Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 29, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    MM I l.i. M li'nimi) I Af A ! r . MM? rHITKrii1. AriinriYWn mM.VlAV IVLMIVI-HJIW U mirtiMmwn nn mnn
I I I IJ ill III I ! l 1.1 ill I V I I i UUIHU'Hl J'IIJl1 VIH M liUi) t J ..I I, lJj I I'j J V i, IJUH.
If ff f f f f f Hf l ffl H-f,n l tt t M
ho iln('i!il lo Miild C W. (Joker, to tin ty, Oregon; 53 feet; rat per foot 03 Mm Wlllniiioti.- meridian, Jackson1 The foregoing ordinance was pass- 2.".s. county recorder's records
.111 .1 i ii .til . ijuiikh iiii. run . in n fit iiniriiiiiiiiLX. ill. ill nil I in ."ill- f inm ' .iin.iiiiir .ill.. s:g: .i'.i. riiiiin v. tiriiKiin mill rtiniiinv I nun .1 1 in . i !. ...n ..... . r ik ... .. . t .. .. 1 1 . . - . . r. . . .
V tinnrntiij 1 , , .1 1 i J I I .. 1. 1 ........ ,1 Iti Hi.n I,,.. H K , . . . . . Y. . . .. t. .. .. . l.i .. .. 7.1 . t .. . . I T. . 1 ' 1 ' . " V ' . ' ' "V "'l J"'"""" COUIUJ', WCRWI II U Cl J I t IQ 11 Of tHtlll
orty niijiipeni u nun iioueiiieu uy um mim niun pikiiiiuii hi -'' rtPucnnMiitiii. ;o. m-n, ii. imii-pmuii i . ui"' u -, i hmih;o w?i i.oon j miioru on m vui day or ucmiier. rato per foot 50.6 cents; amount duet of the aot
U.l.i.ili ImImi-iiI miiU'.hi ml 11 Inn ir ! I liMrh nil I II 37 Mlllltll (if I'M II HO 2 WI'Sl ulit(.ir 1il T. lilnnU 5 U'liHuP iwlil ll Inn ehnlllM. MlflllCO noil h 7.22 nil ill tin. 10 fid l,v il f,.ll,.i.,l,.
i-.inn .iifc"iiii'"'i'-. i.'npn.i nifivn " r. ............ - i. . . i ".... i . . ... i .,..-.-. - i ............ ..,, ... fc.i.j Kiiiuniii nun. ivuiri n;n 9 l , A .1, I v If flrlfflfl
H ,...! U.. ....... I f,... . IiV. .iiu.1 nl nl Him W'lllntHill III III (III II III II . frilllU'lii Ili..,ill. nf kfa.lfi.,,1 nrnuiill fill, It. I 1li.fl.'.. uriu 1 Ik', nhalnu l tilu.M. nf ut... W..I.I. .-.I. . . . . . .... .
I. n..i .( ...... ..I, tin.. amiiiiU aiiiilli Hlili) Knciwul Mli'iMil : t.'l rui .... i mI.I.. Uum.ii. I....IhiiIm.. ru n i, m ., t in.iM .r ..i..i n. I... . . .. .. . . ... .. . .r . r . . . -
I'lHIPi i iiihiiih uif riniii hum m ... i.iiiif, .. 1 " "'" -' ...f( ... . -v.u .i...i i.. nuim.ii, irriniurr Hjr, i)l llilll njv, inn, II, IIIOOK i, VVOITtrtOn B UU-1 IW( Ion 110 Of
Mm nniinmr of enrryltiK wild iuhhuh-VfHlr ilfurrlltm vol. 71, prisw CM, Hiict, Wimt, .Imci-MikI Vol... fronU : i 1 fwt on north' Ajiprovnl Dwembcfr. th, I'JOO. Ullrtalon In th city of Hertford. 0r- city; and,
I1MMIIH IUI0 rilll orrnri, rcamn'i n i1""" ' ." ... rouniy rtiwimr I rumrui hi ni"- wiiu wjbi, umcrur- y . u, u,iflu, .Mayor. I Bolt. froittKe 50 feat 00 Writ )lil( of Whfrfkn ir
..ii A. ' ftut r. tr.iti ii 1 1 win hi ii 1 1 ik s:i ii i 'I fAiii fti m .r fM. ni i u , , . t n t na fir i um. nniutv r 1 mm ?
I 111 III WW , l 1 VM hmiwiiiiv iiiiu T it v i.-l-( Mill' ' W J b V rmilt II II i 1 "itin . ( ihmnl, v VfWII '
Modioli I. Wliurwirt, tint prtWil .AMHMiiirnt No. 5 Ailii Cornell, dim tM.M. ,01.-11 fit! rB'n foot 03 cente; i
did Imii'tOforo provldn liy oiilltinnw rnmiimnHtiK tlti t nltutiid 16 i Awwrwnmut No. 20 -aiiiir Woljtr. Kmniuii. dii .7..a.
for llio nrvlnK of Miu iiwiwin uhiriui- clnilmt mid M) llnke eoiitli of tli , lot , lilook , XVtiUor iiddltlon In Hie AwMnnitjnl V". 29 J. IC. Oirnn- niini.VA!rn vrv 270
oilv luMnront to mill ImimflU'd Hy Mi 1 1.01 Minnm corimr 11ml on oimt Huh oficltof Med ford. OrKon. frontHKO f'4 yMW, coininancl-.i.' nt a point ttutt I
fioiielnmtlon of tho Intonil liijwor lmrc-jt0 nortlnvint ounrlnr of tlio north- wt 011 notlh jldo Scfonnd etrect, K rlinlne !"" l)nk wt mid Tty ft,iJcitt to end benefited hv Mm Wolverton. lot t, bleck 1. Wftlrer.
01 in ft.lnph iIumI mw MMlmaibl . ton tihilivlauin In tha rltv nf Vo4.
loro, uregoii, iromiuce bo leet on
I Ik of enld wntor nmln on snld por
eirpet nnu tno nsosnniont
thereof an nforoaonld', nnd.
