THE !MEDFORD LtVTL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, OEOIOMRER 20, 1900. 10 Green Room Gossip, "THE ALASKAN" IN;rtir;;lli WYOMING" 1 T t I A NEW VERSION' Popular Play Has Been Worked Over for Coming Year Will Be Seen k Here Soon. f Tho January bookings at tho Medford theater are Max t- Flgtuan in "Mary Jane's Pa," "The Wolf," "Drewstor's Mil- Hona" and Roso Nolvllle In tho perennial "Sis Hoplnks." NEXT TUESDAY Yirtunly au entirely now version of "Tho Alaskan," a musical comedy of -superior merit, will bo tho attraction jit tho Medford theater next Thurs day night. This is tho snmo produc tion which run for five coiiBecutivo months in Chicago, tho past sum Tnor, nnd comes to Medford in its new dress nnd with Chicago's strong stamp of nprovut written plainly nil over it It is now n bright, cherry entertainment, full of crisp, clean, snappy dialogue, fresh humor of tho twentieth cc'tnry vintage, and, as tho book in its entirety has been re written carefully, many new somrs interpolated nnd a thoroughly com petent compnny, it is sure to bo n. wclcomo visitor nnd n popular offer ing. . , Tho story in brief, concerns Rich ard Atwntcr, a young miner who has been grub-staked by a wealthy east erner. Atwater's claim is on tho Tcrgo of playing out when a letter arrives stating that his benefactor lias died, leaving one-half of tho mine to his daughter Arlee, and that shp, with a party of friends, will como to Alaska. Tho party arrives about as quickly as tho letter. At wnter faills in lovo with his partner, but the failure with the claim makes it impossible to declare his love. A discovery of a rincft vein of gold, nnd the sale of tho mine, brings wealth and" happiness nnd weddings "bells join in the finale. ' Tile present production is full of novel, exclusive surprises, and the much heralded "Snowball" song is a strong feature. Richard Carroll, Gus Wcinbnrg, Detraar Poppen, John R Phillips, Sidney Algiers, Jessie Ston cr, Ella Lockhnrt, Alice Kenn, Mar cell Scott, and a large chorus, go to complete, probably the, strongest lnugh producing combination to visit us this season. A brand new revised edition of "Tho Alaskan," now made over into n genuine fun-making musical me lange, will bo tho atraction at the Medford theater next Thursday. "Tho Alnsknn" ha? not been seen hero before in its present form. I comes to us now from n phdnominal fivo months run in Chicago, where tho entire press of that city lauded it as " tho bullicst musical show seen thore in years." Mannger Wm. P. Cullcn, who has given us innny b"'1 things, namely: "The Burgomaster" and "The Tenderfoot," is the produc er, and he has been especially happy in tho foramtion of tho presont com pany. Tho complete Chicago produc tion intact, will be brought here. Richard P. Carroll and Gus VTein burg are rcsopnsible for mnny of the new, novel surprises nnd exclusive features with which "Tho Alaskan" fairly bristles, and in tho part ot Walt8ingham Watts, a stranded the atrical manager, Carroll has a part oxactly suited to his peculiar tnjent. Gus Weinburg as Professor Kniclo fljion, is prominent amongst the fun--raokers and is given nmplo opoprtuni ty to extract many laughs, with the aid of his "laughing powder" not saying anything about his natural spontaneous humor. Detmar Poppen will be welcomed as Toten Pole Pete -while John R. Phillips will show his splendid voice to advantage as Rich ard Atwater. Jessie Stoner ns Ar loo Easton, Aliceo Kean ns Mrs. Good oBtter Best; Etta Lockhnrt as Kuko, an Esquirao child of nature; also Fairy Plumb as La Lu La; not forgotting Sidnoy Algiers in the now famous character of Snowball, the Polar Bear, will, all bo welcomed. Tho many now musical interpolations, including "Snowballing." in which tho entire nudieenco tnkes part nnd tho sclf-samo audience is allowed to -polt back. "Laughing Powders," 'Hi 3Ii Ili," "Tho Face of the Girl I Love" tmd twenty other odd song hits of last season, including "My Totora Polo." The largo chorus of Esquimo girls and miners is again a Btrong factor in this season's organization. MEDFORD MADE TRIP OF GLEE CLUB POSSIBLE. Arthus M. Geary, manager of