G T1TE MEDTfOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. MISmTORn, ORKOON, MONDAY. JANUARY !J, .1910. THIS SERMON IS A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE PDHT TIUDCD OUT , ulLH I MIJIULIA UUI IN INLAND EMPIRE PEOPLE'S PULPIT... ! Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pftitor Brooklyn T-bemacJe. Ooo ; Every Thing Give Thanks! "In Every Thing Give Thanks, For This It the Will of God Concerning You In Chrot Jesus" (I ThesuloruAiu v. 18). OOQ-" uni iu nun, wnetner more or. a t Corinthians vl, 1, God's people not only give thanks for the blessings of tin future which they receive by faith, but additionally they appreciate blessings grnuled to thetn In advance In the present life and give thanks for these. The first of these Is the knowledge, the appro I elation, of the goodness of God In granting us a release from sin ami Its penalty by faith, so thru we enn (with out waiting Tor nctuulltlcm now re jolce lu the mercy which has JiiRtltled Us freely by Divine grace through faith , lu the blood of Christ. The rvnllia- nt .1.. n , . t.. .1 n .! bl'UKANL, Wash.. Jan. il. -Ono by the Father, calls for gratitude, for , billion ml two hum! rod am! fifty rofUBed to accept Sid llostor'u offer to fight ho would hIiow lilm up. Value of Cut Will Bo Over $20, 000,000 Half of Cut Was Marketed Locally. Sunday, November 2S. Pastor Bus- Corinthians xv, 51; Ephcslnns I, 0; thanksgiving, and this cause coutluu- million feot of lumber wns cut by sell of "Brooklyn Taticrnncle" preach- ( Romans x. 20). "The mystery of lng. our thanks continue. We were the mills in tho Inland Empire during oil today from the above test, lie said: tbe worItl "ot understand, llfteil from the horrible pit and the 1009. according to reports compiled 'I'linM 1 II n li.innlli ..., An.. .-I.. ......... l't .1 11 r IT VIIHI 111 I II '1 N 111 K I ' I I I III) 1 1 1 ! I I uui u is, .1 irv.i vi ii 1 1 vi wMaiaivinj i In the Blblo which many overlook, to their own confusion. Falllug to "right ly divide the Word of Truth" (11 Tim othy II, 1n, falling to discriminate between the consecrated believers aud ter a mystery from them. But "the secret of the Lord Is with them that fear him and he will shew them his Covenant" (Psalm xxv. 14). "The mystery" Is. that God puYposed nominal liollevers of the world, which j tluU tl,e blessing of the world should theBlble evcrj-where recognUes. has ll. 00 accomplished oy our bavlor alone to this confusion. To the loglcally-mlud ed thus confused, the Bible Is an unrea sonable Book. Inconsistent with facts. These matters are well Illustrated in our text, which was addressed, not to nil mankind, nor to merely nominal Christians but to Christians, "in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ," ns the Introduction shows. This word in means something more thau is generally appreciated. Note the Savior's words, "If a man love me he will keep my words: and my Father will love him. nhd we will come unto him and make our abode with blm." "i am In my Father, aud ye In me and I In you" (John xlv, 20. 23). Tho whole testimony of the Scriptures is that those who attain to this glorious one ness with tho Father and with the Son ore in all but a "little flock" aud amongst them are "not many great, not many wise, not many learned." It Is to this class alone that the Scrip tures are addressed though to some extent Including a justilled class sup posedly approaching i s sanctified condition. These tn; - well be Inform ed by the Ap" that they should "In everything ,iv thanks," when In full harmony wiih the Divine will. But note tho confusion of attempting to apply these words to the world lu