Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 02, 1910, Page 3, Image 15

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    tvnw. iriiimrnnn rArr. 'iiPTnTraw vriiinirrm.n rm?.nrwr cjrrxm.w taxittatjv o 10m
.1. I i.U IHIJiyJU VIVU ilUI.I,IJ .1 VIWU11J JUIJ.U1V vIVIJllJl1 UUJ.1jy;iJ. UiUVX AJ)
Ax In groups of four, lx or IkIiI llio
Kitlly lirormi'il cuuplcn on pIPMurn bond
Kdlliprod ut tlm AmkI'i lutll I'Ylilay iiIkIU
for (ho third Hvvnstlloi lmrcliiK pnrty,
the oxclitiiiutlonH of 1nllBhlel surprise
Ut tlnj fostlvo mipunnincq of tho nhll
ueto universal. It In a muttor of rnrt
inntiy Hints itxprcssprf, Unit Mitilfonl
Iiiim no linll nffonllMif a fitting fiotltrr
Tor tlm (lliiplny of tmndsoinu KO?n,
flushing Jewels nnd ggiicrnl Toinlnlno
lovnlltiKin which mnk lUwm imrltn
nppcnl to tlm nrtlnllc i-yn of tho spoctn
tor n Will im to th jmrtlolpnntM oT tho
Annce. Tly dint of much hnrd Infror on
tho purl of Mrs. Cliirft Motildcn, 'clinlr
timn or Dm ili'corntlnic coninilttoo nnd
)ir lurRo nnl wHIIiik corps of nsslst
nuts, coupled With a strong nnsi of
tho nrtlstla pomtflilllllrn of roptu of nv
crKronn, tho plnoe wns trwufnnnod Into
n liowor of hcuuty. Krstonris of fir
twins from tho center of tlm room, cf
i fcctlvoly lotvoroil tho IiiIkIiI tit tho hnro
I wiiIIh nrxl collInK "nil formed n canopy
of groan Umt -wim rollovrd 1y many rrl
OhrlNltnfiH bollH, nm softly shndnil
llltlits. Tint Invltntlomil INt In lnrci
nnl iihoiit two hundrnd nnO fifty wore
i diinclnir. tho mimic hy HntfolrlKK s or
' chi'Ktnt wiim nil that cotOilho dcnlrd,
I and nntwItliHlnndltiK. the 'crowding on
tho' fl'Kir, ovcryono tunlntnliiod n smll
I Iiik kooiI nntliro nnd rnjoj'od tho ovfn
, Iiik to the fullest nxtont
At fili-ovn o'clock nn tlitborntr hnr
(ilot win spread In tho K. V. hall. Tho
Indies In tho mippor commlttoo wti:
Mm. Hmvllcor, chairman) Mesdnmrs
Umphry, Klnsmnn, Ilaniobunr. Hchlni
erhoni, Ilrown, Luy, Htranir, JJIsenhsrt
nnd Minn 'Jtawson.
Tho reception nnd noor committee:
Mr. nnd Mrs, Hchermrrhorn, Mr. nnd
Mm. Ilnrnburif, Mr. .nMrs. Heard and
Mm. Moiilden.
Tho decorating committee: Mr.
Motfldnn, chnlrrnnn; Mesdumfls Csry.
HOVo, Andrews, llunross. Itool, Piatt,
Aldcrihagcn, Purdon. Dtninlston, Hnr
inon, 'Heard, Qulzrenbury, Wold nnd
Ml rnicn Ilcrry, Heard smd Hoke.
Tho Wednesday Htiidy Club mot nt the'
homo of Mm. !" W. Ilollls. 143 Onkdnlo
ni-nuc. North, December 29. Tho nub
Jrrt or study wnn "Paris," with Minn
Mnnn router, who lino traveled ox
t(tift vely nbrond, nn onxnylnt Minn
"Pouter -talked enteriidrllnKly for -more
thnn nn hour upon chnrnctorlntln phases
of irfo nt tho French cnpltnl, lllutrnt
iK nnd vitalizing hr nccount with nn
(xlmimllvo collection of plcturo powt
onrd 'thnt H)nnrd nrronjr pomonnl In-t-rfiL
"Minn Kontor, "Who In employed
In tin city nchooln. InluTtund or nno
i1nt", Irirrndnry lore nnd pennmnl
knoWlfdKu or other 'lnnd, haa rnro 'op
porhJttlty for lllumlntttlnic many other
wln Hull momentn In-elnns work nnll 1t
In uiillvrntoot thnt her young chnnres
tnke 'Brent Interpol In outalde reiwareti
Mows the linen of thitr own ntudy
otroni; nrKUinont for 'Wide culture on
the prt of lenchem.
