THE MHDlfOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED3iK)RO, OKKfiOX, SUNDAY, .TANUATIY 2, 1010. J1 ! RAPID GROWTH IS MADE BY ALL ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CITIES ASHLAND ISvor nlnco tho Bplrlt of Progress waved Uh wunt! ovnr tltn groat ulalo -of Oregon, (Im rivalry between her iiiont progremilvo cities In the, mutter r substantial growth has been keen. In luokliiR over th renordn ot tho va dium rIUoh wherein public und pri vate Improvements have, been marked during tlm year Just aloned, Ashlaad, tlio homo of health and tho allmaHc mill scenic capital of tho Htata titandH out pre-rnlnnt, Her population of G0 rooraaeats nn Increase. In th twolvo montnt Jusl onded of romfitnlBK aver 20 pr ant. ThU rat of lucre Bt, oredlbla M It li, Iiiih probably bean ttllacktly nvtpMi liy one or mow of her slater allies, tint It Ih to tli diameter ad Mtant of her public and prlvat Iwpravt incuts Hint Asbland would point to Justify Hi" natural prldo It teals In lior present tttutin. With nn assessed valuation of nboul $2,500,000. Ashland has ex pended three-quarters of a million In lioriiiiutont Improvements of a public nnd private nature. It iiiuhI bo con ceded tbnt n rorord of liuprovnmmits for n yonr that rearh tho total of 3H Vr cent of tho iiHiwiid valuation of tlio entire city, Ih one tlmt will tlo niiiiid attention. First In iniiKultud ""'l Iniportnnco of tho public ImprovoiiiontM Ih tho now hydro-electric power nnd light Iiik plant. Tho upper power station, (In which Ih Instnllml u 000 b. p. Vetton wheel) und tho damn nnd nlpo lino Hr4, nlrndy coiunleled nnd the wntnr will ho turned on iih hooii h tho polo lino nnd who nro In place. Tho original plnn contain plated nn auxiliary plnnt of 200 i li. ii. further down tho crok, but this will not bo Mulshed until vm time. UiIh coiiiIuk fall. Tin completed plant wtll roprHUt nn Inveatmeut of 11 10.000. , October, the pnvlntc of !-oiir h Mud Main Htreota from the, depot to IMinan strata w liiUbml nt k flout of $70,000. Th Improvement In tho Miot arvlraable of the patent uiHthod. bidtig known ns bllullthlc. Imrd aurfaw pnvaiinnit. nnd now that It iiiarlla lmv bii dotnimHtrated to tur proporty ownnrH. It In proliabli that not I" than two mlloa of It will liit laid thla year. With tho pavliK enmo conrrot curb. Kiittem and wvml m of imnt walk. reproHOittlnK more than $20,000 In notunl cot. llettitriuttntM to the wntor dlHtrlbiit ItiK Hyntom to tho xtnt of J&.000 hnvo been mnd In tho jmat yonr. nnd nn oven Rrcntor turn In tho newornK'0 nyiilein. , . Certain nlih-htll ntrootH hnro been cinvertcd Into n ayHtom of nceii c lrlvowMH. nod while tho cont of thin liiifiriivomnnt wn nominal. heliiK lM thnn 3R00, they hn0 opened up rca Idontnl dlHtrlctn and nddod to tho pleiiHiiro of nil who own Yohlclo to nn talent fur In uxcohh of tho cost. In btmlnoHH block, hulll by private capital, tho Hliowinr i oven ouuur, oxceedlnK tho public ImprovomenU In nctunl cnh InvoHtod by nearly linn nnn. Bphco forhhlH n detailed description nf itnu nrlrnt- Imnrovomontn. but n Hut of them, toother with tho coHt, will bo of lnlrft. Anhl.n.l mr. No. 94 4. 11. I'. O Klk ro pnttliiK th flnlHhlnK touchen on the r new temple, Tim nuuuini; in four Hlorlrs hlith. 70x100 lu Hlro( modern In -vory particular and repro- nonta nn nxpenoltnre or Mii.uuu, fhi. Anhlnnd Ulneral SprliiB 9n Itnrluui throw open IIm doom to tho nubile lnut month. Tho building rrnund Hlincrt of 120x100 Iiiih two large nwlmuitnK pools, tub bntht and an amuHetueni pavunon nil.! mnl lSTi.000. The l'nclflo Tolephono and Tolo- Krnph Co, have rebuilt tlieir linen. lnyliiR many blocks of underground cnhloi nnd !nntlled a now central iierrr HYntein at a cot of JfiO.000 Th- Klrst National Hank has piiHt complotod a beautiful now brlclc and Htone bulldlnic at a cost of $20,000. The combination Htoro and office liulldlnK erected hy I'ctonvon t Swimnen. Itundell. AHhland Feed ator and S. H. Stoner. In tho first of tlio cemeni inocaa