Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 26, 1909, Second Section, Page 14, Image 14

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An ordinance assessing tho prop
erty udjhcont to nnd bcnofltcd by tho
Section 2. And tt is hereby order-
od nnd ordained that said several tin
Home nililition to tho town now citv "Woody, lot (1, block I, Co Unco Homo
of. Medford, Oregon, nnd running addition m tho oitv of Medford, Ore
k. ..II Jl.- 1 1! !.! ...... f-.. (Ill !.... 1 1 !.!
nlv:tM. I.rl cnWAr or-ialrnntlMl .1 .1.. ... 11 I. . "'"CO " 1UUI Oil "IISI SOU
n on. Two rth strco ior tho wit ot ,Y V , "T "l'? V, ' 1 lot 79 feet, thenco west on tho south. Cottage streot, till foot; rate per
nrrrMn Mm Rnn,n nn,1 nrovhllnc ol"D 1,10 ou och iu bum ij H10 oC 8nM jot 12Bl5 feot . (hoco foot. 78 Cents; nulOUIlt dtlO. $5.1.-18,
n, i nf mmHnr RnM am vm- mm lu Hereupon notice oo givun uio or u vnrnllel with he east iiuV of Assessment Wo. 2
tho ninnnor of cam Ins said assess-, owners i or reputod owners ot sn Id . Bn(1 ,ot 6 7U fool( thonco onst 125ifiiol 18, Mook i, Jnck
monts Into full effect.
Tho city ot Medford doth ordain na
Section 1. Vhorens, th0 council
did heretofore provido by ordlnanco
for tho serving of tho ownors ot prop
erty adjacent to nnd benefited by tho
construction of the lateral sower here
inafter described to appear before
said council nnd show cause. It any,
why said property should not bo as
sessed tor tho construction ot said
sewer, nnd did tlx n time for hear
ing nny such protests, which notice
.it .XJhZ ZnT dS Bedford on tho 7th day of Decern
said ordinance more than ten days . ,AA ... . .
before tho beginning of tho construe- "cr. auuu. ov me lonowmc yoiu:
tlon ot said sower, but no protests Merrick, absent; elch. nvo; Eifert,
property, nnd that tho eanio be en
lorced nnd collected In the ninnnor
provided by the charter ot said city
for tho collection ot assessments for
tho Improvements of streets therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordorcd
that tho nottco nbovo provided for
b0 published threo times In tho Dally
Mall Tribune, a newspaper published
nnd ot general circulation In wild city,
In the manner provided by ordtnnnco
No. 250 ot said City.
Tho forecoine ordinance was pass
od bv tho citv council of tho citv of
against said construction or assess
ment ot tho cost thereof wa9 mado
by anyone, r.nd said sewer was, by
said council, ordered constructed, ana
Whereas, the cost of tho construc
tion of said sewer hns been nnd here
by Is determined to bo tho sum or
Now, therefore, said city doth here
by ordntn nnd declare that ench par
cel of property described below Is
adjacent to nnd benefited by that
certain lateral sower G Inches in sire,
constructed on Twelfth street be
tween Laurel street and Mistletoe
St., South, nnd that tho proportion of
tha cost of said sewer which each of
said parcels of land should bear, bas
ed on tho benefits derived respect
ively, by said several tracts of land
is th0 amount set opposite tho des
cription ot each such parcel below;
that each of said parcels la actually
benefited In the amount set opposite
its description below by the construc
tion of said sower, ana that said soy
oral amounts represent th0 propor
tional benefits of said several paroeis
from said sewer. And each of said
parcels Is hereby assessed tho amount
set opposite its description below for
the construction or said sewer,
Assessment for a six-etch
Sewer west on twelfth
Assessment N"o. 1 Perry Wyn
kooD. et ur. the south half of tho cast
half of lot 1. block 3. Barrs edition
in the citv of Medford. Oreeon, ex
ceptine nnd rcservintr therefrom tho
followinc described portion thereof
towit. comencine at a point on tho
cast line of said lot 1. 85 feot north
of tho southeast corner thereof run
ning thence west 150 feet, thence
avo: Emorick. nvo; Demmer, ayo:
Wortmnu. nvo.
Approved December 8, 1900.
Approved November lith. 1909.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
An ordlnanco declaring tho assess
ment on tho property benefitted for
tho cost of laying a six inch water
main on Cottage street and directing
tho recorder to onter a statement
thereof la tho wator lien docket.
Tho City ot Medford doth ordain
as follows:
Section 1. Whereas, tho city
council did heretofore by resolution
declarn Its Intention to lay a six
inch water main on Cottage street
from Main ptreet cast to terminus ot
Cottage street, and to assess tho cost
tt-orcot on tho property fronting on
said portion of Bald street in propor
tion to tho frontogo of said property
and did fix a time and place for
hearing protests against tho laying
of said water main on said portion
ot said street and tho assessment of
tho cost thereof aB aforesaid.
And whereas, said resolution was
duly publisher and posted as re
quired by section 116 of. the charter
ot said city.
And whereas, a meeting of tho
council was held at the time and
placo fixed in said resolution for tho
purpose of considering any such
protests, but no protests vero at said
time or at any other timo made to
or reecived by tho council to tho lay
ing of said water main or tho as
sessment ot the cost thereof as afore
said, and said council havlnc con
sidered tho matter, and deeming that
said water main was and is of ma-
I L. H, Kent
Jackson addition in
feot to plnco of beemmnc. trontniro . tho oitv ot Medtord, Oregon, front
rn feot on west sido Cottnco street, nco 70 feot on east side Cottnco
iv feet: rnto per foot, 8 cents; street. il) toot; rnto ior foot.
amount due. $61.02.
oonta; amount duo, $51.00.
