Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 26, 1909, Second Section, Page 12, Image 12

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Blessed Judgments.
Samoa by
Pastor Brooklyn
Sunday. December 10. Pastor Uus
soU spoke today from tho nbovc text
Brooklyn Tlorunclo waa crowded
-with an attentive audience, ob usual.
"Wo report the discourse, ns follows:
Only those who como to .in ndvauccd
degree of knowledge of God's Word
can realise bow Dlvtno Judgments are
all good U blessed. Under tho In
fluency of the fog of superstition, not
understanding aright the teacblug3 of
tho Scripture, supposing tbat they
tauant eternal torment fur tbo great
majority of our race, we feared Ood.
rather than lored him. We dared not
say that such a Judgment was wrong,
malicious, dcrlllth, yet wc were unable
to boo It In any other llsht; henco the
con oral perplexity of Christendom, and
the general nlleuatloii of heart, and
many intclllgtxat minds driven to In
fidelity, and tbu dlrtliku to think about
Ood and his supposedly terrible pur
poses epoetins our race and the gen
eral awe respecting the Rlble and the
fear of tU misunderstood teachings.
Out now in tho dawning of tho New
Dispensation the Word of Ood is shin-
tog u never before; one passage illu
minating another, our fear givce place
to revertBtlal lor and Olid awe. We
begun to BAderstand that the torment
doctxis wblch w received ar whol
ly ferifs to th Divine character,
Tfck. mm Mk coatravy, ta AteUaeily
Wkri ay "WTmlom. Jastle, Meecy
ssad Lve toward all. We find
Mara to asreeaeBi wUl the
Wlahwal detaratlom Ui Ge4' farfc
Ttnmto ara "HgtUeoas ajtayXW," aad
Ifo Ut to them. IsatteaA f a jmOa
Wimt X iKtml tomuut m a penalty
for at, wa find a Jttdxnae&t or a
teaoa f death. We ajTe to ths ttgU
oiuoeaa of that Trdict or Judgment.
od had the right to demand of his
creator tha obedleoce be was abla to
seculer. lie bad a perfect right to de
stroy him in death when bo refused
the blesalng of life eternal on the
terms of obedience. 8elng this, how
rejoiced we are to note the Divine
Mercy to the Plan of Redemption for
the sinner and his offspring through
tho sacrifice of Christ 1 As a result we
bare good hope in his Judgments; for
him who once Judged ua worthy of
death has with equal Justice redeem
ed ua and granted us the opportunity
of eternal life through the resurrec
tion. It was another part of the Divine
Judgment against our race that, In
stead of the death penalty coming In- j
"With My Soul Have 1 Deurcd Thee !n
ths Nht; Ye. With My Spirit NVfchin Me,
Will 1 Scat Thw Ely: For When Thy
Judjnufili Ate Abroad In the Earth, the
Inhtbiiuu ol the World Will Learn Right
eoumeu" (Itauh xxn. 9).
ooo - '
only tue great King, out also tho great
Priest urn! Prophet mul Tom-hcr. liven
! so. also, tlio Church shall bi "Ulnga
I mid prlets"-thi'lr othYe. tholr serv
1 Ice, will bo n combination of ruling
and healing, Instructing mul uplifting,
A Qhristmas Poem
Tlut reminds mo" inusod MoCuteh
eon, "In my officii up tho at root,
Everything done will como under the I've Pt ovorythittg no handy there
head of judgment righteous drilling.
livery good derd, yea, every giunl rf
fort, will be rewarded Ua Judgment
will bo a blessing, nu Increase of har
mony with the Lord and with a clmrae- j ,,Tlmt rcmjmia mu gnVl, MuCuttihoou
ill tt t working is n trout.
I've Koi labor saving systems ami
telephones and cool oleolriu fans."
tor development aud rostitutloiml phys
ical experiences (Acta 111, iP-ai). In
stead of the ways, of darkness will be
the way of light. Instead of the broad !
who with the eye of faith discerned
the righteousness of God's dealing
with them. Of these were the proph
ets who rehearsed the Divine dealings
and reward and punishments, that
they were true uud righteous altogeth
er and merciful hi the extreme.