Kiti rnwoiuiion wna amy
poetod ns required by
the charter of pftltt
mootlnK of tho coimcir
dbkc vzt Ittdu at th tivflfk and nlncn flxmr
: 2t, county recorder's recorda of in said reeolntlon for tho purp6o of
I JBPKaoji oonnty. Oregon; 60 foot; nelderlng nny tidi protdst. but
rate per foot 50,6 cents; amount due protoata were at said tlmo or nt any
i I2R.25. other time mndo to or roeolvod br
Aaaeanment No. 1 3 MarciiPrHe I the council to f h Inylntf of snld walor
mmn or me aeHaneni or ma cost
limflcr dceerllind to UMiflir liofot i.hmI nlnirtur of miction 25. In town-1 Woat. dfrlhod Vol . . , ihk . . , conn-' cliNlim nnd 2fi link aoulh
mill I'liHiirii Mm) ulinvi' CHiiiMt. If uijy.' 1.1. . nt xtntii nnm t wut .if i ii , Ir rooonfor' ri'cnrdu of .tHckaon conn. 1 nortlieaat oorti r of the nurthweat ... t. . ... .
why wild properly Hliould not bu Wllluiniitte umrldlnn. nnd riinnlnfe ty, QroKon; A3-tKl; rnto per foot r,3 Uiuarler of nootu ii jr, n tnwnehlp 87 j K ,he nje ftml prOT,nnK tho mn-ln' lle of Hoes court, deaorlbed 1 that aald watpr main was and la of
nenpru mr mo cnnmriiciion in mim iiiencn hoiiiii 1 ciiiun nnu nn imua, ; "'" "u ." v t " r' w' "" " ner of rrrylng ld aaeetienienta Into vo'- u P county recorder 1
a aforesaid, and tald council having
ronfrtderwl the mnttr, nnd doornlnfr
newer, nnd did fix u Mine for hem'- thence went (5 chiiliiH in llnlm, tlienco AeMedHliinnt No. 2.1 Anna Walter, j meridian, In Ja km.n county, Oregon, ru II effect
I n imv miii 1 inoleii . wlilcli no ice nnn 1 in 11 r.r. 11 !. I lumen ruiMlMoi i, iihick waiter MiHiiuon in ine 1 win ruunuiK iimik,. oiiin caaine
wni duly Klven In iiecordiince wmi n (jiulua i:i HukH morti or Iohm to my or .Meororu. urcRon, rrontiiKo nnd sn iiiikh, n-emo wrt r, cnaina ag f0law; I amount dH $28. 26
mild ordliuuiC(. mare Minn ln ilnya piiicn af benjInnliiK. fninliiB'' 26 foot'iet on Homii mue Hecoond ulreet. ni o IIiikji, north 1 chains Section 1. WhereftB. the council! A'-ti No. 14 C. D. Wolrer-
befort. Mm Iii-kIuiiIiik of Mm catrntriic- (MiMi side Heroml street. Wont, .(ton-1 "t. descrlbi-d Vol. ., pngii. .. conn- 25 links, thoiu- north 7 chnlna 25 )ierBtofore provide by ordinance ' ,fi -s . lot 3. bloek 1. Wolverton's
M011 of Hitld sewer, but 110 protests crlbed Vol. 55. pnxe county ro-, ty record' r n records of .Inckaon conn- Minks, thence chains 0 links for tj)f, rvnK 0f the owner of nron- -''MrD tn tbe city of Hertford.
. . ... ......I u u .uuM . . - . . .. K ....... .. Ill nr..fl.lll . T. 'I ttktki ....... 11... I III lllllA.1 ft ll.ll.ll1l.lHV Mftlll mImIm.K . .. .. " . ....
1 r BMRipn- curlier i) lecorus 01 .ihciswiiii ruuiiiy, . .... n-..., mm ...wi... 1....i..j ... w n.n, .i,im.uiiiA eriy a
inent of Mm cost thereof wus iniide by Oronou: 25 feet; ruto per
nnyone. mid said sower was, by sabl , cinls; nmoiint duo M5.76,
council ordered coniitruoM; nnd. 1 Assessment No. H-T. I,. Miller,
Wlmrens, Mm cost of Mucconslruc-!m,11MirK ((l 0nl u,ited 15
Mmi of said sewer bus been mid here ,,1(tim .,0 lkn H(, ,, ,, I!(,aln
by Is determined to be Mm sum of'r,r, ,tlkM M(l ,)t ,irthwsl cor
$.12 is. 1 1; r,rr of the west hnlf of the northeast
.M)w, inereiore, sum euy iiiiiu ur
foot On ' 'I'l cents; amount due $3:1.30.
incres moro or I'-km. frontnKe construction
of tho Intoral sewer of Itwt court, described Vol.... page
AssM..H rt . it -. nn wouor, teoi on nori n w n- .onu sirwji. wes. herelnafler described to appear be-l--. county recorder's records of
lot 8, block 2. Wolti.r mldltlon In the described Vol. ... ikm 527, county f(,re councl nnu Khow cflB. c0,,aty. Oregon: 30 feot;
rlly of Medford. OroKim. fronlnKo 7 . recorder rtoprls f Jackson county. ,ny. why said property should not V- ' '" ' nr 'oot 50.5 cents; amount due
feel or, south aid,, Hncond stirel, OreKon; IB5.4 f-; rate jw-r foot 63 HWMNMM.,j for , construction of said , 125.25.
West, described Vol. .. pane. .. conn-1 cents; amount rl... J280. 90. i(wer anU dl(, (lx n tlmo f iIMrInK Aswment No. 16 C. D. Wolver-
ty recordi-r s records of Jncksan conn.. AssiMisinant No !0 Ktisanna Dcm. an. proUMa, which notice was duly ton et ux., lot fi, block 1. Wolverton'a
rrifr ohiiiii. ifiiii) i. iinmfiinr a.imin. . . ... .. .. i al.i,j .. .u. i .1.. - ... . .