Assessment 2so. 0 II. F. Johnson, Assessment No. 25 L. 11. Kent
lot o, uiocK w, Lounge Homo addition t 3. b ock 1. Cottmro Homo mid
to tho citv of Medford. Orocon. front-1 tion in tho citv of Medford, Oregon.
nco U ieet on west sido Cottnco frontneo 340 foot on enst sido Cot
street. it) feot: rate per foot. TS'tniro street. 310 feet: rate nor foot
cents: nmomit due. $01.02.
Assessment No. 7 Piatt J. Vnn
dunson. lot 7. block 2, Cottnco Home
nddition to tho citv of Medford.
78 cents: amount duo. $205.20
Section 2. And it is hereby or
derod nnd ordniued that said several
assessments and tho Huns thereof bo
torial benefit to said city and that all
north 80 feet, east 150 feet, south Property to be assessed therefor
80 feet to place of becinnine. front- would bo benefitted thereby to tho
aire 330 feet north side Twelfth extent or the probabio amount of tho
Btreet. west, described Vol. 69. tiace' specve assessments in djiotm
208. countv recorder's records of , nst said Property, did order said
t i - n oca water mam iaia.
-utur"" i-TNk -I:::?- ' And whereas, the cost of said wat-
iim 4n er main has been and hereby Is de-
Assessment No. 2 E. S. Tull.
commencing 25 feet north and 230
feet enst of tho southwest corner lot
1. block 3. Barr's addition to tho citv
of Medford. Oreeon. thence north
140 feet, east 100 feet, south 140
feet, west 100 feet to plnco of be
trinnincr. frontnee 100 feot on north
side Twelfth street, described Vol.
71. pace 100. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oreeon. 100
feet: rate per foot. 58 cents; amount
due. $58.00.
Assessment No. 3 J. A. Perry.
cotnmencine 25 feet north and 180
tormlned to be the sum of 91821.30
Now therefore, it ia hereby fur
thcr dotermlaed that the proportion
ate share of tho cost ot raying said
water main ot each parcel of the
property fronting on said portion of
said street Is the amount set oppo
site the description of each parcel or
piece of land below and that each
parcel or pieco of land benefitted by
the laying ot said water main to tho
full extent of tho amount so set op
posite tho description ot each par
cel or pleco and that the respectlvo
amounts represent the proportional
benefit of said water main to said
respectlvo parcels of property and
feet east of the southwest corner of !of on ..d .,. of .A .trfi,
lot 1. block 3. Barr's nddition in the
citv of Medford. Oreeon, thenco
north 140 feet, cast 50 feet, south
140 feet, west 50 feet to place of
tho council does hereby declare cachj
or wo parcels or property described
below to bo assessed and each of tho
samo hereby Is assessed tho amount
r e . -n i i . .
S.,"r.ST,.!T"., entered in tho docket of city lions
foot. 78 cents: amount duo, $01.02. !"ml Umt tborortpon notice bo given
. . o , ... tho ownors or reputed ownors of snid
Accnucniniir rn n .1 vhai '
hoirinninir nt Mia ,,nrM..mKt n,nr nf.PWPOrt' tnt tllO Same bo fill
lot s 11.. n,i,i;;.. torcou ana coiioiooa m tno same
to tho citv of Medford. Oreeon. nud . manner as is provided by tho ehnr
runninc thenco w. alone tho north Iino4 ter of snid city for tho collection ol
of snid lot 8. 125 feet, thenco at I nssossmonts. for tho improvements of
ncht ancles southward 50 feet to i streets thorcin.
t. thence Section 3. It Is further ordered
eastwnrd 125V. feet to tliu west line tho notice rbovo provided for bo
of Cottnco street, thenco north 50 Published ttreo times In tho Daily
foot to nlnco of beeinninc. frontnee I Ma 1 Trlbuno. a newspaper published
Afl fnf nn oM. PAo I uuu "I hUUUI.M VIICUIIIIIUU til BlllU
7" v" V" "m , " )?e """" city, In thd manner provided by ordl
50 feet; rato por foot, iS cents; nnnco No. 250 ot snid city,
amount due, $39.00. . . . ,.
Assessment 10. u k. u. Howard, u,i kv iim rmmsi nf t, ..i ... f
a smo oi innu ironnne ou ieet ton Medford on the 7th dnv of Decern
Monaco sireci ami iv ieet on xnpp i,, lonn. i,v thn f..llow!nc v;
beeinninc. frontnee 50 feet on north J sot opposite each description ot tho
Bide Twelfth street, west, described
Vol. 72. pace 132." countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oreeon.
50 feet: rate per foot, 58 cents:
amount due. S29.00.
Assessment No. 4 Nannie L.
Zepp. the west half of lot 1. block 3.
Barr's addition in tho citv of Med
ford. Oreeon. (exceptine tracts
marked BS. BT. BV. BW. BX and BY
on platl. frontneo 180 feet on north
sido Twelfth street, west, described
Vol. 72. pnee 300, countv recorder's
records of Jackson county. Oreeon.
130 feet: rato per foot, 58 cents;
amount due. $75.40.