Mm. K. II. Plckol charmed with her
rending of n poem "The Little Phllono
phcr," "Ml no 1'crn riuldhlson, a talerrU
I'd nnd nccompllohed Medford girl who
In u dllllgent ntudent of music under
Mr. Nutih In Portland, renderet two
plnuo nutnbern In a mnnner thnt pleaned
ii nd nurprlned her friend. Her playing
retains .all :tho yaiHIrfol npnrkle nnd
Npoiilnnclty, while her ntylu ha broad
ened nnd her technlquo becomp more
brllllmiL Iter selection wnn Nocturne,
"I.ovo'n Drenm," by I.lmt, nnd tho en
con, "In My NolKhbi)rn Onrdon." by
The meeting of tho clul) next week
In nt the homo of Mm. W, Y. Hhiuldn. 41
Holly Mtreot. nnd tho otlbject In Ilalph
Wnldo Kniomun, with Mm. F. V. Streotnj
In chargo of tho program.
Tho Now Toar'n service yonterdny
morning nt -ten thirty at the Catholic
church were of n plenalng nn well its a
dovotlonnl ennrncter, Suoond mnitn was
nung, tho membership of tho qimrtct
being Mm. Kttn Unten, Mr. TVttllnm Mut
lcr, Mr. J. P. CriJrlen nnd Mr. Holleux
Mrs. Dates was licnrd In two sol on and
hr clear, ringing soprano voice coming
from tho choir loft ut tho rear or tho
church was beautiful In erfect. Tho en
tire ncrvlco wan nn uplifting nnd tm-'
preealvo beginning for Now 1'enr's day.
Percy Cochran, who Is omplovod In
Mlnnouln, Mnntnnn, Is spending the hol-1
ldnyn with hln parent. Mr. and Mrs. J.
N, Coclirnn and enjoying tho festivities ,
of "tho bunch," a group of young pco-
pin who seem to hold their own Indl- (
vldunllty noc I ally, notwKhstnndlng tho
breaks made by many leaving for col-
logo nnd tho acquisition of now friends. ,
Mr. Coclirnn may decide to remain In,
Tho Chrlstmns exercise for tho chil
dren of tho ISplscopnl Sunday school
were hold Tuesday evening, Deo. I8th, t
A program of Chrlstmnn enrols nnd reo-1
Itntlons was rendered nnd glftn dtstrlb-
utcd rroin n woll-lnden tree. The dec-
oration of tho church wero of tho
beautiful native overgroen nnd wore ar
tfstlo.nnd tasteful.
Tho enrd parties of tho Swastika
Club will bo resumed this week with n
gathering nt tho homo of Mm. J. D.
Hoard, Siskiyou Heights, Tuesday nft
crnoon, January 4, Mrs. Heard will bo
assisted by her daughter, Miss Qladys
Preceding tho dancing party by tho
Swastika Club Krldny ovoplng, Mr,
Wnltor 'Mundy wnn dinner honj nt tho
Nnsh grill, having ns his guest Or, nnd
Mrs. It, li. Clnle, Dr. nnd Mrs. Wultor
It. Stokes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Mnltby,
Mr, nnd Mrs. Harmon. Mrs. Clara
Mouldom Col. nnd Mrs. J, V. Mundy,
Misses Alice. Streets nnd Helen Wor
rell wero given tho privileges of tho
homo of Mrss W. I. Vawtor Tuesday ev
ening where they charmingly entertain
ed tliclr many friends with nn Informal
dancing party. 1
Mrs. Jemima Itouo of Phoonlx loaves
about Jnnuary tenth for nrownsvllle,
Oregon, for a visit of several weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Claud Cixto,
Mm, A, A, Ollmoro wljl go to Albany,
Oregon, next weak for nn oxtendod visit
with her nolce, Mm. Ida Jacobs.
Miss Jennlo Sncdlcor loft last ovon-
Ing to resume her duties In tho art de
partment of the Aberdeen public schools.
