lit: 44444 44 tlHI HH HHHH4 4 f Answering' Want Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair 1 4 4 '4. ,4 4 f f ff ( '44f4444t 4 f 4 4 4 - 4 4 -f 44 4- TUP! WSDYORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 3909. Ails HITS LIVE STOCK Prlcos, However, Hold Up Well Fnncy Stock Is Offered In Portland. PORTLAND, Ore, Don. Sfl. Tim uMinl holiday dulliiunH him I'hnructor Ued tin wook'n market. This Iiiih ap plied to ictM'IptH, hut while I lu-id wiim not ii grer.t deal of lll'o In tliu matter of (IdiiiiiiiiI, pricoM Imvo held it high i i ...t.i .. ii- i !.... i. . luvfi wm a . .r u nit rijiinu .. ; niiwp aim inn.. in iu .ur .univ mi vnnoo on cattle; hogs Imvo remained stonily nl tlio high Invol of IiihI week. Ono hiiIu reported nt $8.85, but tin bulk of tlio wiles lutvo boon from 8.1r to $8.50. Quito a number of stock hogu onmn to market anil wore tatkoii by country feeders at prices nround $7.50. Receipts worn: Cattlo 101(1; ciUves 27; tdit'ep r27; hogs 110-10 ; goats 'JOB and horne 10. In tlio matter of calllo miles, there wore duvnral loads of good Mushy HtlHTH, HIIIIK! (if wllil'll HOlll lit $5.00 and others at $l.82. Ono load of cows Hold for $3.82 Indifferent iiiallty fluff sold at about tlio name prices iih tin week before. Following arc tlio latent ipiotationH oil' all I'lnHNoti of livo utook: HiM ulcers $1.75 to .f .r.0U ; fair to good $1.25 to $1.50; strictly good cows $11.75 to $3.8'J,S; fair to good $3.25 to $:.r,i); Unlit enivr if r..oo to $5.50; heavy oalvttH $1.50 to $1.75; betnt wethers $5.00 to $5.50; fair to good $1.50 to $1.75; good owes $1.00 to $1.25; top hogu $8.(10 to $S.fl5; fair to good $8.25 to $8.50; mixed Io(h $7.85 to $8.00; l'J5 kiiii1h $7.25 to $7.50. Notice to Contractors. ScaU'd biilrt wi) bo received by tlio city council of tlio city of Mcdford, Oregon, up to and including January llh, 1010, for tlio oxcnvatitiK and lay ing of all water mainx to bo con Mtructcd during tlio yonr 1010, bidH to bo filed with tlio city recorder not later than -1 o'clock p. m. on Jnminry lth, 1010, nud to bo nccornpiuiiod by n cortified check equal to ten per cent of tlio amount bid for, ly ordor of the city council Decem ber 21nt, 1000. HOI1T. V. TKM'EH, City Hecordor. Dated this 22ud day of December, 1000. Do suro you nro right boforo you go nhcad, n good advico that appup to tlio light biiHinoHH iih well as othor biifiinuPH. Klootrio light Inn Miicd tlio test of titno an tlio H.itcHt und moBt economical light ami before connidoring chonper liglitH uot Miu ox pcrionco of pcoplo who Imvo used them several months at least. 210 TAXIDERMIST AMD FURRIER Send your trophies to mo for mount ing. Dig ganio kondu, flnh, blrdn and inainnialrt mounted truo to mituro by improved methods. I do tunning, mula fur ruga, mnko, remodol and clorn. fin gamientH, DxprcsH and mail or durn promptly attended to. C. M. K&RRtS. 105 WaHhingtou Stroot, Portland, Or. Tolophonti Miriti 3000. THREE STEPS in the progress of Domestic Science Wo arc dovotliig our attention to tlio latest improve- ta-r: nicnts In Cooking without fire Ileal without Home Cliullnu DImIics, Cereal Coolcuns, Ovcna Wo would like to answer questions about them today Roijuo River Eleotrlo Co. NATURE'S WARNING. Mcdford Pcoplo Must Rccoijnlzo and Heed It. Kidney ills coino quietly mylor imiHly. Hut niittirn always warns you through Hi" tiniio. Notice tlio kldnoy secretions. Soa If tlio color in tuihonltliy. If tliuro nro Hottlingfi and sodi- inont. Passages too f roquont, scanty, painful. It's tlnio then to uso Doitn's Kill noy Pills, To ward off Bright's iHhouko or dl ahotos. Doan'H Imvo done- great work In ; r.ip,.i iMOiiioni. ( $ m ym Mo,,. - . - , I1,1,.U. . . w.v,v ......... , rccommouding