TOT MKDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED.FORD, ORIWON. SUNDAY, 'DECEMBER 2G, 1909. 3 SWIMMERS TRY OUT COLO WATER With Wntor at 48 Deurcos Thirteen Try Conclusions In Willamette Only Flvo Finished 1200 Foot Stretch. I'ORTLA.N'I), Duo. 25. Willi tlut tonipcrntiiru of tho water nt IS tle ktooh, 111 niKii unilortoolc to hwIiii 1200 foot In tho Wllliiinottti river thin morning ond flvo iiiircecdutl, while eight foil !)) tho wayside. Tlcro wont no cnnnntloH, liut tho swimmers turned tli(, color of liollud lolwtor. I'lill 1'iittorHoii, n 1 7-yoaroit youth, who grabbed a record dur ing tho Portolit In Run Francisco, wan tho winner, limiting tho ntrotch of wntor hotwoon Morrlnon Htroot nnd llunmlilo bridges In 7 mliiutoii and 12 tii'condn. Ira Clark wnn second In K in I mi ton 55 seconds, H. P. Ur-, dalilo cnino third In 0 mlnutou 30 seconds, nnd Nnlnh Wlthycombo wnn ; fourth In 0 minutes and 3 snconds. , Arthur Cnvllt arrived fifth, hit time . . - ' M0t b0,"K tHk0n- ANOTHER PIONEER PASSED BEYOND THE GREAT DIVIDE. , Samuel Huston Cook war; born in Hlunt County, Tennewice, May 15, 18.10 and moved to Missouri with bis , paronlH at tho ago of two years, yliere hn rewjiled until liu wiim mar ried to Mnilda M. Gilnioro, July 'JO, 1802. Thcro wiih born tolthis union ten children, nine of whom nru living, J. II. Cook. Cnnyoiivillo, Ore.; J. T. Cook, luibli, Ore.; Mrs. Kdw. Smith, Portluiid, Ore.; Mr. Jnsper Kubli, Kubli, Ore.; Mrs. A. Mowers, Albnny, Dr.. - (ru If V U' f,.,ir,.r,l Ore.; Mr. K. V. Unnnnm, Murphv, I Ore.: Clinton Cook mid Amos Cook, of Applegale, Ore. Hitforo coining to Oregon in the spring of 1870, ho was united with tho Hnptist church and remained n member of that church ever nflerwardu, lie eamo to Oregon .'ID years :tgo nnd settled on n farm at Applegate whero he lived till ho punned nwny, December 11), 1001), nt the nge of 70 years, 7 mouths nnd -l days. He was un honest, upright oitir.en; he had friends by tho score uitiotig his neighbors. The funeral took place ut Jacksonville Monday at 2 P. M., under tho auspices of Jack sonville lodge, I. O. 0. F., of which lie was a meiuher. He leave to mount his loss bo Hides liis wife mid family, two broth ers mid three sisters mid numerous other relatives. MEDF0RD WOMAN FINDS oiujrcmtu in utoi en , Medford housewives aro serutin- izing the oysters closely nowiidnys j nm ni-mi II nunrpn ' since the fact thnt Mrs. Arthur Hrown: found n lnrgo penrl in ono tho other day. It is very rarely, indeed, that a pearl is found in tho oysters shipped to interior points, as tho oyster opeuors nro always on tho lookout for tho ponrls. Howovor, Mrs. Brown found n very lnrgo ono, tho vnlud of which bus not boon fully dotormincd by the loqa! jewelers, nnd as a oonsequeneo tho vivnlvoH are undergoing n close ex amination beforo being served. CALIFORNIA GETS CASE OF GENUINE HOOKWORM OAKLAND, Cal., Dec, 25.---Tho first genuine enso ot hook worm In California has been founod In Oak lamnd. Th0 operation was success ful. Tho operation was successful, being mndo on Mrs. Torres, rocontly from tho Azores, BELIEVED MISS BREWER AND CUDAHY ARE AT OUTS SAN FRA's'CiSCO, Doc. 25. Miss Norn Ilrowor has roturnod from Chi- cago. nor cngngomeni to oung Oudnliy hns boon Indefinitely post-j ponetl nnd Is bollovod to havo boon t brokon. CLUBMAN CELEBRATES AND IS IMPRISONED SAN FI1ANCI8CO, Doe. 25. Dr. J. Wntvon Shlols, n prnnilnont pliy iilrlan anil Hohomlnn olubmnn, celo brated Christmas too Btronuously nnd was Jnllcd. NOTIOH. Excursion to Frisco. Loavo Ash laud on Sundny, Docombor 20, 1900, on tho rogular ovorland train at 11:15 n. in. Round trip faro, SI 8, good for 15 days. Pooplo not living In Ashland can got tholr tlckots from tho management, nt th0 Ashland do pot or on board tho train. Apply to TJoKon & Poll, inanngorfl, Ashland, Orogon, GREAT ACTIVITY CENTRAL OREGON ; Compotlnu Linos Flllno niuht of Way Plats and Rush Inn Construction Work. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Doc. 2(5. Tho OroKon Trunk lliillroud Iiiib flh'd Hh application for the right of way iih far an surveyed In tho uiKoviuw land office, tho matm ..i niiwniu,, iiiu 'i iiiiunuu til way hi this dlHtrlct and tho lower part of tho Dalles district lying In Crook county. A shown by tho mutm, tho survey follows tho Deschutes river up to a point ouio twolvo or fifteen inllcn t of CroHcont Lake, whero It goon up tho oaHt fork of iho rlvor. It passes near Hosolntiil, onturtnlng Klamath county near thn northeast cornur of suction 2, III townsiiip 33 south, of rango 9 oast, being about flv- mll mnihwAii ot Rooland. 11 i"-v - v.. ..ww.... r"- ' ll'r,' M P"'K ,to tho west of tho Walker rnngo of mountains, and ends nt a point on tho south lino of soctlou 28, township 27, south of rango oast. This point i 1m practically sixty-six miles duo north I of Klamath Palls and ii. .nii... " from tho north lino of tho Klamath IntMnn reservation. Tho survey prnc tlcnlly parallels that of tli Oregon .astern, noing nut a rjuar or of a mile ea,t of tho latter at tho end ot tho former's survey In section 27,' township 8. ' , This makes It cortaln taht tholl".cro '00 m 1C" PP"n to tnat, JniiHis J. Hill nm! Wfiviirhniiuiir I tortsts. which own th If Inmnth Iko railroad, oxtondlntf from Tlirnll In I'okegama .and uuoul 160,000 acres,;-"- "" of tho choicest padt of tho groat) t,,0", K n,,cnd nml Klamnth forost, aro working In unl- son nnd thnt Klamath Kails will ho! tho tormlnum of th- ron.i until It ls!c"nPH 1 nm "B'nsi uannonism in, iuhcd on by way of Sacramento to " i San Francisco liny. Woycrhausor has men horo all tho tlmo picking up timber claims, bo sides which Shcrlln & Cnrpontor, tho Deschutes Lumber Company, tho Yockey Lumber Company of Mlnne- "I'olls, tholllxon Lumber oCmpany, S. O. Johnson nnd O. II. Gilchrist havo sccuced holdings aggregating 200,000 acres. Klnnmeb-Nntrou Lino. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Doc. 25. Work Is being rapidly pushed from Klamnth Falls to aNtron and tho contractors expect to havo tho line ocmpleted and ready for operation by August of next year for twenty- fVo mncu j,0yond this city. Tho grndo Is completod to with a fow miles of altttlesnako Point. A ,,,. inn uoon jmllt to tho wntor frnt on tMU iri,por ltnUc nm, co. structlon trains nro running on It. Mnterlnl for tho camps Is hauled on cars to this point, and thonco takon on tho compnny'H boats, doing away with all freighting by tonms. Tho Klnmnth Quoon Is throwing up tho grndo on the ftvo-mllo cut across tho Uppor Lnko Marsh, and novt spring nnothor drodgor with double capacity, which Is now bolng built nt Stockton, will nld her. Do yond Modoo Point tho lino survoyod Is porfoctly lovel and tho work will bo oasy, Moanwhllo tho contractors on tho Natron end nro pushing south as fast ns possible. RAILROAD GIVES REDDING A PARK. KICnOlNO. Deo. 25. Tho Southern Pacific- Company yostordny presented tho City of Nodding with half its res ervntioii cast of the iiiaiii lino, the ground to bo dovolcd sololy to public park purposes. The gift was mndo through Division Superintendent W. E. Dyer nnd Chiof Enginoor Morrison . i rt. it r ' "iiji - uuurgu ti. uniuwunu. Tho gift is not absolute, for tho railroad company rotnins titlo to tho ground nnd lonsos to tho city at a nominal nmiutil rental for nil indofi- nito poiiod. Mnyor Qroitwoldt no eoploil tho gonoroiiH offor, subject to a subsouuoiit approval by tho Board of City Truflteos. BURGLARS VISIT THE WEED HOTEL. WEKD, Boo. 2R. Tho lunch ooun tor of tho Hotel Floronoo wns robbod somo timo yostordny morning. Tho robbery tonic placo lioforo tho house wns oponod, nnd tho burglars mndo entrance by broaking a window. Thoro wns no cash loft in tho rog istor. Tho visitors took all tho food stuffs in sight, nnd tlion domolishod the furnituro. Tho offioors bollovo tho work wns done by tramps and thoy think thoy hnvo a oluo. INSURGENTS ONLY AWAIT AN ISSUE! , Whenever SornethlrtM Arises Which Will Glvo Them a Chanco They Plan Great Reformation. WASHINGTON, D, C, Doc, 25. "Wanlud An Issuo. Ily thirty