Tho Ladles' Clulld of St. Mark's Kpls-
copal church will meet Thursdny, Jan
uary 0, with Mrs. William Lucas nt tho
homo of Mrs. It. W, a ray, Mlstlotoo
X! II 1 1,
-w -m, nil
(n of tho hirui'st nn wll iih the most
unique nnd original pnrtloH of tho weoll
won Hint given Miss JnniipNNn Untie
nnd MImn MiiIipI Itny In compliment t
thnlr friend, MInn (trace Ilrown o
Thursdny Hvoulng. Assemhllng nt th
homo of Miss llutler, 20 Hoilth Ornngo
streni, lii the early pari of the evening,
tho gliosis worn received by both host
enses and presented lo tho guet of lion
nr A drawing contest, In which Mis
Lottie I.ulin won flist prlito, nnd Mr
Nornmti Merrill tlm eonnohitlou prlxe,
, nffnrded miioli inerrluioiit. Hoelnl oou
tHHe nnd I he relating of pvrsoiutl ex
pnrloneo liiteiesllng lo those who hnd
not met for several months, made th
hours fly swiftly after which tho Mint
rniirso of Dm supper, consisting of nnnd
Miches, culled nlinniuls, olives nnd fruit
punch was served. About eleven o'clock
the merry company itdjntirned to th
homo of Miss liny nearby, lini West
Main stieet where dnuclng nod rnrd
worn enjoyed till the weo smnll hours,
.-miss itny serveii inn second course o
the supper conslNtlng of roinblnntln
Ice cream In bricks, coke nnd fruit
punch, Tho young Indlen have n Inrg
circle or mutual friend In Hnn I'm it
Cisco, Mis llutler having studied plntiu
nnd language two sennons with Iter
Herrmann (leuss, tho teacher with whom
Mis Ilrown Is now studying, while Ml
liny linH been n pupil at Mis Held
seminary for young women, Tho Invl
tntlnunl list: Misses Annn llannon.
Jennie llnnsoii, Idu Lee Kentner. Ilesal
Kentner, helen Wntt, lluth Merrick,
Cordelia Oofrn. Catherine Hhen. Plorn
tlrny, Helen Worrell, Lunlln Cnmpbell,
Oman Ilrown, l.ottn Luke, lllnnch Wood
nnd Messrs, Herbert Kentner, Kletche
l'lsh. It. , O'Nell, Albert Ilrown. llnlph
Cowgill, Prank Strang, V. Htmng, Hoy
Hnrrls, Irwin White, Vnnco Colvlg, Don
nhl Colvlg, Norinan Merrill, l'rank Orny
I'nyo Lane, Itutherford Kerr, M. L. Kr
lcknon und Clarence. Kellogg.
Monday evening Mis Alethn Hmerlck
gnve n delightful nt-hotno for some
thirty young people n the homo of tier
parent. Mr nnd Mrs. U, T, ICmMcV,
104 Holly street, that prove, I n fitting
beginning to the week or holiday gaiety
scheduled for the younger set. Much
merriment nnd n feeling of eno and In
formality wnn occasioned by the putting
together of tho now popular gig mw
puiilm nfter which five hundred wo
ptnyed till n lain hour, the score card
being of nrtlnllc hnnd'palntnd design,
the work of the hosles. Present wero:
Misses ltuth Merrick, lies Kentner, Ida
Iaio Kentner, Hazel Davl. Pern Hutch!
Don, lllnncho Wood, Olndy Curry, Helen
Worrell, Alice Ktreets, Plorn llnty nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Hill, Messrs
Cnrrs, Vernon Vuwter, Herbert Kentner,
Dr. Hart. Virgil Strang, Pred Htrnng,
Hnlhert Deuel, Pletoher Pish, Percy
Cuehrnn, Htnrllng Itothormnl.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C, L. Itrnmes returned
'l'rlilny from n holiday vnnotlon spent
'In Ilerkoloy, Calif., with Mr. Iteames'
Mr. Olen Armsplgcr nnd bride nr
rived fom nnker City Prldny nnd will
take up their residence at til Onkdnlo
nvenue, South. Mr. Armsplgor nnd hi
wtfo (Mis Helen McKlnney) iro both
graduates of tho U. of O. where Mr.
Armsplgcr wns n footbnll stnr. being
now otnpolycd ns nsslstnnt city engl
neer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Armsplgor have
been guests or Dr. and Mm. T. O
The second or tho series or ten Infor
mal dances pliumed by the Juvenile
Dnuclng Club, was given nt Angle's op-
era house on Wednesday night. About
forty couple wero present. Hnxelrlgg's
orchestra furnished the iiiusla and n
unost dollrhtful evening wns spent. Miss
.e Klhol and Mnrlo Klfort presided over
the punch howl, serving refreshing lein
omulo to tho dnncers. January 12 Is tho
regular night for t o next party nnd
It Is hoped nil members will keep the
night open for this engagement.