Uonn'H Kiiinry rilln in 1007, I havo UHod thorn occaiounllv and thoy havo nlwayn brought fine rosultH. I wuh afflicted with sovore paiiiH In my back and I ofton found it nlmoHt irnK)SHiblo to stoop. The kiduoy flodrotionn panned frequently and thin weakness wn a Nource of much nnnoyanco. Hearing Donn's Kidney Pills highly rocomtnended, I procured n box nt Haflkin'H Druv' Htora nnd b.vd by tlio timo I had fin ished tlio contents. I could boo t lint thoy wore tlio right romedy for my trouble. Gradually tho pains and other difficulties disappeared and my health improved. I chcorfiil'y recommend Donn's Kidney Pills to ovory ono nfflictcd with kidnoy com plnint." For snlo by nil dcnlers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milbuni Co., Buffalo. Now York, eolo ngonts for tho Unit ed States. Itemcmbor tho namo Doan's and tnko no othor. THAT CmUttTMAH I'UIJSHXT. A ntco -jileoo of cnblnol work or mlmilon fnrnttnro mnkc an Ideal Rift, tcrr npproprldto and unotul. Wo u mo duli cc In TOnkloR tho "ont of tho or dinary" piece. In fact, anrthlag In tho mlniton ft raltnro or cabinet work llnoa tnndo to yonr ordor, nnr finish fon may delro. Drop in and svt onr prlcwi. MISSION rUIWITUIlH WOnKS. Shop aoar corner Hlghth nnd Hollr t recti. Phono 8862. t.tve at tho I'ftlras, new trick bulldlna, new. furnltun, strictly modern, cor ner Ornpo and Main streota. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which U of consider known is tho system of prepaid or tbtu iutorobt to the public goiiorully and which is twrhap not gonomllj dorB now iu effoot botween stations of tho Southern Pncifio compnny uud ml points iu the United State Ity menus of this system tickets may io purchased nt Mcdford from nnj place in the Unitod States and mail d or teUgrnphod diroot to tho party wishing to oomo hero. Slooper no rouniinilntions nnd small amounts of uiihh in connection with theso tiakots may also bo forwarded nt tho saroo timo." tf Ro snro you nro right boforo you go ahead, is good advico that I'pp'iea to tho light business as woll as nthoi business, Elootrio light stood tho test of timo ns tho snfout and most oconomionl light nnd boforo considering chonpor lights sat tho ox porionco of pcoplo who havo usod them sovornl mouths nt least. 210 Tho city of Jacksonville, tho busi noss mon of Jnokuonvillo nnd tho citizens of Jnoksonrillo havo had thoir oxporionco with n ohonpor fonn of light than oloctrio light sev eral yonra ngo. Dofora constdoring a ohcapor form of light got thoir ox porionco. 2-10 -t -t PORTLAND MARKETS. Hops, Wool mid Hides, lions 1C-08 crop, oholco, 17c; prlmo to oholco, lOo; prlmo, lD'jc; laodlirm, ICo; 1009 oholco, 23c; prlmo, 330c; medium, 18 & 10c. 1 Wool 1009, Wlllnmotto valloy, !20p2-tc; oaBtorn Oregon, 2023c. ShoopaklnB Bhonrlng, 10(Tf2Gc 1 oaoh; short wool, 200000; modlum I wool, C0oWl onch; long wool, 7Go3 11.25 onch. Tnllow Prlmo, por lb., 84o; No. 2 nnd ktoiiho, 2 2 Mid Chltttm bark 44Mi0. Molialr 1000, 8BB4o lb. Hldon nry hides, 17(jyi8o lb; groon, OVjtfflOo lb; bulls, croon Bait, To lb; Ulpa, lOGPtOHo lb; calvoa groon, ICOlBo lb. tors, old, llo; springs. ICo; coobo, 10c; ducks, IGo; plgoons, squaba, S2 doz; droosod cliloleons, 17 1-2 18o; wild coobo, SO dozen. Gntlti, Flour mid Hay. Darloy Produoors' prloefl 1000 4 4. 4. 444. 4- f -f 4444 444 44 4 Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to YouIt May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line hejp wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. Fotcd, $28.50; rolled, $30; brow ing, $29u20.r0. Wheat Track Club, $1.05; bluo tem, $1.17; rod, $1; fortyfold. $1.09; Turkoy red, $1.0301,1.05; Willamette vnlley, 1.05. MMIutuffn Boiling prlco Drnn, 120; middlings, $33; shorts, $2C; chop, $22 028; nlfnlfn meal, $21 per ton. Flour New crop, patents. $0.15; straight, $4.85; bakers, $5.9500.15: Wlllametto vnlley. $5.70 bbl; export bulls, $202.75; stags, $2.5003. grades, $4; graham, Vi. $5.00; Hogs Dcst eat of tho mountains, whole yheat, $5.20; ryo, 50, $0.50; $8.50: Willamette valley best. $7.75 bnle, $3. j 0 7.85; stockcrs, $46; pigs, $6 07. 