRANCISCO TRAGEDY BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. Tho body of Jnmos Allon Roborto, a 21-your-old Hlroot one oonduotor, is in tho morguo todnv, nnd Miss Tinnio Tonno8on, hla Bwoolhonrt, 18 yoars of ngo, is prostrc.tod ir tlio result of RobortB1 itiHitno jonlously. . Tho conductor flrotl four shols nt MIbh Tonnoson, in lior homo laflt night, nouo of them taking offoot. A heavy Rholl conili in lior .hair which doflootod ono of tlio bullets, probnbly saved tho young womnn's life Wlion RoborlH saw tho front door cIobo bohind tlio fleeing womnn ho turned tlio smoking gun on himself nnd Hunt n bullot into bin brain. Ho diod iv fow minutoa lator wliilo boing rcmovod to a hospital. TONED BOOZE WITH WOOD AlCIIQHOL; SICK Oootlcnncr Operates In Pendleton nnd Poisons Eighteen Persons With Poor Doozo. PENDLETON, Or,, Jnn. G. Elgh teon persons nro until to havo boon liolnonod lioro Chrlntmns day through tho uvitrlcloimncHH of mi Ignorant "bootloggor," It N Bald tl:at tho do (nils liuvo Just boon mndo public. Tho vlelliiiH iih vull its tho Illicit liquor Boiler trlod to koop tho ratio quiet. It In mild a "bootlegger" shipped In a bnrrol of whiskey for tho holiday trado, nnd an tho domnnd wan creat or than tho mipply, ho procooded to dlltito his liquor until tlioro ' wns neither flavor nor color loft. Ho' tli on undertook to tono tin tho bov- ,rm' w'1'1 ood nlcohol. Tho rciiult wan disastrous. In all thlrtoen por- hoiih wore mndo Hick, eight called In phyHlclnnn and ono In onld to havo boon In dancer of losing his llfo. LEAD FOR HIS LOVE BUT ASKS DIVORCE SAN FRANCISCO, Jnn. G. Dr. Walter Lnmpo, whoso wlfo, Mrs. Jch rlo Lnmpo, rirod a b til lot into his bond on August 19. today brought Htilt for divorce. Iampo ollogod two attempts had beoti mndo on ifra llfo, ono of which ho still cnrrlod a souv enir In tho ahnpo of n bullet located Homawhoro In his bend. Tho physician declared thnt ho had HlKtiod n falao Btatamoat to tho ef fect that tho shooting wt Ich nearly cost him bis llfo had been accldor.tnl IIIh lovo for his wlfo, ho snld, promp tod tho llo when bo bollovod ho wan on bis death bod. Dr. Lampo complnlncd that Mrs lnmpo linn forced blm to sign stato "u'nts thnt ho hk& boon uituro to Ik and that bo would not opposo a dl vroco Hult Hho-lntcndod to brine. MHifonl, Oregon: Tki onrtifios lht w have nold nnllV Tc.thh Won dor for tho cure of all kidney, bind dr and riicurnntio troubles for .ten jrs, and have nevnr bud a oom pbiiiiL It pien qitiVlc and rvrninnen rripf. 00 ayrt, tiNMttuctit in eaoh hot Me. Mod ford Phnrraaov. -f 4 -f-f-f-f PORTLAND MARKETS. HU Hops, Wool and Hldwi. iiors loos crop, cbolco 16c prlmo to cbolco, lGc; prlmo, 15 Ho medium, lGc; 1509, cbolco, 21c prlmo, 20c; medium, lGf?18c. WOOI. Nomlnnl, 1909, Willa motto vnlloy, 20&21o; castorn Ore gon , 20 23c. SII13El'8KINS-T.ShoarlnB, 102Go ench; abort wool, 2GtffG0c; medium wool, GOftl ench; long wool, 7Gc0 $1.25 each. TALLOW Prlmo, por lb. 3 4c; No. 2 and gronso. 2 6r2Hc. CIIITTIM IlAUKi-Nomlnnl, 4 MOIIAIIt 1909, 2324c lb. IIIDE8 Dry hides, 174T1S V6c lb: green, 9ViWl0yAa; bulls, grcon salt, 7c lb; kips, lOffflOc; calves, groon, lGffpl8o por lb. nutter, Kgg nnd. Poultry. ISaoS Local, candlod solect, 40fiJ 41c; local atorngo, 37o; castorn, stor- ago, 27(300. ntlTTBIt PAT Doll very f. o. b. Portland sweot cronm, 37,6; sour, SGo. UUTTHrtExtrn crenmory. 39c; fancy, 37J; etoro, 25c. CHEESE Fancy full croam, 18 18 Yjc; triplets and daisies, 18 &c; Young Americans, 19 He. POULTUY Mlxod chlckons, 15 Vjc; fancy lions, 16 IGo; roostors, old, 11c; gooBo, 12o for llvo, 1G18 for drosuod; ducks, 10 18c; turkoya nllvo, 2122o; drossod, 2G29c; plgoons, BqunbB, $2 por dozon; droas- od cblckon, lo to 2o a pound blgbor thnn altvo. drain, nour ana liny. HAItLEY Prolucors' prlco 1909 Food, $31 31.50; rollod, $33 browing, $3i.G0. WHEAT Track, club, $1.10 1.11; bluo atom, $1.20 1.21; rod, 1.13; forty fold, $1.12$1.13; Wlllnmotto valloy, $1.08. MILLSTUFFS Soiling prlco Uran, $20; middlings, $33; shorta, 2G27.G0; chop, $22 29; alfalfa inoal, $21 por ton, FLOUR Now crop, pntonts, $G.