Similarly during this Gospel Ago
Christendom as a whole has uot becu
In the condition of heart to bear, to un
derstand, to appreciate, the Judgmouts
of tho Lord, nut somo have been "Is
raclltes indeed" who possessed the se
cret of tho Lord and who were able to
rejoice in hU Judgments bis righteous
dealings. They realized by faith God's
iovo lor uicm. -xue tamer uimseu: i oml) flnds lt3 pj,iiCntlon to that glo
lovcth you" (John xvl. 27). By faith rl0U8 Mmeaull,i 0,)OCU. Thus we rend,
they appropriated tho Apostle's nssur-, ..Qlvo tbo Klnjf tUy judgments. O Gotl.
anco that "all things work together for nnd thy rshtisusuess unto the King's
good to them that love God, to them j g. 1Io shan judKe tby 1M;ot)i0 wlth
nr lQ0 aecorumg 10 bib , rlchteousness nnd thv noor with iudc
"Why should I havo all thu snaps f
With my wife at home, i struggliu'
with a lot o' hamlieaps,
An fussitv1 round with stuokj lamps
an' gas an' gasoline
An' Kettiu, nil worn out with ped
alling that old umehino."
road leading to destruction with the
j masses going down thereon to the
j tomb will be "the highway of holi
ness." Instead of stone of stumbling
I we nro assured that all tho stumbling
(stones shall be lathered out of the ,Tlmt minA mo" says MoCutohoon
mastering temptatlous and brsetiuruts,
i devouring mankind because of their
I weakness to roslst the Adversary, the
Bible assures us that Satan
' bouud and that the wild beasts of vice
and degeneracy will all be brought
Into subjection. Thus "nothing shall
. hurt uor destroy In all God's holy
' Kingdom." "And au highway shall be
' there, aud it shall bo called. The way
! of holiness" (Isaiah xl. 0: xxjtv, S.
I Tho Messianic Psalm (seventy-sec-
"my wito's birthday s oomur soon
Sho'a lookin' sick niul weary anil
she's gottimr pnlu and thin,
will ImjIIM like to got hor something: that'll
help her health to wiu."
puxrosu" (Komans vUI, 23).
Qod'a Judgmenta In tha World.
We havo seen that God's Judgments
in the past have been merely with
thoeo who shall constitute the Seed
of Abraham (natural and spiritual),
through whom, according to the
promlso, "all tho families of the earth
a ball b b)eeed" (Genesis xxrlU, 14.
We now note tho fact tbat our text does
not relate to either of these, for their
judgmenta could bt discerned only by
ths y f faith. Our text refers to
tha wortd's judgmenta during the MU
Uyi&Ul Asjo. Thea God's Judgmenta
will b abroad la the worth uot mere
ly coo&uad to ooo nation or specially
calUd ctoaa, but will Include every
wambar C Adank's aae. And "wblla
the af dMbued to be the Lord's
JvdcsMata. note tha foet that they will
be adaalBfatared by The Cbrldt, of
which or glortued Kedvciuer shall be
the Xlaad, and his "members." when
glorified, shall be the Body the
Church. Tha Judgments of the Lord
abroad to the earth wlU not mean
hfiToe and dismay to mankind In gen
eral, but the very reverse relief, as
sistance to all who come into line with
tha righteous arrangements of that
Kingdom designed for their uplifting
from sin and death conditions. The
Judgments of that Millennial Day of a
thousand years will be severe even to
destruction only against the willfully.
tho deliberately rebellious, after they
shall have been brought to a clear ap
preciation of right and wrong, good
and evil, and their penalties, life nnd
Mark tbo statement of the Prophet
David when prophetically referring to
At tha prcaeaca of Jehovah,
O civo ttumka unto Jehovah, for ho Is
For bis mercy etulureth forever."