117 producers' prices Now! Shocp Best wethers, $, ordinary timothy, WlllnmotUi valloy fancy, $4 04.75; oprlng lambs, $6; straight $18; ordlnnry, $17; fnntorn OreKon, owes, $4.2504.50; mixed lots, $4.25. $20; mixed, $14lfl; elovor No. 1, Calves Best, $5; ordinary $0 $14016; wheat. $14?lGr cheat, $15 ! 4.50. 016; nlfnlfn, $16. Oats Spot dollvery. now, prodtic-144.444.444.4.4... ors' prlco-Track No l whlto. . MEDF0RD MARKETS. 29.60; gray, $28028.00. 4 4. 4 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. 4. -f 4 -f Corn Wlolo, $80; crocked, f37 : ton. Fruit and V-etaHes. Frnlta nnd Vcgetablcn. (Prices paid by Med rd nnehanu.1 Fresh Frulta-Orangea, Valenclas. Potatoes Soiling, now, $101.10.' Potatoes, lc. lb: onions, $1.50 $3.C5 n box; bananas, 5 l-2c lb; ears, 5Oc0 $1.25; huckloborrles, 12c. onbbnge, lM;o; turnips, lc; pflrs Annles $101.60. n'Ps lc aDd lo lb.; Bqunsh, 30o and Vegetable Now turnips, Oregon, 80 090c seek; beots, $1.K; carrots, 80090c sack; cabbage-, local, 750 $1; tomatoes, local, fancy, $1.50 crt; beans, 10c lb; cauliflower, 9Oc0$l dor; peas, 2c lb; horsoradlsh, 10c; hunches; colory, 600 85c; egg plant, 16c pound; corn, $1.25 Back; swoot potatoes, $1.76 01.85. nice Imperial Japan No. 1, Sfto; No. 2, 6c; New Orleans head, 6 3-4 7o; Croolo, 6c, Boansfismnll whlto, $5.50; largo whlto. $4.60; pink, $4.36; bayou, $5.76; Ltraas, $6; reds, $7.50. Groceries, Nuts, Hto. $5.86; fruit or berry, $5.95; dry grnnlntcd. $6.95; coonf. A, $5.75; extra B, $.25; goldon O, $5.35; D vollow. $5.26: boot. $5.65, barlels 15c. half boxes. 30c. boxes 55c nd- vnnco on sack basts. Honey-Now. 13,c lb. Meats, Ilsh nnd Provisions. Droesod Meets Front street hogs, fnncy. 10c: ordinary. 9c! veals, ox-: trn. 12c; ordinary, 11c; heavy. 5 0 UO; million, ic; m.aua, iu. I Hams, Bnccn, oto. Portland puck (local) ham. 17o; breakfast bacon, 18 027c; boHod ham, 250 26c; picnics, 14o; cottage roll, l'5ct rognlnr Bhort clonre, otnolcod, 10-Hcr backs, emokod, lUc; ptcutoa tonguos, 6O0 onoh, Local Lnnl Kottlo loaf, 10s, 18o lb; 6s, .18 1-20 lb; 50-lb. tins, 17 l-2o lb: stonra rondored, 10s, no lb, 5s 17 I-80 lb, compound 10s, 11 3-4c lb. Clnms Hnrdoholl. por box, $2.40; razor clams, $8 box. , Flab Rock cod, 10c; lb; floun ders, 60 lb; hallnbut, 7c lb; striped bn3S, 16o lb; cnttlBh, 10t lb; salmon, Btcolhcad, 8 l-2o lb; silvers, 7 l-2c; Boles,- 60 lb; shrimps, 12 l-2o lb; porch, 6c lb; torn cod, 80 lb; lobsters, 33c lb; crawfish, 23o doz; Bturgoon, 12'Vfco. lb; black bass, 20o lb; sllvor Binolts, 6c lb; black ood, 74o lb; crnbB, $101.00 doz. Oyatore 8hoolvator bay, por gal lon, $2.25; por 100-lb. oiick, ?a; oastcrn stornRO. 32 1-2 035c. Butter Fat Dollvorj' f o. b. Port land Swoot croam, 37c; sour, 85 1-2 c. Buttor Extra cronmory, 39 l-2o; fancy, 37 03So; nloro, 25c. Chooso Fancy full oronm flats, 18c; tflplots nnd (Uitslos, l&c; Young Amorlcaa, 10c, Poultry Mlxod chlokona, 15 0 16 l-2c; fnncy lions, 15 1-20; roos- Kggs Local, candlod, BOlect, 4&.Vjc; ordinary run 40042c; boc- ondB, 32a; local storage, ffawoi nutter, Krrs nnfl Poultrr. Olrntpla, per gnllon, $3.40? por 100 lb. Bnck, $707 60; canned, 65c can, 87o dozon-; oactorn In oholl, ?ti76 por 100, Goal oil Pearl, Astal nnd Btar, 10c gallon oocono, 8o gallon; olalno 28c gallon; hoadllght, 20Mc gallon; extra star, 23c gallon; vntor white, 