niinuiiiRn in ftn lnnd. It cont nomethliiB over 30,000 tn build. Tho Worth-Stok-nntler block, built of content hlockH, coot $12,000. Tho Southern Oregon lTonpttal Is jiow ready for occiipanoy. It Is mod om In nvory ixtrtlcular and oomitruet' od with n view to enlargement na nocoiiilty rooulreH. Ita coat has ox- cooded Jir.,000. Tho AHhland Creamery's now con croto "ClnHB A" bulldlni: roprosentB nn oxpondlttiro of $10,000. The McNnlr-AlIon huslnesH nnd of flco block, n two-story brick, hns reached tho roof lino. It will cost Sin. 000. Tho romodolllnK of Mnnonlc Hall, now uenrliu: complotlon, will cost S10.000. Tho Paulson block, built for tho l'nclflo Stntou Tolophono Co., cost sr.. ooo. Tho nbovo ImprovomontB In tho hiiBlnoHfl district alono ronoh tho vory roHpoctnhlo total of $257,000. Nor Iiiih tho roaldout district boon hohlnd In tho nront forward movc liient. Not hnvtnR a biilldliiR ordl nanco offoctlna; tho torrltory outHldo of tlio flro llmltn, tho oxnet nttmbor anil cost of theso linprovonionts can not ho Rlvon. Hut It In connorvntlvo to Hny that moro thnn 1C0 now homos hnvo boon oroctod In AHhlnnd durltiff tho yonr 1900, mnny of which ox cood $15,000 In cost. For tho purposo of furnlshlnB n perfectly rollnhlo ba flls upon which to flRitro, It will ho snfo to put tho avornRO 1(50 rosl dencco nt $2000 each, mnlcltiR a neat total of $300,000. TIiobo flRtiroa do not contomplnto repnlre and additions to old bonnes, nor tho building of tho $ IH, 000 CnrnoRlo Ubrnry upon which work hnH only just hoRiiii. To Bunt up tho total of Improvo moritH In AHhland for tho yonr Junt ondod: Munlclpnl Improvoinontu ,,,$21.1,000 llimlnoHH hlocliH 257,000 HoHldonccH 300,000 Total $770,000 With thlR record to point to, with a w-enlth of undovolopod rosourccB conl, procloiiH mliiornlH, tlmhor, Itllliel'lll Hpl'lllliH, kiiolln, 1 1 1 Ml II in on t it 1 cnuille, hulldliiK iitono and othorH, with nil uiioxcollcd water and howhro iiyHtmii, with tho bout apple, Mar nnd punch n ml ntiiult fruit RrowtiiK lands to bo found out of doorn IiihIiI,, of nnd ndjucunt to Uh city IIuiKh; with n iiceulc ouvlronment that Is a dally Kourco of dollRht to Ihn oyo; with a cllmnto llko thut of Hnppy Valloy. tho homo of HuHNclns; with excollout hcIiooIh and churchcH, and with n coiitcntod hut proRremlvo population, Anhluud fenrn comparlHon with no city on tho Rloho. CENTHAL PtINT Tho year which In Junt drnwItiR to a clone bun iHi'ii marked lit Central Tolnt by tho Rreatest pror.renH of any twelvn montliH In Ihn Iowiih hlntory. Olvlo linprovements reach Inn a urand tolul of moro than $92,000 havo been completod und undertaken dtirliiR that tlmo while the development of tho HiirrotinilliiR country bar, boon uiiparnlloled In the pnxt, l)iirln tho yeur tho town voted bondii to tho amount of $25,000 for tho piirjioHo of InHtnllltiR n water f.vh tem nnd mi excellent nupply of pure wntnr, Hiifflrlent for nil purponeH for ti town of moro than double tho pres ent population bun boon developed, and other preliminary HtcpH taken to wnrdH perfecting a uiodei n water tyit lorn which will bo compleled within n few iiionthn. Ilenldon thin Intercut bitH lii'Kii taken 111 tho question of but ler nlilewntkH, and nlrondy nlmoflt iiiie-hulf mile of cement wulks hnvo been laid oli tho principal IiiihIiiohh atreot. Three modern brick IiiihI mM hlockH linve been completed and one lnrto cement block hulhlliiR U now In emir of coiiHtructlon. Home thirty now iIwoIIIukh have iiIho htpsn erected, uonrly nil of which nr of n uioHt Miilmtiiutlul cbnrncter, and the demnitd for house has been and I till fnr lu excel of the supply. 