or.romto, It seems very llkoly that tho moro Insurgent members of tho houso1 Taft legislative program, with Its of representatives. Issue must ho 'radical recommendations for corpor- Mfiuarolv imon tho ruins imil unrnn-1 ntlon ocntrol, In likely to meet a ' i ..... ,. I ii.'i.'ii ini. in uiiiiiiiiKur iiiuiuuuin (standing nt tho Whlto Houho. Somo 1 suro method of taking tho Ravel nwny jfrom Sponltor Cannon prefcrcd. Any , Issuo nccoptnblo taht will glvo the country nt largo an Idea that (ho In- surgents are fearlessly fighting the, tors of theso United States have czar rules and a cznr rulor." lnokled in some time particularly An ndvertlsoment llko tho nboro,thnt proposition for amending tho In - mny b0 Inserted In tho dally papers torstato commerce act to secure clos - ono of theso days unless tho insur- ...... 1L r"1 " " . V. 0 ' .1 " "!! . " " "B. "I " " . f --,.-,, i... ti.nn ,i.n,,Wiioro moBi rouicai propositions are I av?dlco Tp t ! S y Io.. Grayed, or stolen-In tho sen- 'nvo "ere.l up to date, u tnoyf win nun niu man..-, wiu nnnuri. wu-j , .,,lorwi,,i . . ,..... to estimated popu nt on, are New York can very quickly get enough votes to I l lf roLon for ty, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, overthrow the rules, speaker, and all.) 8t R" f RO Zlnl t Vj Taft Boion, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Clcve "An Imn.n in rMilv nil wn r a-nn.'tfnl",lon of so many oftho Talt,., ' . , i ,lt i"wuu'i "" '-" "- rfnt, nf irnn.. ., i. ,..'io congress was me innoiiuy oi ino " ""J," "I"" '7C?B f" """t '7""; i " iir wo rnnnoi ihj iniBincBii. oomo eug- scnomo ror us to nopo toao, wlth ll- 11 ,ook" n" tho"K tncro W h Iff It InnVn n n , 1. n .. nl. . 1. n m n wan notning to ao oui wan until mo can bo attacked, overthrow tho " pnkor' As far as I am pcrosnally con ............ . . j . . . nnrtlnlitnr nn to keep on fighting tho speaker until ' Kncrni. inicnu i " ' " Tnft is now .lolnc his frantic best to "'banT 1 1 1,,"n, thf' ,p0H,ftl BftV,nKB ,,nnk 08 nnfor his not nroJccts-and be it tin - 'nvltlng plank to stan.l upon, but f; P J I get him. Somo of tho other folks.l1"""" 'w"r,cu- .. , . . , however, balk at tho Idea of making . Wh ho P"0'"1 endeavoring a personal attack on Cannon, so the to "o " working majority In ,.,. ,i i. ..- congress In support of his measures. Tho house Insurgents aro confront-! til w can nil get togotnor." od by two dangers whllo tliey nro cngnged In their efforts to overthrow Undo Joo. In tho first placo, if they nro not successful they aro very llkoly to loso whatever Influcnco thoy have In tho housc bocnuso of Innblllty tov' ' securo recognition from tho powors;B,un' l"u i,uo"" , , controlling that body; and, second, thoy mny "loso out" with tho presi dent for opposing loglsnltlon that tho administration wants enactod. Thoroi"'"! it is expected that ho will be nble aro n lot of postmasters to bo appoint- ed this session. What makes the situation of a good many Insurgents nil tho moro ticklish Is tho fact that their constituents nt homo demand n fearless attltudo of them nnd oxpect to seo tholr repre sentatives norsnnnllv twist thn (nil of power overytlmo thoy read tho homo papors. Many of thorn wcro elected upon nn anti-Cannon pint form nnd whon thoy conio up for re election next fall, thoy may havo to do somo stronuous explaining to hold tholr polis. f-f- -r -f EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. Srrs. Theo. Fish wns a Phoenix vis itor Tuosdny. Mrs. Br. Webster was in Phoonix Tuesday. Many Indies came into Phoenix last Tuosdnv to attend the snlo of needle work given by Iho Aid. Mrs. J. D. Evens was doing trad ing in Phoonix Inst Tuesday. Mrs. E. Qibbs, of North Tnlont, wns n Modford visitor last Tuosdny. Jamas McDonnld and mother wore in Med ford doing Christmas shopping last Wednesday. Tho well drill is nt work on tho woll nt A. S. Furry's now residence in South Phoonix. Evoryono sooms filled with tho Christmas spirit in tho littlo towns. Talent is a busy plnco theso days. Mrs. A. B. Ferns, of