Mr. Cnrl Cl'lnngow, who Is attending
college nt Pullman, Washington, spout
tho holidays with n claxsuinto ut Val
ley Purge. Mr. tUnagow'n many friends
will bo Interested 4o know that ho Is
making nn excellent .record In his stu
dlou, standing first In n class of flfty-
eovun students In theory or tnotlcs,
Mrs. Wttllam Colvlg nnd sons, Don
nld nnd Vnnco, left this morning for
Portland, whoro tho boys will enter tho
Holmes business college, remaining till
tha close or tho school year In Juno.
Tholr uddress will bo corner or Four
teenth und Salmon streets.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Holmes, 003
Illvornldo ftvenuo, hnd ns dinner cuosta
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Carlton nnd ohll
droit, Mrs. Corn, Offlcler nnd daughter,
Miss Allcon Offlcler of Knglo Point,
Mrs. Carlton nnd Mrs. Offlcler nro sis
ters or Mrs. Holmes.
Tho aoplimoro class of tho high
school gnvo n wntch party nnd dnnco
nt Smith's hall Now Year's ovo. that
proved ono of tho ploasnnt nffalrn or
tho weolc
Miss Jennlo Osgood gnvo a vory plens
nnt ovonlng nt her pretty now htmga.
low homo on Holly stroot Wodnoaday
ovonlng at which Miss lluth Merrick
was guost of honor,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harmon, 1000 West Mnln
stroot, hnd us dinner guosts Now Year's
ovo. Mr, nnd Mrs. J, 12. Wntt, MIbb
Hulen Wntt nnd Mr. Will Wntt
A dnncng party nt Smith's hall Tuosi
day ovonlng was inuoh enjoyed hy thir
ty mcmbor sof tho youngor sot.
Mrs. Jennlo Gibson nnd Miss ltuth
Gregory of Ashland vlsllod Modford
friends during tho wcuk,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Wurnor nro now
occupying tho Colvlg residence, No. 8
South Laurel stroot,
1 Tho employees of tho T. U fmulnlh
tdothtng store nro to enjoy n cotirso
dinner nt nix n'olock this evening ut tho
Dnnloln residence, 271 ICnst Mnln street.
The house tins heeu In piiseNlon of the
men for tlm pnt twenly-rour hours
with Mr. Wllllnm Mnller, most grand
worthy high dlunlstlcutls, mauler of
rereiiitiiils nnd exalted tniiulpulntor or
the frylng-pnn, In ohnrgo of tho renst.
Tho guests nro: Mr Wllllnm (. Mur
phy. Mr linns V llnckenyos, Wllllnm
P. Mtillur, Mr. P. Torrey, Mr. II. W.
Llnilsey, or Pnsndenn, Mr. Ttalph II.
Wilson, Mr. Clnud Miles, Mr. John P.
Murphy. Mr. Olto Krunxt. Mr lhll
Oregnry, Mr. J. P. o'llrlen iiml Thurs
lon H. Imnlels, "DunlelM Tor Duds," Tho
menu Which follows, Includes nil tjie
good things of tho Pnoirio coust innr
kets nnd wills for skill in pmpiirntlon
thnt would bewilder fiwy experienced
nihs, hut gentlemen will cook nnd
serve tho dinner, no doubt with dis
tinguished siiere!
Manhattan Cot'ktnll,
lllue Points nn Hair Hhifll,
Cream of Toiunto,
Htuffed Ollvos, Mixed Ph'kels.
Snntn Ann Celery.
Shrimp, with Mnyorralso 'Dressing.
met or Sole, with Turin 'Hnuco.
Crnb .Patties, Oyster Tattles.
Young Tur1ey, with Cruilbcrry Hnuco.
Preiich Pen. Croum of Corn.
lCncllnh Plum Pudding with Hard Snuce,
Mince Pie, with Ilrnndy Hauce,
Vllns Trult fl3utl.
Nrtifeclmtel, 'Swiss.
llelsllng, Mum's 'Kxtrn Dry.
"Daniels for Dad:"
Cnfo do Nolr.