general. What has the world to be thankful for from Its own standpoint? It knows not what God's future pur poses are, which, therefore, cannot en ter into Us consideration. And with out that knowledge of coming blessings life Is often so little appreciated that self-destruction Is preferred. Undoubt ful I v the nnmlwr nf ttnlclilna ivniiM ti. far greater than It K were It not for "Dd to. d,saPPlntwl -- oa'- but lu association with a select class of saints gathered out of the world and specially taught and prepared lu the School of Christ during this age. Not only Is this feature of the Divine Plan Scrlpturally called "the mystery of God," which will be finished by the close of this age, but additionally the Church herself Is Scrlpturally termed "the mystery of God"-the Mystic Body of Christ. "For God gave Christ to be the Ilead over the Church, which is his Body." "Ye are members lu particular of the Body of Christ." which Is the Cliurch (Epheslans 1, 22, 23; I Corinthians xlL 27). During these long centuries required for the finding of this saintly class for whom the Lord has beeu searching with the maguet of Truth, various false theories have sprung up and found acceptance In the world. One of these Is that God does not love the world and has never purposed Its sal vation; but that, on the contrary, he fore-ordaluod and . predestinated that all except the "elect saints" should suf fer eternal torture, because he wished to have It so. Another wrong theory which gained acceptance was that whilst God wishes to save the world, be duds himself unable to do so, be cause handicapped by human self-will and by the aggressiveness of Satan, who has blinded aud deceived the vast majority and has them completely in bis power through Ignorance and su perstition. This theory tells us that God loves the world. Including tho heathen millions, and that he longs to miry clay of sin and condemnation ty r, a. Kollocir. secretary of tho iTJTi-m i'T, Tn ,ho'Wotori! Pino Mauufaoturenf Ahho Kock Christ Jesus. It was In conse-, ... . . , T ,r n , , . , nuot.ee of this that a new song was ' c,t'011' o w.ch J. P. AlcGoldrtok, put Into our mouth, even the loving- 01 &PKnne, is .president, lho value kindness of our, God. And this Is tho j f 'ho cut is plnced at from ."rJD.OOO. tlrst cause for our thankfulness. All 000 to $20,000,000, of which SO per other blessings rest upou this blessing , cent went for labor, Forty-two per and all other thanksgivings should mit oC U,u lumber was marketed lo- mFSISJZ tlmnk8 tor i,n-' t,, .r0St ,wtK shi',i,ea U tIlu A.i.iifim.niK- fi..r i.iit.Mi ..... rthom tier of states, as far east NEW CASES FILED F. N, Wilson vb, Peter Kuaolu; to recover money; Vnwtor & Purdlu, attorneys for plaintiff. Karvolno HaUauHou vs. H, C, 10 v orson; to recover money; C, B. Wat sou attorney for plaintiff, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. were Inducted Into a still further grace as tho Atlantic seaboard, am! to the a certain fear or dread that the future might be more terrible than tbe present. The average man. heathen and civ ilized, knows that his coming into tbe world wns without his consent. He eats and drinks and sleeps and labors, because these are necessities. He has headaches aud heartaches, and every other kind. Altogether bis experience Is "of few years and full of trouble." Ills chief pleasure Is in hoping for and striving to attain pleasure. And when the "cup" of supposed happiness Is In bis band, the gall of bitterness Is found mingled with It, and Its dregs are sorrows. Can such a man be thank ful? especially If Ije has been taught llirt doctrine of the "dark ages" re specting tbe