Assessment No. 5 Adam Emie. lot
2. block 3. Barr's edition in tho citv
of Medford, Oreeon, exceptine tho
followine described tract of land
oommeucine 20 feet south of tho
northeast corner of lot 2, block 3,
Barr's nddition and runnine thence
cost of laying said water main.
Assessment No. 1 Cora L-on,
commencing at the northeast corner
of lot 2. block 2 of Cottaeo Homo ad
dition to tho citv of Medford. Oreeon,
and from said point runnine thence
west on tho north lino and side there
of 8 feet, thenco south 137 feet,
thenco east to the cast line of said
lot 2. thenco north 137 feet to placo
of beeinninc. frontneo 137 feet on
west side Cottaeo street. 137 feet:
rato per foot. 78 cents; amount due.
Assessment No. 2 Maria L. Tripp,
tho south 158 feet of lot 1, block 2.
street, tho samo boinc 251 feet deep,
boine part of lot 9. block 2. Cottnco
Home addition in tho citv of Med
ford. Oreeon. described Vol. 73, pnee
500. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet:
rato nor foot. 78 cents: amount due.
Assessment No. 10 Anglus Mc
Donald, part of lots 9 and 10. block
2. Cottnco Homo addition in tho citv
of Medford. Oreeon. frontneo 100
feet on west sido Cottnco street and
described Vol 58. paco 423, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oreeon. 100 feet: rnto per foot.
78 cents: amount due. S78.00.
Assesmont No. 11 R. R. Hotch-
kiss. part of lots 10 and 11. block 2.
Cottaeo. Home addition in tho citv of
Medford. Oreeon. frontneo 50 feet on
west side Cottaeo street and describ
cd Vol. 73. pneo 2G4. countv record
ers records of Jackson countv. Ore
con. 50 feet: rate per foot, 78
cents: aomunt clue. 39.00.
Assessment No. 12 J. C. Ward, et
al. the east half of lot 12. and tho
southeast 42 feet of lot 11. block 2.
Cottace Homo addition in tho citv of
Medford. Oreeon. frontneo 100 feet
on west sido Cottace street, described
Vol. 09. paeo 520. countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oreeon.
100 feet: rato per foot. 78 cents:
amount duo. $78.00.
Assessment No. 13 Aueust and
Clara McDonald, lot 13. block 2. Cot
taeo Homo addition in tho citv of
Medford. Oreeon. frontnee 79 feet on
west sido Cottage street, described
Vol. 52. paeo COO, countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Orccon.
79 feet: rato per foot. 78 cents:
amount. $01.02.
Assesment No. 14 Aueust Mc
Donald, lot 14. block 2, Cottace
Homo addition in tho citv of Med
ford. Oreeon. frontneo 150 feet on
est side Cottaeo street, described
Vol. 52. paeo 599. county recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Orccon.
150 feet: rato per foot. 78 cents;
amount duo. $121.08.
Assesment No.' 15 Effio Burch.
tho west 147 feet of lot 15. block 1,
Cottaeo Homo addition in tho citv of
Medford. Oreeon. frontneo 19 feet
on east side Cottaeo street. 19 feet:
rate per foot, 78 cents; amount duo,
Assessment No. 10 Effico Burch,
tho west 147 foet of lot 14, block 1,
Cottaeo Homo addition in tho city of
Medford, Oregon, frontngo 84 feet on
east sido Cottnco street. 84 feet;
rate por foot, 78 cents; amount due,
Merrick, absent; Eifort. nvo; Welch,
nvo: Emorick. nvo: Dommor, nvo;
Wortinnn, nvo.
Approved December S. 1909.
W. H. CANON, Mayor,
Assessment No. 17 Effio Burch.
tho west 147 feet of lot 13. block 1.
Cottnco Homo addition in tho citv
of Medford. Oreeon, 84' feot on cast
sido Cottaeo street. 84 foot; rato
per foot, 78 cents: amount due, $05.
52. Assessment No. 18 Effice Burch,
tho west 147 feot of lot-11 and part
of lot 12. samo boine 147 feot deep
and 35 foot frontneo on Cottaeo
street, all boine in block 1, Cottaeo
Cottntro Homo ndditinn in Oin nifv nf
west 100 feet, south 137 feet, east Medford. Ornrmn. fmntnr,n ir.R ..
100 feet, north 137 feot to placo of
beeinninc. nnd beeinninc at the fMt. .,( na . 's.....4 1 Homo addition in tho citv of Medford,
southeast cornor lot 2. block 3. Barr's 'a; M 94 ' 1 Oreeon. frontneo 119 feot on oast
. . ..T ... . . sido Cottnco street. 110 feot: rate
Assessment No. 3-Victoria M. per foot. 78 cents: amount duo.
Lhessmore. commencinc nt tho south $92 8
oast cornor of lot 4. block 2. of Cot- "a'uvL,. vt ioa ni:
fe,"?" addltl0Vn th. ? v ofI"t 1.0. block 1. Cottnco Homo nddi-
r7rnfT7i 1 10-1 S ?l"on " tho citv of Medford, Oreeon,
north 50 feet, thence west 12o foet 1 frontneo 84 foot on enst side Cot
lor'Vi! 001fectt tlcl)co. enst'tace strcot. 84 feet; rnto por foot,
xyv iu umce oi ueeinwtr. 1 78 cents: amount duo, $05.52.
addition and runninc thenco north 50
feet, west 150 feet, south 50 feet,
enst 150 feet to place of beeinninc
nnd commencinc at tho southeast
comer lot 1. block 3, Barr's addition
and runninc thonco west COO feet
south 20 feet, east 000 feot. north 20
feet to place of beeinninc. tho last
described tract beine known as
Twelfth streot, frontage 500 feet on
south sido Twelfth strcot, west, do
scribed Vol. 01, pngo 400, county re
corder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon, 510 foet; rnto per foot,
58 cents; amount due, $295.80
Assessment No. 0 H. and M. Enie.
commencinc 20 feet south of the
northeast corner of lot 2, block 3.