in M.'uw.i.. . ?ti ..i . ... ..... tin 1 .11 m ..inf.. .fii. 1 tim....m ..i.i . . ' ' " - , .... - . -.. . :
! iiimiter of sect on 25. In (owiihIiIii I ' r " .-" " mm ... r( ,ir,. . . Riven in acconlnncn with said ordl- suoaivision m tne city or .Mearord,
ditlu and declare Mint encb parcnl of 37 ,,,(1, (lf raK(, 2 wrHl f lUo W). cuius, iimoiini iitm ". , istrsior. coinmencinif ar a point altu- nance ,nore t)ian tfn dayB t,oforo the .Oregon, frontafio 50 feet on east side
properly described below Is udjar.eih mHl0 ,.r,lun. and from kM point , Awossiteut .No. 23 Heniinn .In-luted i chains 4i h links south of the bejjIiinInK of the construction of said of Ko court, described Vol. .. page
to ami benefited by Mint certain Jut- ruiinliiK thenco ent 2 cbnlim 27 IlntH. 'Jt, hanlrmliij: t a point chains north' nst corner and on east line of B,.w.r ,lt no proto9l!, nKanst said county recorder's reconm of
oral sower K Inches In hUo, coiiHtnict- jiionc., moiiMi chnliiH nnd 22 links, r0"!, . M' '3 chnlnH oust -of tho tho northwest qnorter of section 25. i construction or nssesemont of the coat Jnckson county, "Orogon; 50 feot;
ed on West Hiicond street betwev' ' Mieucu went 2 chnliis 27 links, thenco! "orthwost corner of tho nor henst In township 3. south, range 2 west thereof was made by anyone, nnd rate per foot 50.C cents; amount due
Holly street nnd West corporation north 0 chains 22 links to nlico of k'l""';t''r ,ho northwest quarter of of tho Wlllnmott" meridian, and rtin- Ba(j Howor wa8 by paj conncn or. $25.25.
boiindury. mid that the proportion . lienliiiilnic. evsntfalnltiK Ml acrca mor0 "tlon 25. In township 37 south, ' nlng thence west on said line 7 chains , llorfll constructed; and. Assessment No. IC C. D. Wolvcr-
tlm cost of snld sower which each of , XCIIK IlIlt roservliiB from 1w"l 10,) Vl lUimnttVnVlnnu h ' "!!," -W71.8 chwV ,53 Whereas, the cost of the construe ton st ux.. lot 7. block 1, Wolver-
xn III imrcn s of bind should boar, bas-'n... .. ', 'n.,,5 , i.,....,....., ,nn bin. and running thenco south C. 20 links, thenco north i chalnB 2 Vj links, ttnn t oni,i ., i,, ion's snhriivtiiinn in tho ruv nt f,i.
en on urn nenerim (icriven nwper- f(,t of t)l)) HOIIl, hU iuvrvu(l frot.
ive y oy sniu sovonii irncis H0.82 feot south side Bccond
Is Mm nmouut set opposlto Mm dee- Mtrtt(i w,.t( ,0KCrK,(! vol. OK. pngo
crlptlon of each nuch parcol below .,( v(miiy r()Corler's records of
by Mm construction of snld sower and jc(K0II county. Oregon: H0.82 foot;
Mint of tho .snld parcels Is net-1 rnt ,,,. foot C3 coritH. n,ount do
niilly benefited by tho construe- as
Mon of snld Bower anil that Assessment No, 7W. II, Meeker',
several nmoiiiitii roprewmt tho pro- lot 3 ,,Iock 3 0son nddlflon In tho
porllonnl benefits of snld suvcrnl mr-,..v ,lf M.ulfon!. OrcL-on. frontni-n 54
vols from snld sewer. And each nf;fw,. l!u Bccond slnwit. West.
said parcels la hereby nssosscd the
nmouut set opposlto Its description
below for tho construction of sjild
described Vol. 59, pago 305. county
rfcorder's records of Jucksou county.
Oregon; 54 feet; rnt per foot 03
cents; nmouut dun )34.02.
Assiwsment No. K It. H. Toft,
lot 4, block 3. Olson nddltlon In tho
,.ltt .if f, Oriiiinti frriiitni... T.i
r.M 1 ...ui I, u,i (;.,..,. ,i ul hi. l Wa.!
1 irlfKMA . t 1 .'tT 'V1 ....ii nimvi, i v".
l'.,''"l 1 . V.ll
hl-ilhJyZ.LAi recorder's-records'of Jackson " ctyf. r,''..! .
r' l!S 1,1 ' u' Oregon; 64 feet; rnte per foot 03 1 1 V"!
Vlll''ll",v , , ' "ti amount duo $34.02. ,
Asscssnumt No. 1 -Oiis Snmite s. , Aaosnnnl No. I Honrletta Mor
coinuieiiclng nt n point situated 15!r, ,ol n Mwk 4 OUon n,(,ltlon In
clm ns and 10 llnka south of Mi ; th0 dty of Bedford, Oregon, frontugo
northenst corner and on east Hue of;r, fcH H0(tn ,,, Sl)COn,, Hln)(
Mm northwest nunrlor of tho north-, wai; 54 feet: rnte per foot 03 centa:
nat (iiurter of section 25, township amount due 134 0"
37 south, range 2 west of Mm Wll- j Assessment No.' i"6 Honrlottn Mer
lamettiuiierldlaii. and runi.InK thence rllli ,)t , Mnck 4 olHOn ft,idUon ,n
joiith on snld east lino 1 chain and 55!,, , clty of Medford. Oregon, front
nks, thenco west b chains and 43ln(.() TA f t ,m 0lh ,,, g0CHI1(,
links, north I chain 55 llnka, ent;Mr0Pt Woil. r., f00l. rat0 or ro()t
0 chains 43 links moro or less to fi3 cents; amount 1ikk34.02.
unco oi ougiiimiig. timiniiiinK i ncru Assessment So. 11 AVIIllnm Kn.
more or less, In tho city of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 149.3S feet on
south sldo Second street, West, des
cribed Vol. 4 0. pngo 219, county re
corder's records of Jackson coun.y.
Oregon: 149.38 feet; rnto por foot
13 cents; amount duo $94.10.
Assessment No. 2 Mnrgarot Dal
ly, commencing nt a point 75 feet
last of tho northwest corner of those
certain promises conveyed by grant
ors herein to lleccnbn M. McDon
ough by deed recorded In Vol. 55,
pnge 105, deed records of Jackson
county, Oregon, described as com
mencing nt tho northeast corner of
those curtain promise deeded by tho
grantors herein unto one Martin Mc
Donough, the deed therefor being of
rrcord of Mm deed records of Jnrk-
snn county, Oregon, Vol. IK, pnge 102,
nud .being on the north lino of those
certain promises deeded by F. Hub
bard, administrator of tho estate of
Kllzn Anderson, deceased, said admln
I strnlor deed being 'of record In Vol.