- G; straight, $4.85; bnkorfl' $5.95 .1G; Wlllamotto valloy, $5.70 bbl.; oxport grudoa, $4,00, graham, s, Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to You It May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. JG.G0; wholo wheal, G,70; ryo $r.7fi; tinloH, 13.15. HAY Vroducors' prlco Now tim othy, Wlllnir.otto valloy, fancy, J1DQ 20! ordlnan, $19; oastern Orogon, J20S-21; mixed, JIG; clover No. 1, $15.50(0 10; wheat, SlQiQlT; cheat, 11017; alfalfa, $15 , OATS Spot dollvcry, now, pro ducers' prlco Track No. 1 white, $32.G033.D0; Krny, $31.G03 32.G0. I'rultM mill VeKetnbleH. J FIti:8II KltUITS OratiKOs: Now ( navels, $22.25 fr $3.00; Vnlcelas, ; $3.G5 3.75 box; bananas, ttflbVjC lb; lemons, $5.50 COO box; grape fruit, $4; poars, $1.25; grupos, $l.- 7G. ; POTATOES SelllnK, new, $1.10 ! 1.25; biiyliiK, onslorn Multnomah and Clackamns, 7G 85c, Wlllamottoi valloy, CB(370c. ! V IS G ETA II LEB Now turnlsps', Or-, OBon, 90o sack;. boots, $1.25; carrots 80090c unck: cabbiiKo. local. $1.50 (fj l.75; tomatoes, fancy, $2.25 crate; 1 beans, 10 12c por lb; cauliflower, $1.00 por dozen; peas, 10612c lb; horseradish, 10c; groon onions, 10c dozen; popper, boll, lb.; head lettuce, 20c i-oz.; hothouse, $1.25 box; radlsbos dor. bunches; cel ery, $3(8 3. GO crrte; etw plant, 15c lb; Bwoot potntoos, $2; sprouts, S 9c; cumubors, $2.50 dozen. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.40 1.G0 per cwt.; garlic, 1012c por lb. APPLES $1 3.G0. (Jrocerlew, Nuts, Etc. SUOAK Cube, $0.35; powdered, $5.95;, fruit or borry, $5.0G; dry granulntod, G.95; conf. A. $G.7G; ex tra II, $5.2G; golden O. $5.35; D yel low, $5.25; best, $5.75; bnrrols, 15c; , half bnrols, 30c; boxds, 55c ndvanco on sack basis. (Abovo quotations nro 30 days net cash quotatlona.) RICH Imporlnl Jnpan No. 1, G4 c; No. 2, Gfllc; Now Orleans Hoad. C 3-4 7c; Creole, Gc. SALT Coarflo Half ground, 100s $9.G0 por ton; GOs, $10; tnblo dairy, I GOs, $17; 1008. $10.60: bales. $2.26: i extra flno bnrrols, 2s, Gs and 10s,.brnu' middlings, $1.S51.90 $4.G0G.50; lump rock, $20.G0 per ton. HONEY Now, 13 c por lb. mwiiw Oman wiuio, D,uu; inrgo wimo, 4.oo; pinic, $4.25; bayou. $G.7G; Limns, $G.00: reds. S7.G0. . MeatN, FMi anil Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front ctrcot hogs, fancy, 10Vjc ordinary, 9c:"FOR SAMV-Ynnn, nuni i. .v.M, uvr,., u,iCi oruinnry, iu(tf i Ilfl? nrlrn lirvni.w inn II. a r li ra I mutton, 7c; lnmbs, 7c, HAMS, I1ACON, ETC. Portlnnd pack (local) ham, 17 Mio; breakfast bacon. 18,42Gc; bollod ham, 25 2Gc; picnics, 14c; cottnso roll, 15c; rognlnr short clears, smoked, 16 He; backs, Binokod, lGc; pickled tong ues, GOo oach. LOCAL LARp Kottlo leaf, lOs, &iQ por lb.; Gs, 18 G-8c por lb.; GO lb. tins, 18c por lb.; stonm rondored, 10s, 17!c por lb.; Gs, 17 5-Sc por lb.; compound, 10s', 11 3-4o por lb. CLAMS Harsholl, por box, $2.60; razor clams, $2.00 por box. FISH Nominal Rook cod, 10c; flounders, Go; halibut, 8 10c; strip ed bass, lGc; cattish, 10c; salmoa, Btoolhoad, 10c; Kllvor.a, Sc lb.; fall Balmon, So lb.; solos, 7c lb.; shrimps, 2o lb,; porch, 7o lb.; torn cod, 8o lior iu; louaiuro, noa por 10; iresn mackorol, ( ) por lb.; crawfish, ) por doz.; sturgoon, 12 por lb,; black bass, 20o por lb.; Colum bia smolts, 2Go por lb; silver smolts, 7o por lb.; black cod, 7' c por lb.; crabs, $1.25 1.7G por dozon. OYSTERS Shoalwntor bay, per gallon, $2,25; por 100 lb sack, $5; Olympla, por gallon, $2.75; por 100 ! lb. sack, $77.50; ennnod oastorn, 65c can, $0,50 doz.; oastorn In shell, $1,05 por 100, CATTLE Best Btoors, wolghing 1200 pounds, $4,764,80; medium stoors, $4.60; host cows, $3.75 3.8G; fancy hotfors, $3.753.S5; modlum cows, $3,60; poor cows, $2 2,50; bulls, $22.75; stags, $2.50 OS. HOGS Boat east of tho moun- There nro lottors at tho Mall Tri bune (u nnswor to want ads, address ed to A (C) U (4) l (I) X (2) Ownor. 