Barr's addition in tho oitv of Mod
ford. Oreeon. thenco west 100 feet,
south 137 feot. east 100 feot, north
137 foot to placo of beeinninc. front
neo 100 feet on south sido Twelfth
street, west, doscribod Vol. 03, paeo
321. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv. Oreeon, 50 feot;
mte per foot. 58 conts; amount duo,
frontine 50 feot on west sido Cottnco
streot. described Vol. CO, pace 478,
countv recorder's records of Jnck
son countv. Oreeon. 50 feet; rato
per foot. 78 cents: amount duo.
Assessment No. 4 Victoria M.
Chcssmoro. part of lot 4. block 2.
Cottaeo Homo addition in tho oitv of
Medford. Oreeon, fronting 50 feet on
Oottngo streot and running back
125.5 feot and described Vol. 05,
pneo 138, countv recorder's records
of Jaokson countv. Oreeon. 50 foet;
rato por foot, 78 conts: amount duo.
Assessment No. 5 Conrad Rein-
kins, commencinc at tho nortbenst
corner of lot 5, block 2. Cottnco
Assessment No. 20 Arnos Bliss.
lot 9. block 1. Cottnco Homo nddi
tion in tho citv of Medford, Oregon
An ordinance assessing thn proper
ty rdjaccnt to and benefited br tho
6-Inch lateral sowor constructed along
Olson atroot for th0 cost of construct
Ing tho same and providing tho man
nor ot carrying said assessments into
full effect.
Tho city ot Medford doth ordain
as follows:
Section 1. Whereas, tho council
did heretofore provido by ordlnanco
for tho serving of owners of property
adjacent to and benefited by tho
construction of tho lateral sower
hereinafter described to appear be
fore said council and show causo, If
any, why said proporty should not
bo assessed for tho construction of
said sewer, and did fix a tlmo for
hearing any such protests, which no
tlco was duly given In accordance
with said ordlnanco more than ten
days beforo tho beginning of the con
structlon of said sower, but no pro
tests against Bam construction or
assessment ot the coot thereof was
mado by anyone, and said sewer was.
by Bald council, ordorod constructed:
Whereas, the cost of tho construc
tion ot said sewer has been and Is
hereby determined to bo tho sum ot
Now, therefore, said city doth here
by ordain and declare that each par
cel of proporty described below la
adjacent to and benotltcd by that
certain lateral sewor. G Inches In
size, constructed on Olson streot be
tween West Fourth nnd West Sec
ond stroot, nnd that tho pro
portion of tho cost of said
sowor which 'each of said parcels of
land should bear, based on tho bene
fits derived respectively by said sov
oral tracts of land, Is tho amount set
opposlto tho description of each such
parcol bolow; that each of eald par
cels Is actually becntltcd Iu tho
amount sot opposlto Its description
bolow by tho construction ot Bald
sower, and that said soveral amounts
represent tho proportional boncflta
of said sovornl parcels from saw!
Bowor. And. each of said parcola Is
horoby assessed tho amount sot op
poslto Us description bolow for tho
construction of said sower.
ABseasmont No. 1 Mrs. M. A. Ol
son, lot 3, block C, Olson addition In
tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo
50 foot on west sido Olson s'.reot;
CO feot; rato per foot 63 rents;
amount duo $31.50.
Assessment No. 2 Mrs. M. A. OI
son, lot 4, block 6, Olson addition in
city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo CO
foot on west sido OiKon Btrcot; &u
foet; rnto per foot 03 conts; nmount
duo J31.50.
Assessment No. 3 J. F. Ifob. lot
1, block C, Olson addition In city of
Medford, Oregon, frontago C3.0 foot
on west sido Olson streot; 53. 6
rnto por foot 03 cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 4 Robt. Wilson,
lot 2, block C, Olson addition in city
or Mcarord, Oregon, frontngo 53,0
feot on west Hdo Olson Btroot; 53,0
foot; rnto por foot 03 conts; amount
duo $33.77.
Assessment No. 5 H. O, Onrnott.
lot 3, block 5. Olson addition In tho
duo $31.50. f tho conRont ot tho mayor, fix thn
AiiHCHBtnont No. PL. Mol'horHon, Binry of xnld special Judge), which
tut 2, block 4. Olson addition In tho nuliiiy ho slinll receive In llou or
city of Medford. Oregon, frontng0 50 tw or other conipoiiBntlou for his
foot on west Bldo Olson Btroet; 50 norvlccn n such poolnl Judge, nnd
foet; rnto por foot 03 coiiln; nmounl when no fixed tho wholo or nny nnrt
duo $31,50. of mi Id salary may In the discretion
Assessment No. 10 - Hourlottn of tho council bo deducted from thn
Martin, lot a, block 4, Olson addition Hnlnry of tho hinyor .