1'cr Hin lu n poult lun to know state that durliiK the month of October alone about thirty fHiollloa who cnuiP here in loeate for winter, many of whom would have Immui pennanetit rmld-iKs were oIiIIki1 to xo eta where became of the Hcnrolty of hoiiao for rent or sale. Three nw Indintrli-. n. plnn Iiik mill, a nnali and door factory and a retiHMit IhiIIiIIiik block plant havo b- en liiKlnlleil durliiK I he ynr. i ll of which nre dolnt: n Rood biiHlncfH lu nddllloit to all those thliiKH n live commercial club was brnunUeil here hut April and hns been provltiR an Important factor lii the jjencrnl nil ranreiiient of tho town p.nd cont in unity. A civic Improvement club linn aluo Just boon organized by tho Indies of the town who nro now pre paring to uudcrtnko a number of needed Improvements coining within their fcope with tho opening of tho coining nprliig. MerchnntB nnd busi ness men generally report a growing volume of IiiihIiiohh during tho 'cnr with prospects for tho futuro brighter than over before. Ono Inrgo now stock of general merchandise will bo opened hero January 1st, and tho an nouncement Iibh Peon made Hint woric will he commenced In tho early spring on n Inrgo throe-ntory brick block 80x140 In which n department store will bo opened during the coming summer. Ono of tho host huslneuH corners In tho town has already boon purchased for this purpose. The cniiHo of this encouraging growth nnd business nctlvlty In Cen tral Point Ih not fnr to Rook. Rur rounding tho town on nil aides Is tho rlchoHt nnd bent fruit flection In tho Hogue river valley or In tho world, nnd tho rapid development of thin wonderful wealth producing ore tlon meniiH tho growth nnd enrich ment of tho town at well. Applo or chnrds which 'nctually produco ns high as nt tlio rate of $2450 nn ncro nnd pear grovea which produco nH high iih $1250 per aero nro mostly found Immediately adjacent to Celt trnl Point. Within n torrltory of loss than four mlloH square and lylung Imme diately tributary to Central Point, tho land hiiIoh during 1909 aggregated In round nuiiibein $700,000, which Is probably tho boot record for nn oqunl amount of territory, not Including Bnien or city proiwiy, or nny nlnco in th0 northwest. Tho largest Individ ual orennrd nnie of the year wna that Of tho Hnowy nutto orchard, which Immediately ndjnlus tho town limits and which Bold for $108,000, and tho hlghost prlco per aero yot paid for nn npplo orchard In Oregon, Is $1500, whlcli wns paid last January when twelvo ncroH of the Plalnvlow orchard one-half mtlo onst from town sold for $18,000. Tho purchaser of thla tract hns nlnco retusod $23,009 for tho plnco. Centrnl Point has corfnlr Joyed tho moHt prosporoim year lu its hiHtory. hut, Judging from t in flood of Inquiries now holng rocolvod by tlio Hecrotnry of tlio commercial club from homeseokors In nil sections of tho country, nnd from other promis ing Indications 1909 hns boon hut nnrnost of what tuny bo cxpoctcd from laio nnd other futuro years. GOLD HILL In hnppy nccord with tho gonornl progress and prosperity of tho Roguo rlvqr vnlloy, many changes hnvo tnk on plnco nt Gold Hill during tho past twelvo months which marks tho dawn of a now era. Kxtonstvo Improvomonts hnvo boon mndo In tho wator nnd sower sys tems, A special oloctlon has been callod for tho purposo of voting on a proposition of purohnnlng now school grounds nnd tho bulldlnc of a mod ern school hotiso; a splendid content sidewalk hns been laid on Main stroot nnd tho futur0 outlook for gonornl lmprovomontH woro novor hottor, Tho country tributary to tho town has mndo many ndvancomonts. Tho Dol lllo, consisting of 700 ncros of land, Is bolng planted to various kinds of fruits. H, O. F. Astbury, owner of tho HIvoiHldo orchnrd, Is nddlng to tho productlvoncHH of IiIh nlnco bv nddliiR now treos, Mr. llornco Pol-! ton Ih also planting a now orchnrd in addition to tho ono now growing. Mr, Mowouuiu, wno recently acquired tho Bam nufftold nlnco of 200 acres. Is mnklng oxtonslvo Improvomonts. Tho old Colvlg estate, recently piirchaHd by Mr. Nyo, Im being plimlerl to fruit, Tho Chunvor eHlnto adjoining C.old Hill and cotiHlntliig of 1200 acre Ih being planted to fruit. Tho (lrey Haglo mine located on Bardlno creek Ih Instnlllnif a now quarts mill and other machinery. Mr. Frank Hughes of Halem, owner of an extensive lime deposit n.enr Gold Hill, hns purchased a modern plant whlch ho will commence Installing wiwun mo noxi lew uoys; no nns purchased a car load of machinery nnd It Is expected to arrive noon, hnv- lug loft Vork, Pennsylvania, throo weeks ago. lu the creek bottoms tributary to Gold Hill nr located Home Of tho . ....