11 16o gallon; special water whlto, lCc gallon. Gasollno Rod crown and motor, 10023c gallon; 8C nanolli o, 300 37c gallon; V. M. & P. naphthn, 1302Oe gallon; cngtnu dtsttl-ta:-o. 9 016c gallon. Gattlo nest Bfccers, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.7G; medium steors, $4.50, , best cows. $3.76; best holfers, $3.76; ewt;; gTeen onions, 35o doa. bnnches; ?i noz.; ptimpinnB, iu ana joo. Butter, Egos and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants Ranch butter, 35c: fancy cream ery, 37c. Fresh ranch eggs. hOz. Mixed ponltry, 10c; spring chok ens, 16c; dorks, 10e; turKcys, 17c. (Prices paid prodnoorB.) liny Timothy, $10; nlfnlfn. 515; grass, $14 ton; grain hay, $16 ton. Grain Wheat, $1.20 busbol; oats, $36 ton; barley, $30 ton. Beef, .'Vi'j'Sc; porV 6ci mutton 80; lamb, 4yc: real (dressed), 60 (Selling priees.l Rolled barley, $2 cwt, $36.50 ton; bran, $170: ddl!3. $lJrV19fi: shorts. $1.801.?5. 4 4- -f -f-f -f-f FOR RENT. 4 j FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, reasonable. 607 South Ccn- trnl avonue. 239 FQR REKTPnrtIy fnrnishetl house . ,,, mn,lnrn WIU9U tit i4t t.r(if r.Ww...n and electric lights. Inquire nt 240 South Grape street. 241 FOR RENT Furniscd rooms 10 North Ornpo street. No. FOR RENT Tracts of land from ono to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes nnd garden truck, also suit nblo for chicken aud turkey raising. Owner will furnish n reasonable nmount of lumber nnd poultry and othor fencing for -improvements if lessee porform labor of erecting snmo. Call at office of Condon Wntor nnd Power company for par ticulars. FOR RENT A suito of thrco rooms, new, modorn, unfurnished., Comor C nnd Tenth streets, south. 230 FOR RENT Front bedroom to gon tloman only. 113 South Laurel trcjt. 2J1 FOR RFJNT I.lvo nt tho Palms, now brick building, new furnlturo, strict ly modern, corner Ornpo nnl Main streots. TOR RIO NT Farms, from 40 noros upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or gonorrl farming. Inqulro at offlco Condor Water & l'owor com pany, 209 W. Main stroot. 444 . FOR SALE. FOR SALE 100 acres, nil improved, finest blnok land in Jackson coun ty, will tnko city rosidonco ns pnrt pay. VniV Walters; city. 240 FOR SALE 1V h, p. motor, 1 20 qt. Whito Mountain froozor, n lot of packing cans, tubs, oto. Inquiro Lowis1 confectionery. 230 FOR SALE Horse and wagon 411 South Laurel street. 248 at 4f 44-444 44 4 4 FOR SALE 4 FOR SALE Five room house nnd three lots, close in, for 2500; $1000 will hnndle. W. T. York & Co. FOirFATPoodTonldridIoT"at 540 Hamilton street, end of Oak dale paving; rents for $10 per month; also two lots on Jackson street, cheap If taken nt once. Ad dress Wm. E. Staccy, Box 826. 233 FOR SALE 240 acres two miles from Talent, nbout 150 acres under cultivation, good fruit lnnd; nt $70 an acre. This is a snap. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALEJ Young orchard in bear ing. Mat Calhonn. Phoenix. Or. FOR SALE Oak, fir nnd pmo cord wood, 12 nnd 16-inim; nlf dry rail wood; dry pitch for Kndfing. Phone order to Main 4201. FOR SALE Genuine Navajo blank et. Inquire at Medford Fnrnirnro Co. FOU SALE 76-aere ranch, with good water right; finest frrrl land; chnp:; also property in Portlemtf; will trade for Medford p-operty See Coleman at dgar factory. FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tract jnst within and adjefning rdty lim its, nt a bnrgain, on 5 annual pay merts. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms Address P. O. Bov AIR FOR SALE; Or exchange tor Med ford real estate or ranch, 110 acres tobacco farm on Pennsylvania rail rond In southern Maryland. 