40 of the deed recordii of Jackson
county, Oregon, nt pngo 219 thereof,
and from snld beginning polntrumiltig
thenco east 100 feet, thenco south 1
chain mid 55 links, thenco west 100
man, commencing nt a point 4 chains
45 links east and 12 chums 40 links
nnd of the southwest corner of the
northeast quarter section 25, town
ship 37 south, range 2 rcat of tho
Wlllumottn meridian, Jackson county,
uregon, and running thenco east par
allel to tho south lino of said quarter
section 2 cbnlns 70 links, thenco
north parallel with tho west lino of
snld quarter section 12 chains 4 4
links, thenco west 4 chains 35 links
thenco south C chains 22 links, thence
east 1 chain 00 links, thonco south
0 chains 22 links to tho plnco of com
mencing, containing 4.41 ncros, front
ago 2S7.10 foot on south aide Second
street, West, described Vol. 22, page
153, county recorder's, recorda of
Jnckson county. Oregon: 287.10 feet:
rnto per foot 03 cents; nmouut duo
Assessment No. 12 Joseph Knuf
mnnn, commencing nt n point situat
ed 1 chain 24 links cast and 15 chnlnn
40 links' south of Mm northwest cor
ner of tho northenst qtinrtor section
25, township 37 south, range 2 west
of tho Wlllnmotto meridian, and run
ning thonco enst 1 chain 01 links,
thence south 0 chains 22 links, thonco
feot. thenco north 1 chnln 65 links " ' V " , "".V" ' 1 ""
. m I I a . n V tlllStM II I llllln kllVltVU llUiLIl
beginning point first aboVo described "21 licrT froiS
links, thenco wost 50 feet to tho plnco
of beginning, the Inst described tract
of land of 1 chain mid 55 links by
50 fool being Mm portion hereby con
voyed, frontage 50 feet on south aide
Second street, West, doscrlbed Vol.
09, pngo 303, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson bounty, Oregon; 60
street, Wost, descrlbod Vol. CU, pngo
2 12, county recorder a recorda of
Jackson county. Oregon; 100,20 feet:
into por foot 03 conta; muount duo
Assessmont No. 13 H. E. and R.
Wolter. lot 1. block 1. Wolter nddl
tlon In tho city of Mndford, Oregon;
feet on south sldo Sec-
dosorlbod Vol ...
jpngo . ., county recorder's records of
f.UOl!.!;'Jt'r.l,9r rmt C:' C0,lts5 n,no,,,,t frontugo 63.43 fee
duo $31.60. om, gtrHp, Woat
Assossment No. 3 Melon F. Uowo.i nA...,.
ooinmonolnjj nt tho northenst corner jnckson countv Orouon' si n feet' Assossniont
of Ihoso certain promises deeded lO'1 1 Pt
(Ins Samuels and I.ottlo V. Snnuiols ! i Yr. amount nio(7 o ohalnH H(
unto Martin MeDonoiigh, tho il nod
thorefor lielng of record In tho dooda
rocord of Jackson county, Oregon,
Vol. 55. pngo 102 thereof, nnd be
ing on the north lino of those certain
prmlsoa deeded by V, Ilubbnrd, nd
mlnlstrntor of tho ostuto of lClla
Anderson, deceased, said ndmliilstra
AssPHsmeiil No. 14 10. K. nnd K.
Walter, lot 2. block 1. Wolter nddl
tlon In th,, city of Mod ford, Oregon,
frontage 53, 4.1 feet on south side
Second stroot, West, described Vol.
. ., pngo . ., county rooordor'a records
of Jnckson county. Oregon; 53.43
tor'e deed being of record In Vol. 10. f.(pt: .1'l,..,0.J)or fot,t !:i o'Mi ninount
pngo 2J9, deed records for Jnckson j ""o
county, Oregon, nnd from wild Win- Assessment No. 15 K. K, nnd K.
nlng point running thonco east 100 I Wolter, lot 1, block 2. Wolter nddl
feut', thenco south l' chnln 55 links, aMoii In tho city of Medford, Oregon,
thonco 100 foot, thonco north 1 chnln 1 f n'titngo 53.13 feet on eon"
56 links to tho plnco of beginning, j Second Htreot..WnHt, descrlbod Vol...
nil of snld promises liolng situated page. ., county rocordur'a records of
In section 25, In townidilp 37 bouMi 1 Jnckson county, Oregon; 53.13 foot;
of rnngo 2 west of Wlllmnotto morijnito por foot 03 conta; ninount duo
Minn, frontngo 76 feot on tioutli aulo t ?.i.i.iit.
Second street, West, In tho city of
Meiirord, Oregon; 75 foot; rnto por
foot 03 cents; jiniount duo $47.25,
Assessment No, I J. 10, Huberts,
tho euut foot of tho following
described property, commencing at
tho northeast corner of thoso cor
t;du prnmlscH doodud hy Qua Snmuola
nnd wlfo lo ono 0. W. Cokor, tlio
deod thorofor bolng of rocord of Jnck
son county, Oregon, Vol. 52, pngo
205 thereof, nald beginning point be
ing on tho north lino of thoso cor
tain promlsoa deeded by I Ilubbnrd,
admlnlHtrntor of tho ostnto of lSllzu
Anderson, doconsod, which Raid dood
Is of record In anld dood rocords In
Vol. 13, pngo 219 thereof, and from i
snld boglnnliig point running theiioo
en tit 125 foot, thonco south 1 chnln
65 llnka, thonco west 125 foot to tho
southeast cornor of Bald promlscn
dooded to snld 0. W. Cokor, thonco
north on oust lino of snld promlsoa
Assessment No. 10 10. 10. nnd 10.
Wolter. lot 2, block '3, Wolter nddl
tlon In tho city of Medford, Oregon,
frontugo 53,43 foot on south sldo
Second atreot, WcBt, described Vol. ,.
pngo .,, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 53.13 foot;
into per foot 03 conta; amount duo
ABsossmont No. 17 10. 10, mid 10.