(....... .., i.. ...i muni. imiiuiii;uti Miii:ur kki '' known. In Foots creek Champlln nrothors HiiccfHtfully operate the largest dredger In Oregon with a largo output of gold annually. ....C5.ol,,. H,."t w.!Lli ''H I'oPulntlon of k ' i A ".e .or M.SnM in? 5,'...-"!,.,?iIh.0 ,tn ' i . tit ruu.iBuvu uj rj , aIIIitll(tll WOODVILLE Woodvillo Is ndmlrnbly locntfd In svuu luiriiiifrn rim nr rn irnenn fiviti ""-""'liliii imiii iiiu ii ii i i 8 . ii. . Sn V. I t, V f ",0M,C , orni' Mulke' Performing the dedica- of tho Southern Pacific rnllroad, 1 tory coromouy Surrounded by forested hills over The new steel bridge, noarlng corn green with fir, pine, lnnrel nnd mun-' lotion, nt Woodvllle, will won bo zanlta. with Itoguo river meeting ; op? u for traffic. Woodvlllo will then hero, affording an unlimited inpply of Kot what rightfully belongs to her mountain wnter. Shut In from chll ly winds and heavy fogs, an uttnos phoro nearly os remarkable In color as tho waters of Crntor Lake, that th locality could bo appropriately nnmod Kmerald Valley. The soli ia u deep rich sedomontary doposlt with gravoi autisoil so woll stilted for the rapid crowing nnd maturing of Yel low Nowtown. nenrn and alfalfa. Tho foothill land Is dark chOcolato to reddish soil and th0 kind orchardlsts nro winning on tholr SpltzenbergH, ponchos, apricots and Tokay grapes, whoro doen color nnd flavor aro cou Hldorod. Iargo commercial orchards aro be. Ing planted. Already thero la about 1000 ncros. Alfalfa, beans, corn, on ions, molons, celery und potatoes aro grown to perfection. Thoro Is an nbuudanco of wator In Kvans cre?k and whero alfalfa is Irrigated It cuts four to flvo crops n souhoii Mr. I Slfors from n nleco of land 50x200 foot harvested 2400 pounds Nowhoro aro cducntlona' facilities moro comploto than In tho Roguo Rlvor Valloy, Woll equipped school 8 abound. A A O n of onion. Mr. SlferH places Ms rnvi twnlvo Inches npnrt and one lineal foot averaged almost two and a haff poiindH per foot. The largest onion weighed three pounds und thirteen oiincen. TT (, Old Mill Mel- nnd Irrigation company (n corporation) Uvo a dam on Kvntu creok thrci miles from WVidvlllo 284 feet long and 23 feet deep which backs the water a distance or one mile up tho creek. Ample wnier is scciirea to irngat,. all the ' land botwoeil tho dam nnd Woodvlllei If proporly used. On Hvnns creek nnd Its tributaries are billions of feet of the finest Hugarlslvo lint of athar choice city property, nnd yellow plne that some day must, Goth gantltaian enjoy n high bus!- a'l pans through Woodvllliv Tho I . m.. it. .. m iow ".""iiiiii uu croen Haip a number of car loads of lumber from Woodvllle every year Then- ii a good opening here for a box factory, The citizens of Woodvlllo district' ectcol vol! $15,000 without A dls- font,nR vot0 t0 b,l,w "w schoo ,l.0Us!; 11 18 b,,llt Hf br,c,: (,nnde 111 iue uisinpii on a cenunt hastunent. is two storlos ' Kb. contains sir rooms and Is steam heated through out. The contractors woro Mr. Clark, Grants Pnss, on tl, building", nnd Mr. W. A. Altken, Medford, on the steam heating. Tho building was formally ...,i m nn t-n-t t tl e trado from tho sou'h sldo ot Roguo river which formally has gone to CrantH Pass and Cold Hill. The now olectrlc rood from Grants Pass to Medford will pass through Woodvlllo. At present land Is low In price In spite of tho advance It took the past year and It In still within tho reach of tho conservative Investor. .Today tbor0 Is not nn e:npty build ing In Woodvllle and ' lie thero hns boon considerable building done the past year thero Is u constant demand for moro dwelling houses. Mr. In ventor, you could woreo than pnss Woodvlllo