I Chronicles xvl, 31-3 L
A Millennial Judgment Day.
Mark tho words of Bt. Paul respect
ing what God has In reservation for
tho vorJd. He says God "hath ap
pointed a day tho thousand-year day
of Christ in tho which be will Judgo
tho world in righteousness by that
man whom bo hath ordained" (Acts
xvlL 31).
stanUy upon Adam and Eve, It came" tho MUlennlal Age; he points out that
gradually, that through the processes juuiueu i ujul iuu
of gradual dying they might tho better ot gladness. He says:
learn the lesson of "the exceeding tin-' "Let the heavens be clad,
fulnessof aln"-to tho Intent that, vvben rnlho3 nations, Jehovah
granted the new trial Bccured by tho rehmeth.
merit of Christ's sacrifice, they might Let the a. roar, and tho fulneas thereof:
profit by it tho more. The same princl-1 L6t red" oJolco and a" that nr0
pics apply to all of Adam's posterity. , Tbim tree of th0 wooJ slnB
'Tbo wbolo creation groanetu nna tra
Talleth in pain together until now
waiting for tho manifestation of the
eons of God" (Itomans Till, 22, 10). They
are waiting for the establishment of
Christ's Millennial Kingdom under
which they shall have a full opportu
nity of coming to a knowledge of the
This la God's provision for tho world
In general. What God did for tho llt
tlo nation of Israel, during tho Jewish
Age, and what he bos been doing for
Spiritual Israel since Pentecost, in this
Jospcl Age, ure matters scparato and
-apart entirely from his general deal
ing with tbo world of mankind. Tho
natural and the spiritual Seod of Abra
ham arc exceptions to tho rule. Thoy
have been granted special privileges
and blessings not granted to tho world
In general natural Israel under tho
Law Covenant and spiritual Israel un
der tho Abrabamlc Covenant Prom
theso two nomlual Israels spocial "over
comers" have been chosen or elected.
Thoso shortly, in association with the
Redeemer, will conrtituto tho Kingdom
of God. Tho overcomers of spiritual
Israel, becoming the Ilride of Christ
by resurrection "chango" to tho heav
enly nature, will bo like him and share
his glory aud constitute tho Kingdom
cIqbs in tho highest senso. Tho ovcr
comors of natural Israel, resurrected
to tho perfection of earthly nature,
will constltuto tho earthly phase of the
Millennial Kingdom. Mankind may
boo and have Intercourse with these,
but will not soe nor havo direct Inter--courso
with tho glorified Christ, Head
jind Body the King of Glory.
' Ood Will Judge HIa People.
Bo far nB tho world is concerned, It
has been under the one general ecu
beoce of DUIue Justice, "dying thou
shall: die." Hut bo fur as natural and
spiritual Israel oru concerned, they have
been dealt with as freed from the orig
inal sentence and on trial for life or
death a frown under God's Judgmenta
or discipline. Thus It it written, "Je
hovah will Judgo his people," Mot all
taudar those Judgments have under
stood them not all were in the condi
tion of heart to receive their Instruc
tion. "The bckH of the Lord ia with
them that fear him; and he will show
Uvem bi Oorenant" (Psalm xxr, 14).
Thus, during tho Jewish Age. Israel
often lapsed into more or less of dark
nasa and idolatry and failed to sec
their special privileges and relation
giato to 3ed unden their Covenant. But
iunongst them were the few fulthful
ment (Justice). He shall Judge
tho poor of the people, he shall save
tho children of tho needy aud shall
bieak in pieces tho oppressor.
no shall como down lt'.o rain upon the
mown grass, as showers that water
tha earth. In his days shall the right
cous flourish: aud abundance of peaco
so long as tho moon endurcth."