In tho city ot Modford. Oregon, front- Sections art, 27 and 28 of thn chnr
ngo 50 foet on west sido Olson street i of nnld city ur0 horoby repealed.
50 feot; rato per foot 03 cents; t Suction tno. Soctlnn 37 or irn Id
amount duo $31,50. charter Ih hereby nmomlod ho iih to
Assessment No. 11 R. II. Toft, lot mYLnH fl'"wS
1. i.inoif n. ntmin itiiiiitimi 111 iin nitv Whoiicvnr tiny police offlcor turnn
of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feot HVP,r J0,!"" J'H ( "Oiirt ''
on enst sido Olson street; 50 feot; Cftl "nil nl'n y him for tho ntj
rnto Por foot 03 conts; amount duo Pwiriiitco of any pornon chargbd with
Jill. Ill), I'1" "i"imu, uiu jihiku til mini Winn
AHSimamnnl Nn 13 II Tnfl. lnl Shnll thorOUpOll tnl() tllO llffldavlt Of
. liinoW n. niimn'nii.iiHnn in Mi.. ntv said officer nn to tho piirson nnd of-
Of Moilfilnl Oriiiriiti. frrMitn r.n ..nHfoimo charged, nnd If nny mich imr-
on enst sido Olson stroot; 50 foot; "; Aw 1 m'1 ni'Penr and aimwor nuch
Approved Deroitihor 22d, l01.
NV. II. OANON, Mayor.
City Hticordor.
An ordluunco iihhohhIiik tho prop
erty udjacont to and bnniifltod by tlm
8-lneh lateral sower constructed nlontr
Went Hocond street for tho cost of
constructing tlx immu mid providing
tho milliner of cnrrylng said nsseHS
muntH Into full effect,
Tho city of Modford doth orduln
Section t. Whereas, tho round!
did heretofore provido by nrdliiniico
for tho Horvlng of tho owners of prop
erty iidjncent to and benufllod by tho
construction of tho latornl Mowor'horo-
Inaftor described to nppenr bofor'
ml,! kiiihikU ii nil ultmi' il ll Hit . If IIUV.
rnt0 Por foot 03 cents; nmount duo chnrgo during that day, thn Judgn ofiw),.. property should not bo iih-
a a a luiiijl r.r.ii .ilit.ll tl.,f.liii.rt rtiitli y . ... .. ....... . .. . ; .r . V . wv...... ....v.. noHseu ror mo coiiiHriicuun in piiiu
AssoHBtiK'Pt No. 13 J. F. llrown, oan lonoiioii inr too iimi nu i in'imm i MWOr n,i t fx n tlmo for henr-
nt R. l.lnnl.- Dlunn ...I.IIMni. In II.,, Of tllO City! niltl llO hIhiII IHPlC TUC
city ot Medford, Oregon, frontngo r, ot ",0 mnnor on mo recarus or
;i.u reot on onst aldo Olson street; 7. 'V'1".
53.6 foot; rnto per foot 03 cents: H"" forfeited to tho city treasurer,
nmount duo $33 77 n111' """" oator mo rnct or mien pay-
Assessment No. 14 J. E. Olson. "nt. and n copy of tho treasurer'!
lot.4, block 2. Olson addition In tho receipt, below or on tho uinrgln o
city of Medford. Oregon, frontago ' record of uch proceedings. If
53. n fnof on .mi .! oiM.m r... tho person so charged with an of-
53. C feet; rat,, Per foot 63 cents: K0"Ml lPPnrs for trial during that
nmount duo $33.77 ""V l"o j'K'go or said court niiuii iioiu
AssosHinont No. 15 M. E. Lowls. ;lc1' cn' bo deposited to niiHwer nny
lot 3, bUiclc 2, Olson nddition In tho fln nl costs that may bo mMoimud
city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo ""'t tho defendant after tho do-
53.0 feet on caBt sido Olson street; torinlnnllon of his enno.
53.6 feot: rnto por foot 63 conts: . .'!
amount duo $33.77. A" nmoniimeiit to tho ciinrtor or
Asaossnipnt No in t w iintMin. tho city of Modford, Oregon, ninoiiil-
son. lot 2. block 2. OJson nddition In oeUon 18 of tho charter of snid vj 0 Wost He
tho city of Modford. Oregon, frontngo nml Providing for salaries for the Holly street tin
53.0 feot on enst sido Olson street; ninJ.or nn'1 councllmon of nld city, i.oiindnry, and tl
5!l.ft f Ortl rnl itnr fnnt no aa I.i
nmrmnt ilnn nn.77 do ordain au rOUOWM
ABsessmont No. 17 J. F. Hutcha- , Section 1. That section 18 of tho
son. lot 2. block 2. Olson addition In charter of tho city if Modford bo
tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo ""' Jl read nn follow:
53.6 foot on oast sido Olson streot; Section IS. Tho mayor shall ro-
53.0 feot; rato per foot 63 conts: colY 11 Hn,nr' of 7r 'u,r i"0""'.
nmount duo $33 77 l'ncn councilman snnii rccoivo n sai-
Assessment N'o. 18 D. W. Bcobo. nry "f. 25 Per month, which shall bo
lot 4, block 1. Olson addition In tho lyW'lo out of tho gonornl fund of
city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 1,10 "n,a clt' neither mU mayor
fpt nn mi ni.i.. nian r.n or nny councilman shall receive any
foot: rato Por foot 63 cents: amount othor n,,r or further compensation
duo 131.50. 1 11 ' nuiriwu9 uo minii ri'iiiuir nam
.fw.n.'n vn m r r n i city: nnd no mombor of tho council
,otA38 TiZTi TSmTk 2? .?!.!!. ':
t nL ta A' SL6..0 .f,0t: contract to which said city Is a part.
