Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 05, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE febflORD MAtt TRtBUNfi, MTPPFORP, OttKClOK WlfottElSPA Y, JAKttATtY fi, 10.10.
Author of "XIio Mystery of
Uio Yellow Iloom."
Copyright, 1000, by IJrotano's
She Will Go Mad Aaln!"
HEN sue bod told ma these
things," Unrtac continued,
"my first caro vras to try to
courluco her tbat Bh was la
under some hideous delusion,
Wasn't Larsan dead and burled?
fored to accompany Mathllde at onco to
the compartment In order to prove to
her that she had been the victim of a
hallucination. Sho was bitterly opposed
to the Idea, crying out that neither she
aor I must ever enter the compartment
agaus. She said that ah remembered
La run's face perfectly that It had ap
peared before ber tvlc tinder such cir
cumstances aa would Impress It IndeU
bly upon her memory, even If she were
to live for a century one during the
trance acene In the gallery and again
at the moment when they came Into
her sickroom to place me under ar
rest. And then, now that ahe kaew
who Larsan was. it was not only the
features of tho secret serrlce agent
that she had recognised, but the dread
ed countenance of the man who had
pursued her for years.
"She cried out that she could tnrear
or her life and on mine that she had
Eeea BaUmeyer allvo in the glass,
with the smooth face of Larsan.
X explained to the superintendent
that my wife had been frightened at
something she fancied tbat ahe had
seen while alone in our compartment.
and I begged blm to keep ber In his
office while 1 went myself to dlocover
what it was that she had seen.
"And then, my friends," continued
Sobert Darzac. his voice beginning to
tremble, "I left the superintendent's
office, but I bad no sooner got out of
the room than I went back and slam
ased the door behind me. I, too, had
seen Larsan. My wife had had no B-
luslon. Larsan was there in the sta
Uon upon the platform outside that
door. He was there In front of the
Buperintendenfa door, standing under
a gss jet. Evidently he expected us
and was waiting for us. He made no
effort to hide himself. On the con
trary, any one would hare declared
that be had stationed himself there
for the express purpose of being seen.
"Matblldo was staring at me, ber
great eyes wide open, speechless, as
tfiourh she were a somnambulist. In
a moment, however, sbe came back to
herself sufficiently to ask me whether
It were far from Bourg to Lyons. At
the same time she begged ma to giro
orders about our baggage and asked me
to accede to her desire to rejoin ber fa
ther as soon as possible. I Immediate
ly entered into her plans. Besides, now
that I had seen Larsan with my own
eyes. I knew well that the long honey
Boon trip which we had planned must
he-given Hp, and. my dear boy," went
oa Darzac, turning to Ilouletabllle, "1
became possessed with the idea that
we were running the rjslc of some
mysterious danger from which you
alone could rescue as, if not already
too late. Mathilda was grateful to me
for the readiness with which I fell in
with her wish to Join her father when
I told ber tbat In a few minutes we
would be on board the 020 train,
which reaches Lyons at about 10
o'clock, and we discovered that we
would overtake M. Btangerson himself
at that point I will pass over his
amazement when be beheld as upon
the platform of the station at Lyons,
Mathlkle explained to him that on ac
count of a serious accident which 'had
closed the line at Cuios we had de
cided to Join blm and spend a few
days with him at the home of Arthur
Kance and bis young wife, as we bad
before been entreated to do by this
I here interrupted l. Dame's nar
rative to recall to the memory of the
reader of "The Mystery of the Yellow
Koom" tho fact that Arthur William
Ilance bad for many years cherished a
Hopeless devotion for Mile. Btanger
son, uut naa at last overcome it and
married a beautiful American girl who
knew nothing of the mysterious ad
ventures of the professor's daughter.