Font Vnlloy, sold ono hundred noros of fruit land Inst Wodtiosduy for $10,000. Bid not loam tho nnmo of tho purchaser. A. H, Houston was up in North Tnlont visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Roborls. Cupid has boon busy in Phoonix of Into nnd has cnsnnir'od Lloid Colvor and Br. Miilmgreii into his not. Both of whom, with thoir brides, will mako their homos in Phoenix. Wo oxtond congratulations and best wishos, S. S. Stophons, of North Talent, wns in Modford on businoss last Thursday. C, Cnroy hns boon having tho oloo trio wiring in his rosidonoo dono ovor, tho first work boing unsntisfuotory. TUFT'S PROGRAM i HITS A S 'President Has Trouble With His Plans for Lcrjlslatlon Aldrfch Not in , Line. WASHINGTON. Deo, 25. Said to '.hnn. nn.i rniiiif.Knf i i - t, nmw reaches tho statute hooks of the nn - j Hon. J Tho' Taft program as outlined In Uio president's spuochoB Is about as rndicnl n proposition as the Icrislo- er federal control of the railroads. ,Th radical nortions of tho nresl- .... . . ,, 'whom mosT radical nronosltmn "'A' rl ... A.- 'executive to lino up that august body I in favor of tho proposed measures.' I Murmurs aro also heard that Mr. . ; .... . , . . A. .,... nrcnlnr. nnd in - " n w . ' f"-"'" """" n - executlvo admonitions and democrats aro not entirely disregarded. I Dut thcro Is one man who has been I rnnnnlrimiiR tiv Ills nhsnnrn from tho' I Whlto Houso In this connection. That Is tho nnlct. hardwarklnc. cur- c, ri'Ut) I L'lUI 111 Itl K ( IUUU lUMOiUK tor from Rhode Island. Nelson Wil Xe,sn W ,s QU,,! sonerally under - lBloou lu w ""'"' u"'uu,i " tu .cuKuti. in m.ur ui u uu-uuvu.u,, owo - slon. And Nelson Is somo worker. It nas oeon mentioned, pernaps oy pre- judiccd persons, mat ino unquautica endorsement. In tho Tnft annual mes- ' 0.t 11.1. lV. Ai nnv.l uru, nm) r ucuuni tur mm biuk-biiiuu nnti-administrntion nctivitv. Nelson W. is a superb organizer, , to gather together real opposition to I tho Toft mwrfures, if bo so desires. Tnat won ill cause no end ot irouoie to the odn-nlstratlori, nnd might forco; the president Into an agreement with ! tho progressive republicans and thoi democrats who aro almost unanl mously In favor of tho proopsed cor-! p0TaUm contro1 mon8urca Tho city of, Jacksonville, the lnsi-1 sultinpr from neglected colds, and ness men of Jacksonville ami tho ; spending fortunes vainly trying to re citizens of Jacksonville have had.KVjn iost health. Could every suf their experience with a cheaper i ferer but undo the past nnd euro that form of light than eloctrie light sov-, fjt neglected cold, all this sorrow, ernl years ago. Before considering pnin, nnxioty and exponso could have n cheaper form of light get their ex-, been avoided. Chamberlain's Cough porienco. '240 , Remedy is fnmous for its cures of r-rL .i , 1 rum AiiufiMiT iwn rfcirTrnn rT mirTn DUMNLJJ IniifolLvJ! If you don't already know its my' ; gas lights and mnntlo lnraps you havo ; been rending so much about lately I For snlo Span of horses, hnrnoss ; T'cro is so much talk nbout them j nnd wagon. Now is tho timo toijl' mst bo good. Investigate. J.( l.nv bofnrn sorinc work bee-ins. I Whitney, 211 West Main. Next, Rnnm 20S. Tavlor & Phlnna Bldtr i Anyono having money to loan on chattels, I would liko to seo him nt room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. Will trade an automobilo for lots.! Room 208. Wanted a boy to work nnd learn n businoss which is n fino layout to tho right boy. Room 208. If you havo ft hotel or rooming house to sell call at room 208. To trndo A cood lot for n span of horses nnd hnmoss. Room 208, Tnylor & Phipps Bldg. For snlo A pouy 7 yoars old, f35. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. Anyono hnving cows to trndo for horsos cnll nt room 20. 8 For salo Four lots 50x210 on oasy terras. For rent Sovon room houso and born nt $12.00 por month. CU nt room 208. Wanted A woman to do wnshiug, to begin Monday morning. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. E. F. A. BITTNER, Prop. R0MM 200, PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. TAB ON . NUMBER ARRESTS Census Bureau Compiles Report on Cases of Law Breaking In the United States. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 25. , T,mortnnt dntn on the subicct of nr- i - rests of lnwbrcakers and the sizes of police forces is contained in U. S. Census Bulletin 105, which Census i Uircctor Durnnd is about to submit . r. . v i z .1 t- , . t to Secrctnry Nngel of the Department tf(f cornmerco nn( Lnnor. it i nbstrnct of cities having nn estimated I population of over 30,000 in 1007, nnd ! t was prepared by E. II. Mnlinjr, "M r . A!.. . n " .t.i''.- cImrKC q offic;a, gtntifltjcrt of cities. 1 There were 158 of these cities, nnd '"1 tho tables of the bulletin they are UV w" ."' . BHi . "roui' 1 " "r WpU. contains cities ot over juu,uuu popit ,ntion; Gro"P 100'000 to 300,000; ' Group HI, 80,000 to 100,000; and ' . . , ' . 30.000 to 50,000 i Thoge m Group Jf rnnkc(1 nccordu Cincinnati, iiinvnunce. .now uneans. , 7 nn" w"mnpion, u "dcr the head of arrests, classified ' oiienseH. it. is hnon inn too nura- ol "",;ais luu -100 cu"- iur l,lu T ,M .582'4 nrrcsts lo cvcr 10'000 miahl' Itants. The number of arrests per 10,- iijer of nrrcsts in the laH cit es for tho ;00.0 inlmbitonts in cities of Group I Wns 552.0; in cities of Group II, -en:. e n til cenn. J "r""' uou,u' uuu "L I Group IV, 710.9. A NEW ELECTKIC ORDINANCE. May It bo ordained by tho city . .u. a : -"": Ul e" ol eu",tu' Any able-bodied, married man who shall neglect or refuse to provide bis wife with electric lights and electric Iron, thereby compelling her to spend theso pleasant days and evenings In tho kitchen over the hot cook stove, , whcn ho now buy electrIclty at (bargain prices, shall bo punished by , imprisonment In his own kitchen, ' wIth cook B.OVo ln f bla3tj and Bntt bo cc.mpe.jied to start nil res at 4 a. m. so that he may bo ready tor S o'clock breakfast, until he shall provldo said -Ifo with sajd electric ... . . I 'iBhts and electric Iron, to savo fa-; i tlgue, exhaustion and troublo as. aforesaid. (Signed) DOMESTIC FELICITY, Chairman. Attest: THE CLERK. Ill Health Is More Expensive Than i Any Cure. I This country is now filled with peo ple who migrato across the continent! l!n nil JilrtAf?nna Cnalnnr linf urliinli I nnnn) , v;nofon.i,a nfi them aro suffering frrom throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh re- colds, and can nlwnv npon' Use " nml tno more senous 'by Leon B. Haskms' Phnrmncy. door to Rogno River Electric Co. of fico. 235 WE DONT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fino fruit land, about two miles from a shipping point. Tho bnlldlugu oonsist of a fivo-room box hoB, eood-sized barn, etc Thoro are 12 noros of 5 and C-s'oar-old ap pW. wc-stly Ndwtowus, with ooia tnereinl ponchos planted between m fillero. AIho throo acre of yoan pear treos and some family rohard. Four nores in alfalfa. Six or eight aeros of timber, most ly oak and lnurol. Thoro ia a pnmping plant on tho plaoo whieh supplies wntor for the garden and alralffl, equipped with gasolfaio etigrae. About 40 rods from a good ochool. Has mrnl wail do Urcey and telephone. Price $18,590. Tonus. W. T. YORK & CO. KEEPING iiiiiiii. imiiiifi. riiii r riini'iKi'fi. iii'irnii. - . THE FAMILY GIRGLB Any kind of opon flnmo consumes ns much oxygen from tho air nn four adult pairs of lungs. Would yoit consider nnd light "chenp" thnt affected tho health of your vrifo, your children, or yourself, by depriving the lungs of oxygen 1 Electric light is tho only kind of light that consumes no oxygen, nnd does not vitiate tho atmosphere. It burns in an air tight bulb. Its good light. When yon think it orer isn't It tho cheapest light? Human Jifo is a progression nl wnys towards somo better thing somo higher state of civilization. It is this constant yearning for hotter things which characterizes, nnd sets apart, tho human race from tho bruto creation. What would wo think of a human boing today who, in the midt of civilization, persisted