future that when be shall die he will either be ushered Into a Purgatory of centuries or tor ture Indescribable, or. worse still, that bis lot will be to suffer endlensly un less be should be one of the saints, which he well knows be Is not. and which we all know, as tbe Bible de clares, are but "few." Surely to call upon such people for thankfulness to God would bo an absurdity. And It Is to the credit of the Scriptures that tbey are not thus absurd, and that our text Is addressed, not to those who constitute tbe masses, but to tho "lit tle flock"-tbe saluu. Groaning Creation's Hope. Bcforo proceeding to apply our text to tbe class to which It Is addressed (the saints), we pause to consider the bope of the world In general, as set forth lu the Scriptures. The knowl have the Gospel taken to them, but Christ, so far from being a cause of cannot do so, except through human disappointment. Is a nource of pleas ure. The heart that baa come Into falth-uulou and communion with tho or privilege, namely, the privilege of middle west and Canada. .Mr. lvel- bccotnlng members of the Body of logg says tho outlook for 1010 is that Christ, members of the "mystery" tho cut will bo nt least 10 per cent class. The Invitation to this class tho n.n(nr l.n v,. Tin. t.,i..i Ajwstle expresses thus. "1 beseech you. : ,), ii0.i i- I. - 1. 1... . . . ... i . , . t'l '"hw .1 .IU ,1111, .lift .IlllfllU n W.T t.,tirt,.ti..,,. n tmmtod nt 350,000,000,000 leet. This bodies a living sacritlce, holy, accept- ""dudes tho lnrRost tracts of other ....... .... i ..ti !.. t.'... ii-...i.;...-..... aoie unto uou. wnicti is your reason- " tinsiuui iiiiMiiugiuii able service" (Romans xll. U. Through and Oregon, Western Motitnttn and this grace or privilege. If accepted, we the boundary district. Millmcu sav gain the opportunity of a change of the timber will Inst more than 275 unture-from human to Divine. Our ,u lho , , f ,,. human nature Justltli-d. cleuufced, made i -, n i . .i acceptable to God as a sacrltlce 1 wm,11 lt. M re ..ut t once here through the merit of Christ. aucrf- wollhl 1,0 omnigh lumber to build fictd by us faithfully, will be replaced houses for Imlf the population of by a spirit naturo aud glory, honor, 1m- Amorica. mortality. Jolnt-lielrstilp. with our Lord and Ilead. What cause we havo In this for thanksgiving: What shall we render unto the Lord our God for all bis benetlts towards us? "We will take the cup of salvatlou (his cup, tho 1 cup of sclf-sacritlcei and call upou the name of the Lord (for assistance to drink of the Master's cupi. We will ' pay our vows of consecration unto the Lord publicly before alt bis people" (Psalm cxvl. 12-11). "Every Joy he senl mo Comes a sweet anu tfUd eurpriae." The very fact that we do not know everything: the fact that we are ever learning as pupils in the School of tied, because those who profess to be bis people fall to raise sutlicicnt mis sionary donations. To rational tnldds these theories which satlstled In the past are no longer satisfactory; hence many are turned to intldellty. As the Scriptures say. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" (Iloseti Iv. C). The Hope of the Resurrection. Leaving these unsatisfactory errors of the "dark ages" and going back to the Scriptures we Uud their teachlugs consistent; namely, that as soon as tbe "mystery," the Church. Is com pleted, the blessing of God will pro ceed through Tbe Christ (Uead and members) to the world. As It Is writ ten, "In tby Seed shall all tho fami lies of the earth be blessed." Tbe mystery, be It kuowu. Is that the spir itual "Seed of Abraham" Is not 'the Lord Jesus only, but Includes also bis members tbe