After the affair at the Qlandier and
wniio Mile. Btangerson was still a Da
tlent in a private asylum near Paris,
where the treatment restored ber to
neaitli and reason, we heard one fine
day that Ilance was about to wed the
niece of an old professor of geology at
ine Academy of Science in Phlladel
pbJa. Those who bad known of bis
luckless passion for Mathllde and had
gauged its depths by the excess with
'. which it was displayed believed tbat
Kance was marrying in desperation
and prophesied little happiness for tbe
onion. They were living at Itocbcra
Souges in the old caHtlo on tho penin
sula of Hercules.
Darzac continued bis story:
"When we bad given these explana
. tiona to M, Btangerson my wife and I
saw that be seemed to understand very
little of what we bad said, and be ap
peared very mournful. Her father saw
. that something bad happened since we
had left him which wo were conceal-
lng from him. Mathilda began to talk
of the ceremony of the morning, and
' In that way tbe conversation came
around to you, my young friend" and
again ' Dame addressed himself to
Roulttabjlle "and 1 took the occasion
to wy to M. Btangerson tbat since
your vacutlou was Just beginning at ,
tbfe tlmo that wo were air going to
Mentone you might bo plonscd with an
Invitation that would give you the
chance of spending your holiday lu
our society. There was, 1 said, plenty
of room at llochcrs Itougcs, and 1 was
certain that M. Arthur Kance and his
bride would extend to you a cordial
welcome. While 1 was speaking Ma
thllde looked gratefully at mo nnd
pressed my hand tenderly. Thus It
bapened that when we reached Va
lence 1 bad U. Btangerson writo tbe
dispatch which you must have receiv
ed. While ber father rested in his
compartments next to ours Mathllde
opened my traveling bag and took out
my revolver, saying, 'if bo should at
tack ua you must defend yourself.'
Ah, what a night we passed! I longed
to console ber, to comfort her, but I
found no words. And when one 1 at
tempted to speak she made a gesture
so full of misery and desolation that 1
realized that 1 would be far kinder It
I kept silence."
This was Darxac's story. Wo felt.
Kouletabllle and myself, that the nar
rative was so Important that wc both
resolved on arriving at Mcntono that
wo would write it down from memory.
At the station of Mcntono Caravan
they found Arthur Rnnce, who was
astonished at beholding the bride and
bridegroom. But when he was told
tbat they Intended to spend a few
days with him he waa delighted. Ar
thur Kance bad not, even after his
marriage to Miss Edith Prcscott, been
able to overcome the extreme reserve
with which Darzac had always treat
ed htm.
So far aa Darsac was concerned, the
terror whtch he felt was Increased by
news brought to us by Arthur Ranco
when be met us at Nice. But before
this there had occurred a little Inci
dent which I cannot pass by in silence.
As soon as we reached tbe Nice sta
tion I bad jumped from the train nnd
hurried into the telegraph office to ask
whether there was any message for
me. A dispatch was handed to me.
and without opening It I went back to
Darzac and Kouletabllle.
"Rend this," I sold to tho young re-
Kouletabllle opened tbe envelope and
"Brlgnolles has not been away from
Paris since April 0. This is an abso
lute certainty."
Kouletabllle then said:
..ct, nruut a oca mis amount lo
now that you have It?"
It was at Dijon." I rejoined, vexed
at the attitude of the lad. "tbat the
Idea came to mo thut Brlgnolles might
be concrrniHl In the misfortunes crowd
ing upon us and of which warning
was given by the telpgrums you re
ceived. 1 wired a friend to make In
quiries in regard to the movements of
the fellow."
Well." said Kouletabllle. "you hnve
your inquiries answered. Are you
willing to admit now tbat Brlgnolles
is not and has never been Larsan In
I never thought of any such thing
as thatl" I exclaimed. I susnectod
that Rouletabllle was laughing at me.
Tbe truth was that the Idea bad ac
tually entered my mind.