131 ro 5 nraount. Ouo or any oxponsos which nro to bo paid
. , , , hy nald city; provided, that whenevor
CCtIOn 2, And It Is. herollV or- nnv ninnilmr .nf anl,! Piinnrll nr ll,.
uurcu nnu oruumou mai snia sovorai mayor, 18 called upon to perform, and
assessments and tho liens bo entered does perform, any Bpoclnl duties
In tbO Hen dOCkOt Of Bald Cltr. and Iwlirr,. hn In rnmilrm! n liirnr nr.
that thcronpon notlco bo given tho ponses, bucIi nctunl expenscB may bo
unuum ur rouuiuq. owners or Baiuipaid by tno city,
property, and that tho samo bo en- III
forced and collected In tho manner An amendment to tho ciinrtor of
proviuea ny tno cnartor or snid city tho city of Medford, amending sec
tor ino collection oi nssensmnta ror t on ns nr ni(i phnrtnr nromr hint
tho improremonts of street therein, tho duties of tho trcnHiiror nf rnild
Section 3. It I further ordered citv. nml llmitlm iii iinhiiiiv in rr.
that tho notlco nbovo provided for bo I tain enses.
published threo times In tho Dally Section 1. Section 2fi nf dm clmr.
.Man iriDuno, a newspaper punnsuoa tor of tho city of Medford Is horoby
and of general circulation In said city nmcndod to read ah follows:
In tho manner provided by ordlnanco 8octlon 38. Tho treasurer shall ro
No. 250 of said city. colv0 nnd snfoly keep all funds nnd
Tbo foregoing ordlnanco was pass- monoy bolonglng to said city, Bull
ed by tho city council of tho city of Jcct to tho direction of tho city conn
Medford on tho 7th day of Decombor. ell, nn herein provided, and Bbnll pny
t009, by tho fotlowlng vote: Merrick out tho name only upon warrants
nbsont, Welch nyo, Eifort nye. Emor- drawn upon him by tho mayor and
Ick ayo, Demmor nyo, Wortman ayo. attested by tho recordor. and no claim
Approvod Deoetnbor 8, 190D. ngnlnBt tho city sbnll bo pnld until
W. H. CANON, audited and allowed by tho city conn-
mayor, icu
Ing any kiicIi protnatH, which notlco
wnH duly given In iiccordnnco with
nald ordlnanco more than ton ilayu
hoforo tho beginning of tho construc
tion of snlil newer, but no protest
against snid construction or hhhchh
meiit of tho cost thereof wiim mado by
anyone, nnd nald Mower wiih, by mild
council ordered cotiHtructed; and,
Whorens, tho cost of tbo construc
tion of snid newer Iiiih boon nnd here
by Is dutonulnod to bo tho hiiiii or
Now, therefore, said city doth or
dain and declare that oarh parcel of
property described below Is uiljnconl
to and bonnfltcd by thnt certain lat
eral newer K Inches In situ, conntriirt-
ccoud ntrcet betuven
d west vorporntlon
lluif tlii iirmifii'l Inn nf
Tho pooplo of tho city of Modfofd tl, COKl of n,j lwwor WMcJ, no, of
said parcols of laud nhould boar, lms
ed rn tho bouefltH derived respec
tively ti v nald sovornl tracts ot laud
Ih (ho amount net opposlto tho des
cription of each nuch parcol below
by tho construction of mild sewer and
that ench of tho nald parcoln in nct
ually benefited by tho construc
tion of snid newer nml that
sevoral amounts roprewnt tho pro
portlonnl benefltn of said nnvernl par
cels from nald sowor. And each of
nnld parcoln In hereby nnnensod tho
amount sot opposite Its d'Mcrlptlott
below for tho construction ot nnld
Assessment No. 1 (Jim Samuels,
commencing at n point situated 15
chains and 40 links south of tho
northeast corner and on cant lino of
tho northwest quarter of tbo north-
fast quarter of nectlon 25, township
37 Mouth, rnngo 2 wont of tho Wil
lamette meridian, nud runninc thonco
south on snid enst lino 1 chain nud 55
links, thenco west 0 chains nnd 43
links, north 1 chain 55 links, cast
0 chains 43 Itnkn mnro or loss to
plnco ot beginning, containing 1 ncro
more or lens, In tho city of Modford.
Oregon, frontngo 149.38 feot on
south nldo Second street, West, des
cribed Vol. 40. nngn 219. county re
corder's rocordH of Jnckson couiny.
Oregon; 149.38 feot; rnto per foot
03 cents; nmount duo $94.10.