Church. As wo read. "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abra ham's Seed, and heirs according to tbe promise" (Gulatlans 111, 20). According to tbe Scriptures the bless ing of God will proceed through JJpIr Itual Israel, a "Boyal Priesthood," "after the order of Melcblzedec," to natural Israel under tbe terms of their New Covenant (Jeremiah xxxl, 31). During tbe Millennial Age under the spiritual Kingdom of Tbe Christ (op erating through tbe earthly Kingdom of Israel) all nations will be instruct ed, enlightened, blessed. Not only so, but the merit of Christ will then be 100 COLD TO SLEEP; SITS BYJ1RE; RONS Aged Woman Injured so That Her Recovery Is Doubtful So Cold Could Not Sleep. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3. Unable to sleep been u ho of tho intense cold that provalled In San Francisco InBt Lord learns something more dally re- nBbt, Mrs. Ann Brooks, SO yoars spectlug the Heavenly Father's love old, wrapped horsolf In a blanket and and care, and each fresh Item of seated bersolf In front of nn open knowledge is a new well-spring of Brate. Sparks flying from tho flro pleasure. "Ho satiatleth tbe longing ,,nlteil ho llnnkf., nn,i tho need wo. soul." "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be tilled." "Goodness and mercy follow mo all tbe days of my life." These are the experiences of tbose rlpo Christinas called upon' by tbe Apostlo to glve.thanks unto God In every mat ter and to know that this la God's will in respect to all those who are mem bers of Christ "lu Cbrlst Jesus" (Psalm evil. 0; Matthew v, 0; Psalm xxlil, 0). Thanks Through Tear. Let us not overlook the fact that our man rccolwd burns from which It Is stated that sho cannot recover. It was shortly boforo dawn that Mrs. Brooks left her bod for tho warmth of tho grato. It Is bolloved that sho dropped Into a dozo from which b1i0 wns awnkanod to find hor solf enveloped In n mass of flntnos. Joseph Brooks, tho aged woman's son, who llvos next door to tho "Ro fugeo" cottage occupied by his moth er, heard her screams. Rushing to applied also on behalf of the thousands I tt mlllltrtci thn liitn rvnn tftn f r t s edge of this hope is not granted to the j tho ot aeh-thcol, hade, world, but to the saluts-that they ., ' nrnrr ,riwi r, ,, , ' might know, might , appreciate, tbe R; tuto tbe "First Insurrection." "His clous purposes of God toward mankind resurrcctlon A 8harIng , lt w, !n filllrnl" fltwl flint lllnv tnfrvlit- itmlnr. . . attain lire on the spirit plane like unto In general; and that tbey might under stand ulso the Divine intention respect ing their co-operation with God In the blessings he purposes to bring eventu ally to all the families of the earth. The explanation of the sorrows of tbe world Is given lu the Bible; which tells us thnt sin lies ut tuo door nnd that the mental, moral and physical blemishes which cause humanity such distress nre Incldoutnl to the penulty pronounced against sib; namely, death. "Tbe soul that slnneth, lt shall die." Because Father Adam when on trial representatively for his race sinned nnd came under sin's penalty. "Dying thou shalt die," therefore all bis chll- tho angels, but superior, "far abovo angels." Later during the Millennium the world will return from tho tomb, "every mun In bis own order" (I CorUi thlans xv, 23). And tbe resurrecting process will continue with them, to tho Intent that tbe willing and obedient may contlnuo to rise gradually to wards perfection nnd dually attain It; while ut the same time the earth will bo rejuvenated and become tho prom ised "Paradlso regulned" restored (Acts ill. 10-21). "Give Thanks, For He Is Good." Looking down Into the future pro text Indicates that we are to give ,,or 1,11,0 1,0,110 ,10 found hor r0,,lnB thanks for our sorrows, our trlnls, our on tho f,oor a vorltablo ball or flro. disappointments, ns well as for our Brooks put out tho flames and tol- Joys and pleasures, for everything In- ophonod for holp. Ho bolpod to re eludes all things. Nor Is this the only.movo his mother to tho Hahnomnnn U..l l.f,. TI..I,,. " . ...jiiiu.t.