II. V, .7irkxoii OrKiitilwM CoiiiMiny
(o llcvrlojH!. Mining Ciroiiiul In
N'ortlit'tti Wnililiigloii
Misses Iyuetle York, Franoes "York nnd
Laura Ino gnvo a. party "Friday even
ing nt the Tngo homo 106S Vest Mnln
street for twenty of their young 'friends
thnt wns n omst happy affair. 'Onmes
were played nnd supper -served, tho
young people remaining to wish ench
other n. happy New Year. Those pre
nt: MImn- Mildred ntlton, Annotte
AVakeman, ltuth "Wnrner, Ksrtier'AVarner,
Vera Lnne, Ttuth Nye, Vera Oltnotead.
Joan Anderson, Margaret Huberts, Lu
cllo York. I'rances York, Iwiura Pnge,
Stephen Nye. Itoliert Qlbbony, Carter
Itrandon, Herbert Alford, Oeorge Tlensel
man, Cliarles Carr, Wllllnm Tnwter,
J a me Itoberta.
Holiday week In Medford reperesented
n coiitlnunu round of dinners, lunches
nnd evening parties participated In not
only by tho young people home Trom
college but nlso by tho older sot ns well
lu Wyoming" Tuesday night nnd "The
AInsknti," both piny of wldo popularity,
drew crowded houses while the 10 cent
theaters and the skating rink were
welt pHtronlxed every night. Tho week
was one continuous round of gnlty fin
ished off with quiet family gnthorlng
nnd tho Interchange or Nuw Tear's cnll
on New Yenrs duy.
Tho Junior Christian Undeavor of the
Presbyterian church hns for threo
month been divided Into two sections
under the lendershlp of Miss Margaret
lloberts and Muster Charles Itny, ench
division rivaling tho other In n contest
for membership, Mnster Chnrles Itnys
side winning. Tho losing sldo entertain
ed tho entire membership of about
thirty with n dinner In tho church par
lors on Thursday nt five o'clock. A
bounteous repast wns served nnd' tho
soclnl hour much enjoyed.
Arthr M. Oenry, a former Modrord
boy und n nnelor In tho U. of O. In said
to bo tho first nnd only niunngor of the
glee club annual tours who hnn mndn n
flnnnclnl success of the enterprise. Mr,
floury Is n skilled newspaper wrltgr nnd
In his university nro tins ni.owed mark
ed executive ability In many lines. Aft
er hln graduation In Juno ho will take
up his resldenco In Medford, whoro his
father, Dr. 13, P. Oeary of Portland, hns
Important business Interests.
About thirty members of tho 15p
worth Lenguo enjoyed tho hospitality of
tho D. T. Lnwton homo, 310 North llnrt-
lett street, on Thursday ovonlng. Games
wero played, nn Impromptu musical
program listened to nnd n toothsomo
lunch served nt cloven o'clock. A most
delightful evening's sociability Is re
ported hy nil present.
ChrlHtmns night Mr, nnd Mm. J. P,
Hutchnson threw open tholr homo nt
tho corner of Third nnd Orngno stroetn
for tho Informal entertainment of n
fow friends. Klvo hundred nnd muslo
served to pass u most pleasant ovonlng.
Mr. nnd Mrs, C. W. Korn entertained
t dinner Monday ovonlng, having ns
tholr guesttt Miss Jnno Wilson, Miss
Klschor, Miss Agnes Itobortson nnd Mr.
nd Mrs. J, P, Hutchnson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lama Newport of San
Pranolsco nro visiting frlonds at Kaglo
Point nnd wero guosts of Mr. and Mrs.
D. T. Lnwton during tho week.
Mrv nnd Mrs. J, II Watt have as tholr
KUest T, n. Whlpplo, of North Dukota
hnd a reoont grndua,to of tho Harvard
law school,
Mr. II. W, Llndsoy of tho Central
Point Ilank woh i Medford visitor tho
last of the week, attending tho SwnHtl-
ha, dnnco and romntnlng over Saturday.
H. O. O'Noll or Ilorkoloy In n guest nt
tho II, H, Kontnor homo during his va
cation from college duties. '
Article of Incorpwullon havo boon
prr;mr;d nnd fllod fer tho Hnrtbouher
Lcsid company with i capital stock of
I2GO.000 with I. L. Hamilton, If. W.
Jsstikson, George P, Ulndley, Pred Down
ing nnd C. JS. Tull ns Incorporators.
Tho mining ground upon which this
corporation Is basal Is situated In Sto
vons county, Washington, four miles
trotn tho Itrltlsh Columbia, lino. Tho
prospect consists o'f Zft Inches of high
igrndo Galena ore, practically on the sur
face, as tho vein wns discovered whllo
plowing tho orchard of Mrs Hnrthouhcr,
from whom the srllno lakes Its .name.