85 acres In cultivation, 26 acres In whlto oak timber, 15 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also suitable for potatoes, melons and fruit; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaohes; 40 miles south of Baltimore, 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, D. C; abundance of water; good ropds; mild climate. Address Box 20, Mnall Tribuno of fice. " WANTED. WANTED Experienced clerk want ed nt Stringer's grocery. WANTED A lday solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing devices. Apply nt tho Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED Housekeeper; no chil dren; good wages. Phone Main S5 or address J. G. Goro, caro Tribune. 240 WANTED Agents to go to Cnlifor nin to sell territory for the "Hidden Window Screen." Inquiro E. C. Aylor and Bnrnott, real estnto of fico on South Central avenue. 2G1 WANTED Middlo aged woman for work; nlso girl for general houso work ,at Coles, Calif.; wages $25 nnd $35 per month. Family of 7. Address Mail-Triburfo, Mcdford. 240 WANTED Man to wash windows. Mail Tribuno office. WANTED Good clean cotton rags at tho Mail Tribuno office. Will pay right prico for snmo. WANTED Experienced quarry mnn. Address P. O. Box 41S, Medford, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4- -t- 4 4 CIRGARS AND T0BBAC0S. IRELAND & ANTLE Snoko House, dealers in tobacco, cigars nnd smok ers' supplies. Kxcluslvo agents of Lewis Single Hinder, El Morlto nud El Paloncln. 212 West Main street. Restaurants. BEE fflVB RESTAURANT Meals 156.; bods, lflo, iY us n trial. 20 Coritral avenue, npstntrs. Ttn Shops. J. A. SMTTH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order 128 North G streot. t -f 4.4-444'-f BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4-f4444 4-4 r CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs denning be suro nnd sco D. D. Woods. Ltnvo orders nt the Mcdford Ilnrdwaro Co., or phono 2581. 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. DITTNER Auctioneer, will bo found in room 208, Taylor & Phipp" Ptiildirg. Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine for rent and for snlo on piny pivmcnts. All kinds repaired and woik guaranteed. Best oil ami needles for nil makes nt the Singer Btoro, 27 Sonth C st. Phone 3431. Attorneys. WITniNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. I'ata Hmlding. PORTER J. NEFF Attomev-nt-Iav fin, 9 D street, gronnd floor. COLVIG & RE AMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Mcdford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work dona qaickly ani well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loons and fire insnranse Office 112 7T. Wain st.. MedfbreJ Ore. Phone 378. ADAMS & BRIGGS Real Estate, Insurance. Farm and city proper ty. Butte Falls, Oregon. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, C. P. Brlggs, real estate, Insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls, Or. .Prlrrfers and PsMfeners. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. ba the best equipped jib jffice b Southern Oreeon; Portia id prices 37 Sonth Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op Iciuu between Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street ann 'i'ir.l Jewel sr. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. , T. O'Brif O. D. Naj THE MEDFORD ICK CO. Brick mnnufnetu. - "nd eontrc tors; nlso lime, ccm 1 and ptos in any quantity. Oftiee, Medior. National bank blJg. Ponee Sail, 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3601;, J. H. BnUer 3571. Prno Instruction. HARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Mnsic. Miss Flora rnyl Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phone 403. Paint Stores. M. J. METCAlF Paints, Brushes, Wall Paper, Glass, Varnishes Stains and Wnil Tints. 