- iu iu vuci. lu I hospital, whore It was statod alio has "yi 'k no chanco to recovor. members of Christ to rejoice In trlbu-! latlou, not because tribulation is a Joy ' producer, but. as be explalus, Trlbu-, NEW YEAR IN ABERDEEN latlon works out additional patlenco STARTS WITH BLOODY RECORD and patience brings additional experl- once anu .arger experience urings iar-1 ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan kit uui".-, uuui vu un- UUI USUUIUCU Ul -Tho Now Year bogan In Abordeen with n John Griffith to Howard J. Stewart, a ncrea1 1) I. O fill, township 37. 2 woBt 1G00 J, O. Poo to Cornell Ranch Co. 15S. SO acres, section 11, township 37, 4 west 2 COO Melissa K. Knighton to T. M. Peolor. 2 40 acres, section 17. township 33, 2 lnt .. 2900 B. 11, Hetiueoy to Anna M. Smith, lot 17, block 4, Cro- well addition to Medford.. 300 II. Whipple, et uh to Emma Mco Milton ti acres, section 10, township 30, 4 west... 77R li. W. Rogers to C. lt. Rogers, I 1-2 acres Bennett Million 1) L C, towahlp 3S, 1 oast. . 10 Chas. L. Kolcxcho to Herbert RouhIuiw, land In section 23. townshl 30. least.... 10 W. E. Pago to Luulla M. Ad nuiH, lots 9 and 10, block 2fi, Medford 3000 Win, Hart Hamilton to John R. Allen, lots C and G, block 19 1 Carrlo E. Damon to Myrtle Lonr, lot 12. block 10, Medford G00 J. S. Stagg to S. S. Stevens. 12 acres D L C 43, township 38. 1 west 3000 II. C. Barney to Win, Worth, lot 1, block 9, Realty's ad dition to Modford U.00 O. T. West to J. P. Wolf, lot 1. i 2 nnd 3. block "K", R. R. j addition to Ashland 10 C. 11. Lewis to Edwin L. Lano ICO acres land, section 3S, township 30, 2 west 3C0O B. H. Klrhy to II. F. Moador, lot S. block 3, KendHll ad dition to Medford 10 A. I). Holms to Mary I. Holtnn S.S acres lu Jackson county 1000 N. F. Patton to G. A. Acree. laud In towtiHhlp 39, 1 east 17C Flora McNabbb to Daniel E. Jones, lot S, block 50, Cen tral Point flOO F. R. Roo to H. W. Andrews, lots G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 20, 27, 28, 29, 30. Bollovuo tract, CG acres 12000 O. Stephenson to L. M. Dally, lot G, block 1, Whitman Park addition to Medford. 10 R. H. Toft to L. J. Qulcloy, lot 3, block 03, Medford. . 10 W. C. Groon to L. M. Bund lott, lot 2, block 2, Bung alow addition to Medford . . SCO L. J. Qulgloy to Amelia S. An tic, lot 7, block 4, Crowoll addition to Medford .... 10 John Foman to A. W. Cook, lots 31 and 32, block 8, R. R. addition to Ashland. 10 Lottie L. Polton to W. A. Patrick, 10 acres, section 14, townsrlp 39, 1 eiiHt... 10 BenJ. Eggleston to Josophlno D. Crocker, lots 0 and G, block 8, R. R. addition to Ashland 1 J. It. Plttongor to H. A. Bar mateor, ft acres section 1G, township 39, 1 oast 10 Jos. Mnulll to P. C. Muglll, 2 acrus D L C 43, township 39, 1 oast "f houiui for open mooting and riubllu uminmuiuu ot Ul0 OttlCtirH Of uolll orders. All old holdlurii and families tiro cordlnlly Invited, MRS, ELLA BUOULTH, 24T Soeiolary. Notlco, My wife, Kffico Gordon, has wil fully left my board uud bud, mid I will not lie roHotiBlhle for tiny debts whatever which sho may contract hereafter. ALFRED D. GORDEN, 2-10 Prospect, Ore. A NEW KMXTIUO OltDl.VANOIC. May It bo ordnlnod hv tho eltv council of tho city of Medford. ' Any