by. THE VALLEY LAND CO. At tho forefront among tho lend ora In promoting the welfare and ad vancement of MrMfm-il wn flinl Messrs. i .t. Vnwmmi n.wi n ti t liner, who composo Tho Vnlloy Laud , Co. and who hnvo been operating horc . for tho past three yenrw. They nro ! Rpeclnllsts In Itoguo Illvor vnlloy or- I chards, ranches and city property, stnhlUhlng tholr business thrco years ago and showing mnrked nhll- Hy In their chosen field by rapidly i forging to the front rank of reliable , dealers. From their lists of well so- lectod properties, tho firm is In po- Isltlon to supply tho demands of all classes of buyers, whether they ? ae -King a residence lot or a business block, fruit ranch or farm. They control the Westmoreland addition to tho oltr and havo a lnrc mcIii- , noss stanaMae: and the organization . " ana miiui iney poesos cspcctaiiiy cotamaai tka to outside Investors s.skiat reliable and profltnblo In- vestments, and with theso as well as local property owners they will bo clad to corresnond. M Newman is also an attorney at w. having graduated in 1902 from tho law department of tho stato unl vorslty of Minnesota, and enjoys a largo practice, having ono of tho best oqulppod law offices in tlio city. Ho is a member of the M. .sonic. Modern Woodmen and Knights of Pythias lodge. Ho served during tho recent Spanlsh-Aiuerlcnn war, having enlist ed with tho First North Dakota vol untoers, and was with that regiment lu the Philippines. Mr. Lorlmor is a niembor of the Redmon. Royal Ar canum and Royal League orders, and both gentlemen belong to tho Com mercial club. C. H. PIERCE & SON A spirit of enterprise Is reflected In oach dupartment of Mcdford's bus luoss affairs, but In none Is It accom panied with so much efficiency as In tho real ostato business, In which de partment uyplcally successful repre sentatives are Messrs. C. II. and C. C. Plorco, doing buslnoss under the firm nam ot C. II. Pierce & Son. Those gontlomon transact every sort ot business relntlng to real es ato and their .four years successful effort havo given them an unusual nnd exact knowledge of local condi tions as irell as a wide oxperlenco and financial responsibility of a high order. Tho firm has done somo conspicu ously successful work In platting tho rlerco subdivision. "Medford 110181118" nnd tho highest credit has como to thorn upon the skill and JudRinent shown In handling tho llar- mini tract of 1C0 acres, dlvldod Into five and ton-acre tractH, ono-i.nlf mllo from tho city. No moro expert rep- rosentntlvcs In their special lines, either for city or country property, can he found In tho city. It Is their lntontlon to orgnnlxo and enlarge tholr business during tho coming year by admitting a number of lend- Ing citizens to momborshlp In tho I firm, D. H. JACKSON & CO. A spirit of enterprise Is reflected In each department of Mcdford's tniulnna n ffnw . i . . In lM I "' jiuhd in ib coupled with such cfflclencr and probity as In tho real Mtnto business Typically successful representatives nre Messrs D H Jackson and C Walker, wbo com'prlso the firm of D H. J.alijon & Co. Theso gontle men transact very sort of buslnoss relating to real estate, having excep tional facilities, a wide acquaintance and an exact knowledge of local con ditions as well as financial responsl- Llllty off a hrgh ordor. Mr. -Jackson has lived here for a quarter of a ; renmry ana was tormeriy sncrui ot the county, uoth ho and Mr. AValk ior are known everywhere as four J square men and they have ono of the beat lists of good buys in tho city. They own city proprety, alfalfa and fruit land and have a young orchard under way. GEO. A. BUTT Medford has lately seen much de-j velopment In Its retail trade and es pecially Is thl sannarent In tho Jew elry line, the prosperity we havo been JRogUp River valloy are ono of tho oxprelenclne being seen and felt lnlraro delicacies of tho world, limited the purchasing power of tho people for Jewelry and ornaments for the home and the person