1114 MIC I) FOR I) MAIL Till. 13 UN IS. MRDFORD. omwpy. STNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1909. 13 Hy GEKALD PRIMR. .(Copyright. ly Anwrlcui Vttmn Am' IN tlioito of TtjforoiiH IxnIIIjt ex. rclxo, when ntliletlca linro tin miirittl ln dlKiilty of n itclenro nml tlio out if loor lift In llrnl by no many 'wrmiim of nil nc', n uliut. In ClirtNtinna wouttl lw rfpinliil by iiiot of tw im mi bcIiiaI Imnlnhlp, Tlio vlmrin of llio VuU) toe nml tint wrntl inxiit of ttit On-lit rlilniiwy corner nro n pot en I nn irir, bin the crlp winter iittnoHiiliorv la ii iwiivfrful rlrnl. Thcro nro ho iniiny nltrncllniui ntitalili If only tln dny In na tho typtcnl Chrlatmna -lnr aliould Ih-coM. It iiintti'ri llttlo lior cold, with mi nbuiulnnee of aiiow Jiinl huiiuMim. Tlio luro of ttiu open U wooilnHy fuaclnatliiR on Chrlntmna dny. Thn -nro to many tvnuorm why tho mr colnu and coining from tho chnrch crrke ahouln ivot l nil of It. That pair of ukatm frrah from th aton bout of KrlAM Kringlo mm b tried out I fori llw day In over. nnt thnt brlKlit eokm-d alo4 most barn It Initial fipln. It would nrrer tin to pnatpon tho christening of that rtnntng muff BWMwHBfctt ' LrViLLLLwLBi pli' dc rcnlstnncr of nn American tvliitiT hoUibiv fMi, bnl tiwii lmr nppcnlN jMwirfnlly to hltn. Tin Mtnrdy Hcniiillniivliiii, linif rrldiiH to wind nn! WDiitlicr. M'i'ltH IiIk ChrlMtnmx tidbit In tlio frozen Cord. With ready nx no cub it liolu In tln thick lei- nnd tliroiiKh II extrnctn tuimpcclilMl iH-utity Knell winter finds rooro American rnun nnd women wIIIIiik to follow tho i':mnpk of Mr. PIclcwIcK nnd bin fel low iiiciiiIkth of the Hclcwlck clnb In occnitloimlly doTottng n dny to the thrlllliiK Kportn of thnt Benson of the yenr, nnd Cdrltitmno dny In likely to Ik cIiohcii Nwirly uv-ry country which tub vmiKHiniiB riuiu.vr ukn until tomorrow, mid that Mihlt toquo intmt him (h II rut nlrlnj; iro tho ChrlNtimiN Ntin um-a down. It I the dny of itlmUome outdoor winter life. Thnt U truo not only In till Innd of otin. but In till tin- cnitic tried In which the fvnilvul U obn-rvil. Thu Yorkulilrc tH-uhiiiit hid rUu tv AT ITS MADDEST which help to tnnkt hU perfect Ctirlnttunn, lint thu pnlnto In not tho only thing, nor, lndwd.hlef. Winter H)rtn nro nt their upoRfo on Chrlntmna dny. I'lny In the ovti In nt Itn mnddont nnd morrlest The country blllntden nro nllve with itleeful conntcrx of Nith tioxen nnd of nil iiKen, nnd the amnll riven mid wooded Htrenmn nre Holds of Joyoun nctlvlty. Kortlfleil with tho ChrlHtinnn jtoml cheer, which linn been dtniKtiintHl ho liberally, the brncliik ntr ban no Hllnc for thin Jubllmit human ity, nnd everylKHly mid hla friend np penr In the oimmi. Not nlone In the henven mnde coun try, but oven In the man nmdo town. In the nH'll of the open In full develop ment on Chrlntmnn dny. The nrtlflclnl IHindn nnd I a I; en ore iikIow with bright ly nrruyed tnovlnj: tlRUren, mid every mound mid elevntlon on which tho huow In lodKed t (veopled with tlioHO IN AND MEBME5T. bna a aeanon of snow nnd Iro nnd U aufllcleutly wclvtIUd" hnn Itn national winter upon. In onr country It Is akcolng. In nnothcr tobogganing. In a third curling nnd In another coasting. Appnrcntly every modern country, has dlncovered somo way of getting plcas- uro out of tho allppcrincoa of snow and Ice. The Chrlntmnn snow snorts aro even grenter In variety, for the opportunity In broadened by the unevennexs of the earth's surface, lu Canada snowshoo- Ing. toloKganlng and sleighing nre ' . j' " 'h 0IIIU8TMAS Union nud vIsllH IiIh triiMi to discover what good fortune hnn contributed to his Chrlntimin spread. Hares enough to tux his strength In getting tbein tiouiu awnlt him, IIo known unthlng. of tho tdotlibonii! bird which U thn LAPLAND. who, brnvoly Indeed, uro umklng tho most of It. It la but n sorry substitute for tho wenlth of opportunity which, nature has jxHired out upou tho coun try, but It In accepted cheorfully, espe cially on Chrlatnina dny. THK BTtrilUt flCANDIN A VI AN. sports whose tneniorlea color tho feel IngH of ovory son nnd daughter of tho north country who wanders from home toward the south. Norway la the home of tho skee. Coasting with runners on one's feet In a sport which taxes nerve and muscle, for It cnlla for quick dc clnloua and action tit times, especially when an abyss unexpectedly looms up In front. To tho uninitiated and. for that