The PeesJe Wilt Learn Rlghteoua
naes." Aa already shown, God's dealings In
tho past have been with tho world only
In the boom of executing a general
Benteaco for Adamle sin a death sen
tence with all that that Involves of
mental, moral and physical degeneracy
dying. All of God's special Judg
ments havo been, with those who were
Justified to special relationship through
faith. If wo were to Judge of the num
ber who will bo blessed during the Mil
lennium by tho "little node" of natural
Israel and tho 'little flock" of spiritual
Israel, saved under God's Judgments
in advance of tho millennium, the out
como of tho world's Judgment would
not appear favorable. But these would
not be fair critorlona. Present con
ditions aro permitted hi order to test
and to prove the faith, as well ns tho
obedlcnco of thoso who are under trial
or Judgment and who, by reason of
tho fall, havo such a faith as permits
them to grasp tho glorious features of i
the present call. Consequently, "few"
there will be who will find, the great
reward now offered (Matthew vll. Ml.
This is as God designs it. because
be is selecting a special class. But the I
arrangements inado for manklud in
general aro that tho darkness and sin
of tbo present time shall flee uwny. The
dawning of the Millennium morning,
with tho rising of tbo Sun of Bight
eousness with healing In his beams
(The Christ in glory to enlighten the
world), will mean that knowledge will
bo granted the world facts, evidences,
proofs. Tho world will not be required
to "walk by faith and not by sight."
as aro tho "elect" of this present time.
Instead of the eye of faith of the pros-
ent tlmo will be the cy of underatand- j
ing (knowledge), then. Instead of tho
secret of tho Lord being kept ironi the
world, all of his gracious purposes wllf
then stand fully revealed. "The knowl- ,
edge of the glory of God shall fill tho I
wholo earth as -the waters cover the ,
groat deep" (Hnbakkuk II, M). As a re-!
suit nono shall need to say unto his
neighbor and to his brother, Know thou '
tho Lord, for nil shall know him, from
tho least to tho greatest of them. Every
knoo shall bow and every tongue con
fess to tho glory of God (Itornnns xlv,
11). When every good deed shall recelVo
"That reminds mo" snys AroCutohoon
"my wife's goin' away to visit,
An' 1 havo struck upon a notion Hint
is not bo dusty, is it?
While she's gone I'll wire tho hotiso
up from tho garret to tho ground.
An wo'll havo n homo olootrio' time
hor birthday comes around.
So Mac got awful busy, while his
frnu was out of town
And blow himself for "everything
electric," money down.
Electric fixtures, reading lamps, all
gleaming bright and olunn,
Ami flat irons, heaters, chafing dish
and motor run machine.
Ymt should havo soon tho faoo on
Mrs. Mao when sho roaohoil homo,
And saw hor huso oloutrifiod and
uud spied tho lovoly doinu
(That hung within tho (lining room)
nil bountiful mul bright
She could only gnr.o in rupture at Uio
brilliancy of light. j
If ovor husband inado a hit, Mo
Cutohoon was thu hoy, i
His wife was half hysterical with"
happiness and joy. 1
She tried thu irons and chafing dish
ntid started iip tho fan
And liko a happy child, around hor
electric worn siio ran, i
And it is nothing now unusual to honrj
tho neighbors say i
"Since Mrs. Mao got 'lootrifiod sho's
'younger every day," ,
And, no wondor, for hor drudgory
don't tnko up all hor lifo
Like it used to when MoCutohooii had
n uon-olcctrio wife.
P. S. Mr. Mnn-with-nn-unwirod-hoiiso:
Why npt mako a hit with
your wife, liko MuCutchcon did with
his 7
V. S. Mrs. Ditto: Head tho poom
out loud to him.
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Chnrcb, bla "members," of whom tbo
ApostJo writes, saylnj;, "Know yo not
tbat tbo ualnta flball Judge tho world?1'
(1 Oorlntblana vl, 2.) And tho Anclont
"Worthies enumerated by St. Paul
(Hebrewa lr, 38-10) will also be Judges,
but on tbo carthjy piano aa representa
tives of tbo heavenly Kingdom. Aa It
to wrltton, "I will restore tby Judges
aa at the first and tby counsellors ns
at tho beginning" (Isaiah 1, 20).