'L 0-1(2) ,;(.' No. 15. T. L. B. S. 1G. 15. X. V. 55. 4'' tains,, $7.7G08.8G; fancy, $8.-C5; ctockcrs, $C; pigs, $GQ7. 8IIEI3I' Host wethors, $G.25(S 5.50; ordinary, $G.00; spring lambs, $0.000.25; straight' owes, $4.7G; mixed lots, $4.75(3)0.00. ' CALVES Host, $5.25 5.50; or- dlnary, $3.00 1.G0. MED FORD MARKETS. -- Fruits nnd Vegetables. (Prices paid by Mcdfrod merchants.) APPLES 2 4c lb.; pears, lc lb. Potatoes, lc lb.; onions, $1.50 cwt.; cabbage, 2c; turnips, lc; parsnips, ll&c lb.; squash, 30c nnd $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10 15c. Hut tor, Kggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by' 'Medford morchants) Ranch butter, 32 &c; fancy cream ery, 37,6c ' Frosh ranch eggs, 40c. Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chlck onB, 15c; ducks, 10c; turkoys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy. $1G; alfalfa, $1G; Bra83 14; Braln ha' 1C Grain Whont, $1.20 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, $30 ton Boef 2ltf3c; pork, Cc; mut ton, 4c; lamb, 4&c; veal (dressed, Cc. (Selling prices.) Kollca barley, 2 cwt. $37 ton 8I,0". 1.J01.85. l- . FOR SALE. i, ftttf rOt bALL Horse, and wagon nt 411 South Laurel street. 248 - Mat Calhoun. Pboonir. Or. TZ ' ' Tenth Btroot. Box C07 240 FOR SALE Lot 80x150 and 5 room houso, raodorn. W. G. Davidson. 249 FOR SALE Five room house and tlirco lots, close in, for $2500; $1000 win nauuic. w. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Roguo River thrco-color stnttonory showing Comico poar nnd Spitronberg apples. Medford Mail Tribune. 200 rUK SALE fi and 10-noro traots just within nnd adjoining city lhn Ub, at n bargain, on 5 nnniml py- morts. AddrOfH P. O. Box 418. ' FOR SALE Oak, fir and nino cord- , wood. 12 nnd 10-inch: also drr rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono nrdor to Main 4201. vnu SAIF 240 acres two miles from Tnlont, nbont 150 neres undor oultivntion, good froit land, at $70 an aoro. This is n snap. W. T. Yprk & Co. FOR "SATE 7o-acro ranch, with good wator right; finest frvlt landt chonp;; also property In Portland; will trndo for Modford property Seo Colonial! nt clear factorr. FOR SALE ElgliTgood "milch-cows all giving milk; ono good 4-ycnr-old horso, weight 1600. George Hilton, 2 1-2 miles north of Modford, on county road. 263 FOR SALE A groat bargain if taken soon. 50 noros, of orchard and bot tom land one mile north of Phoenix on Modford road, known hs the Brawloy estate For particulars boo ownor. Sarah Fell, 135 Bnrt lott St. FOR SALE. FOJt SALE Choice Lusiuuhb proper ty at a ba-rgain, on long timo; easy torrna Addreww I. O. liox 418. FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter, latest model, with 2-color ribbon shift; base and metal cover; cost .$110.00; will sell for cash only; prico $90.00. Address Box No. 388 If FOR SALE Must be sold at once, farm of 320 nc.-s, 150 In cultiva tion, rich soil, well adapted to al falfa, 8 rporn .house, outbuildings, farm utensils, etc; nice trout stream running through tho place, flno cold springs; timber, pln0 and oak. Goes at $G0 per acre. L. F. Gardner, P. O., Sams Valley, Ore. 250 tttttttttttttttttt - WANTED. --.-.-..-f-f WANTED Experienced quarry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. WANTED Good clean cotton rags nt the Mail Tribune office. Will pay right price for same. WANTED Second-hand calcium gas generator. Address R. G. Patch, Medford, Ore. 251 WANTED A 4 or 5 room, furnished , house. Address Box 402, city. WANTED Farm, carpenter. Call Condor Water and Power Co's of- WANTED Man acquainted with tho valloy tosbow land. Benson Investment Co. 250 WANTED 5fan and wife; man to do goneral work, woman for general housowork. Condon Water and Power Co. haiii.u io uuy a grocery ori general store in the Rogue river val- ley. Address "A," caro of this of- fice. 248 WANTED A lday solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing devices. Apply at the Condon Water nnd Power Co. WANTED Agents to go to Califor- nin to sell territory for the "Hidden Window Screen." Inquire E. C. Ay lor and Burnett, real estate of-1 fine on South Central avenue. 