Wolter, lot 3, block 2, Woltor nddl
tlon In tho city of Modford, Oregon,
frontngo 53.43 foot On rouMi Hide
Second Btrcot. Wost, descrjbod Vol. .,
pngo,., county rocordor'H recorda of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 63.13 foot;
rnto por foot 03 centBj nmouut duo
AsBPBsment No, 18 IOmll Woltor,
lot I, block 2, Woltor nddltlon In tho
city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 63
feet on south slno Second stroot,
West, doscrlbod .Vol , ,, pngo, ., coun
ty recorder's rocords of Jnckson conn-
chains, thenco wost 3.224 chains,
thenco north C.20 chains, thence enst
3,22 W chains to plnco of beginning.
containing 2 ncres moro or less, front
age 212.85 feot south sldo Second
street, West, described Vol, 54, pngo
441, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 212.86 feot;
rate per foot 03 coats; amount due
Assessment No. 24 Mrs. P. h,
Harrell, beginning nt a point 15.17
chains south and 3.405 chains cast
of th,, northwost corner of tho north
east quarter of tho northwest qnnr
tor of section 25. In township 37
south, rnngo'2 west of tho Wlliiunetto
meridinn, and running thenco south
i.2n chains, thenco west 3.22 'A
! i chains, thence north 0.20 chains
3.22 cbuIiiB to place
containing 2 ncres more
jor less, tho premises conveyed by this
ueeu oeing uie norm nair or tno nnovo
described premises, frontng0 212.86
feet on south side Second street, West
described Vol. i2, page 21. county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 212.85 foot: rnt0 per foot
cents; amount duo $134.09.
Assessment No. 25 Henry Hum
phrey, et ux., beginning nt a point
15.17 chains south nnd 5.18 chains
east of the northwest cornor of the
northenst quarter of tho northwest
qunrter of section 25, township 37
south, range 2 west of tho Wlllnmotto
meridian, and from said point run
nlng thenco west 0.20 chains, thenco
wost 1.011 chains to tho placo of be
ginning, containing 1 aero moro or
less, frontngo 100.2 feot on south side
Second street, Wost, described Vol
00, pngo 233, county recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon;
100.2 fet: rnte por foot 03 conts;
nmnunt duo $00.91.
Assessment No. 20 Forest C. Kd
mends, beginning 15.17 chains south
nnd 3,5075 chains east of tho north
west cornor of tho northonst qtinrtor
or tho northwest quartor of section
25, township 37 south, range 2 wost
of tho Wlllnmotto morldlnn, and run
ning thonco south 0.20 chains, thence
wost i.uizii chnlns, thence north
0.20 chains, thenco east 1.0125 chains
to plnco of beginning, containing 1
ncro mora or less, also beginning nt a
point lo. 1 1 chains south nnd 1.955
chains east of tlio northwest cornor of
tho northenst qunrter of tho north
west qunrter of tho section, township
nnd rnngo nbovo written, nnd run
ning thenco south 0.20 chnlns, thonco
west 1.955 chnlns, thonco north 0,20
chains, thence oast 1.955 chains to
plnco of beginning, containing 1.21
acres more or loss, saving nnd ex
cepting nnd reserving a strip of land
30 foot across the ontlro west sldo
thoreof for road purposoa and con
taining 28-100 ncres, It being under
stood that tho Intent of Mo Instru
ment Is to convoy about 1 aero after
innklng reservntlons for rond pur
poses, frontage 205.40 foet on south
sldo Second street, West, iloscrlhed
Vol. OS, pngo 411, county recordor's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
205.4 0 feet: rnto per foot 02 cents;
nmnunt duo $120.4 4.
Nt. 27 Augustus
beginning nt n point
south nnd 3,305 chnlnn
oust of tho northwest corner of tlio
northonst qunrtor of th0 northwest
qunrter section 25, township 37 south,
rnngo 2 west of tho Willamette mor
ldlnn, in Jnckson county, Oregon, nnd
running thenco sauth 7.312 chains,
thenco west 3.305 chains, thonco
north 7.22 chains, thence east 3.306
chain to plncA of beKinnlnir, oontnln-
lug 2.13 acres more or less, Having
and excepting nnd res rvlng n strip
of Innd 30 feet In width ncross tho
ontlro west side thereof and contain
ing about 33-100 of an ncro for rond
iiurpoHes. nlso beginning nt n nolnt
16,17 ehuliiB south nnd 1.956 clmlus
oust of tho northwest cornor of tlio
northmst quarter of tho northweat
qunrter of snld section, township nnd
rnngo, nnd ruiiiiulng thonco south
0.20 chnlns, thonco west 1.955 chnlns,
thonco north 0.20 chains, thonco east
1,955 chnlns to plnco of beginning,
containing 1.21 ncros iijoro or loss,
saving nnd excepting nnd rosorvlng
n strip of Innd 30 feot In width ncross
tlio ontlro west sldo thoreof for road
purposes nnd containing nbout 28
100 of nn ncro, It being understood
Mint tho Intont of this Instrument Is
to convey nbout 3,03 ncres, nfter innk
lng resorvntlons for rond purposoa,
frontngo 102.9 foet on north sldo
Second street, Wost, described Vol.
55, pngo 13S, county recordor's roc
ords of Jnckson county, Orogon;
192.9 feot; rnto por foot 03 conts;
ninount duo $121,53,
Assessment No, 28 A. A, llrtl
coiu. beginning nt a point 7.32 chains
south of tho northwost cornor of tho
northwost qunrtor of soctlon 25, In
township 37 south, rnngo 2 wost of
thonco east 8 chnlr.s 53 links to place ,,y Ih determined to be tho sum of ! ford, Orogon, frontage 50 feet on oaat
of beginning, frontago 532.98 feet on $Coc; side of Ross court, described Vol ...
north side Sccoor.d street, West, dcs-i N-ow, therefore, said city doth or-ll'ago . .. county recorder's records of
50 feet;
amount due
in iieu voi, no. I'aRB ui, county re- dnln and declare that each parcel of Jackson county, Oregon;
corners recoruo oi jneason county, ,,roperty described below Is adjacent rate per foot 50.5 cents;
urugon; ojj..o icii rni0 per loot oj,to nnd benefited by that certain lat- $25.25.
cents, amount due $335. 1 7. , eraI 8ewer c nchcs in size construct- Assessment No. 17 C. D.