,Hsessmont No. 2 Mnrtraret Dnl-
'fi M(t.. ..Mlt 1 i I ' VMWMlfV lib 4 ('Will I. I tl UM'l
.."10llJ. Ct?.mcl m.ny' h.y. ro"0A"- ot the northwoHt corner of thoso
frl,!r, ?" tl,nn to tlmo direct tho certain premises convoyed by grnn
io.?8."ror..i, f"n.',U of nnld om heroin to Roccnbn M. McDoi
... 0..i. niiii wi iir iiinui imiiK ougn by deed recorded
tn nn ii nn un ii inn ttfiui:', ' I1U 11 Hlinil
city of Medford, Oregon, frontugo
uj.u reot on west sido Olson stroot;
b.i.u reot; rnto por foot 03 conts;
Do It resolved by tho city council Mo tho duty of tho tronaiir- to comply
of tho city of Modford: with such directions. t n council
Section 1. Thnt there l hereby H,in" renulr,, such dopiwItorloH to fur
proposed nnd submitted to tho lcgnl 'H" sufficient bond to Indomnlfy nnld
voters nf tho citv of Mndfon! fnr tliolr City against loss of fllicll (loiiosltoil
approval or rejection tho following funds, nnd ns to nny funds so do
proposed nmondmonts to tho chnrter I poaltod tho tronBiirer nnd his stire-
ot snid city, to-wlt: ltlL'fl on his official bond shall not ho
An amendment to tho charter of . ' lLTt? J""
. . AIT 1i 1 A l I V VMHHU VO Ull 111 UOb 1 U'
uiu vny iu .Meiiioru orciuing n city colvod on such donos Ib.
court, mnking tho mayor ox-officio IV.
judgo of snid court; providing for the An amendment to tho ciinrtor o
nnno ntmcnt nnd Biilnrv of a Hooeinl 1,0 cy 0' Mourord, amending sec
1 li1rn f oniit inn
fioctioiiH 20, 27 nnd 28 of nnid chnr- tor of tho city of Medford shall ho
tcr. amended to rend na follows:
Tho pooplo of tho city of Medford In tho event thnt tho notlco bo
ho ordnin no roiiows: given bo for tho Improvement of r
Section 1. Tho charter of tho city ntrcot, or part thereof. th. council
of Medford Is horoby nmonded by aftor hearing tha protentH against
nailing tnoroto tiio roiiowing: nucn improvement, may, notwlth-
Section 131. Thoro Is horoby cro- Btnpdlng snid protests, If It dooniH tho
ntcd In tho city of Medford n court Improvement of mntorlnl bonoflt to
to no Known ns tno city court. It tnn city, nnd thnt nil proporty to bo
shall havo full nnd oxclunlvo JurlB- nsseHsed therefor will bo especially
diction of nil violations of city ordl- bonofltcd thereby, proceed to causo
nunccs, wun run powor to onrorco sniu improvomont to bo mndo and as
nny Judgmonts It mny rondor In tho cortaln and dctormlno tho probnblo
samo mnnnor as Judgments of Justlco coHt of, mnking Bitch tmprovomnt, nnd
courts of this stnto nro or mny from nssess upon ench lot or pnft thoroof
umo to timo do onrorcod tindor tho nojaccm to snid improvomont Its pro
laws of this state. portlonnto Bharo of tho cost of nald
Transcripts of such Judcmantfi mnv Improvomont. not oxccodlnir thn sun.
bo filed In tho offlco of tho county clal bonoflt which snid lot or part
ciont wun into orroct nnu in into moreor snnn rccoivo ny virtuo or snid
mannor na Ih provldod by lnw In tho Improvomont.
enso of Judgments of such Justlco Section 84. A uiim nnsoBHOil for thn
courts, and nppoolu from such Judg- Improvomont of n Btroot shall ho col-
moniH mny no tniton to tho circuit icctod in tho following ninnnor:
court of said Btnto for Jackson'county Notlco of such assessment shall bo
In llkn mnnnor nnd undor tho snmo given to tho ownor or ronutod owner
clrcumstnncoB na in tho enso of Judg- of tho proporty nssoBsed by piibllBhlng
wuiiin ui nucn jiiHiico courts, mo ominunco, ouo umo, dcclnrlng
Section 132. All proceedings In said nHHOHsmont. In somo dallv nnws-
naio court sunn no govornod nnd rog- pnpor puniiHiiod nnd or gonoral clr
ulatod by tho laws of tho stoto of cjilntlori In snid city, which nowspnpor
uioKon in roiunon to jiibiico courtH, "my do (icflignntod ny tno city coun
Includlng taxation of conts nml dls- ell, and If not ho deslcnntod. mnv ho
uurBomonis, oxcopt tnnt thoro shnll boiocioii uy tho city .rocordor. All
frontntro 84 feot on enst sido Cottage ,an'ount duo ?l?,7l
streot. 84 feot: rato por foot, 78
conts: amount duo. 605.52
Assessment No. 21 F. A. Foil, lot
3, block 1, Cottnco Homo addition in
tho citv of Medford, Oregon, front
neo 84 feot on oast sido Cottusro
street, 84 feot; rato por foot, 78
ocnts; amouut duo, $05.52.
Assessment No. 22 F. A. Peil, lot
7. block 1. Cottage Home addition in
the citv of Modford, Oregon, front
neo 84 feot on oast sido Cottaeo
Btreet. 84 foet; rato por foot, ,78
cents: amount duo, $05.52.
Assessment No, 23 Sarah C. i
Assessment No. 6 Gooreo W. Hall.
lot 4, block 5, Olson nddition In tho
city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo
uo.o ieei on weBi Biao oiaon Btroot;
53.6 foet; rato por foot 03 conts;
amount duo $33.77.
AssosBmont No. 7 Georgo W. Hall,
lot 5, block D, Olson nddition In tho
city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo
iij.o ieoi; on west smo Olson street;
63.0 feot; rato nor foot 03 cents:
nraount duo $33.77.