in living in a cave, clothed with ruds skins, shunning society, and conducting himself as a savage. You nrc ready and willing to ndont any nor things in yonr housa which can be proved a so:irco of nuditionnl comfort, and cheer and health. Wo want yon o tnink about n few facts regarding ulcctricity, which, wo beliovc, entitles it to your earnest consideration. We know that if yon once realize what electricity will do to mnk.e your homo moro homolike, core cheerful, more charming, you wil need no per suasion you will insist on electnoi .. T'e know that if we n show you where electricity will lighten your Lnrrfrj.s and'mnko your Me more liv w?'e, x on will nead uo wrjring to adopt it. In tho first place, let me talk to yon on light. Electric Lighting In the Horn. A well lighted ihome dispels the gloom and invites hubby, and the grown-up boys and girls to stay in evenings. Nothing conduces eo much to ' cheerfulness and social congeniality1 ns a brilliantly and pleasantly lighted fireside. I And nothing qurU realizes that' happy condition so consu-' mately as electric illumination. You may talk about other means of artificial light, but after all. the Light and beauty give zest to life. Light is beauty if its Electric Light Good illumination adds joy to every social function. The dance, the dinner, the card party, all are more enjoyable when proper illumination is used. Perfect light Electric Light lends itself to any desired elfect. Send for our representative and let him prove it. In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3641 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfice All Night Service Free Delivery A CHOICE BUILDING .SITE Lot 00x175, oast front on Oakdnlo, South, wator and sowor con nections to property lino, eomont walks and pavement. Fino oak shade troos. This is in tho host residence section of tho city, Prico $1500, $500 cash, balnnco easy terms nt G por cont interest. Comparo this with lots 50x100 in similar locutions. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY kerosino lamp, gas, ncotylino nnd tho vnrions othor forms of light, can bo considered but stopping stones, lead ing up to tho ideal llluminnnt oloc tricity. Wo havo renchod tho culmination point of illumination in olootricity and today, nothing is known to making that so nearly approximate sunlight as this wondorful force. No matter how richly tho homo may be furnished, if it is poorly light ed, it throws a depressing loom over everything, and destroys tho cheer ful comfort that ovory homo should radiate. Tho family circle gathers togothor, around tho hcarthstono ovonings, nnd that is tho time, abovo all others, that tho homo should tie brightly il luminated. Electric lighting, with ith soft glow ing brilliancy, makes the homo mora attractive, inviting, nnd congonial and not only augments the beauty of ma terial appointments, but welds tho entire family together, evening, into a happy, satisfied homo circle If you want to drive your boys and girls out on the streets ovenings give tbom a dimly, gloomily lighted home. If yon want to keep them in even ings give them a pleasantly lighted horns. Electricity plays it part, with no uncertain hand, in the welfare of our boys nnd girls. But that isn't the whole story by any manner or means. Electric lighting in your home is neat, handsome, and clean. It 'dif fuses a steady, sren light, unaffected by draughts, and offering the easiost light, known, on tho eye for reading. No shadows. Unlike all other lights, it casts no shadows, whatever, but sheds it bril liancy in all directions, unimpeded by futures or brackets. No heat. And in the summer time, yon who havo felt tho withering heat in tho home, hare not thought kindly of your gasoline or lamp light, which has scorned to join forces with the hot tctnepratnre in an erfort to make life well nigh unbearable. Electric lighting instead of heating the houso, gives you a cool, refresh ing luminosity that can be seen, not felt, that can bo appreciated not condemned. lectric Co.