318 E. Main St., Medford, Oregon. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thorno, ngt. Store opened from to fl. Phono 3871. 237 Riversid avenno. Photograph Studios. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-clnss work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phono 801. MAC-KEY'S STUDIO-"Poso with Mnokoy nnd dio with joy." Ovor Al on & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Ctvll Engineers WILL tnko" by contract, on roason- ablo terms, nil Iquds of work, also irrigating, planing and enRivnting etc. Landscape gardening. Firs.t olnsa reforencou. WUKam Potera, Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 Bast Main strot, Mcdford, Oregon. -f - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' -f - 4- r'-f- 4'-T- Palntlnn and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., fltio cessora to Shearer & Phillips, pnintors and decorators in all branches; weathered oak on hisido finish a Bpocinlty. Our green root stains guaranteed not to spot. N. Boatty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Dratribntor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Bnilding, Medford. Or. Biniard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Hall building. A nice cool plaoe to spend tho hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect nnd Builder. P. O. Box . 480, Mcdforf Or. Your building respectfully ao licited. FnrnltHre j H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in aew and second hand f nrnituro and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh si. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MOTTO OF" & WOLFF Cook Stoves and rianges. new and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 K St .Sotttk. Phone 01, Medford, Qr. DfayacjQ arrd Transfw. ffBTaerles QUAKER NUKSHRDSS Our trees are budded, net grafted. Onr irtock is not irrigated. We guarantee 'ev erything put ont. We are not ra the trust H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stook. a E. Co-k. Prop. R. B, V. depot. P. O. Bet 841. Phone 683. Medford. Transfer and Drayaoe. H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office n and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Beatty street. A card will bring mo to ypu. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillier, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Mnsic. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Central nvenue. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Main street. Carpenters and Bnllders. F. E. HILL Will fnrah plans an list of all timber to bo put m bml ing. Medford, Oregon. W. G. HOLMES, contractor and builder; plana and estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. ' Dentists. DR FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore- 2Ei Physicians and Surgeons. R, W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jaokson County bank. Night calls promptly anarwored. Office and ros idont phono Main 3432. S. A. l.OCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Ilaskius' Building. Phono Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Offlco in Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons, Offlco phono, Mali. 311; private phono, Main G12. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modorn equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Offioo hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jaokson Co. Bunk Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DIl. JBVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h 0 PhysioiauB. Mission Block, Phone 201, Medford. CALL ON DR E. J.BQNNER, By speoJallat, whon others ,fntl, Qffiee in ragle Phannaoy, Main 233: East Main near D'AnJou.