Assessment .11 b. .Miir- od ori noss court between West Sev- ton et ux., lot 8; block 1,
phy, commencing 11.50 chains south nth nn.i v.i v.-, .ii. nr. subdivision in th riiv ,
nt fnilfnrrt
of tho northweat corner of tho north-,that the proportion of the cost of j Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east sldo
euni. imii;r nuiuuu -o, luwinsiup 8ajd BOwcr which each of said par- or uoss court, described Vol ...
37 south, rango 2 west of tho V II-; cols of land should bear, based on Pago ... county recorder's records of
lametto meridian, and running thence the boneflts derived respectively by Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet;
north J.55 chnlns thonco east 3.92 8ad several tracts of land is the I rato per foot 50.5 cents; amount due
chnlnt. the nco bouMi 3.92 chains j anlount Bet oppOBto tho description j $25.25.
thenco west 3.92 chnlns to placo of of oach such parcoi below, that each) Assessment No. IS C. D. Wolvei
bog nning, contnlnlng 1 acrp moro , of Paid parcel Is actnnlly benefited ton et ux.. lot 9. block 1, Wolverton's
rJJ. Jnok.Boa co"nty. Oregon; ; tho amount set opposite Its dos- subdivision In tho city of Medford,
-58.1.' feet; rate per foot 03 conts; crlptlon below by tho construction of ' Oregon, frontago 50 foet on east sldo
ninount duo $10.. 99. jBRjd gewer, an,i that several amounts! of Ross court, described Vol... page
Assessment .No. 3. Emma. T. j represent the proportional boneflts i . county recorder's rocords of Jack
bltney. lot 0, block 3. Anderson- r said sovernl parcels from said sow-; son county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per
Toft addition In city of Medford. Oro- ,r. And each of said parcels Is here-'foot 50.5 cents: amount duo $25.25.
gon frontago 60 feet on north side by assessed the amount set opposite' Assessment No. 19 C. D. Wotrcr
est Secon l street: 50 feet: rate per !t8 description below for tho con-1 ton et ux.. lot 10. block 1, Wolvcr
foot 03 cents; amount due $31.o0. Istructlon of said sewer. ton's subdivision In tho city of Mcd-
Assessment No. 33 M. J. Loyo, lot; ASSESSMENT FOR A 0-INCH LAT-' ford. Orogon. frontage 50 feet on
5. block 3, Anderson-Toft addition In: ERAI, SEWER ON ROSS COURT, east sldo of Ross court, described Vol.
R ETWEE. . WEST MAIN STREET . Pago ... county recorder's records
AND WEST FOURTH STREET. A ;of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet;
DISTANCE OF 000 FEET. IN rate por foot 50.5 cents; amount due
OF MEDFORD, OREGON. I Assessment No. 20 C. D. Wolvcr
tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontago
50 feet on north side Second street,
wost; fio root; rate per foot 03 contij;
ninount duo $31.50.
Assessment No. 34 Mrs. L. R.
estate, commencing nt a point situat
cd 927.0 feot south nnd 443.72 feet
east of 'the qunrter corner between
sections 24 nnd 25, township 37 south
rnngo - west or Wlllnmotto meridian.
and .from said point running thence
per foot 50.5 cents; amount due
Assessment No. 2 Irving WoVth
ington, lot 5, block 2, Wolverton's
Biihill vlRlnn In tho rltv nf Medfnril.
east 292.9 fOCt. thcnCO north 321.42 Oropnn. frnntnen KO feet nn iroat ol.ln
fCOt. thenco west 292.9 feot. tlienCOlnf llnsii pnnrt disirlliiil Vnl. 7(1. nniro
south 321.42 feet to tho placo of be-1 177, county recorder's records of
ginning, nil In Jnckson county, Oro-jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate
gon; 292.9 feet: rnto per foot C3lnerfoot RO.S rents; nmnunt Hue
cents; amount duo $184,53. S25 5
Assessment No. 30 C. T. Hnlln-' Assessment No. 3 C. D. Wolver-
Wnv. a tract Of land frontlnc 132.40 linn lot fi. hlnrlr S Wnlrerlnn'o niil.
feet on north side Second street, division In the city of Medford. Ore
yost, nnd described Vol. C. pago KOn. frontage 50 feet on wost side of
151, county recorders records of n0R3 court, described Vol. 70. page
jiickruu cuuniy, uregon; leci;
rato per foot 63 cents; amount 'duo
Assessment No. 37 D. H. Miller.
a trnct or land fronting 137.40 feot
on north sldo Second stroet. West,
nnd running back 4C3.9S feet and
feet; rnto per foot 63 conts: amount
duo $S3.45.
Assessment No. 3S C, F. Young
and J, c. Hall, a tract of land front
log 2S1.10 feet on north sldo Second i division In tho city of Medford. Ore-
street, Wost, nnd running back 403. 9S , gon, frontago 50 feot on wost sldo of
root, nnu mnrKea u. on map or city i Ross court, doscrlbed Vol. 70, pago
of Medford, Orogon, and doscrlbed 1 25S, county recorder's records of
Vol. 02, pages 100 nnd 101, county .Jnckson county, Oregon: 50 feet; rato
recorder's records of Jnckson county, i por foot 50.5 cents; nmount due
Orogon; 2S1.16 foot; rato por foot , $25.25.
ua conts; amount 'duo $177.13. ! Assessment No. 0 C. D, Wolvor-
Assossmont No. 39 R. H. Toft. , ton. lot 9. block 2. Wolverton's snb-
tho west C2.2 foot of tho following i division in th city of Modford. Ore-
described property, commencing nt
tho northonst cornor of thoso certain
promises dod by Gus Samuels and
wlfo to one C W. Cokor. the doed
therefor being of records of Jnckson
county, Oregon. Vol. 52, pago 295 ' $25.25
therefore, said beginning point bo-, Assessment No. 7 C. D. Wolvor
Ing on tho nor-'i Hue of those cortnln ton, lot 10, block 2, Wolverton's sub
premises dced.d by V. Ilubbnrd. nd-1 division in the city of Medford. Ore-
material benefit to snld city, nnd Mint
records of Jactawn citrnty, Orecan: all property to bo nsaosaod thorofor
The city of Medford doth ordain '50 feet; rato per foot 50.5 cents; would be benefited thereby to tho ox-
tent or tbe probable amonnt of tho
respective assossmenta to bo levied
against snld property, did ordor said
water main laid; and,
Whereas, tho cost of said wntcr
main has been and hereby Is dotcc
mtned to bo tho sum of $1502.55.