ahlo-hodled, tnairled mini who Hlinll neglect or rufiiiio to piovldo IiIh wlfo with ulectrlo llghtii and ulectrlu Iron, thnroby coinpollliig hor to upend Hhiho pleanuut dnya and oveiiluitn lu tho kitchen over tho hot conic utovc, when bo tutn now buy electricity at bargain prices, shall bo puiilnhod by Imprisonment In hla own kitchen, with cook 'ov0 In full blast, and Ahull be ctimpoltod to btart all flrru at 4 a. m. so that ho may bo ready for 8 o'clock breakfast, until tin nlinll provldo suld " tfo with unbl oloctrlo lights aud eluctrlc Iron, to uavo fn tlguo, exhaitntion nnd trouble tin aforesaid, (Signed) DOMESTIC FELICITY, Chairman. Attest: THE CLERIC. A New Year of Prosperity i Is assured to you if you pur chase your groceries of Rex Grocery Co. dren sharing In his Imperfections are Pbotloully the Psalmist exclaims, iu likewise imperfect-sluuors, as St. Paul 1 v'w ol iviuguom uioNNiugH prom oxplalns (Romans v. 12). Thus, dur- lu(ld to ,uc w"rIlJ' " lvo tbanks uto jug sixty eouturles. approximately '""d. for u Is good! for his mercy twenty thousand mllllous of Adam's ondurcth forevorl" It Is tho tnerey of children havo been "born In sin and fJod toward us and toward all who Bhupou In Iniquity." and have come I uee,l bta metey and who dlro It that Into the world condemned and dying, i tle K.rounu for tbunksglvlug. True, jneutnlly. morally nnd physically. ! I"a'"J "' '"mie from thankful hearts. Dlvlno sympathy exercised toward , "l,u ' "r,er to properiy thankful, this race of sinners provided a Savior. ' B m""t w '"'' "'un Is now visible "who for the Joy' that was sot before ,0 tb" w,, ,mve "ot tU ' him" sncrlttced his llfe-for the world n,1(1 lht' eir "r fuI"' tt",, tUL "l',ut' (John III. lib. "Jesus Christ by the revelation respecting thing to come, grace of God tnwted death for every ttut u to ,,,,,HO Vi'r' oppuitunllleH thai num." Tbon Instead of dealing with f tl,t' I-,nl'H '0neeruted ones iuwm: tho world. Instead of saving tho world, i ""'wc-d are your oyos. for they two lustoad of ettlng up tho promlsod ' ,1111 'our f',irs- for ,ll('v ll0a''" N,jt Kingdom to bless tbe world, the Sav- or,,.v l,ut to 0"1 -' " lor did something else. And. this C,"-1 M"" hiH '"u-" lu-nr t,t iUi ha has been doing from tbfl UJ trace of God h bus reapwislblllty. time of bis death until now tho Apbs-1 J P'w -a the UnrwMse of U.d and tlo UKi-ftJUui to us la "a mysteiy" (I t0 "isdal i It la to r. euvo tbe gr-o of part lot 0, block 28, Ash land Ellon Davis to Jenulo Calfoo, part lots 23, 24, 25, 20, block K, R. It. nddltloi. to .Ashland John Klnork to Win, Gorlg, lota 13, 14, 1C, block 1, lots 1 nnd 2, block 2, lot C, block 3, Bunkor Hill addi tion to Medford H. D. Howard to Wllllo E. Glasgow, 20 acres D L O 45 ' II. C. Maltby to Harry A. HoiiBor, 120 acres section 21, township 37, 1 wost. . . Joh:i V, Mundy to Hnrry C. Mnltby, samo property. .. . W. L. Smith to It. N. Toft, lot 3 and portion lot 4, Cottage addition to .Mod ford Portor J, Noff to H. C. Stod dard, land section 30, town Hhlp 37, 2 west O. A C. U. R. Co. to Chan. A. Simons, lota 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, section 1, township 33, 2 wost, 2152.77 norm W. S. Clay to J. M. Root, par11, block 3, Modford John O. Parker to (Jrnnt Pass Pans Lumber Co,, 100 acroa section 24, towjiHblj) 33, 3 west 10 10 730 10 mir trlhliln tlnnti luniiBA nt I nnronoivl Im-i. nf nhml nl.rnn.l tn nnr hnnrt TOCOrd Of two Sllddon Btld Violont thereby (Romans v. 3; vlll. 35). deaths, ono of thorn, that of August S. T. Blssoll to W. D. Caroy, The basis of all these blessings and Broaklo, being dramatic In tho ox rejoicings both as respects the futuro ' tromo. Blasting wns bolng carried aud the preseut experiences Is faith, on In tho woodsm six miles nbovo First, In tbe fact that there Is a God. 1 Montosana nnd n chnrgo had been Second. In the act that he has a noblo ,,lacotl undor an immonBQ 8tun, 1000 Tso at i ? 