as. never before. One of the most Comtileto stores In this lino was opened last last year by Mr. Geo. A. Butt and he has Just moved to his new quarters In the Syndicate block and Is equipped for me manufacture of hls i Grade low elry, diamond setting, engraving and ropalrlnc. I?? I'M a b?utlful stock of high grade dianirnds. wtaches, joweiry, etc., ana the rinlsn and fit tings of his now storo are all In keeping with his stock. Handsome show casts cover every Item that can oe ciasseu as bolonging to an un-to dato jewelry storo and everything is arranged In a manner that makes tho storo one of tho show places of tho city. Mr. Butt Is a member of tho Lilts, tho Modern Woodmen and Red men nnd hns shown his fath in Med ford by purchasing city proporty. Ho was with Shrovo & Co. of San Fran cisco for two years and camo hero from San Luis Obispo, whoro ho was Inspector of watches for tho S. p. and also a member of the city coun cil MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. A city which has experienced the phenomenal growth and expansion that Medford has enjoyed during the pnsi few years, has necessarily added to Its valued enterprises many new Interests and ono which has found especially largo opportunity for suc cessful operations Is the Medford Sash & Door Co. They are manufac turers of sash, doors, mouldings, In side finish, stnlrwork. grills, coun ters, fixtures, etc. The proprietors nro Messrs. P, C. Hanson and Thos. Moffat. Thoy havo all the latest im proved machinery for making any thing and ovryhlng of wood, tho list Including 'ilfnrs, st'ck'.rs. sand- ers, framing mtieVluery, etc. Every- tning is aono In the most perfoct nnd workmnnllko mnnner and no flaws aro evor discovered In tho work exe cuted oy this firm. Only tho best materials aro used and the hlehost class finishings nro tho result. Over xi&.ooo ts Invested and twonty peo ple omployed. Both Messrs. Hansen and Moffat aro members of tho Ma sonic order and tho Commercial Club and own city proporty. They have In contemplation over $5,000 In Improvements for tho coming year. W. STRINGER In nothing Is the nrosnorlty and development ot Medford moro strik ingly indicated than in Its flno gro cery storos. "Toll mo what a man eats and I will toll you what ho Is" Is an old saw hold In a good doal of rovorenco. Judging tho pooplo of Medford on this ground, a largo per contago of us could establish our claims to high rank, becauso wo eat oniy tno best. A largo, varied and comploto lino of tho host Is hnndlod.crop Is cut for hay, nnd after tho Mr. w, ainnger, tno west tficiojBoeu crop is orr tno ground thero Is grocor, His stock Jncludos all things fully two months' pasture, for dairy in groceries, both stnplo nnd fancy, '.cattlo on tho alfalfa Holds. Thla foa frults, vegotablos, flour, cigars, to- turo Is adding greatly to tho valuo haceo nnd confectionery, while a Bpo- of alfalfa lands, and will rosult In clnllty Is mad-, ot flno tens, coffoes, 1 much hlghor prlcoa for hay than have otc. Mr. Srtlnger has tho oxclu- provallcd heretofore. slvo salo of White Rlvo Co.i- nnd Steel Cut coffee. Ho hns hofn horo four years nnd owns somo find city proporty nnd timber lands. Ho In n momhor of tho Commercial Club and ranks ns ono of our energetic nnd progrcsslvo business mon. ROSES. In no part of Oregon, a stato fa mous for Its beautiful roses, do rosea nourisn notter than in tfco uogue Itlvor valley. Not oven Portlnnd, tho "roso city," can produco finer flow ers. Hoses In Medford and vicinity nro In full bloom at least two months bo fore the first buds open their fra grant petals In the state's metropo lis, and throughout tho ontlro sura nor and until Into In tho winter, they continue to bloom. A little caro. a llttlo wator, nnd soil and sunshine does tho rest, Nowhoro Is a llttl0 as sistance so abundantly rownrded nowhoro are roses more prolific. In two or three years climbers react th top of tho porch and adorn ttf t f 1. Mini IttAAi- 4t. 1 j -... .nun uiyvaiu