Tho oro so for nn tested nvvrnge 70
per1 cent puro load and it ounces silver
to tho ton, nnd Is located but two miles
from tho Monumental Lend company's
mine, which Is turning out all kinds of
good oro and which has no stock of Its
00,000 capitalization for sale.
II. W. Jacksen, who Is developing tho
property, is here for tho purpose of sell
ing somo of tlo stock In this mine. Ho
hns Interested -somo Modford peoplo and
purposes to plnco a bunch of tho stock
with his frlonds here, for the reason
thnt he bellows he has a good thing
and wants to "'distribute somo of tha
profits nmong his Medford friends. The
shares, par vnluo 11.00, will bo on salo
for a short tlmo nt 25c each.
Miss Agnes Itobertson hns gone to
Ashland for a tew weeks' visit with rel
atives. Prof. Itnlph E. Logon, former sclcnco
teacher fn tho high school, Is In town
from Missoula, Montana.
Mrs. L. E. Whiting or tho ntvcrvlcw
Pnrm was in Medford Saturday.
Klt'vcn Morn Olrls Tlmn TUiyn l)rawi
ItiK BiIkmiI Money In DlKtrlct. -ID j
-1.1 IVr Ont Incrvnsc. 1
DRIVERS that know the country
RIGS that cover the country
rOl.T.ill A run
riio.VK ai.ii
Tho sexes run pretty evenly nmong
tho children of school ago In tho Med-1
ford district, according to tho census
Just completed and the figures In the
offlco or school cleric, Oris Crnwford,
although tho girls are slightly In the
There nro 1471 children of school ago
ngo In Medford, nn Increase, of 103 over
last year, an IncTenso of over 13 per
per cent.
Of this number CS0 nro boys and 10
nro girls, giving tho girls n. lead of 11
in tho total.
Tho state appropriation of Sf) for
each child of school ngo gives Modford
district 12,000 us Its portion of tho
school money.
Timi:iwiASTi: ship
BAN DD3GO. Cal., Jan. 1. While en
deavoring to enter tho harbor In the
thick of last night's storm, tho three
mastod schooner McDonald, having as
her cargo 8000 'feet of lumber for tho
Ituos Lumber company of this city, was
driven on tho shoals off Point Lorn a
by a terrific sotuheast gale and at noon
today was trtlll aground.
The revenue xuttcr Bear, the govern
ment tug, Lieutenant Harris, nnd the
Sprecktes tug. Bahavn, wero making
every effort 'today toqave tho schooner
and the rescuers hope to have her off
before night 'Without damage.
The McDonald sailed from Everett.
Wash., for this port. She sent up rock
ets of uistress when driven from the
channel tipon 'the shore. Captain Pier
son la In hnrge of tho McoDnald.
H T. May of Table Hock was a
dford visitor Saturday.
Happy New Year
I wish to announce that with the New
Year I start business in my new store in the
Farmers' and Fruitgrowers building and
thank my customers forthcir liberal patron
age of ithe past year and will strive to please
you better in the coming year.
Geo. A. Butt The Jewler
jfX I The Helping Hand. I
lib, AZ? I Is aholplng hand to lncroasod H
WMjife jS H business. It extends for you the H
i"sMC H glad hand of business fellowship
mMu to every possible customer. A
vMHVI H well Ilghtod storo Inside and out,
N3RS4j H makes good friends, and good H
ibbbbbbbuSv H blends mako good customers.
Jfl58fcalJfl Our expert can show you the best
9HH and cheapest methods of slgnand
aBi window lighting. 'Phono for him.
I Medford Iron Works
E. G. TROWMIDGE, rVerietsr.
Foundry and Machinist f
of Engines, Spray las Outfits, Pumps, Belters and M-?
chlnery. Agents In Southern Oren fer
All Work Guaranteed Prices .Reasonable
11 North D St.. Medford, Oro.
Phone 303
Civil Engineers
Surreys, Maps, Plans, Specifications,
Kcports. Estimates, Etc., Water Pow
ors and Water Works, Paring and
Rond Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Ir
rigation and Drainage
Timber and Coal Lands
j B. H. Harris & Co.
I Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
electric 'mmsMm
Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Oro.
is tho star that will
. guldo your business
Into prosperous placos
To paraphraso tho poet
hitch your business to an
oloctric star and watch It
Don't wait until your
oompotltor has takon away
your trado by progresslvo
Bo tho first man In tho
field. Start tho paco and
you will bo tho winnor.
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