8 THE CEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ALEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY -1, 1910. FRIBBLES OF FASHION. Something New In Neck Flxlno Pom padour GII Evening Frock. Little cords of white silk matching in color one's own gown replace tho Iiltlicrto popular nock niching nnd flu lull tho collur. Folds of silk or crape are nlso used. They can be bought by tho ynrd nnd replaced nt will. Pompadour Bilks make smart even Ing gowus trimmed with flouncing of lace or of Bilk edged with velvet. Old fashions nro revived, nnd this trim nilng Is one of the revivals. Salome silk Is one of tho new fab ric shown for young girls' party drosses. Laces nnd velvet trim these gowns. Surplice waists arc among the latest developments of fashion. This ono Is Gladdening a Humorist. Tho financial bunion which Mark Twain carrlod some years .ago weighed on his mind heavily. In those mo ments of despondency then was ono tnctful friend who could make the hu morist forget his troubles. Tin was Dnn Beord. tho artist who tllttstrutod some of Twain's books. "Dan Heard, there Is no tonic that can equal the company of a cheerful man." said tho humorist as he entered the artist's studio. "Ah. but I have such a pleasant sub ject to work upon that 1 am uot In need of cither mnn or tonic for my cheerfulness," retorted the artist "Beg pardon: It Is I that need tho tonic, and thnt Is why 1 nra hero." said Twain forlornly. "Thou allow mo to prescribe a doso of your own medicine." Aud Mark was handed a copy of his book which Board bad boon studying. "I tbauk you." replied tho humorist. It took mo a year to get that medi cine out of my system, and I do uot propose to Imbibe It npiln." A dUcusslon of the book was fol lowed by a hearty dinner, nnd Twain left his friend, huvtug received tho cheer that he needed. A BTCK.VD.-Q SUnTLtCB WAIST. graceful, and will bo found adapted to all tho pretty soft materials that aro so much worn this sen son. As 111ns "trated. It Is made of mvssallno and trimmed with silk rat tall cord. Tho yoke Is of Jiue. and the sIccycs aro .Jald in tiny tucks. The drapery of tho surplice portion , is very attractive Such a waist would look well with tho sew draped skirts. JDDIO CnOIXET. This Mar Mantoo partes 'IHIHM m TS to 40 Inches buet measure. Send' 14 eents to this oflloe. string number. M67, wd It will be Dromzrtlr forwarded to you "fey mall. If In haate aend an additional Two cent stamp for letter posters, which Insures more prompt delivery. The Alligator's Tongue. On one occnslou when traveling along tho west coast of Africa with an old skipper who had kuowu many missionaries, but "did uot see the uso of them." Bishop Taylor-Smith was obliged to endure a string of taunting questions, such as "What was tho rood of spouting at Exeter hall?" and "What did tulsslonariea know, any way r At last the bishop could stand it no longer. Turning to the skipper, ho said: "I know you are an expert Can you tell me tho length of an alligator's tongue?" "Certainly." was the reply, "but it depends on the length of the alligator." "Very well, then; given an alligator fifteen feet long, what would be tho length of Its tongue?" "Three feet" was the answer. But the bishop, who had kept alli gators and watched their ways, knew better, "it Is evident that you arc nn authority on the west coast of Africa." ho said, "but it Is also evident that some people see more In ten minutes ' than others In twenty years. Lot mo tell you that an alligator has no tongue." Darned. ! Two brothers worn oneo at Connt ; vou Moltkc's house at an evening j party. Both were captains of tho gen-' oral staff, Tho general came up to a I group of gentlemen, ono of whom was ono of tho brothers. Afler Joining In j tho conversation ho said to the latter: "Just tell mo who Is that tall olllccr nrrtr tho fltvplaco on the other aide. I forgot his name." "That's my brother, your excel lency." was the answer. A smile stealing over tho general's face suggested the Idea that he had not obtained the Information he wish cd THREE LEG MAN Did you ovor hour about tho mnn who had only two legs? Ho snld ho didn't know as lio act ually ncodod throo logs, but If ho hnd another ho folt Btir0 ho could got along fastor. It's a good deal tho aamo with nn oloctrto sign, An oloctrto sign Isn't nn actual no cosslty to, your store, but It would Some time after the general went ,10, t0 "Kot n,0K faster." to another group of people and there' inero isn't any doubt about It. Joined tho olllccr whose