kUU tiWUHU Biury WlilUUWH. In color, po:'fnmo and slzo tho I,u "u ikuuu unur vuuuy scoro ino top or tno list. THE WARDROBE Fw houses Interest tho male resi dent moro than thoso dealing !n clothing and furnishings and in this connection we aro pleased to be ablo to point to such n store as Tho Ward robe as representative of this Inter est. Tho storo was established In 1908 and has Just moved Into mag nificent new quarters In tho Syndi cate block. Tho proprietors nro Messrs. F. S. Brandon nnd R. J. Whitney. Their store Is stocked to roplotion with a lino of clothing, furnishings, hats nnd shoos for men and ladies shoos. Thlr exclusive lines aro Longley's hats., tho hand mado Hunkiedorl shoes for mon and a special lino for ladles. The Angeles shoe, that sells for $2, $2.2.5 and $2.50. A specialty will hereafter bo mado of clothing for boys from 3 to 15 yoars of ago. The stock Is splen didly displayed and In hnylng tho proporiotors show tho results of years of experience. Both Messrs. Brandon and Whitney aro energetic, enterprising citizens and aro well and ; favorably known throuehotit tho cltv , ana vicinity. CHERRIES One who Inspects th0 fruit mar kets of tho East Is always Impressed with tho cxcollenco of tho sweet cher ries from tho far Northwest, which te.ritory has an absoluto monopoly of th0 production of that flno fruit, tho sweet cherries which have mado Oregon famous succeeding nowhere else but on the North Pacific Coast. Such cherries as we produco In tho In consumption to tho very walth?. least of the Rockies. An eminent au thority llko Georgo Rae, of Rao &. Hatfield, New York, dealers, statos mat a carioaa ot such cherries, "fan cy packed" with tho noted carrying charactor of our fruit, can, bo rolled on to nel tho grower no less than 20 cents per pound at shipping station. Tho Eastern cities could us0 a thou sandfold the amount produced todv. The leading varletlps In tho c -"-merclal line of cherries, own Orem for their nativity, being chanco so-'-lings, th0 more noted being the Bin t and tho Lambert, with the Hosklns nnd tho Black Republican In cloa lino. The famous Royal Anne, trans planted to Oregon's congenial cllir. struggled In tho Eastern states for exlstenco ns th0 "Napoleon," but Is known today solely by Its Oregon name. A. H. DAVIS Medford Is making great use of electricity, and ns a result ts calling for wiring and an equipment of tho artistic and beautiful In fixtures for tho lighting of her modern build ings and residences. This Is tho kind of work that Mr. A. H. Davis does, and ho carries a flno line ot fixtures and finds a largo demand for his expert skill. Estimates aro furnished for all kinds of electrical work, and when Mr. Davis gives fig ures ho Is prepared to oxocute the contract la In tho most workmanlike mannor and to uso tho very best materials. Ho Is ono of our most popular business men and hna many friends among all classes ALFALFA Alfalfa Is nn of tho most profit able crops raised In tho Rogue Rlvor valloy. Threo cuttings a year aro harvested without Irrigation and tour with wator. Ten dollars a ton has been a minimum prlco for years, and it frequently sells as high as $18 nnd $20 a ton. Mfalfa la also a profltnblo crop to grow botwoen trees In young or chards. It can ho grown for seed and ylold from $75 to $100 an acre. As hay, alfalfa ylolds from $30 to $75 an aero. Ono 17-acro Hold of nlfalfa near Medford has produced an nvorago ylold of 80 tons for 23 yoars, without irrigation. Whero irrigation is em ployed, tho ylold Is far grater. Tho mnrglns of profit In alfalfa growing aro largo, as It costs but $4 to $0. por aero to market. In tho Roguo River exists one ot tho groatest sood producing sections of the contlnont for alfalfa sood, for which thoro Is an Increasing demand both tor seeding and lu the dyo works, Tho seed grown horo Is of very superior quality, nnd In some tow Holds th0 net yield oxcoeded $75 por aero. Ao only tho last crop la dovoted to sood, a very heavy first