Now, therefore. It Is horoby fur
ther determined that, tho proportion
ate sbnro of Mm cost of laying Bald
watr main of each parcel of proper
ty fronting on said portion of said
atreot la tho amount set opposlto tho
description of ench parcel of land
Imlow. and that each pleco or parcol
of land benoflted by tho laying of
said water main to tho full oxtent
of tho amount so sot opposlto tho
description of tho samo, and that tho
respectlvo amounts represent -tho pro
portional boneflts of said water main
to said respectlvo parcels of land,
and also tho proportional frontngo
thoreof on said portion of said street,
and tho council docs hereby declare
each of the parcels of property des
cribed below to be assessed and each
of tho samo hereby Is assessed tho
amount set opposlto each description
for tho cost of laying uald water main.
ENUE. Assessment No. 1 Aaron Wyland,
293 feet of east end of lot 4, block
2, Darr's addition In tho city of Med
ford, Oregon described as follows:
beginning at tho southeast corner of
said block and lot and running thenco
west 293 feet, thenco north 295 feet,
thenco cast 293 feet, thonco south
295 feet to tho placo of beginning,
and containing 2 acres of land moro
or les3, save and except a well sit
uated on the west boundary of said
land used by ono Myer, which Is here
by reserved to the samo purpose and
Intent and effect as said well was
reserved In the deed from A. C. Nich
olson and wlfo to grantors heroin.
6ald deed being of record In tho deed
records of Jackson county, Oregon,
described Vol. 46 of said deed records
at pago 543 thcrW; 295 feet; rato
per foot 63 cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 2 P. A. and Pru
dence Trana, the east half of lot 3.
block 2. Barr's addition in th0 city oC
Medford, Oregon, frontage 175 feot
on west sldo King street. South, des
cribed Vol. 57. page 248, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 175 feet; rato por foot 6J
cents; amount due $110.26.
Assessment No. 3 W. C. Dobly,
lot 1, block 3, Sunnysldo addition In
the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago
120 feot on west Bide King street.
South, described Vol. 62, pago 173.
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Orogon; 120 feot: rato por
foot 63 cents; amount duo $75.60.
Assessmont No. 4 Sarah M. An
drews, lot 6. block 1. Sunnysldo ad
dition in the city of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 35 feot on west side Klnff
street, South, described Vol. ... pago
. county recorder's records of Jack-
oon county, Oregon; 35 feet; rato
per root 63 cents; amount duo.
Assessmont No. 5 Sarah M. An-
drows, lot 5, block 1, Sunnysldo ad
dition In tho city of Medford. Orogon,
frontago 55 foet on wost side Kintt
street, South, described Vol. . ., pngo
. , county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 55 feot; rato por
foot 63 conts; nmount due $34.65.
Assessment No. 6 F. A. Oliddon.
lot 4, block 1, Sunnysldo addition In
tho city of Medford, Orogon, front
age 55 feot on west side King street,
South, described Vol. 71, pngo 351,
county recorder's rocords of Jnckson
county, Orogon; 55 feet: rato per foot
03 cents; amount duo $34,65,
Assessment No. 7 Anna Orr Cbfa?
lot 3. block 1, Sunnysldo nddltlon in ",
the city of Medford. Orogon, frontago
55 feet on west sldo KIur street
South, described Vol. 07, pngo 301,
.V. . ' . U10CK 3- Anderson-Tort Assessment No. 1 C. D. Wolver-,ton ot ux.. lot 11. block 1, Wolver
nddltlon In city of Medford, Oregon. (ton. lot 4, block 2, Wolverton's sub- ton's subdivision In th0 city of Med-
wuukihu uv M..VL uu nuim mub out- division In the city or Medford. Ore-lioru. uregon, rrontago 50 reet on
ond stroot, Uotst; 50 feet: rato periKon. frontngo 50 feet on west side of , east sldo of Roes court, described Vol.
foot 03 centB; nmount due $31.50. Ross court, described Vol. 70, page1 ... county recorder's records
Assessment No. 35 O. W. Isaacs tons, county reeonler'n records nf of Jackson county. Orceon: 50 feet:
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rato! rat ner foot 50.5 cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 21 C. D. Wolvor-
ton et ux.. lot 12, block 1. Wolver
ton's subdivision in tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on east
side of Ross court, described Vol...
page... county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet;
rat,, Pcr foot 50.5 cents; amonnt duo
Assessment No. 22 C. D. Wolver
ton et ux., lot' 13 block 1, Wolver
ton's subdivision In tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on cast
side of Ross court, described Vol...
page ... county recorder's records of
25S. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 foet;
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 50.5 cents; amount due
Assessment No. 4 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 7, block 2, Wolverton's sub-
dllvslon In tho city of Medford, Oro-
ninruiwl 1. nn tnnn nf nllv nf , . . n , . .
V.--- .. . "r-V'i n. lBon ironmgo uv loet on west smo oi sldo Robs court, described
"'.."' ' L- Zi: I "!3 co""' described, vol. 70, page.pap,, ... county recorder's
" .i "'IX'Wi. county recorders records ofijack80n county. Oregon;
...,.. tuimij, vtuhuiii iu-.iu . nAk'Rnn ontintv nrfttnni Fin fnftf. phIa
Jnckson county, Oregon: 50 foot; rate
per foot 50.5 cents; amount duo
Assessmont No. 5 C. D. Wolver-
ton. lot S. block 2, Wolverton's sub-
gon, frontago 50 feet on wost side of
Ross court, descrlbod Vol. 72, pago
25 S, county recorder's rocords ot
Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
per foot 50.5 cents; amount duo
mlnlstrntor of tho estate of Elian
Anderson, dec.-asod, which said dood
Is of record in said deed records In
Vol. 13, page 219, therefore nnd from
snld beginning point running theneo
enst 125 feet, thonco south 1 chnln
55 links, thence west 125 feet to tho
gon, frontngo 50 feot on wost sldo of
Ross con
258, con
rato por foot 50.5 cents; amount due
Assessment No. 23 C. D. Wolver
ton et ux.. lot 14, block 1, Wolver
ton's subdivision in tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on east
Vol. ..
records of
50 feet;
rnto per foot 50.5 cents; amount due
Assessment No. 24 C. D. Wolver
ton ot nr., lot 15, block 1, Wolver
ton's subdivision In tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on
east sldo of Ross court, described Vol.