the University of Oregon Glee Club, was very muoh pleased with tho reception aocorded tho club in this city. "Med ford mado tho trip possible," ho said, "ns every trip south heretofore for 12 years" has beon at a loss. This yoar wo will make about $100, nnd it is duo to Medford." sMplw., H mm. (if t I. ("m urama wmcn was ao mucn eh- to Appear In Medford. Joyed Last Year Is Again Richard Carroll In "The Alaskan." Whose acting last year was of the mo3t attarctlvo features ot production. No nlay of the great west ever pre seated upon the stage huf achieved the enormous success of "In yom iug," which comes to the Medford theater Tuesday, December USMh. No drama so true in constructive I progress, so life-like in emotion! fi delity; so deep in pathos, nnd so rich in quaint humor has been given to the public in mnny years. City after 'city has fallen captive to its fascin ations, nnd countless audiences have been half spell-bound by the witch ery of its homely truth In the title role, Mr. Willard Mack has found the most emphatically suitable medi um for his remarkable talents since his nppcarnnco upon the stage. Tfio accuracy of his portrayal, together with the native nbility he brings to his work, have united in producing nn entirely new couccutioii of pure Am erican drama. Tho unanimous np- 'proval of tho press, nnd the unstint ed appreciation of tho public has re one suited in a eulogy unique in dramatic tho annals, which nttcst tho worth of this extraordinary offering mm ' I t 1 - ' "-it' 1 &mm mmmWwWfolmWEBmi mmmmmmmmmmmmmWn Bmmmm mm swift .vmv! swi'.' if " imimwfj. ir MR. HUBBARD AS SANTA CLAUS Tho Christmas matlneo given by the managomont ot tho Savoy to children under 12 years ot ago Christmas afternoon was moat pleas ing. Scores of youngsters became tho guesta of Manger Hubbard and all united In voting him "a mighty good follow." Tho Savoy on Friday advertlsod that they would entertain tho chil dren, in tho way of making Medford a happy day for them. And all aft ernoon shouts ot childish gleo greet ed tho passer-by from within the theater. Mr. Hubbard put on a splendid program, one pleasing to tno children and added to tho happiness of many a youngster. It was typical ot tho Christmas spirit, especially that which prevails in Medford. Medford Theater TUESSE 28 H. E. PIERCE & CO. present the Stirring American .Play, "In Wyoming" NO With an Exceptional Cast of Players Murder, Shooting, Fallen Women, Wronged Heroine, PURE Temptation Prices, 25c, 50c, 75e, , fll.00. Seats on Sole. A MASSIVE SCENIC PRODUCTION What the Press Say: "The most typically Western play since the" 'Squaw Man.' " Milwaukco Sontinel. "Not in a lifotime has such a typically Western comedy been created." Minneapolis Journal. "'In Wyoming is a genuino Western comedy without tho usual iin play." Duluth NowH-Tribuno. Popular Prices. AS GOOD AS "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST." Medford dogs used in 'the alaskan' breed That "dr., gook drove l neater jttot 'hc 'k1 1 r ONE ER R Y USICAL NIGHT December RETURN OF LAST TWO SEASONS' BIG MUSICAL. COMEDY SUCCESS immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVmmWLWmW II ' "jjy ' ' . i tVf , hi 1 ire--? T A "SNOW BALI? THE POLAR BEAR. REVISED RETUNED FRESH FROM FIVE MONTHS TRIUMPH WITH Richard F. Carroll Gus Weinburg AND THE PRETTIEST, SAUCIEST, DAINTIEST CHORUS OF 'G-IRLY GIRLS' EVER ORGANIZED A POSITIVE NOVELTY SNOW-BELIN GIRLS VS. AUDIENCE !KMiTT X? EEAL GENUINE NOVELTIES INTRINSIC MERIT JVlvljLvll MUSICAL GEMS AND LAUGHTER IN THE NEW "ALAS KAN" THAN A DOZEN OTHER SHOWS COMBINED. - . ---- - - 4---- - t PRICES: 50c, $1.00, $1.50. SEATS ON SALE AT HASKINS, MONDAY A. M., DECEMBER 27TH. Savoy Theatre Afternoon and Evening LATE FOR RECITAL (A 8crcam) HUNTING CROCODILE (Educational) CHILDREN OF THE SEA (Marino Drama) MATINEE 3:30. EVENING 7 O'CLOCK l Medford Iron Works E. 0. TROWBRIDGE, Preprtetflr. Foundry and Machinist t All Kn of 'Ertfirtes, Spraytofl Outfit, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t H i t a 1 . i n ii r . I . T TCtiinery, Mocms in ooaincrn uicboii ior - t FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. J