name ho had It's ns sura as tho sun will rlso to- lnqtllred. Suddenly tho others saw him morrow morning. turning nway, with the same smile on his face. Afterward, when they Inquired from tho young olllccr what tho general had asked him, he replied: "Ho asked mo who that olllcer was over thero." "And what did you say?" "1 said that he was, my brother?" Tho general gave up Inquiring the name of tho two brothers for that evening. Wanted It to Take. Mrs. B. believed In Infant baptism, but for some reason thnt rlto was not It's aa plain ns 2 times a nro -1. Ooesn't It otaud to reason that an electric olgn In front of your Btoro would flash out Its mcesngo to your pooplo moro brilliantly, strikingly and ImproBslvoly than nny other form of sign? Isn't It a hard fact that no othor sign Is fit for night work? Can't you boo yourself, that nn electric sign would attract folks all along tho street and Impress your nnmo and exact location In tholr minds? Informed for Tommy till he was some "on't you ronllto that an electric four or live years old. While tho cere- j sign would offor you tho beat night mony was In progrosa the mother was I advertising you could Becuro? very much gratltled with Tommy's be-1 An electric sign Is bottor thnn a bavlor. lie seemed duly Impressed j ,jnytimo sign, for tho slmplo nnd log wlth tho solemnity of the occasion ca, wn8on that , th d t, and remained with bowed bend for ! . , ' . ' . some time after tho sprinkling uaU hlng Is vis bio. while Rftor dark, been done. inly tnoso thbgs Illuminated aro "The angel!" exclaimed the mother. soon "Tho little dear!" said a good sister; Tho dnrk,or, stormier, droarlor tho as she went up to give blm a "God ' night, th0 moro gloriously would bless you" and a pat on the head. But j Just as her hand was descending with 1 - . . , that benediction a very wrnthfuj and unangcllc countennnce was turned upon her. a pugilistic little tlst deliv ered a paralyzing blow on her biceps, your oloctrlo sign stand forth, nnd tho moro eloquently would It tulle to! your people. Tito pooplo you want nro tho poo plo who work daytimes. livening Is th0 only Unto thoy havo to bo out an the strcot. Kvonlng la tholr only tlmo for rec reation nnd sight soolng. Talk to thorn by your oloctrlo sign at night, whllo thoy am most open to Impressions whllo thoy nro for mulating nnd deciding on their pur chases. Your old sign dloo with tho sotting sun, Thoro'a nobody that can boo It night tltncfl. Don't you srpposo It would pay you to kjow something moro nbout oloctrlo signu? Wo nro rou,dy with full Informn tlon nnd figures for you. Our ropro- sontntlvo will cull nt most nny hour of tho dny or night to talk "electric fllgn." Stop to tho phon0 right now our number is 1681 nnd mnko nn appointment. It nhows off your goods to tho boat advantage. It shows thorn Just as thoy nro, true to color, tint, material nnd tox- ture. Don't try to worry nlong with pnsso forms of lighting. Keep in stop with progroaa. Moot our roprosontn tlvo nnd talk things ovor with htm nOdUB RIVER ELECTr'C CO. SALE OUR MAMMOTH UNLOADING Affords the Best tunity to save on supplies in wearables Women. Oppor-needed for Declined the Job. A writer of cheap tlctlou relates a trick played on blm by a collaborator In the days when dime novels wore longer than they aro now. nnd tho compensation made It worth while for w men to write one story between them. After his partner had finished Tito 1010 buying chances nro get ting undor way. Tho Btoro adds, nro 1910 Btoro nds. tho offors nro 1010 Villi ltllUIJ2IU UIUW UU BIT UlCCpS. I - and the Indignant Tommy exclaimed. J offers, nnd nro worthy of your nt- iou gu nway rrom nerer I In dlsrrnca - Notice to Contractors. Scaled bids wil be received by the city council of tho city of Modford, Oregon, up to nnd including January 4th, 1910, for tho excavating and lny incr of nil water mainn to be con- Of course bo was led out In disgrace and questioned by his horrltled mother. "Why, don't you know she would 'a' rubbed all the baptizing water off be fore It would 'a bad time to soak in?" explained Tommy, who from tils point of view was fully JusUtled. Los An geles Times. Buffoonery In "Hamlet." The buffoonery once tolerated In pro vincial theaters Is Illustrated In an an ecdote set forth In the memoirs of Bar ry Salllrau. Wright who was the Orst rravcdltrrer. nrcnared hlmsplf to tnkn the bouse by storm by bavlng incased struotcd during the year 1010, bids to bo filed with the eity racordsr not lntor thnn 4 o'clock p. m. on January ith, 1010, and to be accompanied by a certified check equal to ten per cent of the amount bid for. By order of the city eouneil Decem ber 21at, 1009. ItODT. W. TELFKR, City Recorder. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1009. EVERYTHING ON SALE, Should moan a lot, to (ho women of this hoc! ion. S A mammoth stock of now, oloan iiiorehaiidiNo off mil at sale prices never before attempted in Southern Oregon. Whero on earth can you find a store that offcit) every thing, except contract goods, at saving' You can 't buy goods hero without saving something and on most ev erything tho savings aro ' 25 TO GO PER CENT less than regular rotail prices. THE HUTCHASON CO. Formerly Baker-HutchasoM Co. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MAIL TRIBUNE. 111.1. Ill u the first chapter of their Initial col-1 Perfl?n 7u"n " do" or rao laboraUon It was banded over with "" i"- " DAME FASHION'S DIARY. A New Trimming For White Fox Furs. White Slippers With Colored Vamp. White fox Is the fur beloved by jroung girls, and as a novelty this year cord and tassel ornaments In whito silk for both muff and boa have mada their appearance. A new and pretty slipper to wear with light gowns has a vamp of col ored leather, the rest white. This take3 away the unbecoming whito on The fore part of the foot, which hardly any foot can stand. Green, blue, light Sray and red vamps look well. It looks very much as if the short skirted, coat suit would be only worn "this! season for strictly Informal hours. the following annonncement "There. I've Just thrown tho hero over a thousand foot cliff and told tho reader that nothing could prevent the lad from falling to death on the rocks below. It la up to you to save tho boy." The other writer said nothlnr. but sat down and wrote furiously for an hour. Then he quietly banded the manuscript back. A glance at tho patterns. When about to commence the operation of digging the grave for the fair Ophelia Wright began to un wind by taking off waistcoat after waistcoat, wblcb caused uproarious laughter among the audience. Unt as fast as be relieved himself of ono waistcoat Paul Bedford, tho second gravedlgger. Incased himself In the castoff vests, which Increased tho sal vos of laughter, for ns Wright was uiuuuscripi dock, a giance at ino i , 7" ' . ---- - Becond chanter showed the funnr mnn ec"lug thinner Paul grew fatter and that hi frlomi hart onmnipfnir inrM fatter. Wright, seeing himself out- Poetry Didn't Save Them. A New York prisoner accused of ffMlfllr Ann Aa r- h rv nlsinrlAl kin a a Ih This Includes all morning affairs, ex- t r:;" r T . . . , ., . J. rhyme before a magistrate got a Ben- tho events in the first part of tho story, introduced a new set of char acters and left the hero still banging over the cliff, waiting to be rescued by his creator. New York Sun. cept of course a noon wedding, but those are becoming more scarce each year. Coarse materials are used for these trotting suits, and the skirts are -cut to the instep, and the coats aro tence of six monthB on "the island," for. as the Judge remarked, his "Jag" woh bad enough, but bis poetry was worse. Over In London a "plain drank" put forth this: I've beta drinking- wine that la drawn from the wood: No bottle rubbish, but sparkling and cood. But it cot In my head, so tar friends all oxplaln That the wine has gone back to tbo wood once again. The effusion and tbo celebration cost him 10 shillings. New Vork Tribune. done, kept on the remainder of the waistcoats and went on wjtb his part quite crestfallen. An Awkward Selection. The first Karon Kcnyon was rather fond of telling tho story of bow while on circuit with Justice Rook tbey en tered a village Jnst In time to accom pany the population to the llttlo vil lage church. Tho parish clerk, anxious to have the congregation show duo ap preciation of the honor conferred by the presence of the distinguished Ju rists, gave out two verses of ono of tho metrical psalms: "Speak, O yo Judges of the earth, if Just your sen tence be. or must not Innocenco ap peal to heaven from your decree? Xour wicked hearts and Judgments are alike by malice swayed, your griping hands by mighty bribe to vlolcuce betrayed." , Dy this time most of tbo adultB bad woke up to tho application of tbe psalm and remained silent, allowing the children to continue tbo second verse. London Tatler. VAN DYKE'S WE HAVE JUST EECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY A COMPLETE LINE OF THE FAMOUS HENDERSON FRONT AND BACK LACE CORSETS