matter, n great many of tho lnl-thited-thc ability of tho masters to turn somersaults on skcos Is one of the nccompltshmcuts of tho sport to be viewed with admiration nnd wonder, but It la a feat attempted by the few only. Tho fascination of tho nlcec has captured the sport loving persons of other countries. THE LIGHT QUESTION Tlio bell hnn bounded tlio knell of JtoroHonc gnBolino lihtu nnd ollior fornm of Incompetent illumination. Aro you rendy i quit thcrnf Haven't you lolornted thorn lon enough? Tlicro woh a time whon burning pitch iaKKolH furninhod tlio only mentis of artificial illumination folkn know about. And it wan cousidored sufficient. Then como the Inllow dip, and ev erybody discarded his pitch faggot in dinguost. Tho Inllow cnndlo wns noxt to ex ert its supremacy over tho tallow dip, nnd folks were glnd. The noxt step of development wns kcrosino lamps, and thoy in their turn woro welcomed nn a ploaflinc step in tho right direction. Then came the gaRolino lightw, which Jnckflonvillo tried and enst into the junk pilo nevcrnl years ago. And now as a logical development of science, wo have tho granlest of nil illurainantu electricity. Maybo some dny somethi'ifj will replace olectricity. But tho probability isn't strong enough to justify us in waiting for it. No other form of nrlifieinl illum innnt eniuiln electricity in brilliancy, nnfety, ticatncRn, hcnlthfuluess, econ omy and chcorfttlncPfl. Etc trie lightin" tmitb no fumes or odon, and is tho roe hygenio liqlit for linn ronmw and Led roomn. Thi act I lint clerlric light tnr nincs no oxygen, like nil open flame IhrhtH do, proves it to be. the henlth icst light known. It keopH tho air an pure nnd whola flomo as if no light were bnrning at all. The irnportnncj cf thi ono fenture in readily nppnrcnt when it in known thnt nn open flame light bnron more oxygon, from n room, than four per sona wonld brontho - No matches. No dangerous, dirty mntchen nro needed in the home that is cloctrically lighted. No washing nnd filling of lamps, no dnnger of explosions; no danger of leaks; no plumber's bills; no fflek ering flnmo to bo Mown ont by n rod den gust of wind; no fins s.ode of soot ocntinnnlly emnimting from your light to bo deposited ou cur tnins, draperies, min fumishin. whon you want to flood yonr home with light, simply turn the button. Think hard now don't you want itt ometime Somewhere Somehow You may be able to obtain better groceries than we are selling but not in Medfqrd. Rex Grocery Co. Plain Facts Yon will lose money in purchasing your holiday toods, especially BIAKtNIS, CUT tiAll, WATCHES, CftL AM STLVEtTWARC, MVfHCAL IHSTftlflHENTS, ETI. if yon fail to m n. All wo nek is the opportunity to show jou ur stock, as values are sach that you will Jot leave tho store without buying. Medford Loan Office Corner of Central Avenui and Main. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers an 'especially good foothill orchard for a low price and on good terms. In these days of advancing prices, it will pay to look Into this. It pays to deal with the "Man Who Kncms." Wficn the Hogne River Land Company sold the Tronson & Gnthrie orchard art Eagle Point to theprire winning ownerB, four years ago, the salesman, w. M. Holmes, 8snrcd the purchasers those Bpitxenhergtrees would produce the world's best apples, and subsequent events prove the Botmdness of his judgment. By the way: Did it ever occur to you that most of the men who have won out in the Rogue Elver Valley, bought their win ning orchards through the Eogue River Land Com pany? TV". M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service for a good buy. emova Sale . , FOR ONE WEEK BEGINNING DEC. 27 WILL SELL AT GREAT REDUC TION ALL STOCK NOW ON HAND TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK IN MY NEW STORE. ALL CUT GLASS, STERLING SILVER, TOILET ARTICLES, GOLD RINGS, - CHAINS, LOCKETS, BRACELETS, FOBS IN GOLD AND GOLD FILLED, WILL ' BE SOLD AT ONE-FOURTH OFF REGULAR PRICES. A LL WATCHES (EX CEPT THOSE OF RESTRICTED PRICES) AT . .. One-Fifth Off THIS STOCK IS ALL FRESH, NEW GOODS OF THE LATEST DESIGNS AND AT THESE REDUCTIONS ARE AT RIDICULOUSLY L 0 W PRICES. r r. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. THE PLACE IS 135 W. MAIN STREET, THE NEW STORE WILL BE NEXT THE NEW BANK ACROSS THE STREET AFT--ER JANUARY 1ST. GEO. A. BUTT THE JEWELER LHaLBBBiVW! ifi i ir"tTn ir'l-Viii i ii - i