Our All-Wlso Creator; who has thus
raado provision, both for tho heavenly
ly lta punishment, tho world will speed
ily learn to avoid tbo punishments nnd
to win tbo rewards by obotllcnco to tho
laws of tho Kingdom,
Tho Scope of Our Text.
Tbo Prophet bi our text personifies
Tho Christ, Jesus tbo Head and tbo
Church bis Body. Noto tho atatornent,
"With my soul hnvo I desired tbeo In
ho night" (Isaiah xxvl. 0). Tbo "night"
of sin has been upon tbo world for t
centuries. Tbo "morning" la at hand, j
CENTS ON THE POUND, when you can got tho boat for almost Uio
nnrao price from your local creamery Wo don't mix our button Ak
your proeor for it nml thus oucouraRO homo ipdimtry. If your pooor
don't handle it, phono us.
8woot cream, milk nnd buttormllk dclivorod every day.
Medford Realty Co
Roim 10, Jackson County Bank Building
land tho earthly Judgea of tho world j but not yet fully come. During the
In tho election from Israel aud tbo
election of tbo Gospel Ago, bos thus
demonstrated to tho few who under
stand "tbo secret of tho Lord" "tho
mystery" hidden from ages and dis
pensations past. It Is evident tbat
tbero will bo no disappointment, no
failure, In respect to God's great oath
bound Covenant made with Abraham
"In thy Seed shall all the families
of tbo earth bo blessed." Tbo basis of
tho blessing la tho redcmptlvo worlc
of Christ finished at Calvary. Tho
outworking of that blessing will como
through Um glorified Lord and his
Church, "bla Body." Tho first worlc
will bo tbo establishment of a rlght
eoua government in tho bonds of thoso
airecdy proven absolutely loyal to God
ood to bis righteousness "faithful
ere no death." Wo may havo full
eoQ4mte ttwtt in that Kingdom
"riftrttoeeMwn will be laid to the lino
and Juntiee to the plummet," aa God
boa protnJeed (Isaiah zxvill, 17). Not
only bo, but we may have full confi
dence tbat mercy will have a freo
hand there to. do all for mankind that
would be reasonable and possible. Tbo
oomWnatkm of a strong government
with merciful assistants la represented
iy tbo fact that our Lord will bo, tot
night tlmo tho faithful of tbo Church
nro rcprcsontcd as walking In the light
of God'a Word. "Tby Word is n
lamp unto my feet, and a lantern unto
ray footsteps" (Psnlm cxlx, 105). Bt.
Poter Bays, "Wo have a more suro
word of prophecy, to which wo do
well to take heed ns unto n light shin
ing In a dark pluco until tho day
dawn and the day star nrlso" (II
Peter 1, 10), In this night tlmo tho
"elect" aro different from tho major
ity of thoHQ around them thoy destro
God's righteousness and they pray,
"Thy Klugdom come; tby will, bo dono
on earth oven as it to dono In heaven."
Song of Moiti and the Lamb,
Those who now oro able to "sing In
the night" because of their apprecia
tion of the Dlvtno Plan aro prophetic
ally declared to "iJng the song of
kloeoa, the servant of God and tho
sods of the Lamb, saying, Great and
marvellous are thy works, Lord God
Almighty; Just and true aro Jhy ways,
thou King of saints. Who shall not
fear thoo, O Lord, and glorify fby
name? for thou only art holy: for nil
nations shall como and worship before
tbeo, because of tho manifestation of
tby righteous dealings" (Revelation xv,
3, 4).
Whilo thoy last only
lO Cents Each
if taken at onco. Phono 2081.
GADDIS & DIXON, "The Pane Fence Men." '
Medford, Orenon
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Buido your buolnetja
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hitch your buslnoaa to nn
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Ordor Now.