THE HENDERSON'S WERE THE ORIGINATORS OF THE FRONT LACE CORSET, SO POPULAR WITH MANY WOMEN TODAY. NOWOMAN WHO EVER TRIED A HENDERSON CORSET BUT WHAT WAS PLEASED WITH ITS FIT. THEY WEAR WELL, OR WE COULD NOT GUARANTEE EVERY PAHt. PRICES $1.00 TO $5.00. riYU OOUOD BKIliT any length which is becoming to tho Jlgure. Exquisite little blouse patterns of Japanese silk embroidered by an ex pert Japanese needlewoman colors on white and colored silks embroidered in self tones aro to be found. Every form of (he yoke skirt is much worn this season, and the one Illus trated Is graceful nnd generally becom ing. It can be either gathered or tuck ed, aud consequently It suits a number of materials. In the cut it is made from oue of the new silk and wool crapes, with trimming folds of tbo material. The skirt Is cut In five gores and Joined to tbe yoke. JTJDIO CHOLLET. Thin May Manton pattern Is cut In Bites tor a twenty-two to thirty Inch walat measure. Send 10 cents to this office, giv ing number, WA. and It will be promptly forwarded to you by roaU. If In basta send an additional two cent stamp for lotter postage, which insure more prompt de Itvury. Uoiu buy receives Its wuter from three jjmm, which .metre taHr region Intensely modarloufl, College Sentiment. Dr. Blank, about twenty years a professor In a certain college, was on the eve of a trip to Europe, to be ab sent two years. In pathetic and rath er harrowing tones he made bis faro well address to his class: "Yes. I am about to part with you. This Is more than distressing to me. I your wife. Would that there was a window in my ' "Swnte Jewel." replied breast, my dear boys, that you might see tbo Innermost recesses of my heart" A stripling In the rear, seized with a happy thought, shouted: "Professor, would a pano In tho stomach do?" Llpplucott's. Unusual Luck. "So you've rented that haunted house which was on your bauds so long-" 'yes; rented It to an actor." "Did be Hud out Its reputation?' "That's the very thing wblcb "de cided blm to take tbe house." "Hut her surprising!" "He said It would bo such a comfort for him to get Uiulde of a bbuse where the ghost walked every night." Haiti more American. Mrs. Maleprop. "You mustn't think you ought to run around barefooted, Johnny." sold Mrs. Lapsiing cbldlngly. "Just because Bob by Ktaplefonl does. lie's no centurion to go by."-CuBBcU'B Journal. Encasement Broken. Merchant I have bad hard luck lost all my money. Sultor-Surely yoo wottiu not wisb to loso your dnuchter also. Kllegeude Blatter. Tho boy who Is kept in after scbooi aB5 fW bud octfVMHmliir A Soft Answer. Jewel Arrah. Jimmy, why did 1 marry ye? Just tell me that, for It's raenelf that's bad to maintain yo over since th blessed day that I became llmmy, uot relishing the charge, "and It's meself that hopes I may lire to'see tbe day when you're a widow woeplng over tho cold sod that covers me. Then I'll see how you'll' get along without me, honey." London Tit-tilts. I Needed Repairs. "Does your typewriter need repairs?' asked the meandering tinker tm bo en tered th olilce. "It would seem so," replied tho em ployer. "Sho has Just gone across tbo street to consult a dentist." Illustration shows our num ber 950, now, long straight model, sizes, 18 to 30. Price, $4.00. HENDERSON fashion Form Corsets . Made to reduce figures; extra goood and strong muslin, Price, '$3.50. Number GOOx. HENDERSON Coition Ibnn Cor-jcts This is an oxtra heavy corset for medium stuot people; number GCC. Prico, $2.60. HENDERSON l"aliloi Ibrtn Corsets Mere Medern. ' "Tommy, you have written this aen tence. The pen Is mightier as the sword,' and It Is Incorrect. Uow should It be changed?" "Pen ought to be changed to type writer, ma'am." Chicago Tribune. He'd Had Experience. Ilcr (reading) And so they were married, and that was the last of their trouble. Him (sotto vocc)-Last, but not least Cleveland Leader. Not That Kind. Tim-Would you scream if I kissed 'M you? Tessle I supposo you Hatter yourself that I'd bo speechless with Joy.' Mobile Iteglster. MM '4" M Regular stylo, a staple and good seller, size to 30, number 820, Price, $1.50. HENDERSON Fashion Form Corsets ' Tho. front hico mod el, comes in high and low bust. " Wo have this corset in two goods number 935, prico $5.00; number 729, price $3.00. HENDERSON Front Laced Corsets mere u it uuruuux in untie. it teakc sees meg ridieaJou. but ony ventu others from beconiftur so. L WE GLADLY GIVE CORSETS OUT ON TRIAL ONLY ASKING THAT THEY BE RETURNED IN THE SAME CONDITION AS TAKEN.