And this time both Darzac and Rou-
tetabUle begged my pardon and paid
their respects to my despised intui
tions. I mention this incident here to
snow lo now great an extent I was
haunted by the image of Larsan bid
ing under some now form and
unknown among us. Dear
Larsan bad so often proved bis nonius
in this respect that I felt blm aulto
capablo of defying us now and of min
gling with us perhaps even as a
I was soon to change my ideas, bow-
ever, and to believe that this tlmo
Ballmeyer bad altered bis usual tac
tics, and tbe unexpected arrival of
Arthur Ranee was to go far In leading
me to this opinion. Instead of biding
himself, tbe bandit was showing him
self openly with an audacity that stag
gered belief. After all. what bad he to
fear In this part of tho country? He
was aware that neither Darzac nor bis
wife would bo likely to denounce him.
His bold revelation of bis presence
eeemea to havo but one end In vJow,
that of ruining tho happiness of tho
couple who bad belloved tbat bis
death had opened the way for their
But now let mo tell you of tbo news
brought by Ranee when be Joined tho
three of us at Nice. Ho knew nothlnir
or wnat naa happened at Bourg. uotb
ing of the appearing of La ran u to
Mme. Darzac on tbe train and to ber
husband in tbe station. But, if we hod
retained the slightest hopo that wo
bad lost Larsan on the road to Culoz,
Ranee's words obliterated it. And bo
had come to warn us.
"After taking you to tbo station,"
said Kance to Darzac. "and the train
bad pulled out, your wife, Btangerson
and myself thought that we would
leave tho carriage for a little while
and take a stroll. Btangerson gave bis
arm to bis daughter. I was at tbo
right of M. Stanserson. who. there
fore, was walking between the two of
us. Suddenly we paused to let a tram
car pass. A man said to mc. 'I besr
your pardon, sir.' The voice mode mo
tremble. 1 knew that it was Larsan.
He cast a long, calm look udou us. 1
do not know how 1 kept from cryimr
aloud his mlserablo name. Happily
Btangerson and Mme. Darzac bud not
seen blm. I made them walk around
the garden and listen to tho music in
the park, and then we returned to the
carriage. Upon tbo sidewalk In front
of tbe station there was Larsau. I
cannot understand bow Stanccraon
and Mme. Darzac could havo helped
out see him"
"Are you suro that they did not seo
hirnr interrupted Darzac.
xes. I feigned illness. Wo irot
Into tbe curriage and ordered the
coachman to drive as fast as be could.
The man stood on tbe sidewalk, star-
drove away."
"And you arc certain that my wlfo
did uot sco him?" repented Dnrxnc.
"Certain, 1 assure you."
"But, goml Clod, Dnrtnc," Interposed
Rouletabllle, "how long do you think
you can devolve your wlfo ns to the
fnct that Ijirsnu has reappeared and
that she nctimlly saw him? At tho
tlmo u reached (larnvnn your wife
sent me tho telegram I tun going to
'Sit you to read." And ho held out to
M, DAtrnc tho paper which boro the
two words, "Save us." rond It, with whitened face,
"She'll go mad ngnln." ho Bnld.
(To bo continuod.)
Everybody In Metlford Is Eligible.
Old people, stooped with suffering,
Middle ngo, courageously fighting,
Youth protesting impatiently;
Children, unnblo to oxplniu;
All in misery from their kidneys.
Only a littlo backncho first.
Comes when jou catch n cold.
Or whou you strain tho
Many complications follow.
Unnnry disorders, dinbotcs,
Bright a disease.
Cure ovciy form of kidnoy ills.
n. v. uouiu, XXV west Jackson
street, Medford, Ore., snya:
used Doan's Kidnoy Pills nnd I nm
pleased to say that thoy havo given
mo more relief than any other kidnoy
mcdiciuo I havo over taken. Other
members of my family have also used
Doan's Kidnoy Pills and the results
have been so satisfactory that I do
not hesitato one moment in giving this
For sale by all dealers. Prico GO
cents. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, solo ngents for tho United
Rcmombor tho nnmo Donn's nnd
take no other. w
Want a Home?