7j occu- pcrfect and thoroughly coordinated. '13d hy tho ""'"on. Tho huso was Fourth, in tho fact that all of thoso I t,med 80 08 to Kivo tho mon nmplo powers are enlisted lu tbe salvation of time to reach Bholtor boforo tho the world. Fifth. In the fact that that chnrgo oxploled. Bronklo and sov salvatlon began to be worked out by 1 oral otbor mon voro Boated about tho our Loru at tils i-irst Advent. Sixth, stovo In tho bunkhouso when a lnrgo In the fact thnt It Is still working out r .ii.,.., .,. ,.,. lu the sclectlou of M Church. Kev-1 IIIIL, 1" , ,, enth, In the fact that shortly It will C,raal 0(1 t,,rouf 1 th roof' mra,,y begin to take practlcat shape lu tho es- Hlmv,nB ono sldo of BroaUIo'a bead tabllshmentof Cbrlst'sMlllennlal King- off- T,1 torc ''ad carried tho pieco dom. Eighth, In tho fact that through j ot stump over tho top3 of tho tall that Kingdom a blessing shall extend , treua and dropped on th'0 houso. to overy creature of our race. j Shortly boforo tho nccldont, Doan So then, let every man to the extent Smith of Elma, a deaf muto, was iJL tr,ss'y isnss z , i"ir r rTr timnu nntn ni.i... u.n,,K i.V. iu track a Bort dlstanco from Satsop good and because his mercy endureth ,,jr ft ,0t'B'nt' train. forevor. And lot tboso who have last- j ... , . , cd of his grace pursue on, that they j BAT NELSON IRITATED may grow lu gnlce, grow lu knowl- r,v mm ,o-m rimp.rn edge, grow in faith and grow In char- ul-w' inntrtic uctor-llkenesH to our God. And let bis m,trAnr , 7" r, .... saints addressed lu this toxt more and , 01,IU00' Jan' nttllng Nol more appreekite their wonderful ptivi- 1 80n' IrrllRtod by tho attitude of Ad lege, their high culling of God In Christ , Wolgpst, Is talking right out In meet Josus to be bclr of God and Joint- 1 lug about tho little Mllwaukeenn nnd heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord-lfso acousos blm of dodging a fight, be that they suifer with blm. that tbey , Til(j trouble with Wolgant," nnld may bo also glorified together. And vjetHon tl,av Mlflf ... arfltl knowing that they have need of faith ;'"'" , , Br. ,l 1,8 ' Suffe,rl' tf and patlen-e and character develop, f",,1 foet' 1Jeforo tho V'oolt Is ment. let those llrmly trust the Great , over 1 11 ,nako ,,lm crawl ,nto Ills Teacher, come what may. and ulvu ,lol "ml Htay thoro." thanks for every experience of life, Nelson's declaration followed tho ' INSTALLATION OF a. A. It. knowing that our Father Is too wise to reading of Wf-lgust's Btitotnont Ihat' AND XV, It. O. Crr ,w'nhrli.K tb Mniiterti.ho wouldn't fight tho Damr uulosit All members ot pout and corps nro I Fou" oo n, xvl "t!101" Kinrant.-,, m.oo, win, Iom,. or draw. rc,u, tod to moot Tuesday ovonlng, i wuimxi, i'Uio tbamplon added that If Wolgnut January 4, 1010, at Atifjlo's oiwai Resolved That with the beginning of the New Year, I will trade where I receive the greatest value for my money In other words i 2fRex Market Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3271 I jmu'I" . - Xi.X .Jl. 111'. . 1000 000 758 Wire to Us to Wire for "Yon" Why not got in 1 ouch with lho host olo(;tvicnl eon ti'iftoi'B in Jilcdi'oi'd'? IDlcoti'ioal work is too impor tant and too "purlioiilnrr" to ho loft to anyono hut o.vportH, find wo will not only do tho work skillfully and perfectly, hut buj',,' tho boHl and most roliahlo of applianfiCH. Southern Oregon Electric Company TEL. 1091. 30 (JTH OEAPE