261 FDR RFMT 4- 4"ft -r f-f-f-t-t- FOR RENT Fnrniaed room. No. 10 North Grapo atreot. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 325 South Ivy street. 252 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms; no 6mall children. Mrs. Joe Thomas, 222 South Holly St. FOR RENT A suito of 3 nicelv furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. 222 South Holly. Mrs. Joo. Thomas. ?vic uiiNT harms, itom 40 acros upward, satiable tor fraK, alfalfa, stock or goneral farming. Baqulre at office Condor Y?ntmt & Power com pany, 200 W. Main sferoeL FOR RENT Tracts of land from ono to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes nnd gnrden truck, also suit- i nblo for chicken nnd turkey raising, Ownor will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber nnd poultry and othor fencing for improvements if osseo perform labor of orocting snmo. t;all nt office of Uondon Wator nnd Power company for par ticulars, 4 I.PT. STRAYED Ono roan horso, boll, branded, N. on right shouldor, 1 roan 2 yonr old colt, 1 light bay horso brandod N. on right shoulder, glass oyod, bnldfaco; 1 Bmall brown goldlng brandod 4 loft side. Last soon near Eagle Point. Finder pleaso notify S. A, Robinson, Eaglo Point. Reward. 260 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Restaurants. BBB IHVr: UEftTAORjCNT MealB 15o,j bedB, 15c. Oivo us a trial. 00 Central avenue., npataira. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will euro rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and privato dis eases. These remedies may bo pro cured at tho store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, whero they will bo sold by tho proprietor, Chow Yonng. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and ubert iron ware on band and aaade to arArr 12ft North O ntnwt. CHIMNEY SWEEP If yonr chim ney needs cleaning be sure and eo D. D. Woods. Leave orders at tho Medford Hardware Co., or phone 2581. - 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER be found in room Phipps Building. -Auctioneer, will 208, Taylor & Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines for rent and for sale an easy payments. All kinds repaired and woik guaranteed. Best oil and needles for nil makes at tho Singer store, 27 South C st. Phone 3431. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-l&v No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C, L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loaus and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main st., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. ADAMS & BRIGGS Real Estate, Insurance. Farm and city proper- ty. Butte Falls, Oregon ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, C. P. Briggs, real estate. Insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls, Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. hu the best equipped job iffiee i Southern Oreeon; Portia ad prieoa 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho onlv exciusive on. rieian betweeu Portland and Sao- ranseuto Office on West Main atroet an-i rutmwd. Jnveter. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew- elers, carry a complete atoek aai make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Naak Ho- Ul. Brick Cemnanlcs. G. W. Priddy. . T. O'Rrif O. D. Naf TUE MEDFORD :MCK CO. Brick manufnottu . od Bt0& tors; also lime, ectnea aad plae. in any quantity. Offlee, Xfedfo National bank blJg. I'honee Muir, 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FFIWITURU '0. Un dertakors. Day Phone 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3601; J. n. Butler 3571. PL.no Instruction. nARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan Collego of Musio. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central nvonue. Phone 403. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS Iligh-elniia wosk piaran- toed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phono 801. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokey nnd die with joy." Over At len & Reagan's store; entrance on' Seventh street. CIRGARS AND T0BBAC0S. IRELAND & ANTLE STiok0 House, dealers In tobacco, cigars and amok- ers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lowls Single Binder, El Morlto and El Palouclo. 212 West Mala street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ----f-f4- -r f BiH Pfers VERNE T. CANON-Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jnokson County Baitk Bnilding, Medford, Or. BIHIard Farlws 8. T. BROWN & CO. BilliardB, CU gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and nail building. A nice cool placo to spend the hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 480. Medford Or. Your building respectfully so licited. Furniture n. F. WILSON & CO., dealora in new and second band ftmvitnro and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit- cfaen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kind.. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New nnd Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 E Rt .South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our tock is not irrigated. We guaranteo ev efything put out. We are not in the trust II. B. Patterson, office, in. Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Co-k, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Bot 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayane. , H. S. BRUMBLFi Drayage and transfer. Baggage Btored. Office P- and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Bcatty street. A card will bring me to yon. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillior, 707 Main street We.st. Privato lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, Gorman, Spanish'. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan Collego of Musio. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Central avenue. Building and Lean Association JACKSON COUNTY BtHLDtvl AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128. E. Main street. Carpenters and Builders. ! A. B. JOHNS, Contractor and Build er 225 Rivorsido nvonue. Phono 2471. F. E. HILIi Will fnrnih planB an list of all timber to be put in build ing. Medford. Oregon W. G. HOLMES, contractor and builder; plans and estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. v Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Milea Building, Main street, Medford, Ore- . Physicians and Suxpeans. R. W. STEARNS. M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and rea ident phone Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskins' Building. Phone Mnm 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Off k7e in Stowart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone, Main 341; privato phone, Mala 612. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. A-Kay. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. in. Office hi Jaokoon Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, Dfl. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath io Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 201. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J, BONNER, Eyo specialist, wheu others fail. Office ia Kagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D'iSnioq. Civil Engineers WILL tako by contract, on reason able forms, all kinds of work, also irrigating, planting and cnltiVating, etc Landscape gardening. First class references, Wiam Peters, Civil Engineer, Ptirae IffOl, 322 East Main street, Medford, Oregon.