, ., pngo . ., county recorder's records
of Jnckson county, Oregon; 60 feet;
rate per foot 50.5 cents; amount duo
Section 2. And It Is hereby order
ed and ordained that said several as
sossmonts and tho llns thereof be en
tered In the water main lien docket
of said city, and that theunon no
tice b given the ownors or reonted county recorder's r. cords of Jackson
owners of said proporty, nnd that tbe county. Oregon; 55 foet; rnto per
same be onforced and colloctod In tho
manner provided by tho charter of
said city for the collection of assess
menta for the Improvements
streets tnorom.
Section 3. It
foot 63 cents; amount duo $34.65.
Assessment No. 8 A. I. Cramer,
lot 2. block 1. Sunnvsldo nddltlon In
of tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontago
i36 fe.t ou west sldo Klnc stroot.
Is furM-er ordered ' Sou :h. described Vol. 02, page 274.
rt, described Vol. 70. page tliat 1,10 notice above provtdcil Tor be county recorder's records of Jackaora
nty recorder's records of ' Published three times In tho Dally , county. Oregon; 55 feet; rntfl por.
Jnrkson rmintv. Orfiffnii! ffl fdflt? rut i Mair Tribune, a newspaper publish
per foot 60.5 cents; nmouut duo 1' nml r Kpneral circulation In said
$25.25. I city, In the manner provided "by ordl-
Assessment No. S C. D. Wolver-, nanro No- 2r, f said clv.
southenst comer of said nremises , ton. lot 1 1. hinek- " Wnimrtnn'R nni. ! Tbe foregoing ordlnnno wag nasa-
doeded snld O. W. Cokor, thence division In tho city of Medford. Ore- 0(1 bv t,1? cv council of the city of
north on east lino 'of said promises 1 eon. frontano 50 feot on west side of Medford. on tho 7th dsv nf Deeetn-
ao deeded to said C. W. Coker, to -Ross court, doscrlbod Vol. 70. nago ,,or 1309. by the following vote:
mo pmco ot neginuing, nil or siiiil!2&s, county recordor's rocords of
promises being situated in section 25. Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feot;
towiiBlilp 37 south, rnngo 2 west of rato per foot 50.5 cents; amount duo
Wlllmnotto morldlnn, frontngo 125 i $25.25.
foet south sldo Socond Btroot, Wost, Assossmont No. 9 C. D. Wolvor
descrlbed Vol. 71, pago 511, comity t ton. lot 12, block 2, Wolvorton's sub
recorder's records of Jnckson county, ; division In tho city of Modford, Ore
Oregon; 62.2 feet; rnto per foot 03 gon, frontago 50 feot on west sldo of
cents; nmount duo $39.19. I Ross court, descrlbod Vol. 70, pngo
Section 2. And It Is horoby order-. 258. county recorder's records ot
ed nud ordained Mint snld sovernl as
sessments nnd tho Hens bo entered
In the docket of city lions nud Mint
thoroupon notlc0 bo given tho ownors
or roputed ownora of said property
nnd that the samo bo onforced and
collected In tho samo manner ns Is
provldod by tho chnrtor of said city
for tho collection of nssessmoiits for
tho Improvement of stroots, therein.
Section 3. It is further ordered
that tho notlco nbovo provldod for
bo published thrco times In tho Dally
Mnll Tribune, a nowspapor published
nnd ot general circulation in said
city, in tho manner provldod hy ordi
nance No, 250 of snld city.
Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feot;
rato por foot 50.5 cents; nmouut duo
Assessment No. 10 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 13, block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division In tho city of Medford, Oro
gon, frontngo 50 foot on west sldo of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pngo
258, county recordor's rocords of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 50 foot;
rnto per foot 50.5 cents; amount duo
Assossmont No. 11 C. D. Wolvor
ton, lot 14, block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division In tho city of Modford, Oro
gon, frontngo 50 foet on west side of
Ross court, doscrlbed Vol, 70, pngo
Emortck aye, Wolch aye, EUert aye,
Merrick absent, Dommor nye, Wort
man aye.
Approved Decomber Stb, 1909.
W. II. CANON, Mnyor.
An ordlnnnco declaring the nssess-
lllflnl nn Mm nrntmrt v liAnnfllAil
tho cost of laying n 4-Inch wntor main i mL'L10 so"u' a. ?f Bald lot, and
foot 63 conts; amount duo $3-f.C5.
Assessment No. 9 A. I. Cramer,,
lot 1. block I, Sunnysldo addition in:
the city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo
85 foot on west side King street,
South, described Vol. 03. nnco 274.
county recorder's records of Jnokson
county. Orogon; 55 fet; rnto por
foot 03 cents: amount duo $34.65.
Assusamont No. 10 O. II. p Vor
hies. commencing nt n point o'n tbe
east luo of lot 1. block 2. of Barr's
addition to tho citv of Medford. Oro
gon. 55 feot north of tho southeast
corner of said lot 1, and from, said'
beginning point running thonco north
on oast line of said lot 1 110 foot,
thonco west 103 feet. thonc0 southi
110 feet pnrallol with east lino or
said lot 1 to a nolnt 55 feot north
on King stroot and directing tho ro
corder to ontor n statement thereof In
tho wntor mnln lion docket.
Tho city of Medford doth ordain ns
Soctlon 1, Whorons, tho city coun
cil did horotoforo. by resolution, de
clare Its intontlon to lny a 4-lnch
wntor main on King stroot and to as
sess tho cost thoroof on the proporty
fronting on snld portion of said street
in proportion to tho frontago of said
proporty. and did fix a tlmo and plnco
for hearing protests against tho Jay-
thenco east 103 feet to th
beginning; beginning southenst cor
nor of lot 1. block 2, Darr's addition
town of Medford. and running north
55 foot, thonco west 103 foot .thonco
south 55 feot. thenco east 103 foot to
plnco of beginning: commencing nt a,
point on tho south lino of block 2.
parr's addition to tho city of Medl
ford, Oregon, 103 foot west south
east corner of said block 2, from said
point wost 104 feot, thonce north 55
foot, thonco east 104 foot, thonco
(Coutlnuod on pago 6.)