New, modern, 8-room, 2-story res
idence, situated iii northwest part of
Mcdford; tho most healthful, as well
as highest section of tho city, cost
ing, completed, over $3,500; lot
with $1,000; will sell at a sacrifico
of $1,000. Address nil communica
tious Box Gi8f Mcdford. Oregon.
Want a Lot?
Nico 53x108 foot lot in northwest
part of Mcdford; good soil; sloso in;
worth every cent of $600; will soli at
a sacrifico. Address Box G48, Mcd
ford, Oregon. I
Small House
A boxed house and nico G3xl08
foot lot in northwest part of Med
ford; houso can bo mado very com
fortablo for small oxpenso; hoUso
and lot worth $1,00; will soil at
big sacrifico. Address Box 048,
Jacdiord, Oregon.
Best Groceries
At Prices Strictly in
Keeping with the
Quality of Our
Stock which is
A Trial will Convince You
Offoro an eapocially good foothill orchard for u low
prico and on good torins. Xn IhcBO days of advancing
prices, it will pay to look into this.
It pays to dwil with tho 11 Man Who Knows." Whou
tho lioguo Rivor Land Company Bold the Tronaon &
Guthrie orchard at Englo Point to tho priro winning
owners, four yoara ago, tho salesman, W. M. Holinpa,
assured tho purchasers thoso Bpitxonborgtroos would
prodtrco tho world 'a beat apples, and subaoquent o vents
prov tho soundness of his judgment. By tlie way:
Did It evor occur to you that most f tho men who kavo
won out in tho Roguo Rivor Valloy, bought their win
ning orchards through tho Roguo Rivor Land Com
pany f
W. M. Holmes, Managor, is always at your sorvice
for a good buy.
Allen Reagan
, The Square Deal Grdcers
Instantaneous! Gas Lights
H A Complete Library
ins after ua with his cruel eye iu we
Will tell you something about
everything and everything about a
great many things; tho army nnd
navy, population of countries, States
and cities, tbo now tariff, tho 1910
census, progress of Panama Canal
work, census of Cuba, prosecution
of trusts, party platforms of 1010,
rise in prices of principal commodi
ties, aerial navigation in 1909, Polar
oxploration tin 1909 discovery of
tho North Polo, growth of tho United
States, Sixty-first Congress, about
wars, sporting events, weights and
measures, universities and colleges;
religious ordors m tho United States
debts of nations, weather forecasts,
fatality tables, commorco, taxes,
monoys, banking, insuranco, secret
societies, prohibition movement in
1009, roport of national commissions
on country lifo and conservation of
natural resources and
10.000 Other Facts and Ficures
of ovoryday interest to evorybody.
No mei chant, f armor, laborer.
business man, housowifo, school boy
or girl should bo without a copy of
nils greatest compendium of useful
information over sot in typo.
On sale ovorywhoro, 25c. (west of
buffalo and Pittsburg, 30c) By
mail, 35c. Address Press Publishing
Co., Pulitzer Building, New York
211 W. Main J. W. Whitney Phone 1082
Farmland Timber Land
Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
A New Year
of Prosperity
Is assured to
' you if you pur
chase your
groceries of
Rex Grocery Co.
That with the beginning
of the New Year, I will
trade where I receive
the greatest value for my
money In other words
sRex Market
Huth ft Pech Props. Phone 3271
Medford Realty Co
Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building
In Case of iSicRraess
PHONE .3 041
Near Poet Olfico All Night Sorvico Froo Dolivory
K 0. Hanson. Tom Moffat
Wo make any kind and stylo of windows. Wo carry
glass of any size on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Go.
Wire to Us to
Wire for "Yon"
Why not cot in touch with tho host rnn.
tractors in Mtidford? Electrical work m inn imm.
tant and too "particularr" to ho loft to anyono hut
experts, and wo will not only do tho work skillfully
and perfectly, but surHv tho host and innHf. mlinhin
of appliances.
Southern Oregon Electric Company
TEL. 1001. 36 ,UTH OR A PR