Assessment No. 8 L. MnPhersnn.
lot 1, block 4. Olson addition In tbo
city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 50
feot on west Bldo Olson ntrnnF! r.o
foet; rato por foot 03 coatsj'amount
bo no trlnl hy Jury In said court. snid aHBOHsmontH Bhnll becomo duo
Hoction 133, All fjncfl nnd costs nnd pnynblo on nnd after tho ditto of
collected by said court shall ho turn- nld publication, nnd nliull ho paid
od over to tho city treasurer by tho within ton dnya thoroaftor,
Judge of said court, nnd snid Judgo Section 2. IJo it further rcoolvod,
Bhnll make a monthly report in writ- that said charter umondmontH bo bo
Ing thoroof to tho city council. proposed nnd aubmlttod to th0 votoru
auction irfi, tho mayor or tno oi hiuu ciry, ns nrorcsnio, nt nn nniiunl
city or Aieurord shall ox-offlcio bo oioction, tho snid oloctlon to bo hold
tho Judgo of said court. Tho council In Bi'd city on Jnnunry 11th, 1010,
mny, with tho consont of tho mnvor. nnd that tho rocordor of snlil citv
at any tlmo appoint a Bpoclnl Judgo causo said charter nmondmontB to
of said court, who shall havo concur- ho prlntod, puhllshod nnd posted In
rent power with said mayor and act conformity with ordlnanco No. 124
ns Judgo of Bald court. Whonovor of said city.
snid special Judgn Ih appointed his Tho foregoing resolution was pass-
torm of offlco shall oxnlro at tho od by tho city council of tho oitv of
samo tlmo as tho torm of office of Modford, Oregon, on Docombor Slat,
tho mayor In offlco nt tho tlmo of 1909, by tho followlnu votoi Welch
such nppolntmont. ayo, Morrlck ayo, Emorick ayo, Wort
Section 135, Tho council mny, with man ayo, Eifort ayo and Dommor ayo.
In Vol. 55.
pngo iu&, need rocordH of Jncknoti
county, Oregon, described nn com
mencing at tho northoast corner of
thoso cortaln promlneti deeded by tho
grnntore horoln unto ouo Mnrtln Mc
Donough, tho deed therefor being of
record of tho deed records of .Inck-
Bon county, Oregon, Vol. 15, pngo 102,
ami noing on tno north lino of thoso
cortaln promlsen doodod by F. Hub
bard, admlnlstrntor of tho ontnto of
Ellxn Anderson, decoased, nnld udmlu
I Htrntor deed doing of record in Vol.
40 of tho deed records of Jnckson
county, Oregon, nt page 219 thereof,
nnd from snlil beginning polntruntilng
thonco enHt 100 foet, thonco south 1
chain nml 56 links, thenco wont 100
feot, thonco north 1 chnln 55 links
to plnco of beginning, nnd from tho
beginning point first nbovo described
miming thonco south 1 chnln 55
llnkn, thenco west 60 foot to tho plnco
or beginning, tho Inst doscribod tract
of laud of 1 chnln nnd 56 llnkn by
50 foot bolng tho Portion hnrnliv mil-
voyod, frontngo 60 foot on south sido
Second Htroot, WoHt, described Vol,
CO, pngo 303. countv recnnler'a rn,..
ordH of JnckBon county, Oregon; 60
foot; rato per foot 63 cents; amount
duo $31.50. '
iB808HlnOHt NO. 3 Holon I- Ilnwu.
commencing nt tho northonHt comer
of thoso cortaln promises doodod by
aiiH SaiiiuolH and Lottlo V. SnmuolH
unto Martin McDnnoiiL'h. Mm .i..n.i
therefor being of record In tho deedii
record of Jnckson county, Oregon,
Vol. 65, pngo 102 thoroof, nnd be
ing on tho north lino of Uioho cortnlu
premises deeded by F, Hubbard, nd
mltilHtrntor of thn mifiitn r ion,,.
Anderson, ileconHod, wild administra
tor h deed being of record In Vol. 40,
pngo 219, deed rocordH for Jankson
ounty. OroKon. nml ri
nliig point running thenco onnt 1 60
feet, thonco tmnlh 1 nimin r.r. n..i,u
thonco 100 foet. thmmn lllll'lll 1 ..linli.'
55 links to tho plnco of beginning,
all of snid promlHOH being Hltiiated
III Hectloil 25. In, 17 U....II.
of rango 2 wimt of Wlllnniotto mor
ldlnn, frontngo 75 feot on south Hldo
Socond Htrcot, Wost, Iu tho city or
Modford. Oroiron: 7r. font. ....(
foot 03 contu; amount duo $47.26.
AsBOBsmont No. 4J. 10, RohortH,
tllO OlIHt 02 Vj foot nf Mm rnlln.ul.,
doBcrlbed proporty, commonolng nt'
lUO northonBt enmnr nf II.ium
tain promlHCH doodod by Giih SnmuolH
and wlfo to ono n. v n,.iri. n,
dood thororor holng or rocord of Jnck
Him county Orogon, Vol. 52, pngo
205 thoroof, snid beginning point bo
ng on tho north lino of thoso cor
tnlu prom BOH deodnil liv P TTnl.l.n.l
admlnlBtrator of tho eHtnto of Eliza
Andorflon, docoaaod, which said dood
(Continuod on pogo 15.)